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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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22055382 No.22055382 [Reply] [Original]

Why are Indie chubbas arguably worse than Corp chubbas?

>> No.22055618

Most aren't able to set rules for themselves and lack a manager.

>> No.22055738

yep, no quality control. also they tend to not have a niche that gets them noticed.

most end up doing shit like loli pandering or some other degen shit which only attracts a few folks since a shit ton of indie vtubers are also doing the same thing.

>> No.22055837

While restrictions can be annoying they are a necessity or you end up with a mess. If you don't set some rules for yourself as a chuuba or irl you're health decays. Also restrictions makes creativity bloom by looking at loopholes and such, give them too much freedom and they become a reactuber.

>> No.22056096

versus playing the same minecraft stream for the 10000th time
so much quality
corpfaggots get the rope

>> No.22056611

Indie Chubbas literally copy content from Corp chubbas all the time though. Fallenshadow for example started to do a Bully playthrough at the same time Gura started hers. You would think being an Indie Chubba would give you more freedom to play whatever you want but it's obvious they're just as soulless streamers as any other Minecraft streamer

>> No.22056671

>Fallenshadow for example started to do a Bully playthrough at the same time Gura started hers

She's so desperate for the pedo audience.

>> No.22057100

Someone is really dedicated to being a shadow anti, she really is inclining

>> No.22057401

this is shilling
those threads only pop up when she's streaming and people can go check her out

>> No.22058694


No one here really gives a shit about literal who Indie vtubers

>> No.22059134

I do miss all the high quality videos she made, I get excited when I see a new upload but it's always a low quality 3hours twitch rip.

>> No.22059150

I started hating this bitch and I never even watched her

>> No.22059225

There are no man keeping leash on them

>> No.22060633

She's talked about how she no longer wants to make ASMR because she doesn't want to be only known as that and she's stopped making YouTube videos because she makes more money on Twitch. Now she's just another soulless reactionary Twitch channel. I'm glad I dropped her during the Fauna incident.

>> No.22060854

>she really is inclining

She can't even get normies attention which is why she dropped YouTube and is now pandering to SEApedos and Pajeets on Twitch. She's also shamelessly tagging random chubbas all the time on Twitter including Fauna so yea I'm happy your mod bf having chubba is inclining :)

>> No.22060882

its pretty obvious that op just replied to you to make it seem like he's a fan, but just look at the other threads made using this image
pretty clear bait lmao

>> No.22061021

I don't know what's more pathetic. Her schizo antis or her schizo simps. Regardless just make a general already

>> No.22061288

>Fauna incident
Spoonfeed me?

>> No.22061458

Shadow doxxed Fauna during her debut in attempt to hurt her because she left for Hololive

>> No.22061846

I dropped her for this reason after it was evident that she wasn't gonna make ASMR roleplay videos anymore but make a bunch of cringy Zoomerbait streams instead.

>> No.22061983

I'm glad Fauna dumped this menhera

>> No.22062065

I mean why are you trying to shill her by pretending to be an anti
That's just pathetic incel behavior dude
You should act like a normal person

>> No.22063056

I honestly feel bad about Shadow. I follow her on Twitter and she talks about how her mother goes out partying late at night and brings back random young boyfriends back to their house. It's just a bit messed up because Shadow is supposedly the breadwinner.

>> No.22063134

I don't care if she has a manipulative whore mother. She tried to destroy my oshi's career and for that I won't forgive her.

>> No.22063173

I'd marry her mother immediately if I got such a cute daughter too.

>> No.22063266

I wish Shondo made more situation ASMR, she'd easily take the spot LemonLeaf left vacant when she dissapeared.

I'm also aware she did a situation ASMR recently but the point still stand.

>> No.22063439

She's trying to distance herself from ASMR completely saying it's too stressful and that she prefers doing other type of streams instead

>> No.22063526

I just want her to lick my ears, somehow hers actually manages to trigger my tingles

>> No.22063574

>including fauna

>> No.22063734

I'll lick your ears anon

>> No.22063841

you don't even have to say it no she doesn't tag fauna. she just talks/posts about her non-fucking-stop. how to say you're a leech without actually saying it.

