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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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2173874 No.2173874 [Reply] [Original]

Active Auditions
PRISM Project (EN Auditions)
>Deadline: April 30th, 2021, 12:59pm (JST)

Air Asia
>Deadline: March 28th, 2021

What is /asp/?
A thread where we discuss our vtuber aspirations! Where it's agency-based or independent, let's help each other grow and make it as entertainers. Indies are welcome to join, but shill responsibility. Share what knowledge, insights, what works/doesn't work for you.

Do I need an expensive, fully rigged Live2D model to be a vtuber?
No! You can always start out as a pngtuber!

Where can I learn how to Live2D rig avatars?
Check out Brian Tsui's (of Iron Vertex) YouTube channel!

Where can I find artists/riggers?
Skeb.jp, ArtStation, DeviantArt, Twitter, Reddit, etc.

/auds/ OP Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/zuUBUbGG
/auds/ Resources Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK

Stay grounded, stay hopeful.

Previous Thread: >>2070737

>> No.2174285

Air Asia isn't open anymore lol

>> No.2174646

yeah, the OP is scuffed, i just copied and pasted it since i woke up and saw that it was dead with no new thread. c'est la vie of startups and beginning indies

>> No.2177312

So about PRISM. They're on their first gen and their first talent only debuted 2 months ago? Top talent has 11k subs. Not to snuff something that's pretty fucking good for an indie, do you think it's worth it to tether yourself to an unknown company that's just mass hiring people?

>> No.2177359

I meant on their 3rd gen already.

>> No.2177363

I haven't designed my character yet and I was wondering about how people generally go about choosing a fitting concept to your voice and personality. I look at the previous Vtuber incarnations of a bunch of Hololive girls (such as Ame, Gura, and Polka) and it always jumps out at me how much better their current characters and designs fit them than their predebut ones. And it's not just a matter of quality of the art/rig, but the theming and everything. Like Polka's adaptable and chaotic personality fits extremely well into a clown/ringmaster model, but she probably would've been unlikely to decide that kind of thing by herself. When you're part of a company, there are pros who will work with you and provide an objective evaluation of you to help fit you with a character, but when you're doing it by yourself it's easy to make a character that you like but doesn't necessarily fit you. Should I ask friends what kind of archetype they'd assign me? Or people on /asp/ with a vocaroo clip?

>> No.2177445

What was I looked at my interests, aesthetical and hobbies, and chose a theme from there. Of course it's a wild simplification of designing a full character but it's where I started.

>> No.2177660

just pick something you like and go for it. jot down ideas as they come and you can always re-debut or have a model update in the future.

>> No.2177828

I spent about a half a month looking at pinterest stuff, both good general character designs, good vtuber designs, and anime-like art that fit an asethetic style that I personally liked. Then about half a month going through different design iterations, combination of clothes and colors, and getting feedback from friends with both looks and concept until I got something I like. Still not entirely sold, but it took a bit of work.

>> No.2177856
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Is this the vtuber debut equivalent of the audition tape of Pantsu Party?

>> No.2177920

I had a pretty good idea of what I wanted but it took me a while to put it into words of how I wanted it to be put together. I suggest trying a mood board where you can assemble pictures and put comments on them. with that, the artist I hired pretty much got 90 percent of what I wanted in the first draft.


you can also try >>2177828

>> No.2179071

the hardest part is the art, however you can make a avatar with a mouse and patience using curves on a pirated copy of photoshop or whatever
use those AI sites that make anime girls/boys as a guide then go and trace over them with curves, paint, then cut and rig them
l2d is free for 2 months IIRC and you can use the old version for more time if you need
that's if you don't want to spend a single dime, if you look around you can find cheap artists

>> No.2179262

or you can just use vroid for cheap and easy stuff

>> No.2179302

>l2d is free for 2 months
Live2D Cubism on first install always asks full version trial and free version.
If you just start with the free version you get the free version for the current program load.
You can start the trial version anytime you want after restarting the program and then after this you get the 40+ days time limit, if you don't by the subscription till the the limit reached the last day, you get back to free version.
Whatever art skills that anon has, I can surely say without being insulting here that the free version gives enough options to do a model fitting their standards. Anyone who can afford the subscription and has actually an use for it, earns already hundreds to thousands of dollars monthly by doing commissions anyway.

>> No.2181022

came across this in case some people wanted a fun app to try and practice their singing https://singingcarrots.com/

>> No.2181129

Oh hey we actually changed the name. I like that

>> No.2181141

>. c'est la vie of startups and beginning indies
did they cancel the vtuber thing?

>> No.2181266

Choose youre best sounding voice. The most phonetic one you can produce. It doesnt matter if its a made up voice or your natural voice. Just go with your best sounding one please.

For now, dont worry if the voice doesn't match the avatar because you can always update design in the future.

>> No.2181778

Post a vocaroo. Maybe we can give you some insight

>> No.2183807

So a week ago or so, I through out some ideas for my Vtuber idea, got some good feedback. Primarily what the main design should be, which was between a Librarian or a scientist, and both has somewhat meh results.

Thinking it over and talking to friends my most recent idea for character design theme is a AI. I plan on being a Lore vtuber, explaining the lore and settings of games I play.

So I introduce the idea of W.I.S.E. or the Wide Internet Search Entity. An AI(vtuber) designed to explore Wikis, 4chan, reddit and more to develop an understanding of fictional worlds, and share that knowledge with a broad audience.

Thoughts on that current concept? Visually I have no clue where to go with it yet, but gotta start somewhere.

>> No.2183900

seems fine, start making content

>> No.2183925

This is waaaaay more creative than a fucking scientist or librarian

>> No.2184287

It's still gonna be a while as I'm in the midst of buying a house, but yeah I'm already writing small scripts for some of the first missions/games to get me interested in lore.

>> No.2185107 [DELETED] 

What do people think of the idea of a magician librarian who tends to the Akashic Records, which turns out to be a huge library-type thing?

>> No.2185451

i don't care. what's your content gonna be about?

>> No.2185978

Have you fleshed the location out so that it's an actual fictional place? If you didn't knew there is for example the fictional version of the library of Alexandria, SCP-4001, it's an infinite space that records only human lives with all events from birth to death. New books appear when someone is born. Books of dead do not, their story is just finished. The more creative aspect of this SCP is that anyone who breaks into that place can just pick up a book of a living human or even themselves and can add or delete things from the books with a pen. If someone brings an empty book, writes a made-up birth and puts it in an active shelf, they even can create humans that never existed.
Since you do Akashic Records, that should include books about all living things if you go for a library setting, maybe you could copy some ideas for your lore there.

>> No.2186201

Fuck off with the "you aren't grinding enough" shithead gatekeeping

>> No.2186335

it's not about grinding, you fucking knob. anons here wasting so much fucking time and energy trying to come up with kayfabe that has zero impact on your content. no one gives a fuck if you've written paragraphs about your character's backstory and lore if all you're gonna do is play Apex for 2 hours and thank the 1 lurk viewer for watching.

>> No.2186449


>> No.2186492

>he still thinks it's about grinding

>> No.2186563

I mean you both have a point. Vtuber or not, if you are on YouTube, the goal is to make content, and without it you have nothing to show for the money spent on equipment and the like. On the other hand, a part of the appeal of Vtubers is the kayfabe and unique approach the creator might take.

>> No.2186584

It's about you being obnoxious when people clearly aren't in the mood to drone about how hard they are working

>> No.2186691

If you're trying to be a vtuber, the character is only in service of a better streaming experience or some kind of charm point to draw people in. Almost no one actually cares that much about the lore and certainly won't care if you're not actually streaming or being interesting. My understanding is that this thread is about becoming a successful streamer in the vtuber genre, not LARPing your OC.

>> No.2187022 [DELETED] 

I haven’t fleshed it out much yet, but I plan to
My content would include playing lore-heavy games, VNs, etc., as well as just games in general, and chatting and book review/readalong streams (also occasional fanfiction streams too, where I would write and look at fanfiction)

>> No.2187129

content sounds cozy, hope you have a good voice for it.

>> No.2187168

>My understanding is that this thread is about becoming a successful streamer in the vtuber genre, not LARPing your OC.
this. if all you want to do is talk about your character, go become a vtweeter like all the others.

