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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 96 KB, 1200x630, kiara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21910315 No.21910315 [Reply] [Original]

Nearly every argument you could make you could also say about Koyori. Kiara ticks so many boxes, especially for an EN, so what's causing this underlying resistance?

>> No.21912097,1 [INTERNAL] 

People on here always talk about how hard Kiara works, but like… so what? What does that work translate to? Her streams are no more entertaining than any one else’s, except she also has chicken voice and her obsession with numbers, not to mention her tendency to start jokes and then get mad at them.

Remember TakaMori? Remember “bottom left”?

>> No.21910396

She’s not parasocial enough

>> No.21910410

Design. That's all

>> No.21910423

She gets numbers when she streams shit that people want to see like elden ring. Except her chat ended up full of toxic greynames and she ended up chasing them off by talking about her vacation for 15 minutes.
She just likes to stream shit that isn't super popular.

>> No.21910449

Chicken voice

>> No.21910494

She plays debuff games,streams for too long and at bad times.

>> No.21910506

Thinly veiled 9th thread you've made in 2 days

>> No.21910538

too based for the masses

>> No.21910588

>especially for an EN
This is a handicap, not a bonus. EN subs don't translate into views because most of the EN audience are willing to watch the vod instead of dropping everything to watch their oshi live. Or just subscribe to the girl who gets their favorite clips. It also probably has something to do with her being in a time zone that is inconvenient for both US and JP viewers, a lot of her growth happened while she was in Japan.

>> No.21910707

I don't care, I just want her to be with us forever

>> No.21910912

To me she's not relatable at all, has an annoying voice, awful sense of humor, is desperate for validation and a the kind of weeb that tries to actually and unironically become japanese - meaning she wants to become a giggling annoying template of a japanese woman without the cultural background and it just makes me cringe.
A friend made me watch a documentary about 'otherkin' yesterday and I got the same kind of cringe from them so that's the closest comparison I can give you.
If I had to deal with a person like her at work or somewhere else in my life I would avoid her like the plague.

>> No.21911065

>Be a massive bitch
>be a massive numbersfag
>all she talks about is Takamori

She deserves to fail. Compared to Council she's literally the worst member of HoloEN right now. She needs to kill herself ASAP.

>> No.21911095

Also on negative trending.
She works so hard too, it truly is awful to see Gura and Kronii who have absolute zero ambition get more popularity than her.

>> No.21911102

Why are cuckbeats like this?

>> No.21911115

you think she's worse than the wigger?

>> No.21911150

You raise some fair points, but Bae also hits a lot of what you said and she's growing and doing well with a reddit fanbase. I completely agree that most of the EN audience are ADHD clipfags, but I'm surprised after all this time Kiara hasn't pulled in a decent chunk of Eurofags by now after returning from Japan. Like a lot of Europeans I have little exposure and care for Japanese culture and its exports but she still pulled me in. I find her bluntness and humour refreshing in a sea of autism.

>> No.21911333

It looks to me dumb SEAnigs and Americans seem to require very blatent slapstick, boingboing or meme/reference humour to find a vtuber entertaining. I guess that answers it.

>> No.21911366

The KFP is full of Faggots and Poofers.
So no one wants to watch her and be apart of that fanbase.

>> No.21911421

>average live views up
>more people sticking around for superchat readings
>11k ccvs for her unarchived karaoke
She's actually enjoying an incline

>> No.21911425

That's not on Kiara alone it's fair for all of Myth. They've stopped growing cause there's a ceiling for EN market it seems. And anon wonder why they don't collab with NijiEN, it's because they can still grow unlike HoloEN.

>> No.21911616

can you please put your bitching aside

do you think kiara would appreciate this kind of retarded shit-talking

>> No.21911878

>Except her chat ended up full of toxic greynames and she ended up chasing them off by talking about her vacation for 15 minutes
holy fucking based

>> No.21911959

Bae actually has a good timezone for JP, that's also not terrible for the US. It's not like Kiara, who's streaming while the US is at work and JP is sleeping. Also, Bae has the benefit of being part of the current most popular ship in hololive, while Kiara's ship is officially sunk.

>> No.21912097

I like kiara but 90% of the time i see her live she's playing some random shit and she's not funny enough for me to watch her play a random ass game over watching vinny play it.

>> No.21912341

She should go down the parasocial route, she’s very sweet and clearly loves her fans so it’s not that hard for her.

>> No.21912441

People hyper focus on her numbers for only debuff games like Yakuza. And before you pull shit like "but Yakuza is a buff game!". It's a JRPG, and JRPGs are massive debuffs for an American/NA audience, which makes up most of Kiara's audience. Look at Mori and Ina getting the lowest numbers they've ever gotten in their entire career playing JRPGs/RPGs for examples. Also, the guy who created this thread got bullied out of global before rushing to here.

>Most popular ship in hololive
Besides it not even being in the top 5, it's not even the most popular EN ship. The most popular EN ship is still somehow Takamori, which doesn't seem like it's ever going to change, especially with Mori and Kiara's most recent interactions and how they talk about eachother nowadays.

>> No.21913367

>how they talk about eachother nowadays
Kiara doesn't even talk about Mori nowadays unless she's collabing with her. Hasn't for nearly a year. But most Takamorifags only watch Mori, or watch neither at all. A lot of artists especially are only into it for the concept or the designs.

>> No.21913389

Wait, so to sum it up, she and her fanbase are full of shit?

>> No.21913455

What are you talking about? Elden Ring is notorious for bringing out the worst greynames in chats whenever anybody plays it. It's why people usually enable subscriber only mode when playing the game.

>> No.21913519

>Also, the guy who created this thread got bullied out of global before rushing to here.
I feel like that's the case for alot of these bait threads, funnily enough.

