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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 3.35 MB, 1605x6234, English corps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22089588 No.22089588 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever tried watching a smaller corporation?

>> No.22089644

No,me only watch Hololive

>> No.22089675

Does Holostars count?

>> No.22089729

Sorry, I have standards.

>> No.22089754

In this image, there's like 5 or 6 better singers than in all hololive.

>> No.22089821
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I watch NijiEN if that counts, they're quite funny and entertaining in solo streams.

>> No.22089842


>> No.22089859

I just realized I'm subbed to at least one talent from each of those except cyber live.

If I get a vtuber in my reccomends and I like her voice I'll sub.

Funny thing is I was subbed to a couple in Nijisanji without knowing they were Nijis. Alice Mononobe and the girl with cat ears red riding hood that's graduating soon.

>> No.22089910
File: 257 KB, 1296x1272, EuIVyC1VgAAoDNL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Urara just graduated.
I'm fucking dying inside right now.

>> No.22089957

I don't have time to check them all out so I never have. do you have any recommendations?

>> No.22090048

Unfortunately. It was a fucking awful idea. These small corpos all have girls approaching the menhera levels of Rushia.

>> No.22090065

I tried, and stopped watching small corpos after Miki graduated.

>> No.22090089

Same, my heart is hurting

>> No.22090110
File: 210 KB, 344x338, 1647889487305.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amiya is amazing!

>> No.22090177

>Cyberlive leak proves that the entire company was bullying the only one talent (Lumi) which resulted in her graduating
>Tsunderia breaking down because their manager and pillar of support Urara is leaving
>Phase connect is supposed to debut gen 2 early april but nowhere to be seen

Wonder what's gonna happen to the others

>> No.22090221

Prism Project, Shiki graduates and becomes my wife.

>> No.22090285

Saw that on twitter (pippa replied to them).
Was it a sudden thing, or had it been in the works?

>> No.22090366

Urara had it planned for a while now judging from the things she said in the past but the news of her leaving today was news to all the talents today which is why they're going menhera about it.

>> No.22090451
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No goodbye stream. Just an announcent and poof, she's gone.
We don't even know why.

>> No.22090532

Rita is too good for this world, we don't deserve her

>> No.22090638

I will watch Emi Suika when she drops but that's all.

>> No.22090893

yes, the pain and misery that come with it is unbearable

>> No.22090922

Watched a lot of indies. But never got around watching smaller corpos. I've been drowned by too much hololive that I don't have time to watch others so...

>> No.22090930

I don't understand why retards hold Hololive in a pedestal.
When Hololive should be considered baby's first introduction to vtubers that brings peasants, normalfaggots and similar undesirables. Which it is.
Specially ENshit.

>> No.22090973

>smaller corporation
roru rumao

>> No.22091112

Luto (Prism), Charzu (Kawaii), and Meru (Tsunderia) are the three that I watch the most from that list.

>> No.22091134

maybe take cyberlive off since theyre currently imploding

>> No.22091214

Soon everyone will have to rely on these companies after Holostars EN mixes their talents. You all laugh now, but look at what happened to NijiEN.

>> No.22091265

>Phase is split
>Cyberlive keeps getting into drama
>Slugma is dead
>Prism is due to unleash NFTs any day now
I thought it would be better on this side...

>> No.22091268

Wactor better

>> No.22091417

nigga go back to the cage

>> No.22091530

Im starting to watch the spider hag Amiya but i need to know the juiciest rrats about her!!

>> No.22091581
File: 692 KB, 689x673, 1648006036928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the juiciest rrat on her is that she's a loving and cute spider

>> No.22091833

If you had to recommend someone from this list to me, which one would it be? Legit been wanting to give one of these small indies a try but always stall on doing so.

>> No.22091882

Your chart needs updating.

>> No.22091886

I did and the only one I actually liked was Nene Amano, but to be fair I'm very hard to please, even from Hololive I only actually like 1 or 2 girls.

