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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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22205663 No.22205663 [Reply] [Original]

are vtubers, especially GFE, the result of poor male socialization in western and japanese societies? Are we all just socially isolated?

>> No.22205811,1 [INTERNAL] 

It's a result of increasing hypergamy. Take the blackpill. Most men are rather unattractive to women. Check "wheat waffle" yt channel to learn more.

>> No.22205721

More or less, yes. But people aren't gonna care so what's the point of this thread?

>> No.22205810

dunno, I just like entertaining these ideas

>> No.22205811

Yes. It's innately exploitative to everyone involved. But I do not care because I know what I'm getting into.

>> No.22205893

Probably but I like it when the cartoon internet girl says my name on stream

>> No.22205968

There will never any GFE VTubers. Cope nigga.

>> No.22205989

Actually now that I think about it, are there any male vtubers that don't pander to the fujo crowd and are just like guys chillin

>> No.22206011

Nah, it's just cynicism. Women have found a way to make very easy money, targeting lonely and/or mentally ill men. Why wouldn't they exploit that as much as possible?

>> No.22206062

Lots of guys in Nijisanji before EN existed. Mashiro at one point had a viewerbase of 99% men and 1% women.

>> No.22206085

>men ostracised by society
>then exploited
yeah, sounds familiar

>> No.22206188


>> No.22206189

Yes. They're literal 2views and I like watching them. Check Paperbag. No, not the tranny cow. This one.

>> No.22206312


>> No.22206350


>> No.22206397
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whats the point in socializing, im barely considered human and everyone has preconceived notions about what i am or what i should be. they have absolutely nothing to offer me and the feeling is mutual, im just a reflection of what they project onto me. vtubers and video games are perfect in this scenario. for the normalfags and trend hoppers its nothing but hedonistic pleasure seeking cause they want all the happiness without the sadness that comes with it. times of peace like this should be enjoyed anyways so in reality literally nobody cares.

>> No.22206401

All streamers are. Westernized societies are sick. The symptoms of which are isolation, loneliness, and not fucking.

>> No.22206409


>> No.22206821

There are a lot of them. They're all 2views except maybe some in NijiJP.

>> No.22206827

Google loneliness stats and see for yourself. Numbers are actually growing year after year.
Now considering that those stats mostly include normalfags, think about what it means for nerds like us.

>> No.22206966

I would argue that Eastern Societies have it worse. Have you seen Japan lately? Highest suicide rates in the whole planet. Let's not even forget how badly social pressures chinese families are placing on their children to succeed even in a isolated communist idiocracy like China.

>> No.22207014
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It's very simple, we've just learned that the whole dream of a wife, 2.5 kids and a nice house is a lost cause. But we still crave the feeling of someone caring about us and that's what the GFE does.

>> No.22207249

So would having a gf and a group of friends that care about you make you stop watching vtubers?

>> No.22207268

4chan is normie now, anon

>> No.22207374

Well, you're one for sure.

>> No.22207382

>and a nice house is a lost cause
Especially the house part, the housing market is a fucking joke. At best with the jobs yer having, you would be lucky to get yourself an apartment nowadays. Especially with everything becoming more expensive.

>> No.22207403


>> No.22207452

It's actually kinda nuts, this is my recent anecdotal experience - vtubers made me want to touch grass more often because I was jealous of the close connections they seemed to have despite being relative weirdos, so that's what I've been doing. The meetup I went to yesterday was a scavenger hunt where you would be paired into random teams, and pretty much everyone there were by themselves or in groups of 2.

So I get to know my team and the others there and among them was someone who teaches at Columbia, a resident pediatrician, a guy who used to work at CERN, a former chemical engineer, and a couple others who either worked well paying finance jobs or had businesses. All of them expressed explicit desires to meet new people or make new friends, and a lot were eager to share their contact info with me and meet up more in the future. I thought it was mindboggling. Granted, I suspect that I had the least social experience in that whole lot, but it was still shocking that people for all intents and purposes shouldn't have connection issues had them.

>> No.22207594

Everyone is more socially isolated today regardless of gender. And it was only made worse by the pandemic

>> No.22207638

No you're just retarded

>> No.22207655

stop running

>> No.22207691

Sure, but you could say that about a lot of things. I wouldn't blame vtubing any more than I would blame video games or anime, since they're also things men use to cope with the loneliness.
The reason men are increasingly isolated is because of feminism. (As in, the idea of men and women being independent from each other.) Not to say that feminism is bad in principle, but it definitely has a few major side-effects that nobody is willing to admit to yet.

>> No.22207696

I dunno anon, the proof is right there. Covid made the world more isolated.

>> No.22207730

yeah, me

>> No.22207742

Yeah, probably. They're a surrogate.

>> No.22207750

This is the world we live in now, though. Tell me how many opportunities the average American man has to meet new people and make new friends outside of their work environment, if they've moved to a new city or town away from where they studied in university.

>> No.22207790

You don't need to live like this, the world is better than it seems to you right now, and the fact you are literate means you can do something about it. Make friends king, I believe in you. Nothing wrong with hobbies, but they are even better if you enjoy the rest of life. You can make it, and if you think you can't, change that opinion.

>> No.22207850
File: 139 KB, 620x918, _ninomae_ina_nis_disgusted_1621806845485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read pic
This sounds like it was write by some tranny-
>there is no inherent camaraderie in m*le
>as there is in fEmAlE socialization
Who tf writes this shit? Anyway, yep definitely a tranny.

>> No.22208018

No, it is the objective progression of entertainment
The destruction of relationships and masculinity probably helped with the acceleration of such
But in the end alternative reality is the only logical step for most kinds of media

>> No.22208101

/vt/ is filled to the brim with manhating “men”. You never see women scream “noooo no the gayrino” when someone mentions a female chuuba.

>> No.22208172
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oh yeah lmao, this was written by a tranny
here's the full thing

>> No.22208233

>regardless of gender
Anon, please look up some stats. Yes, women are also growing lonelier, but it's a drop in the ocean compared to men.

>> No.22208237

Do you actually believe that's why guys on /vt/ don't want men in their chuuba's orbit, because they're misandrists?

>> No.22208264

Not him but why does he need to make friends? Ive never understood this, especially since ive gone through Highschool without friends. It isn't bad at all. I haven't had "friends" since around mid 2016 and it hasn't fucked me up like people make it out to. I was mind blown when I learned that not having friends isn't as bad as folks say.

>> No.22208332

bro, humans are social creatures. you should probably have friends.

>> No.22208380

Maybe not (You), but there are definitely a lot here who hate men in general.

>> No.22208431

Yeah it seems to me that if you didn't carry over any friends from high school or college, you would be in that position. The only thing that separates us from your average normalfag is that they're much more likely to have been able to do that, but god forbid they move because of housing market, job, or other reasons and they're basically just as stuck as many of us are

>> No.22208464

I don't think anons hate men per se, it's just they think of people as either women (sex) or competition

>> No.22208491

it just makes the GFE weaker not make you stop watching chuubas. Especially if you became adept at maintaining healthy relationships

>> No.22208533

regardless of who wrote it, its not wrong
its way easier for women to make friends and social networks than men. men tend to become loners who either become motivated and find a wife who then works the social shit for them or theyre found dead in their apartment alone.

