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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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21736549 No.21736549 [Reply] [Original]

What is /asp/?

A thread for aspiring vtubers! Whether your goal is to make the journey as an independent streamer or to gain experience and build a portfolio for agency auditions. Let's help each other grow and make it. Indies are welcome to selfpost, but shill responsibly. Share your knowledge, insights, feedback, discuss what has worked and what hasn't worked for you. And always remember to do your research before posting personally identifying information. That includes both in this thread and in your audition applications to agencies.

>Do I need a fully rigged model to be a vtuber?
Nope! You can get started as a simple .png character!

>I want to learn how to rig Live2D models, where do I go?
Brian Tsui (of Iron Vertex), Kira Omori and the official Live2D YouTube channels have many tutorials available.

>Where can I find artists/riggers?
vtuber.gg, ArtStation, DeviantArt, Twitter, Reddit, Skeb.jp, etc.

>I just want to get started, can I buy pre-made models?
Yes! Live2D models can be purchased off nizima.com (Live2D's official marketplace) or booth.pm (general Japanese indie artist website). Be sure to check compatibility with your facial tracking software!

>Where can I learn how to digital market myself?

>Where can I find some good games to stream?

>Twitch or YouTube?
The general rule of thumb is Twitch if your content is primarily based on livestreaming and YouTube if your content is primarily pre-recorded and edited.

>Do you think there's an audience for X, Y, Z content?
First, ask yourself if you would watch a streamer of your skill and experience. Second, do a check on social media and look to see if other streamers are already creating similar content. Don't limit yourself to vtubers, include traditional real life streamers to scope out a potential audience.

Pastebin Guides and Resources:

General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
OpSec Guide: https://pastebin.com/uALiNZCV
Twitter Networking: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
"avoid doing this shit": https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
Social media branding: https://pastebin.com/jVERSLqG
Take with a grain of salt Parasocial Guide : https://pastebin.com/zmpCResg
Google Doc of Assets and Resources: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQHyRDZ3nxlIINfZz_wWCbgQ9gR4OgbTFhyGwq45DseUixkJJKbUmhPjnkWcmh7dOCDdxObAZXv_zti/pubhtml

Hololive Auditions have opened up to males

Stay grounded, stay hopeful

Previous Thread: >>21658086

>> No.21736821

Games with alot of voiceover, what should I do with that? It feels strange not speaking for prolonged periods of time while streaming, but at the same time I don't want to interrupt in case anybody watching wants to hear.

>> No.21736854

Watch Alpha Gaming
His recent stuff is mostly tech and hardware reviews, but he has very good content creation focused videos between 2019 and 2021.

>> No.21737150

I'm trying to get better at the talking part while i game before going live, because i have this really bad habit of focusing too hard and ignore anything else going on. it doesn't help that the games i like to play require thinking, so the way i've been practicing is thinking out loud by explaining what i want to do

>> No.21737227

If you really do care about the story and want to share the sentiment with your audience, You can stay quiet and react to it accordingly after it ended. In some cases it's best to let the scenes take the focus and remove your model for a while. You can take your time talking about the scene after it ended with your audience. Or you can just be an asshole like everyone else and comments on everything bad happening.

>> No.21737379

im going to attempt to designfag a fujo centric model, i've wanted to draw a male anyways since i spent so much time drawing tits and ass

i did some research on yumejoshi, and it seems that touken ranbu is still pretty big i think they released a new game, and of course theres jujutsu kaisen and tokyo avengers. any other suggestions before i take a stab at this?

>> No.21737452

you need to understand the difference between fujo and yumejo first

>> No.21737507

Looking for feedback

>> No.21737569

>Where's the other aspies trying to become vtubers?
The ones who've started streaming have either left /vt/ and post on Twitter or shill themselves in /wvt/.

>> No.21737828

a lot of people post their streams in /wvt/ after their first few streams; that's usually how the thread goes
i think it depends on what your focus is? if you're focusing on the story for your stream then letting the characters speak is fine; not speaking when you want everyone to see the story is understandable
i actually had thoughts about this after a stream today where I was playing through one of my favorite games and I feel like I might have gone about things the wrong way. i did a lot of talking and explanation about the game and why i thought it was neat and i was skipping all the story and just explaining things
i was actually hoping to get some feedback on how i went about the stream today because i feel like it was a weaker stream than usual
h-hey man you don't have to call me out like that...

>> No.21737924

You have several run-on sentences, especially in the title. Images would help as well, as examples of what to look for in play. Basically, your overall writing style seems to be sort of amateurish or ESL.

>> No.21738203

well yumejoshi is the website i used that had polls from female fans about their favorite male characters, isnt fujoshi just the more degenerate gay shipping variant? im sure aesthetically they still share the same preferences no?

>> No.21738351

Makes sense given i'm both amateur and ESL, as for why i don't have images, it's a script for a video so i was gonna add visuals in editing, thanks for the feedback

>> No.21738440

Well, if it's for video it may come across better. I'd listen back to it for how you want it to sound. Do you want to be professional or more casual? How do the sentences flow?

>> No.21738711

If everything goes well, tomorrow I'm back to working on my model.
Am I supposed to tackle blendshapes or rigging first? (first time doing this) Modeling and texturing and done and satifactory for the time being, still need to add the tongue though.

>> No.21738755

yea kinda design wise, but the character kinda has to chose between acting romantic to the viewer/self insert character or another male character so alot of yumejos and fujos kinda hate each other because a character cant really do both at the same time, but maybe it can work for a vtuber, and for design suggestions look at twisted wonderland and ensemble stars, i really like the designs in those, figure out the type you want to do, big buff guy, twink, girly boy etc, but you really need someone that likes men to draw it or look over it i feel

>> No.21739011

I was aiming for semi-casual, I actually have most of the lines already recorded(Which in hindsight wasn't probably the brightest idea, should've asked for feedback on the script before recording), but i don't like how they came out so i may rerecord them. Here's a vocaroo from one of the parts

>> No.21739213

stop streaming on youtube

>> No.21739248


>> No.21739352

>twisted wonderland
yeah that appeared a lot on the poll as well, i will check back once i have some rough ideas. even if it doesnt work out i think it would be fun to try and it'd be interesting pre recorded content maybe

>> No.21740505
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For anyone who applied to cover, how long did you wait after applying before your video got viewed

>> No.21740906

Yeah, during the stream I didn't think about it beforehand and prepare accordingly so I was wishy-washy on letting the VO play or talking in the middle. It was actually my first stream, when I did that, so I fumbled even harder than expected.
Also, hey Elliot! I'm actually a follower of yours, I can't be there for your usual streams because of my work, but your streams are nice when I do manage to drop in. From just a quick skim of the VOD, I think your stream is fine.
You interact well with chat, no dead air from what I've seen, you don't click over the dialogue so fast that its unreadable. I think the one critique I have is that you're a little quiet in comparison to the game, but my headphones are in partial-functioning condition so maybe that's an issue on my end.

>> No.21740934


dude went through interview and rejected already

>> No.21741412
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I sent my audition about five days ago, so I don’t know maybe the volume of applications have increased, past the point in time after this dude had his interview and everything

>> No.21741886

I've just learned you can't multistream if you are twitch partner, wtf? Can you still make money with twitch without being "partner"?
I intended to multistream twitch/youtube/dlive

>> No.21741967

correct, you cannot multistream as either a twitch affiliate or partner
you cannot make money off of twitch without being at least an affiliate but you can have donations open i guess

>> No.21742022

i wish i was funny bros, i look at the streamers i like and they are hilarious meanwhile I babble like a retard

>> No.21742138

>I intended to multistream twitch/youtube/dlive

>> No.21742190

Should I just ditch youtube and dlive altogether until I build an audience on twitch (which seems to be the easiest to grow on), or go with my original intent and just not go affiliate? Twitch taking 50% of the revenue for themselves is also a big letdown.

