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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 35 KB, 510x299, FP_cvibXwAcRSMx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22198793 No.22198793 [Reply] [Original]

Praise the sun!

Last stream: Holotori Gartic Phone https://youtu.be/ldA3-NrjE7Y

Schedule: SOON

Art by: https://twitter.com/takanashikiara

Previous thread: >>22179744

>> No.22198882
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Chiara labu

>> No.22198943
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That's illegal!

>> No.22199012
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>> No.22199113

KFP Foot lettuce

>> No.22199752

The number 15 combo is this except it's kiaras dainty small feet

>> No.22199786

in pudding's clip premiere

>> No.22199860

Hi pudding.

>> No.22199960

schedule is tomorrow folks

>> No.22200023

Is Monday a break day?

>> No.22200025


>> No.22200111
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>> No.22200137

why is she like this

>> No.22200199
File: 49 KB, 1080x222, Screenshot_20220410-165858_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Portal 2 Collab soft confirmed?

>> No.22200276

>1 min long space
>Info dropped on chat of a clip premiere
Tracking her is becoming really hard

>> No.22200400

Why is she like this. Why can't she simply tweet about it or even better, use youtube to communicate with her youtube fans.

>> No.22200760

I like her but today she's been all over the place, only people who are keeping tabs on her all day can keep up.

>> No.22200807

But with whomst

>> No.22200816

YEEEEEES (I know it's nothing definitive yet, but I'm happy to see it's at least more than lightly on her radar)
Would love to see her play through the solo campaigns first, to get accustomed to the game and because Portal playthroughs are always fun, it's short enough that it doesn't become a drag and watching smort birb Kiara solve puzzles and having her funny comments will be great

>> No.22200852

Probably another collab game with Mumei which should be funny

>> No.22200875

Yea it's really annoying me. Does she expect me to watch every clipnigger from now on just in case she shows somewhere up to talk about her schedule? Just talk about it on your own channel/twitter please

>> No.22200898

nah she seems fixed on KeyWe Part 2 for that

>> No.22200958

I'm surprised she's excited for (the bad) SimCity, even with Ame.
I'd have never guessed it was her kind of game.
Spend way too much of my childhood on RCI-zoning.

>> No.22201008

What was the twitter space even about? I guess no one has a copy, but at least someone lucky enough to catch it can give a tldr?
Just want to know if I missed something important or basically just another episode of "hey guys I just wanted to show you my cat purring, come here Smoothie *purrpurrrrr* ok thx bye!"

>> No.22201033

It was just cat purring.

>> No.22201302

Can you fags get the stick out of your asses? I swear, some of you fags will get mad at anything Kiara does, take some meds.

>> No.22201338


>> No.22201487

>In snake-tongue
Does it work after the space is already closed? If it does, we should be able to pull it down using any http client that speaks twitter's idiocy.

>> No.22201583

>break day
>does space without announcing it
>almost the entirety of kfp misses it
>refuses to make it public
>kfp waiting for schedule all day
>talks about it in a random clip channel
>have to find out about it on a third party website
>4chan of all places

>wtf why are you mad?????????????????????

anon...you don't need to be a yesman here.

>> No.22201672

Anon...you don't need to get pissed like /ggg/ does, Kiara feeds kfp well

>> No.22201725

Wait WHAT she did a twitter space?

>> No.22201743

NTA and I'm not mad or anything, just a bit exhausted. The twitter space is a fun random thing and I like Pudding in general, it's just tricky to follow her today.
I don't park on twitter at all times, I refresh it in bursts like once an hour, and I don't baby-sit clipper channels for streams I already watched.

>> No.22201840

>break day
Bruh the Holotori collab?
Agree with the rest but I'm not mad, mostly just "why is she like this" and amused at the whole thing. Kiara is really hard to keep track of and I just hate missing things but nothing to be mad about

>> No.22201855

Same for me. I don't watch clips in general because I watch the stream live. I just don't like that apparently from now on I have to search random clips on youtube and scroll through the comment section in hope I find a Kiara comment about future content and collabs.