>> No.2187288

But do you actually have a narrator voice people would be interested to listen to?
All those text heavy content ideas make not much sense when your voice is like scratching on a chalkboard.
>t. anime man with suit

>> No.2187319 [DELETED] 

>But do you actually have a narrator voice people would be interested to listen to?
>All those text heavy content ideas make not much sense when your voice is like scratching on a chalkboard.
Yeah; I've heard a lot of people say my voice is calming and soothing, at least to them, and I have no real reason to disbelieve them soooo

>> No.2187392

>>t. anime man with suit
no one tell this anon that you can put in reps as a pngtuber for the 3 months it takes to get a rigged Live2D model, and then re-incarnate as your new identity.

>> No.2188213

Anyone have success getting a properly layered .psd through Skeb? Worried about the problems with the language barrier trying to explain how all the parts need to be separate.

>> No.2188633

No this is cringe kino

>> No.2190754

if you're struggling to start, pick a concept you think might fit you and start streaming. you'll understand more about yourself and be able to customize as you go. that might be a big reason why gura and ame feel so well developed. they've already demonstrated how they act on stream and can be designed perfectly. nobody acts the same way they do on stream as they do alone, or even with other people irl

>> No.2194651

fanfiction content sounds comfy and not something a lot of people talk about so that's neat

>> No.2194716
File: 91 KB, 1393x928, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i gonna make it, bros?

>> No.2194766

the cool thing about that is you can get pretty creative with your designs; maybe something like an ethereal/translucent body that changes color based on the kind of content you're examining?

>> No.2194830

did you just make your channel? that's a nice impressions click through rate though; good job

>> No.2194913

i've had the channel since jan 1st, but hadn't actually made content until about 2 weeks ago after i got my png stuff sorted out. just some apex streams, nothing special. surprised people would just click through random vtuber videos with no views or anything.

>> No.2195422 [DELETED] 

8 views through impressions isn’t bad, though you don’t have too many impressions but that’s understandable since as you said you’re just starting out

>> No.2195605

Maybe you had a good title or thumbnail, or maybe you were just online at the right time of day.

>> No.2197410

How's everyone's Hololive audition going?

>> No.2197460

no views yet

>> No.2197597

Just curious, when did you submit your app? I sent mine in 2 days before the deadline and still have no views, but with how they said no one would get word until up to a month after their apps, I'm wondering if I shouldn't expect any views until later this week at the ealriest.

>> No.2197744

Ame and Gura had a lot of help from Cover when developing their current personas, and it wasn't a gradual growing process from their previous personas considering they completely dropped them for new ones. Gura used to be way more crude and had a serious potty mouth and Ame was more rough around the edges, and neither had particularly good or well-fitting models before debut. I would say Ame and Gura are proof that your character/model are extremely important to getting you more exposure and how well your personality and voice meshes with the character is what gets people to stay. Therefore it's worth investing more time on developing a strong character/concept before jumping into commissioning artwork, as your character will be the main figurehead of the brand you're building.

>> No.2198018

Mine was during the last few days for submissions too. I was thinking the same thing, we probably won't see any activity for another week or two.

>> No.2198532

Sent mine the day of and still no view either. I'm realistically not expecting the number to go up until 3 weeks in.

>> No.2199765

Stream with a draft png of your design concept (or a substitute approximate image) and rewatch the playback a few days later would be my suggestion. Iterate on the design as needed.

>> No.2200067

Almost 4 weeks, no views. My artist sent the first sketch of my avatar this morning though so idgaf at this point.

>> No.2200812

no views yet, submitted a few days before deadline

>> No.2201749

Male or female?

I'm being serious, I want to know what Hololive is really looking for.

>> No.2204412


>> No.2207825

Female, obviously.

>> No.2209005

They are accepting all submissions but looking for female

>> No.2211793


I'm female. And they're obviously looking for females. I just haven't done enough reps yet.

>> No.2215595
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>Just completed my comission reference sheet
>Payday is coming soon with enough dosh to get the whole avatar process done
>Lining up an artist at the moment
I'm excited but I'm getting nervous now that I'm actually making progress.

>> No.2215745

This is the most nerve-racking part. I was in the same boat.

Once the money is spent and you realize there's no going back, it's stressful as fuck for things to start moving so fast

>> No.2215910
File: 28 KB, 359x336, 1611814736454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm splurging a bunch too so it's really getting to me. I've gone back and redone the character that I want to be so many times now to make sure it's perfect, I think I've delayed myself by about 6 or so months. Whether I'm ready or not I need to get it started, even If I crash and burn.

Crossing my fingers we both make it anon.

>> No.2217032

nothing you've said here makes sense, anon.

you first talk about Ame and Gura's pre-debut personalities. and then try to relate that to their character design? the fuck? no, stop coming up with bullshit excuses to procrastinate and delay content creation. why the fuck are anons suggesting each other to "invest more time" to "develop" a character when none of you have even done a stream yet.

no one cares about the character. no viewer is ever going to hop into your stream and ask to see your character's biography. this is literal vtweeter shit. stop focusing on shit that doesn't matter as a streamer and start focusing on the shit that does.

>> No.2217255
File: 1.07 MB, 1024x1280, tumblr_pf3rgja1lF1xxjyayo2_r1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one of those things that sounds like tough-love "good advice" but is actually terrible. Vtubing is incredibly saturated right now. Taking the time to figure out
>exactly who you are as a streamer now
>your concrete goals for where you want to end up
>what you individually offer an audience, and therefore what experience they will expect from you
and so on is incredibly important for establishing an identity. There are thousands of neon catgirls and succubi who started streaming Among Us but have nothing interesting to say and no viewers as a result.

Absolutely, do not fall into the exclusive Vtweeter hole. Absolutely test and experiment with the nuts and bolts of streaming as soon into the process that is feasible for your schedule, equipment and budget. But also take the time to figure out who and what you are, even if it ends up changing in the process. If you're a librarian, the audience is going to expect a different experience/atmosphere than if you're a military general, even if both are playing the same grand strategy game.

Think of it as drawing the anatomy underneath billowy clothing. The audience isn't going to see it, and it might feel like a waste since you're going to color the clothes over it, but it'll avoid costly redlining corrections in the future.

>> No.2217295

this is bullshit kayfabe anon. vtubing allows you to reincarnate. you can pngtuber right now, get your reps in, figure out what content you're best at and reincarnate as something new. that's a lot harder to do with a face cam streamer because your identity is basically locked to that. stop trying to tell anons that they need to make their characters perfect before starting. perfection is impossible to achieve and it's bad.

>> No.2217530

It's not about perfection. It's about doing the fundamentals. What makes vtubing different from conventional streaming? The character. So you should at least put in the effort to make sure that character is a) compelling and b) something that plays to your strengths and you can portray.

Think back to the librarian vs general example. Playing the same grand strategy game, how could they differ their approach? Maybe the librarian is a bit calmer and more relaxing while the general is a boisterous drill sergeant. Or maybe the opposite happens and you exploit some gap moe. It doesn't need to be fully formed, it doesn't need to be perfect, and it doesn't need to be finalized before you do your practice reps. But you do need an angle unique to yourself that will prevent you from becoming another neon catgirl playing Among Us and passively reacting to whatever is on-screen.

>> No.2217543

Me too brother. Good luck

>> No.2217557

>It's about doing the fundamentals.
the fundamentals of being a vtuber is being an entertainer. take it from literally everyone who has given advice on this like Devin Nash, Ludwig, Mori, and everyone else who is already creating content.

MAKE CONTENT. full stop. fuck off with your kayfabe.

>> No.2217615

I don't like this mentality that you need to start making content asap. No regard for a plan or if you are ready.

Preproduction IS a thing

>> No.2217641

>No regard for a plan or if you are ready.
>or if you are ready.
Spoiler: you'll never feel 'ready'

>> No.2217654

Anime and Vtubing is a visual medium, anon. You think Artemis would be nearly as "popular" if their model wasn't a well-designed (and likely very expensive to commission) shark girl? Branding is literally one of the most important things you do as a streamer and if you have shitty background art, shitty emotes, and a shitty model and say to yourself, "I'll just update them down the line/once I get more followers and money" you're literally shooting yourself in the foot because no one's going to click your stream, check out your videos, or subscribe to you in the first place if your model looks bad. I don't see how "invest time in designing a strong character over being careless about it" is controversial advice here.

