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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 722 KB, 1200x1000, Moona_Hoshinova_-_Portrait_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22354732 No.22354732 [Reply] [Original]

she can't sing. stop shilling her.

>> No.22354761

She's a goddess.

>> No.22354765

OP is deaf, please stop posting

>> No.22354798

I hope you're not Enna-poster, if she can't sing, please recommend me better singers?

>> No.22354803
File: 55 KB, 1300x714, moonesis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she can't dance

only thing about her is the way she walks

>> No.22354845

I want to cum inside Moona

>> No.22354892

You're funny, now kys

>> No.22354908

maybe you should cher your ears first, not even B-grade vsingers are this bad

>> No.22354917

Did your gay BF fucked your ears on both sides? Have you checked if you've got any cums left in either of your ears?

>> No.22354947
File: 52 KB, 623x620, STOP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22354969

OP is faggot confirmed

>> No.22354973

All power and no finesse
mom in law esque shouting instead of singing

>> No.22354979

Bruh you need to check your ears for real.

>> No.22355049
File: 947 KB, 1158x898, 1646458674756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im sorry your hearing loss faggot

no kys

>> No.22355058

Indogs really have a low standard of music, this is why flips hate you

>> No.22355093

Huh, that's nice. Wish more holomems covered ballads instead of moeshit

>> No.22355104

Look at this dogshit human being thinking he's special

>> No.22355137 [DELETED] 
File: 263 KB, 401x477, 1621558952550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

loot at this subhuman being thinking this bitch can sing

>> No.22355150

Just ignore

>> No.22355168

i see a lot of decent indogs music but never saw one from flip

>> No.22355169

so this is a flip thread after all

>> No.22355195


>> No.22355209

Moona is not that good of a singer. She will always be damned because of her inharmonic clunky ESL/JSL accent, outside autotune'd covers that is.

>> No.22355215

NTA but try Suzuna Nagihara, Cocoa Domyoji, MaiR or Koko.

>> No.22355217

ignore the fact? ok deaf nigger

>> No.22355277

A lot of my flip friends remember Indon music lyrics in Bahasa by heart, despite the language barrier.

Never saw one Indon remember flips Tagalog music, EN lyrics maybe but never Tagalog

>> No.22355290
File: 112 KB, 606x707, 1640984537966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22355293
File: 15 KB, 233x195, 1649582020418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she can't sing
Deafchama https://youtu.be/J9BwzIDeBto

>> No.22355316

Whoa, real nice singing there anon. Thanks for sharing.

What are you trying to get at? Sorry I don't understand.

>> No.22355319

God damn flip are the loudest yet they have nothing to be proud off

>> No.22355395

Nigger, Indog and Flips are brothers fuck off

>> No.22355404

Coping chumkek

>> No.22355415
File: 91 KB, 1000x950, 1648392310904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moona kneels to full power Mumei (all limiters removed + Gura imitation buff + hime of /here/ + LEX)

>> No.22355488

Malay here, Indon songs especially in 80s - 90s were massive hit in here. I remember how my parents have old cassette of Dewa 19 and Reza Artamevia while Malay songs like Sheila Majid and Situ Nurhaliza also popular among Indon

>> No.22355524


don't let her rent-free inside your head, just ask moona to pay her rent

>> No.22355542

Lmao the Japs in the comment section like it though, the only criticism they gave was that she mispronuncing two words

>> No.22355607

>>22355277 (me)

Yes anon, I remember Sinaran lyrics by heart. Great song btw.

Now we established that ID and MY exchange musics (and also series/movies mind you, Upin Ipin & Laskar Pelangi), but nothing like that has ever happened from PH to ID nor PH to MY.

So what are these flips saying?

>> No.22355668

Litteraly the first picture when you search her name, your point being?

>> No.22355690

Piss off, this cover is good.

>> No.22355810

Flips and Indogs are both subhuman

>> No.22355814

She does her reps, she’ll just get better and better as time goes on.

>> No.22355886

Seething nijinigger thread? Seething Nijinigger thread.

>> No.22355890

Siti Nurhaliza is the GOAT

>> No.22355910

But can she suck dick?