>> No.22208552

But why would you need GFE if you have a GF? Isn't that a better GFE?

>> No.22208620

Yes but they're japanese

>> No.22208639

I think you're reading them wrong. They don't hate men, they probably hate homosexuals, but mostly they simply don't want other men interfering with their female chuubas. Despite what many claim, the huge number of straight men wanting to watch single young women streaming is tied into the sexual/romantic parts of their brains, even if they aren't full on parasocials.

>> No.22208728

nta but yeah if you have a gf youre going to be spending most of your time on her unless both of you are fans of vtubers like this:

>> No.22208729

People falling for singers and actresses has always happened.

>> No.22208800

And she STILL doesn't get it.
>white imperialism xDDD
>homophobia xDDDD

>> No.22208862

yeah but nowadays the level of contact you can have with them is way more personal and more consistent. back then you would just see them on TV or in concerts if you were lucky to catch one. nowadays you can virtually stay connected with their what theyre doing/saying.

>> No.22209073

Pretty much this. I deeply sympathize with my fellow men, but I'm biologically wired to only accept women as close and intimate partners, and other guys tend to get in the way of that. We can be friends, but don't think for a second that it will ever replace female companionship.
Most men feel the same way I wager, even if they don't realize it themselves.

>> No.22209134

GFE has been around since the inception of escorts and prostitutes. This is not a revolutionary invention, but just a reinvention of the wheel. I think some women managed to put their brain cells together and thought about providing the same services that an escort might provide, minus the physical interaction and the legal ramifications around it. "People are too shy and awkward to walk outside and find a partner? Let's walk up to their digital doorstep."

>> No.22209135

And the Ottomans used to kill each other over singing boys in shisha houses.

>> No.22209207

About half of it is correct. (The part where she realizes the ways women actually have it better than men.) The other half where she starts speculating about why this is goes off the deep end real quick.

>> No.22209406

not disagreeing that people becoming passionate or violent over idols has been constant throughout history, just the scale is widely expanded. before it was just local reach, now its global and easier for anyone to become an idol.

>> No.22209425

I've been thinking about the similarities between entertainers/prostitutes for a while now. Did you know that actors were regarded as being on pretty much the same level as prostitutes in ancient Rome? If you remove the moralfaggotry/stigma from the equation, it makes a lot of sense. It's just a service someone provides to entertain you in various ways.
Of course, that doesn't mean it's all harmless fun. (Or the end of the world either.)

>> No.22209458

Do you think it's biological? I think in some societies, the concept of male camaraderie or sharing a close bond does exist.

>> No.22209466

Yeah, that "white imperialism" shit just comes outa nowhere. Disappointing that having some of their fundamental misconceptions about men disproven doesn't make them question some of the other nonsense they believe.

>> No.22209529

Why? I don't need them and the idea isnt appealing or interesting. It sounds like a waste of time.

>> No.22209555

>Did you know that actors were regarded as being on pretty much the same level as prostitutes in ancient Rome?
Wasn't it the same in japan earlier in the 20th century?

>> No.22209606

I love Mashiro but he's also a trap. Trap designs caters to males. So his case is special

>> No.22209615

boy, have you ever heard of the word "polygamy" or "mistress" or "concubine"?

>> No.22209653

Yashiro is that one friend from works that is randomly godlike at rythm games

>> No.22209672

I don't think it's the concept that's lacking, rather the opportunity. It's hard to form a lasting bond over the safe, monotonous, trivial bullshit we go through on a daily basis.

>> No.22209675

Honestly I think those tumblr and twitter circles use "White Imperalism" like 4chan uses "globohomo" or some other catchall phrase that's used as a source of all the bad stuff.

>> No.22209719

It’s just socialization. You can find plenty of stories and pictures of men being close in the past, something changed and it started closing off fairly recently. Like in the last century.

>> No.22209728

NTA, but I think it's biological as in Women evolved to be better companions for men than other men, not withstanding that other men can't be better companion for men than women could in some cases

>> No.22209743

I think it depends on context. Male bonding can happen over tragedies or in extreme situations, but for the most part men seem to have more difficulties with this than women. Part of this is biological for sure. (Women don't compete with each other on mates nearly as much as men do, for biological reasons.)
You'll notice that societies where it's more common tend to be shitholes, and also be proponents of traditional family structures. Maybe the men are content to socialize with each other once they have their bases covered via marriage?

>> No.22209816

I erred on the wishful thinking that some just use jargons because they don't know what exactly to write and couldn't be arsed about it, or they're just trying to look smart by using it. The main point is already across anyway

>> No.22209853

holy shit yeah you're right, if you've got an assigned wife already theres no competition, so you can make male companions way easier

>> No.22209936

Just because there are examples of male companionship doesn't it can't be easier for women on the whole.

>> No.22209952

it sounds like you learned an awful social standard growing up

>> No.22210192

Never said anything about women, just that it used to be easier for men then than it is for men now.

>> No.22210225

A useless mental exercise. There is no example of a perfect
society with optimal socialization that you can refer to
as an objective alternative (you have an obvious agenda if you believe
otherwise). That means we should actually allow the current
state of affairs to develop unimpeded because at least that
way we can get some data and see where things go. Reactionaries
get the rope. Traditionalists get the rope. Don't interfere with
the experiment.

>> No.22210266

I just wish it was actionable. Nobody wants to return to traditional family structures, and those come with problems of their own anyway. We need a paradigm shift, but nobody knows the solution. Most don't even realize there's a problem, and the topic itself is too controversial to discuss normally. (Which is why I'm glad we can at least talk about it here.)

>> No.22210265

Do you think men are also afraid to talk with other men the way women are cautious to talk with men?

>> No.22210414

bonnevier in nijiID
alban knox doesnt really pander to women the way vox and mysta do but he plays off chat a lot and has a lot of female viewers

>> No.22210583

Its that men were allowed to be alone. You still had your freinds and would catch up with them once a week or month. Now if you cut off all conection with someone for a month you stopped being freinds. With phones and social media you have to talk to these fuckers everyday and a mans mind isnt capable of that. You run out of shit to talk about in 2-3 days and you dont have that 1 week or month downtime to actually do something so you have something to talk about the next meeting.
Theres a difference between having a freind you rarely talk to and have no freinds at all. But you cant have a freind you rarely talk to without somebody assuming it went to shit and breaking off the freindship.

>> No.22210588

Nobody said anything about a perfect society. But the statistics clearly show that the current experiment is going in the wrong direction. Sure, seeing how far you can push shit before it breaks may provide some interesting data, but once society is broken it's much harder to put back together than some meaningless shit in a lab.

>> No.22210638

Fair enough. I still believe there's a biological component to it, and that this may be tough to wholly overcome through socialization or a culture shift.
Basically, I think men are wired to value a partner more than friends. In the past, most men were married and could thus prioritize friendship.

