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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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22038256 No.22038256 [Reply] [Original]

Apex tournament thread
Official scrims starting in about 30 minutes

https://youtu.be/Blrc6cKJsj4 Chigusa POV

https://youtu.be/TDC3NLyKjrg Aqua POV
https://youtu.be/g8HoiBwl1fU Towa POV
https://youtu.be/myC-3YP1hV8 Suisei POV

https://youtu.be/zZciCwkcJfo Ema POV
https://youtu.be/-Ds8zdnqO3M Reid POV

https://youtu.be/_jOxkIExT7o Haru POV
https://youtu.be/_n-xJ4Y20Ik Petit POV

https://youtu.be/CGhjXozXTzU Fuwa POV

https://youtu.be/BUPSm6ZOQXE Reimu POV

https://youtu.be/yptV-fbgshA Hayun POV

https://youtu.be/BV4r86zcyew Uruca POV

https://youtu.be/03-40ycY1X8 Ririmu POV

https://youtu.be/qw6SsIV_CxQ Met POV

>> No.22038264
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>> No.22038287

So what teams do you think will be the top 3 in the final tournament?

>> No.22038331

Gorilla, Towa, and Reid, in about that order

>> No.22038357

Shibuya hal agency team

>> No.22038406

Kuzuha, Gorilla, Towa

>> No.22038434

no, they kinda suck. Like, they aren't bad but they aren't exceptional players either.

>> No.22038465

Towa's team has to be there if they want another season of this tournament cause nips have noticed this has become a tournament for Hal's clique instead of for vtubers.

>> No.22038484

Wdym anon are you ok?

>> No.22038723

If you think Gorilla will get anywhere close to the podium with the teammates that he's stuck with you might actually be delusional

>> No.22038945

hal told them to take it easy during those custom anon chama

>> No.22038954

Sure, anon, sure

>> No.22039258

Met's team, Chigusa's team and Axia's team.

>> No.22039264

I watch Pakael's POV for these when Astel and his team aren't streaming since he has rewind enabled

>> No.22039387

I love Hinano!

>> No.22039391

Noah, Towa, Hinano

>> No.22039405


>> No.22039435

Matsuri is streaming her pov unlisted

>> No.22039461

Why Neoporte teams are the only teams to use Loba? Is this Hal's way of handicapping them? Is this cooperate diff?

>> No.22039464

are these matches official scrims?

>> No.22039508

nvm i cant read

>> No.22039529

No, they're done by the participants for fun and because they're try-hards. The official scrims start on the 11th

>> No.22039534

Are the Apexfags attacking her again?

>> No.22039537

why would she do that?

>> No.22039565

I have no flipping clue

>> No.22039575

Seems so, all the teams are with their coaches now. No stand-in either. This will be early official scrim

>> No.22039734

I don't see how Towa getting a high placement guarantees anything. She's been in every Vsaikyo but the first one and she in particular has made herself a fixture in the wider circle of Apex vtubers around Hal.

>> No.22039784

Wasn't it supposed to start on 17th?

>> No.22039831

no lol

>> No.22039890

the official match is, the scrims are happening right now

>> No.22039947

match is starting right now

>> No.22039986
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>> No.22040197


>> No.22040357
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>> No.22040564

where is chi-chan?

>> No.22040588

here we go

>> No.22040609

having a menhera breakdown, as per usual

>> No.22041117


>> No.22041228

>the circle this small
>40 players and 15 teams left
tournaments are something else

>> No.22041410

King pulled through.

>> No.22041443

>kuzuha killed aqua


>> No.22041459

Seems like that position under the platform at Thermal Station always ends badly

>> No.22041497
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>> No.22041534

Kuzuha's team is first place which means 12 points, plus 19 kills which gives them 19 additional points, so 31 in total. This is the reason for why there is a limit on how many points you can get through kills in the first rounds, because otherwise, Kuzuha's team would be almost guaranteed to win vsaikyo with that performance

>> No.22041535

Kuzuha has gotten his revenge

>> No.22041640

ayup, without kill limits you might as well just shut off the screen now because there's no way you can catch up

also Kuzuha either a god or a potato, there's basically no in between

>> No.22041643

Kuzuha farming. Was watching Aqua's POV, her shotcall was lackluster this game. Her decision to fight or rotate was so bad this game, they didn't use Valk's ult at all.