>> No.22201967

She could have archived the space but it was a minute of her cat purring. Everyone knows Mondays are her usual break day and when we usually get a schedule.

You're acting like a needy faggot.

>> No.22202124

Now change your IP again to say it a third time. I don't care about your opinion. I'm here to say that she at least could update us about current things instead of doing it in secret on random channels.

I'm not "pissy" I'm just very disappointed in her. Why is she like that today.

>> No.22202145

Next week better have a collab

>> No.22202180

>>break day
Holotori collab
>>does space without announcing it
>>almost the entirety of kfp misses it
>>refuses to make it public
It was one minute of cat purring, get over yourself
>>kfp waiting for schedule all day
>>talks about it in a random clip channel
>>have to find out about it on a third party website
>>4chan of all places
Man, you guys are really desesperate

>> No.22202411

>doing it in secret on random channels
Cry about it to her on Twitter.

>> No.22202451

Monopoly collab is next week I think

>> No.22202578

[Number news] The Topic version of Sparks is almost at one million. For comparaison, the topic version of hinotori just recently broke one million

>> No.22202605

Don't have a twitter account. I just bookmark her page and check it every now and then to see if there are any updates.

And why would I cry about it there and bother her when I can do it here

>> No.22202750

I loved sim city back in the day. Still have Sim City 3 I think it is on my list to play again some day.

>> No.22202814

Does anyone have this dudes kiara artpieces?

>> No.22202851

She's not here. If you genuinely feel she's in the wrong, you can voice your criticisms there.

Also fuck off why are you upset at cat space if you're not on Twitter. You're just a crybaby faggot looking for yous and trying to set some weird narrative

>> No.22202881


>> No.22203099


>> No.22203147

Oh yeah, it's panic time

>> No.22203174

Ok wagecuck

>> No.22203264

its only our engagement being announced, dont worry

>> No.22203316

Link died

>> No.22203326

wurks on my machine

>> No.22203368
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>> No.22203406

Thumbnail is kind of goofy so not a formal announcement?

>> No.22203431


>> No.22203436

Alright retried on the app and it works.

>> No.22203522
File: 486 KB, 833x966, 1636488941834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will be something silly, with the thumbnail and the【URGENT】
But the day THAT will happen, that wont be pretty

>> No.22203549

What the fuck she'S literally reading these threads

>> No.22203553

Finally Mori's graduation.

>> No.22203562


>> No.22203591

New cat announcement

source: I am her new cat

>> No.22203649

I can't believe Kiara is the first EN to graduate. I thought for sure it was going to be Sana.

>> No.22203656

Is this gonna be a mass layoff? This is gonna be just like that one company firing 500 employees over Zoom isn't it...

>> No.22203671

I know this stream is going to be silly but seeing [URGENT] with any member makes me anxious

>> No.22203673

Kiara has always been hard to follow. Leaving comments under clips, joining chat on random streams, etc. Today more than usual, but better this than disappearing without news.

>> No.22203721

is [URGENT] a level beyond [SERIOUS]?

>> No.22203755


>> No.22203823


>> No.22203828

Kiara's pregnant LETS GOOOOOOO

>> No.22203834

>Cue the Majora's mask final hour theme

>> No.22203888

[IMPORTANT] is something that matter but can wait
[URGENT] is something that can’t wait but maybe not that important
[SERIOUS] is clickbait

>> No.22203959

NIGHT OF THE FINAL DAY: 2 Minutes remain

>> No.22203966

I'm betting it's Dokomi-related!

>> No.22204033

inb4 Japan trip announced

>> No.22204057

This will just be a reupload of the twitter space

>> No.22204078

She's firing all of us for reine : (

>> No.22204082

>Super important announcement
Probably nothing serious.

>> No.22204107
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>> No.22204109

Kiara pls.

>> No.22204173


>> No.22204180

Im betting on cat or family member died.

>> No.22204192

>Late to an urgent meeting
How did she became CEO again?

>> No.22204219

>3D in thumbnail
Really dumbass?

>> No.22204261

I'll prepare the late form, who wants to handle the disciplinary meeting?

>> No.22204272

I can only imagine what /vt/ would look like if this was a serious announcement.

