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21738653 No.21738653 [Reply] [Original]

based orca putting closeted pedos on the spot

>> No.21738805

>JP holos
"I love having sex with underage boys and/or girls. The younger the better. Infants straight out of the womb are my favorite."
>EN holos
"N-no I don't like kids. A-adults only! Haha.."

>> No.21739379 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.21739454

I remember this
So fucked up

>> No.21739547


>> No.21739575


>> No.21739631


Mori should just admit it and lean into it.

>> No.21739632

would mori try to run or be willing to sit down with chris hanson?

>> No.21739740


She would pretend that she was there for a totally innocent reason

>> No.21739774

Yeahhh, maybe just lean into it a little bit. The other girl's voices really don't get far outside of Japan, and uh loli/shota is still not 100% consensus even in places like 4chan yet

>> No.21739777

Why do you think she moved to japan to begin with?

>> No.21739890

Bullies and feeling like a social outcast

>> No.21739897

that she was there to eat a cupcake with the 10 year old boy?

>> No.21740066
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Fuck off faggot

>> No.21740130 [DELETED] 

>Mori: I like shota (short)
>Iroha: Me too, me too
IRyS likes shotas
>"Ah shota, I like shota."
>"Shota I do like a fair amount."
>"And, actually, I like all kinds of characters, a fair amount."
>"Cool characters and sexy characters, they're all welcome. All weelcooome."
Namirin wants to fuck Klee
This but with Gura

>> No.21740184
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>> No.21740562

Yeah, there are those who are okay with it and the rest are niggers

>> No.21740592

So she moves to a different country. Kek what a retard

>> No.21740648

Calli is an idol she have to mind her words

>> No.21740656

Hey man I like a little bit of big guy on loli or big onee sans on a shota draining his balls as much as the next chuuba, but acting like you can just start retweeting Mori fucking kids and expect 0 blow back is a delusion

>> No.21740744

>Goes to Japan that is one of the top countries to treat you like an outcast if you're an outsider
I don't even...

>> No.21740807

Mori is hella sus.

>> No.21740833

She's a coward, I bet she hasn't even groped anyone.

>> No.21740870
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Then she tricks all of them into saying she is KAKKOI. She gets away with it, every time.

>> No.21740948

Exactly. She pretty much only hangs out with other expats living in Japan. When everybody's a social pariah, no one is.

>> No.21741016

Would you let Mori grope your ass in a crowded place? There's too many people around to run and she's got her grip right on you.

>> No.21741104
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The only time IT'S AWWWRIGHT is with Luna, also no bleders allowed.

>> No.21741366

Yes, especially if it was on a train packed full of people

>> No.21741558

Not like mori even tried to integrate
Japs aren't that hard on you if you actually know japanese or are at least trying to learn it

>> No.21741715

What you did there. I see it.

>> No.21741807

Add in her n3 Japanese after living in Japan for what? 5 years? She can't have a real conversation with people even if they don't consider her an outsider.

>> No.21742907

you dont need to speak japanese in japan
I had plenty of fun there while only being able to say sorry thank you and excuse me

>> No.21743067

Difference between living there and having fun

>> No.21743293

She'll never be able to pick up any shotas if she can't speak the language

>> No.21743331


>> No.21743413


>> No.21743556

>Find a westaboo shota that thinks her eigo is meccha kakoii
>Invite him to her apartment
>Rape him

>> No.21743869

To be honest, it's Japan, it's not like she could get many JP friends even if she tried.
Japs avoid each other and social interaction like the flu after they become adults.
Weekly karaoke with company colleagues just not to have to deal with wife/husband.
Also, she is more of a shut in type.

>> No.21744058
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>> No.21745222

>EN holos "N-no I don't like kids. A-adults only! Haha.."
That's bullshit. Mori admits to liking shota Ina agreed with Mori, and Gura goes googoo over lolis, and even will stare at ones ass in a VR game when said loli bends over.

>> No.21745593

>Mori admits to liking shota Ina agreed with Mori
When was this?

>> No.21745775

the duality of woman

>> No.21745822

find me a single uoh chubba who isn’t a pedo themselves. to become the loli, you must like the loli

>> No.21746355
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>> No.21751965

Why the fuck is she talking in that English teacher voice again? We get it calli you're fucking retarded

>> No.21752618

Because its the best way for her to talk in english to most of them. Just because they are adults doesn't mean they will be able to understand what shes saying more than a 7 y/o at the same english level. Marine straight up said speak english to her like she is a baby so she could understand.

>> No.21753082

Is it an American thing to move to another country and don't even bother to learn the language? Are they all retards?

>> No.21753978

It's a Mori thing. If I had to opportunity to learn Japanese while in Japan instead of this shitty ghetto internet immersion I'm having to do right now I'd be doing that shit every day.

>> No.21755525

She spent a lot of time in Texas, so she's probably used to immigrants never speaking the language properly.

>> No.21756206

You'd think she'd say she loves black guys since she loves being a wigger so much.

>> No.21757484

It certainly seems to be true for most people coming to North America from South America and China, or to Europe from the Islamistans. I don't know why people think it's a uniquely American thing any more. Probably just leftover hate for white people.

>> No.21759903

Unironically the public perception is it’s okay if they’re Japanese.

>> No.21760375

Non-Americans migrate to the u.s. all the time and don't know a lick of english, fortunately their descendants switch to english very quickly unless they live in an enclave where they only speak their mother tongue.

>> No.21760864

You just know she watches those fake shota JAVs and seld-inserts as the women

>> No.21761490

Nah, Americans are actually a bit better about it than everywhere else. Japanese folks are usually happy just to see someone even try.

>> No.21762626

just mori being lazy. Its. It that hard to learn a language if you actually try to speak it daily, Im no genius and I got fluent in urdu in less than 2 years

>> No.21762736

*its not

>> No.21762942

Clearly you should have tried being fluent in english first
