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22616803 No.22616803 [Reply] [Original]

ゲームに本気で取り組むメンバーが集まってeSports の良さを広げていく、次世代 Virtual eSports プロジェクトです


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qh6aSTTkmEs [Embed]



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V最協S4 / VSaikyouS4, 4/17 (Sun)

Spreadsheet with teams, landmarks, coaches, and updated scrim results:

Previous thread

>> No.22616841

Previous thread >>22542992

>> No.22617623

last game kuzuhas team just flew out of godspot to a random house north, then walked to a basement of a random house, then flew back to their old house to die instantly. That must have seriously destroyed their mental state when they can't make a decision at all rn game 3

>> No.22617815

LMFAO they just walked away from godspot (the bus) again to go to skyhook. This will be the finishing blow

>> No.22618567

Naraka is fucking cracked right now.

>> No.22618735
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>> No.22618776

were the shitters that bad?

>> No.22619092

let's just say fans of said shitters are resorting to comparing views now.

>> No.22619119

Nyaraka gonna win this and Siina will be official Zeta player

>> No.22619165

This thing has just been numberniggers flinging shit at each other all along, it's just now that there isn't a realistic chance of the Holos winning they are showing their true colours.

>> No.22619782

The seethe is incredible. Nobody would care if they didn't shitfling every time you participate in human society.

>> No.22619829

Gori rape bros...

>> No.22619890

Catalog niggers being shitposters isn't that surprising, but global is being pretty chill even if there's some doomposting. Lot of people rooting for Astel and Roberu now.

>> No.22619924

I closed the pov when I saw him landing right in front of gas traps when he had 10 health left

>> No.22619963

Shit posters don't actually watch shit, that becomes quite evident when you actually read what they post. They just fling shit to fling shit.

>> No.22619979
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I believe in my 20th place blue gremlin!

>> No.22619996

why the fuck are there only north rings. It's ending in front of diner at skyhook

>> No.22620014

noah will have 20 kills in each game and gets the 4th and 5th champion

>> No.22620023

choke queen-sama

>> No.22620037

Who wouldn't root for them? Aside from unicornfags, shitposters?

>> No.22620053

skyhook zones are the worst for getting kills.

>> No.22620057

Who is Narunista again?

>> No.22620071

kuzuha rotations are so fast

>> No.22620096

naruse. 2434 liver that plays mainly crypto

>> No.22620102

It's just like the scrims! But pakael is losing!

>> No.22620123

This sakuyuifag is on roll.

>> No.22620149

where does naraka land

>> No.22620160


>> No.22620169

On my dick.

>> No.22620194

Next to the tree, I forgot the name.

>> No.22620236

Yeah, it's not really a good play for the win unless the ring converges right on them, which admittedly is what they're hoping for.

>> No.22620256

bobATM with a teamfight comp, god i hate padniggers but once u put them on bloodhound they do some nasty shit

>> No.22620324

Please do it anon, she needs a bf.

>> No.22620386

she already has one, me

>> No.22620442


>> No.22620463

Slut team got clapped hard by neoporte, shouldn't have happened

>> No.22620469

gori krab

>> No.22620505

I guess

>> No.22620528

t. Daruma

>> No.22620540

>they actually got the skyhook ring
No fucking way.

>> No.22620546

it was mostly tentei opening, asumi should not have stayed in that dome for so long

>> No.22620618
File: 16 KB, 203x71, 1650197291368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now thats a certified padnigger moment

>> No.22620622

hinano's having a bad time this tourney

>> No.22620644


>> No.22620650

>Shiina signed to ZETA's apex team
>Nyarara gets to fuck selly for an entire day
Brightest timeline.

>> No.22620691


>> No.22620723

>Shiina help Naraka to rape Sasaki
Her dream.

>> No.22620728

aruse basically 1v3 2 teams in a row, neoporte fellows and startend

>> No.22620774

Noah fucked up ult again...

>> No.22620819


>> No.22620828

sumi doing really well

>> No.22620844

It's over....Hinaーno..
I respect her holding back from blaming her teammates even though she reaaaaally wants to.

>> No.22620847

Gori is alive with a kraber.

>> No.22620875

Kuzuha finally decided to turn on his brain lol

>> No.22620895


>> No.22620899

live king... i kneel...

>> No.22620905

fucking reimu is bringing the team down with her sighing

>> No.22620932


>> No.22620939

so close

>> No.22620972

Noah panicked during the last fight, her hands and aim is shaking.

>> No.22620996

Where did aqua's team score in the 4th round?

>> No.22621002

It was rough to see, but at least they maxed out on KP and got second. There's still a chance.

>> No.22621012


>> No.22621015


>> No.22621031

13th, 1 kill.

>> No.22621039

If Noah didn't fuck up that ult and/or hit one more shot in the final engagement they woulda won.
Very close though and Albio played great compared to his previous rounds.

At least they're basically guaranteed a pretty good position now.

>> No.22621049

gori's moves got me fucking screaming how the fuck did he survive for that long

>> No.22621069

Hal's stream has rewind, but they're as low as you'd expect.

>> No.22621088

Pakael really is the king of scrims only.

>> No.22621114

Ebio got his daily troll in early, now it's time for BIG_HERO_COCK

>> No.22621119

everyone knows he needs to die in the real thing

>> No.22621141


>> No.22621156

Can Startend win this?

>> No.22621180

what happens when you main caustic
verification not required

>> No.22621181

>17th placement

>> No.22621193

win the 16th lmao

>> No.22621204


>> No.22621218

Win what? 16th place for the PC? Maybe, I think. Meshers placed higher than them, so I think they may have a chance of getting it.

>> No.22621228

Post gorirapesuisex

>> No.22621231

Ebio's call and placing the dome at the place where he want noah to move is actually too good. It force noah to not overextended and move from her current position. Because noah almost overextended and could die killing thay white gib.

