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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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22288037 No.22288037 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.22288046


>> No.22288063


>> No.22288066

Omega is an it not a her anon, get it right.

>> No.22288077


>> No.22288098

FF14 update dropped and they quit to focus on their passion of a shitty mmorpg

>> No.22288120


>> No.22288177


>> No.22288316

In all honesty, the concept was too chuuni. Hopefully cover realizes how stupid this was and goes back to simple ideas

>> No.22288338


>> No.22288372

fired, hopefully

>> No.22288388

Listen you retarded tourist newfag,

First of all Omegatranny is a man. No girl would pass up the opportunity of making a girl character in a fucking IDOL company. No girl types like this EXTEMELY ROBOTIC, SOULLESS AUTIST does. And finally, no actual girl would CONSTANTLY GET ADDRESSED AS HE/HIM BY THE FUCKING HOLOS THEMSELVES (before they awkwardly correct themselves to "...or she or whatever" when they remember the lore)

Get it through your fucking skull and stop being so bad at picking up information.

To address your question, the project most likely got scrapped. Probably because they realised its literally one powedrunk faggot grandstanding. "Ohhhh I'm like the A-Chan of EN haha" (even though he never actually does anything). It was patently obvious that all the girls hated his attentionwhoring. They might even have fired him, because soon after his departure, Covet coincidentally announced applications for an EN manager position.

>> No.22288407


>> No.22288427


>> No.22288482

Troon make council flopped and do nothing about it

>> No.22288577


>> No.22288650


>> No.22288788

I hate this piece of shit so much. No sane fan of Hololive is going to appreciate their useless management team, and this motherfucker decides to insert himself front and center. Fucker is also responsible for the shitty shitshow that is IRyS + Council with all their lore bullshit and goofy as hell designs.

>> No.22288814

Why do people still talk about Omega anyway? It's obvious that he's gone.

>> No.22288833


>> No.22288863


>> No.22288866 [DELETED] 

>Forced homostars EN branch to open
>Joins homostars
Easy, he'll debut along side the others, and you can and will feel the awkwardness whenever the rest of the guys have to interact with him, because he has the power to destroy their branch at any moment.

>> No.22288872


>> No.22288914

>39 KB JPG

>> No.22289038


>> No.22289177


>> No.22289216 [DELETED] 

>File: 25C2532A-B30A-44CE-A3B1-5(...).jpg (39 KB, 400x400)
>39 KB
> What happened to her Anonymous 04/12/22(Tue)15:37:14 No.22288037▶>>22288066 >>22288098 >>22288316 >>22288372 >>22288407 >>22288788 >>22288814 >>22288866 >>22289177

>> No.22289355

OP here
Seems like I fucked up

>> No.22289366
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>> No.22289461

I like Bae's Mane-chan. Bae speaks fairly positively about them and they do appear to help her get her projects done. Her Mane-chan seems to give a shit about Bae's well being. I don't know if the rest even talk about their managers at all. If they don't, that's kind of a bad sign.

>> No.22289624

Not sure if I can totally shit on him for suggesting they play FF14 depending on when he did it. Last year it was objectively a good move as a streamer to stream FF14. If he were to push for it today that'd be retarded.

>> No.22290120

He is MIA in Ukraine

>> No.22290234

>happened to

>> No.22290244


>> No.22290491

Considering the only recent activity on his Twitter were retweets of events related to Cover and the last time he liked a piece of art was on late January I think it's quite possible he was fired. It we compare to his hiatus on December the account was completely silent, so I believe it's safe to assume someone else at Cover took control of it.

>> No.22290641

Who knows what went on behind the scenes, but HoloEN wasn't streaming much and a few gripes about management slipped through. Hopefully they fired the one who was needlessly bantering about game permissions.

>> No.22290666


>> No.22290716

also a useless fuck who cant even filter 18+ messages on her Q&As, the faggot made her say so many Vwhore tier stuff on stream.

>> No.22290851

Went over like a lead balloon, and Holo cut the concept loose.
Still does his job, but direct interaction like A-chan? ded, not gonna be resurrected.
Holo will never announce it, they just quietly let it die.

>> No.22290935

Thank you for traveling with /vt/ tours. Now please get out.

>> No.22291003

Fuck off, I'm not done sniffing the seats where the femanons sat

>> No.22292126

(((You))) harassed the account so hard the whole group of people it represented decided to back away from it.

>> No.22292188

wtf I love Russia now

>> No.22292698

Kiara dunking on Omega again in her Kibaba april fools stream. Skip to 35:04

>> No.22292909

I don't remember a single moment Kiara mentioned the chuuni fucker in a positive way.

>> No.22293905

For knowing what it's like to work for a Japanese company and obeying the rules no matter how nonsensical, Kiara certainly seems to enjoy shitting on her management live in front of thousands a lot.
Not saying she's wrong, mind. But her idea of 'Japanese Work Culture' appears to be 'I'm fucking done with this shit.'

>> No.22294647 [DELETED] 

>>22288037 File: 25C2532A-B30A-44CE-A3B1-5(...).jpg (39 KB, 400x400)
39 KB
What happened to her Anonymous 04/12/22(Tue)09:37:14 No.22288037▶>>22288066 >>22288098 >>22288316 >>22288372 >>22288407 >>22288788 >>22288814 >>22288866 >>22289177 >>22289366 >>22290851 >>22292126

>> No.22295234

She also called management for how retarded they were taking the whole lore thing during a myth collab.
Kiara has become based.

>> No.22296137

This basically confirms he's gone...
" even when I was in Myth I never heard of him or whatever it was again "

>> No.22298567

Same reason why holofags still make takamori ship art even though both publicly killed it: they're retarded and need an outlet for their own issues.

>> No.22298666

Can anyone make a "Kiara shitting on Omega" compilation?
At least post timestamps. Need to show it to a friend who also really despises the shitter.

>> No.22299231

Yeah Pekora's FF14 stream did well. Lot of western streamers were bandwagoning on it too.

But the problem with FF14 is the party system can be kind of chaotic for solo stream. If they wanted to do it now it would actually be easier with the 6.1 change letting you do all the story dungeons with NPCs.

>> No.22299570

I mean Council debuted and that was followed by a trailer of Omega, essentially stealing their thunder.
I also remember Mumei saying awhile ago she shares manager's with Ame now, so something def happened.

>> No.22299834

Hope they share managers and beds too.

>> No.22302210

Doesn't that mean Ina broke up with her boyfriend?
I don't think the relationship could last after he got sacked.

>> No.22304008


>> No.22307936


This one was pretty great. From the way Ame and Gura reacted it was definitely not a one off thing and probably was discussed before in their discord.

