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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 523 KB, 1422x655, 1632486039355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22368444 No.22368444 [Reply] [Original]

Is this based or cringe?

>> No.22368496
File: 530 KB, 1422x655, 1642865317721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22368519


>> No.22368595

Fuck you, cut your balls, and eat them
Can't you at least provide some more interesting drama? And not the same fucking thing every fucking day, subhuman?

>> No.22368604

I never really wanted to find out the context behind this, but I've seen it enough times now that I have to ask... what in the fuck was she talking about?

>> No.22368663

It's called a miscarriage.

>> No.22368787

She had a very heavy period one time and all the blood/uterine lining came out as in a single huge chunk.

>> No.22368841

This is disgusting

>> No.22368859

Very possible, the start of a placenta congealed into one mass

>> No.22368908

Wish i didn't open this fucking thread

>> No.22368980

My ex had one one. This description is pretty much exactly what it looked like. I ended up wrapping it up in a paper towel and threw it in the dumpster. It was very gross.

>> No.22369001

weak. Your oshi also has periods.

>> No.22369069

Does this mean she is very fertile or the opposite?

>> No.22369109

>i need drama threads to feel fulfilled
You need to go outside my dude

>> No.22369242

Think she had a menstrual clots
"Menstrual clots are gel-like blobs of coagulated blood, tissue, and blood that're expelled from the uterus during menstruation."

>> No.22369305

alright, we need to destroy women

>> No.22369329

You should have eaten it anon. Waste of food.

>> No.22369409

is she referring to prolapse or what

>> No.22369536

t. homosexual.

>> No.22369661


>> No.22370414
File: 230 KB, 1455x2048, bWVkaWEvRkQ5ZUsyZGFjQUFYZ21PLmpwZz9uYW1lPW9yaWc=.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My oshi's periods come out of her mouth

>> No.22371164

ok abortion muncher

>> No.22371483

Theirs a reason why vaginal imagery is so common in monster design

>> No.22372875

She's exaggerating so its cringe

>> No.22373061

i love to shit so i think i would love to do op's pic

>> No.22373131

>Haha my pussy popped out a monstrous hunk of ham
>Joke about how she should have grilled it
Based, that part made it funny

>> No.22373611

If it's in line with her regular content, I see no problem

>> No.22373654


I don't care about this bitch either way

>> No.22373739

She's completely right, but why the fuck do westerners have to keep pulling back the curtain? Everyone already knows there's a monetary incentive from hiding the BF and presenting as single.
Do kid's magic shows starts with the magician reminding everyone magic doesnt exist it's all tricks, they hide things in their sleeves?

>> No.22373779

women need to stop bitching about how men don't like hearing about periods. you should be in prison if you talk about the female reproductive system.

>> No.22373812


>> No.22373867

Post the video.

>> No.22373985

I wonder why they get so fucking bothered by us not wanting to hear it.
It's not like I talk about my fucking arse hair and expect women to tolerate listening to it.

I watched this video about Budhism and how women went to blood hell because they bleed and the comments were just full of women having a fucking sook about how people shouldn't be disgusted by them leeking blood from their fucking vaginas.

>> No.22374232

The difference is that most people go watch magicians to see tricks, while most go watch vtubers to get human interaction.
Tricking the audience with magic is what people come for magic shows, getting tricked by lies is not what most people come for vtubers.

>> No.22374295

Because women are groomed from childhood to be prostitutes and men are groomed to be their slaves
For a lot of women, pussy's all they have, it's all they are, it's their whole fucking personality

>> No.22374495

It's disgusting and unneeded information.

>> No.22374764
File: 28 KB, 276x337, 1640955791917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my oshi hit menopause.

>> No.22374816
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>> No.22374873
File: 103 KB, 261x284, 1622243362297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based as fuck

>> No.22374965

The only based part was grilling it, which came from her viewers so I guess they're based.

>> No.22375685

>while most go watch vtubers to get human interaction
No, I go to get anime interaction.
If I wanted humans I would've watched 3DPD streamers.

>> No.22376362

At least my oshi doesn't talk about whatever gross shit might come out of her vagina.

>> No.22378769

That sounds disgusting. Are we sure woment arent shape shifting aliens

>> No.22378855

Here's your containment sir.

>> No.22381523

There's hope for us all, now when I debut I can talk about how whenever I drink soft drinks I piss blood.

>> No.22381607

Vei does this a lot. She's also offered up the information that she's tasted cum too

>> No.22381958

According to the lore; the female did come after the male. I think we're on to something!

>> No.22383595

Normal bodily functions shouldn't be treated as disgusting, nor should they be fetishized. The thing that causes friction here is that socially the way we treat things is unequal... like women can talk about their periods, but if I ever mention that more than once I've caught my foreskin when zipping up my jeans I'd be labeled some sort of weirdo creep. And you know, that sounds fucking ridiculous, but that shit adds up, socially, when one group has a growing list of verboten topics and the other group seems to be able to talk about whatever.

>> No.22383841

Women are a privileged elite class, if you're only just realising this now I'm sorry

>> No.22384773

Trips confirm it is based

>> No.22386577

Women have periods all the time the more common something is the more people talk about it. If it was common courtesy to shit in other peoples mouths there would be casual conversations about how my neighbours shit tastes better than my sisters shit

Why does she talk like that? Why the fuck do western vtubers put on that annoying anime voice it's fucking aids YWNBJ

>> No.22386689


>> No.22387145
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>> No.22387168


>> No.22387175
File: 19 KB, 463x453, 23c4iupj7t461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck

>> No.22387266

With this new knowledge women are now more haram than homosexuals under the law of Allah. It is time to call jihad on the female sex.

>> No.22388804

cringe, dispite how hard she tries to pretend she's a badass she just runs away crying when people are mean to her

>> No.22391179
File: 994 KB, 168x162, hot[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fdwwvd3.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