>> No.2217667

vtweeter hands typed this

>> No.2217741

It's funny you keep using the word kayfabe when wrestlers live and die off of how well their character gimmicks land. Content is being made far faster than audiences can consume it. All your attitude does is keep that monster ball of content go up and up and up, with none of that content being meaningful or watched.

>> No.2217745

I'm someone who both said you should be streaming and character only serves to help the streaming, but worked on my character for a month. The thing is, a good character can draw eyes in and make it easier to engage with chat. The thing is, you can be working on your character AND stream at the same time, and you really should be. You can't know what your character should be about if you don't know what you like streaming or not. The reality of the situation is that you shouldn't expect people to watch you for a long time, so it doesn't matter if you get a character and want to change it. Unless you win the lottery and get super big, no one is going to care if you rebrand.

>> No.2217784

>not even bothering to refute anything
There are enough people here coming up with actual, logical reasoning as to why your advice isn't good anon. You can keep doubling down on your bad advice but other anons here will counter it like they are now.

>> No.2217917

You're literally proving yourself wrong here. Artemis attracted attention with their good model but inevitably lost all that attention because they are a shit entertainer. You can polish your character as much as you want but if you're boring nobody will stay. A good personality can make up for a bad character but it doesn't work the other way around. What people are trying to tell you is to put your reps in with what you currently have so that you'll have lasting appeal if you get a more expensive model down the line.
Male. I'm fairly confident in my chances though.

>> No.2218003

>delusional male who thinks he has an actual chance of getting into EN Gen 2 is the one giving out shitty advice
Alright, I admit you had me going there for a second and I actually thought you were someone worth debating.

>> No.2218020

You need the skills to be able to actually stream competently but also the skills to be a good host. You absolutely should be doing png test streams for you and a few friends, but at the same time you need to give your audience a reason to take a chance on you and stick with you, as opposed to the hundreds of other streamers in your exact timeslot.

>> No.2218044


>> No.2218138

Maybe something like a holographic version to switch to when angry "emotional" would be a good idea to show the A.I. glitchingIt doesn't have to be the best or can just be the face but that can add some interest for clippers.

>> No.2218681

It's an interesting idea, but more important than the concept is the experience. For the viewer, what is interacting with this AI like? Is it like a scatterbrained professor who is incredibly invested in their subject and is almost a little *too* excited to share details of it with you? Or is it more of a tour guide, offering a light but informative guided experience? Or something completely different.

Obviously, there's no real AI, so you can make W.I.S.E. act however you want. A lot of it will be determined by your own personality, and whatever direction you find easiest to exaggerate your own tendencies when explaining lore.

>> No.2219072

Are you guys part of any discord or forum with other aspiring/established vtubers? How do you like it? Or is /vt/ your sole source of talking to others in this field?

>> No.2219110

I don't see the point in hanging out on discord with other vtubers unless you're expressly doing a collab with them.

>> No.2219359

>"I'll just update them down the line/once I get more followers and money"
That literally worked for Snuffy. She went from shit avatar and blew up as soon as she got a better one.

>> No.2219425

There were discords made here in these threads for males only and one for females only, but never popped in there myself. I can see it'd help with networking a bit, but it'd be mostly the people from these threads anyway.

>> No.2219452
File: 429 KB, 561x711, CUTE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros do you follow Uraushi Haruka?
Something about her voice just makes my heart warm up

>> No.2219464

I was in a couple of JP indie chuuba discords, but much like in real life I just have too little common interests with other people and afraid to talk to them anyway so I never actually participated.

>> No.2219731
File: 49 KB, 512x512, _IiNrrEg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is using voice modulation to sound like a robot a big debuff? The only one I know who does is Whisper.
I doubt I'm motivated enough to stream myself, but I was too curious to not ask. Tech priests might not attract people like cute anime girls.

>> No.2219799

Depends 100% on how annoying the modulation is to listen to. Something that is charming in 30-second bursts might be irritating for twenty minutes and insufferable for two hours.

>> No.2219898

female, got a few views on vsinger app previously

>> No.2219902

>I just need to flesh out my character design a little more and itlp be perfect

>> No.2220025

talking with twitter is very not helpful because no one wants to be publicly critical
posting /here/ is probably the most real criticism you can get but also some people just like to act like schizos without actually being helpful so its kind of hit or miss

>> No.2220105

this place might as well be twitter with all the vtweeter talking points

>> No.2220224

Literally me

>> No.2220239 [DELETED] 

New agency doing auditions:
Also has a Reddit post up

>> No.2220316

I'd imagine that you'll have a harder time getting an audience compared to a 'pleasant' voice to listen to but if its consistent and fits the character it could work. Also I fucking love AdMech so I say go for it.

Important lesson for projects: "Done" is better than "Perfect".

>> No.2220358

>the best way to learn skydiving is to jump out of a plane
Shouldn't I learn how to operate a parachute, maybe how to control speed and direction using body motions, the basics?
>if you don't jump out of a plane RIGHT NOW you'll never learn!!

>> No.2220443

>Shouldn't I learn how to operate a parachute, maybe how to control speed and direction using body motions, the basics?
you're concerned with the color the parachute and wasting your time asking what other people would think of you if they saw a particular colored parachute. you're wasting your life designing "the perfect" vtuber avatar and coming up with "the perfect" vtuber lore and background, vtweeter.

you wanna be a good vtuber? then start vtubing. do you reps. don't even bitch about "grinding" because you haven't even started and don't even know what 'grinding' means.

>> No.2220509

Hopefully she gets a really good 3D model someday

>> No.2220513

As a separate person, I feel like this whole discussion gets too binary. Like, there's a lot of waiting period when getting the model done you can use to hammer out any lore specifics, then once you have an image you can PNG tube to get your reps in. Lore isn't really all that important in the long run (unless you are *really* leaning into it), but it is still a worthy topic of discussion in these threads since it is part of building a character.

>> No.2220592

>still a worthy topic of discussion in these threads since it is part of building a character.
but it's not. "building a character" isn't a factor in determining who decides to click your thumbnail and stay to watch. your avatar's art, probably. cute bear girl? might give a click. generic dude with vroid base model? hard pass.

if you want to worry about making you DESIGN look great as a hook, then sure. but you're wasting your time trying to build a 'character' with 'lore' and shit. even more so because once you get started, the lore is gonna be what your community will give to you.

Ame was supposed to be some suave detective who is investigating the rest of the HoloMyth girls. how long did that lore last? all of 5 minutes into her debut. now her community has been with her and established that she's a little salt gremlin who somehow has GFE and tries really hard to practice singing for her viewers.

if any of the vtweeters here went through something like, it'd just constantly be "nooooo muh loreeee, i put so much time into it even though it doesn't matterrrr, stop making lore that doesn't suit what i came up withhhhhh"

>> No.2220603

>Mysterious agency
>barely any info given
>no mention of their ceo
>no talks about their direction

Buuuuut give them all your info anyway.

>> No.2220653
File: 29 KB, 343x396, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not a good look, my bro

>> No.2220717

Yeah, it doesn't need to be elaborate, it just needs to be something. Skimping on preproduction and planning is the source of so much hassle in media today, and it is ultimately as detrimental as perfectionism.

To use the most mainstream example possible, imagine how much time and money DC and Warner could have saved if they invested a short amount of time into actually planning the universe, instead of throwing crews at projects and getting filming started NOW NOW NOW.

>> No.2220885

People are free to discuss what they want about character building. Lore can be a part of that, in as little or as much as they want. Either way, it is still a valid line of questioning for threads that are literally about aspiring vtubers. You don't get to decide that for others, however. In my case, I have almost no lore since it isn't needed for my content so it's not really a consideration. If you don't want to help with lore discussions, you are free to ignore the posts.

Now if someone was putting off getting a design done because they wanted to fully flesh out some lore for 3 months straight then yeah, they probably should be called out on it.

>> No.2220936

>Now if someone was putting off getting a design done because they wanted to fully flesh out some lore for 3 months straight then yeah
Exactly. If you wait until you're 100% "ready," you will never ever start. But on the flipside, that doesn't mean planning itself is useless.

>> No.2221008

Is there any way to get the female viewer rate up? What are women who watch female vtubers into. In the end it doesn't really matter of course but I am curious.

