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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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22394271 No.22394271 [Reply] [Original]

>leave Cyberlive
>join Phase.

Well, that's awkward.

>> No.22394388

>leaves a shitshow
>joins another circus

>> No.22395258

Remember anon
Lumi never told the truth

>> No.22396384

Lumi did nothing wrong

>> No.22396471

Her pet doxxschizo would fit well performing tricks. Just look at it perform right now.

>> No.22396670


>> No.22396950

CyberLive is a black company.

>> No.22397142

Remember anon
Lumi always told the truth

>> No.22399004
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How mad is she seething right now?

>> No.22399289

The tumor of cyberlife has been removed

>> No.22399386

Lumi was always the best thing about Cyberlive

>> No.22399480

isnt phase connect gen 1 the only gen with a salary?

>> No.22399603

>Well that's awkward
More like fucking terrible. Sakana got too greedy and decided to let 2 more /here/ menheras into the group, only this time their autism is actually unbearable and gives nothing in return
TLDR Both those girls left Cyberlive after being fed up with a ton of shit that had been going on behind the scenes (shitty management, harassment, discord drama etc). The thing is, the picture painted for everyone is pretty inaccurate as they're not so clean themselves and are bringing loads of baggage with them (drama, schizo groomer fanbase,etc). Fucking cringe

>> No.22399679

The only thing cringe is you

>> No.22400437

I'm curious as to who you watch to see if this is just an autistic answer, cope or denial. If seeing the red flags in broad daylight makes me cringe then so be it, then again I hope I can be proven wrong and maybe things shape out for better

>> No.22400449

Pippa gives nothing in return already.
The /pol/ audience that follow Pippa only follows Pippa and none of the other Phase, for the average lagomorph shitter there is no company behind Pippa and it's not even like she is getting rich from this, nor the company.
If anything now we will see true Lumi colors, flipping again the audience she wants to appeal to

>> No.22400907

Drama is fun and complaining about "grooming" is stupid as almost all streamers morph bits of themselves to their chat, even ones that you can't normally see like guras. You gonna cry, dork?

>> No.22400975

> she wants to appeal to
more like the audience her doxxnigger boyfriend wants her to appeal to.

>> No.22401137

will lumi's groomer boyfriend follow her to become a mod for phase now?

>> No.22401156

From what I understand, it was simple value equation

Lumi and Yuri were doing a lot for Cyberlive, and then Pippa said "hey PC gives a fixed salary and has competent managers"
Idk if fishman bought out their copyright or if the girls bought their own, but the input was the same reason - Lumi and Yuri were getting a bad deal and the fish offered a better one.
I think from the fish's perspective, he wants to expand into the twitch space, and his current talents are happy or established on YouTube. So hire new people and bring in their twitch sphere, easy.

>> No.22401289

That nigger is already friends with some of phase connects mods and other small corpos as well. I won't be surprised if he becomes one, also they are already in her super secret discord.

>> No.22401366

go back to /wvt/

>> No.22401395

/vt/ cuck momento
Which groomer you simp for? DancingCharmander or Sei or someone else??

>> No.22401441

>giving money to female entertainers

>> No.22401502

>Lumi and Yuri were getting a bad deal and the fish offered a better one.
I don't know about that one since they literally can go wherever they want with their models and other shit after a given time. Their deal with cyberlive is literally too generous lol. I doubt those girls would even get a fraction of their popularity right now without that company

>> No.22401895

wow baggage haha there's definitely no way phase isn't already inundated with weekly schizo discord groomer drama from a horde of kiwi /pol/tards haha because one of its members endeavors to reach mediocre success by pandering to them by acting like an obnoxious election tourist hahahahahaha

>> No.22402024

Lumi will be discussed in /pcg/ with her friend
Yuri will be discussed in /pchex/ with the rest of the company

>> No.22402258

>Drama is fun
>There's no point in "complaining about grooming"
>You gonna cry dork?
Go back and stay there you insufferable fuck

>> No.22402277

Reading this thread makes me understand why western vtubers were banished to /trash/ back in /jp/

>> No.22402394

I miss when small corpos and indies were contained in bigger universal threads and weren't given free reign to shit the catalog daily with spilts and dramaposting

>> No.22402681

Tbf, the same thing happens where there's a yab in hololive, but these small western corpos dramas are the lowest shit you could find

>> No.22402721

>entire catalog is general threads surviving off necro-bumps
>complain about a thread discussing the most important news of the day

>> No.22402756

So this is the average /here/ viewer...