>> No.22091920

>Have you ever tried watching a smaller corporation?
>only lists EN corps

>> No.22091934

Kawaii is great because they have Japanese standards for their EN talents. They may not be as talented as HoloJPs but they are more entertaining than most holos. I wanna check out 774 because I heard good things about them, does anyone have a short description of all the members? Also what about that new Israeli vtuber company? They were pushing their talents pretty hard for a while around debut but ever since then I haven't heard a single peep about them.

>> No.22091962

Lua and Nene from Kawaii are pretty cool, Charzu too if you're a masochist.

>> No.22092131

Nami 100%
She is amazingly talented and entertaining, not GFE bait, and /HERE/

>> No.22092146
File: 423 KB, 1031x1500, Singer nia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on what you want. If you want bully-bait, Nia is pretty good, also sings pretty damn well. Also has a surprising amount of porn


>> No.22092163

Forgot to add from Kawaii

>> No.22092334

I spotted Nene in a few clips but never heard of Lua, I'll give her a try though, thanks for the suggestion.

>> No.22092536
File: 31 KB, 455x456, 1642549920148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open channel of model I like
>flavor of the month games
>boring ass indie walking sims
I already put up with enough of this shit from hololive. Try and find a niche instead of being an inferior copy.

>> No.22092721

Pippa always gets wrongly labeled as far right and a 4chan youtuber, but that's by people who don't really watch her and hate her. Her strength is she's really intelligent compared to basically everyone on that list and doesn't put up a stupid character. I recommend her stream "Walking Into Stranger's Houses".

>> No.22092737

There's plenty that do more niche stuff, like Amiya.

>> No.22092762

Yes I watch nijiEN

>> No.22092774

>bargain bin
>generic brand
>buy 1 get 1 free brand
>tweeter brand

>> No.22092777
File: 506 KB, 1920x1080, GoGoNippon Prison Dong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only smaller "corporation" I watch

>> No.22093714

Fuck off

>> No.22093751

i would, but whenever i check some smaller corpos i see news of them dissolving or members graduating. im not going to pick someone up only to have an empty space in my soul because they signed up to some black corpo. ill stick with acceptable quality big names thanks.

>> No.22093841

I do, but not EOP cancer.

>> No.22093925

>Open small corpo stream
>Women talking like basic western bitches without an incling of effort to put on an act
>Curse like sailors
>A lot of them even sound the same
>Stale old memes
>Ton of coombait short clips
>Chat has more mods than regular viewers
>Bad at video games
Ah, yes....SOVL.

>> No.22093987

You might as well just go and watch indies. I watch smaller corpos but not EOP ones.

>> No.22094000

She didn't have it planned, she just acknowledged that it was an inevitability that she wouldn't be doing vtubing long term. Her quitting this soon and this suddenly caught basically everyone off guard.

>> No.22094134

kys 2view watching faggot

>> No.22094183

One of the more blacker companies.

>> No.22095046

774 has like 30 chuubas and I don't watch all of them so i'll only describe some of them
Haneru is the collab queen who is friend with everyone in the JP chuuba community
Ichika is a great singer, she doesn't play a lot of games but her GTA streams are really good
Izumi is a YGO/Beyblade autist
Kuku is a good at doing impressions and singing
Mary is a wife experience
Patra is a good gamer because she improves fast, she's also the one mixing every HNST covers/original songs
Mico is a good voice actress but she use a baby voice and only use her sex voice during reading streams
Charlotte is a minecraft autist
Rene is a retard with a sex voice and does great weekly karaoke
Anna makes rings on stream
Chris likes to draw big tits
Met and Uge are apexfags
Kanon is a good musician, she can plays the bass and did a good 3d drums stream, you should check it
Sei can play the piano/sing/draw
I don't know what to say about Nemo but I really enjoy her stardew valley streams

>> No.22098422

I was promised 774 of them

>> No.22098966
File: 13 KB, 238x191, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nowhere to be seen
Nah they all sang and two of them are cunny.
Check /pchex/

>> No.22099355

Yes I watched Pika

>> No.22100491

I know that some of them are based on SEA, but why does none seems to admit it? This is so sad that we ID has to be the one to carry the whole SEA, while the rest are ashamed of being labeled a SEA company.