>> No.22063912
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You take that back

>> No.22063936
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they're long-time friends, anon.
How new?

>> No.22063946

It's pathetic especially her goslings who think they're friends again. It's obvious Shadow is trying to use Fauna for relevancy and Fauna is playing nice to avoid another schizo meltdown

>> No.22063968

coomer bait wannabe veibae whore

>> No.22064005

>long time friends

They really weren't and if they were then Shadow is a piece of shit for doxxing and trying to hurt Fauna during her debut.

>> No.22064087

>also they tend to not have a niche that gets them noticed.
this is good bait. really had to hold myself back.

>> No.22064192

He's not wrong. Literally all Indie vtubers are just earlicking coombait or pedobait

>> No.22064200

Do it.

>> No.22064239

This is the schizo retelling of events that never happened. She never doxxed her. Faunafags like to make the whole thing out to be way worse than it was.

>> No.22064296

nailed it

>> No.22064344

your oshi is a genuinely disgusting and horrible person. i like her streams, but doesn't change the fact that she's a vile whore irl

>> No.22064348
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They really were. and sure, shadow is menhera, that's been established already. But I fail to see how its leeching if they supposedly solved things behind the scenes and are now at least on neutral terms. at that point its not really leeching and moreso someone talking about an old friend they may or may not keep in touch with.

>> No.22064357
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Sup Shondo

>> No.22064369
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Orca > Vei, seethe

>> No.22064403


>> No.22064407

Who are you talking about? Fauna?

>> No.22064419
File: 186 KB, 383x322, 1627140790977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are Indie chubbas arguably worse than Corp chubbas?
what is this retardation? kiki is arguably better than most corpo chuubas and she's indie, also new outfit soon.

>> No.22064424


>> No.22064454
File: 184 KB, 722x686, 1649154105985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even like veibae. I just hate coom baiting sluts.

>> No.22064475

Literally nothing wrong with it

>> No.22064511

sounds like a YOU problem

>> No.22064540
File: 2.08 MB, 350x350, 1624259572890.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gee you really got me anon how can i possibly recover

>> No.22064542

Lol, shouldn't you be blaming Megbert for the holocaust or something?

>> No.22064553

why is the amber post included in this?

>> No.22064568

Because they can't mod their boyfriends

>> No.22064708

The Amber anon was Mumei tho?

>> No.22064753

It's hilarious to me how Fallenshadow has one of ex bf's moderate her chat and still flirt with him while the rest of her chat gets ignored lmao

>> No.22064752

nigga what? i don't speak schizo sorry.

>> No.22064755

not as new as you I guarantee it. it's possible to be a leech and still be friends. example, silvi and shadow's relationship. I'm sure silvi and shadow genuinely like each other, but that doesn't stop silvi from leeching fans, gachis, and even shadow's own mods. shadow is leeching off fauna even if she doesn't realize it.

take notes, shadow's mods - if shadow really wanted to just be friends with fauna after their little spat or whatever happened behind the scenes, shadow should shut up about her. it is that simple. then they can be friends and nobody has to question whether or not shadow is doing it to be a free-loader.
I don't think shadow is lying about making up. she always tells what she thinks is the truth.

>> No.22064771

who’s this chuuba?

>> No.22064805

Wheres the doxxing retard? The way you faggots make it sound you'd think Shadow went on some sort of warpath but this is all it was. A small vague menhera meltdown that was immediately deleted.

>> No.22064880

the fact shadow has to keep that house afloat is the part that rubs me the wrong way. Fuck that shit mother, she probably uses shondo's siblings to guilt trip her too

>> No.22064883

It was who Mumei was meant to be.
The second she posted that post, she was dropped from the interview process and someone else was chosen, how it works.

>> No.22064885

>those faggot discord mods immediately doing damage control

I imagine they're on this thread doing the same

>> No.22064987
File: 177 KB, 1061x466, 1629861593885[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's literally dozens of screenshots of Shadow saying stupid schizo shit like this right at the same time Fauna debuted. Check the archive retardchama.

