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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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22102783 No.22102783 [Reply] [Original]

>[Lumi's mod], on the Seishirou Discord account, had the role "Trainer", and Lumi had the role "Mesugaki", kind of like playing like he was 'training' her

Holy fuck. Imagine being cucked this hard by a literal psycho. He keeps he as his fucking sex pet while you simp for her like dogs.

>> No.22102880

Do we really need 2 threads for this?

>> No.22102912
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Nobody cares, the only relevant chuubas will always be those that are in Hololive and Nijisanji.

Everyone is obsolete, and irrelevant.

>> No.22102914

at this point you're just playing both sides to get as many (you)s as possible, aren't you anon?

>> No.22103060

discord was a mistake

>> No.22103102

Lumi is a huge 4chan favorite anon.

>> No.22103195

lol, maybe if you're a cuck.

>> No.22103218
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>> No.22103275

Lumi is a whore
what did you expect?

>> No.22103614

>4chan favorite
Who the fuck cares who /vt/ likes???????????????????????????????????????????????????

>> No.22104054

Check what site you're posting on

>> No.22104143

Menacefag deflection thread

>> No.22104214

>4chan favorite
>Kiki, Lumi, Koopa literally all have boyfriends
I always knew you fags were cucks

>> No.22104310

/gif/ is proof enough of this fact. Everyone on this site is a cuck and a tranny.

>> No.22105150

You should just expect every indie to get groomed by some megalomaniacal sociopath on discord at some point.

>> No.22105292
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>> No.22105364

>He keeps he as his
holy ESL

>> No.22105735

How about I drive a spike through your skull you faggot piece of shit nigger.

>> No.22105795

how about it?

>> No.22105916

What about Bea?

>> No.22105987

>These mentally ill /pol/ schizos all have boyfriends but Pomu can't get one

>> No.22106402

Who's gonna be the one to donate with 'condom money for Sei'?

>> No.22106505

Stop making new threads Misaki

>> No.22109233


>> No.22109665


>> No.22109916

I want to cum inside this whore very irresponsibly.

>> No.22109983

her mod got that covered

>> No.22110103

>Pomu can't get one

>> No.22110222


>> No.22110309

Fuck, I'll settle with cumming on her face.

>> No.22110373

only correct answer

>> No.22110499

>You use the website therefore yhe site's opinion matters
t. a fucking retard

>> No.22110833

nice deflection thread btw

>> No.22111483
File: 431 KB, 2000x2300, FEVIkppakAA7OqO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who the hell is that, the only Lumi I give a shit about is this one. I guess the finnish one is also cute, tho, desu.

>> No.22111594

Kaneko Lumi, I think she actually shilled Onolumi in her last stream

>> No.22111601

A Lumifag shilled your Lumi before she caught on, just saying.

>> No.22111781
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SEA Lumi...

>> No.22113114


>> No.22113213
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>these menheras can easily get bfs while I can't get a gf

>> No.22113232

Why would you use a discussion site if you didn't care about the opinion of its posters? Is your life that empty?

>> No.22113286

leaks from the cyberlive discord showed that most girls were total bitches and they hated Lumi so now they're trying to deflect the drama by spreading rrats about Lumi instead.

>> No.22113426

ever tried actually talking to a female, anon?

>> No.22113536

so lumi is not actually dating her mod?

>> No.22113616

They are only doing some weird trainer-mesugaki sexplay. I don't know if that's count as dating

>> No.22113617


>> No.22113623

No, she's dating (You) she's fucking all her mods behind your back though

>> No.22113658

I don't know if it's dating but she's probably being blackmailed since the mod is a doxxer, shitposter schizo

>> No.22113684

You know you can enjoy vtubers even if they're not single right

>> No.22113733

In any case that's really hot

>> No.22113785

Fuck that noise I only support pure unsullied maidens

>> No.22113830

Short answer? No.
Long answer? No.
tldr? No.

>> No.22113854

I can't take the opinions of non-virgins seriously when it comes to games or other nerd/otaku stuff

>> No.22113963

NTA but I can, especially since Lumi has always disavowed parasocial shit. However, being a horrendous person to protect some shitty doxxfag and keep him in a community that isn't solely yours is a different story. Fuck that star and the nebula she rode in on.

>> No.22113993


>> No.22114063

That was going around long before Lumi even announced she was leaving.
Lumi and her mod are both /here/ and benefit from her appearing single. It's pretty clear what the answer is.

>> No.22114092

What did Lumi do that was so horrendous? Her only sin is unknowingly making a doxxschizo a mod, and said doxxschizo hasn't done shit since last august. I swear to god some of you faggots on this board are as bad as twitter when they try to cancel someone for saying retard 10 years ago as a joke.