>> No.22204277
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>> No.22204286

Don't use your loading screen for a 10 minute video Kiara...

>> No.22204294


>> No.22204322

"I'm gonna show my huge cock in 3D"

>> No.22204341

She's going to manage to go on a tangent and turn it into an hour stream

>> No.22204357

she saw the reine x kiara porn and is going to scold us....or want more.

>> No.22204377
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>> No.22204403
File: 76 KB, 746x573, Screenshot_20220325-092843_DuckDuckGo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara wants to have a meeting with me?

>> No.22204413
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>> No.22204521
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I'm sure it's just a jork.

>> No.22204597
File: 2.75 MB, 1280x720, 1639182917188.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara... I was in the middle of an Ame stream.

>> No.22204614

Tenchou calls us to attention!

>> No.22204638


>> No.22204685

I'll sit on you.

>> No.22204689
File: 53 KB, 511x512, 1648330040639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22204694

"Please stop saying Suipiss and Suisex"

>> No.22204705


>> No.22204743

My rrat is that Kiara is going to give everyone a lecture about not coming up to her at cons.

>> No.22204804

who the fuck is fredrick?

>> No.22204810


>> No.22204827

Why you do Fred like that?

>> No.22204866


>> No.22204948

this is a very strange bit

>> No.22204992


>> No.22205013
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>> No.22205014

Shouldn't she focus on the physical therapy first?

>> No.22205017


>> No.22205050
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>> No.22205057

noodle arms no longer!!

>> No.22205081
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Terrible news

>> No.22205119


>> No.22205123

A dead chicken

>> No.22205134

Working out may be part of that, she might need more muscle to keep her posture correct.

>> No.22205136

Damn she'll be on par with Luna Hime soon

>> No.22205138

So she just did graduation announcement bait to get views?

>> No.22205159

>5 km/h for 12 min

>> No.22205163

This is Kiara building up her stamina for all those visits she's going to get

>> No.22205165

Couldn't this just been a twitter post?

>> No.22205182

This Is going to be about someone coming up to her at the gym isn’t it.

>> No.22205199

Gains soon

>> No.22205209

So in short, she started going to the gym.

I'd imagine to get her cardio up seeing how she was dying during her 3D collab streams.

>> No.22205211

to be fair. fuck rowing. that shit is a pain

>> No.22205215

Kiara reclaiming her health arc let's gooooooo

>> No.22205230

>all those visits she's going to get
Yeah all me.

>> No.22205228

Kiara works out on a Concept 2 rowing machine! SEAmonkeys get to your doxx!

>> No.22205254


what is a LEISTUNG watt?????

>> No.22205272
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Anons, I thought she was a part time warrior?
This is devastating news, I'm not sure how I can recover from this.

>> No.22205283

its genius, shes pulling 8k viewers from twitter-post worthy updates

>> No.22205302

>graduation bait
At worst this was going to be a short break announcement. She wouldn't make brand this as a KFP meeting if she was quitting.

>> No.22205314

She needs strong arms if she's going to top Reine and Ame

>> No.22205367
File: 1.35 MB, 1249x1320, 1641622317498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Viewership dropped by 2k
You know for once I'm not upset about this, I was expecting something important, not an improv.
Kiara still cute though.

>> No.22205368

my tenchou is the healthiest in EN

next step, all of hololive (i dunno maybe she is already??)

>> No.22205378

>kiara getting buff to fend off reine
oh no

>> No.22205381

Meh I prefer stenchou desu.

>> No.22205401

Are you happy now? You’re getting a Stream for a fitness update

>> No.22205428

Kiara already achieved all her goals set at her debut.
New goals are being set now.

>> No.22205459

she gonna be very much stenchou after a sweaty workout

>> No.22205466

you mean pin down

>> No.22205467

>goes to gym once

>> No.22205472

It's so cute of her to get fit to impress Reine

>> No.22205486

It could lead to shorter streams at most, specially early on knowing how muscle pains are when you first start working out

>> No.22205501

>kiara getting buff to lift reine

>> No.22205531
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>> No.22205568
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>> No.22205598

KFP, how does it feel knowing KIARA WILL PERSONALLY BEAT ME UP (and then beat me off after)?

