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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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21758803 No.21758803 [Reply] [Original]

Charzu edition

All song covers:

【Charlotte Suzu シャーロット・スズ】

【Isla Coleman アイラ・コールマン】

【Nene Amano 天野寧々】

【Reina Sun レイナ・サン】

【Hana Flores ハナ・フローレス】(Graduated)

【Neena Makurano 】

【Aruru Gray アルル・グレイ 】(Graduated)

【Lua Asuka 飛鳥瑠藍】

【Namiji Freesia ナミジ・フリージア】

【Shee Icho 銀杏しい 】

▼Kawaii Friends
Prism >>>/vt//ppg/
Phase Connect >>>/vt//pcg/
Tsunderia >>>/vt//tsun/
CyberLive >>>/vt/clg/
Reiny - https://twitter.com/Reiny_ENVT
Yuuka - https://twitter.com/YuukaBear1
Ebi - https://twitter.com/ushioebi
Rei - https://twitter.com/akumako_rei

Previous thread: >>21619615

>> No.21758840


>> No.21758872
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Isla-sama in an hour. Will she cry about an embarrassing work situation again?

>> No.21759275

Isla-chama sure is cute

>> No.21759987

Thanks OP

Let's hope her coworkers are kinder to her today

>> No.21761256

>tfw you can't give Lua a back massage

>> No.21761999

One day I will give her a sports massage
t. Mr. Personal trainer

>> No.21762943
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Isla started btw.

>> No.21763038

Traced art btw

>> No.21763163

Isla confirmed 30k merch

>> No.21763430

What's the useful merch she keeps talking about?

>> No.21763536

We'll find out on her 30k stream

>> No.21763585

lots of merch lately/coming up
>Nami 10K keychains
>Reina 30K mug
>Lua 20K keychains
>Isla 30K merch
>Shee birthday/10K merch
>Gen 1 anniversary merch Please release a Charzu plush

>> No.21763788

When is the first anniversary?

>> No.21764076

April 28th - 30th.

>> No.21764566

>Isla has a big bed full of stuffed animals

>> No.21765364

"Justin Bieber is gay, I hate him" - Isla Coleman

>> No.21765915

>am feeb ians
Isla your English...

>> No.21766668

Can't say I expected to watch Isla watching people milk a platypus on stream today

>> No.21768497

I like Nenes asmr, how are her membership asmr ones if she does them?

>> No.21768694

Nene does not do member's only ASMR.

>> No.21768894
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lying whore

>> No.21769004
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>> No.21769144

I don't think she has done any member's only karaoke either but she might have just removed the vod for copyright reasons.

>> No.21769399

At least you didn’t pay 50 dollars for a personalized message that never happened

>> No.21770334

Take the Neena pill

>> No.21770363


>> No.21770420


>> No.21770538

Don't get either fanbox, both are scams.

>> No.21770797

Isla bought an eye mask for sleeping, because she didn't realize she could turn off the lights.

>> No.21771158

so how long do i have to pick up merch before it goes off sale usually? i dont see a specific date. i was thinking of picking up Lua's merch even though it's kinda bad and i hate booth

>> No.21771162

what do you want them to post then? I've subbed to both and neena's is treated more like a daily blog which she specified in the descriptions so it's not a scam as it's what she's stated and does upload art and more, where as nene's is very minimal effort and i want her to post more since i wanted to get more daily life out of her too.

>> No.21771620

I sleep during the day and all I did was buy blackout curtains.
Also eye masks have a tendency to promote eye styes

>> No.21771742

Why is it so fucking hot how old this birb is? What did she do to me?

>> No.21772224

Didn't mean you aren't meant to like her. It was just somehow obvious that you are new to her, maybe because every other Sheebro during the **** arc was basically cucked by him so much so that it was it's own meme. That's why people here talk about him fucking up and fumbling.
I remember him talking about the lack of sleep as well. Probably contributed a decent amount to him deciding to just leave.

>> No.21772859

It makes you wanna save her from a life of spinsterhood and turn her into a bride and mother of your children before it's too late.

