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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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2177320 No.2177320 [Reply] [Original]

Amelia seems like an edibles and acid girl

>> No.2177706

Unlikely, actually. Her mom was a (possibly druggie) deadbeat and kids of those types are extra cateful not to do drugs or drink alcohol since they're genetically inclined to become addicts as well. She even stated onstream she doesn't really drink.

>> No.2177868

Gura is one bad day away from opioids.

>> No.2177907
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Choco. She's a nurse so she has an easy access to drugs.

>> No.2178029

uses weed and is an actual alcoholic, so this has the most possibility

>> No.2178045


>> No.2178072

Mori's talked about smoking weed once, and only once
Amelia probably tokes off stream or mutes herself and hits it on stream

>> No.2178083

Back in za day

>> No.2178112

Amelia wouldn't be able to play Apex if she was high as shit

>> No.2178789

Matuli seems to be on something when she streams

>> No.2178809

addictions aren't genetic

>> No.2179112

You only need one google search to check for yourself anon

>> No.2179186

Probably none of the Japs or Indos because Asian cultures, especially the entertainment industry, are very strict about drug use.

>> No.2181909

Druggie kids get addicted easier. Same with alcoholics. Doesn't mean they're born addicted to meth.

>> No.2183148

>it's a drug addict projects his habits on to others episode

>> No.2183267

Amelia said she rarely drinks alcohol so I doubt she would be into weed since it's basically the same but worse

>> No.2183742
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you're a SEAnigger rrat kys newfag

>> No.2183794


this comes from someone who has never done edibles

>> No.2184632

Doesn't her roommate have a pot leaf tattoo?

>> No.2184746

Silvervale seems like she's probably into some nasty harsh shit if you ask me

>> No.2184799

Yeah that's true I don't know shit really. I've never even been drunk once in my life and probably never will be.

>> No.2184858

Wester Vtubers in general probably smoke weed at the very least. Wouldn't be surprised if they do harder stuff. Hell Stamper was just revealed to do meth

>> No.2184868


>> No.2184962

Anonchama... your biology reps....

>> No.2185032

Out of vshoujo, I'm pretty confident that Nyan and Froot both smoke pot but that's probably as far as they go. Vale otoh is probably doing black tar and krokodil behind a dumpster as a daily routine.

>> No.2195064

Stamper what?

>> No.2195312
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what? bro at LEAST half of all players in Apex are currently ripped off their ass. When I was a full on pot head I was ripping hits from the bong in between every match

>> No.2195375

how old are you that you still blurt out bullshit you have absolutely no understanding of

>> No.2196436

Amelias room mate had a dirty bong filled with a dark green and brown sludge

>> No.2196725

Doesn't she also have a bf?

>> No.2196835


>> No.2196940

Yes and he's black

>> No.2197917

Who the fuck makes holodollars and still has a room mate?

>> No.2197951

Bait or newfag?

>> No.2198639

if we're talking about ENtubers, then Snuffy just hits on stream, is sexually pent up and into a bunch of extreme fetishes like a hypochondriac.
There's that bitch with the horrible voice (Veibae) that must also be high all the fucking time.

>> No.2198665

I'm assuming you're new, so "roommate" is a fan term for the actor behind the character.

>> No.2199700

Only reason Lamy's not into hard drugs is because she's in Japan.

>> No.2200080

While true, smoking weed is something a lot of college students do in Japan, they just have to be way more careful about it.

>> No.2200102

Mori also has a line in one of her songs about doing lines of coke.

>> No.2200219

I just checked and no, I'm not sure what that tattoo on her arm is. It kinda looks like a mesoamerican tribal mask.

>> No.2200272

>just revealed
he told a ton of fucked up stories in Sleepycabin, it's a miracle he's still alive.

>> No.2200299

>just revealed
What hasn't Stamper fucking done at this point?

>> No.2200324
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Amelia definitely did some shit and it's probably one of her "darker stories that she would rather conceal to herself" as she put it in her streams

>> No.2200352

looks like the sublime logo to me, which is legally the same as a leaf tattoo

>> No.2200395

Looks a little crude for the sublime logo

>> No.2200663

In all honesty, yeah I'm pretty sure Ame smokes pot.

>> No.2201174

Gura seems to have carried over her alcoholism from -zawa days and probably smokes pot too.
I can see Ame possibly smoking weed, idk about anything else.
Mori probably smokes.
Kiara seems like she might legit have unmedicated ADHD so she probably needs to smoke weed.

I know Snuffy smokes weed and possibly does mushrooms. At the rate things are going it won't be long until Melody succumbs to peer pressure and smokes weed too, they already got her to start drinking regularly.

Ironmouse is unironically on harder drugs than any of them with the level of painkillers she's probably getting pumped into her

>> No.2201221


>> No.2202003

Mori mentions that she smokes cigars about once a year when she gets in the mood. She also claimed not to smoke cigarettes.

>> No.2202348

>Mori also has a line in one of her songs about doing lines of coke.
She's a rapper. Rap is entirely about praising degeneracy and making it sound cool, even if it's stuff the person singing would never actually do.

>> No.2202351

rrat. im her bf and im not black

>> No.2203021

>Rap is entirely about praising degeneracy and making it sound cool
Why are there no music videos with twerking dakis, shimapan raining from the ceiling, and tentacle monsters then?

>> No.2204589

Wasn't the type of smoke I was talking about anon and most people who smoke weed differentiate it from smoking cigarettes/cigars

>> No.2215172

It's just a sun with a face on it, not the dude weed sun

>> No.2216622

Have you heard about Melonpan?

>> No.2220250
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When I heard how excited Mori got seeing 420 during the recent collab it seemed subconscious. She is also the one I imagine would be the most fun to smoke with.

>> No.2225043

Gura smokes mids

>> No.2225099

I remember a relatively early stream of hers she mentioned she actually doesn't like weed because it makes her even more nervous. I have friends who say the same so I buy it.

>> No.2226813

Amelia is the most American so i'm sure she's smoked weed at least once in her life.

>> No.2228159

Yea this is true. It doesn't prove anything but I would still count it as moving mori up the ranking of "more likely" to have done drugs, if only a tiny bit.

>> No.2228228

You can play Apex if you're fucking disabled, the game is that easy.

>> No.2228315

Ame definitely seems like the type to smoke weed. Gura as well.

>> No.2228521

Gura probably smoke weed before and during stream. The way she gets lost in games and the way she talks is really similar to how I get when Im two bowls deep. Its also why the first hour or two of her streams kinda suck. Once the weed has worn off her streams are a lot more interesting.

>> No.2229042
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Mouse is definitely on something

>> No.2229655

That's a result of having a THC allergy, it makes you paranoid.