>> No.22041667

That makes sense. If there's no point limit then what's the point of watching the rest of the tournament if Kuzuha's team pulled that first round? His team is gonna win anyway, might as well close the atream and go take a bath or something.

>> No.22041690

I mean, Bigstar got 3rd with 19kills in 1st round season 2 tourney day. They choked the rest of the day, so nobody could tell.

>> No.22041757

Reid is a choker, so no surprise there

>> No.22041797

Noah is getting the customs/scrims curse, actual day they will be hit full force.

>> No.22041808

Making Reid wear a choker...

>> No.22041838

too busy making custom lobbies with her usual friends instead of her team

>> No.22041869

Was in Aki-kun's 3D.

>> No.22041895

First round is capped to 6 kills, 9 for second and third, uncapped last two. So that would've been a 18 point first round which is still a solid lead.

>> No.22042176

Choking Reid out while he screams "もううううううう!"

>> No.22042192

things are heating up

>> No.22042320

Man, Aqua's kinda painful to watch tonight

>> No.22042417

yeah she's doing really badly today. Can't hit her shots worth shit

>> No.22042441 [DELETED] 


>> No.22042487

Here she is

>> No.22042490

talking about the devil

>> No.22042573

Hinano, Noah, Pute/Towa

>> No.22042693

I'm not good enough at Apex to understand so can anyone tell me why Crypto+Wattson is the meta in JP? I feel like Gibby is way too good to not include in your team

>> No.22042697

When she was peeking the gassed enemies and then got shot by someone else from the inner-middle of the harvester, she should've died there.

Lucky that person also whiffed that opportunity.

>> No.22042901

Aqua throw

>> No.22042908

wait what the fuck happened?

>> No.22042959

Misplay by Aqua.

>> No.22042958

Towa domed her own ult lmao

>> No.22043010

wasted portal+q, what was she even thinking

>> No.22043011

Wattson's pylon counters Gib's ulti, Crypto can pretty much destroy any static defense including Gib's shield. The advantage from Wattson here is that once a pylon goes down if her ultimate is already charged she can instantly drop a new one to replace the old one. It's just some weird RPS depending on the amount of Cryptos in the lobby.

>> No.22043024

woman moment

>> No.22043030

>Pakael gets teammates
>Suddenly 4th place
I believe!

>> No.22043055

What's wrong with that, retard?

>> No.22043066

Yep. That was easy W for wraith.

>> No.22043165

Finally, thanks for the link

>> No.22043170

She played very reserved. No one in this lobby is gonna 1 clipped her, so no idea why she just Qed every time trading damages.

>> No.22043185 [DELETED] 

because Crypto fucks up Gib, and Watson at least has some counterplay unlike gib who's completely fucked if his ult gets wiped by crypto

>> No.22043275

her solomas habit kicked in i guess

>> No.22043286

Explain to me again why did Aqua's team just die all at once at the end?

>> No.22043331

Was Kuzuha team doomed to fail the moment they have to funnel through that door, even if Kuzuha didn't get downed?

>> No.22043332

That makes sense, thanks.

>> No.22043339

they got shot

>> No.22043367

because Crypto fucks up Gib's shield, and Wattson negates Gib's ult, so the two of them together pretty much invalidate Gib. It's pretty much a team comp specifically designed to counter gib

>> No.22043376

Reimu = 0 dmg
Fucking pathetic. I blame Noah for this.

>> No.22043397

What's the point of ulting then if you're gonna give a cover for your enemy to use in the process? That last team would've got slowed down by the ult but because of Towa's dome, they're able to sneak outside and went under that platform.