>> No.21742234

There is absolutely zero reason to multistream that long. Look to Kabhaal, he multistreamed, networked, and created content until he had a good, solid fanbase and then immediately went all in to grab Partner.

>> No.21742243

Because I don't want to put all my eggs in the same basket. And if a stream gets pulled out for whatever reason it'd still be available on other platforms.

>> No.21742287

Twitch takes 50% of subs, bits and any direct donations will go to you and there's little to no money to actually be made on DLive and honestly Youtube as a Vtuber seeing how much people struggle to grow there streaming.

>> No.21742353

This is a bit paranoid. If for some reason a stream is pulled then there's as good chance that theer's no reason for it to be on any other platform.

>> No.21742433

I guess I'll go with twitch then. Multi-streaming would have been kind of an hassle to set up and maintain too. I guess I'll just save the streams locally in case they'd need reuploading.

>> No.21742732

Can someone play like, a bisexual seducer arch type and court both audiences?

>> No.21742872

I applied to Niji on the 19th and got ZERO views. Sad!

>> No.21743080

that's what luxiem does

>> No.21743861
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Has anyone noticed an odd increase in their vod views? I am literally a 0 viewer but have views on my vods.

>> No.21743890

i think general consensus is that if you want to stream on several platforms, affiliate is not worth it, but its worth it to dump everything for partner if you can actually reach it. partner is 100 ccv average btw so plan accordingly

>> No.21743948

sure probably

>> No.21744338

VOD views count stream views for some reason, meaning anyone who clicked your stream is counted as a view on the VOD. It lets you better know how many people clicked your stream and clicked off without typing.

>> No.21744505
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Oh wow I must have shit viewer retention then

>> No.21744556

The amount of people who don't watch for long is stupidly high these days

>> No.21746223

I'm sure there's something I can improve on though to get people to stick around more. Maybe I need to buy a personality lol.

>> No.21746525

png or shitty l2d that has almost 0 range of motion because I cant rig for shit?

>> No.21746600
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hello /asp/ies, today I was informed I should shill on /wvt/ instead, so I will do that from now on, even though /asp/ is comfy... today we did some drawing and then some more paper mario, it was fun! thank you so much for everyone who came. we were missing swissed though ;_; I'll see you next time!

>> No.21746650

Well, what do you have already? If you already have a cut model, just rig it even if you have little movement. But if not, I say to PNGTube

>> No.21746754

I don't mind you posting your link here, I'm too lazy to go to /wvt/

>> No.21746804

If people are find with that, I don't mind, since I lurk here every day anyway.. I don't want to be annoying though

>> No.21746880

It's been a week since Nijisanji looked at my video for under 30 seconds. I'm losing hope that they'll view it again...

>> No.21746988

When did you submit it?

>> No.21747186

2 weeks ago.

>> No.21747207

I dont think anyone minds if you post here

>> No.21747336

You're always welcome here, but you can also post /wvt/ to get more viewers.

>> No.21748003
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Good morning, /asp/

>> No.21748099

it's 9 pm bitch

>> No.21748347

>I cant rig for shit
Then learn. Rigging is the easiest part of making a character.

>> No.21748423

Post on both. I don't visit /wvt/(yet)

>> No.21748479

Somebody answer me goddamn it

>> No.21748486

It's over 2am tho.

>> No.21748608 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 479x278, toes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey /asp/, got a question here for your motivation's sake. what was the coolest thing you did on stream? if you haven't streamed yet, what's reps have you done that made you feel like you have made a lot of progress? have a good night :)

>> No.21749303
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had a typo and accidentally replied to another post. What's the coolest thing you've done on stream, /asp/? Or if you haven't streamed, what reps have you done that made you feel like you made a lot of progress on?

>> No.21749538

ogey, that's good to know, thank you guys. also, I wanted to say, thank you for making clips, I always watch them after the stream and it makes me happy

>> No.21749573

>what's reps have you done that made you feel like you have made a lot of progress?
Blender reps. When I finished modeling my character I was happy to see that I managed to capture the exact look I was going for even though I didn't use my references to trace over. Got a real sense of accomplishment from that. Also the texturing that I dreaded so much went just as well. Of course it helps that my character is made of very simple shapes and colors, the most complicated parts to make were the hands and it pushed me to my limits as a complete beginner, but that eventually went pretty well like the rest and I grew better from that experience.
I feel like I am really close to be able to start streaming now too, I'm excited. vseeface is already set up for the most part as I fucked around a little with the default model, I'll have to rerecord the expressions though as I intended to repurpose most of them for my model, I'll probably ditch the "sad" expression to replace it with seething because I hiss a lot.
Damn I can't wait to get started, I still have to learn to rig and apply that knowledge but I can't help but feel this is the last stretch.

>> No.21750033

Would anon be interested on a stream where I teach the basics of live2d rigging?

>> No.21750252

There's a million Youtube and written tutorials for that

>> No.21750294

yes, newer tutorials are always appreciated! though i prefer a video rather than a stream

>> No.21750372

sure m8, just lets us know

>> No.21750380

As the other anon said, it's been done a hundred times. It would be more interesting however to see what good fundamentals and habits look like however, since the basic tutorials only go so far in that kind of thing. I'm talking proper cutting, proper meshes for each part and such instead of just winging it like the tutorials expect you to do.

>> No.21750783
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>Recorded a video with a friend yesterday
>Started the editing today
>Notice the screen recording is kinda blurry
>"Does this have anything to do with OBS or my strange monitor resolution?"
>Google OBS screen resolution
>Base & Output Resolution are both set to 1920×1080 (16:9)
>Downscale Filter is "Bilinear (Fastest, but blurry if scaling)"
>Website says "they’re more like legacy settings that you can ignore. You lose too much detail with it."
>I thought it didn't matter, but picrel is what I got.

Will viewers give a shit?

>> No.21750818

I did a test stream, got around 8 viewers and people liked my kind of jank but functional model. That makes me pretty happy.

>> No.21751112

I'm making a very in-depth tutorial as well since and I rigged most of the model, but then I noticed I didn't turn on OBS so I recorded nothing of it. I will rig it all over again and I was thinking that maybe I could do it on a stream so I can also answer questions from anon.
Yeah, I understand. Actually, the tutorial I'm making covers a lot of that, from program compatibility, how to force compatibility to canvas configuration and complex model cuting, explaining the why of all this instead of just mentioning it. My idea is to make a good beginners tutorial that leaves very low margin of error to whoever is watching it, together with tips for troubleshooting whatever issues the find while experimenting outside of what I'm teaching.

>> No.21751605

if you're doing in-depth, i would be very interested.

>> No.21754245

I mean, if it's easy to fix, fix it.

>> No.21755134
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Tried an adjusted colour palette.
…had some trouble drawing tonight.

>> No.21755476

You absolutle can make money as a affiliate, but most folks outside of the top 0.01% often make less than median income and that's BEFORE taxes which you have to pay out of the money you earned cause you're working for yourself.
If yer looking to make money yer better off working a regular job

I actually multi streamed just to see where the most support for streaming was at.