>> No.22205601

Tomorrow emergency stream:

>> No.22205607

Well that was something...

>> No.22205610


>> No.22205692

I am mad that she is providing content because now I will have to ignore the schizos I've already been ignoring. I can't believe she disgraced the sanctity that is the bracket something bracket.

>> No.22205702

I need more Kiara.

>> No.22205713

I like motivated Kiara who does unexpected streams to show her progress

>> No.22205718

I genuinely never thought she'd actually go to the gym, kinda proud. Maybe I'll start going to the pool to get some cardio in this week and use her as motivation

>> No.22205746

I just got here what happend to my stable Kiara hours?

>> No.22205752

There's no way she's more fit than Korone. That doggo is a truck.

>> No.22205777

Hey schizo retard who complained about the no schedule or lack of announcement of Monday being her break day

Where you at

>> No.22205800

Don't expect anything, she'll drop just like she dropped learning korean

>> No.22205830

Go jump in a fryer, Fredrick.

>> No.22205865

>Kiara goes to the gym
Hey, I've seen this hentai before!

>> No.22205870
File: 909 KB, 1896x2804, FK60-YkXoAMQVYd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22205890

oh I know, but sometimes one little push is all it takes. That's why I'm going to take up swimming again this week. I might not stick with it, but there's a chance I might

>> No.22206078

Now you know that would not have been nearly as fun.

>> No.22206173

Unironically yes. AND she adressed the schedule as well. I accept her apology.

>> No.22206229

Maybe after her vacation.
She probably tried on her old swimsuit and discovered horrible truth about two years on lockdown.

>> No.22206331

You still come across as gigantic needy faggot

>> No.22206357

Kiara didn't address specifically why Frederick was fired.

>> No.22206387

She said he was stealing stuff from the kitchen, anon.

>> No.22206399

any artists here who can draw this?

>> No.22206432

There was no apology though just you being a triple nigger

>> No.22206438

If we deleted twitter, ALL of her twitter posts would have to be short videos like this

>> No.22206443

Fredrick was literally stealing shit, he's lucky oozora police isn't involved at this stage.

>> No.22206452
File: 267 KB, 1500x2000, ExBhJlgU8AAktiC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chunky chicken...

>> No.22206586

She literally made this entire stream just because of me. Thank me later losers

>> No.22206653

Holy shit, how much fun did she have with that? She even put up that sad chicken right at the start to get to us land worded it like it was gonna be something with her Hololive gig.
She probably ate up how much we were worried and I hope she really did enjoy knowing how much we really do sweat her personal well-being and also hopefully gave her a nice little self-esteem boost.

>> No.22206668

She made the stream to hint at Reine that she needs to start working out if she wants to get sum.

>> No.22206675
File: 51 KB, 600x600, 1637091253827.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kfp winning

>> No.22206706

Kiwawa in Ame’s chat BTW

>> No.22206730

>literally killed freddy
>wants to get buff to kill even more kfp
>kfp winning


>> No.22206744 [SPOILER] 
File: 195 KB, 1280x914, 9a3e61611747d5c798d862d630cf2fd6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiara Gym Arc
Now I'm getting flash backs of pic related.

>> No.22206755

*to get us and worded it.
I think I had a stroke.
Also glad she finally went to the gym. I'm wondering if she made this announcement to us just to give herself accountability. Sure, we can't actually do anything, but if people are expecting it from her, she'll probably at least try more.

>> No.22206794


>> No.22206814



>> No.22206816

Fredrick was just freeing chimkins trapped in the usual room from being dumped in the fryer. Guys we need to stand up to this who's with me.

>> No.22206823

She just wants to set a baseline for endurance and to start putting some muscles on that neck.
Reine is not m*ri, but it's still a lot of weight to sit on your head.

>> No.22206842


>> No.22206856

>he doesn't want to get murdered by a cute anime girl
ok, "Frederick"

>> No.22206879
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>> No.22206951
File: 264 KB, 890x796, 1648962690101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that your kneejerk reaction go hearing about someone going to the gym is thinking about animated porn is legitimately concerning. Please get some help.