>> No.21775951

Did Nene release her schedule yet?

>> No.21775994


>> No.21776279
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>> No.21776439

Wait, what the hell? What did I miss?????

>> No.21776508

Work and she's going on vacation

>> No.21776713

Just when I was about to quit my current job and would be able to watch her streams
Fuck life

>> No.21777226

why are you quitting anon?

>> No.21778110

I’m an uni student, got a part time job to help with the bills and get some experience on my field but I’m good now
Don’t worry, I wouldn’t quit just to watch her streams

>> No.21781156

I do spend a lot of time thinking about how much I want to impregnate her and take responsibility for it.

Maybe this is the secret to hag sex - and why some girls get sexposts and the others don't.

I believe cakes and hags conduct themselves in a way that subliminally (or at times overtly) communicates their intrinsic breedability. Intentionality varies but the outcome is ultimately the same. The seed of the need to breed is planted in our minds, our hearts, and our cocks.

I wonder how consistently this theory holds up...

picrel https://twitter.com/YatonoLevi/status/1466239263301795842

>> No.21782172

kawaii doesn’t do limited time sales, so you have until they sell out of stock

>> No.21782930

If it's any consolation, she's going to try and do guerilla streams on those days marked with no stream, so there might still be something.

>> No.21786069

That face...

>> No.21788675

Neena streams when she plays good games are fun.

>> No.21789926

Neena's schedule is looking really good this week. Seems like she's keen to improve indeed.

>> No.21790576
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Nami Final Fantasy XV stream in 30 mins - https://youtu.be/35xRxhNeaKU

>> No.21791212

For years now I've had a speck of dirt on my monitor that I'm intentionally not cleaning off, because sometimes when I'm looking at art it looks like a well placed beauty mark that only I can see. This is one of those times. The speck has lined up with one of Nami's sweaty healer tits.

>> No.21792454


>> No.21792994

Nene is way too fucking cute
I can't handle it

>> No.21793362

I've passed on playing FFXV for years cuz they kept adding on DLCs but then never did since apparently it sucks. Guess I'll vicariously play it through Nami

>> No.21793633

>fiesta outfit

>> No.21793674


>> No.21796430

>Nami explaining how the radio segments are time sensitive and change as you progress
>Kevin: That sucks, why would they lock them like that?

Lmao what a tard. Do PeruANOs not grasp the concept of time?

>> No.21796544

she's a gamer after all. just needs some suggestions on the good games!

>> No.21797702

Is Nene okay with backseating? I don’t like doing it but sometimes she forgets basic game mechanics

>> No.21797934

Kind of surprised she isn't playing SoP since it just released then again XV doesn't require your full attention so its probably a good chatting game

>> No.21798142

Does she play on PC? The PC port for SoP is really bad and you can't stream the end of the game so maybe it's because of this.

>> No.21798516

Nami is cooking up some tendies

>> No.21798770

Nami really likes this game.

>> No.21799191

Nami cat noises..

>> No.21799212

>eats tendies
>doesn't wear underwear
>sits around in her pajamas all day playing video games
Nami's a neet! A NEET!

>> No.21799351

You heard Nami, be a good boywife like Ignis

>> No.21799483

I love my GirlHusband Nami!

>> No.21799867

Nami feeding you tendies and then breastfeeding you for dessert!

>> No.21800046

Nami really likes boys

>> No.21800153
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Lots of new games this week.

>> No.21800919


>> No.21801004

nursing handjob with nami...

>> No.21802518

nursing handjob orgasm denial with nami...

>> No.21804934

Nene's doing guerilla streams.

>> No.21805017

CBT with Nami...

>> No.21806111

we know she does commissions and just finished uni sometime last year, so not surprising she isn’t in a full-time job rn

>> No.21806243

I’m gonna guerrilla her tummy

>> No.21806636

>Tales of Arise
Charzu... your viewer count...

>> No.21806776

Is it true Kawaii is full of hags?

>> No.21807026

i think we have more cake than hags but some probably aren't far off

>> No.21807198

I think the only hag is Lua, which is why she's best girl

>> No.21807395

pretty sure Neena is at least 30 as well

>> No.21808126

Yeah. RPGs are fun to play but not fun to watch unless they are short.