If it had been on Youtube I would have stayed and streamed there as I was already YT partner, but the analytics after like 90 days told me the support for live streaming was on Twitch so I made the move.

Partner in reality doesn't give out shite except more emotes, a fancy badge (who cares?), and a better cut of yer t2 and t3 subs (the ones you have the least of). Even if you do get partner, it doesn't guarantee "success".

Syndication should be yer main objective, make yourself as discoverable, distinct, and marketable as you can manage. You can do that early on via multi streaming and then choose you're "Main" platform. Twitch however has unparalleled monetization for small to medium creators.

>> No.21755596
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I didn’t draw any of the other features. Also not sure about how the darkest part of the iris isn’t as dark as the original, (I proportionately adjusted the hues/brightness/sat of the colours to make the middle orange match the new one I generated with the others)

>> No.21756476

No ears and no cheek things (whatever they're called) makes them look a little cursed desu senpai

>> No.21756570

>just to see where the most support for streaming was at
you couldv'e just googled that, the stats lean so heavily towards twitch that it takes YT combined with at least one other site to even come close top Twitch. Monetization isn't the only issue, the marketability can absolutely come from any site but it's infinitely easier to build a community and do these things on Twitch via live streaming than it is to just stream on a site with next to no viewers or viewer "culture" to speak of.

Zentreya is actually an amazing example as far as chuubas go, early onthey took after Naggzz and Bahroo and built a cult of personality around their community which only served to help their popularity even more since they were a "force" to be followed and not just a streamer.

>> No.21756806
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Why not place those colors manually instead of trying to recreate it with effects? Here I just used "screen" on the lower part, and "glow" on the upper part using the base color. The rest of the colors were made manually.

>> No.21756950
File: 222 KB, 1000x1546, gay1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im back with a rough sketch for a fujo centric model design. its a bit plain right now but i hope im in the right ball park

>> No.21757017

Here's the psd if you want to look at it.

>> No.21757339

Is there actually any solution to be able to connect a USB mic to an audio interface for professional quality?
I'm really fond of my USB mic, and I was wondering if there was any way of me being able to avoid having to purchase a new XLR Mic just to plug it into an audio interface

>> No.21757387

I dig it, gives "just woke up today" vibes

>> No.21757434

You can improve your mic sound using filters on OBS.

>> No.21757458

reminds me of kaworu
fujos have 2 archetypes for the men they like within anime, the seme and uke
Misaki Takahashi and Akihiko Usami are two characters that reflect this archetype perfectly

>> No.21757970

The face looks a bit young for how stocky the body seems to me.
Also keep in mind; the style isn't necessarily the thing the fujos go for. There's a massive fujo community surrounding South Park of all things.

>> No.21758175

Are those cheek plates? Will your cheeks plates blush?

>> No.21758962

Cool, I’ll take a look in the evening.
I was going for a “Why I am naked?” vibe but that works too.
The plates are off
I don’t know if that’s how I want it to look underneath but I did draw very light lines that got mogged by the blush that I threw on.

>> No.21759501
File: 18 KB, 250x250, 1618939956000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was going for a “Why I am naked?” vibe
This babi is in desperate need of some rape correction, he better be ready

>> No.21759909

thats actually pretty funny that i forgot one of the OG yaoi ships from my favorite anime. and ironically i used shinji as my pfp for years

i might mess around with maybe a stronger jaw. also tweek x craig made me lose my sides when i first discovered it, yaoi ships know no bounds for real

>> No.21763386

>i wish i was
That's your problem.
Sooner you realize it, the better. You literally have the ability to shape your own journey in life, not just wish something would happen.

>> No.21764154

nta but tings like charisma or just your personality in general are very hard to change, and wit is a part of that. A lot of that comes from feedback from others which we have a lot less of as we grow up past adulthood.

For example if you say something (potentially) funny in front of your peers growing up and enjoy the attention their reaction gives you, you're more likely to keep doing it and over time learn what people consider funny and your brain gets used to coming up with witty and clever things to say. No one has just learned to be funny in a vacuum and I think as you get older it gets a lot harder to get that feedback from people since you don't have as many forced social situations, outside of a job.

>> No.21766360

I play JRPGs all the time so having tons of cutscenes is the norm. You don’t have to talk “every second.” But you still have to talk so potential raiders don’t think you’re a no talk Andy. My advice would be to talk only when you have something valuable you want to say, or if something cool is happening on screen (like two characters kissing or an upcoming boss fight) and try to enhance that scene with a reaction (awww or screaming etc.) Talking during cutscenes can be annoying because the commentary sucks not because people want to hear the cutscene necessarily.

>> No.21766737

>Zentreya is actually an amazing example as far as chuubas go, early onthey took after Naggzz and Bahroo and built a cult of personality around their community which only served to help their popularity even more since they were a "force" to be followed and not just a streamer.

>> No.21766973

Zentreya started back in early 2016 and over the next year grew as a member of the VRC roleplay community and built a huge fanbase around her. She wasn't even a streamer until a year into her VRC roleplaying.


>> No.21767804

Zen had a major focus on community engagement and involvement to the point where even at a couple hundred viewers, if you logged into VRChat you had a chance to meet them and "talk", take a picture, or something, hell as a VRChat oldfag I met with them frequently as they were in my social circles. If you look at naggzz21's content (who they became friends with during the VRC arc), it's very similar with viewers constantly shelling out to banter with the streamer and them making themselves the butt of the joke or pretending to be clueless to things as to get a rise out of their audience while also providing some comic relief. It's not as evident now but back in the sub 1k days Zen and Nagzz's content was practically identical
They also integrated into a lot of other communities as well and forming the ALA gave that community something to "rally" behind, even though it was something they did as a joke and looking in it made other people want to be a part of their "army".

Everyone always wants to be a part of something, it's why so many friend groups create these vtuber groups that are really just their friends sharing fanbases and collaborating with one another.

>> No.21768166

Any ring light recommendations? I can see they're cheap but some of them don't have reviews or are seemingly unreliable, so I'd rather hear what others thing before I commit to an order. Can't just go out and buy one locally at the moment.

>> No.21769259

I finally started to actually stream now and I always thought I'd be a louder/more energetic streamer, but I've found myself being more of a cozy/zatsudan guy focusing on chat talk. It's been really fun so far

>> No.21769686

/asp/ whats a bad voice changer

>> No.21769704

all of them

>> No.21769881

there should never be a need for a voice changer. if you believe your voice needs to be higher/lower for your model you are larping and need to adjust your model not your voice.

>> No.21770302

I second this. I know two vtubers guys that use female models and do relatively well. they're not femboys or trans or anything. Straight up dude voice. You only need a good personality.

>> No.21771081

Is there a log somewhere channel owners can easily see what their mods have done on YT?

>> No.21771706

2 weeks until my model art is finished.. haven't found a rigger yet. might rig it myself

>> No.21772578

yea you need some more personality to the design

>> No.21772673

I have just been informed by a viewer today that I am not cool and I am in fact cringe.

I don't know how I am going to live this down...

>> No.21772884

kill them

>> No.21773177
File: 345 KB, 650x1536, sz53svh72b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post proof of your cringe and I'll say something nice about you

>> No.21773430

I started like 2 weeks ago on twitch and i started a subathon last week that ended this weekend with 200ish subscriptions... Youtube is worth shit fellow aspies. Literally worth shit i have a shit pc and an ok model i don't even do lewd i just try to be the charactr i wrote and put some sauce of myself here and there. Is this growth??