>> No.22206969

>People made fun of my noodle arms.
>People made cute art of me getting buff.
>Want to beat up KFP
>Finally commit to doing exercise to work on some of her body pain issues because these are what keep me accountable.
I kneel.

>> No.22207063

well so much for the RFA stream!

>> No.22207122

Thanks, it makes me wonder if I should commission her in more workout stuff, at least for the time being. I'm surprised that they have been talked about in her streams and stuff as much as they have, never thought that would happen lol.

>> No.22207135

KFP chubby artist having a meltdown on Twitter joking, of course

>> No.22207149

What are you talking about? This gives her more incentive to do one because she can see it as content + skipping a day at the gym.

>> No.22207167

Please, as if your tencho isn't don't have honey thoughts and don't knew what she was doing with that fan art she posted.

>> No.22207247

Peegade, please stand tall and hope for strongfat Kiara

>> No.22207602

Kiara space archive

>> No.22207717
File: 10 KB, 346x213, 1642656046619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of those wet noises just straight up sound like sex.
...I need to get some sleep.

>> No.22207772

Kiwawa spotted in Ame's YT chat!

>> No.22207808
File: 42 KB, 1280x1280, 1645788738752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22207815

Based, thank you

>> No.22207849

How did you manage to get that?

>> No.22207913


>> No.22208005
File: 27 KB, 238x334, kfpmaid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I earned my way back in, if you know what I mean

>> No.22208067

Kiara is autistic as fuck, but that gym stream was cute as hell.
]she just needs to stick with it, I've been going to the gym for 6 months and wanted abs, and I got abs before the gyms shut down again. Now I'm back and getting at it again. I somehow realized halfway through that I really like doing cardio so now I just run a mile every day and lift every other day after my run. and I'm surprised she mentioned staring at cute girls butts, cause all I do on the treadmill to keep me motivated is staring at fat ass latinas doing squats

>> No.22208283
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>> No.22208326
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>> No.22208430
File: 198 KB, 556x547, 1623448737169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will end up at the bottom of a fryer one of these days Fred, mark my words

>> No.22208667

Fred, being the chimken everyone uses to relieve themselves isn't worth it

>> No.22208727
File: 155 KB, 1200x1200, 1641419014547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone's gotta do it...

>> No.22209111
File: 162 KB, 382x273, _18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22209330

Wait, did she seriously use
during the last Yakuza stream?

>> No.22209340
File: 1.50 MB, 800x1103, 6468cd90206e7b4d1c38200cdc2f97f7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*that person* posts erased (and probably banned)
>no the porn

based jannies

>> No.22209446

Not the first time she does

>> No.22209506

Honestly not shutting the fuck over rmt shit should always be prioritized over nsfw

>> No.22209718

black toe socks for toes I've never seen anywhere else working out stream doko

>> No.22209778

>suddenly deciding to go to the gym
>vacation with reine soon
>beach vacation even
>after the holobirds collab in which they were super flirty
kiara is trying to trim up in time for endless sex with reine isn't she

>> No.22209939

>trim up
she’s focusing on upper body strength, she wants to carry the turkey

>> No.22209945


>> No.22210004

That's probably evidence he got banned elsewhere and the jannies haven't even visited this thread

>> No.22210174


>> No.22210337

>last split was nothing but kiara lewds
kfp split is... healing?

>> No.22210340

What did she mean when she said “paparazzi” and “alternative news sources”?

>> No.22210412

All me.
She thinks her boyfriend (me) is gonna leak that we were fucking during that twitter space, so she preemptively weakened the credibility of all alternative news sources (me).

>> No.22210438

Kiara only trusts PNN.

>> No.22210538

I'm a Fred schizo now

>> No.22210540
File: 568 KB, 2866x4096, 1649604697575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did i hear Kiwawa lewds ?

>> No.22210757

She is baiting us to get fit for Dokomi. She needs fit chickens for KFP propaganda.

>> No.22210799

I started wanting to get fit when she made that video...