>> No.22621240

55 - 7 = 48 points
1st place placement = 12 points
need > 36 kills if nobody in the top gets points...

>> No.22621251

They can win the 16th place PCs

>> No.22621276

No, it's time for Obekka to claim the throne.

>> No.22621279


>> No.22621284

the points are so top heavy. Bottom 10 only has less than 11 points

>> No.22621295

tree or thermal ring please

>> No.22621298

If they got 60 kills, sure.

>> No.22621303

Was it 3v2? I didn't see Reimu
Kuzuha's team was pretty much full hp + armor swap

>> No.22621308

Aren't kill points capped at 10 kills anyways?

>> No.22621332

I mean it's not technically impossible, it the teams above them all develop a sudden case of severe autism.
This round is uncapped.

>> No.22621342
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look at that gap



the rest

>> No.22621347

Not in the last two games, read the rules.
Yes, it was unwinnable unless your name is Noah or Gorilla, but they had a bad entry.

>> No.22621362

Yeah it was 3v2, Reimu died like 2 or 3 minutes earlier and they fought 3 other teams after that until the final engagement.
I don't know how low QED were at the end of that but Noah missed quite a few shots.

>> No.22621368

its funny how theres less shitflinging on the final day, i wonder why

>> No.22621389


>> No.22621406

Reimu got downed at the crates, and somehow got killed after she fell. I'm assuming it was either a ping issue or she dipped into the ring for a second, it kind of sucked and might have saved them. Or like anon said, Noah hitting that extra shot or like Ebio said having that extra nade, so it is what it is. They got the second best result.

>> No.22621405

she also had the corn flakes launcher as her shotgun

>> No.22621421

How's HJS doing so well?

>> No.22621429
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>> No.22621435

>Those 16th places, Hal be sweating with how many PCs he'd be giving away if it stays like that.

>> No.22621445

what happened to shocking pink?

>> No.22621464

naraka woke up feeling like giving shiina her a nice birthday present

>> No.22621479

Shiishii's birthday.

>> No.22621482

Hal probably figured things out this time. He maybe had tiebreakers in place

>> No.22621485

He has had extensive tiebreaker ruling ever since VSaikyo 2

>> No.22621493

birthday buffs

>> No.22621496

Naraka's been possessed by the spirits of all otakus and Selly.

>> No.22621497

birthday girl buff + nyarara

>> No.22621520

selly playing instead of naraka

>> No.22621523

>fotm anime

>> No.22621524

nyally_o is legitimately channeling selly right now

>> No.22621529

Naraka is fucking cracked.
Fairys is the worst player in this, and it isn't even close. Nose and Kanae are nowhere near good enough to make up for the weight he adds.

>> No.22621540

Well I wouldn't be mad if they won in that case.

>> No.22621543
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Blue woman holding them back

>> No.22621547

You will regret your words

>> No.22621549

QED had 2 alive with like -50 on their armor

>> No.22621554

alright wheres the last ring going. Let it be more open

>> No.22621573

god of new world

>> No.22621582

Kanae and Nose are notorious for choking and Fairys is he bad,

>> No.22621601

naraka said if she wins selly should fuck her
selly jokingly said yes but naraka wasn't joking

>> No.22621608

Last. I hope Maggie team get the champion.

>> No.22621624

1st place 15 kills, all those kills being the 5 teams ahead of them

>> No.22621631

no post event?

>> No.22621642

what the fuck rev

>> No.22621659

Not really. OP is a retard that wants to protect his hugbox.

>> No.22621666
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>> No.22621691

the script is literally against rampart

>> No.22621693

>Gorilla has Siro and Warabe
bad excuse

>> No.22621697

It's naraka's oshi birthday. The birthday girl is on her team. The girl have to become a true nyally_o to give her the best birthday present ever, winning.

>> No.22621698

if naraka gonna get rev'd i will anti OBK

>> No.22621708
File: 566 KB, 1280x1000, __natsuiro_matsuri_hololive_drawn_by_kukie_nyan__cd414f69d4c1fdfd63a4c8859c4df5c7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one is rooting for Matsuri's team...

>> No.22621710

birthday buff is real

>> No.22621713

Naraka team getting the ring, Hal has scripted this for Shiina's birthday.

>> No.22621716

holobronies...is it rigged...?

>> No.22621714

No. Once again, this is, once again, an evacuation thread.

>> No.22621719

Hey, Siro channeled her inner PUBG days last match, don't bully her!

>> No.22621729

niun please..

>> No.22621734


>> No.22621755

just sit highround and collect your freebie win

>> No.22621765

the gods loved shiishii today

>> No.22621766

im rooting for them with my dick

>> No.22621767

Gorilla can lead the two shitters around by breaking them in with this massive cock, Towa's team just has retards leading retards into some of the dumbest decisions they could possibly be making.

>> No.22621772


>> No.22621790

sad akushia meto's tournament run ends ehre

>> No.22621802


>> No.22621824
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All the teams I'm rooting for are in the top 10. Today's a good day.

>> No.22621830

Neoporte Point frauds are revealed

>> No.22621832

I'll have plenty of comfort sex with Met after this.

>> No.22621839

you forgot about me anon

>> No.22621845

That's okay with Matsuri, as long as she's with her beloved she's happy

>> No.22621856

This is the problem when you have a team of people who are sorta-good because they all think they can make the calls, compared to a team of people who know they're shit and have a clear leader with a huge cock to lead them on a leash.

>> No.22621865

is this the last round?

>> No.22621877

aqua tryharding by killing the easiest team. trying real hard for that p16

>> No.22621883

>down by 20 points
>still camps
What's wrong with these people?

>> No.22621889

>last round
>everyone except the tryhards are picking troll picks

so is this the kino we've been waiting for?