>> No.21808263

Threesome with those two old hags...

>> No.21808451

>Nene's finally quitting her job

>> No.21808471


>> No.21809179

Nene finally delivered something else in her fanbox
It was so cute that I forgive her for being this late

>> No.21809200

Will she finally make up for the missed fanbox content?

>> No.21809235

Probably. Not having to split her time should do some good on that front.

>> No.21809238

Oh I guess that answers that kek

>> No.21809533
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Yeah, I'm really happy for her, from the bottom of my heart.
She deserves it.

>> No.21812962

page 10...

>> No.21812990

>two generations
>still overlap constantly
gen 3 better fix dead hours

>> No.21813582

anyone have screenshots of nerd's schizo moment on twitter?
or links if it's still up

>> No.21813898

Nope, he nuked it all before anyone got some.

>> No.21814135

what was the issue exactly? I understand he said something that can be read as upsetting and that ticked her off or something

>> No.21814300

I think Nene is actually improving in Elden Ring

>> No.21814519

Imo, he went full schizo over a nothing burger ans was too autistic to fix/get over it. It's like having a dent in a car and just getting rid of the whole thing because you can't handle the minor flaw and don't think it can be fixed to be the same.
It's also partially due to overdosed on the Gosling pill. Perhaps he knew he's in too deep as well and just hit the emergency self destruct button

>> No.21814603

but what was the nothing burger? I saw his schizo rants here, but not the twitter ones (if there were any)

>> No.21814722

he went schizo over shee saying that she really only follows artists back on twitter and nerd basically had a breakdown because he's an artist and she didn't follow him. he tried to turn it into a joke and saying he was unfollowing her etc. also had a meltdown with her referring to multiple people when replying to him on twitter because he had it in his brain he thought he should be treated special/distinguished as an individual

>> No.21814891

even in my biggest hermit phase I never got that bad, jeez.
hope him nuking everything will help his mental health

>> No.21814917

I don't know exactly myself, but that's apparently pretty much it. My understanding of the events is that he joked about something, Shee thought he was being serious and it upset her because of an earlier situation, he apologised but Shee was still pissed so he just gave up and left.

I personally think it's a bit of an overreaction on his part to nuke everything but he did seem lucid enough to know he was going through a schizo arc and wanted to drop it before it got worse. Seems like it worked so good for him I guess.

I don't think he was actually upset over the following thing based on the parts of the conversation I saw.

>> No.21815089

>he thought he should be treated special/distinguished as an individual
Shee did treat him like that, it was a running joke in these threads that Shee was the Nerd GFE. Can't believe he dropped a chuuba that he had pretty much succeeded in grooming.

>> No.21815126

>because he had it in his brain he thought he should be treated special/distinguished as an individual
I mean, she did treat him like that though.

>> No.21815260

she said "you guys" to him once on twitter and that prompted him to get bitchy about it. that's beyond the level she had established

>> No.21815302

So you've never seen Shee stream where she spends most of her chat interaction going back and forth with him?

>> No.21815487

>He could've had a Shee GF
Is this the biggest fuck up of all time?

>> No.21815553

no, the fuckup was me saying anything about shee to begin with. I have created a crossthread mess.

>> No.21815617

then why did she say "you guys?"
do you really want one? she's seems fun but something feels off about her

>> No.21815678

And they immediately made up with a brief conversation and had a long ass thread flirting after that gave me a dose of secondhand embarrassment to last a lifetime.
The movie twitter spaces were something else entirely too, it was literally just them two talking for 95% of the time. I would kill a man to get that kind of attention from my oshi.

>> No.21815766

because she was speaking in a general sense instead of specifically to him in that instance

>> No.21815794

That one I had actually the opportunity to read because he didn't originally delete it. She just said "you guys" because she thought the conversation was more general and he overthinked it.

>> No.21815848

Speaking of Shee, she's about to play some more Elden Ring!