>> No.22210644

>You run out of shit to talk about in 2-3 days and you dont have that 1 week or month downtime to actually do something so you have something to talk about the next meeting.
Holy shit that's normal? I do this with almost all my closest friends and thought I was just uninteresting

>> No.22210669

I don't think any woman in existence actually justified the standards they want in a man

>> No.22210701

I don't think what you're describing is dependent on gender necessarily.

>> No.22210843

>person who doesn't interact with anyone predicting how they'll be ostracized
Get off the internet, don't use tinder, it's 60% in your head

>> No.22210852

That's just nature. Men don't justify their standards either. We all want the best possible mate. The trick is to compromise and accept that something is better than nothing, even if it isn't exactly what we wanted.

>> No.22210937

Learn from the philosopher

>> No.22210948

Anon, the problem wouldn't be this widespread if it was all imaginary. If nothing else, there is something that is causing people to feel this way.

>> No.22210980
File: 70 KB, 700x765, 1641255786909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The rate of suicide for men is higher compared to women
>Women also have higher expectations for a man compared to the opposite
Men are just starting to break, men are only human after all.

>> No.22211000

men have to study/bust their asses to earn money while women just have to be nice

>> No.22211019

Social media and zoomer internet culture
Go take a walk with your dog
It's not that bad

>> No.22211047

You don't need to live at all.

>> No.22211078

I know where this is from and the OP of the original thing is a retard. It's written by an FtM, they don't get that kinship/camaraderie because guys see them as an outsider. Women and effete men don't understand male bonds and friendship and constantly misinterpret it. Seeing it as competition is unironic cope for social retards who are unable or unwilling to form those bonds.

>> No.22211094


>> No.22211105

My personal view is that any GFE style online media, streamers, vtubers, asmr, egirls, etc, are so successful because men now are not obtaining the regular romantic experiences men in previous generations would have. It is a form of emotional masturbation.

>> No.22211127

It's a good thing they settle then

>> No.22211266

the og of male chuuba
enjoyer of alcohol, mahjong and other forms of gambling. (could not beat that cheat sio though https://youtu.be/VEhALFrfCCU))
likes may forms of spots. just did a fifa collab yesterday
roberu is similar in many ways but he attracts fujo demographics because of he radiates bottom energy
funny enough, kuzuha could have been a brogamer chuuba given his past but because of his good looks, he attracts fujos and yumejos.

>> No.22211288

it's incredibly weird how like 90% of men just fell into pussy

>> No.22211295

I feel crazy reading these kinds of posts. Your mom, sisters, brothers and dad all hated you? I know romantic love is different but unconditional love is something everyone knows or most people at least

>> No.22211355

unconditional and romantic love shouldn't be described by the same word

>> No.22211489
File: 2.99 MB, 407x498, fa4726d82dd3a97b0db4a15d8f39b9f3c.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're gonna watch male brostreamers why limit yourself to vtubers? are you unironically gay and cant watch a male streamer without the anime avatar?

>> No.22211541

>poor socialization
>socially isolated
It's called atomization of the nuclear family, happened because of debt (boomers) and internet (genx) and later social media (millenials). Don't worry though, the AI bots are eventually going to control all internet content and start inhabiting vtubers so we'll still be isolated but won't know or care because they will give the perfect gfe experience no human could replicate.

>> No.22211824

I've been struggling for a while now cuz I feel like the second part of the pic due to low self-esteem.
I always worry people are only ever nice to me because they have to (work) or it benefits them (friends).
It's probably just brain goblins on my part though... Right?

>> No.22211872

When you think about it, there’s really not much difference between the two.

>> No.22212087

Yeah, I have no idea how women are able to talk endlessly about nothing forever

>> No.22212155

not gonna lie I dont watch vtubers, I just think you guys are funny

>> No.22212352

Lord Athelstan? The guys a total bro but I'm pretty sure his non Nyan streams are full of women.

>> No.22212384

Yashiro MMZ4 onegai...

>> No.22212525
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>socially isolated look for people, sometimes entertainers, to keep them company
in other news, water is wet

>> No.22212564
File: 413 KB, 814x1002, 1649203129155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you go from all this to white imperialism kek, I guess I should expect as much from t*mblr rumao

>> No.22212981

As someone who comes from broken family I do not understand where unconditional love comes from. Aside from few family members all of them are lazy, entitled, arrogant leeches who will do their everything to avoid putting in any effort to anything while demanding the world to be handed to them. They disgust me and I will not help them in any way before they help themselves and acknowledge that they are the source of their problems. And if I hate my own blood and bone this much you can imagine how outsiders make me feel.

>> No.22213376

> Highest suicide rates in the whole planet
USA is above Japan no, you're living under a rock fatso

>> No.22213460

I think not talking to a friend group for months at a time and at holiday season just committing to meeting up for an hour where you just talk the shit and still feeling like you have that connection amongst yourself actually makes the friendship feel everlasting... I'm quite lucky in that aspect I guess, it's just a bummer they don't get vtubers and weeb shit, there's another friend group for that who I haven't rekindled with in ages (in zoomer terms)

>> No.22213477

Invention of internet has been the biggest mistake humanity has ever done.

>> No.22213510

Unconditional love is the cruelest type of affection, it's a love based in duty and societal conditioning and expectations. Eventually you realise that for your parents anyone would be good enough so long as it's "their child" your personality and unique qualities are irrelevant, "you" are irrelevant.

>> No.22213541

is there a market for that?

>> No.22213540

evidently that's a tough thing to do too if you look at women nowadays lol

>> No.22213590

What level of edgy underaged is resenting that your parents love you

>> No.22213607

Yeah I feel pretty bad for my mom because I'm such a complete and utter failure in practically every aspect but she genuinely doesn't even realize it because she loves me or whatever. It doesn't feel real

>> No.22213753

Yashiro for gaming and rhythm games.
Kagami-shachou for anything card game related.
I could put Sonny in here as well for playing boomer shooters.

On the inverse side, Kanae panders to BFE even though he played Hotline Miami very decently.

>> No.22213785

It is pretty rough on the parents' side since disliking your children is HIGHLY looked down on by everyone

>> No.22213970

i can't speak for anyone else, but i feel disgusting when i spend more than an hour on the internet

>> No.22213978

I've been interested in doing this since I moved after college then never connected with coworkers so all the people I talk to are online friends from this shithole of a site. Where did you find this meetup?

>> No.22214115

I don't know why people (including myself) choose to use it as a destructive waste of time

>> No.22214127

>tfw was about to buy a house on the high end of my budget right when Covid started & I got a huge Covid related paycut & they fucked up the build so I backed out
>said house is worth double what I would have paid for it now
I make 6 figures at this point and buying a house is still nothing but a dream, and as I make more $ the prices will just keep increasing so I'll never make it.

>> No.22214313

I don't think so.

Most evidence points into the direction that upbringing, socialisation, etc. has much less impact that people commonly believe. e.g. pretty much any personality trait, IQ, etc. is .5 heritable (i.e. rooted in the individual genetic makeup), whereas environmental effects when measured are not even remotely close to being that impactful.
I find it more likely that the reason why people are lonely, incapable of finding partners, etc. is more rooted human biology in response to modern technology and the conditions of living in a sexually liberalised society.

