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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 82 KB, 1124x282, millie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22221318 No.22221318 [Reply] [Original]

what the FUCK did millie mean by this

>> No.22221400

NijiEN doesn't pander to GFE say the Nijiniggers btw

>> No.22221425

Do not bring your girlfriend, that is not allowed.

>> No.22221434

screenshot the whole membership post faggot

>> No.22221613

You aren't allowed to have a girlfriend but SHE is allowed to have a boyfriend(me)

>> No.22221684

But they can bring their "gay" male friend to a hotel room, mmmkay

>> No.22221714

that's not what she means incel

>> No.22221771

>pinoy with pagpag breath trying to do gfe

>> No.22221793

> what's reading comprehension?
she's saying don't bring your gf, not that you're not allowed to have one

>> No.22221836

that's not GFE, that's just a joke vtubers do, why is everything GFE to holobronies?

>> No.22221901

Months of grooming by a corporation that wrings them dry for profit

>> No.22221960

>niji thread
>"holobronies did this"

>> No.22222004

>leaking membership stuff to feed shitposters who already hate her or nijien in general
I don't understand why people like this even join it in first place

>> No.22222086

Because they're based
Hope he used ARS too

>> No.22222349

Don't forget to also say you don't think about nijien at all and that I'm a schizo foi pointing out the several daily bait threads about them that are totally not happening

>> No.22222387

im surprised youtube hasnt cracked down on that yet

>> No.22222508

Manipulation tactics, jealous females always get a free pass

>> No.22222552

I just put 2 monitors to each other and play my oshi on another one.

>> No.22222636

All they have to do is make the cost of membership and superchat colors tied to a set value instead of relative value and it will solve everything.

>> No.22222648


>> No.22222658


>don't pander to GFEchads
>earn pagpag worth of dolaridos for months
>dial back down
>pander to GFEchads as a desperate attempt to save her dying career

lol nijinigger in shambles

>> No.22222698


>> No.22222773

bro pagpag breath is just the smell of fried food
source: me

>> No.22222984

I didn't mentioned hololive at all but I guess you just outed yourself, don't jump too fast at the "rent free" next time holofag

>> No.22223064

funny because the membership post was her pandering to females

>> No.22223307

Does Millie do GFE? I might give her a chance then.

>> No.22223366

She does the literal opposite, don't bother watching if you're going to complain here the next time she joins Enna to laugh at unicorns

>> No.22223514

>I didn't straight up write the words holobrony so it doesn't count
Pretend to be a retard somewhere else, this thread is now about flip pussy

>> No.22223816

no, she's just like enna but a bit kinder in BTFOing unicorns

>> No.22223850

>what the FUCK did millie mean by this
She meant you're not allowed to bring your girlfriend.

>> No.22223968

Ah well, good luck to them then.

>> No.22224638

why is she assuming I have a gf?

>> No.22225205
File: 316 KB, 561x551, 1648696150115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rent free

>> No.22225274
File: 98 KB, 952x936, watawata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22227415

>Enjoys GFE
Rumoa even

>> No.22227483

that sounds tasty, she should burp in my mouth

>> No.22227506

It's over...

>> No.22230873

if you bring gf Millie will steal her from you

>> No.22232612


>> No.22232697
File: 111 KB, 255x216, chama skeptical.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Millie goes HARD on the gfe
you just know it'll turn out she has like three boyfriends and it'll be all over /vt/ for a few days

>> No.22232723
File: 132 KB, 1434x550, argentina is worse than mexico.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22232778

nice bait mate, now post the full membership post
