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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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22174587 No.22174587 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>21998061

What if your general was not just a general but a nation, devoted to your oshi and their will? Enter this general where the fanbases and generals of /vt/ are reimagined as rival nations fighting bitter battles for the glory of their oshis.

Interactive map:

CURRENT GOAL: Vote on the next issues (>>22049594)

>Note that the map isn't set in stone.
>Greentexts of your generals' lore in /vt/ land are much appreciated.
>Flags made for the region your oshi rules over are also appreciated.

>/∞/: !XcNdwMsONs, !np2UIvxwi. (backup)
>/cylg/?: !!S9vZSg00/Br
>/meat/: !!J7IsvbPoQE1

Ocean Currents
Weather Systems
Climate Analysis
Tectonic Plates and their Movements
Geologic Provinces



>> No.22174622
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Anchor post for any additions to the map/lore. Please reply here for archival purposes. Anchored posts in the last thread will be archived within a day.
If you will be using a rentry link, please use
instead of .co, as the latter is filtered as spam.
Thank you!
Please also report if there's outdated lore in OP!

>> No.22174650
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Anchor post for issues to be voted on next time.

>Current Vote
>Vote Results
>Proposals to be voted on
>Vote post archive

>> No.22174716
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What does the average Joe wear daily? Any formal dress impacted by tradition/culture? Fashion being split by class or regional differences? Climate or other fantastical wackery making certain attire a necessity? Paint us a clearer picture of who you'll see walking through the streets!
What crops do your people grow for consumption? What about the food you import, and from where? Do you have unique delicacies? What are the common snacks or meals for the working class, or the rich and powerful? Any food reserved for ritual purposes? How about etiquette when eating? Any special practices during mealtime?
What kinds of entertainment is popular for your people? How important are they seen as part of life? Do different class people have sufficiently different tastes? How much do the chuuba gods play a role in these entertainments?
What religious rituals does your nation have to worship its deities? What's the religious structure look like? What's the official stance on other faiths?
>Alcohol and Drink
what do your people drink and what's is it made from? what sort of culture is there around drinking in your split?
What's your nation's current goals now. What are you trying to aim for your development? Would said development make your people happy?

>> No.22174843

Hourly reminder that the /nasa/ nation is currently undergoing a revolution.

>> No.22176139
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i miss WARanon

>> No.22176894
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/morig/ sailor militiaman considering his life choices and where he went wrong to end up sailing the South HoloSea. Note: his helmet-mounted personal Death Mask, partial mass-produced plate armor, and flintlock firearm.
Not pictured: his personal melee weapon or anything else that seemed above my skill level.

>> No.22177335

/meat/ is up

>> No.22178354

>Intersecting the Kronie adventurer, /nasa/ diplomats, frozen /meat/ body and /nasa/ civil war arc into one crossover

>> No.22178887

Based on >>22173210, classification and notes about Trolls and Schizos.
Idea needs to be developed more but this is how I imagine they would work. Of course you don't have to use it
but a unified, detailed lore entry about Schizos would be useful in the future.

Trolls: Creatures(?) with supernatural strength & resistance. Source(as far as we know) of le forbidden knowledge. Casts an aura of madness around, revealing information of the "true" form of the Goddess/priestess(es). Those who are exposed to the aura for an extended period become a schizo. But steadfast believers are able to withstand it. Trolls can also concentrate this aura by gazing directly into a person's eyes making reeling from pain with a glance or worse, madden by it in minutes. There are tales about Schizos becoming trolls if they lived long enough but that's still unconfirmed. Taller & bigger than normal humans(>2.5m tall, rare specimens as tall as 7-8 meters). Covered in fur and thick hides, long arms and short legs, normally walk upright but can sprint on all fours. Often needs cannon fire/ massed, sustained fire to take out(if melee warriors, 30 plus men are minimal).

Schizos: Enhanced physical strength, pain resistance, otherwise normal from normal humans. Most are too craven to be considered intelligent, but still able to operate firearms(how much do they have access to is the question). Seems to gather around trolls. Trolls and schizos that still retained most of their intelligence command and lead the craven ones. More intelligent individuals are able to infiltrate settlements and spread their corrupting influence. Those who are duped by their sharp tongue would join cults, exposure to schizo artefacts makes them madder and madder until either all of their humanity is shredded away or they believe they reached "enlightenment" and became a schizo shaman, abandoning all of their previous beliefs.

Shamans/Doxxers: Not all intelligent schizos are shamans but these heretics are more dangerous than the average Schizos due to their ability to cast magik of the forbidden school known as Doxx. While they can convert individuals into schizos, they don't possess an aura like the trolls. Instead, they use artefacts that originate from the Northern Wastes. Claiming they are able to locate the true form of the deities in the astral realm, they use artefacts to conjure spells to either attack one's psyche or strengthen the psychic fabric that connects the schizos known as Doxx Rrat, the source of their inhuman strength and madness.

>> No.22179783

Imagine if there's a war between Jannies and schizos in the northern wastes. The horde of forbidden knowledge against the upholders of natural law

>> No.22181653

1) Should /vtwbg/ adopts a common calendar for the purpose of organising timelines and histories? Be noted that this common calendar will not be imposed on any countries in-universe (although they can choose to adopt it as well), but is used strictly to provide a common reference frame for international events and histories. If it is adopted, the exact nature of this calendar, in particular when is year zero set, will be voted upon in the next round.

>> No.22182138
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/nasfaqg/ rep here.

1) Should /vtwbg/ adopts a common calendar for the purpose of organising timelines and histories? Be noted that this common calendar will not be imposed on any countries in-universe (although they can choose to adopt it as well), but is used strictly to provide a common reference frame for international events and histories. If it is adopted, the exact nature of this calendar, in particular when is year zero set, will be voted upon in the next round.
It should likely be zeroed in a the creation of /vt/, with /jp/-era lore being the "BC" of this world.
Having a common time frame would help relate and coordinate events between generals.

>> No.22182780
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>> No.22183170
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WARanon became a BOATanon

>> No.22183441

Leaving my vote for kfp here
1) Should /vtwbg/ adopts a common calendar for the purpose of organising timelines and histories? Be noted that this common calendar will not be imposed on any countries in-universe (although they can choose to adopt it as well), but is used strictly to provide a common reference frame for international events and histories. If it is adopted, the exact nature of this calendar, in particular when is year zero set, will be voted upon in the next round.
>Yes, however generals should be free to have their own custom calendar as long as they always present dates along with the unified calendar date

>> No.22183478
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what for, do you wonder?

>> No.22183498
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>> No.22183526
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>> No.22183620
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by the way guys it is I the OGsuner who will outright tell you i am also BOATanon. Yes that is right i posted it because i thought it was funny but also to tell you that right now /risu/ is now building a FUCKLOAD OF BOATS. We shall explore, seek out people, learn things, and exchange nuts with other cultures. We look forward to learning all about your different exotic nuts.

>> No.22183832
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Ok a few things. Question for WARanon. How do you value sex. In war it is very important to replenish your population. Without sex you will have no manpower and it is especially important for your best soldiers to constantly get pussy to spread their genes. So if you would be so kind to tell me does WARanon ever get laid and tell me your thoughts.
Also I shall further expand and detail the construction of BOATS and tell you all what we intend to do with them coming soon

>> No.22184149
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as you can see on this map as well as in the lore archive for those who wish to explore, kenkerto and silvanus have effectively been utilizing their beaches as ports and have begun construction of pinisi. Sabatangan however is the largest port and right now there are fuckloads of risuners eager to build a FUCKLOAD OF BOATS to create exploratory fleets to see who is out there. With /inf/ and possibly /meat/ providing maps to other nations we shall reveal ourselves to the world. We are the Risuners and we want your nuts!

>> No.22184662
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And it is I, the OGsuner because holy fucking shit im just simply too excited and eager to talk to you all about BOATS and now pic rel is our intended BOAT routes. As you can see we have placed priority on /uuu/ and /rose/ due to them being nature based. I put routes on the threads that i found active here. /inf/ isnt necessary since theyre here anyway. Sorry if i missed anyone btw. Red is from Kenkerto, White from Silvanus, and Black from Sabatangan.

>> No.22184776

I just woke up. Can I get a QRD on what's happening with /nasa/ now?

>> No.22186216

There's some contradictions. First the /meat/ girl is alive. She was resting in medical. She should be recovering from surgery to remove a bullet in her arm. Second the Principal had enough time to leave the station just before the lockdowns happened if he left his office immediately. The last thing he'd want to do is hide in the station where he can be easily tracked. His goal is take a vacation in the wilderness for about two weeks then check on /nasa/. I don't want to disgard your writing entirely, but the body is a contradiction.

I still don't know what to do with the /meat/ girl just yet. I'm thinking she was captured by schizos that escaped but got shot and lost. Though it probably doesn't matter where she is now. She could have been released to /who/ by now and is on her way back home via ship.

>> No.22186406

I just thought of a simple solution. The woman's alive but she's hiding in the morg. As for the principal he's just retarded I guess.