Doesn't matter, it's a job of a leader to lead the way.

>> No.22100616
File: 47 KB, 1281x367, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

During the last /small corpo/ thread, the idea of a Tsunderia Buyout was discussed. I would like to review this rrat again. Based on the information we now know, is Tsunderia more likely or less likely to have a buyout?
Miori could go to Niji. HoloEN might take hospital girl Lisa for EN Gen 3 and turn her into their perpetually dying version of Ironmouse. The rest could get swept up into PC gen 2 or 3 or be cast to fend for themselves as indies.

>> No.22102037

Why should i

>> No.22102311

It takes a strong personality to be the only grey in chat and those people don't usually watch vtubers. That's why most small corpo vtubers feel like cults.

>> No.22103052

Yeah I tried watching a few vtubers based on this list, and walking into a chat of all green names and mods with like 70 viewers makes me feel kinda unwelcome

>> No.22103193

I watch some girls from 774 inc and NoriPro. By the time HoloEN debuted and the EN chuuba scene exploded, I already had a lot of JP chuubas I like to watch. Too many to possibly watch all their content. I've taken a peek into some of their streams, but no one has ever impressed me so much that I'd stop watching the chuubas I was watching before.

>> No.22103508

Yep it's a big issue for small vtubers. I know of one indie who has like 2-3 people who purposefully remain grey just to make chat seem more approachable, it doesn't work.
It's a huge pity because those chats are usually very friendly and a lot of smaller vtubers are underrated.

>> No.22103805

I watch 2views and XX digits as often as corpos these days. Can I start a 2views thread? Anons might come up with some funny stories.

>> No.22103985

When has any vtuber company ever outright sold or bought talents from another one? Sounds like completely baseless schizoposting to me.

>> No.22104050

yeah technically hololive bought 2 vtubers

>> No.22104229

I watched a little bit of Kawaii here and there but right now my small corpo of choice is AkioAIR.

>> No.22104235

why would i waste my time like that ?

>> No.22104323

who ?

>> No.22104338

Difference is one of them is Yagoo’s best friend and the other was a joint project with Cover, and after the other company folded they just transferred her because she had always been more Cover property. And those are only two most recent ones from 2 years ago, back when Hololive was in its growing phase. Now they get more applicants by the thousands, why would they waste their money buying out literal whos from another company?

>> No.22104437

Because the talent pool is wide but shallow?

>> No.22104811
File: 3.32 MB, 1320x706, SwastiLia.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every single day. i fucking love Lia

>> No.22104828

>I wanna check out 774 because I heard good things about them, does anyone have a short description of all the members?
It would be better to ask in the 774 threads. They have a regular thread both in /jp/ and here nowadays.

>> No.22105087

Small corpos are the worst of both worlds. Big corpos or small indies, nothing inbetween.

>> No.22105345

Unironically true. Insecure holobronies seethe is hilarious.

No it doesn't. (You) are just pussies who are overly self-conscious of what others think of you. Stop it, nobody in the chat cares about you.

>> No.22105572
File: 76 KB, 746x670, 1647111504059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk but I'm loving a lot of the 774 vtubers. All of HoneyStrap and SugarLyric in particular, with Mary being my favorite of the entire company

>> No.22105703

t.someone who doesn't watch smaller vtubers

>> No.22105740
File: 2.60 MB, 640x476, 20220305_161836.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit. I watch various small corpos and I am only membered to a single person. I don't care if I am among the few that aren't membered to them. They don't purposefully avoid your chat comments due to not being membered, nor do chat members dog pile you (on the other hand you should almost never respond to another chat member talking to you).