>> No.22114162

not this fucking thread AGAIN

>> No.22114337

Lumi's dense gravity has effectively created a dense enough rip that we are timelooping. AGAIN

>> No.22114351

fuck no

>> No.22114417

>hasn't done shit since last august
Sure just ignore the first round of his schizo leaks which happened a few months ago in /trash/ after he was outed, just because that time it didn't involved Lumi or /clg/ talents doesn't make it less worse. He also posted a long bias as fuck "rundown" post with the leaked screenshots while defending Lumi yesterday.

>> No.22114599
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Then why is he still a mod for her?

>> No.22114723
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>> No.22114778

Every male involved with a vtuber is being cucked
the boyfriend is being cucked by her fans, and her fans are being cucked by the boyfriend
There's no favourable outcome here

>> No.22114788

I sure hope my favorite small corpo isn't like this behind the scenes

>> No.22114828

at the end of the day it all comes back to the fact that women should have never been allowed to vote

>> No.22114906

>Sei is bad therefore everything I don't like has been Sei
ogey schizo; unlike you I actually talk to and hang out with the guy and he's a decent dude. Nothing you say will change my mind. I don't care about /trash/ or /wvt/, I don't care about your menhera 2view GFE autistic vtubers who all have mental health issues and think everyone else is out to get them, and I certainly don't care about the incel autistic unicorn faggots on this board who think that "typing styles" are a legitimate way of identifying anyone here and will do everything in their limited power to justify defending their surrogate GF even when she's been shown to be a manipulative two-faced bitch. I don't even care about Lumi much anymore, I just like the people I talk to in my own circle. Ywn be one of the bros, ywn date your oshi, and ywn amount to anything outside of /vt/.
He isn't. rrat slain

>> No.22114915

>wont prove it cause management wont allow it
>shes retiring anyways (i think idk lol)
boring so so fucking boring. this is why people like to live in their own fantasies, its because reality is often disappointing.

>> No.22115070

>management wont allow it
>management is Lumi
what does this mean?

>> No.22115091

If you're going to post Sei you should probably try and hide your narcissism.

>> No.22115148

>random irrelevant chat title nonsense

>> No.22115217

Literally fucking who

>> No.22116969

He's still a mod under a different name.

>> No.22117214


>> No.22117329
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>> No.22117383

This is the equivalent of going on /a/ and only knowing about shit like One Piece.

>> No.22117475

No, nigger.
Who the fuck cares about a literal fucking who 2 view group?

>> No.22117617

Right? If it's not in Shonen Jump it doesn't matter.

>> No.22117809

Go watch Marvel movies, faggot.

>> No.22117990

My favourite is Thor because he got really fat after mental health issues just like me

>> No.22118030

Cyberlive makes less than 10k per month. Meme company

>> No.22118079

it's not a company.
They have no idea how to operate a business at all, no one is seeing them lasting the year

>> No.22118294

You are on 4chan. Any girl that appears on the internet in any way shape or form (2D, 3D, 5D) is a potential girlfriend and what gets her a "whore" label can be anything from actually dating/fucking people to shaking a mans hand. I hate actual whores but from reading some of these faggots posts you would think that this is a hasidic jew community or some shit like that.

>> No.22118364

My point is they're a bunch of nobodies, their drama doesn't really matter in the end. Twitch drama happens every day, fucking Destiny's permaban from Twitch is probably 100x bigger than this but I don't give a shit about that either.

>> No.22118393

Loomers if you're reading this it's best to not let it get to your head and instead just laugh at the absurdity of it all that these schizos can come up with this shit and care enough about it in the first place

>> No.22118504

Considering they have enough money for a shitload of alt outfits, I'd say they're doing well.

>> No.22118580

Don't fall for such obvious nonsense.

>> No.22118636

kek imagine unironically believing this was Lumi
sometimes I feel dumb and then I remember retards like you actually believe this and then I feel a lot better about myself

>> No.22118825


>> No.22121424

Do you actually believe that's Lumi? Like really?

>> No.22121552 [DELETED] 

you just bumped the thread you retard. delete this

>> No.22123557

kys retard

>> No.22125696

Doesnt cyberlive have a dumb contract clause that makes the talents pay for the model or some shit? Which is how lumi and yuri got to keep it upon leaving.

>> No.22125725

the rrats were starving.

>> No.22125962

Hey Faggots,
My name is Lumi, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, filth, who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass pictures. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures of Pippa.
Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I was a beloved vtuber, and manager in a small corp for a while. What roles do you do, other than "jack off to naked drawn Japanese people"? I also get red superchats, and have a banging hot boyfriend (He just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.

