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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 157 KB, 1200x675, GGN Brothers Share Controller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22518421 No.22518421 [Reply] [Original]

Wasn't gonna make a thread for this stream, but these two just said they're gonna play and finish the game by sitting close and sharing one controller, Makoto holding the left side, Akira holding the right

>> No.22519168

they're getting really excited over a virtual cat

>> No.22519274

They've always been obsessed with cats. Any time they're brought up they freak out.

>> No.22519389

I wonder if they were deprived of having a pet cat as children

>> No.22519627

are you saying they will cosplay as cats in bed...

>> No.22519909

Makoto going wan wan in bed

>> No.22520109

Yeah I think they talked about how their parents wouldn't let them get a pet.

Makoto will go one step further. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYZjPgu3Xbk

>> No.22520353

Akira will have the controller all to herself in a few hours then

>> No.22520532

his mushroom...

>> No.22520849

Oh no...

>> No.22523099

the heck makoto

>> No.22523301

GGN is now a full time horror game channel.

>> No.22523558

guy just lost his family to a house fire.. just let him rope

>> No.22523957

Just started watching--have either of them talked about their position on lewds given they're playing characters of an h-game?

>> No.22524110

Go Go Nippon isn’t an h-game, it has no sex, but it does have some romance

>> No.22524127

GGN isn't an h-game but they've played it on their channel a few months back if you want to see their reactions to their CGs.

>> No.22524289

I wanna see Makoto’s reaction to the bath scene

>> No.22524585


>> No.22524999

I have seen some thread but never really dig it
qrd on this cunts?

>> No.22525102

I think they're ok with sex scenes. They put up a blocker anyway when one comes up.

>> No.22525468

Funny how they get so worked up while in-game Makoto doesn’t give a shit

>> No.22525518
File: 85 KB, 565x565, GGN Trauma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makoto (the pink one) was forced to close their tour business because it wasn't making enough money so now they became vtubers and Akira (the green one) is helping her.
Makoto is the gentle older-sister and Akira is the spunky younger sister. They mostly play a variety of games but do other streams like karaoke, virtual tours, interviews, etc... IMO they are at their most entertaining when they are playing horror games because they both get legitimately scared, and Akira gets the most scared out of the two of them, to the point where she sometimes loses her mind.
Also they have a sub-goal where if they get 10k subs, their boss/benefactor will make a new GGN game.

>> No.22525657

also Makoto is really into younger girls, for some reason

>> No.22525784

I wonder if they’ll voice said game

>> No.22525997

the boss/benefactor said it will have voice-acting

>> No.22526296

if i die, I want aki to eat me

>> No.22526325

I want to rape them, not going to lie but I'll subscribe, they seem like fun ride and can sympathize with the idea of losing everything and be forced to become something new

>> No.22526776

>I want to rape them
Anon, no...
I think Makoto might have some past trauma already

>> No.22526892

greg kys

>> No.22526991

"If I don't see anything, then nothing happened"
- Akira Misaki

>> No.22527062

What the fuck is wrong with this game.

>> No.22527081

some people are sorely hungry for attention while do stupid shit like that

>> No.22527447

nice boat

>> No.22527554
File: 253 KB, 335x506, 1622622816311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this is so wholesome!

>> No.22527586

I need to impregnate Aki-chan noW!

>> No.22527614

I've never heard of this game but I hope it becomes the new collab meta

>> No.22527674

It gets pretty emotional later on, good game

>> No.22527682

It's actually a single player game. Makoto has her arm around Akira to play on the same controller

>> No.22527709

SISTERS - a tale of two daughters

>> No.22527728

That's rad

>> No.22527782

so that's makes the game a lot harder to play

>> No.22527796

They are incredibly wholesome
they don't try to act sexy or lewd like your typical female vtuber

>> No.22527818

Made by the same guy who made It Takes Two and A Way Out.

>> No.22527831

Only because Aki-chan is TOO WEAK

>> No.22527873

there's a classic VN with pretty much the same title

>> No.22527942

Their screaming is really cute right now

>> No.22528204

sounds cute

>> No.22528275


>> No.22528368


Imagine the lesbian incest...