>> No.22307942

that's an it. and nobody knows what happened to it. nobody really cares, either.

>> No.22308040

HoloStarsEN Gen1 applicant

>> No.22308162

Is this rrat true? Do you have proof?

>> No.22308217

He hated being referred to as male, I doubt he'll join a male branch where he'll have to embrace the he/him pronouns.

>> No.22308722

Part of Noctyx

>> No.22308776


>> No.22308984

>that's an it

no anon, that's a he. get your pronouns right, it's kinda rude, you know

>> No.22308996

Should EN get their own A-chan? And why wouldn't it be jENma?

>> No.22309239 [DELETED] 
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I am afraid of putting my headphones on, I can hear Rosemi's screams without even wearing them

>> No.22309436

Omega was supposed to be an A-chan. But the problem is that EN does not run like JP so they do not need an A chan for events.

The girls barely if ever use the Hololive EN official channel and any full EN collab events is just done on a couple channels for pov and not as serious.

The individual managements to the girls do have fan names and even fan art though.

>> No.22309458

A-chan was there in the beginning so she's a respected figure in the company

Anyone trying to do a similar role would get ridiculed as much as omegatroon

Best they can do is an EN Nodoka equivalent as an intern character that EN girls can bully around

>> No.22309529

>>22309436 (me)
Also depending on if he is the same management involved with Irys as he is with Myth then he also had a problem with not properly managing Irys and getting her better songs etc while also letting Sana debut with a shit model and letting Kronii fuck up her initial momentum to get addicted to offline minecraft to cope with her depression.

Guy was a fuckup.

>> No.22309533

Just a screencap of Ina and a manager acting chummy in the minecraft chat talking about ff 14

>> No.22309683

there was also her "manager" during the first two weeks or something like that being in her room and giving her tea or something like that to drink. small occurence but it wasn't her sister for sure since she didn't live with her back then and not her parents because they didn't know she's a holo chuba until way later (around her birthday).

>> No.22309769


>> No.22309821

Subversive, provocative, brave

>> No.22309912

when they realised trannies cant work, he got the boot

>> No.22309970


>> No.22310380

>Gura saying "uh oh"
>Ame deflecting the conversation back to the Student Council gag
>Ina making the "bottom" joke because she already knows she's in a clip
>Mori losing her shit
Yeah this was definitely a rant Kiara had been revving up to for a bit.

>> No.22310625

It's amazingand I love it.
True unity achieved by hating on a useless fuck.
and of course mori says nothing when it's against a male

>> No.22310691

An EN A-chan could work. Problem is that Omegafag was the exactly the opposite.
- rather than growing organically into the role, was forced from the top
- rather than being a cute manager, fitting the idol theme, he was effectively an edgy self-insert
Omegafag is the equivalent of an edgy sanic oc written by a bullied thirteen year old.

>> No.22310811


>> No.22310945

Noone tell him

>> No.22311058
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>closer to crish-chan than a-chan

>> No.22311106

Kiara repeatedly and openly shitting on Omega completely turned around my opinion on her. Based!!

>> No.22312253


>> No.22312317


>> No.22312487

This, giga fucking retard with Kronii. She's literally blowing up on minecraft arc and didn't stream 90% of the time. Just awful management all around.

>> No.22313947
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>> No.22314147

if the person behind omega got fired, why don't cover just get someone else to take over?
it's not like omega has a voice or anything, i always assumed that it would be a shared account for all managers which is why it has no sex.

>> No.22314815

The account still sees some activity >>22290491, but it's all retweets of events and none of the chuuni shit Omega was known for. If he was really fired Cover might drop the idea and just use the handle for HoloEN related updates.

>> No.22315124

I fucked the shit out of his tight little boy pussy and watched it drip out his ass.
We're adopting a girl next week. I think I'll call her Margaret.

>> No.22318282

You cant deny the girls seem far more productive and happier since Omega went silent.

>> No.22318475

Please this! Give the EN girls an cute intern they can bully for content!!

>> No.22319526

Kiara has plenty of experience working with Japanese companies. Her shitting on Omega like this on every opportunity makes me think that whatever that fuck had in mind it's completely over.

>> No.22320121

There's no need for an EN A-chan because EN management is doing exactly zero work on content other than event appearances.
Meanwhile JP management is doing holoExpo, holoConcerts (FES, bloom, fantasia, from1st), all sort of IRL collaborations, holograph, NicoNico fan club content, official channel programs, etc. etc... that's why Nodoka-chan debuted, and why Izuri-san has a voice. A-chan was to busy to assist in recordings.
During the r/place aftermath T-chan said on a fan discord that she consulted Yagoo for a model and got a negative (too expensive). EN is not getting a chuba any time soon, at least while there's a pandemic.

>> No.22321330

Based. Also new copypasta.

>> No.22322028

Not that anon but thanks, i never understand who the fuck was him

>> No.22322114

eww, what was yagoo even thinking?

>> No.22325424

you must be really bad at your job if the people working under you can only manage an "oh yeah, that guy" at best before moving on

>> No.22325572


>> No.22326126

Reminder that even Ina shits on him now and they were never a couple

>> No.22328783


Kronii also talked about Omega being a man. There must be clips about that floating around on YouTube.

>> No.22328909


>> No.22329217

He ran out of gender fluid. It's a debilitating issue.

>> No.22329431

In the wrestling world it is called a burial. Basically management thought this was the coolest fucking idea ever. Then Kiara just buried the whole gimmick which in turn made management realize how dumb and unnecessary the idea was. Let's not forget Omega was trying to set himself up as somehiw bigger then Council (or as Mumei now calls them En Gen 2 since that's what they are you dumbass chuuni trying to tell people Holox is ACKTUALLU pronounced Horus like a fucking retard. But yeah he was clearly trying to make) like a fucking asshole.

Let's also nit forget it is believed he shit talked Gura in front of Council when Gura turned in a massive list for permissions. Several of the Games like Powerwash simulator starting entire Flavor of the Month streams even in JP.

>> No.22330019

>even Ina shits on him
Source? She was the only one who ever talked positively about that thing. It made the rrat way more believable

>> No.22330152

Somewhere in here when asks her to draw one for Omega

>> No.22330543

>Somewhere in here
Really? Do you at least kinda remember what she said?

>> No.22330652

Chat asked her to draw an omega emote and she basically went hell no

>> No.22330666


>> No.22330695

Didn't this guy originally set themselves up as the person who came up with the EN branch? I swear I remember seeing that in a description somewhere.