>> No.22210820
File: 100 KB, 924x1170, 1648062946211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't need to be baited for this!
At once, my Empress!

>> No.22210822

It's working. I'm down 20klbs since new years and watch her streams live in the morning most weekdays. Too bad going to Dokomi is no go for me.

>> No.22211029
File: 163 KB, 2048x2048, FQBgKCsXoAg0Alv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like kiara is inspiring a lot of artists recently with her actions

>> No.22211277
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I've lost 10-15 lbs I gained once covid started, I just need to start actually lifting again

>> No.22211360

Don’t worry about it.

>> No.22211606

Kiawa's been watching Ame's stream for two hours.
I wonder how she copes with the dead air on Ame's streams, considering she hates dead air.

>> No.22211727

She sees her higher viewer numbers and realises it literally does not fucking matter. But she still refuses to learn and panics about dead air.


>> No.22211753

She fills it by pretending to talk to Ame. Just like me.

>> No.22211809


>> No.22211874

>Fitchou Arc Day 1
I see she's trying to use KFP accountability as a means of motivation

>> No.22211932

it's not a bad way to do things really. let's just hope we can bully her into keeping up with it if she drops it

>> No.22212013
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Does anyone have the uncensored version? Guy doesn't show up on kemono

>> No.22212029
File: 44 KB, 640x360, 6BF9DF0D-23C5-454A-8E93-505F6FEF052B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>measurements are in german
>still has the start/stop buttons in english

>> No.22212063

It was posted in this thread and in the previous thread, just scroll up.

>> No.22212140

Becaus start and stop are the exact same in krautish

>> No.22212219

Even twitter knows

>> No.22212285

retardchama..... schäm dich

>> No.22212290

the movies told me it’s actually Schtartenwerfer and Schtopenheimer

>> No.22212391

Found it, thanks but now I'm curious what all the Kiara posts on her fanbox are about. WIPs or more drawings?

>> No.22212468

Hour old tweet, saw it posted in global.

>> No.22212621

More like she's tired of constantly hearing how Reine will top her, and wants to prove the KFPs and Merakyats wrong. It's not going to work.

>> No.22212643

Man I hope she never stops, it's one of the things I like the most about her as a streamer.

>> No.22212666

>domination loss
even better

>> No.22212675

the only thing that will convince me is live video evidence!

>> No.22212824

Kiara and Reine wrestling on the bed naked to assert dominance... nice...

>> No.22212996
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She's too cute and caring.

>> No.22213022
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>> No.22213074

man, I love her

>> No.22213291

Rushia lite

>> No.22213391

>Kiara go to gym
>Reine going diet
Huh. It's just vacation why suddenly they do that

>> No.22213447


>> No.22213601

I wouldn't go that far. I think her concern for the cat is pretty real.

>> No.22213638

If I was gonna see a friend IRL for the first time on a beach vacation I would probably be a bit concious of my flab. I imagine that goes 10x for women, especially girly ones like those two.

>> No.22213680

They wanted to look good in their swimsuits, anon.

>> No.22213870

Kiara mention on Ame's stream!
Just a small mention about whether Kiara would like Overwatch and what she would play.

>> No.22213938

I think Kiara would like it as much as Paladins gamelan wise but even that she played because Ame voiced in it

>> No.22214034

I think Frederick is an important reminder that we should unionize to avoid this abuse, KFP. Rise up

>> No.22214048

>typo'd gameplay into gamelan
R-Reine, is that you?

>> No.22214141
File: 247 KB, 370x370, 1639411487304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think you could repeat what you just said, but this time more clearly, and into the microphone

>> No.22214189


>> No.22214323

>You can continue drawing me chubby if you want to

>> No.22214328

fatfags fucking annihilated

>> No.22214407 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 392x703, die fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey kakun I hope it died the most painful death kek

>> No.22214472

kind of like how I use marrying Kiara as my motivation

>> No.22214512

you want to marry her to me? How thoughtful

>> No.22214540
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There is no logistical way for "gamelan" to be a random typo.

