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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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21757405 No.21757405 [Reply] [Original]

>Streamer makes a YLYL video for vtuber clips
>It's a shortened video from his Twitch VOD
>Edits out NijiEN clips from the original VOD
So why don't normies like NijiEN? They're basically Twitch streamers but anime.

>> No.21757468

No one wants to watch nijifaggots and whores.

>> No.21757483

Can we all agree that Miko is still the funniest chuba overall?

>> No.21757496

Because NijiEN is pandering to China.

>> No.21757560

It's funny that Nijifags have to pay this guy to check out their Vtubers while he did it free for Hololive.

>> No.21757574

>edits out the unfunny parts to get better interaction on youtube algorithm

>> No.21757604

youtube algo

>> No.21757616

oh i forgot about this lmao

>> No.21757703


>> No.21757722

This guy got recognize my hololive chuuba
featured in Asacoco and 24h Mikorone

what Nijis got for him?

>> No.21757762

NijiEN is full of cuckoldry and hotel room faggot threesomes.

>> No.21757872

>>Edits out NijiEN clips from the original VOD
Obviously because the Niji segements weren’t funny enough for a YT video

>> No.21757889

They paid him.

>> No.21757891

not even remotely

>> No.21758100

Who is it then?

>> No.21758120

Still funnier than any nijifag

>> No.21758137

At least post it. I have no idea who this faggot is.

>> No.21758225

>So why don't normies like NijiEN? They're basically Twitch streamers but anime.
Because they obviously want either anime or twitch and not a disappointing merger of the two. The only people who like nijien still are east asians looking for a safe and familiar version of a "sexy westerner."

>> No.21758245


>> No.21758260

why do normalfags like you keep posting on this site

>> No.21758417

I still don't like him because he offers absolutely nothing but that is hilarious.

>> No.21758423

Koefficient. Guys has the worst luck in terms of picking oshis. Coco then Rushia. Kek. Guy broke down crying a second time. He's Puerto Rican like mousey if you're a Vshojofag

>> No.21758425

Because they don't have clickbait-worthy designs

>> No.21758467

Youtube algo likes holo better, simple as.

>> No.21758471

>so new he doesn't remember coco
>so blindingly fucking new he doesn't even remember mikorone24
lurk 2 years and then kys

>> No.21758533

He was a fandead before switching to coco but yea

>> No.21758580

Because he doesn't like Nijis

>> No.21758595

Because only braindead faggots support Nijiwhores

>> No.21758598

Kek koefficent is a washed up fgc streamer

>> No.21758645

Doesn’t change the fact that nijisanji is absolutely terrible.

>> No.21758718

I want to beat these faggots into the ground. Vtubers are already secondary impressions on things like videogames, I don't need a basedgoblin to scream "YOOOOOO THAT SHIT FUNNY" when funny big titty clock goes GWAK.

>> No.21761539

Koefficient is the biggest Holo simp so of course he's not going to support Nijisanji

>> No.21761954

I still wonder what the fgc even thinks of the dude. Fgc would roast you for the smallest things, I can't imagine what they do to a guy who is openly obsessed with vtubers.

>> No.21762111

its him who got from nijis

>> No.21762386

FGC is full of nerds acting like they're hot shit.
Sure, back in the day, you could get fucked up by thugs in the arcades. But nowadays? Imagine clowning some guy when you play Melty Blood.

>> No.21763046

I always asume normies were the ones who likes nippletwisters, this faggots is only a exception

>> No.21763141
File: 281 KB, 640x497, B93554FE-6237-4ED6-B988-764663B3B5A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why I’m a Nagzzzchad

>> No.21763172

think sonicfox actually broke down those barriers, based degen king

>> No.21763338

>A normie streamer being holofag
kinda pathetic you guys

>> No.21764069

basically this. fgc "thug:" roots died long ago. And honestly for the better. theres no competitive scene worth it nowadays youre better off becoming a content creator. Koefficient is just choosing the smart route. Same as Jwong, Daigo etc. Cant hate them for that

>> No.21764728

Fucking retarded whore

>> No.21765084

Qrd? On niji paying him

>> No.21765334

Because >females

>> No.21766944

odds are to keep it PG-13 for monetization reasons

>> No.21769081

He really didnt included Mika & Mysta MSG clip
holyshit this faggot, he not only laughed during it but also went on a tangent about it being banned on UK and discovered for the first fucking time what brexit was

>> No.21769270
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aye aye

>> No.21769304

He admitted he got paid to do react to content on NijiEN tho.