>> No.22065080

It was only a handful of tweets. And again, my point is that she never doxxed her like you claim. She never even mentioned her or Hololive by name.

>> No.22065085

Really sad how low cucks can go into denial

>> No.22065358

It wasn't immediately deleted, either. Dawn, try harder. Fauna wouldn't have had as many antis from the start if Shadow hadn't tweeted what she did. I already hear the rebuttal, "b-but anon, it wouldn't have been that many more antis! She had a lot of other baggage too! And she really did feel used!" It's still more antis than she would have had. I'm sure Shadow really did feel like that too, but it was still a bitch move.

>> No.22065367

Yea I'm sure she could have been talking about anyone else at that exact time during the Council debut.

>> No.22065431

Unlikely considering all it would take to get someone fired then is a lucky guess at what one of the new models looks like.
Unless she was retarded enough to admit it

>> No.22065435

How can this still be a post every time fallenshadow pops up in conversation?
Every post replying to your post has always disproven you but you keep posting the same thing every time.

>> No.22065440

She didn't need to name her, it was obvious who she meant by anyone who knew either of them. This is seriously weak, anon.

>> No.22065536

>Every post replying to your post has always disproven

Cope harder Shondo cuck it's no surprise your oshi's favorite vtuber was Rushia

>> No.22065597

You wait to post this response every time huh, I'm sure there are other targets that get you more (you)s if you search harder anon, or are you afraid of the bans?

>> No.22065769

Lmao I can just sense the vileness and immense seethe from this post

>> No.22065816

When has it been disproven? Everytime I've asked shondafags say it's true

>> No.22065902

>77 posts
>31 IPs
you can tell its just the same few anti schizos samefagging by the IP count, the fact they keep bumping it just when its about to slide down past page 5

>> No.22066001

Is the one thing people have at this point since the Fauna drama has been resolved a long time ago

>> No.22066031

It's a bunch of schizo antis arguing with schizo goslings about a schizo vtuber. The absolute state of /vt/

>> No.22066053

Youre right it was up for like, what, a few hours I think? Either way my point is that she didnt dox her.
Unless you're these faggots who stretch the term doxxing to an absolute extreme. Vaguery that is understood by only those who already know is not doxxing.

>> No.22066060

Without managers you see them for how they really can be if they have no sense of self-control. Sometimes even when self-guided they're still tolerable, just not always, and one of the facets of management is to iron out prickly parts of a personality if present for PR.

As it so happens most girls getting into this really do not understand the culture and/or have between a practically non-existent to cursory understanding of otaku culture - like they've seen all of like 20 anime and just like the idea of cosplaying really, etc. Rather than be someone who's seen hundreds and intuitively recognizes when someone is being very unlike an anime girl despite trying to mimic/play as one.

>> No.22066089

I would be all for unique ID's at this point

>> No.22066148

>you aren't allowed to make more than one post to discuss/argue
I guess every thread is just samefagging then.

>> No.22066217

Honestly I agree with you when it comes down for this board. Aside from this faggotry /vt/ also has an issue with shilling.

>> No.22066242

see anti-chama, you'd have a point if it wasn't so blatant that the IPs werent going up when continuously replying to one post instead of a back-and-forth
It was around >>22057100 that there were 10 IPs, and a whole hour later, the 11th >>22060882

>> No.22067029

My favorite part of this rrat is that the mod in question was Snowy, who’s some random groomer like the rest of her shit mods and not the ex. She was acting exactly the same towards him as she does towards the rest of the chat. This rrat sprung up during a dark souls stream, don’t remember which one. The fact this and “she doxxed Fauna by making a sad tweet about her” is what 4chan has come to makes my blood burn. Seaniggers should be lynched.

>> No.22067244

Shadow may not have doxxed Fauna by definition but in my opinion she still contributed to the initial hate and there's nothing anyone can say that changes my mind. Play the victim card, I don't care. Shadow can't hide behind her schizophrenia forever.