>> No.21773431

I wish I was a 2 view. I'm a 0 view

>> No.21773566

it's nice to see /asp/ies stream, I honestly doubt anyone is bothered by you linking your streams here.
this goes for anyone else too. link your streams!

>> No.21773632

Pretty sure nobody recommends youtube at all. Nobody sane anyways. Anyways link to your stream.

>> No.21773708

You got that many from a subathon? Shit...I've been streaming two months and only just now got affiliate. I'm standing at like 75 followers and 4 subscriptions. But on the bright side I've got a number of regulars who come by and I've networked myself into regular collabs with people.

>> No.21773790

200 paid subscriptions in one subathon for a new streamer? Or are you using the youtube term, and mean people who follow you?
Either way, that's pretty impressive. Can you link your channel, so we can crib some tips?

Congrats anon! I was surprised, after hitting affiliate, how some people suck at it.
I go on reddit and see people saying they've been streaming for over a year, and still can't get it.
I managed to do it in 6 weeks, and didn't join any cliques or anything in that time, so it was all natural growth.

Now, you just need to keep going!

>> No.21773829

That sounds like you've been pretty lucky and / or pretty good at marketing yourself, i can go probably another year of streaming and get like 1 sub.

>> No.21773982

Don't be a sexpest, and collab with female streamers.
A chunk of my subs come from my female friends' whales flashing their wallets at me.
I'll get raided, or do a collab, and their whale drops ten gift subs on my channel.

Intimidate their male viewers by being good friends, and they'll threat display at you with money.

>> No.21774140

Thanks friend! I am actually enjoying it. I like setting up the redeems and stuff. I think once I have all my emotes and things set up I'll be better off. It was kind of nice getting all the headpats though.

>> No.21774185
File: 60 KB, 281x234, chrome_7YEFq8hGrd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sounds like a decent advice even if a little deranged, i've been looking for opporturnities to get into collabs, but i have no idea how to engage really. I feel like my energy level and overall personality doesn't really fit collabs especially with many people i tend to be really quiet. I hate talking over people and that stuff. I could just DM people i guess, i'll end up playing minecraft, amogus or some funny phasmophobia thing, games that i have never really touched and i'll be both out of my depth and probably sound lost. The best i could is maybe Apex because i have been pretty good at it and it limits the collab to 3 people which is manageable.

I consider it a challenge to collab just to improve my personality and become better at hanging out with people, but not really to increase my own visibility. Maybe asking some other 2views to hang out would be okay.

>> No.21774327

This is very cynical, but true

>> No.21774354

nta but it sounds like perfectly good advice, especially the dont be a sexpest thing (a rule that shockingly is commonly broken), although it sounds like he already had friends who had a decent following
i'd like to make more friends too but I haven't really found a group to vibe with yet. once i decide to blatantly post my link here I'd be down to collab with whoever if given enough time to get to know each other

>> No.21774731

Also my phone died while I was writing an additional response, plugged it in and forgot as I fell asleep
I got a random idea: mood lighting at least on the cheek bits. That’d be cute.

>> No.21774764

Hey starters, do you open your own discord since beginning?

>> No.21775108

Yeah, it is. But also it works for some reason.
>i've been looking for opporturnities to get into collabs, but i have no idea how to engage really
Do you have any chuuba friends who stream similar games to you?
If not, do you currently stream?
Raid into people playing the same game, at a similar size. Start chatting with them on twitter.
Alternatively, join one of the mega discords, and post in the 'looking for collab' channel. It's how I made a few contacts.

Thanks. It's cynical, but everyone who's gifted more than 3 subs in my channel is either a friend who I've done the same for, or a whale in a female-friend's stream.

>decent following
Depends what you mean. They tend to sit around 10-15 CCV, so similar to me. They have higher twitter counts, but that's not a great benchmark - the only important number is your CCV. Everything else is just ash.

I would suggest opening a discord, but mostly because it's great for taking notes, dropping meme ideas, saving links for later, and so on. I had one since day 0 of streaming, and opened it up around the three month mark.
That was too early, because it still stays quite quiet, but I've got around 30 people there, even if most don't actively shitpost.

>> No.21775540
File: 130 KB, 1034x680, schedule04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should definitely engage with streamers more, i've been having trouble joining streams and chatting casually and interacting it's very foreign to me, but it's a slow process. I need to get started on raiding people if i have any viewers, even if just 5 viewers it's fine i guess. I'll make a list of people that i could potentially raid whenever and just hang out. I've been eternally grateful for one guy raiding me a couple times and i was also so stupid to never really return the favor. I should at least sub to his channel or something. We do talk in private, but maybe being more official helps getting my name out there.

I do stream, i just got done making my schedule for the week. I really want to stream more and have fun. I think growth is secondary for me currently, i just joined /asp/ a little while ago after over a year of streaming without doing any other reps and i just like soaking in all the advice people are offering and then slowly committing to what comes most natural to me.

>> No.21775925

I changed my stream layout recently and my ccv went up by 100. I should really look into making other improvements...

>> No.21776132

10-15 is still more than the majority honestly. Seeing the vtuber tag on twitch from low to high viewers is both insanely hilarious since you can see whats wrong with most from the thumbnail or title, and depressing because there's so many people below < 2view make up more than half the tag at any given moment

>> No.21776946

>wah wah wah, why am I 0 views???
>doesn't post channel
apply yourself, faggot

>> No.21777109

I'll have an IRC

>> No.21777578

Some times I feel like people click off faster if the chat is empty/slow more than anything. Doesn't make any sense but that's what the numbers seem to say.

>> No.21777980

I agree, I was in a small vtuber channel that got raided with pretty big numbers. There was no engagement and everyone left. It still may be a mere coincidence tho. But it's not like the vtuber was particularly boring, and her model was pretty cute too.

>> No.21778040

How did honey goblin get 100+ viewers on her debut stream?

>> No.21778622
File: 289 KB, 1748x2600, 1592048711854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/asp/ies, I need help. How do you get over the anxiety that what you're doing most likely isn't good and a total waste of time?

>> No.21778764

you jest but #/vt/ on rizon is a thriving vtuber community ripe for shilling

>> No.21778814

It's just how it is. In an age where everything you put out is filtered through an endless amount of algorithms, most of the viewerbase is only ever gonna see a small fraction of it and for most people there's no reason to click on anything but the most popular ones.

This makes a lot of sense. Being able to not only talk to a streamer but also a small community is a lot of value, but it's a chicken and egg situation where it's hard to grow within a community already established but you can't have a community if you never grow. I suppose that's why mooching off of others is the "easiest" way. Getting raided means you already have a community brought over in it's entirety. Yes the retention will still vary depending on how good you are, but those people might be more likely to return if they consider you part of their community.

This is definitely a lesson i have to learn very hard from the very beginning because despite being over 30, and spending my entire life on the internet, I've never been part of a community.

>> No.21778924

I stream because I enjoy doing it, so there is nothing to prove. Whatever happens happens.

>> No.21778956

>you jest but
discord h8
IRC love

>> No.21779187
File: 26 KB, 548x491, 31kx55b4dhb31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't, you just live with it and try to focus on the feelings that make you want to do it anyways and hope they are stronger than your anxiety. Try to get support outside too, we are here for you anon and we want you to do the things that make you happy.