>> No.21816616

I don't know, I have to agree with >>21815617 If she really is a perma-single at her age like she claims there has to be something off or she's just lying which wouldn't suprise me, we are talking about vtubers after all.

It's not really your fault, the Nerd arc was just so intervowen with Shee that any discussion about her will result in at least a mention about him. It will probably pass eventually after people forget, but it will take time.

>> No.21817287

I like Nene because you can just call her cute or say "I love you" at literally any moment and she'll say thank you or "I love you too" even if it has nothing to do with what she's currently doing.

>> No.21817336

Maybe she was tired of dogs and decided to give a guy a chance? Now that he fucked up and went schizo she ran back to dogs.

>> No.21817753

I think you got it, genius level deduction.

>> No.21818106

>she ran back to dogs.
>implying she ever left

>> No.21818223

I like Lua because she will talk about farting and pooping at least once per stream

>> No.21818616

please tell me someone is making a supercut of that

>> No.21818965

I'm sure shaaaang has it covered

>> No.21818972

Do it yourself shaaang

>> No.21819041

there is nothing wrong with liking poop

>> No.21819135

get out of here Lua

>> No.21819533

*liking dogs

>> No.21819543

How often do you think the girls come /here/? I know that the managers have to be reading this, but not sure if the girls come often

>> No.21819697

I would say every other day or around that

>> No.21819992

All day
>Nami and Neena
Very often
Once in awhile looking for schizos to destroy

Don't know about the others

>> No.21820147

All of them obsessively check it for posts about themselves.

>> No.21820587

She is 24, she said during the last marshmallow stream.

>> No.21820767

If the Shenmue cut is anything to go off of, then Nami checks fairly regularly, or at the very least on days that she has streamed to see if we've said anything about it.

>> No.21820896

She's said many different ages. Before that stream she said she was 30. It's part of her opsec

>> No.21824085

She's making all the Selen bait threads

>> No.21824244

She's making all the pregnant Selen statues in Yubicraft.

>> No.21824411

>pregnant Selen statues
Is there really? Lmao

>> No.21824963

I saw a lot of pregnant chuuba photos, but I'm sure there are some statues as well. I walked into a shrine of some kind where the walls were made up entirely of pregnant Selen pictures, broken up only by a single one of the Niji CEO giving an approving thumbs up.

>> No.21827019

>charzu is using the dub

revoke her weeb card right now

>> No.21827256

Tales of Charzu is live!

>> No.21827884

Well she did play Yakuza with the dub as well.

>> No.21828035

I didn't even know Yakuza had a dub, but that seems like it would defeat the whole point of the game.

>> No.21828054

Dubs are better if you want to read chat as the cutscene plays.

>> No.21828162

To be fair it wasn't really bad except a few parts, i liked it.

>> No.21828286


>> No.21828539

that's really nice of her, honestly always just assumed everyone keeps vtubing a secret from parents

>> No.21828623

>looking for schizos to destroy
Nah, the schizo whore-posters scared Nene back to her hugbox echo chambers. After the dox, there was an anon we speculated to be Neena or Nami, who said that Nene wouldn't be here anymore because we were big ole meanies to her.

>> No.21828753
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How do you guys compare?

>> No.21830037

Good, Nene deserves only big love, care and protection

>> No.21832608

I don't know about Neena or Lua but the other girl's parents know about them Vtubing. Reina's mom was on stream and Charzu's mom has rated chat's waifu.
It might be a relief to some that their daughters aren't exposing themselves to the internet.

>> No.21834855

Watching Shee playing Elden Ring is something else, not sure who's worse, her or Nene at this point??

>> No.21835942

That's retarded because the schizos came from her fanbox anyways

>> No.21836234

Give them a break, they're girls

>> No.21836644

Nene is actually slightly better than Shee at video game but she's more headstrong and indepedent so she takes only the minimal backseating and would stubbornly try to defeat things beyond her level over and over
Shee is slightly worse but she would seek the maximum help from chat as well as being overly cautious and finding the easiest way possible to get things done for herm

>> No.21837076


>> No.21837113

Leave me alone Nami

>> No.21837888

I think one of our previous schizos just decided to stop drinking as much and be a good boi. Unless I'm the schizo for seeing the same chat mannerisms out of two different accounts...