>> No.22330703

him being a chuuni faggot probably changed her opinion. it might not have been as pronounced before but it got unleashed when he got a little power

>> No.22330751

Is it true that omega is being replace by slugma? EN3 might be saved.

>> No.22330861

Pretty close, yeah. He was very far up his own ass and got slapped the fuck back down.
now all he does is moderate here for free

>> No.22330879

that was from an interview where he also talked about using holoen to tell his story. iirc it's from a bit before myth debuted

>> No.22330893

Do you think Omega is the cuckbeat janny?

>> No.22330965

Maybe his departure will mean EN3 will have less lorefaggotry.

>> No.22331006

No, he is the mod. The janny is just his fuck toy.

>> No.22331015

It's kind of insane that Cover seems to have a generally great eye for hiring talen but management is one big fuck up after another. Wouldn't be surprised if the person not returning Coco's messages to try and collab with EN was this guy.

>> No.22331084

>reddit spacing
go back

>> No.22331104

Definitely. Compare Myth (wacky creatures and a funny detective) with Council (x is god of the universe and y controls time etc). They should just retcon Council's lore and forget it ever happened.

>> No.22331172

That's not Reddit spacing, newfag retard. You know enough to be malicious but not enough to be right.

>> No.22331205

Probably got fired because he did absolutely nothing useful and kept trying to steal credit for things he didn't do. It's a shame that character design was wasted on him.

>> No.22331252

Council works way better when they're just simple girls. Mumei is an owl. Baelz is a rrat. Fauna works as mother nature cause she's a vegan treehugger irl. Kronii enjoys talking about her huge clock a lot for some reason. And Sana is big. That's all

>> No.22331254

very very likely

>> No.22331255

Retconning it all would be cool but, to what?

>> No.22331295

Let the girls themselves do what they want with their lore. It's become such a non-factor in their kayfabe outside of "Haha shouldn't you care about this cause you're X"

>> No.22331382

To something simple like Myth. They don't need ten paragraphs of poorly written fanfiction in their descriptions.

>> No.22331436

he couldn't figure out how to include a foul mouthed dragon in his precious lore, give him a break

>> No.22331509

I think the fucked up models Ame had made for Council in the Halloween stream did more to bury the lore than anything dumb chuuni lore videos falling flat with the Hololive fanbase. You just can't have serious complicated kayfabe/lore in a streamer environment.

>> No.22331564

"What about Omega? Um.. probably not, members only" (while laughing)

>> No.22331581
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>What happened to-ACK

>> No.22331636

Korone = dog
Gura = shork

Didn't they realize simple lore is the best? Apparently not

>> No.22331677

>places her coworkers in an awkward position where they all clearly have heard this before and don't want to get into it in front of an audience
>fucking Ina of all people has to make a sex joke to alleviate the tension
>"h-ha, look how based, guys, she's saying what they're all thinking"
do chickenshits really?

>> No.22331751

>and of course mori says nothing when it's against a male
>was laughing her ass off while the other 3 girls clearly wished Kiara hadn't brought it up
Are you, by chance, autistic?

>> No.22331819

>To address your question, the project most likely got scrapped.
The delusions of a 4tranny. Cover didn't scrap their OC because he triggers you, faggot.
He's probably going to debut with Homostars. Brace yourself for your own seething.

>> No.22331872

It didn't sound like genuine laughter to me, but Mori rarely sounds genuine to me and deadbeats always tell me it's just how she is so idk.

>> No.22331919

Ah so it is just autism then

>> No.22332124

Specifically Mori's, yes.

>> No.22332185
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Unironically when did she get so based?

>> No.22332244


>> No.22332384

>Here comes omegatranny defender
So the fact omega demoted to 4chan /vt/ board is confirmed >>22331006

>> No.22332404
File: 49 KB, 486x420, 1649668536543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>FF14 autist
>to the point of bothering the girls to play also (they largely refused)
>fucked off for a whole month to play Endwalker, except December is an important month for Hololive
>a month later, started saying "goodbyes" to all the girls, hasn't had a single chuuni tweet since
That's the timeline as best as I can tell, he probably missed some meetings/deadlines and when they found it was to play a fucking MMO, he probably got fired or at least demoted. Better people have been fired for far less.

>> No.22332440

>started saying "goodbyes" to all the girls
Was this revealed to you on a dream or...?

>> No.22332705

There you go, definitely not suspicious or anything. Just told everyone to take care and has barely tweeted for uh, 3 months.

>> No.22332726

>stating facts
>"n-no you"
Faggot. I didn't say anything about the person who originally played the character. His last non-promotional tweet saying "Take care, everyone." feels like a subtle farewell to me.
All I'm saying is that you're a drooling retard if you think they're retiring the character they paid for because one manager quit.
Doesn't happen in Japan. At worst, he was "encouraged" to find new work. Unless he literally raped a chuuba, in which case, he's definitely one of (you).

>> No.22332943

Man, you twittertrannies have gotten so stupid that I can't even tell if this is bait or just npc brainrot

>> No.22333049
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>Man, you twittertrannies have gotten so stupid that I can't even tell if this is bait or just npc brainrot

>> No.22333436

go back omegatroon

>> No.22333568

>meme words
>npc brainrot

>> No.22333879

It's pretty obvious they're silently retiring the character. Hard to say if the guy left Cover or if they just realized it doesn't make sense to give EN an A-chan. He barely did anything and a lot of people didn't like him or his boring lore. Failed project.

>> No.22334044

I think the fact that Omega never showed up on stream was a clear indicator that it was a dude. Don't know why they'd do that other than sheer incompetence. Should have just done another office staff style intern.

>> No.22334094

Student Council. All get high school outfits to go along with it. Don't ditch the old ones, but have a sort of side theme to lean into when they feel like it.

>> No.22334099

>a lot of people
proof next thread?

>> No.22334167

>le student council theme
>a concept only a faggot who watches anime would find appealing

>> No.22334325

I'm still here, just working behind the scenes. Expect to hear a lot more from me in the near future. For instance, I'll be having an offcollab with some of the cuter EN girls and cumming in all their holes.


>> No.22334575

Council's fanfiction lore fell through, and since he doesn't even stream there's no point to his character anymore.

>> No.22334615

>what they actually went with
>a concept that only an actual chunibyou or a manchild would find appealing
Student council is essentially nothing anon, it just means they're people and they can just do whatever with it as far as specifics go, it just ties them together.