>> No.22043491

Final ring damages. Aqua didn't have Q, so they couldn't win by that, they went into ring damages to fight the last team, and lost.

>> No.22043687

yeah, wraith is strong at last ring, she early portal and q. baqua moment!!!

>> No.22043690

>crypto can disable dome
never knew that

>> No.22043701

They didn't. Ren's team was under the platform the whole time. Kuzuha's team was one down inside. They were gonna fight Kuzuha's team anw, so ulted to prevent the 3rd from Ren's team was good. Aqua didn't have Q lost them the game.

>> No.22043706

Ratnat team was hiding under the platform the whole game, not until the gib ult, so no matter what towa did would change anything.

>> No.22043731

That was the rat team under the stair smartass.

>> No.22043741

at this point I'm pretty sure NA is the only region that hasn't experimented much with Crypto-Watson comp

>> No.22043838

EMEA havent either really, in fact i think only APAC north use it frequently

>> No.22043889

(Unprofessional Opinion) With what everyone else said, fences also block late Valkyries from dropping on you, where Gib's ult can be dodged

>> No.22043944

I haven't played apex for awhile, whatever happened to the gay cowboy scout? Last i checked in he was the dominant meta scout pick but it seems like he's completely fallen off

>> No.22044006

I'm misremembering things, I thought I saw Aqua arc-starred some people under that platform and I assumed they realized there were people hiding under them and they wiped them already.

>> No.22044066

Man, this is one fucking annoying Kenzoku

>> No.22044078

they nerfed him to the ground

>> No.22044085
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EMP destroys or disrupts alot of shit, I actually think it's faster to list which abilities it doesn't disable

>> No.22044209

So will this rule about every team having their own landing spot, also apply to the actual tournament?

>> No.22044260


>> No.22044270

another thermal ring zzzzzz

>> No.22044308

basically if it's something that you place on the map emp is going to fuck it up

>> No.22044345

wow maybe i should unlock him next instead of fuse then

>> No.22044370

Imagine if it also makes care packages unopenable

>> No.22044424

Yeah you should, fuse is fucking shit because his primary ability is a damage dealing ability and the devs hate direct damage abilities, plus if you are using more than 4 grenades in a battle you're probably wasting it anyways

>> No.22044477

unless you play with a full squad, the other solo oriented legends would serve you better. Crypto is almost exclusively a legend that works in a team where you can communicate and coordinate pushes.vstdr

>> No.22044610

Fu nilly enough wrath is one of the few legends who aren't affected by EMP

>> No.22044668

Aqua just choked again...

>> No.22044686

17kRP Master put Aqua in place 1v1

>> No.22044833

The 1v1 was a blast to watch. Im glad it happened

>> No.22044885


>> No.22044910

They showing their true colors now? kek

>> No.22044922
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>> No.22044970

it was a beautiful display, they didn't get third partied and Aqua lost fair and square. I hope it happens again.

>> No.22044987

That fake Diamond 4 getting 2k damage 5 kills.

>> No.22045026

aqua is shit lol

>> No.22045040

neo point fraud

>> No.22045113
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>> No.22045174

He had Kraber...

>> No.22046290

Jesus christ deron

>> No.22046412

Aqua returned the favor lmao

>> No.22046476


>> No.22046565

damn stolen by a roba

>> No.22046680

Is Aqua in sicko mode?

>> No.22046685

Gorilla who?1

>> No.22046690

Aqua chill

>> No.22046721


>> No.22046833

i am shtting my pants rn watching aqua

>> No.22046856

how is aqua so lucky?

>> No.22046880


>> No.22046885

Is Aqua actually this good, holy shit

>> No.22046908

No such thing as luck. Only skill to to make use of opportunities

>> No.22046926

On his defense, that one kill Wingman shot was indeed lucky

>> No.22046930
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>> No.22046952

nah, like someone said in the other thread in NA or EU the moment they noticed she was alone every team in range would collapse on her the same instant

>> No.22046953
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>> No.22046970

hahaha lost Towa and Suisex from the start, popped off to top 5

>> No.22046987

From last position to 5th lmao

>> No.22047015

Reid was too busy cumming too win this game.