>> No.22129939

>I actually talk to and hang out with the guy and he's a decent dude.
Fucking hell lumicuck are so fucking sad lmfao

>> No.22129982

By the way you confirm the fuck never left and menace was right to sperg out lmfao

>> No.22130120

At the time misaki was management lumi wasn't

>> No.22130178


>> No.22130191


>> No.22131761

>Tells her audience about some dude nanpaing her
>Hints that she fucked this dude
>Tells Kiki that being parasocial is le bad
It's cucks all the way down here in /vt/

>> No.22131766

By the way sei is not the only schizo lumi keep under her belt she is keeping another well known /wvt/ pedo schizo named ziassan as her another pet

>> No.22133761

>collabs with vshojo
>hololive ruined itself the day thathappened

>> No.22134023

Anon... Menace is the one with Zia under her belt.

>> No.22134102

What kind of psy ops is this? zia....

>> No.22134417

Uh, no. She got shilled a lot, but she's not 4chans favorite. It wasn't as bad as other chuubas that got shilled hard here (looking at tenshimp niggers) by cancerous faggots, so I won't talk shit about her fanbase. She's not for me but she has a nice design.

>> No.22135459

NTA, but bitches just comment on how ugly my face is and tell me to fuck off

>> No.22136180

Who's this?

>> No.22144928

bumping, we NEED to keep this one alive

>> No.22144986

So what's the deal with these 2view? Why do people care about them?

>> No.22148444

She -was- one but she's gone down the usual self-destructive path a lot of shitters who can't handle a drop of power/influence spiral down on.

>> No.22150446

Some people watch streams for the streamer instead of watching them just because they are part of the Hololive/Vshojo/Nijisanji brand. It's also nice to actually be able to talk to the streamer without needing to send them $

>> No.22151079

What girls look for in a guy is financial and physical security. What guys look for in a girl are tits. Every girl has tits.

>> No.22151973

yo retards, i watched this chuuba for about 4 minutes and ill say right now that she is just a dime-a-dozen streamer with her own pack of groomers. her voice is strikingly similar to vei's to the point that i MUST assume she wants to be just like her. i was hoping for 4chan pandering and i was very disappointed. if this was her true intention then she executed with no mistakes.

>> No.22152120

She started off pandering to 4chan to grow, then once she had an audience she began doing Veibae pandering to grow more.

>> No.22152287

I'm a yuricuck retard

>> No.22153268

Broadly I tend to think the more a girl tries to push GFE and complains about being single the more likely SURPRISE BOYFRIEND/HUSBAND is likely. I'm not saying all of them, but a lot of these chicks who are already spoken for seem to have this idea that farming simps is a great way to make money. So I do the reasonable thing and don't watch boring whores.

>> No.22153544

I remember when normalfags started infiltrating anime. "Don't take pictures without permission or it's harassment" says the tattooed whore dressed deliberately provocatively at an anime con. What was that, 2014 I think? These people just fucking seep into everything and shit it up. I see now why Stalin had so many of them rounded up.

>> No.22153855

Yep. Lumi never talks about her romantic life. She doesn't do GFE outside of the occasional tweet or short for numbers. She likes attention but hates when people dote on her too much, so she prefers a community that bullies her. Overall I can almost guarantee you that she is single by her attitude.

>> No.22155488

Women are more likely to post that.

>> No.22159532

Lumi is a fucking gigastacy. If you unironically feel ntr'd by this it's your own god damn fault and I don't feel the least bit sorry for you.

>> No.22160571

Thanks for confirming it Sei, who's gonna be your next target after Lumi fucks up again?

>> No.22163906

based Lumi! I will now masturbate to your paizuri

>> No.22164111
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>> No.22164157

Just because your company president is rich doesn't mean the company is doing well

>> No.22164263

based lumi

>> No.22164712

As one should.

>> No.22164774
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B-but I'm watching one of her collabs and kinda like her...

>> No.22164932

don't be a double nigger and actually take any of the shit seriously in this thread which is obviously a bait/shitpost thread

>> No.22165455

No I can't

>> No.22167168

Well you heard it here folks. Normalfags started infiltrating the otaku community in 2014. Holy shit how old are you people?

>> No.22167340

no I can't, I can't watch cocksleeves

>> No.22168097

this /vt/ lmao

>> No.22171474


>> No.22171898

i hate that whore lumi so much, i'll be laughing at her and her fans once she become irrelevant in the upcoming months.

>> No.22174071
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>not dropping this whore who isn't even that good at /vst/ games after the /vt/league fiasco
Glad I dropped her ass.

>> No.22174137

Confirmed betacuck. Exposed in 4K. Get rekt. RUMAO.

>> No.22174210

To any Anon who doesn't believe the bf rrat. Remember when she stepped away from GFE content with a message about how she doesn't want to be that kind of streamer? Yeah, he's the one that asked her to step away from you and fucked her ever since. You've actively been cucked by Sei.