>> No.22621904

No, it's the first one.
Fucking retard.

>> No.22621906

Aqua has no kills what the fuck are you smoking?

>> No.22621908

top 2 teams right next to each other...

>> No.22621922

why the fuck did team shiina didnt take the highround

>> No.22621942

it makes me scared because im rooting for them both and one is practically a shoe-in but the other HAS to fight for it so its a fun kinda scared

>> No.22621955

they just need to not die, bunkering in a house is a good plan

>> No.22621959
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>gib 9 pc now

>> No.22622027

top of thermal would be even better thats the thing, impossible to die there. unless they are somehow sure the zone ends on these houses it doesnt make much sense

>> No.22622033

It's the worst thing about the last round, if you try to rush for kills here you are 100% going to farm hate from the other viewers for ruining the chances of one of the top 3 teams winning, in case you end up killing them.

>> No.22622035

they are bunkering right next to kuzuhas house

>> No.22622063

padnigger got shit on by kaida of all people top kek

>> No.22622066

>Pakael downed by Towa
What did he mean by this?

>> No.22622073

I'm glad she's having a good time with her friends Hoshikawa and Ashumi. They're all fixtures here. It's just all behind the scenes right now.

>> No.22622078

then they're safe, because kuzuha only leave their position in the last ring lol

>> No.22622079

I don't know why you're using that argument when its the most retarded one, compared to the actual reason of nerves + wanting to guarantee your spot if you're high up + knowing the final rings are where the real damage is.

>> No.22622094

its vs2 again with 2 winners and 2 16th place

>> No.22622107

Wish Chii-chan one that one. Would've taken them out of the picture.

>> No.22622108

To this day, I still don't understand why making Ebio the IGL is a good idea. Sure he got corrected by noah time to time, but his IGL last round was on point even when Noah panicing.
Is his knowledge way beyond his skill.

>> No.22622132

Pakael ragequit lol

>> No.22622140

naraka just helped kuzuha... why...

>> No.22622167

>Hinano's team start playing 4fun
>doing better than the previous 3 rounds

>> No.22622171

I'm talking about the bottom 9-16 teams trying to farm kills. Spink was going to do the kill point move, but gave up, they are just going to aim for a normal champion.

>> No.22622185

She wants epic final battle.

>> No.22622188

Ebio is a literal savant. It's insane.

>> No.22622190

taking kills that would have gone to them otherwise

>> No.22622193

Niji collusion...

>> No.22622210

he has good awareness for immediate tactical decisions in shooters, it becomes very very clear if you watch him playing splatoon. the dude is fucking cracked in that game

>> No.22622237

Startend players will never play anotger tournament.

>> No.22622255

She want to give the birthday girl the biggest glory

>> No.22622256

Its really is mental problem, especially hinano. Setomiya and Nazuna actually has a strong mentality, thoug nazuna a bit easily affected by the atmosphere.

>> No.22622262

she secured one for them thats the thing

>> No.22622266

Good, never come back.

>> No.22622268

MST.................. ;_;

>> No.22622281


>> No.22622292

>ebio fell out of his dome and died like a retard at the worst moment
Sasuga, trollbio!

>> No.22622336

I hate pad players now

>> No.22622343

ok zone ends on houses, i was super wrong. lets go niji civil war

>> No.22622365

Thank fucking god. Now all thats left is hoping their fans don't cause shit for the next week on half the damn tourney that killed them.

>> No.22622395

sluts just cannot catch a break every game they die to padfags

>> No.22622403

Forte-chan's team are doing great today.

>> No.22622432


>> No.22622434

Towa will never stop playing Apex, she'd sooner graduate than quit Apex.
Aqua and Suisei no doubt tho.

>> No.22622444

Now that you mentioned it, I remember Ebio insane c4 on siege. You're right he has amazing awareness.

>> No.22622445

>they might not even get 16th at this pace

>> No.22622446

shiina down
kuzuha about to win this

>> No.22622453

imagine doing to meshers out of all teams

>> No.22622465

nyaraka nooooo

>> No.22622464

>Chihiro already killed her stream

>> No.22622497

Did nobody tell Noah that this is no cap kill game? Why they play so defensively.

>> No.22622506

neo porte is just holding W

>> No.22622541

ACTUAL Point frauds wtf

>> No.22622553

This is some good viewing.

>> No.22622563

Astel just died to the padnigger with 10 kills

>> No.22622564

Probably forgot.

>> No.22622574

come on niun not last

>> No.22622600

the Neoporte team might actually get first place if they win this match

>> No.22622620
File: 951 KB, 2560x1440, 7E63FDE2-4365-4408-9A70-1BB9CC1F16F1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s it huh

>> No.22622619


>> No.22622617

I think she mentioned it after they died, and though they were playing defensively the rotations of other teams did actually work in the way she predicted.

>> No.22622624

reid won?

>> No.22622659


>> No.22622709

WTF is this neopointfraud

>> No.22622741


>> No.22622746


>> No.22622750


>> No.22622755

Hahahaah, fucking Hal. You brilliant bastard.

>> No.22622759

point frauds win

>> No.22622765

I don't even care anymore. The tournament discussion and hype on this board has centered entirely on Aqua, but all the actually exciting content has been happening everywhere except her perspective. I don't care how many viewers she got, I feel like I've wasted my time being one among them. Next time I'll know to watch Gorilla or Kuzuha or something.

>> No.22622768


>> No.22622769


>> No.22622775

How many kill naraka got? Is there hope?

>> No.22622779


>> No.22622805

holy fucking NIGGER padfag trash KYSSSSSSSSSSS

>> No.22622809

final pts?

>> No.22622813

She will quit apex to spam overwatch 2 when its out instead

>> No.22622816

THEY MIGHT ACTUALLY WIN THIS if Kuzuha's team didn't reach 1st

>> No.22622819

It's almost like there are great people outside of a narrow corporation.