>> No.22334624
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none of the girls acknowledged this. I was wondering why I hadn't seen it

>> No.22334787

Some female autists like larping as a man, like Kronii, but it's definitely a guy
It's Ina's old Ao-chan before the character was retired, ancient ones used to post in Ina's chat all the time in a really annoying and chuuni way, got replaced with tako's because no one really liked it and Ina can stand on her own as a streamer

>> No.22334863

>a faggot who watches anime
Do you also like those anitubers who call people who actually talk about anime "weebs"?

>> No.22335101

We know this is you Fauna.

>> No.22335254

I'm on the toilet and bored, so I'll bite.
I'm not the anon that said npc brainrot. I just hate frog and wojak posters like you Omega.

At least 3 different people who recently posted on this thread don't like omega. None of the HoloEN girls have anything good to say about omega. None of the splits on vt likes omega.
Oddly, there is one poster (consistent tone, posting style, penchant for frog/wojaks) that shows up on every omega threads and starts defending him. It's him vs the world. Very suspicious and pathetic.

>> No.22335459

I hope clockfags enjoy that boob widow while it lasts. Because once Kronii gets her normal second outfit, you'll never see it again.

>> No.22336142

>idol company
>manager of en doesn't care about idols
Delete this person from the company already

>> No.22336219

>polling 4tran to gather community feedback on a product
tell me more about how Calliope Mori is gonna graduate any day now

>> No.22336299

>getting defensive
ha ha holy shit you actually watch anime
you are human afterbirth and need to die

>> No.22336332

this is probably the biggest reason why kiara dislikes omegay, was actively trying to kill her dream

>> No.22336366

Feel free to direct us to the Omega Alpha fan reddit

>> No.22336434

Mori had to get another company buyout part of her contract so she couldn't just be terminated

>> No.22336439

you are fake news, shut the fuck up

>> No.22336546

>looking for fan reddits
oh no no no
>literal schizophrenia
imagine being wrong about literally everything in your life

>> No.22336560

Imagine if the next Kronii outfit also has boob window because her artist doesn't know how much she hates her tits.

>> No.22336597

>nothing in omegays lore about idols or idol groups
>did nothing in all the time he existed in helping their idol activities
Anon, this faggot wanted them to be RWBY 2.0 or something just as equally bad

>> No.22336884

That's functionally what a contract buyout means anon, she rushed to get another company to own her when rushia got terminated.
Mori now has termination protection, sure she can be kicked out of hololive, but she is now on AZKI's old situation, she is co-owned until UMG decides to buy her contract completely and leave hololive.
It's a good financial move for Mori, no risk of getting terminated for breaching contract and losing access to the Mori Calliope model.

>> No.22337306

Seeing as how her new years outfit gave her a breast band I think it'll go in the opposite direction and that she'll get the flare treatment and have original model conservatively redesigned

>> No.22337666

>has to recalibrate his retarded rrat from "she's gonna get fired for hitting the lean and leaking company info to anitubers" to "uh wait hold on no the only reason that didn't happen is because she got picked up by Universal"
Jesus fuck, anon, just take the L.

>> No.22338061

>Let the girls themselves do what they want with their lore.
They're employees. Cover hires them to do what Cover wants, not what they want.
If they do want total creative freedom, they're welcome to leave.

>> No.22338451

Because it leads to a more authentic and fun experience for them? If they're hamstringed by some really forced lore then it affects the quality of their streams. If you give them bare bones lore that they can build off of it, (bakery dog) allow them something to introduce themselves with in case they're feeling nervous at debut, and allows artists and the like to draw various scenarios that fit with their lore initially before debut. Over time they can build on it with their chats (bakery dog pretty much became angry god korone who takes peoples yubis and beats her chat) and that helps them be something fantastical without it being forced, it's specifically built around each individual.

>> No.22338514

Because Cover totally forced them to follow their established lore in the past, right? It's not like Haato did whatever the fuck she wanted and Flare was granted a completely new base model with 3D as well.

>> No.22338576

Omega is (was) N-senpai. I don’t know why people keep forgetting this

>> No.22339281

Look through N-senpais posts on the Hololive subreddit. He got upset that Enma and other managers got their own depictions and fan art (despite the fact that the talents were the ones that created the designs). He also liked to assert his authority on the others despite tchan arguably doing more work. As the senpai of the localisation team, He went forward with the idea of HoloEN to Yagoo or so he claimed in the interview

Basically, he just wanted to assert himself as the “omega and alpha” of HoloEN, and he even tweeted as such. Absolutely nothing that actually contributes in a way publicly the way a-chan, shinove, t-chan, hell even nodoka has put out more fucking effort in her tweets

There is nothing to suggest that he does managerial work. We don’t know what he does but he’s probably higher up than managers and is just パーワハラ

>> No.22340193

Its reassignment surgery went horribly wrong and it died on the table in the cold winter of 2022.

>> No.22340654

vague ad hominem
>fake news
JP gives plenty of freedom

You are not a clown. You are the entire circus, Anon. Or should I say OmegaAlpha, N-senpai, AO, or loserbait.

>> No.22340802 [DELETED] 

trump lost and all the holos are vaxxed

>> No.22340828
File: 102 KB, 227x222, 1646326443564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notice how this same mass replier shows up in every omega thread.

>> No.22342319

What a shame, couldn't live long enough to 41% himself on stream...

>> No.22342688

>Ina can stand on her own
average takodakek is just as delusional as Ao nigger

>> No.22342742 [DELETED] 
File: 211 KB, 1920x1080, 41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they were corrected

>> No.22346542


>> No.22348261

here u fucking idiot

>> No.22349010

If he wash that high up let's hope he's gone now. A bad manager, specially at that level, can do a lot of damage to a company.

Fortunately, there's a range where it's very easy to fire a manager: the middle management.

Low level managers are very much into operatios with their direct reports, and very high level ones don't care for chunibyo shit not they have time.

I really really hope he's gone and HoloEN can finally thrive.

>> No.22349371
File: 238 KB, 760x943, Screenshot_20220413-024328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ID3 girls are following him. Unless their accounts were created long time ago this might mean they're expecting the account to be active.

>> No.22349485

They were created in January, but I don't think that means anything. The account could still be active but not be managed by the original person behind it, and since we know absolutely nothing about Omega other than rrats if he was fired and replaced by someone else no one would know.

>> No.22349531

The account is property of Cover, not the person who was assigned to that role. They'll have a new person on it either already or soon.

>> No.22349889
File: 459 KB, 760x1088, Screenshot_20220413-025110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is my unmedicated schizo theory:

Out of all HoloEN, only Ina and IRyS were close to him. He was producer for IRyS and (according to rrats) close friend of Ina.

They both took a week off exactly on the same day, exactly for the same reasons. I don't recall if they sounded different upon return but if they didn't maybe something happened...