>> No.21837893

I see Shee uses the dogs summon

>> No.21838083

She can't help it

>> No.21838234

has shee learned any other spells yet?

>> No.21839351

Is that the one Nene had managment take care of?

>> No.21839915

Actually talked to that guy personally. Ig he never got "taken care of" or anything. Seems he let his personal shit leak where he shouldn't have, got a warning, and decided to not be so sloppy. Nene totally knows it's him, and still treats him pretty well. He appears in Reina and Charzu chats more now.

>> No.21840097

I think he did feel a bit bad that his drunken schizo blow up actually trigger and enable the doxschizo fag to make a move on nene's dox (2 different schizos fyi)

>> No.21840758

You think they ask each other if they've been shitposting? I bet Neena is sending them everything we say

>> No.21841012

I don't wanna tag like 20 different posts so I'll just say that you guys can search the archive for "Nerd you fucking idiot" if you wanna see the thread with the immediate aftermath and his thoughts on it. Also I don't think he ever actually made it as far as we joked about, or we would be having a very different conversation right now.

I hope soundcloudanon actually managed to quit drinking, or at least has it under control. All I remember is that he made it 4 days sober then I didn't hear anything about him again until that public warning tweet from the management account. I mean they never mentioned him by name of course but it was an easy assumption to make since he kept quoting lyrics about having his throat slit lol, can only imagine what kinda lyrics he was sending to Nene

Yeah they were 2 different people. Although for like a few weeks or so after that, the doxfag(s) were trying to gaslight the thread into thinking it was him, which was fucking retarded because while they were digesting their 3day he was still posting the morning after about how he wanted to get sober for Nene.

>> No.21841312

I got sober for nene... didn't wanna post on here of all places about it... shame reached critical mass ya know. Her karaoke rn is totally sick.

>> No.21842610
File: 875 KB, 1920x1080, 1637595153250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These threads need more images.

>> No.21842891

Based, glad to hear it. Do it for her.

>> No.21844836

>Also I don't think he ever actually made it as far as we joked about, or we would be having a very different conversation right now.
What do you mean?

>> No.21844843

What is the deel with Neena

>> No.21845569

I usually post them whenever somebody is live, or if I'm talking about how much I like Nami, but I made the mistake of not labeling which pictures are/aren't member's only, so I usually stick to screenshots of their models to be safe.

>> No.21845601


>> No.21845715

she's reformed, pushing to be better.

>> No.21845916

Looking at Nami's twitter I don't even see any art of her...maybe I'm just ignorant of the unwritten rules of skebs, but her twitter seems to be either photos of her model, irl stuff like lip balm, or schedules. I don't see any art looking as far back as a month.
Will try and post more streams as well if I can, most of them stream when I'm still asleep so I mostly stick to vods thanks insomnia

>> No.21846070

Nami has def gotten skebs! she just doesn't use them.. don't know why. doesn't make twitter updates with art, doesn't use them for YT thumbnails, probably doesn't care about them. NAMI HATE

Also me being slightly salty cause I got her skeb and she didn't use it.

>> No.21846182

I don't use social media, but I'll check her and Lua's twitters maybe once a month if I'm bored. Nami will retweet art, but I know she hardly ever uses her skeb budget, because I think she's unsure of what to get.
Most of the girls start at fucked times for me, either while I'm asleep or while I'm at work, but I try to post livestream links with pics of who I watch when I've woken up in the mornings or on weekends, but sometimes I'll sleep in instead.

>> No.21846219

She uses fanart that artists make themselves over commissioned skebs, maybe she appreciates those more I don't know. I don't know if it's just me but it seems that these girls get less fanart since they have a skeb allowance, maybe artists feel they don't to draw it fanart.

>> No.21846384

I've never bought a skeb, since if I'm spending money on a chuuba, I usually just throw it at Streamlabs, but I really need to learn how to fucking draw.

>> No.21846413

Skebs are still better than just hoping some artist draws them though

>> No.21846601

I don't really expect them to, but yeah.

