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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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2215277 No.2215277[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do you faggots like controversies so much?
Just watch your oshis and enjoy.
Fuck your politics, head-canon and narratives.

>> No.2215355

I still dont get it as to why is this so controversial

>> No.2215406

When Chinese people see a Taiwanese flag it breaks their mind

>> No.2215473

Pretty hard to ignore politics when its actively fucking with the chat and collab opportunities

>> No.2215485

please elaborate. im not keen on chink gimmicks

>> No.2215521

I keep forgetting to save those posts made by Soraposter and Suiseiposter that explain everything.

>> No.2215572

Chinese think that Taiwan is a part of China, so when they see a Taiwan flag they see that as a recognition of their independence.
This triggers an absurd amount of seethe that has lead to drama that is still ongoing.

>> No.2215587

another example of Haato getting off scot free because she pretends to be stupid
ironic considering ot was likely all mainlanders breaking thier law with a vpn

>> No.2215590

another example of Haato getting off scot free because she pretends to be stupid
ironic considering ot was likely all mainlanders breaking thier law with a vpn

>> No.2215616

You're not going to get a brief or accurate summary of the geopolitical and historical tension of Taiwan and China on 4chan, let alone /vt/

>> No.2215684

>chinks mad that someone pretending to be an anime girl has a taiwan flag on their stream
dont these losers have anything better to do?

>> No.2215877

the fundamental reason is that chink bugs areant allowed to criticise ccp. ccp knows that they need to have their ideological enemies to bent frustrations, and let the bugs attack them.

the chink bugs are the dumbest and most submissive cucked puppets but they will never realise it and the social structure will never change, because they are inherently insects, and its what chinese history is.

>> No.2215936
File: 338 KB, 854x478, Gen1collab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck I almost forgot these people were all in the same gen.

>> No.2215956

i see.. so its like the thing with hongkong?

>> No.2215968
File: 13 KB, 158x318, 1616590756461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quick reminder asians =/= chinks
the entire continent of asia fucking hate chinks so i don't know why we don't attack them bugs more

>> No.2216022

Is this the haatards and coconigs weekly seething thread?

>> No.2216037

gen 1 and 2 don't really have strong bonds

>> No.2216040

no its about chink insects

>> No.2216056

I'm asian and I don't hate chinks. The only Asians who hae chinks are Pajeets and SEAnigs. Kinda makes you think huh?

>> No.2216064


They still have more unity than gen 2 though

>> No.2216081

When the commie retards took over China the actual Chinese government was forced to flee to Taiwan. Commie retards in charge then went on to try to delete any history that made them look bad, so Taiwan being mentioned as its own country makes chinsects seethe. Kinda like bringing up Tiannenmen Square, or how bringing up that Israel was established through a parnership between Hitler and the jews makes both the jews and /pol/ seethe.

>> No.2216087

every asian hates chinks, chink insect. face your bug world and its reality.

>> No.2216126

please ask any nips or gooks about chinks and they will fucking give you an earful how chinks are the worse retard, same for yuros and gypsies

>> No.2216166
File: 143 KB, 743x672, F5CAB029-3070-4793-A4D7-194CED6B18F8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I'm asian and I don't hate chinks.
(Protip: you can’t, if you do you’re even more racist against Asians)

>> No.2216186

t. chinkbug

>> No.2216216

yea not like china invades them or anything

>> No.2216222

chinese are racist against uighur muslims. They do nothing to prevent the genocide of chinese uighur muslims in mainland china, in fact they support this genocide. You cant be racist against racists.

>> No.2216223

Lol no. Stop lying dumbass
Do you know that this site also believes Korea and Japan would genocide each other given half a chance? Whatever bullshits /pol/ found for their thread's OP certainly doesn't reflect reality. The truth is Asians who hate China the most are Indians and SEAnigs, two irrelevant hellholes with barely anything good to say.

>> No.2216227

Israel was established by the British you cocksucking retard.