>> No.22174306

I love how much unicorns lack self-awareness. They act like you're the cuck for not caring if a chuuba has a BF or not when, if anything, they're the ones getting cucked because they're the ones wanting to date, fuck, and groom their oshi. They're the ones who are failing at getting a girl and they're the ones seething over them possibly having a bf or liking other males more than them. Absolute Cuck Behaviorv lmao

>> No.22174309

you, a holofag, wouldn't get it

>> No.22174352
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Lumi please

>> No.22174428

I used to only watch Hololive, but indies are a lot more fun to watch. They're into more niche games, aren't restricted by corporate bs, and you have a much higher chance of befriending them. Sadly you also get a lot of wannabe groomers who don't know how to interact with women and seethe if you befriend their oshi before they can.

>> No.22178070

nta but I used to watch Hololive too then switched to indies and yes you're correct it's much more fun being able to interact and "befriend" them but the moment I realized I'm just becoming another orbiter is also the moment I noped the fuck out from indies, right after that realization I realized again that maybe being a holofag, enjoying them and talking to random strangers is much more better than trying to suck their clit every time.

>> No.22178742
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I watch mostly her karaokes and songs and she's good, I like her. I'm already in a relationship though, are you implying Sei somehow found my girlfriend in another country and fucked her? How powerful is that guy?

>> No.22180242

kill yourself, zia isn't with any of those whores he spends all time with me

>> No.22180271

Don't listen to him, Z*a wouldn't cheat with Menace, he doesn't like GFE vtubers. Poor attempt at defamation.

>> No.22180349

imagine dating GFE vtuber ahahahah so trash

>> No.22180964

/vt/ promote an indie without shitting on corpos challenge (impossible)

>> No.22181299

Hello? So where was the proof posted?
OP from the other thread never delivered anything proving that... and now people are just talking like it's a given. What. I don't want just take narratives as granted so easily.

>> No.22181745

Retard thinks that website and poster's opinions are the same kek

>> No.22181905

Almost all female vtubers are dating someone. That's simply how it is. You should make peace with this and see if you can still enjoy cute girls doing cute things.

>> No.22181959

Anon, the first post was bait anyway, any sentence posing as fact "XXXX is a huge 4chan favorite" will be bait, you realise. Maybe Pikamee would not get too much negative answers but otherwise it's the most basic way of getting (You)

>> No.22182104

I hope no one takes this advice. I dont watch vtubers I just like seeing posters mindbreak eachother with cuckold accusations

>> No.22182158

Anon, he's honestly saying the truth and most people are aware of that too, Vtubers are characters for entertainment, not your actual girlfriend.

>> No.22182206

nvm I'm retarde dI thought the "I hope no one take this advice" was to say it's fasle, but I got it now.

>> No.22182524

Your cuckposting has no power here

>> No.22182793

Eh who knows. Femcels are at an all-time high, and these girls make tons of money which makes them even harder to satisfy.

>> No.22183632

It's not about me, I'm saying that for your own good, really.
If your oshi if any of the "/here/" girls, she's not single currently, beside Eira (somehow), Shirara who had a break up around October and was busy with Phase Connect and moving place since she was accepted, and surprisingly Miori Celesta but if you thought no girl was ugly enough to struggle finding a bf, she's a good example that it can, I feel bad just remembering. Poor girl.

Saruei doesn't have one actually only casual sex, she just couldn't keep one more than a few weeks. A few more have that but it's not always clear between bf and hookup sometimes. Even Tomoya from Tsunderia has a boyfriend. Urara had one but is going to marry soon.
All the other femchuubas have bf/gf.
WACOR isn't included as I have no ties with the Spanish scene.

>> No.22183661

... he was replying to me though why are you stealing my (You)

>> No.22183729

Beatani is too menhera to have a boyfriend. Or rather, she's not into humans.

>> No.22183880
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>> No.22183956

she literally starred on JAVs

>> No.22184054

That rrat was funny I remember... but yeah she ended up not looking much like bea.

>> No.22184188

80% of the board is blind holofags who unironically believe that if it isn't hololive then it's shit. this is merely a response.

>> No.22187605

look this bitch face

>> No.22188580

She has fat fingers.

>> No.22193177

So its just a story, a story responding to a comment chain about a guy who makes shit up and samefags. One person replies "lol i was there", but none of this was mentioned at the time it supposedly happened.

>> No.22193560
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>> No.22193591

for as scummy of a guy as this person supposedly was I can't help but agree at a complete lack of any substance here

>> No.22193690

>thread on life support for two days
So what I learned here is that, if you are popular in CL, you end up going somewhere else as crabs shit on you.

>> No.22194167

this isn't the general

>> No.22195664


>> No.22195761
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>> No.22195849

Don't forget to add Pippa to that list!