Warning: full schizo ahead.

Maybe Cover fired him around that time and either they sided so heavily with him they got punished with a week-long suspension. Or they were genuinely sad about it and asked to take that time off to sort out their emotions.

Think about it. His last three messages that aren't work related retweets are these:

"Take care IRyS"
"Take care everyone"
"Yagoo is coming"

This is foreboding AF!! Something big went down in January and we'll probably never know about it! No I'm not going to take my meds! What is that syringe for? Help! I'm...

>> No.22350499


>> No.22350548

why are there so many wrestling fans on this board

>> No.22350638

I remember this incident. It was mentioned by a few of the talents how Gura was treated for submitting a bunch of game requests that later on became super popular.

>> No.22350713
File: 42 KB, 750x344, FIrTojdX0AIN44L4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a top tier design, I want to pin her down and passionately kiss her while I stroke her throbbing cock

>> No.22350767

It's fucking retarded how Cover wasted a great design on some shitty staff member.

>> No.22350851
File: 1.30 MB, 2591x3624, FM7OTOPVIAYY44m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only they were an actual member and not some fuck off rando trying to be A chan. They actually have a pretty nice design

>> No.22351135

Luchador confirmed for stars en

>> No.22351153

Anon nooooooo

>> No.22351256

That'd be pretty based. Wrestling fan bara aniki.

>> No.22351623

I legitimately hope they do it for a SP branch or something, a luchador or luchadora if holo.

>> No.22351707
File: 975 KB, 907x1268, b32ec6feb054352c29e4a6be6dfc47f3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No homo, but I want to give Omega a kissing handjob too.

>> No.22352006
File: 56 KB, 157x259, ninew inanis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because hololive has a hiru

>> No.22352223

Now the design will just be thrown away now since they can't use it for any future chuubas or staffs, what a waste

>> No.22352253
File: 1.94 MB, 2897x4096, FBQcpvZVIAMKhJA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not fair

>> No.22353060

omegatranny will never be as cool as kaine from nier replicant

>> No.22354153

this was talked about by gura herself. it's one of the first times I remember her mouthing off to management. it was just before council debuted

>> No.22356509

There's room for something like an EN A-chan.
You could have a hololive-approved character take over for e.g. Bubba (camera work etc) instead of whatever incompetent fuckstick Ame has doing that right now, for any EN's 3D streams.
EN has done a couple collabs where they could use an announcer-type character too (someone who actually speaks) and it would help open up more gameshow type collabs.
I admit I am somewhat out of the loop on EN collabs, but the only gameshow type they've done are jackbox and Gura's "say this phrase". They've done a bunch of boardgames but those don't need a host.

>> No.22356669

Nah, student theatre group
They get their school uniforms as a group, (independent of their second outfit)
and reveal that the past 1.5 powerfaggotry-lore years was a long-running experiment/avant-garde roleplay within the context of their school

You could throw in irys too, but I think she works fine as a demon/angel hybrid who wants to (in a genki girl type of way) bring hope (drop the paragraph long lore)

>> No.22356724

Enma was a fine character. Ina made it and she literally gets paid to design anime girls so it was good. But no, the imbecile thought a regular (and sexy) office worker was too lame for him and wanted a chuuni god

>> No.22357116

lmao his last tweet before resigning/getting fired? nice work cover

>> No.22357292

they're following him but the weirdo behind him was fired/resigned/disappeared. it's just an empty managerial account for retweeting stuff now, has not tweeted since saying "Take Care Everyone" in january

>> No.22357471

Someday EN will have a manager that's actually op enough to inhabit the avatar, don't think it'll be any time soon though.

>> No.22357683

Are you retarded? Any post that double spaces like this

Instead of single spaces like this, is reddit spacing, you dumbfuck. It takes all of 5 seconds to check any older board archive and see posts from 2015 pointing out the exact same thing.

>> No.22357926

for reddit spacing

>> No.22357952

What's shocking to me is how clearly socially maladjusted this looser is from how he tweets and how much the en girls disregard or directly shit on him.
Dude probably has a bunch of cringey dms where he tries to "offer emotional support" to the girls.
Probably tried to groom Gura and got btfo

>> No.22358417

The girls were clearly tired of his shit. He didn't help them with anything they actually needed help (for example, all bigger projects like Ame's 3D were self-organized, and it was quite telling she didn't thank Cover staff for it), was probably ghosting them for quite a bit (no one seemed to know what he was up to, or what even his purpose was, even Council ("his" group) seemed dumbfounded as fuck when they had to announce him at their debut), and what little interaction the girls DID have with him probably didn't endear him to them any further (for example Gura telling the story how she was reprimanded for her game suggestion list) and the faggot definetly spent most of his time just bothering them to START PLAYING FFXIV YOU GUYS!!!

>> No.22358656

The fact that the official HololiveEN youtube channel is such a barren wasteland shows that there is potential (even a "need") for a "EN A-chan" to revive and fill it.
But that would require some more effort that just lazy vtweeting. And most importantly it'd require the person to actually be a female (so they can show their voice on stream) and preferably be likeable too

Like you said, hosting game shows or some other group content (like HoloJP does on their official channel), or hell even just a semi-regular review show for example would be an idea they can replicate from A-chan.

>> No.22358699

Was the game permissions manager confirmed to be Omega?

>> No.22359304

>pro blm and lgbt
choose one

>> No.22359639

gura tried to walk it back by saying it was a new manager that did it but a new hire isn't going to shit on gura in front of council

>> No.22359836
File: 6 KB, 6x6, 35tinier.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why don't you ad hommin this dick

>> No.22360005

Jesus. You must an unique kind of retarded to mock your biggest talent for asking something that's supposed to be your job.

>> No.22360277

plz understand, Gura wanted him to actually do some work for once, and that would only take his valuable time away from vtweeting and gposing, so she had to be reprimanded for that, who does she think she is?

>> No.22360375

Hopefully Omega was quietly fired

>> No.22360984

Omega was never gonna be EN A-chan to take over official. They made a fucking new one for this fucker. It's still dead.

>> No.22361220

fun read, any more reasons to hate him?

>> No.22361621

That moment when HoloEN's lack of game variety was because some fag was playing with his virtual dolls.

>> No.22361667

her parents always knew she was streaming anon

>> No.22361728

>what lack of game variety, don't they know they could just play FFXIV 24/7 instead?
t. omega

>> No.22361781

He is an XIV addict like Ina but unlike Ina his job was directly managing people who were affected at that period of time where he fucked off to grind and ERP

>> No.22361900

I really hope the push for FFXIV is just a rrat because I refuse to believe this retard really thought making your entire branch play a fucking MMO was a good idea.