>> No.21847243

so she's a bitch and only uses good art made my professionals? rip my shitty drawing skills i guess.

>> No.21847651


>> No.21847658

ESL-chama, your reading comprehension...

>> No.21847677

7 and 1 are the only ones that had them I think.

>> No.21847716

Was Neena bad during amogus? I heard people bitching.

>> No.21847916

most of the pics I have are from their commissioned art and I feel bad posting them

>> No.21848030

I saw people on /ppg/ bitching about her, but I watched Neena's side of the vod yesterday, and she was fine. Some random viewer of Shiki's joined the game lobby at some point, because she briefly showed the game code on screen by accident, wouldn't leave, and was preventing Rita from joining because of the player cap, and Neena told him "Go away" in the text chat, and some anon in /ppg/ was whining about that being too harsh or something when it was genuinely halting the collab.

>> No.21848441

nah just anti's. Neena was fine, from what i saw she was having fun and didn't do anything out of the unusual, stayed nice, didnt rage (except when she called out who the killers were but no one listened, in a friendly way) or was inappropriate.

>> No.21848448

I hope we get based ruthless Neena back at some point

>> No.21848477

that was reformed neena. trust me, if it was her old self, she would have said much worse haha. Neena was fine, just babies crying.

>> No.21848487

did anyone clip her threatening to blow up someone's house?

>> No.21848779

I think it was during her apology stream. Dude in chat said he was 30 and she was like "bro same" or something like that, but apparently she says "same" to a lot of stuff so who knows. Nothing's really stopping them from lying.

>> No.21848784

It's weird
A lot of kawaii anti comes from prismfags for some reason.

>> No.21848827


>> No.21848830

I bet Kirigaya did, it's probably the only way he can reach climax now that she's reformed.

>> No.21848915

yup. I said I had a 12 inch cock and she said same. Neena has a big one!

>> No.21849097

Does Lua have a discord? And do they have VC watchalongs? Want to watch My dress up darling with Lua but I'm too lazy to set it up by myself.

>> No.21849250

If he had actually been as successful as the jokes implied (like how we used to say that watching her stream was the Nerd BFE) then things would've gone differently

>> No.21849281

Aren't all Kawaii watchalongs on stream

>> No.21849296

>to set it up
you mean find the episode and click start when she says?

>> No.21849331
File: 355 KB, 640x458, 34567tyiu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Birb wife in 10 minutes

>> No.21849445

Yeah, I got spoiled by the free watchalongs of other chuubas.

>> No.21849540


>> No.21849754
File: 270 KB, 439x449, image_2022-04-05_080728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21849867

True. People always exaggerate, but him being her overwhelming favourite was obvious.

>> No.21850041

I don't personally like gacha games but I think it's cute when girls play them, does that make sense?

>> No.21850220

nami uses fan skebs for her schedules all the time

>> No.21850241

Same, I like it when girls play easy games and don't struggle with them.

>> No.21850307

Is it strange I want Neena to call me a stupid little faggot cocksucker?

>> No.21850451

Perfectly normal considering I want Nene to do the same but specifically while we're having sex.

>> No.21850659

I love how Lua says "telly-port"

>> No.21851784

Seems like you are the usual Neena viewer, nothing weird.

>> No.21852904

Nene going live.

>> No.21853112

Yeah it's really hot

>> No.21853397

She just say "telly-porter". Hnnnngh.

>> No.21854943

I love my wife Lua who says linear like luh-NEER. Ahn...

>> No.21855161

She is my wife now

>> No.21855972

T-thanks susan

>> No.21856877

what happened?

>> No.21857707

Youtube being run by women and monkeys happened.

>> No.21858156

Nene's back

>> No.21858560

>Nene is asking some random guy for his seed
what a slut

>> No.21858779

I want to cum inside of Reina.

>> No.21858904

This but Charzu and Nami

>> No.21859027

This but in Lua's butt after she has some spicy noodles and an energy drink

>> No.21860377

I want her to make fun of my tiny micropenis but now that'll never happen...

