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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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22014725 No.22014725 [Reply] [Original]

What went wrong?

>> No.22015275

this is an EOP board

>> No.22015387

this is an EOP board

>> No.22015391

Nothing she's doing ok :)

>> No.22015496

She's just fine

>> No.22015979

Neck yourself eop low iq subhuman

>> No.22016037
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You tell me, I'd love to know

>> No.22016076

>consistent audience that really enjoys watching her
>what went wrong
go back to /#/ cringe SEA

>> No.22016504

seems you could say this for any 2view
more is expected of a Hololive member

>> No.22018404
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>> No.22020291

Apparently, Japs thinks of her as fake and boring. I also heard that she's not really investing all her earnings to create content as she grew up a poorfag and is currently supporting her own parents. Again, YAGOO is such a saviorfag.

>> No.22021580

>Japs think she's fake and boring
>Chloe gets a pass
every time

>> No.22022129

i mean, chloe drops the kayfabe all the time and it's very explicit about the cute arc being a bit she likes
iroha just doesn't drop it, and it got stale really fast

>> No.22024917

good, lui should be at the top

>> No.22025540

>source: the deep recesses of my ass

>> No.22025998

eop spotted

>> No.22026065

Chloe is good at it + constantly drops the kayfabe
this is the difference

>> No.22026679

Hey, it didn't take until 2022 for me to forget about her.

>> No.22029347

what went wrong with Chloe? she was shaping up to be the most popular after La+

>> No.22029423

>she's not really investing all her earnings to create content
Uh, good?

>> No.22029617

Every single one of them is fake, especially the Jap branch.

>> No.22029737

she's doing fine lol
has a solid fanbase watching her
not to mention she's hella fit af

>> No.22029781

She is new Pekora.

>> No.22029987

>Every single one
La+ is a genuine dork though. People found her alt. account and she was defending her vtuber self from antis and not shittalking anyone or doing anything bad really.

>> No.22030265

Moefags are dead subs. The cutest model in a gen always gets a shitload of subs before debut. Look at Mumei and Gura. Petra from NijiEN also had the most subs before debut. Same shit is happening to Kobo right now, all these people will be gone within a month or two.

>> No.22030301

>comment on how she abandoned her twitch account
>anonymous (Laplus) tells him that it's only been two days since her last stream and to cut her some slack
>starts streaming on twitch ten minutes later

>> No.22030320

Okay, that's adorable.

>> No.22030449

Cunny behavior, I dig.

>> No.22031083

I can't comment much on her content beyond collabs. But as a non-regular watcher, here are some thoughts. Her rigging seems quite bad relative to others (especially her mouth). And well, her eyes aren't quite as soulless as Anya's, but they're pretty glassy and distant feeling. Subconsciously it's hard to connect.

>> No.22031300

She's definitely the cutest of her gen, but I just don't speak japanese.

>> No.22031488

QRD? I don't watch the newest gen.

>> No.22033357

compared to the other 4 that are pretty much fine by the average holo standard (aka, in sub growth/ccv/etc) and are doing fine content wise, do collabs frequently, have some variety, are working on finding their niches, the samurai is basically being left behind
her sub growth is slowing down pretty badly, her ccv ceiling keeps falling, she's stuck in a loop of content where she just does the same shit every week, so far still the only holox without a cover on her channel, does the least amount of collabs and still has an irregular schedule that results in weird starting times or weird stream durations, with a lot of excuses that are getting kinda tired
that's pretty much what's going on with her, my feeling about it is she has the talent to recover from this, but she needs to start actually trying

>> No.22033670

I don't care about quality, all I want is sex with a blonde samurai who says ござる way too much

>> No.22033935

So her main problem is she just lazy? That's not gonna get fixed ever.

>> No.22034244

strong start, poor execution

>> No.22034291

>I don't care about quality, all I want is sex
t. HoloEN fanbase.

>> No.22034756

i don't know, i'm not a member and personally i find her kinda boring so I don't watch her that much, but she seems more like a victim of circumstance more than anything

>> No.22036730
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Her fake voice is annoying.
Her real one is nice though.

>> No.22036795

Isn't it a ninjas job to not draw attention to yourself?

>> No.22039196

Said the one guy the other day who was clearly larping as a nip

>> No.22039326

She's too good at being Ninja.

>> No.22039646

>viewership floats between 5k~15k for debuff/buff streams
>400k dollars in SC in ~6 months
Literally nothing went wrong, she's set for life.

>> No.22040182

She hasn't found her niche quite yet. She keeps trying new games and then dropping them. Maybe she should try streaming an alt character in FFXIV with Fubuki, they mentioned something already about playing together.

>> No.22042159

