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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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21758407 No.21758407 [Reply] [Original]

So who told Chloe to call Mori a pedo? Was it La+, Iroha or someone else?

>> No.21758458

It was Mori 12 hours before they scheduled the call

>> No.21758491

she clarified on twitter that she didn't actually mean that

>> No.21758835

why would mori call herself a pedo?

>> No.21759688

My money says Gura.

>> No.21759730

It was me, I'm sorry

>> No.21760176

Chloe visited /vt/ so probably some anon.

>> No.21760246

To drive a conversation

>> No.21760310

She simply saw the clips from the English class stream

>> No.21763111

Gura doesn't talk to Chloe as far as anyone knows. The only JP Gura is in contact with is La+ and they just send gifs

>> No.21763364

Chloe said she watches clips of EN.

>> No.21763520

dont be stupid chloe knew what she was doing. twitter shit is damage control

>> No.21766399


>> No.21766452

>clipniggers shilling their shit in the catalog

Fuck off and die

>> No.21766520

I need orca to speak more english

>> No.21766969

It's me. I'm Chloe

>> No.21767184


>> No.21767363

Hello sakamata. We wanna rape you, and we know you're down, you filthy whore. Lov u.

>> No.21768935

she wants /vt/ to like her

>> No.21769054

Chloe knows what Mori did to poor LaPlus after eikaiwa. Poor girls too scared to leave her house anymore and the cops are too scared of the gaijin Amazoness to do anything.

>> No.21771685

the only based thing about her and I think the "I like short men" thing is pandering to her fanbase honestly

>> No.21771774

It's not pandering. All the E-celebs that she wants to fuck happen to be manlets. I'd name them but I don't want to give deadcuck jannie an aneurysm and have him ban me again for naming them even though she constantly talks about them onstream.

>> No.21772973

To make twitter forget about the n word thing for a while

>> No.21773853


She didn't. She said on a stream that she likes old people. Talking about how she used to go to nursing homes to run Bingo games for the elderly there so they would have some company and wouldn't think people had abandoned them.

She also mentioned just after that, that she liked working with and teaching kids as well.

So she likes young and really old people and helping them. Taking that to mean she's called herself a pedo says more about the person than it will ever say about her.

>> No.21773965

She probably read YT comments left by redditors/underage talking out of their ass calling Mori a shotacon because she has long hair and big tits

>> No.21774029

Can anyone explain to me why Chloe would even bring this up?

>> No.21774142

English lesson stream with La+

>> No.21774162

Why is mori so insecure about her sexuality?

>> No.21774220

she was on lean

>> No.21774286

is mori just embarrassed shotacon that coped so hard she convinced herself that she likes manlets

>> No.21781063

it was me

>> No.21781495

What happen to Shion?

>> No.21787599


>> No.21787867

I told her. I confess, it was in the ringo general..

>> No.21792589

everyone knows

>> No.21792792

Saying you like lolis or shotas isn't a taboo thing in Japan so it's different.

>> No.21795962

That short adult man she mentions loving? He's me.

>> No.21796713

Smelly orca is too based

>> No.21798087

so Shion finally pulled a "japanese" and ghosted Gura?

>> No.21800734
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Gura will put the smelly bitch in her place

>> No.21800794

I thought Calli liking manlets is only memed here?

>> No.21800806

It was Mori's idea, that was a bit obviously. Still funny tho, Expert delivery by Chloe.

>> No.21804540

She used to talk about it a bunch near debut. It was a classic bit that she doesn't bring up as much anymore

>> No.21804841

Being called a pedo is much less significant in Japan, Chloe probably just didn't know that westerners take it way more seriously

>> No.21805106

for the lulz

>> No.21805384
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it's a compliment

>> No.21805556
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>> No.21807690

Me, I'm sorry Calli

>> No.21808699

no, she is getting too good at it, she is cuter when she speaks poorly

>> No.21808739

Chloe wants people to know who she is and isn't above shit posting

>> No.21809482

Still interacting. The three of them want to form holocunny, but are trying to think of a normie acceptable name

>> No.21809707


>> No.21809780

But Mori said she was joking when she told them she likes Shota.

>> No.21813075

Most Holos are kind of pedos.

>> No.21814181

why nor smololive

>> No.21814234


>> No.21823436

Wtf I love Chloe now....