>> No.22067473

At this rate it wouldn't surprise me that these are people that got btfo in the old discord server because of loli art and now know how to use /vt/

>> No.22067829

>Why are Indie chubbas arguably worse than Corp chubbas?
They don't have a retractable leash on them 24/7. The only rules they have imposed are morality types that as women they can just ignore and society will barely judge them if they go overboard

>> No.22068173

Most of the initially hate she got was from her having a boyfriend. Shadows meltdown garnered herself more anti's (as proven by this thread) than she would've sent Fauna's way.

>> No.22068226

How much of a dense idiot can you be? You made me want to puke

>> No.22068436

Because corpos are picked among the 5% of best indies. The fact they is a selection process already make them better on average. Indies can go from anything to absolutely amazing to garbage. It's not a fair comparison

>> No.22068533

they need to be kept on a leash, plus you posted one of the worst indie with the worst fans that try to defend her in every single thread where she gets mentioned

>> No.22069159

Kikifags blame her for everything else, might as well just tack on random shit at this point

>> No.22070278

You know it's hard to take you serious when you're just as much of an obsessed deranged faggot

>> No.22070328

t. seething schizo that someone called out his bullshit
Even bumped it from page 6 like i said >>22065902

>> No.22070337

I was gonna check out Fallenshadow tonight but maybe not anymore. Indies seem to have just as much baggage than Corp chubbas

>> No.22070384

And here he is responding literally seconds later after the thread started to die down. I mean this sincerely. Touch grass.

>> No.22070398

lol he's posting on cooldown

>> No.22070475

Meds now

>> No.22070978

Did she really drop ASMR or is she just doing less

>> No.22071242

the latter

>> No.22071454

Less, she’s streaming ASMR tomorrow. Says she’s hated making ASMR videos for years but felt she had no choice. Still says she’ll keep making them because other people like them but at a slower pace.

>> No.22071585

Forgot to add I imagine the grieving isn’t helping things, she barely seems to be functioning with some of the shit she posts on her subtwitter. She says streaming is the only thing that gets her out of bed and I can believe it.

>> No.22071603

I've been following all of your posts you schizo retard. Aaaw what's the matter? Did you have to drop her because of her ex boyfriend?... You're mentally ill they were never serious and never had sex but it won't stop you spamming these schizo threads. By the way which number are you at now with these? You're a sad little schizo and I've been following you for awhile to notice. You will never be anything else but a deranged creep obsessed on this website trying to detail someone you will never know.

>> No.22071756
File: 2.88 MB, 640x360, 1648796570498.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're a sad little schizo and I've been following you for awhile to notice

>> No.22072005

Lol no one gives a shit you white knighting cuck and she should be more professional than be a lazy menhera cunt who can't even create content anymore since she got her live 2D model.

>> No.22072351

Fauna doesn't even follow Shadow on Twitter. She's distancing herself from that toxic schizo

>> No.22072437

>she should do the things I want her to do RIGHT NOW, even if she hates it, has said she can’t even force herself to try without bursting into tears, and it offers no financial benefit. If she doesn’t do it she’s a lazy whore and I’ll dedicate my entire life to being her anti
Let me guess you’re a greyname?
Offtopic are the seaniggers awake yet?

>> No.22072581

Actually… she does follow Shondo.
Shondo doesn’t follow her.
At least check the right account.

>> No.22072651
File: 116 KB, 586x389, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a fucking liar dude.

>> No.22072698

passive aggressive menhara tweeting = dox
you dramaniggers are getting dumber every day

>> No.22072715

Why do you have to lie like this?

>> No.22072734

So is the mod thing real or not?

>> No.22072751
File: 49 KB, 595x235, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and I temporarily followed fallenshadow for this. You fucking liar.

>> No.22072857

Anonchama… say you’re trolling, please

>> No.22072860

Yea she literally travelled all the way from England to Florida to fuck some 6'6 neck beard. He still moderates her chat and they even acknowledge and flirt with one another sometimes. Yes, this is why managers are needed.