>> No.22402762


>> No.22402795

/vt/ is fucking trash, actually worse than /trash/.
The only good time /vt/ had was when the board was 99% Hololive and 1% /trash/ expat

>> No.22402833

The point exactly, mainstream shit already fills the board with enough trash, everyone else following suit really makes me glad I have one streamer with a general I can reliably stick to

>> No.22402866

Hi Pippa

>> No.22402919

I wonder when the inner circle discussions will start featuring the 2 new members joining in as they laugh at the discords and threads

>> No.22402970

right now.

>> No.22403234

If you said you were a falseflagger trying to make hololive fans look like the biggest assholes on the planet, I would believe you

>> No.22403999
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I think the vast majority of us (Me) actively mock and berate groomers and grooming while inwardly wishing they were the ones getting into the dickswords and ERPing with their oshi...

>> No.22404257
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>most important news of the day
Do luminiggers really?

>> No.22404310

The 4chan western indie scene is basically turned into a horrible mix of /r9k/, /soc/ and /cgl/

>> No.22404389

I still can't believe they literally kicked Pippa discussion out of the Phase Connect general because of how annoying her fans are. It's like if you weren't allowed to talk about Mori in Global.

>> No.22404655
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>gain a ton of fans from a small corpo
>they're stupid enough to let you take the model and go indie, even giving you a 3D version
>have your channel and identity completely intact, bringing all your fans with you, all while never having to share any of the revenue anymore
>... only to join another small corpo and let them leech off of you again

>> No.22404862

To repeat the cycle.
Since she joined with her already own private model Fishman has no right over, but he probably put some clause that anchor Lumi to Phase for atleast 6 to 12 months

>> No.22405087

Because she can

>> No.22405098

Supposedly lumi is leeching PC for funds for a neonbeat model, which has been rumored and confirmed by an "insider."
But does anyone have actual proof that she's getting a model by neon or is it just speculation?

>> No.22405187

Never saw lumi being part of any drama posting other than her leaving cyberlive. What are you on about. If abything lumi seemed to be the most standout from her bunch. Dont know who the white cat is, but she seems cute

>> No.22405231

i think she did it for yuri, because yuri's artist refuse to work with indie which mean yuri can't get a new costume, same case with kana and why she got a new model.

>> No.22405260

/pcg/ still has pippa discussion, you're thinking of /pchex/

>> No.22405303

They didn't kick her out, they split into their own thread.

>> No.22405332

>Never saw lumi being part of any drama posting other than her leaving cyberlive.
You must be new around here.

>> No.22405338

You are mixing the generals
Pippa and Lumi general, literally no other phase allowed
The place where all the people completly burnout of dealing with Pippa "fanbase" moved, Pippa can fuck off to /pcg/

>> No.22405402

Is phase connect the most promising small indie agency so far? It has a lot of standouts and actual japanese people. Seems like a prime time to buy some shares. Other corpos are withering and or are managed poorly.

>> No.22405475

my professional opinion? don't care
only tune into Loomers for /vst/ sundays
drama is gay and I don't even have time to watch every stream let alone shit up this already hellish board

>> No.22405591

My favorite will always be Tsunderia. That's like the, classic

>> No.22405650

The actual small family company...

>> No.22405829

I don't know too much about them beside Kana and Slugma who I didn't like very much. Are they also plagued with schizo fans and groomer mods like the other corpos?