>> No.22186631

Writer here.
You can rewrite it to remove inconsistensies if you'd like. Maybe replace the Principal in the story with another reformist member, or have her sleeping in the ward. Up to you.

>> No.22186663

he went back in to get his gifted tenga from /rbc/

>> No.22186906

If you are gonna take to rewriting it to solve contradictions, can we keep in the girl and Principal meeting? It's not really huge, but it's a point in one of my stories. Also, this event could easily be set in between the announcement and the lockdown, just replace the militia with the security force.

>> No.22186965

As for looting technology we do have Mozzies, Sanalite imposters that seek our death. They've been with us on the station since forever.

Security will not let the Principal leave the station. But we can change the story to the girl is alive instead of reviving.

>> No.22187035

Yeah I planned on that.

>> No.22188002
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Slight delay since I have a client to dealt with.
Southern continent done. This one's in 2:1 which fits Equirectangular projection

>> No.22188147

>he even fixed the projection ratio
I kneel

>> No.22190127


>> No.22190905

Perfect map.
>No arrow goes to /∞/, sad. kek. It's fair, we've been missing for a while in the thread.

>> No.22192368

So what's your opinion about demi-human genetics from last thread?

>> No.22192951

Linking for reference:

>> No.22193108

Thanks. I'm away from PC right now. (Still on WiFi)

>> No.22193296
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>> No.22194143

How about making the child's race dependent on the mother?
If the mother is X, child becomes father's species. And vice versa
Think of reptiles, where the sex of the baby is determined by temperature.

>> No.22194398

Poor WARanon, he is getting on in the years. Not as fast as he usually was. I think we need a replacement guys, let this one retire and spend his last few years in a small lodge near a picturesque lake.

>> No.22194556

The child's race is dependent on the mother. The difference is that the child's human features are also mixed with the father. So a Risuner mother and a Kronie father could have a child with dark hair and huge tits but still have red squirrel tail and ears.

>> No.22194993 [SPOILER] 
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I do wonder, in tandem with the physiology of the deadbeats (who are kinda demi-human), is the expression of demi-human traits connected to high/continuous exposure to each nation's specific chuubanite? Meaning that for nations without/has very low amounts of demi-humans have either small deposits of the resource/it's buried deep underground?
Thinking about how even more naturally human nations could have a select few stand-outs, inspired by the adventuring party that apparently have been enhanced with chuubanite.
Mostly asking because I saw someone post an image from this artist in another thread a few days ago and figured it'd be a fun idea.
t. not the official /who/ rep.

>> No.22195053

>Risuner with Takeshi blood

>> No.22195249

I assume it's more that their specific chuubanite doesn't induce physiological/genetic changes, or they're not as significant

>> No.22195678

This is why the Grand Directive exists.

>> No.22196047
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Y'know, I was originally going to develop /who/ as a WW1 nation before the time period was decided. On demi-humans, i won't dabble with the theme until I can properly develop the Republic's chuubanite, on that note, I've toyed with the idea of chuubanite infused with lead making it a useless lump of rock, but I haven't written anything else for now.

>> No.22196119
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Hey, who is leaking my next kroniicle? ;D
btw '5.011 characters; 946 words' and I'm still introducing the story…

>> No.22196223

You could use chuubanite/vitubium in armor for their kinetic absorbing properties. Hell even when infused in gunpowder they'll make musket balls more lethal because of chuubanite gunpowder has more energy than regular gunpowder.

>> No.22196285

i like that idea. there should be at least some kind of counter to chuubanite as a concept, otherwise everyone with more of it will just be stronger than the rest, take this from a /meat/head, who relies a fair bit on chuubanite.

>> No.22196481

Laser weapons? Lasers made the chuubanite rock explode which caused /nasa/ Station to crash.

>> No.22196639

that would presumably depend more on what the chuubanite is bonded with, lasering a rock is different to lasering methane, maybe if it bonds with noble gases it could have the same effect as it does with lead too.

>> No.22196682

Nah, that was just a regular meteorite crash in the orbit. We didn't even have a single scrap of chuubanite before crashlanding here, and even then it was just small fragments until The Gift Sana sent us.

The crash was strange though, i swear there was nothing on the monitors just minutes before the collision...

>> No.22196870

i wonder what kind of noble gasses are over there in /morig/

>> No.22197005

Hmm, I guess it could be something like trying to shove lead (or just chuubanite-lead) inside the chuubanite infused body to inutilize it or maybe only weaken it.

>> No.22197107

I was liking the idea that we found a sample in space near the solar system. Then we tried to extract it with laser mining and things went badly. Of course arriving here meant we had to fly into an inter-dimensional wormhole of some kind.

>> No.22198466



Phew, this was a doozy to write. I definitely feel like i need to work on my flow a lot more, but I am happy enough with it to present it here. The story documents the night of the lockdown, just after the Principal met with the girl. I wanted to introduce a character that could move things from within, now that the Principal escaped, offer an answer to the tech looter problem that arose, as well as just generally flesh out the characters a bit more, maybe, sorta, idk.

Feedback is always welcome, but right now, i'm going to sleep. See y'all tommorow!

>> No.22198483

Vitubium has to do more than store kinetic energy. It should be able to transmutate that energy into other forms, including chemical energy with protons and electrons.

>> No.22199436

Roger dodger. I'm partly asking because I have an idea of a short story about someone with big dreams, but I guess for now we could just say the true nature of the chuubanite hasn't been discovered yet for now to give room for future decisions

>> No.22199461

Nice work! I'm curious to see how this all plays out for /nasa/. My bet is the /meat/ girl will inadvertently spread the common cold to the station and wipe out a third of their population.

>> No.22200595

i drew my idea for a male risuner, not sure what the outfit is but i did it because it was simple

>> No.22201105

>you will never have a cute risuner twink monk gf to breed at night
why even live?

>> No.22201482

I feel this is the part of the story where I need to relax on writing my own stuff and let others write what they want. Some people will like the more simplified life. Many people will obviously hate it. As they are stripped away from a life they only know. I think I'm going to leave it up to fate on how the mutiny will go with the general of the military police. I do hope their encounter leads to a conversation instead of an immediate arrest.

>> No.22203458

I like how this arc hae three converging subplots
Plot A is the Sanalite civil war inside the station.
Plot B is the Sanalites that just came back from the Capital with lots of proof there were already established extraterrestrial civilization among the natives.
Plot C being the group of adventurers sent by the Capital to meet the Sanalites, and one of them got lost and is inside the station.
We're actually getting to see an event from multiple POVs

>> No.22203533

Ohh awesome, I'll be giving it a try today!
t. /3/man

>> No.22205086

If only /nasa/ still have probes they can launch into orbit. The probes could interact with the other space-faring civilizations' probes and exchange messages. Still Sanalites are left with a choice: Accept not having technology as part of the Grand Directive or accept compromise that the Grand Directive is a flexible guideline and not absolute law.

>> No.22205259

No new lore here, just a simple story.

Kroniicles of our stay in Risu, volume XII, part I

Next part, the date. This probably will have at least four parts. No idea when I'll have the time to write it though, even if the whole story is outlined.

>> No.22205659

At long last, the Kronie returns to his natural element, writing smut. Nature is healing.
Jokes aside, that was nicely written, well done.

>> No.22207191

That kroniicle is enjoyed best with this soundtrack:

If you want to read actual smut with lore to boot I've a yet to be approved one. I started writing this because my split is lacking in mapping and if I continued to write lore that get stuck on not being able to get approval I'll go crazy.

>> No.22207843


>> No.22208644

Been thinking about /nasa/'s allergies again. While there are nutrients that help mitigate allergies I was thinking about "resetting" the immune system with activating T-cells via vitubium. While we cannot regenerate lost limbs like /meat/ can we could try to change Type 2 responses into Type 1.

>> No.22209577
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He can go back to being a boy in the morning

>> No.22210231

How much information does /meat/ have on microbiology?

>> No.22210292

they shouldn't have any at all except what could be reasoned around, they'd probably understand things like rotting better than others

>> No.22210674

They do have an understanding of fungus and maggots right? That if you don't sanitize a wound then those things can get inside? I'm just wondering how close /meat/ is to discovering germs. Sucks /nasa/ is in a civil war. Pain relievers, sterile bandages, and precision surgery tools would be an amazing export for /meat/. Especially surgery tools that remove bullets and sew deep cuts rather than amputate the entire limb.

>> No.22211088

yeah, they'd presumably understand things that provoke infections to happen and what should be done, pushing them to become a very hygenic people, but not a clear why.
>discovering germs
Extremely far, /meat/ itself is not a technological center, they'd probably have some theories about how disease spreads, some that may apply and fit nicely under germ theory, but they would not be able to develop it. Things like blood theory and miasma would take place first i suppose.
I'm not from /meat/ thought, one of them probably has a better way to describe things.

>> No.22212569

I really wish I had decided to write my lore piece outside of dead hours.

>> No.22212748

Same. I just announced the risu expansion arc and nobody seemed to give a shit. Feels bad man. I thought that people weere sick of nasa stuff and was so excited to finally explain whats the next step.