>> No.2216233
File: 175 KB, 545x498, polwa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

israel wasn't established until 1948, it was still british palestine at the time of the haavara agreement
(not trying to start /pol/ shit here, just want to address an inaccuracy)

>> No.2216259

>When the commie retards took over China the actual Chinese government was forced to flee to Taiwan.
Just say they lost dude. This is not some Taiwanese high school

>> No.2216264

typical anglo woketard defending chinks and attacking japanese. its ridiculous as fuck that when it comes to chinks vs japanese, the anglo woke cunts start to defend chinks to virtue signal. this is one of the reasons that reddit has become an anti japan woke cesspit

>> No.2216268
File: 10 KB, 247x204, 1611956515895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be chink
>break the law of your dictatorship by using vpns to circumvent site bans
>get mad about your vpn showing
chinks are literally retarded

>> No.2216273

"Chinese needs the Uighur treatment"
I made this meme up and i hope you guys would use it.

>> No.2216274


>> No.2216301

The Sino-Jap wars are their own can of worms I won't open. Brief, over simplified history: Mao and the red army won the civil war against Chiang Kai-shek and the republicans on mainland China, the republicans fled to Taiwan and established themselves there, China had no navy or air force so they begged Stalin for support, Stalin duped them into Korea based on empty promises of a Taiwanese campaign in order to stiffen the US against China and keep China weak, China loses the initiative during the point where the US was willing to cede Taiwan for better relations with China and out of the USSR's grasp, and China utterly humiliated by the entire thing with nothing to gain but a broken alliance and a new enemy when they could have had the west drop their support for Kai-shek's government. Tension: Taiwan is a US satellite across a pond from the US and basically caps their expansion and is a massive security threat. Also Mao's 2 wet dreams were Hong Kong and Taiwan, there is a massive ideological and morale boost to finally complete the revolution.

>> No.2216309

Don't be afraid, it's always good to correct these inaccuracies. Generally, retarded lurkers just believe everything written here as if it wasn't just a work of fiction.

>> No.2216317

Where have you been living these past few years. Only woketards attack chinks nowadays because muh uyghurs dindu nuffin

>> No.2216334

chinks are fucking hated by every asian. nobody in asia likes you chink insects. theres no reason that they like the insects.

>> No.2216337

oh yea its actually worse than that. I'm sorry for making it seem harmless.
The chinese support their government in treating chinese uighur muslims worse than nazi germany ever treated the jews. imagine.

>> No.2216372

reddit dribble

>> No.2216374

Look up the Havaara agreement like the other anon said.

>> No.2216379

>The truth is Asians who hate China the most are Indians and SEAnigs
you cannot be fucking serious right? if you're actually asian, go outside and ask literally any Jap, Gook, Mongol, Kazakhs, etc about Chinks and you will maybe understand how much Asia hate China, the CCP and Chinks

>> No.2216382
File: 1.43 MB, 1915x834, 2739F98F-68A8-4DAE-B310-3F376716B339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ameribros... i cant believe korosan would do this...

>> No.2216386

Source: "Western news"
For a supposed genocide it sure is surprising that no one died huh? Are you sure it's not a "cultural genocide" instead? Because telling people that terrorism is wrong means you're deleting their culture apparently.

>> No.2216415

Anon, if you believe commie news, then only 27 people died in Chernobyl.

>> No.2216421

yea not like the concentration camps are a thing right?

>> No.2216423

Fucking delusional /pol/tards. The average central asian, east asian and Middle eastern don't give much shit about chinese than each other. Again, stop talking shit that you don't know anything about.

>> No.2216432

that just let jews emigrate to palestine, it didn't actually establish israel dumbfuck.
>look up
peak reddit

>> No.2216442

>For a supposed genocide it sure is surprising that no one died huh?
holy fuck the cope, you do understand that the CCP doesn't have to report the dead right?

>> No.2216445

>every chinese uighur muslim is a terrorist until proven otherwise
sounds pretty racist to me zheng. How can you be so racist? How can you support the racism of your government like that?

>> No.2216453

>Middle eastern
I bet you're a bong.

>> No.2216459

im from east asia, you chink diaspora faggot. nobody likes you chink insects

>> No.2216469
File: 209 KB, 628x1626, PG_2019.12.05_Balance-of-Power_2-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you might be the delusional one

>> No.2216473
File: 722 KB, 320x240, bugs_florida.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good riddance.