>> No.22105746

My oshi literally has 30 viewers on average. Good enough for you?

>> No.22106237

gotta love how the strong personality fags pick a fight. Yeah no shit you're okay with being the only greys in chat. #metoo you faggots.

>> No.22106290

If there's any drama and discordfaggotry free corpo I might gave them a shot in the future

>> No.22106656

Who cares? I only watch my oshi and nobody else. I don't have the time for others and I don't care about corporation or not.

>> No.22106749

Used to watch two girls from Virtuality Pro. Now I watch one of them in Holo and the other as an indie.

>> No.22106766

The only fag here is you.

>> No.22106880

I'm getting into them specifically Prism and Phase, they feel more genuine and free

>> No.22106992

>i'm a chad because I don't pay for my entertainment
yeah dude you are certainly not gay

>> No.22107090

NTA but how does that make him gay? Projecting much?

>> No.22107235

Luto cracked me up more than any Holo ever has. Are the other girls in her group worth while?

>> No.22107271
File: 545 KB, 1286x534, pink hair beware yab vRosemi 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niji poached Rosemi who used to work for Tsunderia. She drained a lot of ressources before she left. Why do you think people hate her so much?

>> No.22107331

Niji gave Rosemi money. Rosemi used that money to buy herself out of her contract with Tsunderia.

>> No.22107391

>projecting much
either suck cocks or don't. But don't be a retarded about how small corpo chats work.

>> No.22107579
File: 29 KB, 370x320, 1613453868974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong anon, you don't like pink haired girls?

>> No.22107802
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I personally love PRISM Gen 1 and Naki, but that's mostly because they're so cute and their /unity/, so if your oshi is Luto they might not be your taste.

>> No.22107885

A talent signing up with one company while being in the process of joining another isn't the same as companies buying and selling or trading talents like a sports team

>> No.22108389

2views and 3views are desperate for interaction. Dead Air is death for them. If you message them with comments or questions that they can respond to then they will read the ones that they think can give them content. Then chat reacts to their content and it creates a content feedback loop. It could be hornyposting, banter, opinions, anything that's not too yab. I mean look at this
Even 4views want greys because they pump up their CCV which in turn makes them look more appealing and get more clout and money. Simply being there live helps a small corpo while your view is almost worthless to a person with 1 million + subs

>> No.22109011

Any recommendations for montherly type other than Emma ?

>> No.22109123

I'm genuinely asking this, why should I? These talents are nice and the models look good but for the average consoomer most of their needs are already filled from watching Hololive. I think this is why shilling doesn't usually work and just comes off as begging.

>> No.22109190

Only the spiderhag. Seriously underappreciated for how good she is.

>> No.22109287

When a company closes or downsizes. People from that company look for other jobs. upd8 ran Kizuna A.I. among several others. When they closed, their talents were picked up from other corpos after a hiatus. https://virtualyoutuber.fandom.com/wiki/Upd8
The scenario here >>22100616 is if Tsunderia closes. We're not talking about sportsball. These are actual people looking for jobs. Like WeWork shutting down the majority of their rental spaces and their company's top talent up for grabs by various tech startups. Go through the Upd8 talents one by one. Look at Laki: Part of Upd8, leaves as the company downsizes before closing, period of unemployment or alternative employment followed by joining another agency and redebut. There is no "trade" in this scenario. Tsun's 3rd gen is subpar and if both Miori and Slugma leaves the company falls apart and Slugma has already left. This is the destroyed buyout scenario. People with a skillset want to keep earning money with that skillset and recruiters are always looking to hire new people to make the companies more money and replace departing employees.

>> No.22109756

Well said. (You) not interacting just because you're too shy is indirectly hurting your 2/3views oshi. Are you really okay knowing this is true and still feel justified with this irrational behavior?

If you're an actual vtuber fan, not a hololive fan, then you would realize there is a whole world of chuubers out there that offers experiences you'll never find in hololive, be it interactions, content, vibe or whatever, and you might prefer them over the one in hololive. A real vtuber fan loves chuubers for who they are regardless of brand, corpo or status.