>> No.21779527

>relentlessly doing mic tests with vtube studio on helped me discover an error in my model
huh, how about that

>> No.21781923

>I need to get started on raiding people if i have any viewers
ALWAYS raid.
Every single stream.
If you've only got one viewer, then raid someone else with less than 10 viewers.
Then stay in their chat for ~15 minutes, posting now and then, and tag them on twitter.
"Thanks to coming to stream today. thank you to @bumsniffer69 for the raid! We raided @pantysnatcher who was also playing Yandere Simulator!"

>> No.21782545

>want to shill myself /here/
>get self conscious that no one will enjoy my content/voice/something
Why am I like this?

>> No.21782765

Post link.
If we don't like you and you disappear after that, we're all just going to forget who you are in the next thread.

>> No.21783611

guys how do you practice how to talk

>> No.21783717

Open your mouth, make noises with your vocal chords, close your mouth, repeat ad infinitum.

>> No.21783737

have you talked with friends on vc before?
you do have friends, right? right???
just talk and you'll figure out the right and wrong things to say as you go. does help to have friends to talk to

>> No.21784049

This is the third time I’m auditioning for Nijisanji, and every single time my video hasn’t gotten even a single view. I put so much effort into these videos. It just feels terrible being filtered by numbers - I’m stagnating hard and losing hope, bros.

I think I might not make it after all.

>> No.21784187

uhhhh maybe, im scared to talk to friends alot of the time even, I practice talking on my own and then when theres real people listening i kinda just go head empty and cant speak good and go back to bad habits like being monotone and quiet and talking too fast and vocal fry etc etc any tips

>> No.21784495
File: 82 KB, 719x776, IMG_20220330_152941_528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA but I lurk a lot /here/ and have the same anxiety shilling myself. Fuck it though, /asp/ is the most chill thread on this board and I would love some criticism on my model since I'm working on updates https://twitch.tv/gnocchitv

>> No.21784620

A few people here mentioned wanting to do collabs.
There's a stupid collab coming up I'm part of, where we're going to play "tree simulator 2022" for an hour on earth day. The guy organizing it wants 100 people (maximum a lobby can hold) to join


valid for 6 hours

>> No.21784625

>any tips
man up

>> No.21784737

why does your ahoge? move around so quickly?

>> No.21784920

I'm just kinda shit at rigging. Got a new tablet recently so I'm working on new model art before going back into L2D to fully redo it

>> No.21785115

I don't think your voice is bad.
You talk plenty for the amount of chat activity you have.
You'll make it.

>> No.21785346

It's hard, because it won't really ever go away. You just need to learn how to live with the feeling and use it to build yourself up. Becoming good at any skill requires you to be "bad" first, and that is a massive hurdle to overcome. That's assuming you wanna make it, because that's why you would even care in the first place. It's not a waste of time if you want to seek improvement and better yourself! I wish you luck anon, because sometimes I feel the same way.

>> No.21785550
File: 54 KB, 564x564, 52f351b7f68870ee72b4dce718ed9068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fair enough. For rigging, this model does look pretty flat along with the funny speeding ahoge, there isn't much advice to give on how to fix it besides that you should look into head turns and the human form I suppose, as well as be willing to put more effort into getting the rigging and deforming down. You only need a few hours to make the most basic of functional rigs but it can take weeks or even more than a month to get it just right, so if you don't want to take too long, just find a level you're comfortable with doing, but remember to at least get the basics of the form of the head down.

>> No.21785553

i like your voice, the quality is kinda ehh though

>> No.21785667

Fuck it, I'm not aiming to become the next big streamer, I want to rid myself of anxiety about talking to strangers as well as getting over my dislike of my accent/voice.


>> No.21785779

>Using Vroid studio
>Fullscreen makes the program blurry
>Windowed mode is totally fine
Fuck me

>> No.21785907

your slapped together model is pretty funny. also you sound like an ESL even though you only have english on your profiles, please tell me if that's either true or offensive

>> No.21786194
File: 65 KB, 227x270, 1648780552293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon. It's taken me a while to even get to the point I can talk this much without wanting to die
I originally rigged this back in like 2020 but didn't really start streaming until a couple months ago. L2D tutorials have come a long way since then so I should have an easier time this iteration.
Yeah it's kinda jank. I was happy enough with it to stream with the jank. Figured I'd at least start and see if I wanted to put in all the additional work updating

>> No.21786253

Why yes I am an ESL monkey, how could you tell?
I hate my accent.
But I guess it doesn't really bother others since I get a couple of chatters whenever I stream.

>> No.21786334

Quite a lot of dead air and your mic quality's pretty bad.
Overall just keep up on it and start improving things, you'll get there in no time! Also having a self rigged model is impressive too, you can always improve it on your own time.

>> No.21786578

Anon what the hell am I looking at?

>> No.21786612

It's full of they\them zoomers and trannies

>> No.21786646

Your loading screen is cool

>> No.21786668

By the way, I noticed you dont have a twitter linked or anything.
If you have one you might want to add it to your about page.

>> No.21786908

its a pretty thick accent but yeah
I think your model could do with a bit more presence since you have it set pretty small usually but even though I said it looks funny, I sorta meant offensive to the eyes in a funny way. Could really do with the minor improvement of not looking like ass.

>> No.21787373

are you using voice changer?

>> No.21787452

No I'm female(female)

>> No.21787494


>> No.21787746

Eh, the guy who "runs" the server said it's cool to just open up invites to people who want in on big collabs.
Given how some people in the thread have posted about "how do I approach for collabs", I figured dropping a server that's only for collabs would be a decent place to start.

And you can just ignore people there. I think I posted in one of the channels to confirm my interest in an event, and tht was it

>> No.21787877

I'm gonna to a reactive png model, mainly because the model I have freaks out due to my poor lighting, and yes, I do think the l2d looks like ass.
Also thanks for the feedback anon.

>> No.21787889

Fuck that, I'm gonna have a movie one day

>> No.21788055

I keep restarting the Vtuber design I am making because I learn something new every time that is completely necessary for the process of drawing one and I get frustrated, hopefully 3rd time is the charm.

>> No.21788221

That is called conceptualization my nigga, it doesn't matter how many times you restart so long as you finish it. Perfecting your design is an odd thing to be annoyed about.

>> No.21788455

At worst you will get your follower+1(by me), so it's never a bad idea shilling here.

>> No.21788540

do you need a gimmick to your design? how much does it help? like an animal person or a demon or some weird profession or something, or can you just do like a cute girl in street clothes

>> No.21789053

JK, you have a cute voice.

>> No.21789087

No gimmick needed, just b urself and do what you think is right for you.

>> No.21789201

You asp fags always turn into fucking comedians whenever there's a girl around.

>> No.21789335
File: 226 KB, 680x763, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't care, didn't ask, plus you're gay.

>> No.21789761

>crypto donations
Neat. I like your voice btw.

>> No.21789959

how do you get rid of phlegm in your throat? i can't speak without my throat sounding dry. i don't smoke btw

>> No.21790041

drink water??

>> No.21790226

Do you have asthma or drink a lot of coffee or anything? Cold water could also be causing this, assuming you're staying hydrated. Room temp water won't get you as phlegmy.

>> No.21790274

>I hate my accent.
It's ok I hate it too
But you'll get used to it eventually. Hell, you may even end up dropping it with practice.