>> No.22047051

and your point is? she is playing in jp so not sure what the NA and EU argument is

>> No.22047058

JP players just lack aggression, that allows someone like Aqua to keep them at bay by just acting more aggressive than they expect. If this was an NA server there'd be three teams hounding her to secure a kill

>> No.22047094

that she happened to be in the right spots every time she needed to on top of nobody hunting rats

>> No.22047116


is this cope?

>> No.22047148

That was actually insane to watch.

>> No.22047190


>> No.22047238

you just didn't watch enough apex to know how random this shit can be

>> No.22047244

Yeah dude, all those 1v1 she won were jp politeness and amazing luck. Definetely not good positioning, strategy, or close combat fighting skill.

>> No.22047261

cope more

>> No.22047287

the fact that she fought 1v1 and nobody third partied is the luck you fucking animal

>> No.22047315

Aqua pussy temperature is higher then usual

>> No.22047319

>she happened to be in the right spots every time she needed to
come on man, at least recognize she knows how to position herself

>> No.22047320

>Official scrims

>> No.22047332

It's called positioning anon.

>> No.22047351


>> No.22047361

Where is Astel team?

>> No.22047408

She was definitely lucky. But you need all things you listed to get something from luck.

>> No.22047443

You need to watch vtuber apex more instead them pros you adore keks

>> No.22047447

now this is a cope

>> No.22047458

Hey, legit question though. Why did that Rampart team who killed Sui and Towa stopped chasing the low HP Aqua? Did they thought Aqua was part of another team?

>> No.22047582

People applying pro apex gameplay to these vtuber tournaments is an actual mental illness

>> No.22047585

You still have 20 teams come second ring, there's no point eliminating rats at that point.

>> No.22047598

the worst part is that the faggots here cannot even appreciate her being lucky and making good use of it, no, it was everything 100% skills: the favorable ring, never running head-on in a full team in a small ring, never getting chased. All skill, everything manipulated and controlled by Aqua herself.

>> No.22047603

Deron legitimately thought she'd get flamed for that strat (once she saw she killed started), Reid sensed it and called off the chase.

>> No.22047708

timestamp w/ proof when VODs are up or gtfo

>> No.22047709

Wtf rigged much???

>> No.22047730

not present in today's scrim

>> No.22047735

Ok you have never watched a vtuber tournament it seems. Its pretty normal to not have full out teams fighting and chasing each other until the ring is really small in these tournaments.

>> No.22047818

true i can back up this claim

>> No.22047823

>Hinano got so triggered by her chat she ended the stream

>> No.22047868

qrd? what did they talk about?

>> No.22047953

No aqua already ran away when deron was furiously apologizing, but reid did warn her getting flamed for pulling this portal-door busting strat against startend.

>> No.22047990

She was discussing what went wrong last game with her team and coach, chat kept backseating, she said she can't take it anymore and ended the stream

>> No.22047997

What is that portal door busting strat? Is it an actual bug or something?

>> No.22048269

Draw a portal to a place with a door, Wraith ensure door is body-blocked, call the minigun in to bust down the door and the player blocking it. Player blocking the door has only a split second to react to minigun spinup before getting shredded, starting the fight 2v3.

Getting caught off guard by ramparts minigun at such close range is an inevitable death sentence.

>> No.22048336

kek, it's just a game, geez
Menhera bitches can't take anything

>> No.22048477

>The problem is the people in chat
>"It's just a game"

>> No.22048556

That’s a pretty cute strat

>> No.22048567

Aqua died to rampart again...

>> No.22048570

>rolled by rampart again

>> No.22048575

just close chat? Who gives a shit. Weak

>> No.22048635

noah chased the shit out of reid there

>> No.22048693

Just give her your armor Reimu, you fucking shitter.

>> No.22048706


>> No.22048765

who the fuck uses a Fuze in this meta?