>> No.22622827


>> No.22622830

>make it so both of your teams are underdogs during all scrims
>give them 1st place at the very end

>> No.22622831

That was kind of your own fault for ignoring the people who actually knew anything, and pulling the "I'll only watch Kanae's POV!"-tier shit that was prevalent years ago.

>> No.22622834

And people tried to say Neo Pointfraud weren't just sand bagging until the last second,

>> No.22622846

>21 kill
Is this a comeback to champion?

>> No.22622875

But I'm hoping Startendo participate again
Because these weeks had the best thread sever, I couldn't stop laughing at deluded chinkcrew and bronies and we had the most fun ever here

>> No.22622879

well they brought you in at least

>> No.22622888

59 points.
kuzuhas team is 61 points.
Kuzuha won

>> No.22622893
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>21 kills

>> No.22622909

If you picked your POV for numbers honestly just go kill yourself now.

>> No.22622914

they just released their inner nigger and put padfag on a bloodhound so he can simply run and rape

>> No.22622918

nah kuzuha still wins it

>> No.22622921

Nope, Kuzuha's team won by 2-3 points I think.

>> No.22622930
File: 261 KB, 401x401, 1624836890338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you guys rike it?

>> No.22622929

D4 stronger than D4 wtf

>> No.22622942

atleast i got to see funny rev pick obeka truly are the most kino team

>> No.22622943

Don't fucking tell me they're actually honna win this

>> No.22622993

are you actually retarded? everyone has been hyping shit about gorilla and noah and you still kept on watching one dogshit pov?

>> No.22623002
File: 206 KB, 1449x1876, CHADjime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time for your daily correcting, otouto.

>> No.22623004

I mean D4 stronger than D2

>> No.22623006

Goddammit Hal. You hid their power level well.

>> No.22623008

honma ni

>> No.22623016


>> No.22623028

who won?

>> No.22623043

What the fuck, sure seems like a failed rigged game.

>> No.22623044

dropping red armor for Minase right there was kino
Can't wait for next season's script.

>> No.22623051

Yes. I really like the Maggie team’s chemistry. I didn’t know it would bloom into a beautiful friendship.

>> No.22623055

Doesn't matter, they're living rent free in everyone's heads, 100k+ CCV on their channels. Nobody will remember who won this, but they'll remember Startend for choking so hard.

>> No.22623078
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>> No.22623094
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here are your final standings

>> No.22623100

kuzuha's team

>> No.22623106

Hal writes better scripts than the WWE.

>> No.22623111

fuck you hal

>> No.22623125

13 kills
the true 狂犬 for this tournament, at least.

>> No.22623133

Noah... ;_;

>> No.22623144


>> No.22623146

You should watch those who bound to troll. Like Ichinose, Kuzuha, Hinano, Ebio, or Sumire. No matter what their placement are, they bound to do funny thing. In CR cup you could also watch Daruma, Arisaka.
Troll perspective is the best perspective.

>> No.22623152
File: 387 KB, 600x689, 1531392551926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ignore the actually great/good players because they don't have a high viewcount
>listening exclusively to the people who are worshipping idol frogs in a well
at least you're not pulling the "b-but they got the most views so they won!" shit we'll be seeing in a second

>> No.22623154

Who was crying? Aruse or pink kanae?

>> No.22623157

Major choke by Noah.

>> No.22623162

StartEnd won the PCs? Lmao

>> No.22623165

niun not last rejoice

>> No.22623167

towa changing her mentality from i want to win this to i just want to have fun was the reason for the loss

>> No.22623169

NUN got the PC?

>> No.22623174

I mean this completely earnestly. I hope you learned a lesson here.

>> No.22623175

forte with her walmart mic

>> No.22623181

Imagine if Neo Pointfraud got 1st and 16th

>> No.22623193

padnigger, named inu, on a bloodhound. cant get more mad dog than that

>> No.22623201

Homos in top 10!

>> No.22623207

Forte's voice is very cute.

>> No.22623209

Ebio was trollkino, XKX was also fun to watch.

>> No.22623228
File: 25 KB, 307x300, 1637809196420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nobody will remember who won this, but they'll remember Startend for choking so hard.

>> No.22623239

The Aruse guy has like 10 coaches.

>> No.22623251 [DELETED] 

lolno, hololive is literally over, chichan and kuzuha both the public enemy of hololive got pc and hololive? nothing, they lost everything, they lost fame, they lost the pride, they lost the war, meanwhile nijisanji will be thriving more and more because they got recognized as winning tournament with a high prize while their enemies got nothing from this. aqua and suisei will probably quit gaming for ever.

>> No.22623254

kuzuha turned that work into a shoot
hal's never inviting him to any tournaments again

>> No.22623257

I'm just happy her team's gameplay is decent and stable in quality. In the end, it just a matter of luck and positioning for them.

>> No.22623275

So where are the tears I was promised?

>> No.22623286

At least if people say they choked they are implying they coukd have done better.

>> No.22623309

>16: NUN
Who's nun?

>> No.22623319

Were you not just listening?

>> No.22623321

holy shit this was the script all along

>> No.22623330


>> No.22623344

>opens hinano's stream
yeah they're definitely gonna cry off-stream.

>> No.22623347

I hope once the wave of feelings finishes washing over her she feels proud of herself, she was part of a shockingly good team, made some good friends and was right to put her trust in them even if they couldn't make it right at the end.

>> No.22623406

They got PCs. Not bad for choking eh.... They still choked though

>> No.22623409

Im gonna hang hal by myself

>> No.22623423


>> No.22623424


>> No.22623436


>> No.22623445

>Winning something

>> No.22623446

well at least you guys got the pc lol

>> No.22623462

How same point go? Bot STA and NUN has same point.

