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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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22009706 No.22009706 [Reply] [Original]

its a code lung
she has infiltrated hololive each day getting deeper into holo and befriending them, how has she fooled cover into being greenlighted?

>> No.22009751

She's a wholesome and talented streamer who has more experience than anyone in hololive EN. Show some respect.

>> No.22010022

She's literally Oprah

>> No.22010611

Mori + isn't a fucking degenerate so Cover actually allows the collab for once

>> No.22010739

The more I find out about her the more I respect her.

>> No.22010944

she was here before all of the holoen and jp outside of sora IIRC

she is/was friends with most of these girls before they blew up also

>> No.22011339

>laying in bed streaming for hours on end is now considered a talent

>> No.22011521

Better singer than anyone in hololive though.

>> No.22011649

She hasn't fooled anyone. She's the biggest vtuber on twitch. Cover knows they can benefit off her clout.

>> No.22011656

heard she started august 2017?

>> No.22011772

>En chuuba daisenpai
>Shilled the holo girls when they were getting popular
>The only one you can tell loves vtubers because she was there before it blew up
>Shut snuffy up when the racoon bitch was saying Hololive was too child friendly
>Likes rrat
>Wants to hang out with subaru irl
>shilled the holostars and asked naggzz to cover them in one of his videos
>Understands there is rules at Hololive and how corporations work on the contrary of her retarded fanbase who browse r/ antiqork religiously

Idk anon, you tell me

>> No.22011862

Benefit each other from their respective markets, She benefits from the viewers that spend their time on YouTube for her youtube channel, and Hololive stablishes relations with the biggest Vtuber on twitch now that their talents are slowly streaming on twitch more frequently.

>> No.22011867

Samefag here
>r/ antiwork
and also to add:
>Told Connor that he is retarded and that Vtubers go thorught a filter so there is no fake it till you make it.

>> No.22012259

Her dick is huge.

>> No.22012347

She didn't need vshitshow.

>> No.22012394

Of course it is. She's providing endless hours of entertainment. Most people who are stuck indoors don't contribute shit to society. She found something she can do and that she's good at and so she does it.

>> No.22012506

Would she join hololive if they let her keep the model?

>> No.22012519


>> No.22012657

you heard right

>> No.22012723

uhm, anon
PuertoRican =/= FatNigghaBitch

>> No.22013626

How long she got until her disease takes her?

>> No.22013713

Its not a terminal disease, just a chronic one.

The real risk is her getting another infection

>> No.22014067

its chronic illness retard not terminal illness

>> No.22014172

She's a trashy spic hag pretending to be super sickly and way younger than she is, what the fuck are you on about mate

>> No.22014230
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>> No.22014511

>She's a trashy spic hag pretending to be super sickly and way younger than she is
do you know what keyfabe is?

>> No.22014639
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m8 she's literally talked about having dudes jizz on and lick her eye at this point I'm just impressed she didn't abort the kid and seems to have a positive relationship

>> No.22014654

Other girls pretend to be quirky. She's one step above con artist

>> No.22014841

The subathon proved this with how little she fucking did for a month.

>> No.22015161

mouse isn't shit like most of the vshohoes
even hime who i like as a youtuber is shit as a vtuber. veibae especially is a stain on the mouse just being in the same group

>> No.22015230

Also...I don't respect her after what she did to Mel, and nobody really should. I find the Connor saga cute because I'm a hopeless romantic, but Mouse is a clouthungry duplicitous bitch as much as the rest of them.

>> No.22015259

she was pregnant at 15, her pregnancy fucked her insides which is why her body is fucked today

>> No.22015327

this veibae person drops fucks every other sentence, it turns me off tremendously to be honest

>> No.22015439

>Shut snuffy up when the racoon bitch was saying Hololive was too child friendly

was this in a video somewhere? or some tweets?

>> No.22015536


>> No.22015641

>how has she made it this deep into hololive
calliope mori

>> No.22015686 [DELETED] 
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Irys calling them potions is cracking me up bros

>> No.22015713

Change bed for chair and you have the average western streamer

>> No.22015765

Now that you mention this. I've been thinking about writing an essay on how to drive our misogynistic energy into positive force for our life.