Women are biologically driven to seek out only the top tier men. In the past those would get married at some point and they'd have to settle for those that were left. But modern technology, media exposure, etc. made the world more microcosmic, so getting to know high tier men has become as easy as swiping right on ones phone. Also, there is no longer an incentive for high tier men to get married, so they never leave the dating pool. The result is that women are constantly holding out (up to their late 30s when the biological clock forces them to settle), trying their luck to rope some high tier man into marriage, whereas the average and below average men intuitively realise that it has become too unlikely for them to attract women, making them settle for surrogates like anime, vtubers, porn, etc. instead.

Naturally both men and women are unhappy with this and at a societal level this has disastrous results due to low birth rates, especially among the middle class, but there is very little one can do about it.

>> No.22214365

meetup.com and eventbrite, though I live in NYC so it's much more likely to be legit here. Apparently facebook groups/events are also a thing, though I've never tried those. The same bar/restaurant this happened at also held a singles mixer at the same time, though it looked 30's-40's so it wouldn't have worked out for me

If you're not in a city it becomes much much harder and this probably won't work, at least from what I've heard from other anons

>> No.22214607

Like old poets said, love doesn't follow logic.
You'll love something if you think you understand how that thing works and put yourself in their shoes. Parents are at a prime position to do that for their children. And I believe to love is something you learn. So, just like education, you might need an external push and punishments to help you learn it.
Try thinking that your mom knows how terrible you are and she still chose to love you despite it. And you don't have to repay the sacrifice she did, because she gave it without expecting anything in return.
If you're unsure, and is really shameless and ungrateful, go ahead and test her. Ask her questions about how she loves you. Whether if she expects things from you or not, and tell her if you think it's possible or not for you to fulfil that wish. Figure out whether if you're like this anon from a broken, narcissistic family >>22212981 or if you just don't understand how parents love their kids
try buying them coffee and asking them for feedback. not promising them change but, just an opportunity to talk about it. maybe it'll help battle the goblins you speak of...

>> No.22214965

I live in a fairly large city (no NYC, but pretty large young transplant population). Idk. Every time I went out to bars, parks, pools, or other social places everyone had people they were with, so I just assumed it was all me with the problem.

>> No.22215079

I don't want kids and hate the idea of me having sex. Marriage, relationships and having kids is creepy as hell and I'd rather spend my time trying to get a career and do shit like play vidya or something

>> No.22215090

we live in the most lonely, alienated time in human history and it has nothing to do with your gender

>> No.22215158

Indeed. A woman kind of lose her value if she’s taken as that’s the end of it (unless you’re a degenerate netori enjoyer). If she’s not then at least you have the illusion of having a chance. You certainly don’t have to be parasocial to perceive this.

>> No.22215173

there are swarms of some of the most well educated people on the planet who are experts in their fields all dedicated to doing nothing more than keep you addicted to it

>> No.22215289

It odd to me that I spent hours upon hours on dating apps with no results, but even a lot of unattractive women I know can go on it, get dates, and if they choose to to get fucked that day.

>> No.22215312

im pretty sure a normal guy has about an hour of real interesting shit to talk about and thats it. if theyve got some passion they can nerd out for a day on a topic but the other person doesnt care about insert anime here. by real shit i mean real shit not small talk or gossip.
its like asking how was your day at dinner vs some bitch calling you every hour to ask how was your day its been an hour nothings happened. social media forces too much contact on people. either you dont talk at all and get fucked over for ignoring people or say pointless bullshit that means nothing. both of these things ruin relations.

>> No.22215651


>> No.22215704

I've been considering becoming a vtuber for this reason, but 1. I'm male and 2. I imagine more time on the internet isn't what I need since I already have a decent # of online friends

>> No.22215838

>Your mom, sisters, brothers and dad all hated you?
I hate my brother but I love my mother. I feel like my mother is the only good female figure I have in my life and the only thing that stopped me from becoming a full blown incel.
My father is too dumb so my mother shines brighter in comparison.
But I don't compare men to my mother, I compare other women to my mother and I can see the contrast and there's certainly something wrong with many modern women.

>> No.22215996

Yeah if you're by yourself you're gonna need a facilitated meetup, at least to get 1-2 people willing to go to social spots with you going forward, then it becomes easier as your group can converge with other groups. You also need settings where socializing is actively encouraged.

Bars can work if you run into the odd fellow at the bar by himself (happened to me once and I ended up pub crawling with a dude who was a jazz musician that played on some HBO show and met three presidents while in the military, fucking nuts) or a group of 2; you're just gonna have to force yourself to go for it.

I've mostly been focused on trying to make male friends; you might be able to pull girls at one of these but I'm a khv so I can't really speak on its effectiveness. Most girls I've seen who go tend to be taken in my experience and I would say I'm below average looking and also Asian so I doubt I'll be able to pull at bars. Perhaps try hobby meetups if you're interested in that specifically; humanities-based interests tend to have meetups with a fair bit of women in my experience.

You could also try dating apps. There was a pudgy short Asian dude I got close to at the thing I went to yesterday who ended up marrying a white Jewish woman, he said he met her on Hinge. Some other fairly short Asian finance dudes I met another time at a bar frequently go on dates and they mostly use Hinge or coffeemeetsbagel. I mention short Asian because I'm assuming you're an average height to tall white dude, so if even they have success on those places then you're most likely gonna do even better

>> No.22216112

Seeing how this is a vtuber board...

>> No.22216144

>nobody is willing to admit to yet.
the right has been trying to tell you for years

>> No.22216211

Maimoto, most of his viewers are male and he doesn't shy away from talking about prostitutions and shit

>> No.22216227

Like who? Certainly not in government due to how pussy whipped they are.

>> No.22216237

I'm a tall, decently fit white dude who never had any success on dating apps & I've tried Tinder, Bumble, and Hinge a lot. My oshi inspired me to try getting a gf so I tried again and got one match who wanted to go on a date, but she ended up ghosting me.
Granted I have a hideous face & am bald which holds me back a lot.

>> No.22216431

You can't do dating apps unless you're pretty good looking or are aiming well below your league. It's just better to be friendly with women in person due to them hearing your voice which can be a turn on, get a better sense of your body size compared to theirs, and the confidence factor in being able to talk with them.

>> No.22216871

Yes and this is a good point

>> No.22217018

Damn that sucks. I gotta ask more info from the dude I met yesterday about his app success, but at least for the finance dudes, them being kinda short and Asian are their only major debuff imo, they've got hair and are average to slightly above average in face I guess, all of them went to Duke and at least one of them was kind of a jock there, they now make low-mid six figures at their jobs, they do most of the stereotypical shit you see the finance dudes in movies do, and at least one of them only really targets Asians (though another lost his virginity to a redhead so idk) so the race debuff isn't as pronounced.