>> No.22623470

Anyone below Meshers and Babumon should be ashamed of themselves.

>> No.22623471

inu's crying
ema will probably cry again (like 2 days ago)
reid might cry again (like in S2)

>> No.22623482

I wanted to hear Ebio cry too.

>> No.22623492

>chichan and kuzuha both the public enemy of hololive got pc and hololive? nothing
Well shit this aged incredibly poorly.

>> No.22623523

fucking close wow

>> No.22623530

I fucking miss bora bros...

>> No.22623545


>> No.22623549

Fucking noah making me laugh while crying.

>> No.22623560


>> No.22623566

>Chii-chan winning anything
LMAO. Nobody can beat this ultimate choker.

>> No.22623569

you can hear ema's tearing up

>> No.22623585

PointFrauds... just scrap the point system for any ex-vsaikyou participants at this point

>> No.22623596

>literally pity reward for loser group kek

>> No.22623599
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I miss fucking Bora too.

>> No.22623602
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Shibuhal what the fuck is this, you rigging cunt

>> No.22623635

Sadly, a consolation prize is still a consolation prize.
t. holofag

>> No.22623649

meshers are actual MVP of the tournament, decided the outcome by killing team shiina. fucking naraka tunnel visioned too hard and didnt notice nigga sitting in a corner healing... god i feel bad for them.

>> No.22623661

Not numbers, Aqua. I'm not a full-on holofag, but Hololive is still what I know best. I still think she's plenty good at the game, just clearly not the one woman tournament winning machine she kept getting sold as. I didn't switch mid-tournament because I figured she might unlock and do something really , but hey. I fully admit to being retarded.

Genuinely appreciate the advice, I'll try to keep those names in mind next time around.

>> No.22623670
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17th place...

>> No.22623673

These Holo billionaires don't need PC lmao

>> No.22623683

actually what is this

>> No.22623709

what's with the PointFrauds thing?

>> No.22623714

>reimu getting mad at devo through tears while laughing
i didnt know much about her before but these streams made me like her

>> No.22623718

reimu salty at devo

>> No.22623723

bora never joined a vsaikyou in her prime...

>> No.22623733

>Hal rigged the tournament to get Neo Pointfraud to win 1st and 16th
>Niji and Holos combined to throw the script out the window and fuck his grand plans

>> No.22623747

The tiebreaker isnt kills, but your place in the final round

>> No.22623749

tiebreak ruling is based on highest rank achieved (earlier = higher precedence)

>> No.22623762

pakael jobbed again?

>> No.22623768

Noah choked soo hard. Kept doubting herself, start saying others are stronger than her and then not realize that no kill cap means you.... kill, not defend passively.

>> No.22623769

diamond power!

>> No.22623774

Meschers suprisingly good that they got 10th place, with always dying in scrims and one of their members not being present during the scrims too.

>> No.22623779

holobronies trying to deflect their idols being absolute garbage

>> No.22623786

same, helps that she's got a nice voice too

>> No.22623807

Now I don't want to hear anything about Aqua shitting on other chuubas if shes only 16th place.

>> No.22623810

Really happy for Babumon. 11th place is good for a team that everyone buried right after the team annoucements.

>> No.22623821

Just a coping method.

>> No.22623826

so in this case NUN won but lost the prize

>> No.22623830

>Aqua is raped by Gori
nooooo bros...

>> No.22623844

Cry Suisei come on

>> No.22623847

just want to say congrats to King and FUCK the seanigger who spammed this gernal you wont be missed

>> No.22623853

Neo porte going from one of the bottom team to literally the second place in one round

>> No.22623860

>Not numbers, Aqua. I'm not a full-on holofag, but Hololive is still what I know best.
Well in that case, go watch some Noah or Gorilla or some shit. The 'hype' around Aqua was almost entirely people just shitting up this thread and a lot of the board in general with their tribalfag bullshit. Yeah, Aqua is good at the game, but Towa and Suisei aren't good enough for this team to have consistently placed well and it ultimately showed in the end.

>> No.22623862


>> No.22623872

This is my chance to fuck Forte, she's emotionally vulnerable right now.

>> No.22623873

Hal should go bankrupt for those shits

>> No.22623875

stroke chama... meds

>> No.22623876

>padnigger is the top fragger

>> No.22623887

A meme that holotards are going to take seriously and spend years shitting on shibuhal.

>> No.22623890

noah should've been in that kill ranking...

>> No.22623891

>pad user most kills

>> No.22623899
File: 154 KB, 1344x756, APEX LEGENDS │ VTuber最協決定戦 ver.APEX LEGENDS Season4 │ #V最協S4 │ - YouTube - 241 06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DID THIS NIGGA JUST get 70% of kills in that last game alone?!

>> No.22623900

reid, pakael, astel, noah bros.... tell me why do they keep choking

>> No.22623920
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Did she win anything, guys?

>> No.22623945

>Sumire, Lisa and Roberu won cat ears

>> No.22623958
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I just want to say that Kanae trolled hard in the last match, where they actually had good chances of winning. I hope Nose find a better man.

>> No.22623961


>> No.22623965

Depression and my love

>> No.22623966

This is a very nice list, Hal's actual Inu at the top, Naraka, Gorilla, we're living here.

>> No.22623981
File: 13 KB, 413x145, Screenshot 2022-04-17 230728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is ridiculous

>> No.22623986

Reid choking is payback for ditching Rantarou.

>> No.22623985
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>> No.22623990

Wouldn't say Astel and Reid choked, but the rest....

>> No.22623994

maybe the antis will invite her to their feast

>> No.22624003

Top 500 in OW btw.

>> No.22624024

When a shit poster is too much of a fucking coward to leave his shit up when it instantly get's BTFO'd. This is the shit you love to see.