>> No.22212840

I wonder if /rbc/ has pet mammoths for fun. They'd be lazy enough that mammoths don't see Robosans as threats. So mammoths play with Robosans instead.

>> No.22212889

What's the color coding on the arrows?

>> No.22213006

Well /∞/ is happy for you, in fact, we would like a caravan of the leaders of each of your tribes to visit our homeland. Maybe discuss what is next for our alliance. Also visit /kfp/, our another ally, they are cool people. Beware of the heat, though.

>> No.22213095
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It'll be more lively in a few hours, in the mean time we should pray for the Kronissiah to bless us with more fortunate timing

>> No.22213154

i put it in the text. its related to what port settlement they came from

>> No.22213197

My advice is to stop in /ggg/ first to restock supplies before sailing to /who/. Its a 20-25 day trip from /risu/ to /ggg/ and from /ggg/ to /who/. /nasa/ doesn't have a seaport yet. So all of their supplies will land in /who/. Even if /nasa/ has a seaport it is still better to pick up /nasa/ stuff in /who/ because of cold weather up north.

>> No.22213212

Oh, I'm retarded. Thanks!

>> No.22213423

Praise the Kronissiah brother. Sadly, mapfagging is pretty dead in /∞/ except for me and our navy guy (is that you?), even if there are things in the burner, we can't move on.

>> No.22213433

we would try to have stops for re supplying before making trips that long. it was jsut a thing for future plans

>> No.22213644

not navy anon but the sentiment remains true.

>> No.22213728

With diesel engines your ships could go much faster which could let you ignore /ggg/ in the future. I would still use /ggg/ as a refueling stop anyway unless you like carrying spare fuel tanks. To think how different this world will be in a hundred years.

>> No.22213843

well we did just learn how to make bog iron tools. diesel engines sound great but we should stick to sails for now

>> No.22213858

Well, hopefully we can get our country moving again some time soon =.=

>> No.22214375

I wish we can move forward with plans to make insulated ships for the northern trade route. Especially once we start ice harvesting. The insulated ships would keep cargo from freezing between /nasa/ and /infinity/.

>> No.22214666

I was waiting for our rep to show up today, but I've not seen him. Maybe wait two or three more day (making he missing for 10 days) and if he doesn't show up we start taking the decisions temporarily until he shows up? I didn't wanted to advance with my proposals because they are about lore, but what you are talking about it's possible.

I'm still hoping Archivebud shows up…

>> No.22214997

/nasa/ can't do shit until civil unrest ends. You got plenty of time.

>> No.22215189

Yeah, but at least you've that arc going, we have stagnated.

>> No.22215318
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The irony... jokes aside, it probably won't happen, since the common cold doesn't have nearly as high a fatality rate even when untreated. It's things like smallpox and the plague (assuming they exist in this world) that they should be worried about.

In terms of theoretical knowledge, probably not a lot more than the rest of the world. In terms of practical knowledge, though, they probably know quite a lot about keeping things sterilised when treating open wounds, and that it keeps you from getting infected and dying (even if they don't know the exact mechanism behind it) by sheer experience like what >>22210674 said.
As for medical stuffs that /meat/ can export:
>pain relievers
Probably quite abundant. They don't use it all the time, but it's handy for things like berserker and some rituals where they don't need the participant to feel the pain just yet.
>sterile bandages
Possibly, but it's more likely that they export the tonic/tincture that can sterilise bandages, since having them last long enough for oversea shipping might be beyond their scope compared with the bottled stuff.
>precision surgery tools
Kind of? /meat/ likely makes use of obsidian blades as scalpels due to their sharpness (when made properly, they're probably the sharpest tool on the planet outside of /nasa/, even if they're rather brittle), but how precise it is is ultimately determined by the user. Speaking of which, /meat/ might well sell surgeons' and medical professionals' services for those who can afford it. In fact, that might be the most valuable medical resource /meat/ can provide at the moment.
>other surgery tools
I imagine /meat/ would be reasonably developed in operations, including ones that focus on removing foreign objects rather than amputation. Since /meat/ makes use of fleshgrafting for rapid (relatively speaking) healing, it would make sense for them to develop techniques like bullet removal to facilitate the process, not to mention mitigating the long-term effect of said foreign objects.

>> No.22215493

well inf can always learn the ways of the risuners. your here so learn how to do farming and climbing trees and shit. Bonus points you even get to fuck the risuners too.

>> No.22215569
File: 119 KB, 1280x720, risuhi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GOD DAMMIT WARANON I FUCKING MISSED YOU. Now answer my question i posted >>22183832
Since your getting to be a slow oldfag it would be a shame to see a powerful warrior legacy come to an end so tap into your spoils of war, find your whaman, and spread your seed

>> No.22215582

>>22215318 (Me)
>like what 22210674 said
Meant to be for >>22211088, oops

>> No.22215604

>Bonus points you even get to fuck the risuners too.
The scribe was already doing that, but he didn't publish any kroniicles about it because he's a man of honor. And for fear of expulsion of the nation.

>> No.22215864

so thats where he gets his material from. kek

>> No.22215878

The Kronie-Risuner hybrid is not something to be taken lightly. The Takeshi blood and Risuner instinct will result in a strong state of domination.
At 6 years old, a TakeshiRisuner girl is already a dom mesugaki with 50 men under her belt. Figuratively and literally.

>> No.22215989

Very nice...

>> No.22216002

the Takeshi thing was supposed to be cultural, no? they'd still be normal ass humans

>> No.22216074
File: 649 KB, 1913x875, 1636149520292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>irl Takeshi chases cars while screaming at the top of his lungs
by what standard is that a normal human

>> No.22216082

>Succubus dom lolis
Nice. Just like one of my henreader doujins

>> No.22216184

>Risukronie spawn dries up an entire village overnight

>> No.22216280

Don't underestimate humanity! Takeshi is just proof of that.

>> No.22216306

Love is love anon. I'd tell you where my story is going, but what is the fun of that?
While I didn't write that part of our lore, my headcanon is that the Takeshi clan (not every kronie) of /∞/ has the potential for sightly over the peak of human performance, Captain America like, but we're lazy fucks. But some of our militar guys and gals do accomplish that. though.

That being said, the scribe, while he is a Takeshi descend… well, he is a scribe.

>> No.22216453

Now I imagining mixed risuronies to follow a life like the teacher of Demi-Chan Wa Kataritai and it's making me sad.

>> No.22216460

What would be a good clan mythos for Takeshi's origins? Or would it be better left to the imagination?

>> No.22216536

I have a very tiny explanation in a not approved lore...

>> No.22216657

maybe nomadic tribe that worshipped sex or something, like, an important cultural event maybe. lack of land pushed them to the island of /infinity/ (also, what is the state of /infinity/ called?)

>> No.22216754

I imagine a monk who was raised from birth never knowing the sight of a female, only to glance a look from a passing traveler woman and be forever lost to the ways of celibacy

>> No.22216950

You know what, fuck it, I will dump here all the lore waiting to be reviewed and approved because who knows when that will happen. JUST DON'T ANCHOR OR ARCHIVE BECAUSE IT ISN'T OFFICIAL SANCTIONED YET:

https://rentry.org/cue9n > Explanation of our lore.
https://rentry.org/7vno5 > Proposal of our Origin Story.
https://rentry.org/e6rrm > Horny lore. Takeshi mention.
https://rentry.org/cue9n > Bonus Jokeronii poem.

>> No.22216982
File: 185 KB, 1424x1600, 19198919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel that the Takeshi genes would override any sort of moral restraint /vtwbg/ Sakie would exercise

>> No.22217045

Holy shit anon

>> No.22217100

Voting has concluded, and the result's here: https://rentry.org/np9ke
A common calendar will be adopted for OOC recording purposes. The exact nature of the calendar, in particular when is year zero set, will be voted upon in the next round. Votes with suggestions have been accounted, as will all other suggestions. Proposals from >>22052172 will also be voted upon next round.
On a related note, after the next round (where hopefully the calendar-related (and communication) issue has been decided upon, it should be about time for the next anon to take over the voting process. Please tell me if any of you are interested.

>> No.22217110

You will have to be more specific than that.

>> No.22217245

Imagine what /meat/ can do with /nasa/'s modern surgery tools.

>> No.22217258

I am surprised, captivated, and heavily impressed by the heartfulness of the world creation sex poem, you clockfolk are built differently than the rest of us. Most of council really.

>> No.22217437

>Did say aroused.

jk aside, I'm very proud of that one in particular kek.
My first smut ever, and I just could write it because I justified myself that I was making lore.

>> No.22217493

Maybe when the civil war is over, hopefully without absolutionism winning, we can discuss the embassy again.

>> No.22217572

You know that anime trope of slicing someone and they're not realizing yet?
That. But with your entire organs spiling out
The only smut I ever wrote are /meat/fics about preparing cooked tits and slaughtering Pekora

>> No.22217695
File: 155 KB, 1007x1048, sipmei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very cool poem, but have you considered, wouldn't it be better as a nonsense poem? Totally not personal bias by the way...