>> No.22048797

someone who just got champ

>> No.22048799

Why is Reimu in this tournament again?

>> No.22048838

God please give pakael a champ already, I'm felt so bad for him.

>> No.22048846

she is gold and can speak nihongo

>> No.22048852

Gloomy boomer brings the cup home!

>> No.22048877

some randos too confident in their skill apparently

>> No.22048889

low points and free blowjobs

>> No.22048910

Noah is an autist.

>> No.22049479

What's wrong with Chichan? Playing hard to get?

>> No.22049522

after all these years I'm just convinced japanese people don't know how latency works so they probably thought it would be fine

>> No.22049738

I guess that was last round?

>> No.22049768

no there should still be one more

>> No.22049898

And now Nazuna and Miyako are both muting themselves so chat doesn't hear them discussing strategy
These women should chill

>> No.22049986

Why should they care about ping in a streaming and networking event? These tourneys are for making connections in the vtuber circle and stream content not actual high level gameplay.

>> No.22050061

Wow these people be practicing at 2AM

>> No.22050062

Cause they gonna spend tons of hours into this, might as well win the whole thing.

>> No.22050117

To debuff Noah

>> No.22050306

oh some teams already entering kuyashii mode? normally that happens a few days after real scrims started, geez.

>> No.22050854

Do they also get some points for doing damage or kills/assists only?

>> No.22050904


>> No.22050924

no it's placement and kills only

>> No.22050930

Reid is actively hunting them at this point holy shit

>> No.22050991

Rampart is the new meta

>> No.22051050

Kinda glad though, gives Aqua a scenario to solve

>> No.22051215

Maybe im just seething because it keeps killing aquas team but this rampart stuff seems kinda lame to watch/play against.

>> No.22051264

They are a nice heel to try to beat, hope Aqua team can overcome it

>> No.22051281

nah its pretty easy to counter, just maintain distance, close range hipfire is where the sheila is strongest

>> No.22051284

It's Reid, not rampart specifically

>> No.22051398

Rampart is actually pretty shit in the current meta, there is a reason why only Reid's team runs it and I'm honestly shocked that he's gotten as much success with it as he did

>> No.22051504

not limited to hololive's team, everyone he bodied with this had no idea how to counter her and let's be honest, it's kind of hard to get practice against her without running drills of these specific scenarios

>> No.22051519

Fucking hate Reid

>> No.22051570

cope lol

>> No.22051594

ah so it's basically the left handed player thing where nobody runs with it in the meta so when someone actually does nobody knows how to counter it

>> No.22051647

If only there was a tournament environment that gave them opportunity to practice.

>> No.22051661

Why did Reid sneak up on Aqua's team anyway? Did they have a plan or was it a suicide mission cause they got thirded easily.

>> No.22051722

it's a knowledge check with an actual good player piloting it

>> No.22051736

Reid is not there to win. Just to take out StartEnd. It's an alliance.

>> No.22051790

backing it*

>> No.22051903

Nazuna's team is just ready to take them out after Reid is done with the job. The rrat has legs.

>> No.22052073

3rd partying? In my Apex Legends? Preposterous!

>> No.22052078

They needed a Plat Vtuber and there aren't many left since everyone has climbed to Diamond.

>> No.22052081

who the fuck uses norton for firefox these days?

>> No.22052121

Plausible deniability

>> No.22052146

and the server is dying

>> No.22052255

why is Aqua so married to that Wingman anyways?

>> No.22052288

Resource efficient

>> No.22052363

It's the "I'm a selfish cunt that wants to flex" weapon

>> No.22052398

oh no the rampart is here

>> No.22052420


>> No.22052600

It's still one of the strongest guns in the game, having the best ADS strafe for close range good headshot multiplier and great damage for mid-long range plinking. High risk high reward but it's basically a necessity to master if you're high ranked. Almost every team is running at least one wingman.

>> No.22052659


>> No.22052667

that was bad

>> No.22052706


>> No.22052756


>> No.22052805

Uruca's coaching works.