>> No.2216479

>looking up stuff is reddit
Clapistan, everyone.

>> No.2216491

no he is 100% without a doubt a zhang

>> No.2216492

Sure, show proof then, maybe mountains of corpses or something. When even someone as nutjob as Adrian Zenz already gave up with the literal genocide accusations, you know there's absolutely nothingburger.
Concentration camps and genocides are two different things, genius.

>> No.2216493

kill yourself euroshit

>> No.2216530

>Letting Jews into Palestine with the offer of it becoming a Jewish state isn't "establishing israel"
What's next Moshe, running wire around your neighborhood means you're not breaking the shabbat?

>> No.2216532

Who are you quoting?

>> No.2216533

>No middle east and central asia
>ASEAN limited to 2 countries
Very convincing

>> No.2216544

you familiar with kpop? cause funny enough gooks were just fucking shitting on chinks last 2 weeks just for a small similarity to china scenery in one of its movie.

>> No.2216565

You think saudi arabia and Iran to be European or something?

>> No.2216588

That reminds me. Are elevens/nips the only asians with two monikers here?

>> No.2216601

Yes. Merely making an offer to establish a state in an area controlled by a different country won't actually establish a state.

>> No.2216607

>racist denies the racist crimes of his country
lmao. Guess what there where "no bodies" in nazi germany too until the americans came by force and showed that the situation was way worse than anyone had believed. It's the same shit happening in your country zheng. You are a country of disgusting racists supporting the cultural and literal genocide of people.

>> No.2216612

>The average central asian, east asian and Middle eastern
>east asian
keep coping zhang why won't you point out how east asians fucking hate you faggots?

>> No.2216639

Gooks are retarded when it came to history, what else is new? Anything that doesn't state the glorious Hwan kingdom came to being because God willing it would be slammed for either jap or chink propaganda. Try to remind a gook how many centuries their country spent as Chink's vassal and see them explode.

>> No.2216643

Yeah right im sure if uzbekistan has a positive opinion of china this entire graph is worthless

>> No.2216666

>Still no proof
>Holocaust happened, therefore this genocide with zero proof must be happening too
I rest my case

>> No.2216678

quads of truth

>> No.2216680

>Hates controversies
>Posts a controversy to stimulate conversation

It looks like you're the one that likes it just as much you dumbfuck.

>> No.2216694

A reminder that you shouldn't hate the average chinese, just feel pity for them. They've been indoctrinated their entire lives. They're a perfect example of the death of individualism, since they're only defined by whatever the party says they are. You should hate the CCP, Xinnie Jhin Poohng and his cohorts.

>> No.2216700

To the antichinks in this thread, let me ask you a question: How does it feel knowing that China will become a global hegemon in your lifetime? I for one welcome it

>> No.2216721

same as mentioning how a small island country fucking destroy your glorious empire?
please, all japs know that you guys hate them, and they fucking hate you too, don't have to denied that shit

>> No.2216724

every proof would be treated with a dumb
>western media
as if chinese media is to be trusted. You are being brainwashed just like the germans during nazi germany. The EXACT SAME thing is happening in your country and you are blind to it because you fall for CCP brainwashing.

>> No.2216729

Retard, he's telling you that history already proved how easy is to hide a genocide unless you use brute force to show it. History repeats, yadda yadda.

>> No.2216731

No, but I hate burgers and Eurocucks for their woke bullshit.

>> No.2216741

japan isnt small

>> No.2216752

please zhang post your gdp per capita here and see how you guys can follow india and become world power in 2022

>> No.2216765

A different result from the same origin. Though my commie cousin says that cultural marxism is a perversion of actual marxist stuff, so who knows.