>> No.21913642

Her voice.
Vtubing popularity isn't rocket science, it's just about what make your heart you doki doki.

>> No.21913803

She just doesn't have "it." She's got a lot of moxie, but you need to have that it factor to truly stand out and above the crowd in the cutthroat world of entertainment. It's also why her "idol career" failed and she was performing to empty rooms. She can try as hard as she wants, but she will never be a shining star. Rather, she'll just be biting at the heels of her shining peers and gathering a fanbase of people who mostly pity/gosling her.

>> No.21913835

But why though? That just makes them seem really desperate for validation. Especially since the retard is wrong.

>> No.21914058

> That just makes them seem really desperate for validation.
Why else do you think those discordtrannies post here? They're not even 4channers.

>> No.21914117

Her annoying voice. I'm sure I would overlook the other flaws she has if I could stand her voice.

>> No.21914325

I wanted to defend your chimkin oshi, but you just talked shit about my pink dog wife so you can go fuck yourself kfp retard, I'm glad your bird is stagnating

>> No.21914418

>A friend made me watch a documentary about 'otherkin'
In my times, when a kid's dog had a terminal condition it was his dutty to take him behind the shed and cave its head in with a pipe
Your friend being otherkin is both the terminal disease and the reason to treat him like a dog, you know what you must do

>> No.21914422

She should just ask Mori about how to get bot subscribers

>> No.21914430

typical Koyori fan. Happy for another vtuber's failures just to spite One Guy.

>> No.21914452

I don't think thats a KFP anon...

>> No.21914492

How barbaric. Jannies, please range ban SEA.

>> No.21914522

>music attracts millions of listeners
>performs at Makuhari Messe and steals the show at Holofes day 2
>invited back to Dokomi for another concert
>n-no she doesn't have "it"
So how jealous are you on a scale of 10 to 10?

>> No.21914524

And I don't think that's a Koyori fan anon. Don't you niggers understand how bait threads work?

>> No.21914573

As much as the yurofags claim that most of them watch JP because Cover obviously doesn't give a shit about EU, they just have no numbers in general. Whether it's Niji or HoloEN streaming in their primetime, most of the viewers still come from NA or Asia where it's literally 2-3 AM.
Even Ina who consistently starts her stream at 9-11 PM for EU, most of her audience are still afternoon NA by a very large margin. Could very well be the lack of exposure or they just avoid EN streams.

>> No.21914709

>debuff games
She's one of the only holos who doesn't play normie trash et nauseum
>streams too long
If I want to watch short streams I'll just watch a video instead
>at bad times
Finally someone who isn't overlapping with chuubas I like
I don't even watch her but all of these are positives as long as I'm concerned, but probably won't draw in the normalfag crowd. I also noticed that she stopped doing the chimkin voice, which is nice

>typical shitposting anon. Puts the whole fanbase under the same umbrella, because of One Guy.

>> No.21914727

Euros don't watch streams or superchat for some reason. Even when Gura decided to do a couple of rare EU streams they didn't watch her, and refused to give her superchats. There's literally no point in trying to pander to them, and it makes sense why literally every EN streams at the exact same time, it's because of that.

>> No.21914749

>waaah my numbers are low
>only my members should ever watch me
Chicken logic.

>> No.21914808

Don't Kiara and Ina have the same sub counts.

>> No.21914833

I don't think she's said shit like that in months. And Kiara isn't the only member to get annoyed with the backseating greyniggers that plague elden ring streams.

>> No.21914852

Yeah, and Ina's got the personality and all of the energy of wet cardboard. Kiara's doing something wrong to work as hard as she does yet still stagnate with her.

>> No.21914888

She could do what Ina did and make chat sub only, or she could just ignore the toxicity like the others. Toxic chat isn't exclusive to Kiara you know
I'd blame it more on her not enjoying the game that much, she seemed pretty miserable at times, although the same could be said of Irys and she's still playing it

>> No.21914915

>Shitting on Ina just to get at Kiara
Why? And it's not even like Ina has a small subcount either.

>> No.21914962

Euros don't have tipping culture, so SCs seem like a strange concept to us.
Also, I suppose we have a lower overall number of weebs here. I was astounded by the concept of an "anime club" existing in the US.

>> No.21914968
File: 53 KB, 668x694, Takochickenkiss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger don't use my oshi to talk shit about her cute tako gooks wife

>> No.21914988

Gura had EU streams?

>> No.21915062

Yeah, she streamed Read Dead Redemption 2 a couple of times during EU hours. She got less than half of her regular viewers, and virtually no superchats.

>> No.21915085

Needs to do more collabs with jp

>> No.21915142

Sometimes less is more. I'd rather watch Ina than Kiara because the former doesn't hurt my ears with continuous shrieking. If Kiara could calm down and relax every once in a while, I could probably stand to watch her for more than 30 minutes.
Work smart, not hard.

>> No.21915189

What's the point of Eurotards then?

>> No.21915198

Is 1.35 million subs suppose to be bad or something? Why do you talk like an investor who can only see things in (perpetual) growth rate rather than for what it is?

>> No.21915239

You need to establish an audience to court them. Suddenly doing a stream in EU hours when it's not expected and drop it soon after gives no time to react. If we had a dedicated EU streamer (who is not Kiara), you'd see a better response.

>> No.21915322

There is no EU audience for vtubing

>> No.21915356

Nah she gave plenty of time before hand for people to know about the stream, it's just that Euros don't bother to watch streams. The same thing happened with Bae, Sana, and Mori. They all get better views during NA hours, and that's because their audiences will still always be an NA majority/dominated, Kiara included.