>> No.22217783

>implying you need justifications to write smut
It's pretty nice, good job anon, hope it can get approved for posterity's sake.
For me, I guess the closest to smug is either the Goddess story or parts of Melisende's story.

>> No.22217866

>nonsense poem
You're overestimating my writing abilities hooman…

And thanks everyone for the kind words. Much appreciated, specially because we have great writers here in /vtwbg/.

>> No.22218112

I had a dream once where council was visiting Yagoo's private island. Since it was a private beach Hololive has a naked beach party. Mumei got to feel up council's booba and complemented on them. Then council got to feel up Mumei in return.

>> No.22218115
File: 100 KB, 5888x3200, 1648668311306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Nijicontinent looks fucking awesome anon. Something I noticed, the southmost part of it is right on the bottom of the map, IE the South Pole. Since we pushed things 15 degrees away from the Poles, I assume the intention is to do so on both the North and South Pole, otherwise most of the Nijicontinent will be compressed due to polar distortion. This isn't a difficult fix, just gotta add an empty margin to the map, that works out to about 250 pixels. Pic related is what I used for the first of those two projections.
Obviously that makes it so the ratio isn't 2:1 any more, with your pixel-width sensitive rivers it might be a bother to resize again, so you don't really have to, that was more of an autism thing.
Projection with new niji continent
Project with new niji continent and polar distortion
Awesome work and gambate anon.

>> No.22218122

Yeah, I really want that bakery, I lurk in /nasa/ and you guys are pretty cool, and I also like your oshi. I want us to dominate the market of Milk Bread: https://www.carolinescooking.com/japanese-milk-bread/

>> No.22218211
File: 287 KB, 1328x2000, nosell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sanallite(?) you motherfucker, how do you keep getting dreams like that!?

>> No.22218216

Could we include the "speed of plot" timescale proposal in this? >>22124760
Thanks for your work.

>> No.22218267

Also, I wouldn't mind if anyone would want to illustrate that poem *wink wink*

>> No.22218288

Yeah, I'll include that as a voting option in the relevant issue.

>> No.22218434

Risuner did you see >>22200595 ?

>> No.22218492

I don't know. But I want a doujin about a Hololive naked beach party now.

>> No.22218575

>/ggg/ India
I will never stop laughing at this

>> No.22219471

I will never forgive you, Pekora clone killer anon, after all, what's the point of spending a lot of money on a conscious Pekora, to kill her in the first hour?

>> No.22219501
File: 692 KB, 1003x1416, 1615009675955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was hungry when I wrote that

>> No.22219651

Is there any reasonable way that a large furry bear type animal would insulate heat or survive in a tropical environment? I wanted to add some creature lore for the architect islands but I'm only just now realizing that the description and sketch might not work for it and I'd rather not redraw it.

>> No.22219857

If it's about as furry as a lion or a tiger, you can probably spin it. If the fur is specifically very long, we might have to get more creative.

>> No.22219988

Should be alright if these guys made it work: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Florida_black_bear

>> No.22220546
File: 102 KB, 463x454, 1625931295244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time to establish a puppet government in /nasa/

>> No.22220881

I mean, they die if they breath, its pretty much impossible.

>> No.22220931

We shall see

>> No.22223099

I had something in there about them having a sense of smell so powerful that it could find trees that grew above chuubanite ores from the scent of their fruit so they could have their heat regulated from that, though it feels a bit like a magical cop out. I suppose they'd gather around ponds or lakes and perhaps roll about in the mud in order to keep their heat under control otherwise.

>> No.22223346

I dont even know what button I pressed but I just lost 5 goddamn pages worth of architect lore...

>> No.22223417

Fucking rip anon, ctrl-Z ain't no help? I do my /vtwbg/ on notepad for maximum safety.

>> No.22223518
File: 274 KB, 608x608, 1648702337168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no chache anywhere?

>> No.22223686

The whole tab just blipped out while I was putting it down on reentry.
Goddamn it I went full turbo autist and put down different cultural rituals that modern architects upheld and cultural phrases that had hidden meanings in them
I think I took a copy of its entirety but I was too into the lore to paste it anywhere for safe keeping. I tried to look in my clipboard but I can only find the last sentence I copied

>> No.22224122
File: 811 KB, 1600x900, brosnian death bear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its 1:12 AM, I need to rest.I'm going to write down a vauge outline and hopefully recall the rest of it later. My heart is actually hurting right now, I was almost finished too.
I still have the image of the Brosnian Death Bear before I most likely redesign it in order to fit better with the tropical setting. Goodnight, /vtwbg/

>> No.22224237

Fuck looks awesome.
/hfz/ Colosseum fight between a /morig/ Giant Deadsloth and a Brosnian Death Bear when?

>> No.22225330
File: 68 KB, 446x352, huntermei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Republic Owl / Pecпyбликa Филин / République Hibou / 共和国 ワシミミズク
R.I.D. Report No.[REDACTED]
A.K.A. "Stellar Steak" Incident

Involved persons of interest.
-Director of starship /nasa/
-General of starship /nasa/'s military police
-Blessed warrior of /meat/
-Naval Captain and explorer from /infinity/ being accompanied by:
Alchemist of the Kaiserreich FP
Mercenary from VSPO
the Blessed warrior is presumably traveling together with them

On the date of [REDACTED] the space station of /nasa/ was going through civil unrest due to dissent surrounding the "grand directive", the director apparently shut down most of the ship's functions in order to convince the population to accept the changes in the grand directive he proposed, this prompted a coup by the General. The director is currently escaping away from the starship into a secured location, with aid of the rangers this secure location has been found to be no less than [REDACTED]km away from the starship. The intention of the coup is to restore power to the ship and presumably establish a military government.
Current actions are limited to observation and non-intervention.

While traveling to the secure location, the director was seen with a small, brown, girl possesing a highly trained body, she seems to be uniformed in what's thought to be provisional clothes from the starship. The girl is known to be a blessed warrior from the lands of /meat/.
The Captain and explorer from /infinity/ has been identified as being from the 1st Kroniisiah Flotilla and has been under vigilance due to such position and existing tensions with the state of /infinity/, the girl was first seen travelling alongside the Captain, an Alchemist from the Kaiserreich, and a mercenary from VSPO, at some point they had separated and the girl ended somewhere along the tundra.

Due to current developments, suggesting change in diplomatic strategy to the starship, if the director manages to take control of the ship again: Aggresive friendliness should be fostered and attempt to gain exclusive access to /nasa/ technology before they make any more deals with other nations can be made by them.

If the military coup succeeds then it is to be assumed that cooperation with /nasa/ will be highly reduced with the exception of the bakery business, in such case, attempts to mantain diplomatic relations should still be done with a special focus on vigilance and isolating them from any other state.

Dealing with potential tech smugglers of the starship: Forcefully take in and/or arrest every single posible smuggler, depending on the result of the civil crisis at the starship we will use them as bargaining ships to improve our standing with /nasa/, however, if the military government is established then we will insert them into our research teams and study the tech instead.

Extra notes:
-The headquarters of the ship can somehow control the flow of energy, investigate further.

>> No.22226703
File: 53 KB, 985x553, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry to hear that. I've learnt that the hard way too. Personally, I use notepad++ and wordcounter when writing since both have autosave. Having spellchecker built in also helps save my ESL arse from time to time.

>> No.22227672

>it could find trees that grew above chuubanite ores from the scent of their fruit
You can still keep that part in, Vitubium can probably replace an element in the substances produced by plants to give them distinct smell, taste, coulr etc.

Speaking of, did we ever decide on any physical characteristics of pure Vitubium? ie hardness, luster, color, streak, specific gravity, cleavage, fracture, and tenacity

>> No.22227749

Because of the parallels to uranium, I've thought of it as a hard metal, but I don't think we settled any of those questions.

>> No.22228079

It's established that pure vitubium is a *very* active and volatile substance, so odds are it's hard to observe its property before it reacts with other things. There's an old greentext that implies vitubium properties is related to the related vtuber's state, with active ones being solid, unstable ones being liquid, and dead (or just plain old - I remember the example was Kizuna Ai's) ones being gas.

>> No.22228221

This story?
/hlg/ Scientists, Wizards, and Priests testing various Vtubium
>Sample 1
- 50kg of Solid Chuubanite form
Affiliation: Kamiko Kana
Test result: Low to diminishing power. Fluctuations in output. Unstable physical properties as the mineral crumbles on drainage.
Addendum: "Who the fuck uses this?" - Dr. Konoe

>Sample 2
- 1 test tube containing 10ml of 1 mol pure Liquid Chuubaflow
Affiliation: Hatoba Tsugu
Test result: Consistently high output. Noticeable magical anomalies present in testing. However sample drains at a high rate.
Addendum: "Powerful. But fragile. Plus you can't find it anywhere these days." - Dr. Will

>Sample 3
- 1 vial of 0.001 mol of pure Chuubagas at 1 ATM
Affiliation: Kizuna Ai
Test result: [DATA EXPUNGED]
Addendum: "Yo what the fuck?!" - [REDACTED]

>Sample 4
- 0.000001 mol of Plasmaic Chuubagas
Affiliation: Eilene
Test result: [DATA EXPUNGED]
Addendum: According to researchers in a nearby laboratory (100km) from the testing site, a group of Jannies simultaneously appeared above the building.

