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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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22305050 No.22305050 [Reply] [Original]

>Who is Natsuiro Matsuri?

A rookie on the Cheerleading Team. Cheerful and affectionate, her pleasant attitude means she gets along with everyone. She has a lot of friends, and loves festivals and events.


Debut date: June 1, 2018 https://youtu.be/dJ-8EGi5zCs

Birthday: July 22nd

Height: 152 cm

Fanbase name: Matsurisu

Illustrator: Minamura Haruki

Official Line Account: https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40uci1596z

Art Hashtag: #祭絵
R18 Hashtag: #まつりは絵っち

>Clips and Highlights

Funny Clips
Matsuri’s Band-aid Story - https://youtu.be/aqHs4VTb2FU
Mario Cat Tsukkomi - https://youtu.be/sJQrvUQera8
Crazy English Quiz - https://youtu.be/7fHcKFa84u0
Matsuri Rap - https://youtu.be/UaXZQWxfqRw
Hololive Resistance - https://youtu.be/gDsgYjJdVRI
Kamen Rider Voiceover - https://youtu.be/UI1Mx460Gjk
Matsuri goes to a fan’s Animal Crossing - https://youtu.be/khDu33ucseE
Matsuri’s swimsuit https://youtu.be/kfzLwBgxyIk

Dancing Clips
Marine Dance Lesson https://youtu.be/VEpZrSPkeqY
Matsuri dances for an entire stream - https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1pt411G7bV?from=search&seid=11893661079322730761

Singing Clips
Matsuri sings Natsu Matsuri - https://youtu.be/b-1Y-noj5v8
Matsuri sings Part of Your World - https://youtu.be/1QKR2Tk8lQc
Matsuri sings summertime - https://youtu.be/pjy_yrE9cqM
Matsuri sings Let it Go - https://youtu.be/H5D1C5gGxic
Matsuri sings Fansa at HoloFes 1 - https://files.catbox.moe/li2fcd.webm

Serious Clips
Matsuri talks about Luna - https://youtu.be/ZPhcwi__zTE
Matsuri on being an adult - https://youtu.be/kyVdR-uf8CI
Matsuri on her weight - https://youtu.be/mq9xEXjLsCg
Matsuri and Hero - https://youtu.be/kijLgoW3JdU
Matsuri and APEX - https://youtu.be/_HK6cwV8qJ4
Matsuri on Haters - https://youtu.be/X1H403B0b9E
Matsuri on From 1st - https://youtu.be/WTD9FX3nB7M

Relaxing Clips
Imitating Various Holomembers - https://youtu.be/xSijBFWm8V8
Matsuri on her Dad - https://youtu.be/ufsFm5KK5rw
Why Matsuri became a Vtuber - https://youtu.be/nW6XGUr0-Ww
Matsuri in the bath - https://youtu.be/st7D2uKsMpQ

Space Archive: https://pastebin.com/ghLT3uUt

Matsuri Archive:

Game: Matsurisu Panic https://lyger.github.io/matsurisu-panic/

Feel free to suggest more clips below, and I'll add them to this list!

Last thread: >>21932425

>> No.22305706

Why is Matsuri still a rookie on the cheerleader team after 4 years? A better question: why hasn't she graduated yet?

>> No.22305755

And before smartasses respond to this: graduate from high school, not Hololive

>> No.22305764

God wills it

>> No.22306414

I'm a latino man I think I have big chances with Matsuri

>> No.22306537
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>> No.22308572
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>> No.22310379

Scared Festival...

>> No.22310407

Awake Festival

>> No.22311333

Love Festival...

>> No.22313158

dead general

>> No.22314256
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>> No.22314462

Cute couple

>> No.22316510
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Is that so?

>> No.22317343

sex with festival

>> No.22320082
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>> No.22320986

I love Matsuli!

>> No.22322152
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>> No.22323992

I hate hating matuli

>> No.22326099
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>> No.22328250
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>> No.22332027


>> No.22339905

Cute Festival...

>> No.22340148

Deleting APEX from Matsuri’s PC

>> No.22340810

Sex with Festival....

>> No.22344567

Licking Festival...

>> No.22346452
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>> No.22347005

Talk assholes

>> No.22348136
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>> No.22350540

Many Festivals...

>> No.22351860
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>> No.22351899

Naked Matsuri

>> No.22353476

Which Holomen do you all enjoy seeing Matsuri interact with the most?

>> No.22353733

Fubuki and Towa but I want to see her interact more with Pekora

>> No.22353959

Fubuki will always be my favorite. They always have so much fun together. I would like an Aqua collab in the future. The Totsus with the two are always fun and Aqua does seem to like her.

>> No.22354147

I suppose no way she can join Korone's totsu

>> No.22354291

It's starting!

>> No.22354358

Let's go! More of a day one performance please.

>> No.22354484

Is there anyone she hasn't molested yet?

>> No.22354648

Yeah, me.

>> No.22355119

Hope her throat is okay.

>> No.22355210

That was a really bad position

>> No.22356044

She literally jumped in the middle of at least 3 teams and even acknowledged it beforehand
Yesterday and today is likely to be the same, her game sense is broken

>> No.22357239

Astel's kill on her was really good. That was such a dangerous fight

>> No.22357931

Wait wtf. Did she just int solo?
And now they're fucked.