>> No.21915401
File: 200 KB, 700x550, There are Takodachis outside my house.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shitting on Ina just to get one over on Kiara
I'm glad the mask if finally down and you guys are willing to admit that you were only pretending to be Takos during the Tick Tock saga.

>> No.21915439

Moaning and bitching about how Cover doesn't care about EU, when it's clearly the smart business choice to focus on the timezones that they can actually profit from.

>> No.21915466

Remember when Kiara was having her waiting for Ina stream and retards were hoping something bad had happened to Ina just so Kiara could get "BTFO'ed"? They never cared about the other members.

>> No.21915511

The only thing Euros do is shit up the threads and whine about Americans.

>> No.21915566

I see the burgers are up, huh?

>> No.21915592

Oh noooo she ONLY gets $4k viewers
So she's ONLY a millionaire, and not a multi-millionaire like her genmates.
nooooo I weep

>> No.21915809

If she played more horror games then I'd watch. Her Outlast stream with Gura was kino, would be even without Gura.

>> No.21915813

>Eurotard proving my point

>> No.21915852

people are retarded

>> No.21915949

This. I don't know why people numberfag so hard on her JRPG streams despite the fact that she's already proven that she gets perfectly fine numbers on non JRPG streams. And since when was 4k viewers on a debuff game considered bad?

>> No.21916070

>Burgers and Euros shitting up a thread again for no reason

>> No.21916204

You can make livestreaming your full-time career if you get about 600 viewers. There's some livestreamers with very dedicated audiences who can do it with like 200 viewers.

Getting 4k viewers is absolutely insane. Literally nobody outside of the major corporations gets that. They might get 1k on very rare occasions. Getting 4k is beyond anything they can imagine. If you're getting 4k viewers regularly, that's like the equivalent of 7 full-time incomes rolling into your bank account at the same time. Plus all your merchandise deals and convention fees, you're making millions.

This girl initially got donations because she cried about being poor, but people are still donating as if she's still poor (she's not). In what universe is a livestream over 1k a "bad" stream? Rosemi was able to quit her job and stream full time with a viewership average of 1.2k. She's probably making $1/4 of a million per year. Meanwhile people think that Kiara is somehow doing badly?

Gura makes like $5-10 million per year right? Kiara certainly makes several million.

>> No.21916245

>To me she's not relatable at all
shes the most relatable holo to me, since shes honest about her feelings
>has an annoying voice
agree, it can be annoying sometimes, but sometimes sweet and smooth when she stops screeching
>awful sense of humor
her humor is pretty funny, she regularly goes for stunts other people wont say or pull without being un-idol-like, when she suffers her screams and the way her ego demolishes are hillarious. antis will tell you its not an act, but shes clearly imitating the way confident pekora will try some shit, and then the hillariouness of it all falling on her face. also shes learnt to let others fill the spot more.
>is desperate for validation
can be a good thing. most other holos arent and they're lazy af.
>and a the kind of weeb that tries to actually and unironically become japanese
she was that kind of weeb, but its been 20 years. shes matured, and japan is truly apart of her culture. and to counter you, she doenst even like staying in japan anymore, since she has had a bad history. she loves the culture though.
anyway i think your argument isnt what it is.
>- meaning she wants to become a giggling annoying template of a japanese woman without the cultural background and it just makes me cringe.
its clear you are using this perspective, and it feels like a biased narrative more than an objective view. i mean at this point, your argument is just a low iq /pol/ post.

>> No.21916261

Kiara is the EN for saviorfags, that's it

>> No.21916287

Just stating something doesn't make it true.

Like I said, you need to look at this as more of a long-term commitment, and it's probably a wasted effort if you can't keep it as part of your schedule for a while before you see any uptick.
Think about it like companies initially selling products at a loss to establish themselves in the market.

>> No.21916296

rangeban burgers

>> No.21916377

>Gura makes like $5-10 million per year right? Kiara certainly makes several million.
Okay you are heavily overestimating this one, neither Gura nor Kiara have that much money. Sure, they're definitely rich but they're not millionaires. Even when you take the membership count into total, Gura having over 14k and Kiara having somewhere in the 5k range that still wouldn't make them millionaires.

>> No.21916384

>shit timeslots for JP/AU/USA
>chimkin voice
>Debuff games
>Swears even more than Calli

>> No.21916489

What's the point of these threads if nothing new is going to be said? This reads almost exactly like a thread from 2 months ago. Like the other anon said, 4k viewers on a debuff game isn't bad, end of the discussion.

>> No.21916530

>neither Gura nor Kiara have that much money
Yes they do. Gura is making $2 million annually on members alone. Plus superchats. Plus Ad revenue. Plus her merchandise deals and sponsored streams. A single sponsored stream typically brings in $100k per hour.

Give me a break anon. Where did you get the impression that they weren't making millions of dollars? Who gave you that impression? Because you're completely wrong. That's why they don't stream very much anymore. They could literally retire tomorrow and never work again if they wanted to.

>> No.21916586

What boxes does she tick? She comes off as completely socially retarded and mentally ill and not in a fun or funny way. She's just awkward and annoying to be around.

>> No.21916687

Gura actually streams more now than she did back then, you absolute retard.

>> No.21916724

EU isn't full of cucks like JP, USA and SEA. No wonder vtubers aren't relevant here.

>> No.21916767

>Eurotard deflecting again
Kill yourself.

>> No.21916786

Finana is buying thousand dollar shoes and bragging about it on twitter. And her viewer average is """only"""" $1.6k. Rosemi makes probably $250,000 a year, and she only has 1.2k viewers. As I already explained you only need around 500 viewers to make streaming your full-time career. If you're getting 4k viewers, you're buying mansions. If you're getting 14k viewers, you're buying private islands

>> No.21916859

Don't you retards ever get tired of this shit?