>> No.21790409

>drink a lot of coffee
oh crap could be this, I will try to drop it. Thanks. I also drink tea with honey quite a lot, dunno if the honey also makes you phlegmy

>> No.21790413
File: 227 KB, 1334x751, chrome_67VIHJ97Ne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a good start. Considering your model is rather detailed, you could increase the size a little bit. Picrel is my stream, i also do full size gameplay and no overlay. I think I could still be a little larger, but my model is very simple and high contrast so it's not that hard to see all the details. I'd personally increase the size if i had a model like yours.

Mic quality is okay, it's not unbearable. I think there might be some Echo (large room, general mic quality or you being far away from it) that might make it a little straining to listen to over longer periods of time. This really wants me to get some acoustic panels too...

I like the chill mood (hello fellow itto enjoyer), i think if you push for more model stuff (interactions, stuff like pet redeems, higher quality etc.) a lot of people would probably like a chill gamer girl vibe. Maybe you run the risk of being a little bit too monotonous, but i wouldn't push to overly change too much. You sound fine when you go on a tangent, but sometimes you end up mumbling a lil which might or might not be something you want to change.

>> No.21790478

What do you do for BGM?
I typically put instrumental vidya music on in the background, something that isn't too intense so I can talk over it, and also something that won't get a stream VoD copyrighted on youtube, but I only have so many OSTs that meet those requirements.

>> No.21790616

I'm using dova syndrome music at the moment. Kinda weenie thing to just do what the hololive girls do but its easy. You can find plenty of the good tracks if you sort their youtube channel based on popularity.
Need more time to figure out what's actually fitting for my streams.

>> No.21790680

vidya music as well, from touhou mostly

>> No.21790679

Looking at this again since last night and aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
At least I guess the colors are definitely an improvement…

>> No.21790720

vroid studio is only for making the character though, not for using them, right?
Sounds like a non issue to me.

>> No.21790770

I like that you're a Turok fan. That's pretty unique for a vtuber, or even just in general. I love Turok (akklaim games) but I wouldn't even call myself a fan.

>> No.21790783


>> No.21790819


>> No.21790874

Doesn't mean we want to associate ourselves with fucking commie propaganda robots.

>> No.21790875

retard, could tell it was a woman instantly. bad microphone cant mask a masculine voice unless it was some megaturd shite mic from the early 2000s

>> No.21790927

I'll have to consider it but at the moment personally I wouldn't sign up for a collab like that. Seems over crowded to have 100 people...

>> No.21791088

Have you tried applying for other companies? Don't get tunnel vision on just one company.

>> No.21791263

>oh crap could be this, I will try to drop it.
It is totally the coffee, which sucks! I love coffee. The absolute soonest I've managed to have any before my stream and not have it impact my throat is like four hours beforehand.
Tea and honey might not be doing you any favors either, but I don't have any experience with that myself.

>> No.21791280

nvm, I watch an older stream to confirm, it is indeed a biological female.

>> No.21791310

You're like the first person who has figured that out.
Everyone else thinks I'm a dog chuuba.
Even my twitter display name is a huge turok reference.
Thank you anon.

>> No.21791382

>You're like the first person who has figured that out.
Other people either don't care or are plain retarded. You stream turok editing and your character is dressed in his armor. Doesn't take a genius to figure it out.

>> No.21791481
File: 705 KB, 687x687, 1648075328554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sucks fellow coffee enjoyer. Going to try to keep it for after I stream or just drop it forever, the odds are against us anyway.

>> No.21791662
File: 51 KB, 675x678, 1644658496643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good morning /asp/

>> No.21791764

I see you like cute anime grill tweets.
follow @cute_46minutes
It's a bot posting some regularly. VERY CUTE pictures, including cunny, some yab but no porn.

>> No.21792053


>> No.21792383

I was forced to take a lengthy hiatus after being kicked out of my house a few months back. The hiatus lasted a little longer than intended because depression really started to fuck me up, but I finally have the energy to hop back on it this week.

Sorry to blogpost, just looking to get that off my chest because I don't feel comfortable sharing it with my audience as I like to try and keep my streams happy places. I didn't even have the heart to explain where I went to them, and will likely gloss over it on my comeback stream.

>> No.21792481
File: 1.06 MB, 1920x1080, nyan-jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. yellow cat

>> No.21792540

yellow cat based

>> No.21793099

ngl tho, I'd actually watch yellow cat if he got her dubbed by a woman. But that's too much of an investment for him to follow suit. Not to mention having someone else dub your character pretty much removes the point of being a vtuber in the first place.

>> No.21793857
File: 39 KB, 382x395, a dozen redraws later.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you done your reps anon?

>> No.21794047

No, I'm STILL not free.

>> No.21794077

that sounds awful anon, i hope you are safe now. I streamed for a little and had to stop for w few months, I was surprised at my viewers loyalty. Viewers are so cute, I bet yours miss you a lot and will be really happy to see you back. Gambatte!

>> No.21794319

Starting today actually. Going to record myself playing games pretending i'm streaming to try and mumble less when trying to play games and speak more confidently. Also trying to think out loud more.

>> No.21794786

I fixed a peaking issue on my mic and by extension found a really comfortable microphone placement that I somehow didn't think about before, as well as fixing an error on my model that I didn't catch before.
I may well do a random first stream tomorrow or the day after, but I'd like to figure out where I'm gonna be plastering my face er i mean marketing before then.

>> No.21795494
File: 892 KB, 220x220, 1639373014432.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New week new start let's hear it /asp/ies!
Whatcha planning, Whatcha streaming, When ya streaming?

>> No.21795606

White Bat Audio

>> No.21795716

No streaming, only goals. April goals include:
>Become ambidextrous.
>Draw for 30 minutes a day everyday or at least make up for it on other days.
>Finish a sketchbook.
>Stream with friends on discord.
>100 squats.

>> No.21795764

Guilty Gear: Strive this weekend hopefully. Doing talking to thin air reps this week, so i don't play in silence with my static png

>> No.21795876

gonna try to stream all 7 days to make up for lost days but at least 5. I want to finish Legend of Dragoon, do an RPG Maker / game dev stream, make some new assets on stream aswell and do some comfortable FF8 replaying. I hope my coughing will stop soon, I don't want to keep being annoying on stream.

>> No.21795929

New Vegas tonight, Stardew on Wednesday, CK3 on Friday.
Aiming to get 8 clips, so I have enough to maintain a one/day upload on twitter/tiktok/youtube, to keep the algo interested.

>> No.21795952

Might actually stream this week, but I have a lot of ideas for games I specifically want to stream and I don't know which one to start with.

>> No.21795959

Probably mahjong tomorrow

>> No.21796036

I want the family out of home so I can start working on my character again! Can't concentrate, it has been almost a week already.

>> No.21796100

>100 squats
>in a month

>> No.21796185

100 squats every day*

>> No.21796445

Gonna finish up Tenchu tonight, continue my first playthrough of Breath of Fire on Wednesday, wrap up Devil May Cry on Friday and play Super Mario Bros. 3 and some other retro games off of actual consoles on Saturday. The weekends seem to be Real Hardware Hours over on my stream. I'll be live at 8:00 P.M. CST for each one of those. Tonight, Wednesday and Friday's streams will be three hours but Saturday's will be at least four.
Aside from that, I'm planning to start getting familiar with Ableton and DaVinci Resolve this week.

>> No.21796628

that's a nice line up

>> No.21796892

Not gonna lie, I have low expectations. I only had about 10 regulars, but if I see any one of them I'm going to have to try my hardest not to cry.