>> No.22405921

They have 3 great people that I love a lot.
Lisa, Amiya, and Miori.

Also Yuuna is great when she's with Miori

>> No.22405925

>But does anyone have actual proof that she's getting a model by neon or is it just speculation?
Not exactly it was kind of just taken as fact at some point. She has talked to him publicly before though and I seem to remember him showing up in her chat and maybe even on one stream before. Thing is though, neonbeat is in love with Vei and if Vei has any knowledge of the unflattering impersonation that Lumi did of Vei during the divegrass stream, its very likely she might shut the whole thing down and forbid him from interacting with lumi ever again. The archive of the entire stream is still up so it's not hard to find either.

>> No.22406320

>Is phase connect the most promising small indie agency so far?
Prism had it but they shot themselves in the foot

>> No.22406396

>implying /pchex/ isn't some kind of gay ops Menace has made to stir up drama on Phase Connect

>> No.22406437

God I fucking hate Megbert.
How does she still have goslings after everything?

>> No.22406560

Let's face it, we all wish WE were the guy that Koopa fucked

>> No.22406681

That's a reference I haven't seen in a while.

>> No.22406687

the hex general was made before the announcement was done
seems kind of weird that she would randomly pick phase connect to attack unless she already knew they would join

>> No.22406736

It's a lumi mod with some weird personal vendetta against GFE tubers. Ignore him.

>> No.22406809

Remember Yuri is based as fuck even if she has the cringiest tagline.

Welcome to the bunker kids, you're never leaving.

>> No.22406875

Yes, but you can want to do something without actually doing it because you know it's a bad thing to do. Grooming causes jealousy and drama, and anyone doing it is a selfish piece of shit.

>> No.22406924

Tsunderia is worlds better than Phase Connect.

>> No.22406938

jesus so much cancer in one place... its mega super cancer

>> No.22406954

Has grooming ever actually worked? I know the word gets thrown around here as often as the word cuck and faggot but I've never actually hard of a fan grooming a vtuber into a relationship or whatever.

>> No.22406977

I'm really interested to find out how much their salary is. Fishman seems to be a good ceo and he is has a lot of connections. iirc he is also a well established business man.

>> No.22406978

koopa got groomed into sex

>> No.22406996

Yes. The entire reason why cyberlive is so hated to begin with starts with the grooming of Hylo

>> No.22407001

What a great way to summarize it

>> No.22407123

Neon's no longer tied up with veibae, he has Lumi now.

>> No.22407371

Being used as a pump n dump is not the same thing as being groomed

>> No.22407402

Other than red gura what is there left in tsunderia? Fox that has 100k subs and 200 views?

>> No.22407517

That's prism project

>> No.22407714

>her fans
It's the schizo anti's that are annoying, not her fans. All the off topic garbage only ever gets brought up by people who are trying to hurt the Rabbit.

>literally no other phase allowed
Everybody is allowed in /pcg/. They're all in the OP.

>> No.22407740

>Idk if fishman bought out their copyright or if the girls bought their own
Why would they buy the models they already owned? Why do you think your expert opinion is worth anything if you don't even know something as basic about the whole things as this?

>> No.22407778

t. menace

>> No.22407864

I see lots of shitposting about Lumi, but did Yuri do anything with? It feels like she's getting dragged around with Lumib and has now joined with the autistic rabbit too for some reason

>> No.22407900

There's some /pol/ in there too via pippa.

>> No.22407973

Oh. Whats tsunderia then? 3d cat and purple mental illness pitty gfe bait?

>> No.22408010

Pretty much. They also got a male that averages 9 viewers

>> No.22408011

That doesn't sound like Tsunderia. Tsunderia is ex-MyHolo whore and cute spider hag.

>> No.22408144

As long as Lumi doesnt bring her mod squads to phase i will be fine with it

>> No.22408301

Even bringing males into the menhera gfe company was an impressive display of retardation. And a fucking boring one too.

>> No.22408317

>menhera gfe company
But we're not talking about Kawaii here.