>> No.21916855

>If you're getting 14k viewers, you're buying private islands
Okay, let's not get carried away here anon...

>> No.21916863

She's too pushy and has an annoying voice, however she has gotten a lot better compared to a year ago and now is tolerable.

Subs stagnating is something very normal, this hobby is very niche after all and Gura is already the Michaels of them all, numbers-wise at least.

>> No.21916892

EU hours. That's literally all it is, every other complaint about her is a subjective taste thing that will drive some people off but attract others.

>> No.21916893

This is a buff.
>even more than Calli
Go back clipnigger.

>> No.21916902

This is literally no audience for vtubing in EU
The main vtubing audience is asian men, even in western countries
It's a simple math equation anon

>> No.21916909

I just don't really like her and I'd rather watch my indie oshi.

>> No.21916915

>Gura is making $2 million annually on members alone
Yeah, 30% of which goes to YouTube, and the remainder is split between Gura and Cover in unknown proportions. And then Gura has to pay whatever income tax applies to her.

>> No.21916983

I dont like her voice much. Shes constantly shrieking and sometime I feel like she just wants to be EN pego.

I feel like I got filtered

>> No.21917015

Just because something is subjective doesn't mean it will always attract and drive people off at the same rate.

>> No.21917020

>$2 million annually on members alone
Where the fuck did you get that number from?

>> No.21917054

Anon, do you know any person talking about their income who deducts their income tax first?
The average income in the US for example is $65k. People who make $65k don't say "I actually only made $40k because of taxes". Nobody does that.

By the way,, someone who makes $65k is able to finance a $1 million suburban house. Someone who makes $5 million per year, like Gura, can definitely finance a 10,000 square foot $20 million dollar mansion in the Hamptons if she wanted.

>> No.21917079

I repeat, stating something as fact does not make it so.
Perhaps you have some sources for your claims?

>> No.21917083

(NTA) Interesting thoughts, anon. I've been conflicted on Kiara for a long time, but some of your arguments swayed me a bit.
>doenst even like staying in japan anymore, since she has had a bad history
Anything that can be said without doxxing her?

I have a question, cause you seem like you can defend her pretty well. One of the things that has rubbed me the wrong way about her for a long time is that she almost seems like a fan shouldering her way into idol culture than an idol herself. She is a genuine fan of idols and idol culture and has done a lot to become part of that culture. She takes both her dancing and singing very seriously and puts a lot of effort into those things. But every once in a while I notice her treating her chat/fans in a strangely acerbic way, like she enjoys having fans for the attention, validation and money, but like she kinda looks down on them and doesn't really connect with them on a genuine level. The most genuine and emotional I have ever seen her was when she told Pekora about how much of a fan she is of her. It's like Kiara is a vtuber fan who loves idols and wants to be close to them and wants to be like them, but always just looks at idols and idol culture from the perspective of a fan than of an actual idol. Is there something to this, or do I just need to take my meds?

>> No.21917099

Similar situation as timeloops, retards want to talk about it to add their own opinion to the conversation, not realizing that they didn't add anything new at all.

>> No.21917109

Because there's a youtube bug that allows you to see the views on membership streams. Using this people estimated Gura has over 30,000 members

>> No.21917251

You do realize that people can watch membership streams more than once, right? And people are basing those views off of ASMR videos, which naturally get re-watched more than other membership videos. Its the exact same with quite a few JPs too, unless you're saying that most JPs also have into the 20-30k membership range.

>> No.21917274

>Annoying voice
>Original outfit is shit
>Always loud
>Me Me Me
>Speaks Japanese every twenty seconds
>Didn't bother speaking a single English word during her holofes 3 debut even tho she knew a lot of her fans were watching
>Whoring herself out to Koreans
>Shit content comprised mostly of superchat reading (this is mostly subjective)
>Feels very fake
>Doesn't commit to the character, example saying that Kiara's birthday is not her real birthday
>Numberfag, a bit better but still there
>Her compliments to Mori's recent accomplishments felt fake and i felt like she was seething it wasn't her
Those are some points i can think of right now

>> No.21917279

It might be because (DOXXINFO). Yea, basically stuff you can't really talk about from her past (for good reason) that could probably have warped her mindset juuuuuuuust a bit.

>> No.21917306

Lol anon, youtube has your membership account. They know which account is watching the video. You think youtube double-counts views if you refresh the page? What you're saying is so dumb.

>> No.21917338

30k x $5 x 12 = $1.8m a year
But that's before Susan, YAGOO and the IRS' cuts. (Not to mention that 30k was a very generous estimate. There's no way to filter out repeat views for whenever someone cancels their membership after all.)

Gura is doing well for herself, there's no doubt about that. But this exaggeration is unnecessary.

>> No.21917370

>t. Absolute fucking retard

>> No.21917398

Anonchama, "views" are total views, not unique views. Are you really this gullible?

>> No.21917403

Watch streams, she stop caring about numbers long ago

>> No.21917404

>unless you're saying that most JPs also have into the 20-30k membership range
Yeah they do. Talents like Nene are making $100k per month on superchats alone. Her vod views bring in over a million as well. Her members are well over a million.
So she makes anywhere from $3-5 million on her youtube analytics. But that's chump change compared to what she's making on her merchandise deals. She probably makes over $10 million lowball estimate.

>> No.21917478

If that were the case you could just refresh the page 100 times and get 100 views. This doesn't work. As someone who has visited low view videos.

>> No.21917484

Look at Rushia and how much she was racking in, she's broke now.

>> No.21917505

Wow, some of you guys are deluded. Yes, top vtubers make mad cash, but you're blowing it way out of proportions.
Stop thinking your napkin math is worth anything.