>> No.21797024

i want to kiss my viewers on their heads and give them sweets

>> No.21797044

fucking sick again so trying to do things that doesn't require my voice. been prototyping some "raid events" where I can try to unite everyone in a common goal, just video/vfx/sfx overlays so far.

if I don't get better by wednesday I'll probably work on my chat interaction game again

>> No.21797513
File: 676 KB, 600x942, B234ECF0-28AB-4779-B643-EEE1D29214AF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is 30 too old to start this? I just want to sing anime songs for fellow weebs

>> No.21797545

Of course it isn't you goofy motherfucker. 30 isn't even close to being old.

>> No.21797550

No, there are a lot of us in that bracket.

>> No.21797575

By talking duh. Sit down, play a game, and record yourself talk. Make sure to watch your VODs to see how cringe you are and fix it. Do this everyday for an hour.

>> No.21797591

No. And even if it was too old, if you want to do it, why would you let others decide whether you should or not?

>> No.21797615

Thanks, need to expand my cute posting since I had to start from scratch.

I turn 31, pretty sure there's older chuubas than me.

>> No.21797782

If it's too old then I'm fucked!
Maybe we'll duet some day anon.

>> No.21797867

>2 weeks ago
>200 subs
How? Did you already have an audience on YouTube? There’s no way somebody that just started can pull crazy numbers like this unless you’re as good as Grimmi on /wvt/.

>> No.21797913

Age is not a limitation for trying to chase any of your dreams or desires, unless it involves becoming a student at a kids school.

>> No.21798183

vtubing is pretty much designed for people over 30. You can fake an anime voice at any age.

>> No.21798235


>> No.21798469


>> No.21798741
File: 1 KB, 352x323, 1643880427720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start streaming again
>do my english reps
>finish my new model
>have fun!!!!!!

>> No.21799045

I'm actually more motivated than ever to get things done now that I'm 25. The longer you wait, the more the impending dread of not trying at all is going to pile up. Just start now.

>> No.21799132

>Developing basic roughdraft of model design
>somewhat obscure games
>Not sure, I started streaming without a model and almost wound up not wanting to use one.

>> No.21799439

Being over 25 years old is the shit. I'm 26 and my brain is so much more cooperative now than it was when I was a kid. Much easier to just get shit done now.

>> No.21799820

Hitting 30+ and getting into the "well fuck this I don't give a shit what you think" mode has been fantastic.

>> No.21801813

Is it bad that I actively want fanart?

>> No.21801870
File: 171 KB, 521x486, confused_blushing_urushi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean by actively? Are you begging people for fanart?

>> No.21801947


>> No.21802245
File: 104 KB, 416x350, shocked_oldman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could stream later some live2d rigging for anyone that cares. I've never streamed on twitch though and I'm boomer tier tech savvy so I'm still figuring out how this thing works.

>> No.21802256

You have to stream?

>> No.21802313

Yeah I think you might have to sometimes

>> No.21802355

i hit 25 a few months ago and honestly the sudden realization that it takes a few years to build a career hit me too hard. life doesnt end at 30 but my parents had me at 30 and i gave myself a hard cut off to try to be a grown ass person with a good job and family by 30

>> No.21802666

I started to gain traction on tiktok with little skits and shit pulled my 15-20 viewers from yt to twitch just to try the platform with tiktok the tip is uploading a short 1 every 2 days until one goes viral and then debut. I absolutely hate tiktok but it works. Also to do a discord and things like that only if community asks for it. From that is just engaging genuinely with people, i really care about my followers to the point I've helped the few minors that come to my stream if they doing homework or shit we just try to help everyone on the server. The 200 subs deal shocked me as fuck i just got really lucky to be on frontpage twitch, it helps that spanish speaking community of vtuber is a bit smaller than EN but is already rather competitive. Also. A shitton of tetrio, vtubing community survives on tetrio basis on spanish speakers for some goddamn reason

>> No.21802694

I still want /asp/ie craft

>> No.21802815

Remember your options.

1. Get Lucky
2. Get Boosted
3. Hidden Advertisement

>> No.21804980

If I threw enough fan art at a bigger vtuber do you think there's a chance they'd want to collaborate or maybe gimme some of them juicy retweets?

>> No.21805307

Which /asp/ie is this?

>> No.21805508

>Get Lucky
You'll never "get lucky" if you aren't putting in the work and consistently getting your content out there, visible, and at least decent quality.
>Get Boosted
You won't get boosted if you aren't doing the above and networking and genuinely making friends with people. Bigger content creators don't just pick complete randoms to help out, they tend to help their friends and people they see are putting in work or creating something they like.
>Hidden Advertisement
Not even sure what this means

>> No.21805517

If you're a 0 view or not streaming yet, you could always commission it. I got like 2 bust up images for me, and i'm very happy with them. I understand if you like the feeling of people drawing you without knowing though, that must be euphoric.

>> No.21806071

>that must be euphoric
NTA, it is, i still have a hard time believing Miyo drew me

>> No.21806211


>> No.21806326

Kabhaal is in his 40s and he's a NEET shutin who never done anything with his life. If he can do it, so can you.

>> No.21807168
File: 9 KB, 225x225, 3C451807-D2B3-4169-A8CC-F30F4422852F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be a wageslave
>hours are really fucking irregular and on needed basis
>want to begin my career as an utaite
>hours have ramped up, I’m working 6 days this week and there’s no indication that’ll be changing
What do I do? How do I balance my work with getting things started? It took a lot to get this job and a lot of good things have happened since I started it, but it’s just hard labor. I come home with no energy, producing content seems impossible with a schedule like this. On the other hand, I was a depressed loser neet before this job, and I’m afraid of going back if I fail

>> No.21807235

Sounds like you need a better job anon

>> No.21807236
File: 1.73 MB, 1339x1667, FPOEwrQXIAUiNjL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Commission her, faggots. She'll do cute fullbody colored fanart and ryouna for 5~30$

>> No.21807295
File: 463 KB, 576x792, euphoria-2012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21807333
File: 100 KB, 554x604, konrad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually did commission her to design my witch's familiar, she did a really good job

>> No.21807341
File: 1.56 MB, 1920x1080, zetsubou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just stream while at work and schedule regular Saturday night streams with announcements. No need to get you're "streamer face" on, 90% of people will watch you as your are.

>> No.21807379

No monies either purisu undastand

>> No.21807409
File: 136 KB, 678x616, 078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Go groom her miyo is a starving menhera artist. The chuuba pyramid scheme grows stronger each day.

>> No.21807447

I need at least 4 other aspies with finished designs for a music video collab. Poast design, if it good I animate and draw you.

>> No.21807470

Continue to work hard but instead of putting your savings in the bank, compound with stocks. You work a lot, so you have a REALLY good pay, right?
Invest it and before long you'll be able to live off dividends, then you can just retire early.

>> No.21807514
File: 53 KB, 754x651, IMG_20220302_230621_055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking forward to it

>> No.21807585

Get office job and befriend your boss so you can stream at work.

>> No.21807669

I'm >>21750033
I think I got the gist of how to start to stream, does anyone still want to learn how to set up your psd file and then rig it?

>> No.21807728

Assuming the tutorial is how you stated it will be, yes

>> No.21808613

My musician gosling makes me music for free.

>> No.21808667

Would a voodoo doll vtuber be cultural appropriation?

>> No.21808713

Alright, just warning that this my first time streaming ever and also my english can sound funny since it's not my first language.