>> No.2221059

do things that women like, and not the things that men think women like

>> No.2221346
File: 50 KB, 1124x1014, ErkE-RxVoAALzPY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An easy thing to avoid doing if you want to keep female viewers is GFE and thirst trapping, beyond that I'm not too sure myself. You can check out streamers with high female vs. male viewership ratios (Vtuber or not) to get an idea of what kinds of personalities attract more women. Valkyrae is a streamer of the top of my head who's got a bunch of female viewers and has posted proof - I'm not really sure if there are any female Vtubers with ratios as high as hers.

>> No.2221413

Her original model wasn't great but it looks better than 90% of the shit EN Vtubers choose though.

>> No.2221815

I enjoy watching Amelia because she likes FPS games, even though it's evident that her audience is mostly male.
Including the female viewers when talking about chat collectively helps. Just acknowledging that there are other women in chat will probably get people to stick around a bit, but it mostly comes down to if they enjoy your streams in general as a baseline.

>> No.2221999

>it's now been 3 weeks since i put in my skeb
still nothing...

>> No.2222541

Why do any of you think you'll get into Hololive? They've got 6000 applicants to choose from.

>> No.2222677

I didnt apply so obviously I'm not getting in. But those that did apply will have an infinitely higher chance than I do.

>> No.2222726

There's certainly more than 6000 apps this time around, but the only job you're certain not to get is the one you don't apply to. No need for the crab mentality here, anon.

>> No.2222768

In general, if you're talking about female weebs correlating with girls who like to watch streams, I think 80% of the same content applies. Like one person said I think it's usually extreme GFE that squicks us out. Even if it was pandered to lesbos, I think most of us just don't like that kind of behavior because we can "see though" it better. In the same vein, acting dumb intentionally. Though I guess this is things to avoid, not necessarily things to do. I'd say most content reception is more similar then you'd think.

>> No.2222776

Fuck you I love GFE

>> No.2222947

I'm a lesbian and GFE honestly filters me hard. Ame's pretty much my oshi but I watch her despite her GFE if I'm being totally honest. A female Vtuber who's just someone funny that you either want to be or want to be friends with is all you really need to gather a female fanbase. Though I would recommend not streaming male-dominated genres like RTS if you are interested in building a female viewership.

>> No.2223321

"most of us"

>> No.2223398
File: 61 KB, 466x395, Screenshot 2021-04-04 181608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the way if you didn't see the reddit post for Narwhal, it's laughable.

>> No.2223413

how many of you do singing streams? if you do, how much professional experience do you have with it?
it's something i enjoy but i haven't actually practiced with a teacher since about primary school choir practice lol so i'm nervous about trying it on stream. i'm sure there are some streamers who sing despite not being very good at it and still get views but how the fuck can i tell if i'm good enough

>> No.2223602 [DELETED] 

Oh I agree
But every company has to start out somehow; look at how Tsukino Mito said Nijisanji was when it started out and she applied first. It looked all shady for her too, but she jumped at it because you kind of have to jump at it, you know?

>> No.2223610

I don't, but I'm just the type that finds scuffed karaoke awkward to watch so I wouldn't do it myself. Obviously good singing will net you more views but I have seen people in real life do so badly at karaoke it was hilarious so that could be your angle as well. If you have the money you could take a couple of trial lessons with local voice coaches and ask them for an objective opinion.

>> No.2223670

Is it possible to do a 'non-binary'/androgynous character without making westerns feel like I'm pushing an agenda? I just want to be an ambiguous loli/shota to appeal to both crowds.

>> No.2223708 [DELETED] 

You can definitely try; all you would really have to do is not speak up on politics with regards to stuff like that.

>> No.2223712

Oh wow, what the fuck. So they want people with pre-existing audiences to audition, and their freedom, to work with a company with no experience, no resources, and no stated management capabilities. All in the hope of... eventually possibly getting some of these things?

This isnt an audition for vtubers to work there, this should be them auditioning to work with vtubers.

This is true, however it isn't the vtubers job to start a company, its the companies job to make it useful to vtubers. Nowadays the tech is more easily available so going indie is easier, the only thing companies can provide is management and financing. This company has neither. It's rough but what they should be doing is going after people who are planning on debuting and helping them. Going after existing content creators seems like a lost cause since there's no value proposition at all. For every instance of hololive/nijisanji, there'll be dozens of failed startups, scam companies, and abusive management.

I mean, having a design that isn't really discernible just does that by default. Unless you actually talk about politics and whatnot for that stuff, you aren't pushing an agenda. You have to remember 4chan is a terrible place to judge how people actually view things. Some people will complain about stuff no matter what. Alternatively, some model designs (robots, nonhumanoid things, etc.) have no particular reason to be gendered in the first place.

>> No.2223714

i don't see how this would ever come up as an issue unless you're actively pushing it on your stream.

>> No.2223738

yeah, no. hard pass on this. all they're gonna do is take a cut out of experienced vtubers who can be making much more money by staying independent. the fuck does this group have to offer an indie besides empty words?

>> No.2223747 [DELETED] 

>This is true, however it isn't the vtubers job to start a company, its the companies job to make it useful to vtubers. Nowadays the tech is more easily available so going indie is easier, the only thing companies can provide is management and financing. This company has neither. It's rough but what they should be doing is going after people who are planning on debuting and helping them. Going after existing content creators seems like a lost cause since there's no value proposition at all. For every instance of hololive/nijisanji, there'll be dozens of failed startups, scam companies, and abusive management.
Fair point. I just want to actually be in an agency, you know? I feel like being an indie is kind of holding my potential to do great things back?

>> No.2223774

Maybe the hair should hide most of the face, I guess.
I think this is a very commonly used for androgynous characters whose gender you shouldn't know.

>> No.2223815
File: 114 KB, 632x527, prism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ichikara existed as a company before Nijisanji was founded. They weren't a "vtuber" company, they are a tech company. Also startups start by someone investing capital and a gathering a team. You join a company and give up indie freedoms in exchange for money, support, and promotion. This company has no money to give, can only promise small things, and is in the process of hiring a free social media manager off reddit.
PRISM, while questionable with how fast they're hiring, is better because they have a website and talk about the creators and their accolades.

Narwhal is two reddit posts, 4 tweets, and zero information.

>> No.2223816

I mean ambiguous characters like Nanachi from Made in Abyss can have a lot of appeal and don't "push agendas" or so to speak, but you should be prepared to see your fans to fight over your gender from time to time. If you've got an androgynous voice or voice that toes the line between young boy and tomboy girl that kind of character could work especially well for you.

>> No.2223865 [DELETED] 

Hmm, you make a definitely fair point
The only issue is I’ve already auditioned for Prism once, but I don’t feel like the audition actually showed off my talents properly and I don’t feel like it was good enough? So I kind of want to make a second audition that actually shows off my talents and talks about stuff in a proper way during the same wave, but idk how well that would go.

>> No.2223901

>I just want to actually be in an agency, you know?
Oh this is a perfectly good thing to want, you'd have people at your back and extra protections.

>I feel like being an indie is kind of holding my potential to do great things back?
However, this I'm not entirely sure. You can still do whatever you want, it's just more up to you to make it happen. You have to source your own tech/interface/whatever, you have to determine any rights management, and everything comes out of your pocket. You wont have an advertising & HR department to put your name out there while you stream or sleep. And of course, you are the one who has to make (and manage) all your money. Also of course agencies mean usually easier time doing collabs.

However with an agency, depending on how its run, you may have to put everything through management to see if you can do it. And rights become more complicated since companies have different things they are allowed to do. And of course they will take a part of your profit. It's a give an take relationship. Sometimes theres more give on one side or the other, and therein is the complication.

Like, I'd kinda like to be in a group of vtubers as well, gives you a community instead of the lonely wasteland of small account streaming. But I also know it would add more complications and responsibilities. Also I instinctively like trying to help others when I can (especially younger people than me) so I think I'd work well in an agency setting. But I'm not gonna apply for any of them since I want to see if I can do it on my own first.

>> No.2223910

Joining a company doesn't magically make it better. If they can't afford to pay you, they can't afford to help you with anything that you couldn't do yourself.

>> No.2223921

you're better off vtubing, banding with other vtubers, and then hiring a manager to make your own agency like VShojo than auditioning with a literal who agency with the spelling skills of a 7th grader.

>> No.2223935

At this point has ANYONE gotten views on their Hololive audition?

>> No.2223980

Yeah that's what I figure the best solution would be. Then over time if the group needs additional resources they can be tacked on later.