>> No.22214593

maybe gameplan

>> No.22214680

I am not Reine. Just a dumb phone poster who doesn't spellcheck before posting

>> No.22214921
File: 410 KB, 1800x2300, 1638635519087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this constitute a chubbychou?

>> No.22214987

fat tits are still acceptable

>> No.22215138
File: 1.07 MB, 2481x3508, 1649009598066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always felt the unbuttoned hotpants made her look chubbier than she is

>> No.22215183

can't unsee the belly button
fuck you to the anon who pointed that out the other day

>> No.22215378
File: 1.01 MB, 700x1003, 1643570896722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara always says KFP should take care of themselves and eat healthy. Could it have all been a ploy to avoid extra fatty chicken meat?

>> No.22215449

chicken is fairly lean regardless, but i suppose a healthy chicken is a happy chicken, and happy animals taste better

>> No.22215508
File: 61 KB, 800x462, CD65326E-C7E6-40C3-88BD-B64D8951AF6B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Belly button misplacement is a weirdly common mistake. Once you start to notice it, you will never be able to stop. Look at IRyS’s concept art for example. Her belly button is below the top of her pelvis.

>> No.22216061
File: 171 KB, 1604x2048, 1648184373614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Benefit of fitchou is that we might get more sweaty art of her

>> No.22216247

Sweaty art is hot.
Sport bras are hot.
Pretty much all bottoms used for excersise are hot.
Yeah, this is a big win.

>> No.22216577
File: 881 KB, 1260x2050, ufsr7t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only noticed that when nudeedit anon's IRyS had the belly button moved up and it's bothered me ever since

>> No.22217794

My brother.

>> No.22218395

If you left a comment on the urgent stream, you might've gotten a heart

>> No.22218471

All the hearts are about people inciting her to work out. Hope she sticks to it.

>> No.22218569

>Sport bras are hot.
Based, underappreciated usually

>> No.22218633
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>> No.22218839


>wanting to get fit because of random anime girl

>> No.22218970

>he was never inspired to work out from anime
I pity you

>> No.22218997

Any reason to want to get fit is a good one if it works.

>> No.22219033

Go visit /fit/. You'd be surprised.

>> No.22219534
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The fucking song kek

>> No.22220189
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>> No.22220651

Halfway through the Maldives vacation
>Guys Reine just told me she wants to fingerblast me until I pass out

>> No.22220824

>hurried breaths
>low humming only just audible
>sound of bedsheets rustling
>another person's moans from a location just behind the mic, but not quite near it

>> No.22220843
File: 118 KB, 1000x1100, 20220410_230934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22222020

It's honestly not a terrible reason.

>> No.22222520

10/10 short stream, good use of the KFP theme, introduced a new recurring character, happy to see her try and take care of her health.
Employee meetings, monthly/yearly reviews, teambuilding exercises etc are untapped stream concepts she could have fun with.

>> No.22222839

Wtf did I seriously miss a short kiara stream?! Did she say anything important?

>> No.22222894

She said your lawyer is taking a trip to Malaysia and might not be back for a couple years.

>> No.22223199

No, made a joke about firing a chicken and then talked about going to the gym. Schedule is out tomorrow/Monday as well as it being a break day.

>> No.22223273

The picture at the right just shows that she would look amazing with short hair

>> No.22223642
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>> No.22224377

Row, row, row tenchou
Row for KFP
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily
Think how fit you’ll be

>> No.22224512

Give me back my sandwich you stole from the Pantry asshole

>> No.22224559
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>> No.22225765

New thread in a few minutes.

>> No.22225841

What if I’m not ready to let this one go?

>> No.22225867

you don't get a choice. time moves on with or without us

>> No.22225914
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>> No.22226127

New thread up:

>> No.22226162
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final thoughts

>> No.22226204
File: 331 KB, 894x673, 1639507818246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buff, sweaty chimkin thoughts

>> No.22226306

the roundest head has the most tangents

>> No.22226393
File: 3.21 MB, 2701x3829, 1647898944651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love for our chicken!
I can't wait for the schedule

>> No.22226738

Excited for the wind waker arc

>> No.22227586