>> No.22408639

wait until friday

>> No.22408703

>everybody is allowed in /pcg/
Correct, including /pol/, lolcows, non-vtubers, dramatubers and anyone else you can think of
>phase connect girls
Who? Oh... yeah I guess they also exist on slower days

>> No.22408802

Show some fucking respect. That man is responsible for one of the worst collabs in vtubing history only rivaled by that one vshojo group collab where they almost got NijiEN suspended

>> No.22409275

spreading shit like the cancer he is

>> No.22409401

>finally got rid of one schizo fanbase, another comes to replace it
Go back to clg or wherever you lumifags are from, this segregation has been discussed for a long time in /pcg/. No one cares about some SEAtuber from cl who lives rent free in your head. /pcg/ was a cesspool of lolcows and /pol/fags because of pippa and had nothing to do with the phase girls, which is why /pchex/ exists

>> No.22409732

okay megschizo

>> No.22409857

Congratulation. PC has turned into a /here/ company.

>> No.22409919

>implying it isn't already

>> No.22410163

the split happened on march 31st. The leaked Menace's seething DMs were dated around February-3rd week of March. Everyone in CL probably know/ suspecting that Lumi would jump ship anyway during her 1 month hiatus. Can't really blame her. Cyberlive is run by morons right from the start. I'm actually surprised that it lasted this long. It is probably safe to say that Menace and her retard crew from /wvt/ were the schizo retards anti-spamming in Phase Connect, /pyon/, and /clg/.

>> No.22410211

Trying too hard here Sei

>> No.22410224

>Menace and her retard crew from /wvt/ were the schizo retards anti-spamming in Phase Connect, /pyon/, and /clg/
Nice work detective. Next time try not to contradict yourself.

>> No.22410322

So this guy is gonna be a PhaseConnect mod from now?

>> No.22410498

fucking based. Imagine siding with /trash/ schizos. They deserve to get mocked in keeping other vtubers down

>> No.22410644

No idea what a meg is nor do i care, but keep your twitchlingo out of phase, you lolcow faggot

>> No.22410728

Doesn't really seem that different from Pippas resident mod/fruits

>> No.22410747

are you kidding?

>> No.22410768

Are schizos just making up companies that don't even exist now? This doesn't describe any of them.

>> No.22410817

Nice try, Sei. Some fag from /wvt/ already leaked your schizo DMs. What's your business starting up shit anyway? Why?

>> No.22410856

>from what I understand
looks like you understand nothing though, the /vt/ experience.

>> No.22410893

>it is probably safe to say
Why are you trying to blame Menace for everything, Sei?

>> No.22411006

What's up with vtubers who love to surround themselves with schizos? I seen this happen so often even with 2views in /trash/.

>> No.22411037

Is the GFE vendetta also the reason he's invested in Kiki or something? I'm tired of that faggot barging in random threads whining about kiki when nothing prompted it.

>> No.22411088

Female value judgement are very arbitary and personal relationships are more valuable than merit. Lumi knows her schizo mod IRL so that definitely counts.

>> No.22411240

Isn't the guy friends with Virial who may or may not be another schizo Cyberlive mod who hates Kiki? Maybe that's why, but she's a popular target for schizos from other threads as well, like that couple dramafaggots from /yah/ or that /r9k/ faggot who was friends with that jailed pedophile and tends to post in /trash/. Could be them as well

>> No.22411354

When was the last time corpo hopping happened?

>> No.22411376

You really don't know that it's actually a waste. All you have to gain is the realization that you're a useful tool. Once you show your hand as a groomer you can be discarded like the last one who tried.

>> No.22411454

With their own models? Not any that I can think of
But vtubers changing companies in general there are some that happened recently
Hololive JP6 has 2
Hololive EN2 has 1
Nijisanji EN2 has 1

>> No.22411487

>With their own models? Not any that I can think of

>> No.22411654

get your pyon rrats right.
There are a few people from outside of 4chan, and a few from wvt, that dislike Kiki. one being a tranny that seethed at her jokes, and another being a real sperg from her chats. etc
Virial just "dated her" , and if you could do archive reps, you'd know he wants to be as far away from her as possible

>> No.22411724

So why does Kiki hate Menace again?