>> No.22361952

Heck even just gathering fan works and showcasing them, making highlights of the week, and promoting events. I can't believe reddit fans did more than whoever omega was. It truly is a pathetic thing.

>> No.22362117

Open wide, newfriend:

>(Kiara responding to chat comment)
>Final Fantasy XIV? Uh, yes, I mean… that’s kind of been like in the talks since the very beginning. Uhm… I don’t know if it’d really be a big thing in Hololive English, to be honest though… why, I like the game and you know Ina also likes the game and all that… I feel like, uhm, not everyone is that interested in it in Hololive English, and I don’t blame them, it’s not everyone’s kind of game.

>So, some people said they would participate but they don’t want to stream it… I don’t know, it feels like… management, SOMEONE from management [TL note: she means "Fuck off, Omegatranny!"] wants to push… wants to see us play it, and wants it to be like kind of our thing, but uhm… not everyone is quite into it... which is okay, understandable, I’m also not into all kinds of games.

>And I see how it can be very difficult to stream MMORPGs. First of all, I was asking like, okay if we do this, are we start from like level one and grind ourselves up, or are we gonna get like one of those max level thingies, and then work from there? Because, if it’s like, almost all of them (are) beginners at FFXIV, I feel like it makes no sense to give everyone max level immediately, because they will miss the whole story and they will not understand how the game works, and once you’re max level you’re like, what’s your purpose, you’re gonna be doing dungeons n’ shit. But you don’t even know how the game works, and you miss like the whole point of the game.

>But the other way around, if you start from level one, then the whole game can feel very grindy, especially for people who don’t play MMORPGs in general, for people who don’t even like MMORPGs or have no experience with it, just getting from level one to level sixty, and then onwards from that. I did that before in FFXIV […], but as much as I personally enjoyed it because I love MMORPGs, it took definetly a lot of time, and it definetly was grindy. They have great story too, but MMORPGs are grindy, so… I really don’t see how most of Hololive English would enjoy it, unless you’re an MMORPG addict, like me and Ina.

>And not only how the members would enjoy it, but how it would be streamed? And it’s quite the commitment, because you gotta put a lot of time into that if you want to get somewhere with it. And the girls just don’t have that much time, to invest into something that they’re not even that passionate about. I don’t know… there’s not much motivation, currently. I wouldn’t mind revisiting it, but I don’t know about making it into a whole thing, like a series. But if you don’t make it into a whole series, what sense does it make, though? Start an MMORGP, play it for one stream or two streams and that’s it, personally to me that doesn’t even make sense…
>(Kiara continues to talk about her personal experiences with XIV)

>> No.22362136

>even Ina shits on him now
Saying "sorry, members only" isn't shitting on him.
Unless she goes full Kiara on his ass she will still be arguably the one who had something more personal with Mr.Abomination than the rest of EN. It's the only reason I see for her defending him when literally every single other EN talent hated him and his chuunishit every time he was mentioned.
>and they were never a couple
Massive takope. AO chan was definitely Ina's something at one point. Maybe down the line she realized she was dating a loser but at the time it's the only reason I see for her having that kind of personal mod, who was also management, who also played MMO with her on her free time.

>> No.22362253

Anyone has that pic with Omega bent over a table?

>> No.22362370
File: 27 KB, 404x248, 1647991422302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22362426

I just hope he's gone. When you mix close relationships and business one of them will bleed. It takes the most mature and mentally stable people to even hope to make it work. And I don't know about Ina but Omega seemed to be this close to full menhera power drunk.

>> No.22362625

I honestly just pitied her. Imagine having so little self worth that you consider fucking Omega as a partner choice. Thank god he seems to be out of her life nowadays.

>> No.22362743

>Unless she goes full Kiara on his ass
What does this even mean?

>> No.22362777

Kiara was openly antagonistic to Omega and shat on him every time her chat reminded her of his existance

>> No.22362824

New rrat, Omega was planing to groom EN into his personal FinalFantasy free company starting with Ina.

But no seriously I would assume the AO mod thing was something for her nerves, like maybe she was worried about streaming to a large audience or something. Maybe there was some overstepping of bounds that led to that being over or it was just naturally phased out.

>> No.22362829

Orange woman good

>> No.22362889

Yeah, this fucker has some severe brain damage. MMORPGs are one of the worst genres to stream if your content wasn't already focused on it, and as Kiara said shit's grindy as fuck. They would unironically perform better if all 11 of them went tryhard on Apex or Valorant. And it's not like Cover has data about this to prove how miserable FFXIV streams were in the past.

>> No.22362894

IF that is somehow the case that means I have a pretty damn good chance

>> No.22363073


>> No.22363226

from his mopey farewell tweets and the noticable decline in complaints about management it looks like he's gone

>> No.22363351


>> No.22363585

Omega said HoloX is pronounced Holocks, and that's how the Gen 6 members pronounce it as well.

>> No.22363671

You couldn't be more wrong https://twitter.com/omegaalpha_en/status/1464077400799539203

>> No.22364351

Ina: "so you're saying we're all bottoms"
Gura: "ex pardon me?"

Shork confirmed for smol domme

>> No.22364393

Right, hololive hired Inas boyfriend to be a senior producer. It all makes sense now

>> No.22366171

Wrong order of events

>> No.22366320

Bad Candidate??

>> No.22367475
File: 65 KB, 246x246, OA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna summarize our findings and additional rrats for the record. Further charges against OmegaAlpha:

1. May be responsible for early HoloEN's poor repertoire of games. Gura, who usually avoids confrontations and drama, of all people had to step up.
2. Neglected to provide proper support for big collabs and branch events, leaving the girls to fend for themselves. EN 'curse' may be a symptom of this neglect. Ame shouldn't need to be the tech support for other girls.
3. Stunted gen 2's growth through neglect and misdirected focus. Compare the sheer amount of content (e.g. MVs) HoloX and ID3 pushed out during their first weeks to Council's. Yes, you could also blame Council's laziness, but making preparations for good initial growth is a part of what managing is all about. MVs don't magically happen in a few days. HoloX has been preparing for at least a month and most likely more. Omega wasted that prep time on chuuni lore shit and a whole character for himself. Furthermore, this neglect may have been a factor in triggering the youtube algorithm to cull sub counts. Pardon the extra schizo-ness. I'm bitter because my oshi is in gen 2.

>> No.22367726
File: 112 KB, 227x222, 1648232877428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im starting to beleb..

>> No.22368151

>It's the only reason I see for her defending him
When has she ever defended him?