In the past I had schizo periods where wanted to hit women so I started going to the gym to steam off. Now I'm getting buffed and feel no desire to be violent.

>> No.22016106

>Also...I don't respect her after what she did to Mel, and nobody really should
uhhh details sister????

>> No.22016827
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>what she did to Mel
Sounds like a story I wanna hear, anon.

>> No.22017202

Veibae is more popular than your oshi

>> No.22017800
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>sickly girl at the verge of death
>godlike voice from someone who literally studied to be an opera singer
>wholesome streamer who is doesnt actually go the peepe poopo route despite being in vshojo
>loves streaming since it lets her forget about her shitty, wheelchair bounded life
>can streams for weeks in a row and loves every second of it

Face it, Melody and her gang robbed Hololive of the greatest idol HoloEN could have.
The goslings could not had been able to handle this much power.

>> No.22017928

Anon she's literally the most profitable vtuber out there.

>> No.22018436

She's probably the only vShojo talented and safe enough to be allowed by corpos. Plus Nyanners maybe?

>> No.22018673

where are her nendos and figmas? Even gura has the former, while Peko has both.

>> No.22023665

she had to have made disgusting money from that 5 dollar per second subathon

>> No.22023794

she pretends she's going to die soon to trigger yagoo's savior spirit

>> No.22023883

>once had 100k subs
>now has 10k

>> No.22023958

>seems to have a positive relationship
>deleted all mentions of her daughter when she chose to go live with her father in the US

>> No.22024064

Thanks for the laugh anon

>> No.22024160

Mouse is one of the fakest women in the game

>> No.22024225

You're right, mouse is literally worse than shit, everyone calls out froot for her past, but no one looks at what ironmouse did, everyone just conveniently ignores it

>> No.22024354 [DELETED] 

>She's a trashy spic hag pretending to be super sickly and way younger than she is, what the fuck are you on about mate
Trashy? Yes. Spic? Yes. Hag? No. She did get teen pregnant at 15 or something though. She's a single mother. But that's about the only bad thing I can find about her.

>> No.22024367

You should never want to hit random women, you should only hit your girl when she does something that deserves it but never do it drunk, 1000% necessary for a happy married life

>> No.22024510

>pregnant at 15
Got that sluttin' in early, I see.

>> No.22024671 [DELETED] 

>She's a single mother
Lmao, she was never a single mother, she cheated on the father during her mental breakdown and it's why they split and her daughter left her
It's why she likes larping as satan so much, gives zero fucks about anyone else, it's all fake friendships

>> No.22024870

Good video. But at the end. I just wanna to love and be loved back. I'm feeling better now.

>> No.22025282 [DELETED] 

>single mom
>had a loving husband
>cheated on him
>moved back to PR after divorce
>forced her mom to take care of her teenage daughter
>daughter left to go live with father in US
Yes, "single mom"

>> No.22025436

It's not terminal per se, but it's degenerative. Most people with it don't live past 40. Their immune system becomes so fucked even a constant plasma drip can't help them fight off invaders. In a decade she'll probably be killed by a cold or something.

>> No.22028760

When connor talked about the "hololive buff" she says nothing, hardly anyone mentions that she was there at that moment, something that a lot of EN vtubers needs to learn. pr manegement. she is the best.

>> No.22028928 [DELETED] 
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>> No.22029775
File: 907 KB, 1463x1265, IronInfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22029902

Well anon? Did you pull this out of your ass and are you just butthurt over your own imagination?

>> No.22030291

Thank the pope.

>> No.22030400

Are you 12?

>> No.22030524

Literally /thread
Mori was the one that pushed for Vshojo collabs and dragged Kiara into it. When there was backlash against the veibae collab, Mori threw Kiara under the bus by saying it was all her idea. Months later Kiara says they were all Mori’s idea and doesn’t want to do anymore VShojo collabs. Mori does more VShojo collabs and during her Chadcast with Irys and Bae, gets Bae to agree to an Ironmouse collab.
Ame was on twitch and pretended to not know how to raid to get out of raiding Iron mouse kek.
Gura ignores VShojo begging in her chat and SCs.
Ina only cared about collabing with Pikamee.
Kiara doesn’t want to do another VShojo collab.

>> No.22031400

>he doesnt know about the mouse x kisra collab >:)