>> No.22355916
File: 358 KB, 428x472, 1623100067686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, no crap. even the best "singers" in hololive are only mediocre outside the low standards of the hololive bubble. vshojo and niji have trained opera singers, some indies are moonlighting pros, but hololive has... idk maybe suisei? listen to any proper vtuber singer outside of hololive, how can sora, azki, irys, gura, risu, moona, watame even compare. inb4 "h-he's a nijinog, he here to shill enner!", this is your brain on holobrony mode, suisei could probably make it, but the others - no chance. "h-heh if your singers are so good then w-, why wont you link them, ha-huh!", just look up any mixed music event and listen for 30 seconds..
but w* both know that youre gonna bury your head in the sand and pretend your singers are the best of the best, no better than the cuckbeats or the fundeads.

>> No.22356027

better than your oshi nijinipler

>> No.22356049

But my friend said that he heard a lot of Indopop in the streets of Manila, but none of their music ever reached Indonesia, except maybe one or two.

>> No.22356066

isabella 98 is my favorite

>> No.22356073


sorry but im not listening to your opera singer whore anon

>> No.22356092

I dont like singing.

>> No.22356140

Obvious nijinigger poster.

I am starting to think that antis poster here has been 1 flip nijinigger person all along.

>> No.22356155

Don’t care, her Karaokes are kino and her songs are good.

>> No.22356172

Lmao can you stop replying to your own post, OP

>> No.22356176


>> No.22356217

there you go.

>> No.22356510
File: 2 KB, 169x45, BTFO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy cope, way to expose yourselves as holobronies without even having to type it out. i dont even know why i bother posting in this thread, typical drama baiters only know how to post >n-nijiwhores and >vshitshowLOL. SEA should just be rangebanned at this point

>> No.22356722

>>22356510 (me)
ill even do some spoonfeeding for you, maybe look into some of these so you dont embarrass yourselves next time

>> No.22356726

>SEA should just be rangebanned at this point
if sea got rangebanned, how can you post here then

>> No.22356759

PH is a miserable people, they have always been looking up to America while the Americans prefer to give their attentions to Japanese or Australian.

If any flips are reading this, you should stop simping to America and start to look up to your Austronesian cousins. The future of the Phillippnes isn't in the US nor China, it's in the good relationship with your blood neighbors, Malaysia, Brunei, and especially Indonesia.

>> No.22356763

literal 0 IQ, check the image. dont forget to ask how to delete your post

>> No.22356789

Kek not gonna buy it, i can even memberd in yen if i want to

>> No.22356939
File: 211 KB, 1080x1440, YES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am holobronies and Indon Seanig, cos Moona's and Risu's singing make me one. So what?

Still better to be holobronies than nijiniggers, at least holobronies know quality and not filled with rich "I-wanna-feel-special-so-I'll-choose-this-Niji-2/3view" flip nijiniggers.

>> No.22356942
File: 419 KB, 454x427, 1647647821354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weak reply, not gonna get any more (you)s like that

>> No.22357018

Nijiloser get so desperate to make SEA anon get banned huh

well good luck on that
keep supporting your 2 views whore brother, they need your flip coin to eat pagpag

>> No.22357119

People who can't hear and fix their own accent have zero musical talent.

Be like suisei, can't speak English for shit but can still mimic the most beautiful intonation if she tried.

>> No.22357134

look at the image again

>> No.22357170

cringe reply, so im right

>> No.22357321

Given that a lot of flips ran away from their shitty country, you could still be a flip living in OZ.

Or it's quite easy to give donation in other currency, not impossible to do so.

So, you're a flip, whether you like it or not.

>> No.22357393

What is even the point of this thread? Moona isn’t even singing at the moment, nor has she sang within the past 24-hours.

>> No.22357496

Your Hachi bro?

>> No.22357551

ollie just have an unarchived kara with low numbers, maybe it

>> No.22357553

yes, Bob Marley and hundred of popular singer doesn't have musical talent

>> No.22357632
File: 22 KB, 474x474, 1647392823862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22357720


>> No.22362163

Is this suppose to be good?

>> No.22362208


>> No.22362423

Siti Nurhaliza literally made a career in indo

>> No.22362542

Kobo is the best singer rn. Her voice is just so stable during karaoke while playing guitar too.

>> No.22365425

This Nigger try to said how he look like went sucking horse dick
