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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 439 KB, 720x900, Fulgur_Ovid_portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21873918 No.21873918 [Reply] [Original]

Fat Neckbeard Edition.

Previously: >>21532060

Literature Link https://rentry

>> No.21874288
File: 380 KB, 1325x950, tmkn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

male op image results in dead thread

>> No.21874315

Fatass Fulgur! Hit the gym fatfuck!

>> No.21874447

for better or worse i made my regular type of OP before noticing this >>21874361
not a fan of cluttering the catalog, but it's already there

>> No.21874461

Fungus is fat? That explains a lot.

>> No.21874618

alright this thread it is

>> No.21874723
File: 229 KB, 1448x2048, FGnUGHZWQAAB-70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21878099


>> No.21878806

When will this faggot whale graduate?

>> No.21880590

He's disabled, dude. He uses a standing desk and goes on walks though, so he's definitely trying his best not to use it as a blanket excuse. He also has stomach issues that seem to keep him eating healthy for the most part, although he DID eat those 24 takoyaki when 6 made him full.

Anyway, I'm a female architect and I am over the moon. Fulgur was already my oshi, too.

>> No.21880979

I just wonder how much of the disability is due to being fat (the standing thing, the shit he said about having almost no tensile strength) or if he got disabled, THEN got fat
All his talk about posture, the euthanasia joke where he said he didn't want to go through euthanizing himself after he got medical help. I can't architect with a clear conscience.

>> No.21881128

As far as I can figure, he was modestly fat, then disability made it worse. But yeah, it's testing my morality for sure. I would be doing my best to make sure he's healthy, in all realism.

>> No.21886898


You can set up a standing desk to sit down you retarded femcel, what will it take to get through your head that he has to look in a mirror just to see his junk. He is one bad comment away from graduating life, so I hope he doesn't read this board.

>> No.21887124 [DELETED] 

He regularly changes to standing mode mid-stream and encourages everyone to take stretch breaks with him. And I never denied the second point. I agree with you on that last point, though. Should probably report this thread.

>> No.21887355

He regularly changes to standing mode mid-stream and encourages everyone to take stretch breaks with him. And I never denied the second point. I agree with you on that last point, though...

>> No.21891904

>Fat Neckbeard Edition.

>> No.21891939


>> No.21891984
File: 161 KB, 842x517, 1640262274597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21892088


>> No.21892089

I love him.

>> No.21892101


>> No.21892145
File: 276 KB, 480x480, FNzHsY5aQAU9hgy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Fulgur, bitch!
I ain't ever gonna stop loving Fulgur, bitch!
Please draw fat Fulgur, bitch!

>> No.21892169

>thread was deleted

>> No.21892220

He's going to see it and become depressed and kill himself. I can't. The idea of fat Vox turns me on though he's quite the slob

>> No.21892363

Fair. I'll settle for Vox. God, I love to see skinny men get chubby. Not even fat, just chubby. It's always enough to fuck them up in the head.

>> No.21892684

How would fat Fulgur art even work, with cyborg limbs? Would those get bigger too?

>> No.21893109

Exactly. We saw his wrists and legs and they're normal (wrists are bony but you can be chubby with skinny wrists) but the idea of Vox buying more lavish foods with his fat anycolor paycheck and going for pizza runs more often while streaming, unbuckling his belt on the mic because lately his pants have been too snug... he already does this shit on stream it's a goldmine
To top it all off he acts very posh and sexual

>> No.21893347

Micake is going to be real, and it is going to be glorious. From a shortcake to a three layer. He'd be red velvet with cream cheese frosting, I think...