>> No.22369759

I don't know if you're viewing the post on an ultrawide monitor, but to me that looks like normal line breaks after a paragraph. Reddit would require two line breaks in that situation (since it uses Markdown).

>> No.22369823

>But no seriously I would assume the AO mod thing was something for her nerves
Obviously. Ina is by far the most paranoid about this stuff in Myth.

>> No.22369840

(talking about your first example, the second one definitely mimics what you would do on reddit)

>> No.22370377

>Personal mod and manager that is also part of her lore and would talk with her during the stream
Idk seems a bit sussy. Probably her mod from her previous twitch days but I do wonder why did she push for him to be part of her stream experience at first. Then the same chuuni speak was seen afterwards in OA and AO disappeared around the time Council should have started to be in development so I assume they are just the same person. They both like XIV, and speak english equally bad so I also assume AO=OA because the coincidences are too many

>> No.22371224

Supreme Rratpeddlers of Veetee, what is your take?

I've seen basically two different lines of theories regarding who Omega actually is.

First is OA = AO, Ina's old chat mod (consistently similar sassy bitch tone between his chat messages and omegas tweets, and maybe AO was just his first practice run for playing into a chuuni lore character and now he got his own character put in) and FFXIV buddy (the minecraft chat leak confirms AO is chumming it up with her about ffxiv, and it can be also inferred that he's the one that Kiara has been talking about "someone from management pushing us EN girls to play ffxiv", also the "ffxiv project" channel in a discord leak). Now, I'm not particularly interested in schizo takes about how he is also Ina's bf or husband or whatever (though you have to admit, it IS kinda curious how the supposed director of the whole EN branch also found the time to moonlight as the personal chatmod of one particular talent in the beginning, while three other talents (kiara, ame, gura) basically had to share one manager (jenma) among them, and this kind of curious favoritism looks sussy at least), I don't really care about their relationship status, only that there seems to be apparently some whatever kind of connection.

The second line of inquiry is OA = Loserbait. The evidence there is more tangential, for example Omega (assuming he is the "Producer-san" that gave the Grapee interview about HoloMyth) mentioning that his first job upon entering Cover was originally about localization, before being put at the head of the new to-be-formed EN branch. And what's Loserbaits profession? Localization. That alone may be just a random coincidence, but we also know from Ame's discord notif leak that Loserbait hung around the EN talents and had a direct line of communication with them, which begged the question why? There's nothing in either his or Cover's public pages that declares he's actually working for them, so that is quite the curious thing, why would some seemingly unrelated mere translator guy be able to discord with the talents and feel it's his place to give them unsolicited advice during a stream even?.

How do you personally square this circle? Is Omega AO and has nothing to do with Loserbait, or is Omega Loserbait and has nothing to do with AO, or third option they're both the same and AO is also Loserbait? Because assuming AO is also Ina's old ffxiv buddy, and they go farther back than even before she got into Hololive at all, what are the chances that her playmate just happened to be some random translator schmuck in japan, who also just happened to luck into a director position for the new EN branch later (this reminds me, did anyone check if Loserbait actually mentions ffxiv on his accounts at all? In my experience, xivtrannies can't shut up about playing their favorite game, so whether there exists a connection is a pretty big point for or against the theory), so I'm still more leaning on the side that they are two separate people and they're only mixed up because of the muddy waters and having little information about what actually goes on behind the scenes, but I'm willing to see any evidence someone might have.

>> No.22371815


I don't think OA is Loserbait. Loserbait is an older man, maybe in his 40s or 50s if that picture floating around of him is real.

>> No.22372452

>since the very beginning
yes, it's him. Fucker lost his position and it all started with this obviously bad idea that exposed his incompetence. Any random anon from here knows better than making them pick up FF14 as a flagship thing.

>> No.22377210


>> No.22378284

/vt/ must feel very vindicated for being the only part of the fandom to hate the guy from day one. See that? This place is on the talents' side and not for schizo anti posting.

>> No.22378445

>revisionist history
/vt/ only started hating him a week or so into his landing when he said he didn't have a sex, and it triggered /vt/rannies so hard they've spent half a year seething about it

>> No.22378506

Cope and seethe, Omegay. NEETdom feels nice when you can ERP all day on XIV now, right?

>> No.22378577

This shit is classic what happens when nepotism hires are put in management positions.

>> No.22378580

>openly antagonistic
you must be the most passive aggressive little faggot on the planet if you think anything she's done has been "openly antagonistic"
it's subtle shit-flinging at best, very woman behavior, very unattractive and sad

>> No.22378684

literally everything here is retarded drama
Omega came up on a Gura/Kronii collab and neither of them shit on him
it's only Kiara who has a bizarre, pathological hatred of him, probably because of PTSD of when she was a manager's cumslut in her past life

>> No.22378737

Except it looks like you're the one seething here, lolcow.
I bet those fat udders of yours are getting milk all over the desk.

>> No.22378753

/vt/ hated him from second 1.

>> No.22378807

/vt/ hated Amelia Watson and shitchicken from second 1
/vt/ hated Council from second 1
/vt/ is fucking retarded
being proud of your /vt/ heritage makes you an irrevocable waste of human bone and shit

>> No.22378879

OK so: dick, pussy, both, or neither?

>> No.22378901

/jp/ hands typed this

>> No.22378957

>having opinions about different boards on 4tran
lol holy fuck you are a waste of milk and fat, lolcow
I bet you play Nintendo games and watch anime, don't you, little fag?

>> No.22379092


>> No.22379119

Dial 8.

>> No.22379238

thank God, I would kill myself if I was an unironic moon monkey
sad showing, lolcow, that milk's gonna back up

>> No.22379513

It's more of a /tv/-schizo style.

>> No.22379658

I'm starting to hate this faggot all over again. I wonder how much involvement he had with that terrible Country Roads cover that NONE of the girls liked.

>> No.22379824

>group Country Roads cover
FUCK you made me remember this shit existed

>> No.22379951

> terrible Country Roads cover that NONE of the girls liked.
Again, only shitchicken. And it's well-established she just hates everything Omega does because of her past life as a whore.

>> No.22380143

>again, only shitchicken
Try again, retard.

>> No.22380310

Everyone hated that one. Literally all of them.
Now get Omega's femcock out of your mouth. It's starting to get sad.

>> No.22380317

>furiously grabs the one clip where any other girl alludes to the song
lol look at all that hate from the girls
they're absolutely seething over it
ha ha holy fuck, lolcow, at least you let some more milk out

>> No.22380442

nta but if you believe they have any sense of what is good or shit then don't smear them further by implying they thought it was good. The cover was shit. The song isn't even meant for group to sing. It's like if a group sang A Whole New World from Alladin instead of a duet and suddenly it becomes a cuck/ntr song.

