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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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22380421 No.22380421 [Reply] [Original]

Why are you guys so obsessed with Indonesians?
No wonder they post blacked propaganda here.
Don't treat people badly if you don't want to be treated badly. T.latino anon

>> No.22380455 [DELETED] 

SEAniggers and spics ruined /v/ and the very same niggers post here

>> No.22380582

Callate pedazo de mierda maricon tercermundista

>> No.22380612


>> No.22380680

Shut up you stupid mutt

>> No.22380683

I thought /v/ was ruined by Canadians and Aussies?

>> No.22380744

This board is insanely racist towards SEAs for some reason. I don't even know where it comes from. The shitposting seems to be equally as awful during all hours. Only the targets change.

>> No.22380757

Imagine living in a shithole carried by crime and rapings

>> No.22380765

t. Españistañì

>> No.22380780
File: 66 KB, 896x259, 1649863300731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're currently shitting up the comment sections on YouTube.

>> No.22380818

Typical autistic cumskins behavior.

>> No.22380824

not just indonesians, the whole SEA region.

>> No.22380878

Have you ever wondered who makes these retarded bait shit posts about Mori, Pomu or Gura? Yeah, that's the seaniggers son. This board hates them for a reason.

>> No.22380889

It's just Eurocunts from /pol/ being hateful bastards as usual.

>> No.22380916
File: 92 KB, 718x718, Wwhomrate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do your fucking reps anon.

>> No.22380927

Literally every single dox server is run by indogs

>> No.22380958

/v/ was always shit but it was decent for getting recs. What actually killed it was /pol/ tho.

>> No.22380966

Source: trust me bro

>> No.22380978

So many ppl they don't even bother reporting murders lol

>> No.22380982

>Imagine living in a shithole carried by pure schizophrenia
Fixed that for you

>> No.22381054

guy got fucked so hard he started feeling gay

>> No.22381120

Omg that's a huge asshole anon, did you just shit a huge turd?

>So many ppl they don't even bother reporting murders lol

Ah yes, there it is.

>> No.22381166

I dont think theres that many Euros here, compared to the number of anti SEA posts.

>> No.22381188

Some of those countries are plagued by organized crime.

>> No.22381197
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You're welcome

>> No.22381276

some of those countries run concentration camp

>> No.22381277

So the secret to low murder rate is:
>be an actually well put together homogeneous first world nation with low global political tension
>be a highly insular autheoritarian regime
>be too corrupt and poor to deal with murder

>> No.22381360

Sort by country https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epidemiology_of_schizophrenia

>> No.22381369

Wouldn't that just be a statistical thing considering their population and heavy consumption of Japanese media? It's not fair that SEAs get constantly shat on because of a few fucks.

>> No.22381370

I'm pretty sure both north and south americans take advantage of the fact that /vt/ will blame SEAniggers for everything to shit all over the board

>> No.22381405

>No wonder they post blacked propaganda here.
That's americans
T.oblivious american

>> No.22381454

And how do you know this exactly? From the ESL? Even eurotards, burgers, and south americans can have shit English. From the time it gets posted? Surprise surprise people can have shit sleeping schedule and post whenever. Eurofags and burgers just use "SEA hours" as an excuse when they have nothing else to say back when their oshi is getting shit on lmfao

>> No.22381477

The cope lmao.
Murders is the one reliable stastistic worldwide, there's a fucking body you cant dismiss it like you can with rape.
Your country is a shithole less civilised than south east asia

>> No.22381550

Yeah, with indonesia has big population almost as US. You must be delusional if whole country could always hides crimes forever.
Take your meds through anal since you are unironically falselflagger faggot

>> No.22381569

Never been called an ESL nor SEA. I think I am used to the site culture which is what really matters for blending in.

>> No.22381581

>Italy and Ireland among countries with the lowest homicide rate
Did you guys just ship all your maniacs off to the States in the 20th century or have you just gotten soft?