>> No.22411754

They think she leaked screenshots for no reason.

>> No.22411818

Honestly? I don't know. Maybe she thinks menace was the one to leak, maybe she's scared of losing the /here/ gfe viewers.
Either way It's clear these women have issues with one another and will never talk it out or work through things because they're fucking retarded.

>> No.22411837

>Either way It's clear these women have issues with one another and will never talk it out or work through things because they're fucking retarded.
That's just how women are in general.

>> No.22411854

If you consider how crappily Cyberlive was put together from the getgo I don't really blame people for hopping ship especially since they can just keep their models/accounts. CL is hardly even a corpo by the usual standards.

However yeah Lumi has had some skeletons in the closet with the Sei shit and I kind of dread that infecting Phase, like they really don't need any more stupid drama as it is. But what's done is done, Lumi is good friends with Pippers so I'm 0% surprised it happened, just didn't think it'd be this fast as that's kind of.. brazen, also more looks like burning bridges with CL and an active hostile ship-jump instead of a peaceful resolution and "oh I guess phase invited them in out of the goodness of their hearts" months later. Remember Lumi graduated literally not even two weeks ago, this was a poach.

>> No.22411888

I know they're both here, and if we're lucky lurking this thread.
if so, how about instead of pitting your retarded fans against each other to ruin my basket weaving forum, you both reach out and discuss this like adults.

>> No.22411890
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>watch small corpo, they're the bes-

>> No.22411905

I guess she believed the rrat about Menace leaking the screenshots about her, they could easily talk it out but women are gonna be women

>> No.22411960

I remember when smallcorpos were supposed to be a refuge for people fleeing from the insanity of /trash/ but now they are basically the same

>> No.22411981

>hire people from wvt
>expect them to act better
yeah i'm sure meg, pippa, and a bunch of /asp/ies would really help small corpos!

>> No.22411993

Why would they speak about it if one of them is suspected of leaking DMs anon?

>> No.22412037

Why would she leak them anon? What did she gain with it?

>> No.22412046

Then if it is leaked again it will just confirm that menace is leaking messages? I mean what? why would she incriminate herself?

>> No.22412054

Oh I know they're here. Kiki delays her streams to fucking reply to existing arguments. I'll never forget the day I tried to tell everyone to chill and focus on the thread topic and at least two people were arguing about her, both pro and anti.

I have no issue with her personally but christ woman leave us viewers alone and don't step out of /pyon/ and bring your drama with it. You know what thread I'm talking about. Stop it.

>> No.22412078

>Kiki delays her streams to fucking reply to existing arguments

take your meds anon...

>> No.22412089

Isn't Lumi /asp/?

>> No.22412125

Noted, Kiki. Now fuck off and don't bother that thread.

>> No.22412138

huh it seems like menace was an awful human being for having some kind of bloodlust against /vt/ vtubers then. Literally nothing retarded happened among small corpos shilling on /vt/ up until she showed up

>> No.22412141

/vr/ bro?

>> No.22412166

Leave the rabbit alone vrschizo

>> No.22412210

Nice try. Sei has been shitting on small corpos and /wvt/ and only recently we actually could tie his bullshit to him.

>> No.22412212

Are you the faggot from /yah/cord that shits up every thread that mentions her?

>> No.22412247

Probably. Im not even a fan of hers but I'm sick or seeing her shit on in every thread shes mentioned in.

>> No.22412255

Sei and menace are both too convenient to be scapegoats. I suspect there could be someone else entirely that does this

>> No.22412295
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left a 2view company to join another 2view

>> No.22412302

whoever it is thinks anyone whoever defends Kiki is her so probably

>> No.22412306

I said I have no issue with her personally and would like drama out of the door. If I was the vrschizo I would be whining that Kiki is included in the first place.