>> No.21917524

>she's broke now
ahahahaha no she's not anon. They SAY this stuff because they want your money.
Rushia had to pay back like $800k to Cover because of some contract dispute. That's why she said that.

But she's not broke. She probably has close to $50 million in the bank.

>> No.21917525

Look at any convention for vtubing in america, it's mostly asian men
When vtubers do fan photo reviews, almost every time there is a selfie it's an asian man
Vtuber subreddits have crossposting stats with asian male oriented subreddits

Europeans just don't have enough asian men to justify catering to, there's no audience.

>> No.21917526

Wow, you literally know nothing about this. You have not even done the most basic amount of research.

>> No.21917528

This anon has to be baiting, he doesn't actually think all of the holos are multi millionaires, right?

>> No.21917567

>He's just a baiting retard
Ah, nevermind then. Opinion discarded.

>> No.21917592

They are though. Yes that includes Kiara.
Even the ID's all got so wealthy they could all move to America. Most of them have viewers over 1k and are rolling in money as well.

>> No.21917599

slander, touchy touchy and general SEAnigger stuff

>> No.21917624

having a pleasant voice is 90% of the job

>> No.21917661

Are you being serious right now? It's about time watched. Refreshing a hundred times won't do shit because you're not actually watching anything.

>> No.21917679

Don't know, but it's kind of funny reading his posts, I would much rather prefer a thread about his narrative than a shitty copy and pasted Kiara thread.

>> No.21917716

She never said anything like that. Why do you niggers just believe random unsourced bullshit and the endlessly repeat it?

>> No.21917766

I think that says more about the type of person to go to conventions and less about who's actually watching vtubers. Don't assume they're the exact same.

>> No.21917792

Anya has around 500 million dollars in bitcoin alone.
t. the voices in my head

>> No.21917831

>Anon, do you know any person talking about their income who deducts their income tax first?
Yes, literally everyone I know who apparently isn't an American. If you say "I make X money per hour/month/year", it means X is what lands in your pocket AFTER taxes, social security and other work-related expenses, because why the fuck would anyone care about your gross income. It makes as much sense as measuring your penis' length including your spine. Maybe try living outside the US for once.

>> No.21917920

Anon, there's direct correlation with less asian men being in most european countries and there being less of an EU audience.
UK has the highest number of vtuber fans in europe and it also coincidentally has the highest population of asian men

White/brown/arab/black men don't really watch vtubers in significant numbers, they'd rather watch a twitch thot if anything.

>> No.21918113

Have you heard the expression "correlation does not imply causation" before?

>> No.21918118

>asking questions
Yikes. Meds, my son. Also please stop shitting up the thread with schizoposts, burger.

>> No.21918185

>youtube pays $4 for every 1000 views
>kiara gets 200k views per day.

Kiara makes $300k per year on VOD views alone.
She's one of the top-superchatted HoloEN's and makes about $400k a year on superchats.
Her 8,000 members bring in $500,000 per year.

So just on youtube analytics alone, Kiara makes in the ballpark of $1.2 million per year. But her merchandise deals, sponsored streams, and convention appearances completely dwarf this number. The Merchandise in particular. This easily brings her over $2 million, possibly up to $5 million

>> No.21918188

Like 90% of our Asians are the poo/paki/arab kind not the chink/gook/seanig kind. Hell I'd expect France to have the most seanigs if anyone, they were the ones that owned most of Indochina.

>> No.21918190

The IDs make fucking pennies, what are you on about?

>> No.21918265

Lol no they don't. They have viewers over 1k. That's like $250k per year.
That's what Rosemi earns. Rosemi....who quit her full time job to become a vtuber, who has a nightly average audience of 1.2k viewers.

>> No.21918303

>Vtuber subreddits have crossposting stats with asian male oriented subreddits
Doesn't seem so, anon.

>> No.21918330

she has a 'history'. thats all I can say without doxing. and it was tough for her.

she still carries scars from that time, which might explain your perception. I can't tell you what she really feels.

but I believe she does love her fans, as her actions speak louder than her words ever could.

this 'acerbic' way she talks. thats just her. she's unfiltered and honest, and it comes across as bitchy to a lot of people. but if you give her a chance, or can withstand your initial reaction for more than minute, you can see she's quite sweet and girly, and her honesty is refreshing and hilarious once you start to like it.

and in fact, its a lot of what KFP likes about her. she is truthful about her insecurities, and is more genuine.

>> No.21918381

A classic orange woman bad thread. This almost feels kind of nostalgic.

>> No.21918532

its what happened to her you retard

>> No.21918555
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you love her
you hate her
you love her
you hate her

why cant you faggots make a choice and stick to it?

>> No.21918569

>youtube pays $4 for every 1000 views
That isn't actually true.

>> No.21918625

>but I believe she does love her fans, as her actions speak louder than her words ever could.
>this 'acerbic' way she talks. thats just her. she's unfiltered and honest, and it comes across as bitchy to a lot of people. but if you give her a chance, or can withstand your initial reaction for more than minute, you can see she's quite sweet and girly, and her honesty is refreshing and hilarious once you start to like it.
Alright. I can buy that. I've met some people that come across as unlikable at first but turn out to be perfectly nice in the end. Thanks, KFP anon!

>> No.21918693

My apologies in that case, anon. Misunderstandings can happen, unfortunately. Have a nice one!

>> No.21918704

I LOVE that woman.

>> No.21918761

You need help?

>> No.21918982

I love her, she's the only Myth who's actually feminine and ladylike

>> No.21918986

You don't even know what you're talking about you fucking retard.

>> No.21918997

Worst design at debut
Grating voice with shitty mic (mic was later fixed)
Divisive personality
Favourite genre is a debuff
Lost the takamori buff

But all in all she just seems like someone it’d be draining to be around for long periods of time with her bipolar behaviour.