>> No.2216779

compare to china they're fucking tiny

>> No.2216791
File: 42 KB, 554x554, images (31).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed,maybe if i was born in china i would end up exactly like them.No reason to hate someone for something they were indoctrinated with,i can only feel pity

>> No.2216816

Just say you don't have proof then. If every Unsubstantiated genocide accusations were taken seriously then even the US would be guilty of genocides several dozen times over. "Dude, trust me" is not proper evidence, retards

>> No.2216825
File: 49 KB, 310x479, PG_2020.10.06_Global-Views-China_0-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

opinions on china has reached new historic lows since 2020

>> No.2216851

China's gdp per capita is around $6k while India's is about $1k. Why you picked India of all things to compare them to I have no idea

>> No.2216894

why put in the effort if you are going to deny proof even when the truth stares you right in the face?
You are too indoctrinated to be convinced by any sort of proof. You could stand atop the mountain of dead bodies yourself and you would still deny the horrible crimes your country is commiting on its citizens right now.
Basic human rights are being taken away by your government based on "social credit" and yet you stand there and pretend it is unthinkable that your government is commiting genocide on people right in front of your nose?
You are an ignorant racist.

>> No.2216902

>t. brainwashed to be pozzed cum guzzling soiboy

>> No.2216928

cause what you shitted out of your mouth is literally the same as what pajeets shitted out all those years ago retard

>> No.2216931

at least im not a brainwashed, racist chinese bugman and I enjoy simple and basic human rights.

>> No.2216953

So much words that can be summarized as: "I have no proof". As expected of western leftist

>> No.2216959

t. brainwashed to be a chinkbug defending china at all cost while living in a literally hole shared with 10 other bugmen, eating gutter oil and shitting in the street.

>> No.2216999

the refences in the wikipedia articles have all the proof you need.

>> No.2217000

basic and simple human rights to destroy your body with poisonous """food""", mindlessly regurgitate mind-vomit from corporate-funded medias, and get infected with HIV.

>> No.2217006

>He thinks only china is thinking they will be global hegemon shortly
Here's a hint: The one who keeps saying China will grow into a hegemon the most is not the chinks themselves.

>> No.2217018
File: 146 KB, 238x216, kusa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating gutter oil
Heh, you reminded me that this is actually a thing.

>> No.2217023

wikipedia, the so-called encyclopedia that's edited by paid shills and run by bastards with an obvious agenda.

>> No.2217039
File: 23 KB, 517x593, images (30).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck did i just read

>> No.2217046
File: 603 KB, 800x450, 1591672905115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol what is it?

>> No.2217049
File: 369 KB, 495x602, watame violence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retard, the fucking sources are the only thing you should care about in wikipedia. But obviously you wouldn't know that because you're a subhuman ignorant faggot.

>> No.2217057

i told you to read the references, retarded chink

>> No.2217067

cry about it amerilard. your country will not last the century.

>> No.2217070

please enlighten me while companies are pulling out of your shithole country and your entire economy is nothing but a paper tiger?

>> No.2217086

Ironic coming from a CPC shill

>> No.2217106

b-but taiwan doesn't exist

>> No.2217153

Exactly. It's only the Republic of China, which is being occupied by the communist group called CCP that calls the occupied land People's Republic of China.

>> No.2217159

Do overseas chinks really believe that they are still liked by other asian people today after they brrap their kung flu? You fags will be killed first if murder wasn't a capital punishment everywhere in the world

>> No.2217176

Your realize the PRC is recognized by almost every country in the world as the real China, right?

>> No.2217180

china has broken apart so many times its more flimsy than the cheap knock off products you make. and even now china is still divided because you cant accept that HK, Taiwan and Tibet are their own independent regions in east asia and are in fact not part of communist china. The only china that exists is on the little island that inhabits Taiwan.
The big red insect hive on the mainland is a fake and flimsy copy of the real china, destined to fail because it lives off brainwashing and terrorizing its citizens. You can last a few years but even then you will fall apart, just like nazi germany.

>> No.2217191

Though I'm triggered as to why the lineup isn't Gura-Ame-Coco-Haachama-Kiara

>> No.2217192

>/pol/ tier thread

>> No.2217213

china has broken apart in the past, yet it survived every time and today it is the strongest nation in the world.

>> No.2217228

The chink defender is actually a Malaysian KFP

>> No.2217229

And you recognize that it's only because the CCP has the global economy hostage? They say that to pacify the commie snowflakes while also dealing with the RoC.

>> No.2217237

the ccp

>> No.2217240

Zhang it’s world history, no one cares about chink delusions inside the great firewall.

>> No.2217248

>today it is the strongest nation in the world
oh no no no someone wants to tell this zhang?