>> No.2224004
File: 55 KB, 660x455, hj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They literally can't write "hi".

>> No.2224034

jesus christ

>> No.2224047

Depends on how disciplined you can be. If you use a term like "non-binary" though, people will definitely make snap judgements about you. And you have to have a strategy ready for when the twitter mob breaks into your chat and demands you say "trans rights." Do you appease them once and become beholden to them forever, do you try to ignore it and have antis spam you all day, etc.

>> No.2224216


I've actually experienced this, but the anti's only spammed me that one stream and never came back.

Always ignore, unless you're caught on camera saying something fucked up the sjw cockroaches have no ammunition, only scare tactics.

>> No.2224295

In a way some of these vaspor-agencies remind me of the MCN-mageddon on Youtube from like 5 years ago. A lot of people feel like they need to be a part of something, with the kicker being that you have to be a part of something good to really profit. Don't sell your talent to someone only interested in scraping 20% off the top.

>> No.2224433

On this general topic, I'm surprised I haven't seen more collectives pop up. Just community supported efforts at helping each other. The only one I can think of is UniVirtuals.

>> No.2224470


I'm almost certain the chuubas that lurk /here/ have a collective discord, how else would they have coordinated the easter egg hunt?

>> No.2224531

Possible, but more like a somewhat branded collective under an official name. They may have that too and I'm just not aware of it.

>> No.2224577


They havent and shouldnt, if the normie population figures out that our faves have 4chan support a bunch of cockroaches will come out of the woodwork to cancel them just because of that

fucking sjw scum

>> No.2224609

if you're talking about /vt/, some anon tried it and the collective consensus was that he was a fucking moron. i don't really know if there's any benefit to even partnering up with other indies to "form your own collectives" like, what would that actually do for you?

>> No.2224723

Just have a rule in your stream description that says talk of controversial topics like politics will be ignored and ignore it. They're only doing it for attention and to try and bait a clippable moment, so don't give it to them.

>> No.2224798

What would I have to do in order to keep my identity safe while streaming? I remember when I looked at the Hololive audition Google Doc, there was a section for twitch link. So, I assume that streaming before auditioning increases my odds.
That said...I like having some degree of privacy, and I'd like to keep what little I still have.

>> No.2224826

Look at the Beginners OpSec guide in the /wvt/ OP.

>> No.2224830


>> No.2224852

- Separate vtuber email for everything social media (youtube, twitch, twitter, etc.) should come from this.
- Steam games - use Family Share on a fresh account to access games already installed on your main account.
- Use a different browser if you're doing web stuff (i use Firefox for personal, and MS Edge when a viewer sends me some youtube link or twitter share post)

>> No.2224906


you're overthinking things. Make a brand new twitch account, youtube account, whatever social media account you want to shill yourself on.

make a separate business email to link onto your youtube/twitch about pages, DO NOT USE THE SAME EMAIL ACCOUNT YOU USED TO SIGN UP FOR THESE.

For obs, never use display capture. Use game capture or window capture.

>> No.2225499

>did a test png stream
>had a couple funny jokes I thought I could highlight
>desktop audio buries my voice completely

pain peko

>> No.2225566

>you're overthinking things.
You're right, I am. Then again, I like thinking about these things. Which seems like kind of a red flag for how boring my streams will be.
Then again, Mike Meyers and Prof. Messer have an audience, but I'm nowhere near as knowledgeable as them.

>> No.2225603

new accounts for everything starting with your email

>> No.2225626


>> No.2225650

Even if your going to contact them dont give these people your real info

>> No.2225678

A collective around 4chan would be fucking awful, I mean just in general. The benefit I could see of a collective is maybe both advice and some closer friendliness. Adding more people in means an excuse to interact with them. A shared website to showcase people, a group discord so more fans would cross-pollinate and share moderator load.
This might be extremely terrible in practice, but I'm just wondering why there's not at least some attempts at it. Even terrible elitist attempts at gatekeeping and holier-then-thou exclusive groups.

>> No.2225737


every streamer is fucking boring when he/she starts up. Unless you have an insane amount of natural charisma, think like one out of 10 million people level, you start off boring and gradually figure out what gets a good reaction from your audience. Then you focus on developing that shit further, and boom, interesting stream for your niche.

>> No.2225743

with the volatility of the vtubing scene right now i don't think anyone would risk it. at the end of the day, the only thing that'll happen is one of the talents ends up being "the star" of the collective and leaves, taking the majority of viewer base with them (exactly what happened with Kana and Tsunderia, and Tsunderia lost like 300+ viewer regular talent)

>> No.2225940

Will you commission hentai of yourself, /asp/irationals?

>> No.2225969 [DELETED] 

Of course not

>> No.2226054

Probably not, I'm generally leanings towards PG13 content

>> No.2226107

nah, thats the kinda thing that you gotta wait for a fan to do. draw or comm nsfw art of you- thats when you know youve made it lmao

>> No.2226126

this. i commented a couple of threads back that one of my personal milestones is nsfw fanart. that's my measuring stick of progress as a vtuber.

>> No.2226255

Hey bros.
I stream every day on twitch with a decent 400 following (moving to youtube soon), I clip, edit and upload stream content onto youtube and even upload exclusive content and skits there. I'm active on twitter, reddit, facebook and here.

Am I doing enough, or should I be doing more? I'm a neurotic workaholic and worried im not doing enough reps. What else should I do, or should I just stay steady and patient?

>> No.2226295

maintain your core content but start experimenting with other things that may draw in more viewers to help you grow.

>> No.2226414


what's your concurrent viewer average? how many months have you beeen chuubing?

I'm both envious and happy as hell that you made it anon

>> No.2226455

I can't ensure you that even 1/3 of the twitch following will keep moving with you over to Youtube. Just a slight inconvenience will filter a lot of people. Have you already got all your regular viewers to subscribe?

>> No.2226493
File: 408 KB, 3264x2448, 0fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got my model back from my rigger.
I'm so fucking happy I could cry. It everything I wanted it to be.

Seriously bless this general. Thank you guys for giving me the push I needed to make my dreams come true. Even if I don't """make it""" I can take solace in this being one of the most optimistic and happiest moments of my life. It feels so good to work towards something that I have a genuine passion in.

It's all finally working out. We're all gonna make it.

>> No.2226507

godspeed anon. i can't wait to randomly come across your stream and shill you in /wvt/ without your knowledge. don't forget about us little guys when you make it.

>> No.2226532
File: 6 KB, 200x180, a8060213c8e6030296514958cd773a5e3bcb487e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a time loop post?

>> No.2226554

pretty sure it's the same anon who made the post like a week ago after getting their .psd layered artwork back and was going to take it to a rigger.

>> No.2226616

I don't think that was me. It could have been though.

Blesses. Thank you anon and good luck

>> No.2226628

thank u :]
started jan 1st this year as debut and non-stop since apart for a two week break. average viewers between 8-14 and most regulars are over on the youtube cuz they're absolute sweethearts.

I just wish there was more I could do because when the streaming and editting is done i feel restless to do more to try and break the glass ceiling rip

>> No.2226645

i think this is pretty accurate. when i watch other female streamers i'm looking for someone who is being very genuine. snuffy is a good example, especially after she dropped her voice. i may not watch all of her streams but any clips i come across are generally enjoyable

personally though i just like watching cute girls do cute girl things. froot is just too adorable

>> No.2226651

I didn't think about this correctly and my login email is basically the tuber name. In hindsight, don't do that because of spam or security.

>> No.2226672

if you have a schedule, just do some random shit off schedule as a guerilla stream. some of your regulars will pop in surprised you're streaming off schedule and explain to them that you're looking to experiment with different types of content and see if they like it. if they do, bring it into your main schedule, if they don't, no harm, since it was an off schedule stream anyway.

>> No.2226725

Has anyone done the numbers to calculate how much more popular female Vtubers are compared to their male counterparts on average?

>> No.2226761

are you talking indie or corporate?

>> No.2226769


>> No.2226787

I was thinking indie, but any data would be appreciated.

>> No.2226913

then no, no one has done the numbers on indies

>> No.2228664

one anon said they submitted last minute and got a view a few threads ago

>> No.2229687
File: 6 KB, 200x147, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should i do a karaoke stream?

>> No.2230176

Doing a low-stakes karaoke stream for almost nobody would probably make the higher stakes ones easier.