>> No.21919080

>That isn't actually true.
Yes it is anon. Go to google right now, find the answer for yourself. Every single source is saying the same thing. It's about $3-5 per 1000 views.

>> No.21919195

You could have 5 million subscribers but every big vtuber plateaus at ~20k and can only break that with special event streams.

>> No.21919216

>Euros vs Burgers
>Random Asian bullshit I don't even know how this one started
>Retard who doesn't know how money making on youtube works
>Shitty and boring Kiara shitposts that haven't changed after 2 years
What is the point of this thread?

>> No.21919309

I have a channel retard.
First of all, sources vary wildly, further, depending on the ads you get the variance can be of about 20x.
But also you have to keep in mind that those numbers are based on CPM, which is how much people pay for monetized playback, basically. This number is fictional.
The actual value is the RPM, which is after taking into account views that are, for any reason (like adblocks), not monetized. From what I hear and personal experience it's anywhere between 1/8th and 1/4th of the CPM.

>> No.21919538

The variance is given in the article you moron. It's between 3 and 5. That is the variance. It's basically around $4 plus or minus 1.
>I have a channel
Oh I suppose I just take your word for this. Yeah how about no.

>which is after taking into account views that are, for any reason (like adblocks), not monetized
That is taken into account in their estimate. The people writing the articles have access to the actual youtube data anon. Not whatever "channel" you have

>> No.21919554

>>all she talks about is Takamori
2020 egg, come to the future

>> No.21919603

Shes proud aryan now

>> No.21919637

They haven't given the Ametori firmware update to their bots.
Wasn't even true in 2020.

>> No.21919912
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Love my chicken wife amen

>> No.21919981

Needs another pink cat collab that’ll get her going again

>> No.21920056
File: 34 KB, 608x177, Screenshot_20220406-091737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Former KFP employee here.

4 things don't really help her:
> Stream time
She's in Europe time so she's usually streaming when I'm working and I can't always watch.

> Voice
Her chicken voice is fun but it does get tiring after a while.

> Charisma
She sometimes can't or won't play along some jokes. Or maybe I'm not used to her European humor that's a bit more direct than others I guess. Many time she's said something as a joke that left both me and the collab partner cold for a couple seconds.

> There are more girls around now
I was a huge fan last year, she was the only Myth girl I watched on the regular and would support her as much as possible. I still love her but content wise I vibe much better with IRyS who is cozier and plays along jokes better, and Fauna who's also cozier and has more charisma when collabing with others. Even Mumei I find more appealing she's also weird but I feel she integrates a bit better with others.

>> No.21920085

i watched that collab

she just spent 2 hrs raping her. is this what nyanners fans enjoy?

>> No.21920137

>Her chicken voice is fun
uhhh that's not the adjective I'd use. I think earbleed works better

>> No.21920165

>But every once in a while I notice her treating her chat/fans in a strangely acerbic way,
Do you really? Kiara is very open and warm to fans, she'll notice when one changes their profile picture. She is one of the few that not only allows but encourages back seating, meanwhile I could make this claim about any of the regular elden ring players who have all snapped at chat at least once.

>but always just looks at idols and idol culture from the perspective of a fan than of an actual idol.
See this is where it looks like you haven't watched any Kiara, cause her past idol activities are something she has openly talked about on stream.

>> No.21920753

You missed the point, it's not about nyanner or her fans, it's all about the orange woman and her fans.

>> No.21920967

If she worked on her narcissistic personality disorder, could read the room, and would fix her chicken voice, then she'd easily be more popular. It's okay, KFP. You're chicken can't be everything and she has pure, raw talent and drive. She's also dedicated to being an idol which automatically makes her better than over half of Hololive.

>> No.21921587

we don’t mind getting cucked
and tbf it was her first big collab outside of her friend group

>> No.21921728

>Do you really?
It's hard to properly explain because we're talking about subtle behavioral things, and I fully admit I could be wrong about this because of it being so subtle, but I'm talking about moments where she talks to her chat like she's expecting them to react badly to something that happened on stream, like she doesn't expect much of her fans or expects the worst from them, and not in a fun or jokey way either. The only example that comes straight to mind for me is this one:
It's possible that it's just me not gelling well with her personality, though. It's hard to say. That's why I'm curious what others think. For sure I'm not one of those schizos who thinks Kiara outright hates her fans or anything like that. There is nothing to suggest that.

>See this is where it looks like you haven't watched any Kiara, cause her past idol activities are something she has openly talked about on stream.
You'd think so, but strangely enough she's one of the EN livers I've watched more than others. I knew about her PL, but what I'm talking about is subtly different from saying that she dislikes idol culture or even being an idol. What I'm trying to say is that while she clearly enjoys idol culture as a fan and being an idol herself in parts (dancing, singing, performing in general,) she seems like her love of idol culture and being an idol is rooted in being a fan of idols and idol culture, rather than being a proper idol. Think about it like someone who loves rockstars, who wants to be a rockstar himself, who plays guitar well and manages to become popular, but who ultimately lacks that detached coolness that makes rockstars so iconic. The love and skill are there, but the attitude is that of a fan more-so than that of someone who is comfortable with the role.

>> No.21921854

She puts no effort into being more appealing or more relatable person. Not giving a shit about anime when anime fans are your main audience is very surprising, acts like she's a grown up lady now rewatching old american sitcoms. Nobody does that or wants to hear about it.

>> No.21922014

>A friend

>> No.21922483

Anon you posted this a week ago and everyone called you a schizo. You turned her happily cheering and telling everyone to clap for Ame into a negative. Not even a full clip, not even a full sentence. Half a sentence you have to take in a nonsensical way based on the assumption she assumes her fans hate Ame.