Wouldn't call them chads though, one of them only had sex once and another was only in like 2 LTR's iirc though he's been on plenty of dates. There was a third Asian guy who had three separate dates in one day coming up the next day when I first met him, idk his past successes though

tl;dr it's hard for everyone these days if you don't have everything pretty much

>> No.22218137

Several years ago it was indeed different.
I blame shit like Tinder and social media.

>> No.22219428

I have alot pent up anger and resentment towards humanity I spend large amounts of energy keeping quelled every day. My life is just 50% trying to stay positive and 50% trying not to snap. I wish we would all just get nuked but Putin is a fucking pussy. But for real I wish a disease that only killed humans would come out. I love this earth, its disgusting what this plague we call a species is doing to it. Welp, back to filling the void of socialization that my pathetic brain needs with vtubers because actually getting to know someone in real life just sounds like trouble waiting to happen and a pain in the ass. So to answer the question, yeah probably. I love you all. You'll all make it someday. I wish you all the best!!

>> No.22219533

>Saruei: Too much text, I don't care, sorry

>> No.22219738

>alban knox doesnt really pander to women the way vox and mysta do but he plays off chat a lot and has a lot of female viewers
instead he does shota RP with Sonny on stream to pander to female viewers

>> No.22219809

Shota RP you say?

>> No.22219829

Cope. Women can never be truly alone.

>> No.22219912

How old are you?

>> No.22219940

Only Roberu, Rikka and Arn

>> No.22220074

mid 20's.

>> No.22220106

I feel like wondering what life is like for men should be something you do BEFORE you let the Jews convince you to chop off your tits and take steroids. But hey, what do I know. I'm not a 'psychiatrist', kek.

>> No.22220115

I've known a handful of female hikkis. A couple online and one who recovered. You might say that that type of loneliness is voluntary. Well 99% of incidences of male loneliness are too. Although it's still not their "fault." Mental illness is pretty suffocating.

The real bleak shit is when you hit 70+. The lonely old people epidemic is genuinely horrible to think about.

>> No.22220386

I'm just killing myself at that point. Once my wife dies I'm gone, ODing on some drug so I go out happy. Im not living out my last years alone like that

>> No.22220958

if you're asian unironically find some white kpop fangirl. some of them have really really bad fever so any Asian guy will do, they don't care so long as you're asian. white koreaboos are insane

>> No.22221006

She correctly identified that women don't like men who aren't chads and don't give a shit about being nice to them and says this is justified but somehow fails to realise it's the same situation for men as well. Men will assault other men, or take advantage of them for material and social gain. Men protect themselves from other men on grounds of competition the same way women do it to not deal with creepy men. Being a man is inherently individualistic and competitive and women will never be able to understand this. We don't operate in the same way in society.

>> No.22221083

It's the result of record low interest rates which makes holding money undesirable. Nobody saves money, everyone is throwing their money out the window. That's why the only economy exists, that's why vtubers exist.

>> No.22221128

It's because women have high expectations. It's easier for an ugly chick to get some dick than it is for an ugly guy to get some pussy

>> No.22221219

To keep a woman you need to be decent looking and have a big cock. If you are cute but have micro penis you will be dumped.

>> No.22221291

>tfw monster cock but ugly

>> No.22221416

I would figure they only want impossibly beautiful plastic boydolls. Not some random chinese guy who majored in comp-sci.

>> No.22221644

>tfw big dick but it curves to the side like a banana

>> No.22221765

A common occurrence here on /vt/

>> No.22221779

Needlessly large rodbros...

>> No.22221921

>fails to realise it's the same situation for men as well
The same is not true to the same extent. That's being disingenuous. You don't have to fear getting a 1st floor apartment. But women often elect not to due to the real possibility of a crazy stalker/rapist/ex-boyfriend. This is demonstrated by the types of fear fathers feel for their daughters vs their sons. The concerns are completely different, and for good reason.

>> No.22221940

>Highest suicide rates in the whole planet.
Why do idiots on the internet always so confident in their wrong Japan facts? They don't have the lowest birth rates or highest work hours either.
Please kill yourself.

>> No.22221946
File: 43 KB, 640x360, ugly_bastard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what to do brother

>> No.22221976

Take the orc pill

>> No.22222055
File: 419 KB, 1200x1657, 15390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you at least Google something before typing it

>> No.22222156

as the men of sigma would say: sigma balls, but also just deal with it.

>> No.22222196

It's not about how much fear you feel it's about the prevalence of men not caring about other men vs women not caring about other men. The reasons are different but the prevalence of "non-caring" is the same. Like I said, you, as a woman, cannot understand it

>> No.22222202

GFE vtuber > real girlfriend.

>> No.22222342

Pretty sure Korea moggs Japan in work hours these days. They took that work ethic to 11

>> No.22222748

What's with the women in India? They're killing themselves almost as much as the guys.

>> No.22222801

Probably something to do with the nonstop rape and physical assault they experience there. Indian men are animals.

>> No.22222813

India literally has a rape problem

>> No.22222863

Not quite that ugly but I could legit be used as an NTR antagonist

>> No.22222884

Imagine being forced to marry a random Indian guy you've never met before by your family.

>> No.22222948

You mean protagonist

>> No.22222979

That's not what you said. You implied that men are just as suspicious of other men as women, but women live in far greater fear of victimization. I'm a man, and I don't worry about the parking lot at night or walking by myself. Women do fear these things, and again, for good reason. There is a great physical inequality between us.

>> No.22222985

nta and I don't completely agree with your take, but there are bits that make sense.
I think media and television made me expect all my emotion validation to come from a woman. In everything I watched, it was always the guy character to make you laugh, while the girl was there to make the character feel better and to do the right thing.
We live in a culture that imitates what other people do because we are social creatures, so when we emulate the stuff on TV, so emotion vulnerability is met with laughter and jokes. You can't even really show that you feel bad about it, because the "bigger man" would be able to shrug it off and laugh it off.
And if you aren't a "big man", what kind of woman would want to date you and satisfy your emotional needs.

>> No.22223234

This thread is the result of poor male socialization in western and japanese societies

>> No.22223313

No it isn't, it's society's fault not this sites

>> No.22223332

This sounds like a quote from a creepy tranny.

>> No.22223362

I need GFE because I work all day and go home. I don't want to go to bars and I am not going to church, So I will probably never meet anyone.

>> No.22223550

>My life is just 50% trying to stay positive and 50% trying not to snap.
Same, honestly just know you aren't alone in this situation if that provides any comfort

>> No.22223658

>So what you're saying is
No. I said men and women have the same natural self defensive mechanism of not caring about other men. The reasons they have it are different. Stop typing like a woman

>> No.22223663

Speak for yourself. I have a social life I'm content with and I spend plenty of time watching my oshi and her friends.

>> No.22223714

Same. Boomerang banana bent gang?

>> No.22223713

good for you anon. Do your friends also have oshis?

>> No.22223718

And if they don't use your emotional weakness as a reason to dump you they will use it as weapon to mock you to friends or against you whenever the desire hits them.