>> No.2230251

if you can sing go for it, it'll help you a lot

if you can't sing, don't do it. people watch subpar singing because they already like a streamer's personality.

>> No.2232167

you could
you could also release a cover which is what i've done

>> No.2234346

Luto's times are perfect for me because I'm up at those times anyway

>> No.2235034


>> No.2235151

Do you guys have any skeb artists you reccomend? Preferably $50 or less (or really nice qualoty if over)!

>> No.2235622
File: 8 KB, 523x83, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not mine because it's been 3 weeks with fucking nothing

>> No.2240150

People put too much faith in Skeb. There are better places

>> No.2243112

This is true

>> No.2244698

How do you deal with toggles in vtube studio

>> No.2244803

Have you skimmed through the documentation?

>> No.2244822

No I haven't seen this, thank you

>> No.2245813 [DELETED] 
File: 125 KB, 1080x1080, 1610628270962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2246053
File: 172 KB, 1500x1500, 1602428874186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do PNGtubers use for those voice-activated avatars?

>> No.2246111


>> No.2246156

This is some really clever shit

>> No.2247944

How does Skeb even work? Just cheap commissions?

>> No.2248128

Why do so many people use Skeb when it's so rule heavy and doesn't even come with a commercial license?

>> No.2248489

Is there a word for a full body piece of art, with a background and all?

>> No.2248498



>> No.2248621

Thanks boss

>> No.2249735
File: 1.99 MB, 1660x677, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it poor taste to commission fanart of yourself?

>> No.2249911


>> No.2250085

Definitely not. Especially if you can get use out of it

>> No.2250407

I was probably gonna do this too. Just a nice full illustration that I can use for marketing.

Only issue is finding an artist I like at a reasonable price point.
I can justify spending 500+ on a layered rig, but no chance am I going to spend that much just for what will amount to a tweet and maybe something I can repurpose into a channel banner

>> No.2250487

My plan is to stream on Twitch but archive to Youtube. I also want to do clips and #shorts of my Twitch streams on Youtube. Should I split the clips and archives across different channels or just do them on the same one?

>> No.2250793

In my nonprofessional advice, consolidated as much of your content onto a single platform as possible

>> No.2250893

spread it out to as many social media pages as you can. VODs on youtube, shorts on twitter, clips on tiktok, more eyes means more clicks.

>> No.2251064

The duality of man

>> No.2251125

I should specify that yes it's better to be spread out on different platforms, but there's a difference between putting micro-clips on tik tok than there is having multiple "primary" outlets with multiple channels

Tik tok, twitter, etc should be used as advertising tools.

>> No.2251289

Is it okay to post same shorts on Tiktok and Twitter?or do people get upset?

>> No.2251345

no one cares that much, just keep it under 60 seconds. for tiktok specifically, make sure it actually hits. the algorithm is fucking aggressive and if the first 3-5 people who see it don't like it, it's dead and will never get picked up. show it to someone to make sure that it hits and will get a thumbs up.

i remember another anon posted a 7 minute long clip playing skyrim where he hurt an NPC and just jumped around confused because the townspeople were attacking him. it may have been funny to him in the moment, but it was a shit video of an unfunny moment for viewers.


>> No.2251368

I think that's perfectly fine, but I'd also have exclusive content on each to give people a reason to follow on multiple platforms.

Also realize that each platform is specialized for one specific thing. People are less likely to watch a clip on Twitter than they are on tiktok, because that's what tiktok is built for. But on the other hand Twitter is a stronger communication device so more people will want to use it as a tool to interact with you directly. Play to each platforms strengths, and overlap content where appropriate.

>> No.2251660

But if it doesn’t hit, I’ll just post another one. Why the caps?

>> No.2251706

What do you mean by "hits"? Just good content

How is Tik Tok for discoverability anyway? I never intended to use it but I've been hearing a lot about how it's apparently very easy to have a video go viral

>> No.2251742

If a collab I'm in is being hosted by somebody else, is there a way to stream my Live2D data to them hastle free?
I always see vtubers just use a png during collabs so I assume it's tough.

>> No.2251894

Two twitch streamers I watch have a "main" YouTube channel where they upload clips and highlights, and occasionally youtube-only videos, then a separate VOD-only channel.
Another two twitch streamers I watch only upload highlights onto YouTube, while acknowledging that a fan uploads full vods on a separate channel.
I only know of one Twitch streamer that uploads both highlights and full vods onto the same channel, and that's because he began growing his audience on YouTube first.
Definitely agree with >>2250893 in casting your net wide.

>> No.2251939

post too many that don't hit and you just end up being a shitty content creator that the algorithm will overlook

make sure it's actually funny. tiktok is great for discoverability because the algorithm is very good at getting people who like to watch your content to watch more of it. i used it for maybe 2 hours and i was already seeing vtuber clips from small <100 subs on twitch

>> No.2252141

this website works; you can set up a link that you can send to your collab partner and that link will have your capture; its pretty simple to use

>> No.2252241

Sick. Thanks boss

>> No.2252247


>> No.2252489
File: 1.89 MB, 2048x1078, Screenshot_20210405-170440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the easiest way to make a nice looking stream schedule image if I'm not talented in image design.

Are there templates I can use?

>> No.2252573

something like that pika example is literally all you need. some rectangles, your avatar, info, etc. use some fun background in the resources in the OP and add props if you must

>> No.2253623

The other answer is neat for yourself, but if you're in a discord group call use this method. I don't like the jumping, but you can just take the css animations off. Or add more dumb animations. Pretty much anything you can do in css can be done on activation.


>> No.2253787

How is prprlive? Is that the software everybody uses?

>> No.2253914

it was what people used if they didn't have an iphone prior to vtube studio but now that vtube studio is on steam i'm pretty sure everyone uses that

>> No.2253943

What makes vtubestudio better if not the iphone tracking?

>> No.2253968

they partnered with the people who did OpenSeeFace (?) that's a separate face tracking people to improve eye detection.

>> No.2253989

If you're looking to pika's as a good example do something like this: Keep it to simple shapes, use one (MAYBE two) non-fancy fonts, and steal a color pallet. Either look for top ones, or take all your colors from a larger but unified pallet. https://lospec.com/palette-list Real basic 1 - 3 colors that work in color theory, google the basics. Rounded corners are currently "in". Avoid pure black. With your one font, do like pika and vary straight text, text with a dark outline and light inner, text with a white outline *if you feel it's necessary*. You don't have to do ALL of those and shouldn't try.
Either pirate adobe illustrator or buy Affinity Designer when it's on sale for $25. Which lucky for you, is currently on sale right now. https://affinity.serif.com/en-us/designer/
It should be easy enough to learn the basics for making simple shapes and text.

>> No.2254066

Okay cool. I'll probably fool around with both but I don't have visible eyes anyway so I'm sure I'll be fine with either

>> No.2254143

does anyone who has been streaming for a bit have tips on motivation or maybe audience management? I just want to be a chill game streamer, cool with lurking or whatever, but i had a weird smurf troll account in my chat yesterday and earlier today I'm watching a small streamer I follow have one of these free therapy guys sperging out in chat.

I see lots of people saying they're vtubing to help with introversion or anxiety but it's just making me wonder why i thought this was a good idea when my interest in interacting with people is the first thing to go when i get caught off balance like this.

I'm on Twitch so far, is YouTube any better for avoiding this drive by bullshit? I almost just want to play with the chat off for a couple days aside from that sounding counterintuitive and stupid.

>> No.2254262

>I see lots of people saying they're vtubing to help with introversion or anxiety but it's just making me wonder why i thought this was a good idea
You get over a fear of snakes first by looking at pictures of snakes, then being in the same room as one, then touching one, then carrying one. If interacting with people in real life causes you anxiety or sets off introversion, a good way of getting around that is using a "safer" alternative to start. Vtubing, in this case.

>> No.2254375

My opinion, because some streamers don't care:
Unfortunately, streaming isn't going to be for you if you aren't able to handle these guys. While you don't have to be a brick wall emotionally, you just have to set rules and boundaries. I can't say this part from total experience, but from what I've seen of bigger/mid streamers is that they must be firm with their chat even if it's not solidly against the rules when they act up. You can't engage them in whatever bullshit they're trying to do, you have to shut it down. You can play around with them if they don't bother you, but if they are, you just need to quickly and firmly address it or give a silent ban and move on.