>> No.22228857

Yeah, this one. I guess my interpretation probably isn't the only valid one, but I do like how its "solidity" (for a lack of better terms) is related to the vtuber in question.

>> No.22229244

That looks nice anon.

>> No.22229344

Mmm, but see >>22228221, that was still Vitubium associated with a chuuba (concepts also count as associations). What I'm wondering about is what pure, unaffiliated Vitubium would be like. Though, I guess since effectively all of the available land is occupied, finding and/or making pure Vitubium might be impossible, since it would involve people of certain chuubas to be around it and would therefore possibly alter its properties.
I guess we could say that, even if pure Vitubium is isolated, it will still differ in composition from nation to nation, perhaps changing at the atomic level to different unit cell configurations for solids, perhaps even breaking bonds to become a liquid or gas. Dunno if those changes would occur due to the amount of believers each chuuba/concept has, properties associated with the chuuba/concept, or a combination of both.

A dark thought I had:
In year 2150, a hydrothermal vent releasing Ainite is spotted in the ocean bed 3km deep. An international effort is mounted to extract it to use it as research material for particle physics, as naturally gaseous Vitubium is rare. However, it quickly gets diluted in the water, and anyone other than Ai fans handling it destroy its qualities. Therefore, a deep sea research base is built close to it, and the globe is scoured to find any remaining AI believers, who are then apprehended and forced to extract the Ainite, and perform any relevant experiments themselves, often perishing due to accidents.

>> No.22229486

Can unaffiliated vitubium really exist as a stable(-ish) matter? I feel the substance is so intrinsically linked to specific vtubers that such a thing probably won't exist beyond a brief (if not purely theoretical) intermediate state between transmutation, so probably like what you said in the second paragraph.

>> No.22229964
File: 1.12 MB, 1799x1270, gods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The mythical city of /OG/ is real!! Trust me! Worshippers of the Big Five still exist!

>> No.22230294

Many of the things people in the past thought impossible are natural and common to us, and many of the things currently thought impossible will likely be commonplace in the future. So it may be impossible for current technology, but when/if we enter the futuristic era, it may not be.

>> No.22230309

So in order to get our hands on unaffiliated vitubium, we would need to somehow find a relatively untouched place far away from people who believe in the divine properties of chuubas? Sounds like we need to send an expedition off to the schizo wastes then.

>> No.22230350
File: 2.84 MB, 800x800, 1624805768986.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe unaffilitated vitubium is what turns you schizo, it's like when your oshi is /vt/.
That would explain why it's so dangerous.

>> No.22230429
File: 2.86 MB, 800x800, 1627216116567.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also kek, new globe, with extra Nijicontinent. Looks great /meat/anon!

>> No.22230461

Thanks anon, 2D is not my specialty but I want to get better at it.

>> No.22230669

I wonder what /asp/ vitubium is like. Maybe they have unaffiliated vitubium that they are trying to make affiliated with themselves.

>> No.22230832

And the fetish continent's chuubanite will be very interesting...

>> No.22231328
File: 65 KB, 5888x2944, VVVV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Included more of Niji and added Pyon
Also accurate Latitude

>> No.22231783

>Aggresive friendliness

"Ah, good day to you, Republic Diplomat, how ca-"


"Um, I was jus-"


>> No.22231885

Pyon's islets made it looked like the rabbit head is dismembered and bleeding

>> No.22232906
File: 399 KB, 800x600, 6347602002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rabbit stew...

>> No.22235035


>> No.22235098

slow day today

>> No.22235809

I'll be out of town until afternoon.

>> No.22237347
File: 701 KB, 1088x778, FNV_Lanius (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex is important in war to further increase your army's count, but what good are those numbers if they aren't trained well
All soldiers good or bad will want to spread their genes its only human nature, but they should not let sex distract them too much from what's most important, war
Sex should just be use to increase numbers, boost morale, and make sure the strongest will continue their bloodline

>> No.22237357
File: 69 KB, 578x811, 1648185742717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YES! i forgot to mention it feelsbad. too many things going on in this thread at once but it looks super nice. looks kind of like an elder wizard robe if i had to guess

>> No.22237545

Thank you WARanon. Im glad you realize the importance of sex during wartime. War of course can be very long and it is of great importance that you have a lot of it to boost numbers and over time train them to be effective soldiers. You truly know the ins and outs of war.

>> No.22237869
File: 401 KB, 638x757, 1647609157747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ins and outs

>> No.22238170

That's perfect, thanks anon.

>> No.22238637
File: 3.20 MB, 1920x1080, 230942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/meat/ here
Akira is having an anniversary celebration

>> No.22238665 [SPOILER] 
File: 146 KB, 1007x695, 600hours.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be young femhooman in the Republic
>Be really patriotic and religious, goes to church every week and pray to the Nameless One regulatly
>War against the schizos is going pretty badly
>Even if the front stablizies the war is projected to last at least 8 years and with half of the nation's population being killed, but you don't know it yet, nobody does
>Attend regular Sunday mass with friends
>Gets extra nervous because you plan on confessing to your crush who's going to the front
>Found letter on the pew where you usually sit: meet me at the back of the church after the mass
>Excitedly runs towards the storage cabin at the back of the church
>Out of no where, something hit you and you fell unconscious
>Wake up in a dark room with your hands binded
>"Oh, you're finally awake!" says a cheerful voice. "Now we can begin! Good golly I'm excited!"
>You see another femhooman in white robes, talking to you.
>You wimper and beg her to unbind you, tears gathering around your eyes.
>But her bright, glowing eyes shins even brighter. "What's the matter, Femanon? I thought you love the the Nameless One and wanted to serve the Republic?"
>You try to protest, but to no avail, she fiddles with a few switches and writes on her noteboard.
>"Anyway, it doesn't matter now, you're here with me and there's nothing you can do but enjoy yourself! Hehehehe."
>B-but where's my crush then?
>"Crush? Oh." She looks towards the only door leading out of the room, in all that confusion you didn't even notice it.
>From the small window on the door, you can see several shadows flicker outside of it.
>She let's out a satisfying smirk, and turns to a weird device she's holding.
>"Siri, set a timer for 600 hours~"

Very non-cannon. Original green text that I'm parodying attached.

>> No.22238681

I know what I am eating

>> No.22238753

Aight, time to multistream with Mori's ER.
Dang, the threads of the screw are modeled in such scrumptious detail.

>> No.22238908

>more anons are joining /meat/'s rituals
Oh no

>> No.22239329

Congratulations to (one of) your oshi anon! And cheers to the fanbase that keeps her going.

>> No.22239594

Mori fighting the Gargoyle Duo in ER is practically ryona already, might as well go the whole way.

>> No.22242536
File: 1.65 MB, 1491x2239, 93540921_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to the club...

>> No.22244446

When in Rome…
When in a butchery...

>> No.22246573
File: 1.17 MB, 2894x4093, EmZNuw0VkAkFgfS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bit late, but Chapter 8 is out: https://rentry.org/Melisende
>With more questions than answers in tow, Melisende was forced to escape from Simone and her guards. Trapped alone in the manor, could the intrepid detective survive through this cursed night?
The story is approaching its end and, perhaps, this bloody riddle can finally be solved despite the great cost it incurs.

>> No.22246615

>Cursed night
>Simone and her whip
Chotto matte...

>> No.22247212
File: 1.55 MB, 3466x1950, 91920470_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Close but no cigar. This is the first time I try to write a fight scene, though, so please tell me what you think of it. The latter half might be a bit too long (this is probably the longest chapter) but I hope the development is still entertaining enough and at least makes a bit of sense.

>> No.22247804

cmon there's even vampires, this is definitely a castlevania spinoff I thought it flowed nicely! Constable came in real clutch. The pursuit in the manor was really nicely frenetic. Green is a pretty specific hair color, did you have something or other in mind when you picked it for that maid? Anyway, I liked the professional chat between the agent and Mel before diplomatic talks broke down, that was a nice summary of the findings so far.
Also, I feel like a scalpel-like cut from an obsidian edge would be more distinctive than one from a knife, but I'm only saying that based on a CSI Miami episode about a surgeon murderer kek.