>> No.21860417

How can Nene be so adorable? I can’t even sexualize her

>> No.21861192

There is a fan discord where they do that.

This poster is Neena.

>> No.21862440

Thanks Lua!

>> No.21862565

the fan discord does not have the talents in it, so that is strictly where the fans are sharing the thing being watched

>> No.21863533

>still no personalized message
At this point I’ll have to send March’s and April’s requests together

>> No.21864047

KEKtomo lmao

>> No.21865621

I still love her

>> No.21866701

which girls have cried on stream?

>> No.21866729

I want Shee to cuck me with a large dog

>> No.21866788


>> No.21866819

Nami, Neena, and Nene for sure

>> No.21866904

Based, glad you're doing well anon.

>> No.21867115

I’ve only ever seen Nene cry in a watchalong

>> No.21867126
File: 399 KB, 1668x2388, 1646578672654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needs corrective rough bratty sex like all aussie chubbas (ie Luto)

>> No.21867220

You did good Neena

>> No.21867415
File: 451 KB, 1900x2500, shee icho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shee chatting stream

>> No.21867509

Rei streaming till 2k

>> No.21867532
File: 652 KB, 1223x1736, Reina sun by pipioo08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reina playing Skyrim

>> No.21867814

How large are we talking, like a husky or like a Tibetan mastiff or something?

>> No.21867885

Nami needs rape correction

>> No.21867923
File: 274 KB, 640x505, 1646386060425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21868066

Shee's bare feet mmmmmm

>> No.21868256

Maybe an inbetween like a (German) german shepherd

>> No.21868320

Reina and Shee have too.

>> No.21868429

I think Lua got close that one time

>> No.21868786

I want to bully Shee and make her cry

>> No.21871879

Reina and Reiny

>> No.21872998

I'm extremely close to just commissioning Shee X Dog art.

>> No.21873348

Do et

>> No.21873565

Do you hate her or something?

>> No.21873709

Someone needs to commissiom Lua diaper art

>> No.21873890

>implying she wouldn't love it

>> No.21874085

Both of you need to fuck off to /d/

>> No.21874709

I'll do it just to spite you now.

>> No.21874936

Lua wants lewds though, she just said no violent shit

>> No.21877905

True, wheres all the thighfucking skebs?

>> No.21878031

someone commission one of shee wearing the red cutie butt print dolphin shorts

>> No.21878323


>> No.21879961

Neena please tell us what kind of lewds the girls want

>> No.21880068

Lua obviously wants thighfucking and footjob stuff.

>> No.21880274

Nene: paizuri

>> No.21880479

Shee: Dog impregnation

>> No.21880581

Nami seems like she'd want mating press or JOE

>> No.21881239

Do you have the link for Lua's fan discord?

>> No.21881257

I saw some bird poop on the ground today and I immediately thought of Lua and then I started laughing because I made that connection so quickly. You fags have ruined me.

>> No.21881450

it's not a fan discord specifically for her. it's the general kawaii fans discord. you can find it easily on twitter

>> No.21881830


>> No.21882475

>unironic d*scuck user

>> No.21882626
File: 661 KB, 1280x720, 1649205168565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lua letting feet niggas eat today, and nobody even said anything about it
I also didn't say anything about it, because I was busy watching my girlhusband, Nami, instead.

>> No.21882767

Nami sister is CUTE, CUTE!

>> No.21882777


>> No.21882861
File: 81 KB, 790x711, 1649205496131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She really is, but it's a meme review stream, so I'll pass.

>> No.21884288

Too busy fapin

>> No.21886126

Do you think Neena would feel sad if I died?

>> No.21886947


>> No.21886985

anon, wrong part on the internet to ask that, people tell everybody to neck themselves as a greeting here

>> No.21887159

Neena I just killed myself yesterday LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOO

>> No.21887407
File: 18 KB, 324x175, image_2022-04-05_220425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Send her one of these and see how she reacts

>> No.21887755

lmao on what channel did he drop that

>> No.21887849

Is this the guy who SC'd Aoi Tokimori?