>> No.22624027

those 2 skyhook rings Games was probably the worst environment a MAD Maggie can be in

>> No.22624034

now you know why non-holo threads hate holo so much, it's not the girls but their fans overhyped them to death while they know a shit about the game, I still remember holobronies claimed Towa, Fubuki, Shion are good and hyped about them when they joined the tournament and shitted on anyone said otherwise

>> No.22624056

>devotion padnigger
look im not even a nijifag but please just give mvp to kuzuha or naraka at least they run proper weapons and are mnk they got their kills with skill and not an aimbot

>> No.22624061

reid definitely choked, he already won 2 games in

>> No.22624076

they complain that they are better than their girls. while somehow also arguing their girls are better.

>> No.22624080

Where is his channel? I want to watch want padtarding looks like

>> No.22624101


>> No.22624121

Kotone cried...

>> No.22624145

its crazy that without towa's moral support they would've placed even lower.

>> No.22624160

Okay but seriously, which team had the most fun ?

>> No.22624166

13 kills at last game is fucking insane

>> No.22624186


>> No.22624198

Noah is retarded, why did she keep Rampage with no termite on no kill cap as fragger. Take the LMG from Reimu who wont do shit.

>> No.22624201
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>definitely crying off stream right now
atleast she tried

>> No.22624209

This. Like anon said earlier, it's frog in a well shit. It's like the people who shill one of the five books they've ever read as the best of its genre for all time unarguably.
But also I wanna congratulate you on actually realizing you didn't know shit, even if it took you years, especially on an anonymous imageboard where the only person who can bring you shame is yourself. That's better than a lot of retards here.

>> No.22624213

I'm an Aquafag, but yes, they were overhyped. They thought Suisei was "improving at a monstrous rate" for killing 2 players with a rampage. Aqua is good, but she has a bucket in her head and can't communicate properly. And Towa, Towa...

>> No.22624236

Meika's team always has fun

>> No.22624242

Some fucker told me Deron cried after every tournament. But she still sounds as sexy as always. I was ready to get emotional for nothing

>> No.22624250


>> No.22624256

probably the ones that are still streaming and chatting

>> No.22624260

>giving consolation PCs to the millionaires
What did Hal mean by this?

>> No.22624289

OBK and xXshinsekainokamiXx

>> No.22624302

Astel, Pakael, and Reid —especially the former two— kept fucking each other up. Didn't help that like the other anon said, Astel's team never ever did well on Skyhook rings.

>> No.22624307

so gori and noah?

>> No.22624308

Sumire/Astel teams

>> No.22624310

>holofags ended their streams since they have to talk to MEN and can't have their precious unicorns throw a fit

>> No.22624309

>Please participate again Aqua-san
Or something like that

>> No.22624313

Compensation Prize so he won't get mugged while he leaves the production building.

>> No.22624327

Meshers, Obake, Miso soup when Noah would snap at ex, shirande because any team with deron is going to be fun.

>> No.22624333

Misishiru Toast, Sumire Lisa, Reid Deron Ema team.

>> No.22624349

Mondo is making 2 girls cry

>> No.22624352


>> No.22624366

sumi lisa rob

>> No.22624370

Very subjective and largely depends on who you followed, personally SND was the most fun from the ones I was following (SND, MST, MDM, SKP, LRR, KPC).

>> No.22624378

MST, Meika's team, Reid's team for sure and probably Hanalisa's though I didn't get to see much of either of them.

>> No.22624389

Rampart Deron

>> No.22624395

I love Mondo

>> No.22624396

Deron’s. Recommend Deron+Darusaka last tournament

>> No.22624408

based unci

>> No.22624423

Anyone have that clip of Deron forgetting Darusaka are CR?

>> No.22624425

How do we save nose...

>> No.22624434

>Towa gained two high end PCs from Hal in the spawn of one year
Hal should just start dating Towa already

>> No.22624439

watch deron

>> No.22624440

The people in these threads shilling them were definitely not doing it unironically and were just stirring shit.

>> No.22624451

You really can't make this shit up.

>> No.22624466

Its good that aqua got 16th. Imagine what her fans reaction if she got 15 placement instead, which mean no rewards.

>> No.22624488

hal cant beat gooks anon..

>> No.22624490
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>> No.22624519

lol you werent joking. what did he say to rene?

>> No.22624520

sasuga hololive for ending idol culture!

>> No.22624533

XKX is the one I'm watching (Sumire's POV) and I have no regrets. Round 3 was hilarious.

>> No.22624551

bros is it gay if i get chills hearing mondo's voice

>> No.22624568

so, how much people actually cried?

>> No.22624573

you VASTLY underestimate how retarded actual bronies can be

>> No.22624574

You are probably shitposting, but Chii-chan always skips after party stuff because it coincides with her weekly radio show with Moira (which she's streaming right now and sounds fine)

>> No.22624577

Aqua's team should've gotten 15th place they got 1 kill more and equal placements to the team above them.
Hal just fucking rigged it so he could force a 16th place interview with Aqua to bait clipfags into promoting his tournament.

>> No.22624578

Probably one of my favorite clips out there. Darusaka are a bunch of fucking trolls kek.

>> No.22624580

He was being uncharacteristically emoi by thanking and praising them for their hard work. What a fucking tsundere

>> No.22624613

>Holo get 16th place AND have to talk to men
lmao. Holofags just can't stop losing today. At least they're winning in viewership I guess.

>> No.22624620

He will get flame to death if they don't get any consolation prize, holobronies is vicious

>> No.22624631

Nande? Fuck you.

>> No.22624640

Even after losing, people can't stop talking about Startend. KEK

>> No.22624645

let it go chifag

>> No.22624649

I'm 99% sure placement points are the tiebreaker in official tournaments too

>> No.22624660


>> No.22624669

This shit is fucking gold, god they were a good trio.

>> No.22624680

He was going to interview them anyways, and it's not like them getting a PC means anything when they're so rich anyways.