>> No.22109775

Depends on how much interaction you want with the chuuba. I don't bother opening chat for my oshi unless its to throw some peppers, applause or an omedetou, but the 2view indie and 3view corporate chuubas I watch greet me, respond to my comments and generally banter with their chat. So if you want that experience you won't find it in HoloJP or HoloEN

>> No.22109855

Good thing this is a Hololive board and not a "real vtuber fan" board.

>> No.22109885

You don't need to remind me how much of a shithole this place is.

>> No.22109899

>a real fan
go choke on an artichoke you fruit

>> No.22109950

What you've described isn't a buyout at all

>> No.22110400

If you have no intention of watching anything outside Hololive, then OP's question wasn't directed at you.

>> No.22110489

Don't forget to pay the rent.
So it wasn't directed at the vast majority of the board's population? Seems pointless then.

>> No.22110704

>Have you ever tried watching a smaller corporation?
Yes, but only PC, some tsun, and Charlotte. It's impossible for them to mean as much to me as HoloJP but as far as the EN scene goes I think this is about as good as it gets. I won't try anything on twitch, or CyberLive.

>> No.22110782


>> No.22111132

At least the vast majority of the board's population knows to ignore threads that don't concern them.

>> No.22111423

Amiya if you want a retro game playing hag
Rita if you want an actually seiso angel
Non Anon if you want a disgusting /here/ degenerate, Naki if you want a cute and innocent degenerate
Nene or Lua if you want GFE
Charzu, Isla or Nami if you just want good and creative non-GFE chuubas.

>> No.22111494
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You're arguing over the definition of words because you've already lost the argument but you're too stubborn to admit it. People are for sale
He must have had a bad experience with the All Green Deer Sex Cult

>> No.22112394

just watch Prism, their management is retarded so most of them don't even have memberships.

>> No.22112711
File: 73 KB, 700x700, 1639102071471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine thinking this is a good thing

>> No.22113048

Most Kawaii girls are /here/ but they're not cringe since they're all hags so they know how to behave

>> No.22113335

It is.

>> No.22115501

Ami is the only one on that list I watch and I hope any drama with Tsunderia doesn't effect her since she is too good for this wretched world.

Also they're only been around a month but AkioAir has gotten off to a good start and seem to be yab free compared to other small corpos.

>> No.22117302

Amiya and Orla from Tsunderia and Rita from Prism

>> No.22119746

Most small corpo talents are on this website. It is only a problem when it because your only personality trait is 4chan like Pippa.

>> No.22120276

Pippa is doing amazing so it's clearly not a problem.

>> No.22125643


>> No.22125755

She was the best one!

>> No.22125879

>non anon
Mooooooooom I want Polka!
we have polka at home
polka at home:

>> No.22125915

/vt/ always knew "rosemi" was a nigger.
That said I wish she'd apply for Hololive and get accepted just for the drama of her continuing her backstabbing power hunger.

>> No.22126166
File: 980 KB, 3508x1970, polka uno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mooooom I want an Oda Nobunga!
>we have oda nubunga at home
>oda nubunga at home:

>> No.22126258

Honestly she should just do it. The more time passes the more awkward it gets.

>> No.22129219

It is though, shes not an ebin 4chan shitposter just a lurker

>> No.22130063

Quality big names like Rushia?

>> No.22130300

I bet you don't talk in chats of JP 2views either lmao

>> No.22130918

Whatever HoloEN gains trickles down to small corpos and NijiEN. It's only lately with the male debuts that NijiEN gained a viewerbase independent to HoloEN. It's the boons and banes of as the industrial leader, you get the lion's share of the incline because you're the only one expanding to new markets, but that also means everyone will leech off to you. Vshojo is a special case because there's little Holo/Vshojo overlap and thus both have something to gain by interacting with them. If you're going to ask why small corpos don't even try anything new or risky, it is because it is risky and they're not too big to fail. Go watch this video for industry infights from two small corpo bosses.
The Niji and Holo JP main branches however, have a completely different dynamic.