>> No.22358579


>> No.22359146

At least they are having a good time

>> No.22359426

matuli is maturing, she's learned to cope with her menhera

>> No.22359593

Surely one day she will drop that stupidly aggressive playstyle

>> No.22359617

>Team was together
>Secured low ground
>Matsuri flies off solo to get downed.
I mean it makes sense if her back was to the wall or something, but her back was open there. If the guy in front didn't down her some sniperfag would have.

>> No.22359760

I blame HSKW being on her team.
She's in show off mode. Probably.
And they got wiped because she essentially wasted all her HP fucking around in the open.
Damn, has she always roamed that far? Dangerous when you cannot just Q to safety.

>> No.22359835

honestly the most stupid thing about last round was that they didn't swap gold bag to gibby, festival might have lived there with the extra stats

>> No.22359922

When she plays with her coach she still wastes to much health and dies first
I blame the devotion and havoc caused her to play like this, either drop them to learn the basic mechanic again or just take a short apex break.
This will go nowhere

>> No.22360007

Despite the bad plays, 10th with 3 kills I think is their best performance of the day

>> No.22360220

Wait what? Not the kind of mistake you expect a premade to make.

LStar was better last VSaikyou though, then again my memory of most of that is hazy now.
I would hesitate to blame the weapons for it, there is probably some other reason.
I wonder if having a theoretically stronger team is making her play more aggressively this time.
Another thing I wonder is whether her offline solomas caused her to pickup bad habits.

Honestly though, this is frustrating. But at least I'm coping by nothing that this is still only the 3rd day. If she still does this by Friday than they're doomed.

>> No.22360272

Oops. Meant noting, not nothing.

>> No.22360424

Otoh, it's also entirely possible that she's already comfortable with a more defensive playstyle and she's using the scrims to try something more aggressive. That is the point of scrimming after all.
At the end, only game day matters.
Though if so they should still weave in defensive plays on occasion so as not to get rusty.

>> No.22360438

ye matsuri looted it from a deathbox toward the end of the round, they had time to swap tho
I think her blain bloken during that last round

>> No.22360539

Oh, that late eh.
Can't remember if the ring was closing.
But anyway, swapping backpacks is one of the most annoying shit around so I wouldn't blame her.
But seriously, backpacks are really fucking annoying for so many reasons. If only there was some QoL thing where you can directly swap them.

>> No.22360602

Is she sniffling?

>> No.22360676

Why isn't asumi talking?

>> No.22361156

>That pileup.
They did okay at least.
Nice dome too.

>> No.22361278

It was a good assault on Reid's team. Pakael just kind of destroyed though

>> No.22361396

Good recovery of her mental state

>> No.22361699

Feeling good after taking drugs isn't recovery.

>> No.22361910

She doesn’t take drugs nor recovering

>> No.22361951

Apparently Asumi is now duoing with Pinky in scrims.

>> No.22364686


>> No.22367264
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>> No.22368386

Should’ve include Hoshikawa and white Towa in the OP

>> No.22369086

Maybe next thread if the thread dies before or on the day of the tournament

>> No.22371545
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apparently she let some antis get to her again?

>> No.22372235

Yeah, she did. What are you going to do with this information? Bitching about her for letting the antis get to her for a thousandth times? That would be wonderful.

>> No.22372585

nothing. i was just wondering, wasn't able to watch due to being out and heard it through the grape vine.

>> No.22372699
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Well you’re boring

>> No.22373350

Who would you say Matsuri is closest to in each generation?

>> No.22373866

Love Festival...

>> No.22374066

Aki for Gen1
Luna for Gen4
Mio for Hologamers
I’m not sure about the rest

>> No.22374097

karaoke tomorrow.

>> No.22374150

0: Suisei
1: Maybe Haato. Could be Fubuki.
2: Shion
3: Noel
4: Towa
5: Nene
6: Laplus
EN1: Kiara
EN2: -
ID1: -
ID2: Ollie
ID3: -

>> No.22374276

No, Aki. Did Matsuri ever cry seeing Haato or Fubuki perform on stage?

>> No.22374381

0. Suisei
1. Haato
2. No one, used to be Shion.
Gamers: No one, used to be Korone.
3. Marine
4. Towa
5. Nene
6. Early days

>> No.22374489

I’m basing my judgement from how she interacts with them. She may cried from her performance but would she playfully try to grope Aki? At least I’m aware that they do some banter though.

>> No.22374817

0: Suisei
1: Fubuki maybe
2: Choco
3: Noel
4: Kanata
5: Nene
6: Laplus
EN1: Kiara
EN2: Bae
ID1: None
ID2: Ollie
ID3: None
Gen 1 is hard because Matsuri might be the one Aki, Haachama, and Fubuki are closest to within the Gen. Choco for Gen 2 because of the Christmas collab. She doesn't mention going to Coco's much anymore, but I feel like there is a bond between her and Kanata.

>> No.22374945

Ah, Noel for Gen 3 is a good pick. I always forget about it because they rarely do stuff on screen, but they've steadily been friends in the background for ages now.

>> No.22375117

That will be nice. Is her throat in condition for it though?

>> No.22375263

You reckon?

>> No.22375401

I was a bit sad the Holox collabs dried up so soon. She seems to be getting along with them off stream at least

>> No.22376142

Shower time

>> No.22377796

Well that's cute

>> No.22378801

>ywn take a shower with Festival
why live?

>> No.22379909
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>> No.22380022

I love how artists draw her nopan when she is using that dress

>> No.22382359
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>> No.22385196
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>> No.22385210

That's still my favorite from the artist

>> No.22387150
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>> No.22388840
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>> No.22390520
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