>> No.22380456

>goes to bat for a literal whore who sucked her manager's cock for money
Oh dear. This lolcow isn't even self aware.
Now THAT'S sad.

>> No.22380495

Nah, I say double down. Its not like it really impacts the content all that much so might as well have fun with some high concept shit.

>> No.22380511

>nta but if you believe they have any sense of what is good or shit
They're women. Stupid women that have zero sense of what is anything.
Their opinions on the quality of a cover are meaningless to me, as they are to any other actual man.

>> No.22380594

>get btfo
>start sperging out even harder to try and save face

>> No.22380687


>> No.22380763

>predictably can't find any other clips where any girl gives a shit about the cover
>continues to lean hard on one throwaway joke from a collab where everyone laughed and moved on
Embarrassing. That's another hard L, little fag. Better luck next time.

>> No.22380822

Are they? A lot of content creators picked up FFXIV last year. Yeah the MSQ is a long amount of content, but if you really wanted to you could buy a boost and get a max level character in not that much time, especially now where all the story dungeons can be done with NPCs.

Pekora's FF14 did extremely well. She even got invited to Mogstation radio for an interview. Irys's FF14 stream was one of her better performing streams. Pekora won't repeat it though because she caused a second Asmongold situation and she's sensitive about that kind of thing.

But if you're not into MMOs or story heavy games, it'll show and not be fun for the viewers.

Also Ina is already a high-end raider. But she probably doesn't want to stream it because it'd be awkward with her static-mates and keeping her roommate's identity sealed in that situation is probably not very easy, not to mention having to deal with Cover shenanigans. I imagine that's why even Miyabi never did raiding on his own channel.

>> No.22380921

I expect they will get an A-chan at some point and T-chan makes the most sense.

>> No.22380973

>he's still going
>calls others embarrassing
The girls have said management fucked them over with that cover multiple times. Stop outing yourself as a newfag.

>> No.22381046

>have said management fucked them over with that cover multiple times
Proof next thread?
Keep in mind I don't give two shits what shitchicken has to say about anything.

>> No.22381326

Fubuki's been streaming FF14 and those streams have been doing decent in views.

>> No.22381356

>t-that specific member's opinion doesn't count!
>t-that clip of them all laughing about it doesn't count!
Here, have another clip that took 10 seconds to find of Ame literally saying people weren't satisfied, that it took management four to five MONTHS to release the thing, and that Mori was just as passionate as Kiara about it.

>> No.22381480

I'm proud that /vt/ can at least come together in universal hatred of Omega.

>> No.22381517

>most people were not satisfied with it
lol loom at that blistering hate
but you promised me all the girls complaining about how much they hate it, anon
you owe me 2 Gura clips, 2 Ina clips, 2 Calliope clips, and another Amelia clip
I'll be generous since I'm letting you use shitchicken as a free space
now step to it, lolcow

>> No.22381576

based based based

>> No.22381677

More like bollocks

>> No.22381707

Funny how your sperg outs get progressively longer each time you get btfo. It's almost like you're in damage control mode now.
Here's another one of Gura literally saying that the entire group was demotivated because they were dissatisfied with the country roads cover.

>> No.22381747

>shittalking the stupid uwu midget in front of the new hires
what a god
no wonder /vt/rannies hate him, he's got more testosterone than they do

>> No.22381823

Omega, I know you have a lot of free time now that you're out of a job, but seething about it on 4chan all day isn't the best use for it.

Or if you're actually just some random schmuck valiantly defending his honor here >for free, that's just even more pathetic...

>> No.22381853

1 more Gura clip, 2 more Ina clips, 2 more Calliope clips, 1 more Amelia clip
>has to ramble about damage control mode because he knows he's coming up short
Back in the search bar, little fag. Keep furiously trying to put me in my place.

>> No.22381940

Omega has 100% had more sex with women than you have.
Do you think shitchicken's mad at him because he made her suck his dick, anon?

>> No.22382151

>thinks /vt/ cares about sex with women
>thinks Kiara is into men
how new?

>> No.22382214

>coping this hard about no woman wanting you
>buying the dyke kayfabe
ha ha holy shit

>> No.22382477

EN management sucks. Maybe getting rid of Omega is Cover trying to improve things

Remember that EN collab that Ame put together where everyone was listed in the credits except for management?

>> No.22382542

I'll admit I went numbers brainrot there and forgot how absurd Hololive's numbers are, but compared to their normal ccv playing a MMORPG would still be worse than almost anything else. Pekora is Pekora, but she would see a drop on viewers after a couple of streams. Not anything massive, but you can see how it always happened on every long RPG she plays. Same thing with IRyS, but with her it would be worse. And Fubuki's FFXIV streams are some of her worst performing ones, even worse than random Apex streams. I still don't think pushing all of HoloEN to play was a sane idea, especially with how most of them would drop it after a stream of two.

>> No.22382574

No, I don't watch the blonde cum dumpster.

>> No.22382778

t. Omega tranny

>> No.22382791

Yeah all of EN wouldn't make sense, but shortish streams like Irys are fine. Even when Miyabi streams it he has something specific in mind like he'll run a few alliance raids or level grind to 90. Uyu's strange in that FF14 actually boosted his numbers, but he uses those streams to do 10 hour zatsudans.

>> No.22382909

I don't mind the design of the character. If they brought them back under control of a different person, that might be cool.

>> No.22383448

How much money do you spend on girls that don't fuck you, paypig?

>> No.22385401

I honestly don't understand why someone would go that hard on defending a voiceless staff member out of everyone. This is an advanced form of bootlicking, even YAGOO has more of a personality than Omega.

>> No.22385511

well he didn't get to finish telling his story so he's upset and came here to yell at us

>> No.22385574

Nah, this is definitely some fag larping as him, which makes them even more pathetic.

>> No.22385844

Literally everyone hates Omega except his group of discord trannies that ruin this board. It actually makes a lot of sense that he is a 4chan mod.

>> No.22386271

At the time, WoW was crashing and burning and FFXIV was popping off harder than ever; thanks to being noticed by big streamers like Asmongold. If you wanted to numberfag it out, a XIV arc was objectively a good idea.

Only problem would have been the players. Pekora's stream was a shit show, but IRyS's went really well. Probably helped that she made her toon on the unofficial RP data center, so people knew how to give her space

>> No.22386462


There's also the fact that IRyS hid what DC and World she was on til the last minute so no one could really prep in advance.