>> No.22248563
File: 169 KB, 560x315, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the pursuit
One of the reasons this chapter took longer than usual to write is because I spent quite a bit of time trying to piece together the fight scenes. I try to follow the guideline that fight scenes should be like how Hobbes describes the state of nature - nasty, brutish, and short.
Even though they aren't actually related, many of the characters' appearance and traits are based on related vtubers, with Ame/Melisende being the most obvious parallel. The green hair part is meant to be a reference to it, and to give some ambiguity to what's the deal with the disposal drainage, but I guess it didn't end up mattering here.
>chat between agent and Mel
Truth be told, a lot of it is kind of an exposition on what Mel figured out (finally), and is OOCly used to bring readers who might not have deduced up to speed. It's also to delay the agent long enough for the constable to make her strike.
>cut wound
For modern forensics, maybe, but probably less so for early 18th-century investigation unless it's done by someone observant like Mel. The issue with her parrying dagger's that its non-cutting side is heavily serrated (picrel), and that will likely leave a very distinct wound when stabbing, and very few in the city would have a weapon like this.

>> No.22249150

That is one huge drain, probably a perfect place to move stuff on the down low. And the best part of any detective story is the detective getting to talk about his investigation for a couple minutes, shit is great.
You're right about that, you even alluded to it with "find her match in the business.", well done.

>> No.22250402

Mel did find hints about the sewer in the latter half, but she's too busy having a concussion (twice - guess the moral of the story is don't headbutt a deadbeat) to muse on that. Some extra material in the lore might allow people to make an educated guess on what's actually going on, but I intend to make it so that you don't really need them to follow the main story. (as it's mostly driven by a self-contained mystery about always having a mismatching piece of information in a seemingly straight case)

>> No.22251934

>>22246573 (Me)
Also if possible, I would like to hear feedback from /kfp/ and /morig/ in particular, since they're heavily involved in the story. I hope the depiction is reasonably accurate, or at least it doesn't paint them in too bad a light. my thread's presence will come, but I guess you can't really be worst than being a cannibal cult to begin with

>> No.22252066

Did any anon write someone about elira? so can we grab parts of it to fit in our lore in /haha/

>> No.22252224

AFAIK no, so probably yes

>> No.22253234

I'm going to leave /nasa/ lore alone for a bit. There isn't much I can do besides let the Sanalites figure out things for themselves. I'm just hoping that there's compromise on the directive before we become a full facist police state.

I have a few ideas for compromises if anyone wants to hear.

>> No.22253454

>police curfew
Lmao. we need a nation with an actual corporatist/syndicalist economic policy and revanchist mentality for that
/nasa/ hardliners are non-interventionists

>> No.22253500

Out with them, my boy. I need something to get the brain juices flowing again, the last story kinda drained me

>> No.22253618

how about switching POVs? The adventurers party and sanalites who just arrived home are outside the station

>> No.22253676
File: 1 KB, 125x93, risuflag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello bois. It is the OGsuner again with some things and stuff. As you all have seen >>22184662 we are building lots of BOATS and are using said BOATS to go visit people. I plan to write stories about each encounter and will remind myself about the lore of each nation. since /morig/ is really fucking close to us they shall be the first to be visited by risuners. Expect us. And have your nuts ready.

>> No.22253779

Ohh, there's an idea! I would also love to do the /meat/ girl's POV, but that would require me to read up on all the meat lore and then bug the /meat/heads for help so she wouldn't be completely different from their established lore.

>> No.22253874
File: 215 KB, 440x435, 3dakira.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's always at least one /meat/head around you to help...

>> No.22253913
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>Squirrel on a boat

>> No.22254051

I feel bad for those two sanalites.
Imagine going on a diplomatic quest and coming home to a lockdown

>> No.22254229
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>> No.22254346

"Oi, Charlie"
"Where's the bloody door to the get in the station?"
"Bugger me it's right there, mate"
"Then open the airlock"
"....oh. I see the problem..."
"Oh do you, you drongo!"

>> No.22254554

So much happens in a week in /nasa/ that it feels like a 'Review with Myles Barlow' episode.

>> No.22254612
File: 737 KB, 1500x1500, 1620873643425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/vtwbg/ is diseased. Rotten to the core. There's no saving it -- we need to pull it out by the roots. Wipe /meat/ clean. Burn it down! From the ashes a new /vtwbg/ will be born. Free from the taint of corrupting cults. With /meat/ purged the strongest /threads/ will thrive.

>> No.22254687

Its mostly a compromise on goods to trade. Sex with natives is still banned with the Grand Directive, but we could lift killing the children and parents if they are willing to become /nasa/ citizens. As long as we don't allow cross-bred children back into the wild it should be good. This probably won't pass but I want to mention it. As for goods we should be open to trade processed food and medicines. /nasa/ food and medicine are unique that they need electricity to properly preserve and synthesize. If we trade hardware then only simple hand tools are allowed. Anything that uses gears, springs, and power are a no-go. Even stainless steel hand tools are allowed because stainless steel is impossible to make without electricity. As for the shipyard only non-powered hand tools are allowed. Electricity stays in /nasa/ station though remote generators are allowed for logging and mining operations. Logging, lumber, farming, and mining will be Sanalite exclusive operations with no native hiring due to machines used. Mining, logging, and farming operations are independently owned companies but must follow /nasa/'s laws with regulations such as health, safety, environmental protection, etc. Sanalites will be forbidden to demonstrate technology to natives. The only exception is preparing food and medicine.

If /infinity/ or any other country wants to build a dome as a /nasa/ embassy then we need to negotiate a treaty. Having a treaty will make it law that /nasa/'s dome technology is not to be copied by the natives. In return embassies must follow the laws of that country. So Sanalites can't break the law and get away with it. Also /who/ will need to negotiate treaties with /nasa/ in regards to how /nasa/ can use /who/'s land and vice versa. Treaties are laws that will protect both nations from exploiting each other.

These should hopefully follow the Grand Directive. As long as we do not teach natives how to process materials into technology and contaminate their gene pool then we should minimize harm to the eco system. If most or all of these compromises are met then /nasa/'s current principal will unlock the station and resign, forfeit all pensions, and will be barred from running for public office. The principal believes the people of /nasa/ are capeable of following the Grand Directive on their own while cooperating with native species. Citizens voluntarily enforcing the directive is better than the directive being forced. We can't stop everyone from breaking the Grand Directive. But we can cooperate.

>> No.22254699

Ok so I will probably tap out for the evening, internet dying apprently (can't even watch MIllie's stream on 144p without buffering) but here are a few questions. Go nuts with them.

What is the general vibe of the priestesses(I think there was a line about this girl being one)? Really go into detail here if you can, I want as much info as i can get to flesh(heh) her out.

You awoke in the middle of nowhere, and a weird spaceman offered you a deal in return for his protection after witnessing you absolutely obliterate some other spacemen. What do you accept it for? Let's go with the pretense you do accept. What would your priorities be?

Establishing the reason she was going to /nasa/ is completely up to you, I can probably work it in somehow even if it wasn't just pure diplomacy. Probably.

These would be it for now I guess, might pester you some more tommorow, if my internet will allow it.

>> No.22254840

>Return home to find /nasa/ in chaos.
>Find military police general.
>Find Principal.
>Slap both of their faces.

>> No.22255021

I don't think that will be necessary. The adventurers will return from their expedition with some friends. Then they'll slap the insanity out of everyone for the lockdowns. The adventurers are celebrities. They're more important than the government you see.

>> No.22255201

This particular priestess is in her adulthood despite her young appearance, a senior who has mentored several students.
Chose Dentata the plant magical girl monster as her patron vtuber deity. Fully acclimatised with vtubium. Able to untwirl her body into vines. Her skin and flesh is cold to the touch even when shes alive.
Among the few experienced /meat/ warriors hired by /infinity/. She chose to go on an adventure to learn about the world.
Another work featuring her

>> No.22255242

Yeeaaa no. If anything, adventurers would be from the previous exploratory teams, and those were just another rank and file (at full capacity, out of 10k inhabitants of the station, about 4000 of them were in exploratory teams). And if they are diplomats returning, those were previously from the navigator department, which yes, was a more elite station that most others, but would still hold very little power on an individual level.

>> No.22255292

He's going to speak bogan and there's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.22255394

Image the sanalite diplomats trying their hardest to convince the hardliners that they werent the first space faring civ to land on /vt/
Followed by a visit from an Ioforia ambassador speaking a pidgin filled dialect of the space mothertongue

>> No.22255698

"Bugger is he actually speaking starfarerish? I had to turn me translator on to tell which ends apart"
"Ten generations of living on this planet werent merciful to them. That could be us if we stray off course from the Grand Directive"

>> No.22255927

Should fall in line with the compromises I laid out earlier.