>> No.22223742

>/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

>> No.22223869

You can tell trans isn't real because woman becomes man and then realises she actually doesn't think and feel emotions like a man and tries to explain biology away as "white imperialism"

>> No.22223991

>can't find ways to meet new people with similar interests in my new city because the only social events are all about drinking with 40 year olds or specifically Women's Support/Minority Uplift groups
>can't organically meet people through friends of friends because I don't even have that initial group of friends in the first place

It's a vicious cycle and I fucking hate that there's no function in society any more for men in their mid-to-late 20's to meet people and make friends. I'm not miserable yet, but I know I'm going to be if I spend years living on nothing but the internet and vtubers.

>> No.22223994

You missed the point of what the OP said then. The claim is that women have to adopt a certain attitude with random men as a defense mechanism. Friendliness can be misinterpreted as romantic interest and men who feel spurned can get violent. You don't have this defense mechanism because you are not in danger of being victimized in the same way. You know this, I think. You haven't ever been followed home because you smiled at a guy at the gym.

Callousness comes with population density. This is not just callousness though. What they're describing is guardedness and fear, and women have more of this than men. You've had to have had a girlfriend/friend/sister/mom who's mentioned this kind of thing to you before.

>> No.22224000

No, its women's fault for having such high expectations. They want ripped guys with big penises that make a lot of money. It's what 90% of them want. That includes all the Holo girls. Guys just want someone with a vagina

>> No.22224090

Idk, most of the time I voluntarily isolate myself and occasionally talk to like 2-3 over the years, I can engage in casual conversation irl and can restrain my autism somewhat but I'd rather be alone and not have to restrain myself (as much)

>> No.22224383

No to the first question, yes to the second.

>> No.22224385

>Guys just want someone with a vagina
Evil transphobe this is why men are scum

>> No.22224682

I don't think people are any less happy than they were 20, 50, 100 years ago, they're just more aware of it and willing to admit it. You can actually feel that you're missing out on something when you can listen to Kronii, Ina, etc. having fun singing together versus turning on the tv and seeing Ralph threaten his wife to a laugh track. Like imagine having the dream of the wife, kids, and house with white picket fence and then realizing that you feel lonely. Who would you even tell? You tell another guy, he probably calls you a homo and now the whole town thinks you're an unmedicated schizo. It gets around to your wife, and while she can't leave you, she becomes cold as fuck so it's no different. No, it's much easier to just never think about it or tell anyone until the day you die.

A certain percentage of the population is also just too dumb to realize that they're miserable. That percentage has probably lessened over time.

>> No.22224734

Women live privileged lives. Having some woman LARPing as a man is insulting.

>> No.22225027

Fulgur from nipplesanji
batman with the personality of the joker as well
lost pause(not a fulltime vtuber)
flamencotv(is mostly a dramafag though)

After that I am kind of struggling, there's a bunch of literal 2 views

>> No.22226051
File: 29 KB, 473x465, 1621232857679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao, this tranny is so close to understanding things but her woke programming is getting in the way of reality.

The reason why other women treat her coldly is because she is unnattractive.
As a female to male, she is not tall, she does not have a good jawline, wide shoulders etc

What she doesn't understand is, she is now the creepy ass man she used to disparage.
Creepy Ass Men = Low Sexual Market Value

Now, having low sexual market value can be overcome by a lot of different things, like fame, fortune, talent, perseverance, charisma.
None of these are traits women tend to have on their own, they have to gain them from a partnering with a man.
The coldness of the world around her is the reality of being a low value male with none of the above.

Her second point about men, she has never once tried to bond with a man over a male activity, instead she is supposing men need to follow her in order to be happier, despite being unhappy herself.
This is her woke programming coming undone, women get to exist in a surreal world where other people will help them, men however are forced to face reality to become truly happy, she will detransition within the year.

>> No.22226658

I support the mandatory transition for western women so they can see reality.

>> No.22227494


>> No.22228318

What's up. Never had a bitch complain though. Think of your curve like a katana. Your cock is folded 1 million times and can cut through tanks.

>> No.22228481

>failed normalfags: the thread

>> No.22228637

This is true. If you look at society in general in both men and women, men are always treated like shit and rejected. That’s just how it is. Women really don’t have anything thing to worry about. even if they are ugly, they will get something. And the problems they do have seem to be things they did to themselves due to poor life choices. Men are always found dead somewhere alone. Couldn’t be more true.

>> No.22228917

bonbon doesnt intentionally do it but his fanbase is made up of a lot of females
also did a shota stream one time so pandering to females happens time to time still

>> No.22228990

busting ass for money is more so a capitalistic thing, a more general example is being able to support a family

>> No.22229048

>start watching GFE chuuba because having a gf has always seemed like the single thing I'll never be able to achieve no matter how much I try
>it just makes me want a gf more
I wish I wasn't an ugly autist.

>> No.22229185

>female socialization

>> No.22229271

People like me were willing to pay prostitutes for a GFE long before vtubing was a thing. It's just a "first wave feminism ruined human civilization" thing.

>> No.22229315

that disposable male thing is probably why males try so hard to be in control in society as other wise theyd basically fall off and most would die off from the lack of need for them.
though this has its own problems especially in places like china thats culture preferred male heirs but were only allowed one child cause there to be too many males and not enough females for said males to develop healthily resulting in lonely single males anyway.

>> No.22229588

He said Westernized, not Western. Eastern countries also adopted Western political and economic systems over the past two centuries and are thus subject to the same societal disintegration over time as all traditional bonds of community are slowly dismantled by the entirely different needs of capitalism.

>> No.22232122

I hate trannies.

>> No.22232372

No, vtubers are the result of Kizuna Ai's success story and subsequent tapping into that market.

>> No.22233199
File: 181 KB, 911x942, Quon Tama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa, what the heck am I doing here on this Mongolian underwater basket weaving forum!?The Anthropocene is underway. Enjoy the autumn of our species. Winter fast approaches and with it a deathly stillness for all time. Imma go back to playing Apex and singing husky karaokes now. Catch ya later!

>> No.22233442

After reading this thread, maybe suicide is the answer after all.

>> No.22233605

>no inherent camaraderie in male socialization as there is in female socialization
What the fuck is this guy smoking? You can strike up any conversation with a guy in a speakeasy and in just a few minutes you can already sense the camaraderie with a fellow man. There's a reason brotherhood is a thing while sisterhood is not
Oh, mental illness, that explains it

>> No.22233619

Lord Aethelstan, but he probably has a fair amount of fujo fans too.

>> No.22233713

Most young wamen today are of low value and add nothing to a man's life. And yet they demand you treat them as if they have high value and pretend they are not just a drain on your time and resources. Is this even a surprise anymore.

>> No.22233855 [DELETED] 

٩(◕‿◕。)۶ This is a useless thread, reading this thread will not help you in anyway. ٩(◕‿◕。)۶

>> No.22234455

What's up with all the vshojos suddenly hooking up with a male vtuber at the same time anyway?

>> No.22234665

They got big enough so they don't need vtuber simps (goslings/unicorns) and milk large normie audience instead. They don't mind feeling cucked by their "waifus" and will encourage them to fuck live on stream as paypigs spend all their savings to see it.