>> No.22052865

KING so good...

>> No.22052869

Sui panicking on where to land every time they fly. They're still having problems communicating after all.

>> No.22053189

I just noticed that stupid Wingman skin has a different iron sight wtf

>> No.22053251

>CTRL+F 'Aq'
You realise you guys have like 50 other threads to post in already right?

>> No.22053307

this is the Aqua thread

>> No.22053353

Dude deron literally only plays rampart if you know even a little bit about her, she plays rampart in every single tournament

>> No.22053355

it's obvious sui is bad at valk, don't expect her to make big brain move.

>> No.22053362

nigga i have the the other POVs open too

>> No.22053374
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This is a Reimu thread

>> No.22053377

For some reason no one bothers to create Aqua thread, so this is a result of that.

>> No.22053396

FAQ you

>> No.22053428

literally a waste of space of this tourny

>> No.22053450
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>> No.22053461

this is the streamchat thread for the tourney

>> No.22053480

>When the brand indoctrination is so strong that they are physically unable to pay attention to anyone else even when their team is dead

>> No.22053501

Aqua pls don't bring algs strats into vsaikyo, these are too high level for towa and suisei kek.

>> No.22053584

She's good for dragging her team down and not following orders

>> No.22053669

Suisei's best play as Valk was accidently activating her Ult by mistake.

>> No.22053668
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>> No.22053721

Albio is playing much worse than her at the moment considering the rank difference but I realise you're just a shitposting holobrony who hasn't actually watched them

>> No.22053737

yeah, because it was obviously her who jumped off a cliff and threw last match, ebio and reimu are competing hard to who is tanking noah the most

>> No.22053824

>CTRL+F 'とわ'

>> No.22053827

>Leech off of the entire industry when 2views
>Become a walled garden the moment you start getting popular
>hurr u mad bro

>> No.22053842

Anon you are in the containment thread

>> No.22053848
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>> No.22053972

back to the VSPO thread I guess!

>> No.22054039

Towa is in this very tournament though

>> No.22054045

NijiEN fans are just as obnoxious as holobronies. I wish you'd fuck off from the vspo thread too

>> No.22054057

who the fuck uses a charge rifle in a tourney?

>> No.22054342

please for the love of god watch a tourney. ever since the longbow went into the replicator there's been literally two ground loot snipers and there's a bunch of teams in algs that run shotgun sniper on their gib.

>> No.22054492

yeah Aqua got fucked there

>> No.22054628

King dominating

>> No.22054661

Suisei got exposed in this scrim. She needs to maintain max health at all times.

>> No.22054681

Suisei cost them so much

>> No.22054684

Stop trying to shitpost with Reimu. She did better than Ebio today, and when she dies it's because of Ebio. The same fucking samefag using the "dragging her team down + not following orders".

>> No.22054724

She always did more damange than Ebio today...

>> No.22054783

Suisei also needs to know how to properly use her q and spam it. She has a habit of flying up while using it to get good elevation, which is bad. She also takes too much damage.

>> No.22054921

Stop pushing your whore in the VSPO threads

>> No.22054933

What do you mean by tanking. Reimu is the platinum, they need to IGL and she's fine. She does the job a plat in the team is supposed to do. Albio is way too shit for a diamond player and Noah is simply not an IGL.

>> No.22054996

I wasn't the one that posted about her. Other people post her to shit on her lol She's always going to be in that thread anyways since Noah is her teammate.

>> No.22055159

off yourself

>> No.22055166


>> No.22055384
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Hi Reimu defense squad

>> No.22055459

what does startend even mean?

>> No.22055498

it's the last tournament of this team comp because of point limit issues

>> No.22055620

They suck from start to end.

>> No.22055732

why the fuck does everyone keep using the wingman, most of them can't even use it properly

>> No.22055786
File: 467 KB, 2926x2250, FPbtNPOVkAEIL4h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

git gud

>> No.22055954

I don't think Kuzuha used his ult much this scrim. His team rotates into first ring crazy fast already the Valk ult becomes pointless.