>> No.22255936

>priestess' vibe
Indeed she is, and /meat/ clergy probably comprises a significant amount of /meat/ people who travel abroad. The other major sources would be the raiders (although they also double as mercenaries and escorts) and merchants (could be from either social class).
As for the general vibe of the clergy, since they basically form the upper class of /meat/ society, so odds are they'll be well-learnt and probably knowledgeable in (at least their own) etiquette. So far, smugness seems to be absent in /meat/ priestesses, which might be related to how /meat/ chuubas (to whom the priestesses are dedicated, and often aspire to share some of their traits) are mostly masochists.
For Comma's priestess in particular (which seems to be who the /meat/ girl in that story is), the desired traits would be some degree of obedience and devotion to others (maybe kind of a "not make a fuzz" English Rose/Yamato Nadeshiko type), although how much they follow the ideal form can be up to individuals.
As for more general /meat/ psych traits, the most prominent one is probably a lack of wastefulness (especially when it comes to animal parts) - they generally have no qualms when it comes to using things left by dead people (even their loved ones, or themselves if applicable), from personal belongings to body parts.
/meat/heads also tend to follow through with any promises they make, although I reckon that's not exactly an uncommon trait in other societies during the time period.
/meat/ cosmology also means that they're likely quite chill about death and suffering. Basically, if one can convince them that being tortured to death will benefit the group more than anything else, they'll be quite glad to undergo that. Of course, some might lean towards sadism and specialise in inflicting said torturing to death.

That one's actually not meant to be the same girl as the one ended up in /nasa/, although I guess she's not meant to not be her either. That said, giving it a read might help anon understand how priestesses act outside rituals and combats.

>> No.22256061

>deal with spaceman
It probably depends on the circumstance, but assuming that both the spaceman and herself are going on the shit list of the other spacemen, she'll probably agree to protect him in exchange for a higher chance of reaching safer places. As for priorities, apart from keeping herself alive (which generally makes her useful) and protecting the one she agreed to protect, replenishing food and any gear they could will be of high priority. Of course, being /meat/, it means she'll be fine eating the downed spacemen unless the protected objects (or if it would prove detrimental somehow). Salvaging things to help their flight will occur too (although it might be kind of hard for /nasa/ tech).
She probably has reasonable wilderness survival skills, although how much of it is applicable in a space station in the tundra is questionable. At the very least, she knows how to skin an animal and cook meal for herself and others. First aid knowledge probably translate well as well.
>why she was going to /nasa/
Probably to learn more about the world, like what >>22255201 said. It isn't uncommon for /meat/ clergy to go around the world to learn foreign knowledge and culture. They might spread their faith in places they go, although they won't do that if they're trading with the country and their government kindly asks them not to. Having strange people fell from the sky in a tin can definitely pique some interest, as is the idea of learning about new deities.

>> No.22256081

another small piece under "Living in Interesting Times", thank you as always archiveanon! I found it too funny not to include, we need small bits like this to lighten the mood every once in a while :)
The two diplomats trudged throught the unsteady terrain, their only guide the moonlight of the silent night. The carriage broke down abour 30km behind them, and without any other choice, they walked the rest. The thought of the comfortable beds, a giant mug of beer and some warm buns was what kept them going in the cold. But even then, their nerves were at an end. It wasn't often they were forced to workout like this. Finally, they were under the looming shadow of the Station. Except...

"Oi, Charlie"
"Where's the bloody door to the get in the station?"
"Bugger me it's right there, mate"
"Then open the airlock"
"....oh. I see the problem..."
"Oh do you, you drongo!"

>> No.22256220

Can I write something? I'll need a bit of time.

>> No.22256474

Of course! If it's to add to this particular peace, i stole it from another space wanker in the first place, so feel free to do the same.

>> No.22256510

Oh, so it's not the same recurring character

>> No.22256534

Didn't the sanalites need their spacesuits to communicate with natives via the translator? Or do they wear them even inside the station? It'd be interesting to have them try to nonverbally communicate for a bit at first before the principal got his hands on a translator.

>> No.22256538

Perfect, thanks you lovely /meat/heads. Can always count on you to pull through.

>> No.22256784

While spacesuits aren't needed inside the station, I would imagine most prefer to still wear them just out of convenience. Specially since the crash, a lot of jobs require frequently moving in and out of station. And with how Principal has been the last few days, he would probably be wearing it nonstop, with all the gadgets that he would potentially need on him. He might be an idiot, but he's not stupid.

>> No.22256791

My proposal for the /pagi/-/nasa/ linguistic barrier.
We've set up that the followers of Iofi spoke the same space tongue as the Sanalites. But because the Ioforias landed and settled centuries ago, their language have diverged completely since.
This is the best example of this scenario.
The Malagasy people are in Madagascar, the Maanyan are in SEA. The Malagasy language is a descendant of Maanyan. But centuries separated by sea and mingling among foreign cultures have made the two very different

>> No.22257259

I think I'll have something after dinner. I need to clean up before cooking.

>> No.22257737

Take all the time you need! We ain't in no rush. Hell, i'm still debating on making a part 2 for "winds of change" or just include it into the start of "living in interesting times" because the lore has progressed so far that a part 2 would be kinda redundant.

>> No.22257865

I'd go with part 2 anyway. It should be the trial with the Principal and the courts. Also what do you think about my compromises in this post? >>22254687

>> No.22258541

Oh right, sorry, I was stretching myself in so many different directions i forgot to reply to your suggestions. Don't see anything i would disagree with, except maybe the independantly owned companies. While it would eventually develop in that directions, i think we are a bit too small at the moment to split like that (could invite problems if workers start caring about their own company more than the overall state of /nasa/). I propose that the departments would just get more freedom than they had before, with the Council (idk, we never named the group in charge of everything, that works under Principal. Maybe Bridge would be ok as well?) just overseeing and offering cousel, with very little to no orders given, and the heads of departments having the final say in their own matters.

Other than that, it's basically perfect, and eerily similar to what i had in mind for the end result of this mess of a month (the whole thing, while documented extensively as it already is, shouldn't last for more than 2 months at most. We have the winter to worry about after all.)

>> No.22258707
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>he has to face the terror of the South HoloSea
>while his mates are chugging pints and sing shanties with the busty kfp waitresses in the ports of the North HoloSea
feels bad my guy

>> No.22258829

So you want the state to own the means of production then? I was thinking that producers have at least some autonomy in their production in the station. Because with greenhouses we were able to supply ourselves with more food than we can eat. Whatever food we don't eat gets preserved into rations. Whatever we can't fit in rations we compost. Its also the same with asteroid mining and factories. When there's too much of a component the factories naturally stop producing that component or tools to prioritize other components and tools. /nasa/ should be successful because it adheres to supply and demand on the station naturally whether its calculated by human hands or AI. The companies may as well be independent. Besides if the companies step out of line in any of /nasa/'s laws then we'll send the military police in to shut them down with fines, sanctions, and arrests. That's generally how law works. You have to remember /nasa/ law exists outside of the station as much as inside.

>> No.22259230

Just a few thoughts before I cook. The other thing we can do is ban lobbying from independent companies. So companies cannot bribe lawmakers to change the laws in their favor. Also the companies will pay /nasa/ station for many things: electricity, food, medical supplies, emergency services (medivac, fire fighters, security), tools, etc. And eventually companies will be paying /nasa/ for maintenance of roads, transportation, power and fiber optic lines, sewers, and other infrastructure maintained by us. So yes the companies will make profit for themselves. But they'll also have to invest in other companies for supplies, pay wages of their employees, and pay taxes for public services and infrastructure. Eventually the money flows back to /nasa/'s coffers. The difference is money is like oil that keeps the economy lubricated. Especially Fuel Credits which are valued by energy.

>> No.22259674
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now all i gotta do is read up all the deadbeat lore to properly make a story about risuners landing on their shores

>> No.22260062

Squirrels bout to get some bone

>> No.22260267

yeah, mine

>> No.22260738
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dont forget to let me taste your nuts

>> No.22261159
File: 50 KB, 456x449, 1646887422117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saw that /morig/ has diamonds wich risuners dont have. Remembers we can make gemcorns and eventually produce our own diamonds. PRETTY GEMS PRETTY GEMS PRETTY GEMS PRETTY GEMS PRETTY GEMS PRETTY GEMS PRETTY GEMS PRETTY GEMS PRETTY GEMS PRETTY GEMS PRETTY GEMS

>> No.22261484

/nasa/ might have a compromise for nutting in /risu/ if they don't mind being abducted.

>> No.22261571
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no.....we have big fear of kidnapping due to /meat/ raids before they became friends.

>> No.22261689
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>> No.22261835
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oh fuck WARanon took my advice and got laid. except he raped a cute girl and now theyre coming for me

>> No.22262019
File: 162 KB, 1000x1000, meimei8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh dear, that was a joke! This ERP things is way too dangerous...

>> No.22262203

/nasa/ will never abduct without consent and a marriage license. That's the rules.

>> No.22264163

>Finish making dinner.
>/vtwbg/ is dead again.

At least I have beef curry and rice tonight.

>> No.22264287
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just hoping deadbeats are ready. hope theyre still active here at least. I also had rice feelsgoodman

>> No.22264905

I'm a weird guy who prefers eating brown rice over white rice. Brown rice makes me feel fuller and I love the earthy nut taste. I also prefer brown rice with slow cooked beans.

>> No.22266495

We welcome you on our shores, risuner, looking forward to it.
I've been wanting to reach out to /risu/ but just haven't had ideas for excuses desu, glad you're taking the first step.