>> No.22235099

>White Imperialism
Being american is a much worse mental illness than being a tranny

>> No.22235523

thank you peterson

>> No.22236174

On a similar topic can someone give the streamable link to the cunny vtuber that accidentally mentioned her boyfriend on stream

>> No.22236305

Male comradery still very much exists, you're just not included
>perceived as male
definitely a troon

>> No.22236327


>> No.22236404

I'm pretty sure winning son from holostars pander to boys. He is "married" to kagura mea and most of their 3d collab with starsJP are just bros hangout together. Unlike NijiEN. Even their off-collab are gay shit

>> No.22236487

Fulgur literally gay and do gay talks with niji girls and sometimes with vox or his chat when zatsudan.

>> No.22236490

There will never any GFE VTubers. Cope bitch nigga.

>> No.22236514

Literally just go to a TCG meetup and ask the guys there if they wamna go for a beer

>> No.22236685

Unsurprising GFEtards resonate with the words that come out of a trannies mouth regarding how much they've failed to be men. What makes men better than women is that they're able to acknowledge and overcome these problems and not spend their times bitching about it.

>> No.22237688


>> No.22237759
File: 122 KB, 680x674, 1649680821703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

women are so retarded it's not even funny

>> No.22238940

Huh, what an oddly civil, informative & self-reflective thread this turned out to be.
Kinda reminds me a little of the old web in a way

>> No.22239790

If you came away from this thread with the notion that it was informative then you've been spending too much time on Moroccan seashell photography forums anon

>> No.22240297

They’re all over /wvt/ and they chill with each other and viewers too but you wouldn’t know about because you’re all bronies

>> No.22240559

>be 26 yo
>never had a gf
>barely any friends
>still pretty happy with my life
>one day just wake up and start feeling lonely, unsure if I want to keep working at my current job, if I want to live in this small ass town
>have this constant dread that I'll forever be alone and nothing will work out
>2 weeks pass and I'm back to being fine
>a month or two later the dread comes back
This cycle has been going on for months now. I dunno why but it just hit me like a truck all at once. I was also saving up money for my own place but now I'm unsure if I even want to buy an apartment in this town. Is it just depression? Midlife crisis? Though I'm a bit too young for that, I think.

>> No.22241209

You are aware that men are in fact vastly more likely to be victims of violence than women, right? Men are simply conditioned to live with the fear, while it's socially acceptable for women to vocalize it.

>> No.22241343

I must know if she recovered from this and kept going--
>graduated earlier this year

>> No.22241666

thanks anon

>> No.22241901

It was quite nice. There's a certain comfort in knowing you're not alone in your situation.

You're free to voice your dissenting opinion here, anon. Dismissing every post in the thread without specifying just makes me think your position is weak.

>> No.22242064

I mean, 80% of them are actually gay so it makes sense they'd do gay shit

>> No.22242109


>> No.22242263

I'm 34 and this kind of feeling still comes and goes, but you get used to it. I've come to accept that I'll always be lonely and never truly happy, but it's okay. At least it makes the prospect of death less scary, since it will be a relief from all of this meaninglessness.
But who knows, perhaps things will be different for you and you'll find someone before you reach my age. I hope so.

>> No.22242294

That does sound like depression. I'm in a similar situation with feeling fine for a while and then feeling the dread come back. In my case its a daily thing though.

>> No.22242631

OP here, thanks anon
funnily enough I was just in a thread reminiscing about the old web

>> No.22242833

yeah its probably depression, i also am similar though its usually caused by bad social interactions so i tend to be able to subvert it with being lonely to avoid those interactions.
i hope you find someone anon, maybe not a lover, maybe not even human but someone to make you feel more complete and not as lonely

>> No.22242843

>it made me realize that there is no inherent camaraderie in male socialization as there is in female socialization
What did he mean by this?

>> No.22243076

Women are collectivist decision makers and side with women. Men are logical and don't care if other men get fucked over

>> No.22243338

Have you met women? Every professional environment I've been in, the women were backstabbing cunts willing to fuck each other for gain

>> No.22243527

Yeah when it comes to fighting each other. But when it's something like women vs a third party they will instantly pretend like they were best friends their entire life and all band together against 3rd party

>> No.22243717

Yes, that is how people work anon

>> No.22243919

Nah men don't do that

>> No.22244265

i think the point is women will almost always do it where males are more passive and usually wont do it to the same extent.
look at that tiktok trend were everyone shamed a guy for just being a shitty date or that one where people were psychoanalyzing a guys movements when his girlfriend surprised him by showing up, both were started by women trying to protect other women from sus behaviour and then it got blown way out of proportion

>> No.22244316

How is it possible that people can be lonelier than ever when the internet exists? It's so contradictory.

>> No.22244369

text on a screen doesn't dispense serotonin

>> No.22245553

when did the us surpass japan?

>> No.22245779


>> No.22245902

Same anon…

>> No.22245994

Dating apps are a waste of time

>> No.22246635

Why tell them when you can milk them for all their money?

>> No.22246685

I'd say they're ok to have around just in case desu. Don't expect anything but keep it as an option.

>> No.22246724


This one makes me a tad sad because a big shylily simp got showed this after her streamathon and he just stopped showing up.

>> No.22247046

it kinds is, but a collateral effect of the internet is that the relationships made on it can be a lot more volatile

>> No.22247421

Many "internet relationships" tend to be pretty superficial.

I think having many acquaintances but no real friends to completely let your guard down with just adds to the loneliness

>> No.22247561

More of a millennial thing these days, my dad found his new wife through one and they've been decently happy together.

>> No.22248145

being a woman is actually difficult in third world countries

>> No.22248198

>muslim shitholes have the least suicide
explain this

>> No.22248407

They're convinced that they'll be tortured in hell forever if they commit suicide. Also explains why they're so keen on dying needlessly in war. Good way to quickly trade this crapsack existence for 72 virgins.
In other words, they're retarded.

>> No.22248424

Suicide bombings counted as kills by US military forces

>> No.22248654

I'm lonely

>> No.22248789

Is this that lobster retard?

>> No.22248790

and I thought the "I donate then get cucked instantly" was just fiction

>> No.22248884

The blackpill doesn’t lie

>> No.22248913


>> No.22249410

NTA but yeah I can see his point, when you're in a relationship don't expect your bitch to magically have eyes just for you, if another guy comes and starts hanging out with her more she most often than not will sway his way, you'll be compared to him in every possible way wihtout you knowing it until the unavoidable break up happens and is because you fucking rushed it. Society expects you to do the moves first and do it before any other men gets their hands on her so you don't know much about her beliefs, idiologies, political affiliation, mindset, etc. You really have to struck gold with one of those rushed attempts in your life and is considered what ''a man should do'' because if you try to befriend her you have an 89% chance to become her big brother or friendzoned forever.

Marriage is fucking stupid, you have to buy a ring for her, get yourself in debt for the wedding because ''it's her special day'', depending on your country the family of the bride will pay for the dress, so you end up with crippling debt just to say: ''Yes, I want to be tied for you forever and give you half of everything I own if you are unfaithful or the thing doesn't work out and pay for your needs until you marry someone else again according to the law''. Children is just extra money that comes from your pocket

So yeah, it is fucking creepy for men.

