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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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22404179 No.22404179 [Reply] [Original]

It's not looking good for Kobo boys. Pandering to Indogs that don't donate has been a major mistake for the Gura killer. Only her music streams can save her or she'll just end up being Iofi 2.0

>> No.22404234

>He doesn't know about socilabuzz
>He doesn't understand that streamlabs also exists

>> No.22404382

Indog had their own streamlabs, donation thingy

>> No.22404556

>he doesn't know

>> No.22405028

they use streamlab, how new are you?

>> No.22405083

>thinks donations are even 10% of their revenue
how new?

>> No.22405137
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>> No.22405278

>hates apex
>loves valorant

>> No.22405294

I assume you're telling us you live in the red areas.

>> No.22405323

>he lacks the information

>> No.22405394
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that's old data, this is the updated version.

>> No.22405395

Looks like you're the schizo one here, I'm just pointing the fact that you can click description on any of the ID girls stream, then use your eyes and brain.

>> No.22405472

all three id3s have said thank you to their audience for donating to socialbuzz on their streams. Maybe do reps or watch a stream instead of just watching meaningless numbers all the time

>> No.22405522

>hates Apex
holy based

>> No.22405553

why are you trying to pit fanbases to each other?

>> No.22405672

faggots like you should be gassed.

>> No.22405695

One has to be the CCV queen like Pekora
And the other one to be the superchat queen like Coco

>> No.22405766

Give me sauce on this.

>> No.22405971

Flip loves conflict just like their president.

>> No.22406057


>> No.22406108

>Literally gets spoonfeeded
>S-shutup schizo!
Not only a newfag but also a retard

>> No.22406259
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Oh nyo~

>> No.22406782

Dumb fucking Zetafag, Kobo is way more interesting than your oshi, accept it

>> No.22407040

>Data from 2004
So hows friendster?

>> No.22408072 [DELETED] 

>Don't know ID couldn't SC
>Don't know ID use Streamlabs and Sociabuzz

i don't know if you're a newfag or just plain retarded

>> No.22408145

>Didn't know ID couldn't SC
>Didn't know ID use Streamlabs and Sociabuzz

i don't know if you're a newfag or just plain retarded,
but alteast do your reps, before creating a stupid thread like this

>> No.22408210

Are you upset because she streams mostly in her native language?

>> No.22408255

I hate burgers so much its unreal

>> No.22408260
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>> No.22408597 [DELETED] 

This is why people avoid SEAmonkey hours

>> No.22408717


That's make sense

>> No.22408747


>> No.22408869

Lmao kangaroobros

>> No.22408939

>no source
Nice cope monkey

>> No.22409201

anon your thread reading reps

>> No.22409729

Open wide >>22406057

>> No.22409789

Blindchama.... >>22406057

>> No.22409835

thanks for shitting up my OP with schizophrenia talk. all of you are seanigs

>> No.22410473

>made shit bait thread
>mad it gets shit replies

>> No.22410852

Get a job you moron

>> No.22410904

clearly it has served it's purpose to contain the mentally ill

>> No.22411546
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1,3k sociabuzz donos since her debute, meanwhile zeta only 300

>> No.22412022


>> No.22412316

even moona is only 1,1k donos since she opened sociabuzz which means that this brat is hilarious

>> No.22412463

>IDs use Streamlabs and Sociabuzz to donate!!
To donate fucking what? How many third world shitskins need to donate their entire paycheck to match one average NAchad?

>> No.22412602

Only one now continue clean my house, stop posting here you slave.

>> No.22415751

Why do people keep making ID branches rather than Thai?
Thailand actually has an economy.

>> No.22416597


>> No.22416783

isn't indonesia the richest country in SEA?

>> No.22416965

It is Singapore. Even Malaysia is more prosper than Indonesia.

>> No.22419063

Indonesia still has the biggest GDP on SEA purely from their massive population(4th in the world). Especially with low GDP per capita allows Cover to hire cheaper staff so the cost to maintain branch became cheaper. There's a reason HoloMY shutdown earlier compared to ID.

>> No.22419796

HoloMY never existed, anon. You must have confused MyHoloTV as a Holo branch, and even then MyHoloTV is still around.

>> No.22423128


>> No.22425860

JKT48 had 5/6 years headstart from BNK48.

Maybe the same reason why that happened.

>> No.22426353

let' assume each of them donate minimum allowed donation (Rp. 15000), the total dono she got from sociabuzz is about Rp. 20.505.000.
Convert it to USD, she pocketed $1426. And Sociabuzz only takes 5% compared to jewtube 30%

>> No.22426431

>Gura killer
You mean chubba who is cursed with being called a Gura Killer