>> No.22624727

What happened to Pakael, bros?

>> No.22624750

>Pakael team only 7 kills

>> No.22624770

no amount of money can cover up their assholes being stretched wide to 100k people live

>> No.22624776

seppuku after not winning a single vsaikyou after season 1

>> No.22624780

your classic pakael on the real day

>> No.22624792

It's not Pakael if he doesn't choke in the main event

>> No.22624793

pakael is getting pegged by ren and riri for sure

>> No.22624797
File: 290 KB, 447x508, beniphone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he chokes on the day

>> No.22624799

after what? what did they do again? loser

>> No.22624811

I'm an MSTfag and happy with how they placed.
Just feel bad for the 15th place team that could actually use new PC's and got cucked by Hal's greed.

>> No.22624818

unfortunately, Pakael forgot to Wake up

>> No.22624819

To be honest, a lot of us went through this at some point. Now you have more people to watch. Definitely go through some highlight videos/etc. from this tournament and scrims (other than Startend) because there were some peak kino moments like Noah solo winning (scrims), Gorilla downing whole teams with devo (every game), Astel's Mad Maggie plays, Matsuri + Hoshikawa clutch, Kuzuha being braindead (half of games).
And of course, Ars vs Roberu, the duel of fates.

>> No.22624827

if it is jun on 4chan then I will believe it but it's on any matome video I am watching as well, both western and jap holobronies

>> No.22624838


>> No.22624841

mondo gomi

>> No.22624862

Holofags don't know other teams

>> No.22624873

>Astel is an emoi (lol) speech thanking various anime characters for the lessons he learned from them
>Rene and Kotone are softly singing anisongs as BGM
God I love this team. I hope they follow through on the cover they were planning on releasing, and I hope they somehow manage to rope Mondo into it.

>> No.22624875

post gorirape clip

>> No.22624876

I wish

>> No.22624879

So can we have a hall of chokers? Pakael pls.

>> No.22624890
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>> No.22624900
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>> No.22624917


>> No.22624940

I'm very sad Noah team underperformed but I'm glad they had good chemistry and I hope they play together again in the future.
I also hope Reimu enjoyed sweaty apex so she stops playing like a braindead octane from now on

>> No.22624942

MDM had a fucking blast.

>> No.22624949

>To be honest, a lot of us went through this at some point

>> No.22624952

I only started watching her because of Reimu but Noah is very cute

>> No.22624962

good morning to you too sir!

>> No.22624976

pass the link lad, i want to watch some drama

>> No.22624992


>> No.22624998

Miyako's being such an annoying dyke right now to hide her kuyashii

>> No.22625009

He's talking about being an oldfag back when the good players had less than 200 views and nobody knew about them till they collabed with bigger people like, say, Shibuya Hal.

>> No.22625017

if only bro

>> No.22625026

It's never been the same since Tokyo Skull Town domination...

>> No.22625039

I am referring to these threads specifically. But if we're talking about other mediums eg clippers/twitter/etc then yes agree they were being genuinely hyped up

>> No.22625084

>and I hope they play together again in the future.
Same, even if its just in other games they had an amazing dynamic both ingame and out.

>> No.22625114

Please, forgive him for the sins he has committed.

>> No.22625118

Deron and Maggie

>> No.22625133
File: 27 KB, 602x156, the weak should fear the strong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he heard everything

>> No.22625143

was it clipped?

>> No.22625145
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>> No.22625157

It's tears of happiness .
Main stream watch Neo Porte interview.

>> No.22625156


>> No.22625178

Don't think that her team is that underperformed. If not for the job that is 5th round, they should be placed top 5 at the very least

>> No.22625203

>>22625157 meant for >>22624976

>> No.22625223

BobsappATM: Where's my interview?

>> No.22625226
File: 605 KB, 658x543, 1554417014859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aqua MVP let's go

>> No.22625275

They may have underperformed based on scrim results but in the end they still got 7th and that's a pretty good result all things considered along with 2nd place that one round.
Woulda got 5th if Noah didn't turn her brain off in the last game and went for frags but oh well. Actually they could've probably done even better if Ebio didn't choke the first 2 games and Noah didn't doubt herself so much.

Reimu also had a pretty good result for her first tournament, hopefully it motivates her to keep networking with JP Apex players and maybe get into more tournaments.

>> No.22625282

Back to Animal Crossing I guess

>> No.22625311

who was it?

>> No.22625346

All the players in BATM are audibly tearing up. 2 points really sucks.

>> No.22625349

Kotone bros when will she find a new game?

>> No.22625352

43:10 to 1:06:35

>> No.22625357

Reimu really is the most impressive person, also the luckiest because I think in the entire scrim and tourney there was only maybe two times where lag caused a mishap. Maybe three if you count the ring-troll but that's brainlag and not laglag.

>> No.22625358

Is it common for teams to stick together? They seemed like they had a good dynamic.

>> No.22625389

point frauds on the top, gorilla pulling a miracle carry, vspo reid chii and paka choking, holoshit btfo, everything is right in the world. perfect and the most expected outcome.

>> No.22625425

Tiebreaker rules are on the tourney site.


Tie break
Overall ranking: If the ratio is the same, it will be decided according to the order of the in-game ranking of the final match.

>> No.22625435

Hearing Nazuna get frustrated over accidentally saying gaijin is hilarious, especially because Ren can say it with no hesitation.

>> No.22625439

Kuzuha is cool and all but Ibrahim is the real chad.
I also like his voice better.

>> No.22625468

He already is.
Waiting for twits half a year later at ShibuyaHAL with "Hal where is my pc"

>> No.22625481

Kuzuha just sounds like a shit poster which he definitely is.

>> No.22625528

Soon. She made a poll about which horror game she should play. A lot of her fans want to see her play Closing Shift.