>> No.22412345

You're literally adding to the drama, genius.

>> No.22412351

Why didn't Lumi go for HoloEN3? It's the most drama-free place unless you purposefully fuck up.

>> No.22412359

leave it to /pyon/ to do the job of derailing Lumi anti threads

>> No.22412384

lumi fans have their own personal army. Impressive

>> No.22412404

Not even in /pyon/. Just sick of it

>> No.22412423

You do realize that hololive doesnt hire streamers right? If you join hololive you are expected to regularly take singing and dancing lessons

>> No.22412478

sounds fun.

>> No.22412524

She's not talented enough. People on her massively overrate Lumi since she was birthed on 4ch and panders to them every once in a while. I don't think yagoo gives a shit that gosling posting when up 10% for Lumi this year on /vt/.

>> No.22412579

>Shitting on Menace didn't work time to switch targets

>> No.22412612

anon be fucking honest, the bar is VERY LOW. all of en2 aren't "talented" besides sana's art.

>> No.22412810

what a weird cope, most of en2 are better entertainers than Lumi right now.

>> No.22412813

I'm venting out complaints I would've refrained in threads I'm invested in exactly because it'll just fuel the fire of defending/attacking Kiki and that low intensity shitstorm sinks the quality of the thread. I apologize for the detour, but it's been gnawing at me and I can't help but be annoyed that it was happening. It's flaring up less lately and thank god for that.

I'm sure champyons mean well, but can you please stop with your siege mentality and assume everyone with a slight complaint about her is a fucking schizo?

>> No.22412897

Each and every one of you kiki/lumi/pippa/whoever-the-fuck-menace-is fags need to unironically sit back and examine how much you're investing yourself into the existence of these mentally unstable whores, who are using emotional manipulation and/or lazy pandering to take advantage of whatever mix of severe autism and loneliness you all seem to suffer from. Then after that, shut the FUCK up because even the seanig niji falseflag shitposting spam is more tolerable to skim past than the constant deluge of melodramatic schizo bullshit you all seem to invent on a bi-daily basis.

>> No.22412924


>> No.22412934

Yeah sorry anon. I guess after everything lately people have been on quite high alert. Not many people like Kiki here and we just want to make her feel loved and included in places because that's what she said she wanted. (she never asked anyone to spam anywhere though).

>> No.22412997

>seanig holobronie
please leave

>> No.22413023


>> No.22413054

I'm just stating how I feel about them, no need to feel insecure.

>> No.22413073

Sei, you really need to calm down... you're gonna have an aneurism if you keep this up

>> No.22413158

Alright cool. And keep not biting the bait over there. So far so good.

>> No.22413284

It could be actually him. Based on the ample screenshots and his admission of which posts were his, we can actually profile his typing style.

>> No.22413314

This doesn't apply to ENkeks, I think she just wanted to keep her good design and schizo fanbase.

>> No.22413362

>we just want to make her feel loved and included in places because that's what she said she wanted
There's no fucking way that true. No one that wants to feel loved and included acts like her and caters to schizos /here/. She's not retarded

>> No.22413398

Pretty sure she means loved /here/

>> No.22413502

But how else am i supposed to get my daily dose of telenovellas?

>> No.22413532

Good news for you Kana and Slugma arent tsun anymore

>> No.22413547

When you try to force people to like someone you'll get the exact opposite reaction.

>> No.22413619

1.) You can't please everyone
2.) It's not healthy to seek validation from a basketweaving forum
3.) She's not playing Megaman Battlenetwork

>> No.22413628

true. ill keep that in mind

>> No.22413645

It was found lumi has a close relationship with her mod a cringy schizo from /here/ cyberlive girls gave her shit for it and she left because she don't want to leave him. One of the fun part is the girl she left with made a server to shittalk lumi

>> No.22413647

Lumi can sing and dance

>> No.22413691

She plays Megaman X
inb4 Megaman Battlenetwork is the next game she plays

>> No.22413857

Finish X first. Z after X is cool too.
MMBN is a seperate universe and has nothing to do with the canon megaman chronology but it's a fun series. Or maybe she could grab one step from eden if it's on sale because it's a zatsu bait roguelite with very similar combat as MMBN.

