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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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22101847 No.22101847 [Reply] [Original]

What went so wrong except Nina?

>> No.22102027

Is reimu the sana of nijiEN?

>> No.22102066

Honestly? The other three have fucking slurred english accents and I can't understand them. Bet they're funny but if I can't understand what the fuck they're saying half the time I'm moving on to the next

>> No.22102298
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There is no wrong with Millie you stupid amerimutt go eat my thick smelly brown penis. Holobronies will go cry.

>> No.22102488
File: 99 KB, 259x251, enna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Enna to rape me!

>> No.22102537

Reimu is the best
t. Holochad

>> No.22102635

The other 3 have self respect and decided to improve their own content instead of just making luxiem and noctyx shorts and tiktoks.

>> No.22102676

They didn't suck luxiem dicks enough.

>> No.22102866

Nina wants to make money, the others just want to stream things they enjoy. She said during her recent Starcraft stream that she intentionally bandwagons trending games because it makes her streams where she plays a game she likes more marketable, by making it out to be a big deal when it happens.

>> No.22102944

Nothing. Anyways why is it still called Anya Petra global? Both of them have been replaced as the runts of both companies. It should be Reimu Iofi/Kaela Global

>> No.22103772

She collabs with boys a LOT which forces the fujos to sub because she's streaming with their oshi

-the flip
She's suck at choosing a game

gets filtered a lot because she's so loud in the past collab

Her vocabulary is dirty but I love her.

>> No.22103839

>She collabs with boys a LOT which forces the fujos to sub because she's streaming with their oshi
HAHAHAHA IT'S FUCKING TRUE Any time she mommy doms the males all the fujos start coming out with their hearts bleeding

>> No.22103864
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It's time to sleep SEAchama.

>> No.22103966

Based holobro driving a wedge between genmates

>> No.22104100

It's okay to be critical of someone's work

>> No.22104462

Can we talk about non-whites and non-native speakers being generally poor performers in the English branch?

>> No.22104561

>most subs
>still one of the lowest CCV
I'm not sure if this is a good thing

>> No.22104578

You wouldn't understand.

>> No.22104635

Unironically I'm subscribed to everyone there except Nina kek.

>> No.22104676

no booba

>> No.22104688
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Reimu streams like 7-8 times a week minimum

>> No.22104725

They're fine. I'm surprised Reimu caught up with everyone else desu.

>> No.22104740

Nijien more like nijiseaniggers lmaoooooo

>> No.22104790

Dont compare her to Sana. Reimu actually streams a fuckton.

>> No.22104847

The only native speaker of the branch is pomu

>> No.22104990

Thing with Reimu is and I feel it was eye opening. There was this collab where they played a game chasing Big Foot. And Reimu consistently abandoned everyone. I think it had proximity chat as well but I might be wrong on that. But whereas everyone tried to survive together, she never stopped leaving them all behind and refused to help in any way.

>> No.22105217

Sure, if all you care about are numbers, everything has gone wrong and the world is ending

>> No.22105330

Most of the EN branches are Asians

>> No.22105571

thick smelly small brown penis*

>> No.22105604

Nina's been making content for nearly a decade, she's the most experienced entertainer NijiEN has, whether or not you like that content is personal opinion of course.
She plays the game like old school youtubers used to.

>> No.22105653

Enna is boring and has a roastie voice. Millie and Reimu care more about eating eachtohers pussies then making watchable content.

>> No.22105706

Millie is the only good one out of the 4.

>> No.22105893

3/4 of these have the same personality, talk about the same boring things and even the designs are similar (blonde boring girls). There's no variety so the viewer pool is split between those three. Nina appeals to a different audience and since no one else in her gen does, she gets the benefit of that entire viewer pool.

>> No.22106042

>think Millie is one of the most naturally likable people I've ever seen during the debut
>am excited for her streams
>6.months later have literally only watched 1 stream
Am I disabled? Or does she just never stream anything worth watching

>> No.22106119

You're objectively wrong but sure

>> No.22106141

Her random streams can be exciting like her Halloween stream. The problem is that it's rare. On the other hand I enjoy her ASMR streams and mostly only subbed to her for those.

>> No.22106164

Sure, Nijistaff.

>> No.22106227

What exactly you liked about her debut? Maybe it was because you enjoyed her creative side and she doesn't do those very frequently, Millie gets addicted to games she likes very easily and most of the time she ends up making several 8 hour long streams of the same game

>> No.22106341
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When a niji or a holo chuuba has a smaller sub and viewer count despite having a decent streaming schedule, this just means she is more niche.
Enna is misandric.
Millie plays debuff shit.
Reimu is a spic.

>> No.22106562

Her model is even worse than Sana yet she streams

>> No.22108555

She's the local jobber but for different, much sadder reasons.

>> No.22108631

Sana-Fungus was the best new anya petra but jannies didn't like it

>> No.22111422


>> No.22111765

/stfu/ black sheep bros....

>> No.22112380
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Ironic that Millie, Enna, and Reimu are three of the most enjoyable NijiENs while Nina is by far the most insufferable

>> No.22115137
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There is unironically nothing wrong as they are on pace to keep up growing at the same rate as the other average NijiEN girls. Nina just took explosive growth by shilling the males all day.

>> No.22115270

> Enna's Niche is a choice
> Reimu's Niche is a choice
> Millie's isnt.
Really makes you think huh?

>> No.22115413

Keep telling yourself that, Reimu has an incredible model. She's just incredible boring as well.

>> No.22115626

Yeah if the part that's incredible is how fucking debuffed by her model she is I can agree that her model is INDEED Incredible.

Really though she just needs her model updated to remove the black markings beneath her eyes and she'd be much better off. Most of her fanart looks great and it removes that part in most of them.

>> No.22115869

What went wrong is op, on this day, was a massive faggot
Seriously, "what went wrong" threads are bottom tier scum, just like tribalism and numberfagging.

>> No.22116244

Nothing went wrong, Nina is simply the only extrovert in a group filled with introverts and other mental illnesses.
Its not a stretch to say she's the alpha female of the niji girls.

>> No.22116392

Enna's great, fight me.

>> No.22116406

Nina sucked Luxiem's cock the most

>> No.22116530

>actually liking the Stitch sounding chink
Enna shills in this board filtered the shit out me

>> No.22116683
File: 144 KB, 308x458, 1642904442855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They didn't cast to match models. They could've designed new models to match each girl but Anycolor needed to rush a new wave out because that's how they work.

>> No.22120162

oh numbers!

>> No.22122141
File: 240 KB, 1242x1394, gigachad french.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're the best because they can speak french

>> No.22122289

aren't most of Nina subs chink this days?
She's leeching of the fujo wave but it doesn't really give her that much recognition even among niji EN girls she helped destroying.

>> No.22122515

all of them are irrelevant after the penis waves, if you still watch them it makes you a cuck or secret faggot.

>> No.22122588

>all of them are irrelevant after the penis waves
Fujo femcel talk what the fuck does this even mean?

>> No.22122617

I mean Nina without males is barely second in ccv. Enna mogs her live views.

>> No.22122871
File: 761 KB, 2400x1440, DC8BFC9C-3F04-4041-801B-72F366BA16BA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are the worst gen, luckily Nina bandwagoned the males and is bringing up her gen to be on par with the other 2 slowly

>> No.22123723

Nina just talked about pronouns and shit so unsubscribed, what a waste

>> No.22125622

Lol same i closed the stream after hearing that shit

>> No.22126992

Millie stop posting /here/ already, or at least post pics of elira's real armpit

>> No.22128063

>an annoying filipina, an annoying latina, and an annoying china
What could have gone right?