>> No.22266861

/morig/, it tracks very well to me, it was fun to see you work in the physiological details. I think the death of the Holy Ghost's agent will very likely prompt some kind of investigation, how well that goes would probably depend on how well the deadbeat was keeping HQ up to date on his current mission. Mel's incursion into the manor was not exactly a no-detection stealth mission, but one could easily come up with excuses for the people involved with the manor to lock down any information regarding the events that transpired. Anyway, I'm lovin' it.

>> No.22268001

Writing the Sanalite adventurers' return might take a while. That said I'll be using rentry. I need help researching Aussie slang and bogan phrases.

>> No.22268249

Would we like to anchor this? I think it works pretty well.

>> No.22268892
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>/nasa/, a couple of years after the lockout.

>> No.22270668

The lockdowns only lasted 2 weeks.

>> No.22271211

Wosemi streaming Sonic Adventures IT support sure is cute. I miss rosebud...

>> No.22271449

Did something happen to Rosebud? Did /nasa/ scare him away?

>> No.22271501

Nah, just hasn't posted in a while. Must have gotten busier with IRL.

>> No.22271679

I can't believe rosebud-chan got made into salad

>> No.22271774
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rosebud was cool. hope they come back soon

>> No.22271992

We can just promote our thread in /rose/ and attract more Rosebuds
Same with Risuner
And maybe attract new folks

>> No.22272229

An ironclad warship made of solidified cum.

>> No.22272797

So, this is the power of the Takeshi clan...

>> No.22273038

Glad to hear that! To be honest, I feel kind of bad that both on-screen deaths are deadbeats. I actually quite like deadbeat's physiology lore, and it helps that said physiology also leads to special procedures when killing them. In fact, the deadbeats might turn out to be the final piece of the puzzle...
As for prompting investigations, that's one of the reasons why they opted for the obsidian blade instead of Mel's own dagger. After all, it's always better to have the target be painted on someone else, especially ones that people already have reasons to suspect, eh?
That reminds me to touch on the issue in the next (and probably last, at least for this story) chapter. Thanks.

The fusion of /risu/ and /inf/ is too dangerous...

I don't think that's how abduction works, anon... jk

You know, that makes me wonder what would happen if some of the abductees of the past survived long enough to have offspring, and now there are some /meat/ risuners among the /meat/ population. Sounds like it would be an interesting encounter when risuners stumble upon them when they visit the place. (Not sure if many risuners would want to visit /meat/ voluntarily, but still)

>> No.22273328
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Heh, well we're not the alivebeats, are we? Thanks, I had a lot of fun writing it.
>better to have the target be painted on someone else
I had the same thought kek, I wonder how Akira would feel about this decision. Hopefully she'd be chill about it.
I'll be keeping an eye out for it!

>> No.22275696


>> No.22276353

>Sit down at computer.
>Mind completely blank.
Anyone else have this happen? I think I need to sleep.

>> No.22277709

In usual I don't lack ideas, I just always have some other task to do getting in the way of my lorefagging.

>> No.22277747

I just force myself to write, having a checklist helps out, if I don't like what I write then I just scrap it completely, but in the end, having still written something means that you can get a few things from it.

>> No.22281358

I think I'm going to get an early night of sleep instead. I have a vision but lack clarity to put it to words. Been up since 6 AM. Bread dog knead sleep. Pan pan....

>> No.22283134

Surprise bump.

>> No.22285023

Bread bump. Must be a busy day.

>> No.22285078

Busy 2 AM for amerimutts.

>> No.22286569


>> No.22287858


>> No.22289693
File: 34 KB, 656x387, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The writing's done. I think I'll post the final chapter once the next bread is up.

>> No.22289821
File: 171 KB, 880x880, 1643087112298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can post again next thread, just say you posted right before the general died, I'll vouch for you.

>> No.22289845
File: 96 KB, 2048x946, EternalWorm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen to this guy and give us the good stuff now!

>> No.22290695

That's what they said about Covid

>> No.22290717

/nasa/ welding up the doors of apartments and not delivering food when?

>> No.22291384
File: 2.86 MB, 2975x4000, E7EpJGiXsAM9fJs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, if you insist: https://rentry.org/Melisende
In light of how the previous chapter goes, I've decided to limit the length of the last chapter. While it's indeed shorter due to not having a prominent action scene, I think the talking part actually got longer. Hopefully the pacing won't be too much of a mess because of that.
Regardless, the story with bones and flesh Intertwined has finally been concluded. Although it might not be the last time we hear about Melisende and her exploits... maybe. Kudos to those who managed to foresee the final twist beforehand. I'll try to answer any questions you might have. Any feedback and suggestions are also very much welcomed.
Will probably repost in the next bread as well.

>> No.22291931

Ah, windowmakers must fucking love detectives haha. I gotta say, I noticed the constable had this off-brand coolness from time to time, but I wasn't sure if it was just gap moe, or something more, that's a nice twist. So she ended up escaping with a copy of the ledger and Mel kept the original, is that right? And now a horned guy with spicy smoke pots and slings, under the seven layers of scheming there's /meat/ again. Damn tricky cultists. This explains the constable's eagerness to dispatch the Shrine's agent.
Loved reading the whole saga anon, thank you for blessing us with it.

>> No.22292610 [SPOILER] 
File: 337 KB, 884x493, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breaking through windows is kind of a guilty pleasure of mine, although here it's limited by how large glass panels could be made given the tech level. Also, unlike movie windows, trying to crash through a real one is a good way to get you covered in cuts by the broken glass, which is why windows used as exit points in the story are all pushed away.
Mel picked up enough clues from the last encounter to deduce who the constable truly is, and there are clues that she did more than just light reading on the ledger. The end result's that she managed to catch the girl off-guard. She controlled enough of the interaction that the girl was unable to double-check the ledger or the environment before she had to make off with the forgery instead. It isn't stated in the story, but you can probably deduce how much of the forgery's content is real based on her attitude.
The horned one (technically the gender is never specified... they might even have met before) is there to help her escape with the /meat/ trademark clay pot bomb (although I think /morig/ also has something similar, but not psychotropic) and sling. There are hints that the ones used here are not as deadly or painful as the ones usually used in war, though...
Thanks for the compliment! It has been quite a blast writing the story myself, even if I sometimes swing between wanting it to be like film noir, and wanting it to be like the film noir part of Calvin and Hobbes. Have a cute chuuba as my gift.

>> No.22293097

Ah, so Mel ended up pulling the wool over her, at least a bit! Good for her.
The Mori-chuubanite gas also muddles the mind if your bones are not used to it, so it's quite similar I guess. I'm still impressed the two thread's lore ended up converging toward a similar use like that, I'm pretty sure there was no coordination there. Flesh and Bone are truly intertwined.
And I think that's what you want, as a writer! Moments of levity to give the darker moments their gravitas.

>> No.22293484
File: 34 KB, 127x128, KiaraTinfoil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/meat/ cult might be more insidious than the Shrine (can't really call yourself a cult without knowing at least some manipulation and social engineering skills), but Mel's smart enough to play 5D chess with them at times. It helps that she has some time to prepare before the girl visits her again. Their actions might also be similarly limited like the Shrine, depending on whether /kfp/ asked /meat/ to stop actively spreading their cult around (probably did - I think the two countries have official trade relations) - which is why in most cases in the story (Simone is the only concrete exception, but she's a /kfp/ local and thus deniable), it's left ambiguous as to whether any of the meat is actually the other white meat.
>I'm pretty sure there was no coordination there.

>> No.22294456

>Kudos to those who managed to foresee the final twist beforehand.
Ngl as soon as she appeared outside the warehouse in the first chapter, I was convinced she'd betray Mel. It was just a hunch though, I didn't really deduce it. Maybe I've watched/read too many mystery stories

>> No.22294947
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after work hopefully on the next thread ill post risus landing on morigs shores. Do deadbeats actually have flesh or are they literally skeletons, I forget if that was detailed or not. can deadbeats nut is what im asking for cultural exchange purposes

>> No.22295011

Not deadbeats but they have flesh. Most of them just look real lanky. A lot of their parts is reinforced with calcium, and their calcium is reinforced with iron.

>> No.22295072

Deadbeats aren't literally skeletons, more like very thin, white humans. There's more details on the Deadbeat physiology section of the lore if needed, but long story short, yea they nut kek.

>> No.22297569


>> No.22299162
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>> No.22300607


>> No.22301410

bump MKII

>> No.22301998

bump Part 3

>> No.22302594

bump Episode IV

>> No.22302724

all those bumps? me

>> No.22304203

bump Book Five

>> No.22304677

We're 8 (now 7) posts away from bump limit. Could let the thread archive.

>> No.22304838

I mean, we could. But will we?

>> No.22304862

yes (no)

>> No.22305811


>> No.22306569

What are other culture's response when they encounter edible bread dogs?

>> No.22306684
File: 610 KB, 1336x2149, E0_n2dcVoAAle66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bring out the jam, of course!

>> No.22307134

Strawberry, grape, or marmalade?

>> No.22307412
File: 2 KB, 240x240, 1625497963006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22309244

See you next thread.

>> No.22309957

Next thread sees you: >>22309538