And as for literal 2views, they can do whatever risky shit they wanna do for fun because they're not going to make it anyway. And that makes them very entertaining. However, their downside is they can't afford to pull off ambitious meme projects.

>> No.22131016

I can't wait for this one


>> No.22131233

>Ton of coombait short clips
I take umbrage to pointing this out like it's some sort of indictment. Youtube is shit, and that includes the algorithm which is subject to Google's arbitrary decisions. Girls spam those retarded tik-tok style shorts because a channel without shorts might as well not exist to the algorithm. It sucks but getting mad at the chuuba over this is silly because she needs to do this if she hopes to make a living.

>> No.22131457

Why does it feel like literally no one on this board knows that Tama-chan exists?

>> No.22134199

Who is that?

>> No.22138542

Pretty much all of them

>> No.22143168

Kawaii is the only one for me

>> No.22144436


>> No.22144524

I'm still waiting for one with good merch

>> No.22145919
File: 68 KB, 900x590, 1645971752466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When are you retards going to learn, your psyops never have any actual effect in the board nor real life. You can drop your Niji shilling. No one will change their minds.
>I was actually pretending

>> No.22146520

You aren't the authority in how small corpo chats work because you've already admitted you're too scared to use the chats. Anything you know of the chats are made up in your head than actual application.

>> No.22146626

Actually true. And then shit like Sana gets in instead.

>> No.22155814

I watch 774, PRISM, VSPO & Cyberlive.

>> No.22157937

Plenty yeah, nowadays from those I only really watch Prism's Pina, Tsun's Kazu and PC's Tenma and Uruka.
Never bothered much with CL and stayed clear from Kawaii for a long time.

>> No.22158216

I know but then they get pissy and their mods are on high alert when shorts attract a ton of coombrain teenagers that spam retarded shit in the chat. And sometimes not even that retarded from what I saw in Miori's chat. People get deleted over there left and right for dumbest reasons.

>> No.22158231

Can confirm. The only ones I recognize off OP’s post are the ones whose shorts made it to my feed cause of the algorithm.

>> No.22158373

no, i watch my oshi's VOD then anime.

>> No.22158480

Yes i do, hentai too.

>> No.22158577

>Make coombait shorts that attract retards to increase numbers
>Get mad and try to get rid of them when they proceed to be retards
Always makes me chuckle.

>> No.22158583

It's hard for me to watch streamers who are more poor than I am.
I just feel guilt that they're living a more meager life than me.

>> No.22158586

Watching Obake Pam right now.

>> No.22158864

Cute dog that likes to sing and is pretty good at it. Never shilled a chuuba before, but you should give her a try. She's worth it!

>> No.22158919

I tried watching Pippa, it was fun but I didn't feel like watching more after 3 streams

>> No.22159219

I love checking out the small girls and finding the hidden gems or the odd girls that appeal to my specific tastes.
Feels good man.

>> No.22160854

tl;dr who should i NOT check out?

>> No.22160961

I don't get the sense anyone is mad about it. Maybe frustrated that this is the price to pay for success, but Miori in particular seems to be handling it decently well. A hell of a lot better than Yura over at Prism did

>> No.22161818

What did Yura even do?

>> No.22162058

After seeing Cyberlive explode, I'm kinda glad the big corps avoid this kind of drama

>> No.22162326

See >>19578240 and >>18282444
The tl;dr is basically that she hated the community she built with the heavy GFE kayfabe and scaled way back on it. She's still a good streamer, but her content definitely isn't what it used to be for better or worse.
Also Prism started getting schizos like this >>18770039 which I'm sure didn't help

>> No.22162428
File: 689 KB, 1200x749, 1628495694791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did. But she graduated and is now on Hololive instead.