>> No.2254427

are they the type of viewers you want? engage with them.
are they the type you dont? ignore them.

as the streamer, you're gonna have to cultivate the viewerbase you want. if you engage with the people asking good questions, keeping a convo going, and having a good time, they'll stick around. shitters may appear and try to derail the topic, but if you ignore them, the other good viewers will follow your example and ignore them too.

>> No.2254480

Shit I was working on a document on this exact subject but keep putting it off finishing it since I figure no one would be interested. I'll give some advice from my experiences on these:

> a weird smurf troll account in my chat yesterday
You just gotta get used to banning people. There will always be trolls coming into your stream no matter what you do. They just want a few things, either to get a rise out of you, or to see that they themselves are able to interrupt the flow of the stream. Thats why having moderators helps, they can shoot the trolls while you just continue on your day, so people can't interrupt the stream with their stupid bullshit. Twitch also has no protection against using burner email services for signing up accounts, so there's and endless supply of troll accounts at all times.

>earlier today I'm watching a small streamer I follow have one of these free therapy guys sperging out in chat.
People like to do trauma dumps, either because they have no idea how to actually act in public, they expect the streamer to be their therapist, or because they made it up and they're trolling. In these cases I feel the best response is for a mod to basically tell them that chat isn't the place for such discussions (depending on the type of chat you have, there may be group therapy type streams out there I dunno), and if they insist on continuing you can timeout/ban as needed.

You as a streamer are not a therapist, and theres absolutely no reason any people in chat should have any right to dump a bunch of absurdly personal shit on you and expect it to take up your time. You'll probably also want to look into an actual set of stream rules and have a moderator or two on hand depending on your average viewership ASAP. Running a tight ship in your community is important, both for your mental health and so that community members actually know what the limits are (aka don't have rules you never enforce, it just fucking confuses everyone).

>> No.2254684
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just drop pic rel and move on

>> No.2254807

The 'firm ban' info is definitely helpful, I laughed it off at the time but I was debating if banning was worth it or if it would invite more trolling.

I'm still starting out so I usually only have one or two talkative chatters but IMO the doc you mentioned would be a good resource for auds/asp!

Looking back on it more I was probably also being oversensitive to shitty chat bc I was trying some new setup things that weren't totally going my way, plus some irl stuff i was hoping to take my mind off with streaming rather than add to.

>> No.2254872
File: 45 KB, 342x289, walfie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Walfie even made a mascot for VTube Studio. dude's really made it, huh?

>> No.2254916

>I'm still starting out so I usually only have one or two talkative chatters but IMO the doc you mentioned would be a good resource for auds/asp!
Alrighty, I'll get off my ass and work on it more. IIRC right now its at five pages already. But banning is just something you just learn to get used to. Generally we go warn, then timeout, then ban. But of course it depends on what they do. I should note that "not moderating your chat" is against Twitch TOS, so there are some trolls that go around trying to shit out a bunch of slurs/harrassment shit/etc. then report your stream if you don't deal with it.

And for the love of god never let randos into voice chat or related. Its a disaster.

>> No.2255061

I actually didnt know that about the TOS trolling thing. Fortunately this guy seemed to be in the 'try to disrupt the stream' category and didn't say anything too bad, plus I just archived the VOD on my private YouTube videos and deleted it from Twitch since the whole thing didnt really work out.

Is a lot of this Twitch exclusive or is YT about the same? I feel too boomer to keep up with all the Twitch community features sometimes so I've been considering focusing on YouTube for a few streams.

>> No.2255094

i stream on youtube and haven't come across anyone trying to shit up the chat. probably because it takes a bit more of an effort to land yourself into a small vtuber's livestream than it is on twitch.

>> No.2255149

The TOS trolling is more rare since most of the time it would just end up incriminating the troll themselves, so they usually only do it if they can worm their way into a major part of your stream (being able to voice chat or display text on your screen) and even then its a gamble.

Youtube streaming I'm not as familiar with, and I really only watch hololive and a few others on there, and they tend to have very different styles of chat interaction. I prefer Twitch myself, due to it being better for streamer to chat interaction and YT still feels like streaming is an afterthought. Twitch makes stupid decisions constantly, but the "Mod View" for twitch is fucking amazing and makes it so much easier to keep an eye on shit. Also on Youtube you have to deal with their insane AI that no one at YT actually keeps an eye on.

>> No.2257518

So what all do artists usually expect from someone commissioning them for artwork? I was going to try and see if I can commission someone on twitter, but no idea what I should have prepared ahead of time as an information package for them. I assume an idea sketch and some reference images at least?

>> No.2257588

>I assume an idea sketch and some reference images at least?
yeah, pretty much.
some artists don't like mood boards and want some sort of a rough sketch and others are okay with a composite image of various references copied and pasted on top of one another.

>> No.2257643

Guess I should get off my ass and do a sketch then. I've got the ideas in my head and some references but never really put pen to paper yet.

>> No.2257691

use whatever tools you can to make it easier. i used a picrew that i liked to model the head + hair. then random stock photo images to piece together an outfit.

>> No.2257894

As little or as much as you want. Just realize that whatever you don't specifically tell them, they will come up with on their own

>> No.2258279

it's pretty much investing in yourself

>> No.2259904

Post character designs

>> No.2259927

you have to be careful if you dont have a pretty put together design, and jsut a moodboard. some artists will charge you more because they consider working only off of a moodboard or text could be considered character design on top of the art work.
even if you're not a good artist, make your own design sketch and make sure you add clear references.

>> No.2259972
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>> No.2260000

Oh I'm fully expecting to pay more since they would be at least partially designing the character. Also I'm not actually sure what a moodboard is, haven't really come up on that term before. I will do my own sketch, especially since I need to do so in order to finalize some clothing options.

>> No.2260049
File: 1.41 MB, 786x731, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice get
moodboards are kinda like inspiration board and are more like a collage of various objects that depict the "mood" of the character that you're going for without having a compiled sketch. pic rel, something i just snagged off google

>> No.2260132

Oh, I saw those when I googled it but thought these results were something else. That would be easy to do as well.

>> No.2260184

just make sure your artist is cool with it. a couple that i've reached out to don't do character design as its own thing and don't accept moodboards. they were only offering artwork for a fleshed out character in their style.

>> No.2260224

I like it

>> No.2260272

Anybody know why my model doesn't breathe in VTube Studio?

For some reason I'm having a lot of trouble with this software. It's so simplified that it loops back around into me not knowing how the hell to do anything.

>> No.2260322
File: 305 KB, 950x357, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does your model come with breathing? (ask your rigger) and make sure this is checked on

>> No.2260367

Hm, I don't know how I'd check on that ahead of time. The artist I was looking at doesn't have like a website or commission price list that I can see, but they seem to do professional level work (mainly commission art, but have done live2d stuff). I assume sending a DM on twitter out of the blue would be a big no go as well.

>> No.2260390

>I assume sending a DM on twitter out of the blue would be a big no go as well.
can't hurt. that's how i got my artist and we worked out the details together in twitter DMs.

>> No.2260438

It definitely does, it breathes just fine in cubism viewer
>and make sure this is checked on
That's not even there. Weird.

>> No.2260458

Alright then, I guess I'll make a note prepare and send a message tomorrow since it's getting late.

>> No.2260460

that's strange. i'm using the Steam version of Vtube Studio right now. try uninstalling and reinstalling the latest version?

>> No.2260494

>uninstalling and reinstalling the latest version?
I'll give it a shot. He breathes fine in prprlive too so it might just be on the softwares end

>> No.2260627
File: 19 KB, 367x290, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://bakakomori.com/ auditions, looks like they're some lorebased minecraft group?

>> No.2260781

I mean, it just mentions a server, doesn't say if thats all they are. But they don't really seem to offer anything all that good. Applicants have to provide their own models, so thats a large amount of time and money the applicant will have to plunk down. The company provides... custom merch and a place in an audio drama?

Oh, and I guess "Regular motivational speeches". How exciting. Basically you're applying for the chance to pay to work in an audio drama no ones heard of.

>> No.2261234
File: 229 KB, 864x913, breathing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive noticed that in the steam version i had to add breathing. press the plus button in the pic (you will have to scroll to the end of your params list) and add the output as "ParamBreath"
you don't need an input because it will automatically animate as long as you have auto-breathing checked.

>> No.2261508

Oh sweet. Thanks anon.