>> No.22528630
File: 90 KB, 232x233, Screenshot_353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never even get close.

>> No.22530098

I thought they were Japanese

>> No.22530436


>> No.22530464

they are

>> No.22530490

They are. They're just targeting a western audience.

>> No.22530525

Moral of the story, never trust a women over your family

>> No.22530542

Fuck. Now I get it.

>> No.22530785

Can aki-chan do it on her own...

>> No.22530948

you make a lot of threads shilling this pair of retards, but it doesn't feel insincere, spammy, or low effort, and you only post when they're streaming. you are a real man of integrity who only wants to spread the news of the 2view he loves.

>> No.22531118
File: 345 KB, 794x1123, FDRd6XQakAA5uQt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mating pressing Aki-chan while Makoto and her are doing their best to control the game with one controller!

>> No.22531213

did they have to kill the spider? what if they just left her crippled

>> No.22531295
File: 500 KB, 640x478, 01791uglkcw51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unlike those astroturfing akioair shills
I saw comments about the gogo girls into two unrelated threads this week. I'd like to think OP's approach is working

>> No.22531315

They cute.
This game is evil.
I like it more than A Way Out and It Takes Two.

>> No.22531336

games with sad endings are shit
the fuck was the point

>> No.22531390

cherish your family

>> No.22531414

I think they were panicking and overdid it without realizing she wasn't a threat already before trying to pull off more legs

>> No.22531507

that can't be the lesson here
they had to do it or the dad would die

>> No.22531605

I'd like to think I only make threads about them when I think it's important, but that's just me.

>> No.22531606

I'm not sure what their sushi stream tomorrow is about but hopefully it'll be a good palette cleanser

>> No.22532454

What are your 3 sizes

>> No.22532712

hm? what's this about?

>> No.22532804

Akira preemptively trying to avoid playing anymore horror games

>> No.22533505

Are they actual Japanese sisters irl?

>> No.22534314

>checks out their channel
>latest stream is a Bokuten playthrough
Oh god why. This is the only VN I regret playing because of how sick it made me feel.

>> No.22534471

At most we know that they're probably Japanese just because they default back to Japanese when they don't know how to say something.

>> No.22534514

Because they're owned by MangaGamer and Overdrive.

>> No.22534597

For once I'm glad he did, I enjoyed the stream

>> No.22535420

I don't really know, they could have picked a different Overdrive VN.
They've also streamed Kara no Shoujo and Higurashi so maybe they'd be up for Maggot Baits.

>> No.22535497

They seem fun to watch. A shame that I'm not particularly interested in the games they've played/currently playing.

>> No.22535860

Don't force yourself to watch all their streams, only watch the ones where you're interested in the game they're currently playing or the activity they're doing. That's what I do.
And I don't think they expect their viewers to be like those vtuber fanatics/cultists who'll watch every single one of their oshi's streams for the full duration.

>> No.22536230

>Why are they all black and that one white
>He's the owner

How'd she get away with this?

>> No.22536409

it's probably just some Japanese humor that doesn't sound right in English

>> No.22536476

built for ugly old men

>> No.22536534


>> No.22536614
File: 198 KB, 330x249, disgusts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22536621

I want them to make it bros.

>> No.22536709

they will get to the goal within this year, but I don't want them to

>> No.22536788

They were getting about 1k subscribers each month but they've been picking up speed since 7k and will probably reach 10k by the end of this month or the start of May.

>> No.22536790

Ayo I’m rooting for these two.

>> No.22538275

You've been triggered by anime women. Pathetic

>> No.22538352

Good, past trauma will make the fear paralyzed her, raping become easier

>> No.22538417

I haven't seen good child bearing hip on vtuber model for a long time

>> No.22538456

They're cute and vastly underrated. I want them to be larger but without the shit audience. But I also want them to stay small because they Oha-go-go their viewers.

>> No.22538586

They actually act like anime characters

>> No.22538888
File: 1.52 MB, 3024x3024, ExzNxGHU8AE_VvM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a shame they don't get a chance to show their full models. They have legs for days.