>> No.21808980

Nothing will happen to you whatsoever the same way nothing has happened to anyone else. Do what you want as long as you aren't trying to half-ass some black creole accent, then people might actually be upset.

>> No.21809137

if you get better at speaking, you have potential to be a really relaxing chuuba to watch imho. there's a lot of dead air at the moment.

>> No.21809192

you should put music, i though something was wrong with my headphones

>> No.21809244

you are mutted fren

>> No.21809273

yes, he warned you he's ESL.

>> No.21809451

If it’s been six days since my holostars application and they haven’t viewed it, then the dream is dead, right?

>> No.21809772

is this a joke?

>> No.21810281


>> No.21810332

Would playing erogames (without masturbating) in a separate account filter too many people or make it impossible for companies to hire me in the future?

>> No.21810459

What are some Vtuber TikTok accounts that you recommend looking at to get a sense of what the algorithm likes and doesn't? I want to get into it

>> No.21810526

>o-ok guys, I'll end the stream early. *hhhha hhhha hhhha* s-see you next time. uoo-

>> No.21810557

TikTok is region based, it's very hard to use unless you are american trying to appeal to americans

>> No.21810589

should i masturbate with the bros then?

>> No.21810680

Depends if you're male or female. If you're male look at Kenji, Versus, TFMJohnny, Riikami, Frost, and Sleepijuice. In all honesty though the best content to make your main source of TikToks that actually has a chance to drive people to your content are clips from your stream. Content representative of your own Live content gives people more incentive to actually check you out as opposed to just a channel of 100% TikToks sounds and memes.

>> No.21810777
File: 89 KB, 333x333, emotewat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already streamed for 4 days straight, should I stream again or is it too much? also, is there anything specific you guys want to see, like certain games? I thought maybe horror RPG maker would be fun but I'm really scared..

>> No.21810822

Just saying that if you play porn games, people know what you're doing once you're off screen, not doing it live really doesn't fool anyone, so be prepared for that.

>> No.21810889

Just stream as much as you want. Ideally you should have a schedule with days off though.

>> No.21811809

can I be a chuuba if I have a shitty voice? People told me I sound like fozzy bear, but depressed. I fucking hate it.

>> No.21811850
File: 236 KB, 972x1099, 2882614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm currently live with some more Legend of Dragoon, chill babi vibes and comfy jrpg gaming will come to you, but only if you post "Please step on me, Admiral-anon!"... or you could join the stream alternatively.


>> No.21811874

>can I be a chuuba if I have a shitty voice?
yes, voice doesn't matter at the end. Look at subaru and towa and kiara

>> No.21812099
File: 267 KB, 900x626, Spaceforce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, this maybe off topic, I'm an outsider to this board/community, but I've started vtubing on my own channel for fun and I'm having severe issues with my audio and I'm hoping somone here can help. I made my own avatar usind Live2d and use Animaze for the facial recognition. Why Animaze and not VTube Studio or PrPr? simply put, it works best with my shitty avatar, specifically the audio based lip-sync. I Run Animaze through OBS and everything more or less works fine. BUT, when I start up a zoom call and bring on guests, at some point the audio gets completely fucked and I basically have to restart everything to get it working again. Does anyone know why this is happening and what potential options are available to solve this issue? I have no idea what I'm doing
pic unrelated

>> No.21813580

I had a bad day at work, couldn’t get shit done for a couple hours, maybe if I get supper, a shower, and try drawing it might make me feel better…

>> No.21813632
File: 108 KB, 333x333, loveemote.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

live nao! I will probably finish my drawing then more paper mario or maybe a different geimu, I would be happy to see you there!

>> No.21813952

Which one is better to cancel background noise? RTX voice removal(assume you have 2060 or better GPU) or RNN noise?

>> No.21814045

Niji skipped my video, that was RUDE AF.

>> No.21814129

cute bnuuy emote :)

>> No.21814377

Has anyone gotten a view on their niji video yet? I haven't either but I'm still waiting it out another week until I lose hope

>> No.21814635

One uses GPU other uses CPU. Quality is probably equal, but might have different artifacts. As far as I know yelling loudly will get you cut out of both of them. ReaFIR subtract might be better if it is constant low volume noise.

Best option is always to remove whatever is making the noise.

>> No.21814644

I got in

>> No.21814848

Last thread someone said they submitted their video 2 weeks ago and got a view. I submitted my own 3 weeks ago, and have no view.

>> No.21815267

I'm in the middle of finishing all the graphics of my StarsEN audition video (I am making an animatic to stand out as an artist streamer) and I expect it to be finished within the next week and a half. Do you think I'd be too late and Holo has picked all the guys they want for StarsEN, or do I still have hope that I'm not too late?

>> No.21815392

you'll even get people like me who love all of their voices
except for >spoiler
because hers reminds me of my mother

>> No.21815549

they've already started interviews so better put it in sooner than later

>> No.21816249

Why does everyone i like have to be live at the same time aaaaaaa

>> No.21817997

didn't have the energy to stream for long, but better than no stream, time to get some rest

>> No.21818607

Babis run this fucking thread!

>> No.21819332

I will kill them all

>> No.21819482
File: 26 KB, 828x505, FIPBjORXIAMh30G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>150 tiktok followers and 2.5k like in my first two weeks.
Is this good gang?

I need to figure out how the hell I am gonna make an entertaining first twitch stream. Any recommendations for content that creates interesting dialogue without a active chat to bounce off of?

>> No.21819606

If I were to say I, as a perfectly normal guy and not a cute babi at all, was absolutely horseshit at singing and I were to do a karaoke stream, would you still watch it?

>> No.21819667

yes do yakuza 0 songs pretend to be majima

>> No.21819949

Can confirm Yakuza songs are good karaoke material because they're usually not too difficult melody-wise and fairly easy Nipponese

>> No.21820109
File: 486 KB, 548x956, C6B7E36D-444D-4178-8D1D-2409BE5C8455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I play Yakuza 0 or any of the Yakuza games? My primary exposure was (ashamedly?) Baka Mitai.

>> No.21820423


>> No.21820624

yeah 2 in one stream
do a full playthrough of yakuza and then karaoke for 24 hours
yakuza day

>> No.21820673

Thanks ^^

>> No.21820780

>Does anyone know why this is happening and what potential options are available to solve this issue?
sounds like you're streaming on a laptop. get a better computer.

>> No.21820838
File: 51 KB, 208x422, retarded_marcille.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to pay more attention to how i set up obs. I didn't even had the mic added and to do it mid-stream. Thanks for telling and thanks to everybody that watched, I hope you learned something from my embarrassing first stream.

>> No.21820880

>150 tiktok followers and 2.5k like in my first two weeks.
This is very good actually. Keep it up.

>I need to figure out how the hell I am gonna make an entertaining first twitch stream.
Unless its a Vtuber debut, it doesn't really matter what you do for your first stream. Just start streaming!

> Any recommendations for content that creates interesting dialogue without a active chat to bounce off of?
Write down interesting things that happened to you within the past week and put it next to your monitor. That way when there's dead air, you can have something to talk about without the help of chat.

>> No.21821375

last for just b urself bro

>> No.21821416

i still don't know what i'm doing

>> No.21821708

Last for WAGMI

>> No.21821795

Last for I hope not. You don't deserve to make if you don't put in the work.

>> No.21823176

Thank you TT. All excellent advice

>> No.21823835

Last for nyaa nyaa

>> No.21824131

I hope I make it.

>> No.21824636

last for watch me

>> No.21824690

I'm gonna make it.