>> No.21769335

>Edits out NijiEN

>> No.21769365

holy kek

>> No.21769408

>worst luck in terms of picking oshis. Coco then Rushia. Kek.
>Guy broke down crying a second time
jeez that's rough

>> No.21769566



>> No.21769583

Fuck who is his 3rd favorite? Hopefully it’s Mori.

>> No.21769644

remember when reaction content was seen as bottom of the barrel? and now reddit loves people who do it

>> No.21769861

kek, who's his oshi now?

>> No.21769914


>> No.21769938

Don't forget he mentioned lost pause as well

>> No.21769984

oh fug DD:

>> No.21770012

When you watch your oshi make retarded noises at video games, you're watching reaction content too.

>> No.21770028

Nijisisters don't open the link!!! Oh nyo, they got paid hahaha

>> No.21770147

Did koe react to ID3? I want to see if his reaction is lukewarm, like like he had for last few Niji waves

>> No.21770163

stop shuffling words around you know very well what i meant

>> No.21770218

>Subaru doxxed herself after he said this
I was so fucking scared his curse was going to strike a third time.

>> No.21770250
File: 109 KB, 956x900, _FPHMZv2VcAUa-81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>FGC person
Okay but does he know about, the one, the only

>> No.21770276

i tried watching one of his videos once, he threw a tantrum in the first minute because there's a karaoke clip and he's scared his video will be demonetized

>> No.21770290

Nope, he only knows Hololive and the Vtubers people pay him to react to.

>> No.21770343

He's more worried about the video being taken down if it's his review series or Twitch retarded DMCA system for music.

>> No.21770412

NijiEN to me feels like that weird group of kids at school who were in the anime club and say rawr and glomp and stuff like that. The kind of people you avoid and don't want to be friends with. I was a loser at school but they were like a tier below even me.

>> No.21770438

I agree with you on every point, but that was Mori.

>> No.21770513

>I was a loser
>but this group of friends are worse

>> No.21770571

React streamers are the lowest form of """"entertainment"""" humanly possible and should all die a slow and painful death yes, this includes some of the vshojo girls who do it
It is kind of funny that not even these leeches would touch NijiEN without getting paid for it though

>> No.21770617

Mori at least learned Japanese (kinda) . Niji en are a bunch of normies

>> No.21770657

at least i could tell they actually like the hobby unlike turd taste

>> No.21770670

>>Subaru doxxed herself after he said this
How did she even do it?

>> No.21770751

Several NijiENs speak fluent Japanese while Mori still sounds like the weebs from that old Girugamesh meme ad

>> No.21770788

Subaru joined Okayu's membership with her personal account and people looked up the accounts of people that join around that time

>> No.21770858

React content always goes for the biggest audience, just how it works. That’s why it’s always big streamers reacting to other big streamers.
It’s not worth leeching off a smaller corp so they don’t unless it’s sponsored.

>> No.21770898

Same with clippers where ichicolor hired a professional clipper whereas holoclippers did it and translated stuff voluntarily.

>> No.21770904


>> No.21770973

I don't think he used the word paid, but nijisanji "reached" out to him, naggz, and lost pause to react to Niji clips.

>> No.21771060

Every wave in nijien has at least one person that speaks fluent jp, and others that are calli level. Elira, Petra, reimu, shu, yugo are all fluent, and the first three learned it just to consume jp media more effectively. Rosemi, Ike, sonny, and pomu did too, but they aren’t as good.

>> No.21771070

roflmao Still. And 'reached out' is probably just a polite way of saying paid.

>> No.21771095

Good point.

>> No.21771205

It's worse than that. She publically said she'd join through other means and turns out there was only one account that joined for that specific membership stream.
Dumb ducky is dumb.

>> No.21771567

Holy kek

>> No.21771651

This is fucking hilarious

>> No.21771701

He still hasn't made a discovers on a Nijisanji talent

>> No.21771786

>Edits out NijiEN clips from the original VOD

>> No.21772348

This guy
and this guy
honestly seem pretty harmless at first glace. They don't push some shit take on things they don't understand.
They don't appear to be forcing some kind of agenda or drama to generate views for themselves either. Still, twitch is twitch and they all get the rope desu famalamalam

>> No.21772403

He's learned his lesson.
Also he's aware of >>21770218 so he's keeping quiet.

>> No.21773314

Worse still it was a personal account which actually had videos on it so there could be absolutely no doubt.

>> No.21773360

Does Yugo really count when she speaks English about as well as Mori speaks Japanese?
