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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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22633627 No.22633627 [Reply] [Original]

I thought she was ok

>> No.22633675

She has 5.5K viewers, that's better than what council and Ame can get these days.
To be fair, Ame would get more if she just streamed shit people WANT to watch.

>> No.22633702
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This thread again?

>> No.22633767

Mumei, Kronii and Fauna get more viewers than her.
Also idk on what basis you are saying Ame because her watch alongs are the only things that get less viewers than Kiara. But Kiara is definitely underrated I will say that

>> No.22633879

Austrian woman genes. When Gura screams it sounds cute, when she does it it bursts eardrums.

>> No.22634039

>She has 5.5K viewers, that's better than what council can get these days.
Only if your name is Sana. Rest of council perfroms better than Kiara.

>> No.22634116

Dumb shartpedo

>> No.22634560

They crack if Kiara isn’t talked about 24/7

>> No.22634699

European timezone debuff

>> No.22634737
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You cracks are showing OP

>> No.22634768

Waiting for Ame to actually do something with her 3D model besides teases

>> No.22634831
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She's doing fine, anon! Nice thread!

>> No.22634877
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Because KFPs are a bunch of delusional clucks.

>> No.22634902

it's because of the horrible chicken voice

>> No.22634919

>EN whore

>> No.22634941
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Don't use my oshi to shitpost Kiara you dumb nigger

>> No.22634979

He's not wrong.

>> No.22635119

In order of importance:
1. Euro hours debuff. Europeans just don't like vtubers
2. The chicken voice filters a lot of people
3. Beta low test males don't like her Stacy aura.

>> No.22635180

>But Kiara is definitely underrated I will say that
No, she's not. She had just as much time and exposure as everyone else in Myth. There were only 5 choices and everyone watched her and decided she was shit, not underrated. At one point she had as many subs if not more than Ina, now Ina has a good 40k lead on her. Underrated would be someone like Irys for the first few months where everyone just shit on her model instead of giving her a chance.

>> No.22635340

Irys really deserved a better model. The vtuber model roulette is a cruel mistress. Meanwhile calli got one of the better models and doesn't really do much with it.

>> No.22635367

She is popular

>> No.22637705

>that's better than what council and Ame can get these days
No shot
Fell off but still doing a whole lot better than Kiara
Hit or miss, still slightly better, will get the biggest boost out of them when Council get 3D, but then again we thought the same thing for Kiara yet she got close to no growth from it when her genmates got a decent incline across the board.
Consistently better but not by a large margin
It's Sana, I will give you Sana.

>> No.22637849

That's the issue. She got over her issues and became sane, if they aren't actually good at something then interest in vtubers is correlated with how menhera they are.

>> No.22637930

Her lack of a 3d stage for concerts. She has shown she knows how to work a crowd at holofes, more so than the others.

>> No.22637957

That only works on /vt/. You’ll just end up becoming notorious like mori

>> No.22638043
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Correction: Why watch Kiara when you could watch JP talent instead.

>> No.22638053

Mori pulls numbers.

>> No.22638181

>She's the loudest of the bunch in an obnoxious voice.
>She constantly has to be the center of attention in collabs, which is fine when she's the host of a show (debatably) but really irritating at all other times.
>She says weird shit all the time. I don't mean weird like to-normal-people weird, I mean I'm on this board and even I think she's weird.
>She's super clingy and weirdly emotional with her fanbase, and trying way too hard in a lot of ways that don't come off as a positive trait.
Just my two cents. No, I won't provide examples. Whatever thing you think I'm referring to is probably right, and if you watch her regularly you're probably aware of more examples than I am anyways even if you don't want to admit it. I'm aware that there are reasons for her to be the way she is, but it doesn't mean I have to like the way she is.

>> No.22638186

Can't she rent a studio and do a 3D live? I'm assuming she had to go for a studio to record for Holofes anyways

>> No.22638315

>watch JP talent instead
This is actually the biggest cope from yurofags, fuckers just don't bring the numbers at all, no matter it's Holo or Niji or their own EU indies. If anything Kiara fails to pull more NA and SEA viewers, EU is a fucking wasteland for Vtubing.

>> No.22638392

Probably expensive as fuck, also she's in Austria, I doubt there are than many of those. Which just means higher prices due to scarcity, if any.

>> No.22638525

Also this

>> No.22638547

Kiara had a very bad start clinging to Mori shit and only now she's getting her game up

>> No.22638568

Her voice, simple as

>> No.22638576

Kiara is too based to kneel
go chimken goo
I'm chimpken now

>> No.22638602

>Ok design but bad model that at best looks decent, at worst uncanny valley. The face disturbs me most of all. Might be that the face looks cake-y, like she put on too much make-up for an anime character. Eyes are too far apart and the lashes seem too thick. The blush is a color that doesn't really flatter her and is placed weirdly too low. Mouth looks and opens weirdly. Color palette is good but overall color shades look weird together, its like a weird mix of pastel and neon. I love fanart of her where they adjust colors and fix her face but I can't really like her model.
>Her voice is just annoyingly high pitched and scream-y. It doesn't really help that her reactions are almost always really exaggerated and border between seemingly ingenuine or over-the-top. She has a tendency to make a big deal out of small things which get pretty annoying especially in collabs when her partner(s) don't really care nor care to entertain her.
>There's something about her personality that's just a bit unsettling. It's a bit different than confidence. She has admitted herself that she is prideful and I think that arrogance/better-than-you aura just shows and not in a good way.

Personally I can't really watch her most of the time but that's just an issue of preference. I don't hate her and understand how she's what other people prefer, but it seems it isn't the vast majority's preference either.

>> No.22638709


But to answer this question for the billionth time, my guess is a combination of her typical stream time and the lack of momentum during the early months. And her voice I guess? She's in a fine spot now though.

>> No.22638828

So what is this a deflection thread for?
Since I also saw threads shitting on Ame, so I guess this is a Deadbeat deflection thread...

>> No.22638913
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I thought so too anon...

>> No.22639219
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First, she is doing fine unless you compare her to her own coworkers or Vshojo.
Now, if you are genuinely asking why she is not as popular as the other HoloEn: Voice debuff. Also, just like Matsuri, her most evident talent is only available on 3D streams which don't happen often.
The start of her vtubing career was not great either and not landing a good first impression is still hurting her numbers a bit imo.