>> No.22381646

Most murders in LATAM are tied to the drug war which was started by the US tho.

>> No.22381681

Envy. Indonesia is the only country other than Japan itself with its own Hololive branch. HoloEN is a language based branch.

Even Niji after IN closure now only has KR and ID as country-based. NijiEN is again, a language-based branch.

In their mind, "why should this relatively insignificant country globally, got a special treatment from 2 biggest Vtuber corpo in the world?"

4chan being 4chan, they start shitting on Indonesia.

>> No.22381692

How the fuck is it reliable? In the US it's basically all or nothing. Most people are living a pretty comfy normal civillized life but when things go bad, it's bad. So things like murders make it seem a lot worse than it is. The actual average life of a SEAnig is awful in comparison.

>> No.22381696


>> No.22381795

So a higher rate of schizo causes Indon poster to make plenty bait posts? How is that connected Anon? Explain.

>> No.22382000

The top 4 countries are all from SEA you fucking retard. I'm not spoonfeeding you more. Use your brain.

>> No.22382026


>> No.22382059

Pure cope. Those people have been murdering each other constantly even before the Spanish arrived and never stopped.

>> No.22382120

That's in contrast with the Europeans who are the most peaceful people ever

>> No.22382170

You present the claim, you prove it, you explain it. It's always like this all over the world, be it in Court or scientific research. Otherwise it's an empty claim.

So, how exactly a higher rate of schizos cause posters to make bait posts? How does that work?

>> No.22382220

Have you watched Moona before? She mogs every single JP and EN girl. Kobo is really great too. Just wish she had better taste in games.

>> No.22382244

Right, and murders stop when the Spanish arrived right?

Right anon?

>> No.22382268



>> my sister got murdered
> did you report it
>> neh, my life kinda sucks so I just threw her body in the dumster instead
> understandable

>> No.22382441

Idk how you fail at reading anon comment. Rape statistics could be fabricated with false rape accusation but how you gonna fabricated false murder accusation when someone has to get murdered as proof? Murder statistics couldnt be fabricated easily

>> No.22382451

the people who live in the dumpster will report it tho?
and the police always looking for something to pad their achievement to get promotion faster and better their own live

>> No.22382474

seanigs, spics, and frogs have been ruining the internet longer than you've been alive

>> No.22382610


you're retarded anon. I'm saying everyone is going to report their family being killed. Even in shithole countries. Anon above saying statistics are unreliable bc muh unreported murders is coping

>> No.22382616

Timor Timur is not latino

>> No.22382728

No, they've never changed. All European efforts to civilize them failed.

>> No.22383042

>Andorra (0.00)

>> No.22383171

>everyone is going to report their family being killed
you're assuming that because you live in a low homicide country, it may not necessarily the case in somewhere else

>> No.22383189

>Why are you guys so obsessed with Indonesians?
Because I'm Indonesian
Did you see those indonesian food threads with 100ips in /vt/?
I'm sure some of us are larping as westerners too.

>> No.22383369

Bro don't get too emotional, you will break your fasting (unless you're not Moslem).

>> No.22383371

Indonesia is the 4th most populated country on this planet, treating them like a boogeyman is like saying theres burgers are a boogeyman
Theyre a bunch of active dox niggers who share their garbage through Facebook groups
Theyre also some of the part time jannies as seen by people getting banned for the mere word "subhuman" on /jp/

>> No.22383402

no military but instead everyone required to has guns

>> No.22383420

My love in life is Indonesian of course I'm obsessed

>> No.22383568
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So basically


>> No.22383674

Why does Indonesia looks like some parts of latam?

>> No.22383766

shitfling somewhere else tahi bangsat. sekalian batalin aja puasanya

how is that anon supposed to teach you if you don't even have the brain and time to try understanding it?

my heart goes to you fellow indog

>> No.22383830
File: 51 KB, 500x641, 5ifosr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

indonesian "criminal"

>> No.22384139

>containment breaker
Deserves to be bullied.