>> No.2262920

Anybody know why my expressions won't show up in vtube studio?

I have the proper exp3.json and what not

>> No.2263227
File: 36 KB, 549x395, Screenshot 2021-04-05 224106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"WHAT WE CAN OFFER YOU: Thriving Discord Community"
>1 member online
At least they have a website. But their social links don't work, and god is that site hard to read. The youtube name doesn't look branded and there's a rando on pinterest with the name.
Another no information agency. Under "YOUR COMMITMENTS" you have to create your own live2d/3d avatar, so they're not even helping with model creation it looks like.

>> No.2263251

Also in prprlive it shows up as listed, but won't work when I try to activate it

>> No.2263355

I mean...actually, where did you get this from? They don't have a reddit post anywhere or even a twitter. Hello, u/n3xust? Hope your cat stops being a terror I guess.

>> No.2263423

https://cyberlivecorp.studio.site/ more auditions or something

>> No.2263560

lel, looks like they browse /asp/ and got spooked and disconnected all their socials and deleted the post.

>> No.2263591

Digging complete. The person on discord emoaxel is a literal who musician. The moderator of the subreddit nexust is a 250 follower twitch streamer, not a vtuber. So I wouldn't take these auditions seriously.

>> No.2263641

>So I wouldn't take these auditions seriously.
i already stopped caring at the lore centric minecraft server being one of the 'perks' they offered, kek

>> No.2263677
File: 24 KB, 511x408, $$$.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey this one seems actually legit. They have some capital and will make the model for you.

>> No.2263865

i don't even know why i'm bothering to look through auditions, i'm pretty much all set to just go full indie on my own right now

>> No.2265470

Prism Project and CyberLive are the most professional indie auditions I've seen so far. Everyone else is just like here is the form and no info...

>> No.2266951


Be your own boss, doesn't really make sense to me why anybody would CHOOSE to be someone's wage cuck

Unless it's hololive, then yeah

>> No.2267343

You’d probably learn a lot being with a company, could certainly contribute to your success as an indie if you carry the skills over.

>> No.2267462


I'd agree if it was a company like cover, but even nijisanji seems like they just throw their talent into the wild with barely any support

Even the 1 million sub hololive girls are making their own thumbnails, I'd think bare minimum a agency should have artists on staff working on thumbnails... That shit is either the most important or second most important part of getting impressions on youtube.

>> No.2268359

They have to be in the same folder as your model I think. And they have to be called somethingsomething.exp3.json, otherwise it won't find them.

>> No.2269434

Is that anon who was taking free commissions for rigging here?

>> No.2271109

Spend that money on improving the stream experience instead for example better mic, pc hardware upgrade, mocap trackers, another monitor, better desk for your pc, toys for sound (kazoos bells), hell even purchasing a good chair is better than getting fanart. Or at the very least purchase a new outfit or rig a chibi.

Please dont waste money on fanart

>> No.2271215

Who's the artist for that?

>> No.2273879

Yeah it is.

>> No.2278852

is there a face tracking app that'll stabilize on your irl eyes and mouth? like the way annoying orange does it but in real time?

>> No.2280267

Depends on the company you go for, but it must be nice to have somebody there to make all your thumbnails, do all your marketing, and guarantee income from day one.

>> No.2280776

it's not an artist, it's a picrew, and no you can't use picrews as models for vtubing (unless you get permissions from the artists)

>> No.2281094

anyone know how the holos were able to play mobile games on their stream? is it an iphone only thing? can't seem to find a way to get my phone's screen into my computer to throw it into OBS without doing some yabai webcam stuff

>> No.2281169


>> No.2281192

wow i'm a fucking idiot. thanks anon.

>> No.2281341



>> No.2281367

not really looking to purchase more hardware. the emulator route works well enough already for me. thanks for the link though.

>> No.2281374

They misspelled Corporation if that's what they were going for. Can't really find anything on them though. These guys are only a few months old which has me worried, where are they getting that money, unless it's a personal investment?

Seems they already have a few employees though, as they are promising the world and a half for their services. Legal services are already a stretch in most cases.


>> No.2281389


No prob, emulation is always a good option.

For android, same principle you just use a USB-c to HDMI cable instead of thunderbolt or whatever the fuck apple uses for their phones

>> No.2281551

>actually had a dream I got into Hololive
Now I don't think I've any chance getting in nor have I even thought about the audition after sending it in, but I think some of the obsessiveness here is seeping into my subconscious.

>> No.2282128

Isn’t that just Ryushen?

>> No.2282635

It's ok anon. I'm here constantly checking the view count on my video, still.

>> No.2283089

I can't read apparently. Maybe saying it seems 'legit' is too far, but it's more promising at least. It is still a new company, but are at least claiming that they will help monetarily and have staff. They picked a bad name though, CyberLive is used in a few places so it's not super searchable. If they have some tech nerds who started this up, they could probably have some cash to startup or be able to convince a few people to help. It's worth looking into at least, to see what kind of things they offer if you get far enough.

>> No.2283126

It looks like there's actually a Chinese Cyberlive already. Wonder if they're related at all?

>> No.2283125

I had a dream my three videos somehow amassed me millions of subs even though I haven't actually made the videos yet

>> No.2283237

doubt it, branding looks different. and if they've already got a track record of successfully managing vtubers, they would showcase that over on their EN auditions page to show that they're legit.

>> No.2283443

commissioned my art through a second artist and got a response saying it'd be done by mid-April. first artist from skeb is still MIA entirely. if i could get my art + the skeb refund on the same day, that'd be pretty cool.

>> No.2283537

>you can't use picrews as models for vtubing
Permissions? lol. For zero views vtuber, The artist is going to have to come find me.

>> No.2283595

fair, but if they catch one video, they can strike your entire channel because each video where you use that image is an instance of infringement. if you're on youtube, that means 3 videos = 3 strike = channel deletion. don't know how twitch will deal with it.

>> No.2283623

I'll take that risk

>> No.2284055

i don't know anything in this list other than a kazoo that you can get for a $50 art commission equivalent

>> No.2284078

This one's also pretty cool, though obviously more useful for collabs.

>> No.2284458

Is it smarter to shill youtube memberships or make a patreon

>> No.2284559


>> No.2284637

For real? With different perks for each?

>> No.2284692

membership - premium streams (unique content)
patreon - premium access to "you" (think like behind the scenes stuff, not selfdox but more like "here's my creative content creation process" or give them more ways to interact with you beyond just discord, sneak peaks at experimental forms of streams that they can provide more input on)

>> No.2284986

I guess I could see that.

My gimmick is based on the community of a specific tv franchise, so along with gaming streams I'd also be reacting to trailers and episodes of that franchise.
My plan was to almost always have my streams be public when they are live, but only ever archive full reactions for members and only reuploading highlights and the aftershow for everybody else. That would either encouraging people to join or try to catch the stream as it's live, ideally boosting the viewership. gaming streams being archived for all 100 percent of the time.
With that in mind I'm not totally sure what I'd put on patreon since I'm not comfortable with behind the scenes stuff, but I'll play with the idea

>> No.2285009

I wish I had take the opportunity to ask Mint and Nova what they learned as indie vtubers before their graduations. It would have been a real cool look at how an indie 'made it'.

>> No.2285863

No views yet and I submitted somewhat early

>> No.2286310


>> No.2286664

my hololive app may have 0 views, but i'm consistently getting views on the song covers i make! maybe i can make it as an indie afterall

>> No.2286701

that's a silver lining at least!
i'd love for mine to get more consistent views ;_;

>> No.2286704

>Male. I'm fairly confident in my chances though.
Very late response but you shouldnt. There is a difference between looking for males, and accepting male submissions.
You will AT BEST have your submission archived until they are ready for HolostarsEN, which could be literal years from now. For the time being no male should be anticipating to get into this next wave

>> No.2288183

>message sent to artist about what to have ready ahead of time
See if they come back with anything other than "how dare you message me". Now I just have to start working on sketching my idea up and finding more reference images/mood board stuff.

>> No.2288784

what kind of hostile shitbag of an artist did you reach out to?

>> No.2288821

No, I'm just saying that as a joke, I have no reason to think it'll happen. I always feel bad just DM-ing people out of the blue though.

>> No.2288882

New thread

>> No.2293449

Anyone else submitted an application to CyberLive yet? I have and they watched my whole video