So now I want you to also post how all the other girls hate their fans cause in ER playthroughs they have snapped at chat. Ina even pinned posts telling them to stop suggesting stuff like summons Radahn.

>but who ultimately lacks that detached coolness that makes rockstars so iconic
That makes no sense after her Fes performance was the most idol like. Kiara gets controlling a crowd like no other EN. Or are we talking about solo streams, where none of the others attempt idol like behaviour. What about collabs where Kiara is the only one to inject idol like stuff, such as in the dance collabs where she brought in pre-concert idol stuff.

You're reaching for some random ethereal quality, cause nothing actually backs up your preconceived notion that was never based on anything.

>> No.21922730

>all she talks about is Takamori
Glad you could wake up from your coma, anon.

>> No.21922834

Bad hours for American audiences. Too much JP pandering with all the repeating thing she just said, but in Japanese.

>> No.21924282

>You turned her happily cheering
Nope. Not what I'm talking about.

> telling everyone to clap for Ame into a negative
Angrily telling everyone to clap for Ame, yeah. That's kinda weird. Wouldn't you assume everyone loves Ame and her performance? So why would you go "Grrr clap or I'll arrest you"?

>she assumes her fans hate Ame.
I don't think she assumed her fans hate Ame. I find it strange that she would have that reaction. Wouldn't she go "Omg that was so great, right guys?" rather than "You better clap or else"?

Btw, don't get hung up on this one example. Like I said, I have watched hundreds of hours of Kiara and I have seen similar moments all the time. This is just the one example that springs to mind instantly for me as emblematic of what I'm talking about.

>That makes no sense after her Fes performance was the most idol like
Now you're ignoring what I said, which is strange since my post was overly long. Kiara's performance was indeed the most idol-like. The rockstar analogy is just that, an analogy. I'm not talking about how she acts on a stage. You're taking that analogy too literally.

What I said is that I wonder if she approaches being an idol from the perspective of a fan and someone who enjoys the culture.

>You're reaching for some random ethereal quality
Cause I was making a guess as to why she would behave that way. Your guess is as good as mine.

>cause nothing actually backs up your preconceived notion that was never based on anything.
First of all, obviously wrong cause I showed you an example of the kinds of moments that happen all the time with her.

Secondly, I am curious as to your logic there. Where would this preconceived notion of mine come from? I'm someone who has likely watched as much, if not more, of her content than you. Do you think people just go "Hm, I hate this person now for no reason"? I'm not sure about you and you approach the world, but that's not a normal way of thinking. I saw that she had plenty of weird moments where she treated her chat/fans with a strangely negative attitude, and it started rubbing me the wrong way. Maybe some autists have trouble picking up on that, but, well, that's them.

>> No.21924502
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>only my members should ever watch me
Ideally this would be how ALL chuubas work. It would filter all the trash in the community so fucking hard. This board would be a paradise.

>> No.21924582

She streams at EU times.

>> No.21924635

>It makes as much sense as measuring your penis' length including your spine.
My cock is now two meters long. Checkmate dicklets.

>> No.21925083


Watch the clip, she wasn't being angry she was joking around with chat. She does the same thing when she threatens to send KFP to the usual room,threatens her members into not voting her off in among us, threatens to fire people if they don't let her win in Mario kart, or pulls out a gun/bat PNG and threatens chat with them.

Don't know if you're shitposting but you're taking this way too seriously.

In the case the whole rockstar bit it is because it is the trope of "ascended fanboy", she is more enthusiastic about it because she is living out her dream while for others it is just a job that they put out a certain image for better PR and marketing.

As someone who was diagnosed with Asperger's and acted similar to Kiara I can say she most likely has Asperger's or is on the spectrum. She comes off as a bitch and narcist because she is high functioning enough that you can't immediately tell.

>> No.21925137

EU timeslot.

>> No.21925159

narcissist* Don't know why auto correct didn't catch that for me.

>> No.21925258

That's what a debuff game is anon. People that watch Gura are not going to sit through 6 hours of Atelier Ryza every day for 2 weeks

>> No.21925533

The fact that she has so many subs when majority of her archive is Debuff games is pretty surprising.

If she played more games that wasn't JPRG and streamed like 5 hours later she could probably real in more views during the EN dead hours.

>> No.21925541

Surely that's a reason why her numbers should be bigger? She had no competition (like Luxiem) and has been around for over a year now. I just don't get it. France, Russia (lol) and the UK have an active anime scene. Not like the US of course but still.

>> No.21925542

>Not what I'm talking about.
Yeah you're ignored most to take half a sentence one way. So I'm gonna ignore you repeating vague assumptions 10 times, and instead return to why don't you have this reaction to any time any other tubers have genuinely snapped at chat? Gura stopped playing ER cause she hated how chat was acting, omg she hates her fans! Ame and Witcher anyone?

>Wouldn't you assume everyone loves Ame and her performance?
>I don't think she assumed her fans hate Ame.
lmao keep your story straight

>> No.21925614
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>7th 3+ hour Yakuza stream
>Early start
>Over 4k and climbing

>> No.21925939

People here are confused about her lack of success(lower than INA, who puts way less effort into this) because KFP are full-on delusional coping mode about every single one of her issues. It's neat to watch the propaganda machine in action, actually.