>> No.22625549

It depends, some teams have made long-lasting friendships and some kinda fizzle. In the context of MST I think they're fine, as Ebio and Reimu are both part of the same company and somehow don't have that many ebiogo issues and Noah seemed to really love playing with them. I wouldn't be shocked if there was a valo stream with the three of them and some others in a few days.

>> No.22625576

next op for the winners, as is tradition. Don't fuck it up

>> No.22625579

There are talks of doing DBD afterward between them. Hope it will see the light one day

>> No.22625590

rly? ib sounds like a virgin nerd

>> No.22625596

Kou just hit diamond this season and Kuzuha is a huge coinflip, noone on that team is as big of a carry as Noah/Pakael/Gorilla
Ibrahim also got rewarded for being a crypto main all these seasons, was his meta

>> No.22625613

>both passing as D4-D2 for 3 consecutive years
>play in all of the CR cups
>stream with pros
>scrim off stream with preds
yeah no shit

>> No.22625644

Astel didn't choke but he DID throw that round 4 though.

>> No.22625672

You forgot
Every apex stream he does tourney or not is a coinflip between him doing great and him playing like wood-tier.

>> No.22625731

This damn tsundere

>> No.22625745

Astel choked a massive cock in round 4

>> No.22625747

They're trying and failing to make Forte cry by getting all sentimental with her.

>> No.22625752

Kuzuha is chad tho

>> No.22625777

During RIG cup where Genburten carried him to victory, he got downed first almost every fight and Gen had to clean it up, the boy is forever on the border of inter and cracked

>> No.22625798

chronoir exclusive skill: jobbing
didn't activate

>> No.22625812

mainy's chat was praising mondo when he came back to play ranked and when mainy let him know mondo said to tell them to shut up

>> No.22625815

Shit, I can’t use google translate.

>> No.22625842

okay surely someone is going to host some sorta afterparty... right?

>> No.22625908

you can't read english?

>> No.22625911

yeah, HAL will deliver the PC's to Statendo personally and they will have an amazing off-collab

>> No.22625913

I hope so, but it'll probably be on a team-by-team basis if it does happen.

>> No.22625915

Pakael chokes, Hololive takes home the PCs. Somethings are just a tradition.

>> No.22625928

Maybe, but historically the afterparty happens an hour or two after the main event so we'll have to wait and see.

>> No.22625951

hahaha usless maggie ULT is not a highlight

>> No.22625959

their win is absolutely deserved.
i still consider them the biggest point frauds, but such thing should translate into superior gunplay and teamfight ability, and that was not the biggest factor in their win, this tournament had much stronger fighter teams.
they won by placement, precise zone prediction, super fast early valk & balloon rotates, calm resource management & ratting, and good late game decisions.
cant point fraud that. such things are in the brain, not hands. surprising to see such style from a team with fucking kuzuha out of all people.

therefore the real mvp and fraud is Uruca. coaches should cost points too.

>> No.22625999

no kamito in hinano's chat?

>> No.22626003

>highlight reel
>its all gori-chan
As it should be.

>> No.22626053

>coaches should cost points too.
This, and Daruma should give you points.

>> No.22626085

With the Tournament done.
Everyone will now drop Apex and start playing Valorant 24/7.

>> No.22626097

only the other one got the debuff.


>> No.22626123

BATM doing phasmophobia with coach

>> No.22626125

startend got a pity highlight lmao

>> No.22626130

Iirc ShibuHal said it's going to be tomorrow

>> No.22626132

of course the kuzuha gas is in the highlights

>> No.22626168
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>> No.22626184

>kuzuha's job got highlighted

>> No.22626237

What if they're a padshitter

>> No.22626239

>kotone killed the champion without even trying
Kotone saikyou!!!!

>> No.22626293

They got under pressure but still doing fine. Other teams also stepped up today too, like Naraka in game 1

>> No.22626305

I want to go to the BATM pizza party.

>> No.22626311

OBK playing ranked

>> No.22626322

why would he be there?
she didn't even try to defend him when miyako kept shittalking him

>> No.22626436

They try some sad attempt to transition only to realize it's to late for their hands.

>> No.22626494

of all teams to throw a tournament away to, meschers...

>> No.22626502

I must've missed something: why did they interview Starend? I was waiting for more teams to join, but they went 16th>3rd>2nd>1st and that's it

>> No.22626520

Someone make a custom. I need more.

>> No.22626538

The bonus prize for 16th

>> No.22626539

why are you asking when you already know the answer

>> No.22626548

So, is Ibrahim the only one that has won 2 of these tournaments thus far?

>> No.22626563

There's two lines of thought; one is that they're the PC winning team, and the other is that they're the one that brought in six fucking digits outside of the main POV.

So really there's only one correct line of thought. Didn't even do anything for Hal because they cut off their streams before the interview anyways.

>> No.22626568

I thought BobSappATM was trash with their performance during the scrims

>> No.22626605

>and the other is that they're the one that brought in six fucking digits outside of the main POV.
only terminally ill numberbronies care about that

>> No.22626621

Aruse was kind of inconsistent, and that even showed during the tourney, but he was always someone to watch out for for kill count.

>> No.22626622

>Valorant 24/7.
Plz no...

>> No.22626648

>hidding their powerlevel to not piss off people from fraund point
>yeah bro, I was predator but look! I'm shit now
>drop 13kills on the last game

>> No.22626650

They were the viewer favorites duh. Wtf

>> No.22626657

Their 30 minutes defending in the house in game 5 with limited resources is nerve wracking

>> No.22626679

they were 4th overall during scrims, only ranking behind noah, kuzuha and hoshikawa

>> No.22626709

If this is in fact Aqua's last tournamnet, would be smart for Hal to run a valorant tournament, might be able to bring in Laplus for more numbers.

>> No.22626723

multiple champs?