>> No.22073098

Depends on what you mean by this. Did she date a mod? Yes years ago when she was a minor, not sure how old he was. LDR in which they met up irl and broke up shortly after. She’s talked a lot about hating being touched so you can probably imagine why.
He’s still a mod but inactive. You’ll see him post in the gaming channel on discord now and then but never actually moderating and rarely interacting with Shadow herself. I’ve never seen him in the streams and I’ve been a regular 6 months.
The flirting during stream thing is a completely stupid rrat because it wasn’t even the right mod. The one she was “flirting” with is a megasimp, but they pretty much all are.

>> No.22073172


>> No.22073316

I don’t know, judging by how obsessed you are I think that’s you

>> No.22073415

Wait how did she travel out of the country if she was a minor at the time?

>> No.22073524

She said Fauna's roommate's name

>> No.22073597

No that's a lie. Saplings are also the ones responsible for trying to doxx Shondo.

>> No.22073773

So its real. Fuck every women is a whore.

>> No.22073836

that's honestly disgusting and it makes me mad evern though I couldn't give less of a shit about her

>> No.22073886

They didn't have sex. She has issues with being touched and she likely slept in a hotel around the area. The schizo making this threads and samefagging is spreading rrats.

>> No.22073891

>1m between replies

>> No.22073942

Because they lack managers to keep them from unleashing their inner whores.

>> No.22073989
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 1647169055371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>flew halfway across the earth to see bf
>they didn't have sex
>she only slept in a hotel away from

>> No.22074253

Weak personalities that get groomed by psychos.

>> No.22074600

Go back to your hugbox of groomers kiki

>> No.22074809

Women are only bearable when governed by oppressive moral code.

>> No.22075329
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>> No.22075449

Wrong 4chan post but interesting rrat none the less.

>> No.22076697

I love her normal voice but I cant do the weird fake shit she has, it would be better used sparingly but I cant handle it 24/7.

>> No.22076764

>arguably worse
Funny way of saying objectively no different

>> No.22077196

I like the voice but I don’t understand how she can do it for 18 hours straight whilst also being sick but be unable to do the deeper voice for 10 minutes without it sounding strained and her being breathless.

>> No.22077357

>Why are Indie chubbas arguably worse than Corp chubbas?
>*Posts an indie that mogs corpos both big and small*
Why is OP a faggot?

>> No.22077458

Polka just followed her on twitter too. Shadow can't stop winning.

>> No.22077544


>> No.22077548

Because Corpos pick up all the good Indies.

>> No.22077729

>Shadow tweeted at her in response and Polka called her cute
Holy fuck

>> No.22077817

Polka is /here/

>> No.22078015

Shadow is winning!

>> No.22081432

Based Polka adding to her EN harem

>> No.22084904

quick google search anon-kun

>"Minors under 18 years of age traveling to another country without their parents. Minors may be able to travel to another country without either one of their parents. They may however require a notarized written consent letter from both parents"

>> No.22085333

UK airlines usually permit anyone over 14 to fly by themselves. 16 is a non-minor in UK so if she was 16 or over she wouldn’t even need consent, but considering Shadow is a retard that can’t even leave the house alone I doubt she made arrangements and took a flight all alone.

>> No.22085758

Shadow is such a fucking loser. As if she or any indie wouldn't throw themselves at a chance to be in Hololive. Perceiving it as "using her as a stepping stone" is so narcissistic. Shadow went full menhera and made a happy event for her friend all about herself.

Also Amber is proven Mumei and this is a poorly stitched together rrat image.

>> No.22088128

What's the connection with Amber and Mumei anyways?

>> No.22088263
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>> No.22088660

I don't get it. Was the first slide supposed to be her original design?

>> No.22088804

Yup, but instead of amber/red colored, they made her brown.

>> No.22089036

Yea they actually did a really great job with the redesign. The original one looks very plain and generic.

>> No.22089480
File: 1.76 MB, 1080x1920, 1649019344445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first one is a genshin character named Amber
it was never her original design

>> No.22089651

Oh I totally see now