>> No.22056360

i've been in this final circle, not fucking fun

>> No.22056393

Aqua is doing really well this match

>> No.22056443

fucking surrounded holy hell

>> No.22056564

shiieeeet what a way to end the fight

>> No.22056596

Suisei completely fucking useless in that fight. She spent most of her time using cells and syringe.

>> No.22056615

I can't believe they actually ran out of resources

>> No.22056676

That one revive from Towa healed up Suisei more than when she was left to her means.

>> No.22056742

Reimu 1410 damage, 3kills, 2nd place, 200 ping. I'm proud of her

>> No.22056774

hyung... please coach...

>> No.22056788

Suisei is like a fucking anchor dragging this team. Towa chokes harder than she's choking on cock. Aqua is the only thing that's saving them

>> No.22056812

i will fuck you selly

>> No.22056938

It's frustrating to watch Suisei spending most of her time healing up using cells/syringe. Ask for batts/kits next time you dumbo.

>> No.22056983

and that's why she's only worth 3 points

>> No.22057012

they gave her volt, she became genburten

>> No.22057028

staying up till 4 AM playing games with your friends... don't really care where Aqua places in this tournament, she's having fun and to me that's all that matters

>> No.22057030

That last fight was hilarious. Matsuri's team were focusing on Startend, then switched to Noah due to Towa's bubble. They were trading ults, Startend then went in for the 3rd party, suddenly the other two turned on Startend. That's was funny.

>> No.22057070

She was using rampage actually. She took the volt at the last second.

>> No.22057080

i just wanted to see Matuli and crew pop off just once..
i don't wanna say they're doomed but it sure feels like it

>> No.22057129

Today was weak for them, but they have had a few good showings on other practice days

>> No.22057134

So, given what you've seen in the scrums just now, what are your favourites?

>> No.22057161
File: 331 KB, 400x434, kuzu ok.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To aquafags. Kuzuha team was praising her.

>> No.22057205

i didn't watch any of them

>> No.22057209

Kuzuha is a good guy, those who trashtalk him are not aqua crew, just numberfags.

>> No.22057309

Aqua's POV is always fun cause she's aggressive.

>> No.22057310
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I'm using fag as a term of endearment

>> No.22057417

Average threadwatcher

>> No.22057562

towa plays decent but sui, that's the big flaw of the group.

>> No.22057574

It's almost as if good Apex players recognize the skills of other good Apex players rather than shitfling at others like their shitty fans.

>> No.22057831

Anonchama this isn't even scrims these are customs (practice for scrims) Scrims aren't the final thing either

>> No.22058070

They were out of bats in the final ring you EOP faggot.

>> No.22058122

I am a kuzuha x aqua shipperfag

>> No.22058140

it shouldnt have been her as their third ... ! it should have been me ... !!

>> No.22058263

You don't have to let fans live rent free in your head you can just have fun watching the vtubers

>> No.22058443

Yes, but then you go to an 18+ discussion board to discuss and suddenly there are toddler ESLs everywhere.
Verification not required btw

>> No.22058664

The mad dog of hololive...

>> No.22059120

Check the vods again retard. Towa has 2 med kits she didn't end up using till she died. Suisei could've had ask for one of those.
Towa also prematurely used the bats and phoenix that Suisei badly needed. It wouldn't have happened if Suisei has the presence of mind to ask for it.

>> No.22059778

I look forward to Astel meeting Reid's team. Mad Maggie's counters Rempart more than Gib IMO

>> No.22060506
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Final shots of the duel. It was so damn close

>> No.22060772

Try again EOP faggot. Suisei clearly states she's out of batteries heals with affirmation from Towa. Then Suisei and Towa go on to say they are both out of batteries and cells as the fight continues. The only time Suisei needed a medkit was when they ran out in the open next to the stairs. If you think she was going to survive with a medkit out in the open like that, you should be euthanized. Come back to me if you want to get BTFO'd again. Fucking EOP faggot.
