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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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22283257 No.22283257 [Reply] [Original]

I've never once subscribed or donated to a streamer, virtual or otherwise. Am I a leech or am I entitled to watch this content for free?

>> No.22283344

>Am I a leech or am I entitled
No you're just an idiot

>> No.22283363

i'd sooner donate money to starving children in africa before i donate money to a streamer

let them starve

>> No.22283379

I feel they should pay me for wasting my time instead imo

>> No.22283612

>not donating to a millinoaire streamer is... le bad!
These are the types that spend 500 dollars a month on streaming subscriptions.

>> No.22283714

to be fair if you just watch their streams and leave a like/dislike then and maybe even a comment you're doing more for them than if you were to send a $5 dono or something

>> No.22283727

I always wondered if that Pokimane simp battle copypasta was real or not...

>> No.22283749

"Entitled"? "Leech"? You're a number, dude. Don't make yourself seem more important than you actually are.

>> No.22283975 [DELETED] 

why the fuck would you not be entitled to watch something they're streaming/uploading publicly? what kind of a retarded question is this?

>> No.22284412

Adblock on, stolen laptop, neighbor's wifi?

>> No.22284617

Adblock is on, yes.

>> No.22284674

No one cares. I don't donate or sub/member even my oshis because I just don't care enough about the rewards to do so. I support them by merchandise because that's more tangible and makes me happier.
At the end of the day, spend your extra cash on whatever makes you happiest.

>> No.22284679

My laptop had a "property of US military" start screen before I wiped it, does that count

>> No.22284847

You're not required to donate to anyone. If it was required then it wouldn't be a donation. You're still helping if you just watch and talk. Smaller chuubas in particular rely on chat interaction and the bigger chuubas make more than enough money that they don't need support.

>> No.22284940

Adblock is not immoral because it's your computer and you should be able to dictate what gets downloaded onto it.

>> No.22284962

Any half-successful (vtuber) streamer makes half a bajillion dollars a day off subs and donations doing the easiest job to ever exist they don't give a shit about your pocket change

>> No.22285148

Fuck off dipshit. Blocking ads hurts companies big and small, and absolutely cripples smaller streamers who rely on that revenue to survive. Using adblock is literally theft.

>> No.22285200

so what your saying is demonetization is theft.

>> No.22285254

I'll rape you and your mother in your sleep you nigger.

>> No.22285274

anon, its free access content.

>> No.22285299


>> No.22285328

That's not a credible threat from someone who hasn't left their dilapidated home in three years.

>> No.22285368

>never donated
>pirate paywalls stuff
>Laptop from my old job
>Adblock on
>YouTube analytics blocked

>> No.22285449

Ads suck you fucking faggot, if you want to be swarmed with products on every website you visit you do you though.

>> No.22285730

Nah, you're just a poorfag.

>> No.22285853

4 large salt & vinegar chips or a "membership"
i think i know what i'm gonna choose

>> No.22287550

That's how it should be

>> No.22287749

If everyone was like you op vtubing would be in a much better state then it is now.

>> No.22288340

Spend your money on what you like, whether it is an akasupa to hear a big streamer read your name, or support for a small streamer, or membership for more content. Or don't spend on vtubers at all and buy yourself a beer instead. It's all about having fun.

>> No.22288447

Using adblock is literally nothing. It's not theft to decide you have no interest in seeing retarded commercials all over the content you want to watch.

>> No.22288486

I am a based ass pirate and the only thing I spend money on is a top rig

>> No.22288502

Never pay for things you can get for free.

>> No.22288566

good. fuck them both.

>> No.22288584

smartest guy in the thread.

>> No.22288603


>> No.22288630

>Pays for internet and power

>> No.22288641

>thinks free viewing is actually free
Anything that's free means you're the product. You're the product anon.
More specifically it's you viewing the content to feed the algorithm and give them influence that's being traded for your time. They already made money off of your view.

>> No.22288688

>He doesn't watch only vods downloaded from piracy sources

>> No.22288706

Marriage is a mistake, dont do that.

>> No.22288750

The streams are free and they are richer than you

>> No.22288771

>I've never once subscribed
Why, are you some kind of edgelord teenager who thinks you are getting away with something naughty here as the OP suggests? Subscribing helps YOU keep track of their content retard. You are only hurting yourself.

>> No.22288775

If the content is public then you're not forced to pay, it's all good.
if you want to watch a member stream then pay, it's that simple

at the end of the day your views, likes, and subscription are still helping her in a way
chubas should be very, very kind to greys because the more popular you are, the more chances are that someone will come and pay for the extra stuff.
a successful vtuber needs a huge community to create memes and culture. only a fraction of that community actually spends money on these girls

>> No.22288778

Reminds of this lol

>> No.22288779

The content is literally available for free, you're not required to do anything. You donate if you like the streamer enough that you just want to give them a tip, or if you want to hear them say your name or laugh at your joke, or if you just fucking feel like it. You don't donate out of guilt. If they're guilting you into donating then they're predatory, but you're also a huge faggot for being affected by it.

>> No.22288812
File: 11 KB, 480x360, YouLostTheGame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't even matter if it's pirated. You participating in the culture that generated the medium and the media already gives them influence or else a pirated source wouldn't exist in the first place i.e. pirating content means the content is already influential.

>> No.22288829

aren't most of their videos monetized anyway?

>> No.22288847

the fact that women can say things like this (and much worse) and come back without getting canceled is hilarious but also annoying

>> No.22288910

>He doesn't just stand outside the talents window's watching them stream

>> No.22288998

Doesn't even matter if you just stand at the window watching the talent stream, the fact you spend that time watching them instead of doing something more productive with your time means they have influence over you and your decisions since you chose to watch them instead of doing something/anything else.

>> No.22289003

>Am I a leech or am I entitled
No, you're based. Don't let the simps and paypigs tell you otherwise.

>> No.22289084

I'm using her to learn japanese

>> No.22289100

>He doesn't just stand outside the talents window's watching them stream but it turns out you're only pretending to watch the content and the talent and instead you're just a window cleaner doing your job but you consume the content anyway
I'm still thinking you're ngmi

>> No.22289116

Holy based

>> No.22289220

>he thinks that even if he doesn't do any of that the content is free

>> No.22289247

>media at your subconscious level
That's just good marketing, you're still the product.

>> No.22289733

based, I have a slave-powered treadmill setup in my basement as well

>> No.22289758


>> No.22290654
File: 29 KB, 640x719, m9s38sovsla81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> not giving money thots

Anon, you are based, stay this way.

Hope you also have adblock and sponsorblock