>> No.22413882

But sei is a trash schizo moron

>> No.22413980

All of this is gay and you guys are sissy faggots for engaging in drama led by an angsty schizo.

>> No.22414809

Still not good. Most anons here like cute and respectable girls, or coomerbait sexicons, not shit talking lolcow gremlins
/here/chuubas have their hugboxes in their generals, sure, but they're definitely not loved and included on the board as a whole, far from it, in fact they're usually disliked

>> No.22415129

I like Nene "my favorite whore" Amano because I actually use ASMR to sleep yet I got a boner listening to hers. From that very second I realized, yep, this bitch is pro. She's still /here/ though but never makes it known.

>> No.22415340

This. I feel kind of bad for Kiki because she wants VT as her only audience and even then a lot of schizos don't like her.

>> No.22415546

Oh, shit. These kind of fans are coming to Phase now.

>> No.22415600

What is so exceptionally bad about 2 people leaving a bad organization and joining a better one?
Or Pippa consistently delivering good streams and getting good numbers?

>> No.22415645
File: 61 KB, 897x505, 192E3398-8FF8-47F8-B3CE-218623F7F312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I really don't see why everyone just magically forgot Lumi keeping her doxxfag mod around and also that she's as fake and menhera as the rest of them. Like how shit of a person do you have to be to make your entire corpo hate you?

>> No.22415646

When are you playing Crusader Kings 3?

>> No.22415716

I'm just watching streams for enjoyment. It's pretty fun, I'd recommend it.
>mentally unstable whores, who are using emotional manipulation
>take advantage
You're trying way too hard.

>> No.22415843

I'm definitely neutral on the whole "lumi bad person" because it's a she said he said situation, but her keeping that mod around and pretend nothing happened definitely stinks. I have no idea why he won't just fade in the background and still contact with her. What's the point of continuing to be visible after everything?

>> No.22415970

She did a lot wrong.

>> No.22416027

Is Shirara part of Gen 2?

>> No.22416069

If that's true then I don't blame them. Choosing some retarded /here/schizo guy, just because he's your friend/bf or whatever, over your supposed chuuba "friends"/coworkers is an extremely menhera move and should be criticized for it. Too bad women can't talk things out and have to result to talking shit behind each other's back, but still

>> No.22416366

Lumi is just another pandering egirl who uses people for her own benefit, really. She would still be a nobody if not for Cyberlive, but she jumped ship when she couldn't milk them anymore. I never liked her even when she was still a 2view as Mira, but this just further shows her true colors as a selfish leech imo.

>> No.22416410

Menace, you really need to calm down. At least vary your typing style a little.

>> No.22416585

still dont believe the menace rrat, but all those posts are pretty damn similar

>> No.22416977

If I were menace I would do JOI asmr while playing DOTA2. But I'm not, unfortunately.

>> No.22417778
File: 12 KB, 601x162, who.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't even know who Menace or Sei was a few days back cause i don't watch cl, but whenever I've seen these seething posts it was always some lumifag schizo being extremely vindictive against that seanigger menace. I've seen multiple anons point out how that guy Sei is a schizo like this, so I too went along with the joke.
TL;DR Sorry Sei, but I'm not her, unironically take your meds

>> No.22417850
File: 15 KB, 616x164, 1639376147823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice try retard

>> No.22417930
File: 643 KB, 576x796, 1649282123022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well, that's awkward.
OP types like a faggot
That's all I wanted to say

>> No.22417967
File: 196 KB, 558x491, 1644143760315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy your (You), you're not getting any more from me

>> No.22418087

thanks buddy, I appreciate it.