>> No.22249555

Aren't we all.
>It'll go away
>It'll come back
>It's a vicious cycle

>> No.22249851

Tsunderia males don't pander to fujos. It's literally chill dudes just fucking around

>> No.22249977

>How old are you?
I ask because I'm worried I might some day turn into you. You have the mentality of a doomposter which makes sense for this site but I still don't agree with it. Marriage isn't stupid. Kids aren't stupid. I am stupid.

>> No.22250163

Yeah because stairs deter bad intent people. Just put a door that doesnt suck and make the windows inassailable without the need to make a fus and then some.

>> No.22250224

>tfw went full retard on stock market and lost money on largest bull run in history

>> No.22250757

I got something similar, indeed. Maybe it;s just FOMO about getting a decent gf before all my options reduce to uggos and single mothers.

>> No.22250988

I find it exhausting and kind of depressing when I come into these kind of threads or just think about relationships in general. Any time some guy asks on how to get a gf he gets the usual advice of "start working out", "get better hobbies", "go out more", etc. Then you look at acquaintances, friends and other random people who don't have their shit together at all but are still in relationships somehow. Like I know one guy who is a neet, yet even he has a gf who basically takes care of him and has done it for years now. Another guy is obese as fuck, greasy, smells pretty bad, but he still managed to get an actually cute gf.

I'm not saying I deserve a gf as well, but at the same time it just seems fucked up how much more effort you're told to put in and to change yourself just for a chance of maybe finding someone. When normal people usually don't do anything special, they just live their lives, meet people and get into relationships. But I know that life is unfair and crying won't do anything about it. I dunno, I just wanted to rant a bit.

>> No.22251373

They got a gf by being themselves

>> No.22251451

>there are more women than men in my country
>country is in top 10 by suicide rates in the world (mostly men killing themselves)
>men (and people in general) avoid getting into relationships
>tfw still find it impossible to get a girlfriend
Where are all these single women at?

>> No.22251560

>Not a single counter-argument
Anon, marriage is a fucking scam for men and everybody knows that, if you want to spend your life with someone then just do it, you don't need a paper or a big costly celebration to say I love this woman. Children can be a blessing but also a curse, if you think you'll be able to have an ounce of the freedom you had after having one then your child will become fucking Hasan in the future, parenting is so morally bankrupt that you have people complaining to youtubers, twitch and etc why are they not looking after their children while they go on facebook or twitter.

Want to be a good parent? your child becomes priority, your world has to go around your child, neglect him in his early years and he'll resent you forever.

I'm guessing you're pretty young, so don't worry, I actually have a job, friends and just like to hang out, the world and your self-worth doesn't revolve around pussy, having a stable family and children kiddo, learn this before is too late and they might come naturally in the future before you even know it.

>> No.22251692

If I guessed your country correctly, we currently have a problem bigger than tfw no gf.

>> No.22251748

Life is not fair, that much is true. You should open yourself to opportunities and capitalize on them, but it's all down to luck in the end. You can absolutely do everything correct and still be screwed over, while the next person over bumbles his way into becoming a millionaire.
That's just how chaotic the world is. Don't be too upset when idiots give you stupid advice. They're only trying to help and simply cannot understand how lucky they are.

>> No.22251783

>vtubers made me want to touch grass more often because I was jealous of the close connections they seemed
Unironically this.

>> No.22251848

Which is unironically good advice imo. You can't really change yourself for someone else, unless you really want to do it yourself. When people who failed go looking for advice they usually get told to change themselves which I find weird. Most people didn't do that, so why should they? Grooming yourself/generally taking care of yourself? Sure. Getting new hobbies or working out just to find a gf? No.

>> No.22251852

If you're from Russia, the single women are apparently mostly older. (50+) The competition is still fierce for the younger women, it's just that the men die early and leave a lot of single older women. A crap situation all around.

>> No.22251943

That's pretty ironic considering those "close connections" are mostly fake and put on for the sake of the audience.
But I suppose an illusion is just as good as the real thing as long as it inspires people.

>> No.22252215

I'm from Eastern Europe, so you can probably narrow it down. Last I checked we were the only European country in the top 10, unless something's changed.

>> No.22252241

Yeah, but they also sexually harass your side-oshi in dms.

>> No.22252297

vast majority of males are disposable in the eyes of society and females
it just b like dat

>> No.22252453

If you're interested, read "Models: Attract Women Through Honesty" by Mark Manson. It takes the exact issue you're describing, a process that many normalfags take for granted, and describes it in plain text.

>> No.22252780

Another self-help book that states the obvious.

>> No.22252858

I feel like luck is literally the biggest factor to almost everything and I fucking hate it. I dropped out of uni, went to a trade school and managed to instantly get hired at a company where I only need to work half a day to get an average salary. If I work a full day, I get paid even more. Then there's my friend who finished university but couldn't land a job for over half a year. Though he did get lucky and met a girl at a party who he has married now.

>> No.22253092

Does it matter? It may be "fake in reality" but through what we can perceive the relationships are "real".

>> No.22253161

I wasn't trying to debate you, you can find many examples of people happily married with kids though. You can find counter-examples too of course.
>I actually have a job, friends and just like to hang out
I don't have any of those things. It likely somewhat tarnishes my world-view of things. I don't know how I'll ever find a woman that can accept somebody like me but if I find her, you can be sure I'll be tying the knot.

>> No.22253344

Yeah, similar situation here. I got lucky with my job and can live comfortably, but I know others who work twice as hard for shit pay. Conversely they have kids of the way while I'm still alone. (Hilariously they still ask me for relationships advice, even though I have literally zero experience. I just say common sense shit like "talk it over with your partner", etc.)
I've come to terms with this being the natural state of the world though, like a shitty gacha/card game. Sometimes you just brick. Nothing else to do but shrug and grow numb to it.
I guess that's one of the reasons I'm into vtubers, because you can sort vicariously appreciate their enthusiasm and optimism that's lacking in your actual life. I'd say OP is onto something.

>> No.22253383

Yes. Next question.

>> No.22253436
File: 1.52 MB, 1222x1122, Screen Shot 2022-04-11 at 2.28.07 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other than the retarded white imperialism part, s(he?) is mostly correct. I think men especially need to pay close attention to this part. Women typically don't want to act cold towards men but they understand that they are the physically weaker sex so it makes sense to put up your guard against a possible threat.

>> No.22253484

Sure, but also take into calculation absolutely brutal divorce rate.

>> No.22253726

That's a woman who got her tits cut off.

>> No.22254151

So a trans guy then. Also I'm pretty sure not all trannies go through with surgery, that shit's gotta be expensive as fuck. Regardless, that part of the post is more important than the pronoun shit. I think other men would find a partner a lot more easily if they knew this.

>> No.22254489

>that men to woman ratio
fucking depressing

>> No.22254876 [SPOILER] 
File: 144 KB, 1566x1063, FP1iQwOVcAI0Cio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How does it feel to be so cripplingly lonely that the person you give all of your love and attention to is a demon on the internet?