>she doeesn't care about numbers
You mean she gave up whining about being the runt of her gen and started coping hard instead. Sour grapes.
>acktually I like her voice/grew on me
Interesting how this only seems to happen with people already in love with her or with very obvious KFP false-flaggers.
>she's the most energetic in collabs
Because she smothers everyone else, MEMEME goes in full effect as she hates not being included/the center of attention
>schroddinger's GFE
KFP here both claim she is and that she isn't depending on what's better for their current argument. "She doesn't pander! She loves us parasocially! Ha, it's only the members! What are you talking about, she doesn't do this shit. Oh wait she just did, love the pseudo-gfe chicken!"
>poor chikin, she's a nerd/loser just like us
She, like 80% of the cosplay community, is nothing but a failed Stacy. You can't throw a rock in /cgl/ without hitting someone like her. Ironically enough, just like in cosplay the failed Stacies lose to actual cuteness.
>she has problems keeping her mouth shut, somehow this means she is completely unable to hold any secrets from us! :^)
This is one of the worst KFP copes imo, and in this point KFP are worse than fandeads.

>> No.21926003

>Over a million subs
>In a lightning bottle gen
>A lot of experience and a huge celebrity in the industry
She's a failure. How the fuck she kept up in subs with Ina is beyond me. People keep saying she plays shit games for hours, but her subs have climbed at the same rate as Ina's who plays decent games and is both talented and a solid gamer. People obviously like what she's doing or they wouldn't subscribe. Ina holds her CV so why can't Kiara?

>> No.21926132

>a low iq /pol/ post.
As if there's any other kind of post in /pol/

>> No.21926383

>narcissistic personality disorder,
How is it you eggs still think chimkin is clockbitch?

>> No.21926507

peak /vt/sisters post

>> No.21927071

Is Mori unironically the perfect Holo? She's been streaming the most and has the best numbers to back it up.

>> No.21927272

On paper, yes. In reality she's the catalyst for everything bad that already has and is yet to come. Kiara is a fucking saint compared to Mori so it's a shame to see her struggle, relatively speaking.

>> No.21927360

I love Kiara but sometimes it looks like she's trying too hard and it filters people

>> No.21927541
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The slow and steady Trojan-horsing of the EN hobby has multiple culprits, VShojo first among them, then Mori as an occasional point of discord within Hololive itself, then the success of NijiEN's man wave. Regardless I think this was inevitable when vtubing reached the AIDS-ridden West. If it wasn't these people, it would be others.

>> No.21929650

>Watch the clip, she wasn't being angry she was joking around with chat. She does the same thing when she threatens to send KFP to the usual room,threatens her members into not voting her off in among us, threatens to fire people if they don't let her win in Mario kart, or pulls out a gun/bat PNG and threatens chat with them.
See, I can buy that. Just a matter of not being into that sort of thing then, rather than a matter of her having a negative attitude toward her chat.
>Don't know if you're shitposting but you're taking this way too seriously.
Neither, really. It's just the second time I asked this question and got a response from this schizo projecting here >>21925542 and wondered if somebody could actually give a non-schizo-post response until you posted one. Thanks anon!

>> No.21930078

She filtered my poorfag ass with that hyperchat members only bs. If she wants her chat members only, set her chat to members only or the stream to members only, YouTube allows that, and deal with the consequences of it later.

It's a shame, because she was my favorite at the beginning, and she did go out of her way to try making everyone regardless of donations feels special, I'll not anti her or anything, but I will not watch her anymore unless collabs or whatever.

>> No.21930315

Yeah. A lot of EN playing the same normie trash is why I don't watch them. I don't find Kiara super relatable, but she at least has good taste in games.

Problem is why would I watch her when I can watch Pekora?

>> No.21930460

This seems like KFP cope but if you check some of the JP side, there subs aren't growing that well either. Did you know it almost took Haachama 2 months to grow from 1.34m to 1.35m? Korone has been stuck at 1.79m for at least over 2 weeks now. The average for getting 10k subs has slow down quite a bit for most of Hololive. It might take 10 days to 2 weeks to get 10k subs for the average member. Faster if they drop an original/cover, do endurance stream, certain meme game that gets popular that week, or some special event like new outfit, birthday or something. The popular ones hover around 4~5 days. Faster if they do the things listed above or slower if they have many long breaks from their channel.

>> No.21932276

Are you stupid? I literally opened with "for me", of course this is not objective. There are no objective measurements on how much you like someone you turd.

>> No.21932345

She doesn't stream popular stuff. She's like Lize from Nijisanji, playing JRPGs all day. There's an audience for this but it's not huge.

>> No.21932481
File: 64 KB, 350x500, 619cOgCxF6L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

design debuff

by the looks of it she meddled with her papa design and created an hybrid
that doesnt quite looks like Huke art

classic unnecessary editorial meddling

>> No.21932884

I mean yeah, no shit Sherlock. She long build her fanbase for NA so that's where her viewership comes from. Do you think because she decided to throw a random bone in the wild suddenly all of EU jumps into it like some starved hyenas?
If you want a proper measurement you need someone who actually tried to tap into the EU market by building her fanbase there, someone where people know they can watch her after work etc etc.
And of course someone who actually resonates with the people.

>> No.21933432

The success of the NijiEN male wave is nothing to do with the west.

>> No.21935197

NTA. Agreed, but I think that the specific fans it has, does. There is a huge difference between japanese fujoshis and western fujoshis. The former are lonely weirdos. The latter are narcissistic and usually political extremists whose main goal in life is dragging everyone down to be as bitter as they are. Any place invaded by them will suffer for it.

>> No.21936560

i think that most of the viewers of NIJI males are from China

>> No.21938146

Interesting. Not saying you're wrong, but is there something that shows that to be the case?

>> No.21944273

She puts on a character voice like most JP holos but it doesn't work as well for her. Her "chicken voice" filters a lot of people and she refuses to drop it for pride reasons.

>> No.21945316

TakaMori is an eternally shambling zombie. I fully believe that even if one of them got married to someone else TakaMori would still get more art and fanfic.