They'll still Ohagogo, just your chance of them saying your name will drop. They really are underrated and I hope they grow to be as big as they deserve to be.

>> No.22539248

In what ways? Just curious.

>> No.22539262

Any context to that or is that an in lore joke I'm missing

>> No.22539322

there's one stream where her screams felt like it came from a place that's pretty personal

>> No.22539345

They must be as tall as basketball players if their legs are that long

>> No.22539710

They're actually tiny. Makoto is 158cm and Akira is 155cm.

>> No.22539838
File: 1.17 MB, 924x827, 1647325375371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holofag here, hope these two make it because they seem very cute. keep up the good work op!

>> No.22539911

hm the proportions of the models mismatch with their official height measurement then

>> No.22540636

Sauce? It seems like any time they scream it feels personal.

>> No.22541182

Tour business? Like a legit tourguide thing or just a fictional tourguide in a visual novel?

>> No.22541500
File: 269 KB, 433x508, Screenshot_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what goes on behind the scene, the contracts and so on. Are they still indies allowed to use the IP or are they employed? Also did the developer seriously announce that they're stopping activities on the first of April?
Their English and Jap both sound very good, I'm not sure which one is their first language.

It's the setting.

>> No.22541982

If you're still there, it's here
aaand here

>> No.22542071
File: 1.44 MB, 1225x675, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are they always look like they shitted themselves? kinda cute but not my thing

>> No.22542109

>Are they always look like they shitted themselves?
what an odd thought
can't really say what expression of theirs they have on most of the time
it probably depends on what the stream is about

>> No.22542149

I only asked because they were like this while just walking in game.

>> No.22542281

they were probably mentally preparing themselves or figuring something out in conversation

>> No.22542399

They're presented by MangaGamer so they're corpos like PlayAsia's Obake PAM and Crunchyroll Hime so they need to get permissions to play games. The company OVERDRIVE ended activities with a concert but the original creator still plans on making the new GGN as a solo project.

Akira's face usually defaults to that one since it matches her character more but Makoto usually has a happy default face on.

>> No.22542521

the thing about their characters being fictional Japanese people in Japan, is that you can never truly tell if the shit they say is them simply being in-character or if it's actual roommate stuff

>> No.22542830

They default back to Japanese when they can't think of the right word. They're at least in Japan based on the hours they're awake and how much they know about local Japanese areas in their virtual tours.

>> No.22543092
File: 137 KB, 594x835, GoGoNippon Potato Mochi t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm talking more about personal factoids like this stuff
do they want you to think the characters cooked this or their roomates cooked it?
even if they can cook, did they actually cook this dish in particular or is this photo taken from some obscure Japanese cookbook or did they take a pic of one of their friends' or family's dishes?
Or their recent tweet about taking walks everyday now that it's spring. Do their roommates actually take walks outside or are they just saying their characters like to take walks?
We'll just never really know

>> No.22543121

Why are they always sweating?

>> No.22543225

So you can imagine a vibrator's up each butt.

>> No.22543355

>older sister
>younger sister
all interest is now gone

>> No.22543453

not my problem

>> No.22543455

Ok I see what you mean. Yeah their kayfabe is ridiculous, I have no clue where it starts or ends so I just assume they’re just the characters they portray and everything they say they do is real to themselves and in turn, their characters.

>> No.22543567

yea, one of the most ridiculous things they've said is that they brush their teeth together

>> No.22545205

What if the actresses are incredibly serious about their kayfabe and have actually started living together and pretending that they are sisters?

>> No.22546039

Just hiring real sisters would be way easier

>> No.22551146


>> No.22551789

we know they are at least in the same room together because of the arm wrestling cold toes incident

>> No.22551979

I don't know who these girls are but I really want them to have lesbian sister sex with each other

>> No.22552288

they probably do that off-stream
heck, while Akira is playing a comfy game, Makoto probably feels her up and the viewers are none the wiser.

>> No.22553614


>> No.22558313

yeh, me