>> No.21888432

Nah it's a femoid from Vox Akuma's channel. He handled it pretty professionally, said he wasn't going to entertain it and to stop sending him supas and seek help and then just moved on with the stream.

>> No.21889014

Nami is the most entertaining vtuber I've watched,
She is really trying to take the kami oshi spot away from my current kami oshi. And i like it.

>> No.21890422

Ask her in chat or a mallow

>> No.21890585

Meno said she was sad thinking of all the Otagons who aren't with us anymore, I assume Neena feels the same way about her fans

>> No.21890774

She'd be happy that there was one less SEA incel in the world.

>> No.21890927
File: 265 KB, 401x470, 878648326842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You fags
Its just one guy I hope I for one would rather fuck Dark Lua's thighs while putting one hand on Lua's head while shes on her knees making sure shes watching closely. I didn't use to like the concept of cucking women but Lua ruined me because its technically not cucking and shes probably into that anyways

>> No.21891474

Agreed, she's my favorite. I can't believe I sat there and watched her struggle to buy vitamins from some online shop for, like, 40 minutes with a smile on my face the whole time today.

>> No.21891846


>> No.21891854

Neena and Meno are total opposites. So Neena would celebrate if her fans died.

>> No.21891870

I thought Meno was Pippa's opposite

>> No.21892041

Why does she hate us bros?

>> No.21893180
File: 956 KB, 1266x1080, 1644870113983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give Nami your energy to beat the CEO! Also ASMR mic confimed

>> No.21893374

She done asmr before yah?

>> No.21893794


>> No.21893823

For members

>> No.21893853

Nah she doesn't. She loves us.

>> No.21893884

Time to join membership

>> No.21893963

Neena actually cares about her fans

>> No.21894054

Neena wrote this

>> No.21894125

Cope Cucktomo

>> No.21894642

Rent free. Neena won't even consider dating you losers.

>> No.21894875

take a nap Neena

>> No.21895180

She's done two. One for members, and then another public one.

>> No.21896308

Shiiiiiiet imma check it out eivjt now

>> No.21896368

Neena only cares about her paypig

>> No.21896456

Fanboxes don't lie

>> No.21897223
File: 111 KB, 335x468, image_2022-04-06_005253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She would if one of them looked like this

>> No.21898087


>> No.21898562


>> No.21898704

Cope. Neena just doesn't want her paypig to know she wants to get rail by vox's dick

>> No.21899002

>after 10pm
>niji mention
must be SEA!

>> No.21899169
File: 60 KB, 718x712, 1649223150456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The superior tenshi GFE

>> No.21899789

Also wrong thread retard

>> No.21899854

SEA needs to be rangebanned from the entire Internet

>> No.21900010

Her name is in the OP and she's been mentioned 40 times including this post in the thread with the spelling 'Neena' how do you fuck that up

>> No.21900329


>> No.21900405

RIP birblings

>> No.21900467

Neena has tried tweeting at Vox actually

>> No.21900632

If it gets rid of that cringelord Codename Senpai, it's worth it

>> No.21900732

*RIP Kawaii

>> No.21900847


>> No.21901041

He pays far more than his fair share of cringe rent and is directly responsible for most of the end-of-stream goodbye kisses (and a lot of mid stream ones too). Also he's NA anyway lmao

>> No.21901058


>> No.21901126

He might be NA but based on his submissions he's definitely an ESLSEA

>> No.21901151

He's a filthy Pinoy living in the states, what's your point

>> No.21901288

That's cute as heck. What's her stream like?

>> No.21901338

>rangebanning SEA by rangebanning NA
Uhh retards???

>> No.21901379

Paying $5 to say some cringe shit is still cringe, you retard. It's probably even worse than just being cringe in the chat because now you force the streamer to read your faggy message and draw attention to it. There's no such thing as "cringe tax".

>> No.21901412

You're just jealous

>> No.21901509

Just be grateful we don't have a Matt B equivalent in kawaii

>> No.21901560

you have no idea how bad it can get until you've encountered Matt B

>> No.21901605


>> No.21901862

You're a fag

>> No.21901908

Redpill me on this Matt B
