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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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2168403 No.2168403 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a single HoloEN member who actually LIKES being in Hololive?

>> No.2168461

All of them except Mori.

>> No.2168532

All of them do.

>> No.2168548

Everyone but Enma.

>> No.2168603

Has no choice, HL is pretty much what saved her
Loves hololive and is thankful because it makes her want to be better what the fuck is this question? she even cried in the anniversary DST collab
I don't know too much about Ina, but she seems to like HL
Same thing than kiara, HL save her and she always shows her love and appreciation for senpais, and genmates
People say that she doesn't care, other people say the opposite... truth is I don't really know, but some stuff she does make you think that she doesn't really care too much about hololive

>> No.2168648

All five of the HoloEN actually like HL, the only one who hates is (You), OP.

>> No.2168697

Me :}

>> No.2168707

You're not wrong

>> No.2168719

Ina is the only actual Hololive nerd in the whole gen, I'm actually surprised she hasn't had more collabs with the JP branch, I guess she isn't confident in her JP conversation skills yet.

>> No.2168750

Why are takodachi like this? She clearly isn't the only one.

>> No.2168836

Kiara and Ina were Hololive fans, Ame and Gura had some knowledge, Mori will pull a Joji soon

>> No.2169194

>HL is pretty much what saved her

>> No.2169334

I feel like people are actually wrong about Calli; she seems to like it a lot. She’s good friends with the other girls, after all, just distanced from Kiara in particular because of the ‘I really want to get together with you’ but at the same time not actually being into girls (she’s pretty supportive of the LGBT community, just not a part of it). If you’ve ever seen Railgun or Index, that relationship in particular is synonymous to Kuroko and Misaka in a way (I have no fucking idea if that’s intentional but the parallels are definitely there)
There’s at least one clip of her crying due to supachats, and she has a lot of fun with her character it seems, coming up with a ton of themed stuff.

>> No.2169367

Wrong. She may hate the job itself, but the fact that she's the only thing keep EN from imploding gives her a strong sense of purpose, which she likes.

>> No.2169385

All of them.
Except Calliope.

>> No.2169422


>> No.2169428

Ame sucks at japanese and has made more effort to talk with the JP branch than Ina.

>> No.2169429

She probably does think that, but I don't see why it would be true

>> No.2169433
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I completely agree with everything you said, anon, but you're arguing against an undead zombie rrat

>> No.2169960


>> No.2170312

>If you’ve ever seen Railgun or Index, that relationship in particular is synonymous to Kuroko and Misaka in a way
I don't really think "aggressive lesbian and tsun" is unique to raildex. That said I think it's just a case where Kiara kept trying to force a gimmick on Mori that Mori both had no interest in and was just too autistic/shy to say no to. They're clearly friends, which I doubt they would be if Kiara's roommate was actually trying to force Mori's into a lesbian relationship, but even in the in-character context I think Mori just has no interest in trying to appeal to the yuri fanboys.

>> No.2170379


>> No.2170607

(I don't have a clue either so I say reps instead)

>> No.2170616

It’s not totally unique to Raildex, but yeah, they’re definitely friends. It’s possible to have a crush without actually trying for a lesbian relationship though

>> No.2170676

I mean I guess, but that's going from my "mostly ill-informed schitzo rrat" tier rrat down to a "completely schitzo, no basis period rrat" level of rratery

>> No.2170726

>Kiara was a hololive fan

She wasn't. She was at best a clipfag follower, but still didn't know that much about Pekora despite being her "fan". She's a bigger numberfag than all of the numberfag posters combined and gets pissed when she dosen't win. She gets even angrier when the audience doesn't like her answer and complains, "Apparently, I'm not funny." Ame clapped back with, "We know." But was drowned out by the other girls making a weak attempt to cheat Kiara up by saying, "Same...."

Kiara is only it for the fame and money.
Ame and Gura are in it for the money.
Mori is in it to promote her music.
Ina is the only one in it because she actually likes hololive and can understand what they are saying.

>> No.2170763

something something... failed dream... wrestling

There's your spoonfeeding, happy now?

>> No.2170831


>> No.2170901

Probably. Honestly we don’t really know the truth.
Given that in certain clips Calli has actually talked about how you sometimes need to keep some friends at a distance, it could actually be either but really guessing either way is just silly

>> No.2171345

holy cringe, you seem like a clipwatcher yourself, takodachi

>> No.2171463 [DELETED] 
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Explain this then

>> No.2171517

Clean pits...

>> No.2171519

not even 40 replies in and we already not spoilering this kind of image? come on man

>> No.2171633
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>very, very, VERY soon...

>> No.2171651

funny wrestling video means her life was a train wreck

>> No.2171768

she's literally doing a tour this month while doing hololive
She probably has the most going on for her outside of holo while choosing to still do it.
I really have no idea who the fuck actually likes filthy frank's music though, I can kind of see the appeal of callie's even though I think there's easy fixes to make each song a lot better.

>> No.2171808

Ame, Gura and Kiara.

>> No.2171812

damn you are right, its so clean it looks unnatural

>> No.2171828

Only Ina

>> No.2171883

There are other people who still do their other work outside of Hololive, anon
Calli isn’t the only one
Also, she obviously enjoys being a Vtuber despite also doing music work; streaming and the character stuff allows her to put herself out there without worries of actually streaming her face (which let me tell you, she probably does not like very much if she has as much social anxiety as her content implies)

>> No.2171888

Hololive is a super fucking cool job. They're all (except maybe Ina) making more money than they've ever made before, get to play videos games, sing, and talk to people who love them for a living. There's a lot of "this aspect of the job could be better" but absolutely 0 "this job sucks".

>> No.2171925

This is some nerd ass fucking comment nigga.

>> No.2171964

Yeah, but actively touring and such is going to have more work than hanging your boobs on the desk and making "asmr."

>> No.2171979

Everyone loves being in hololive anon what kind of question is that?
Reasons they like are different.
This sums up pretty well. Everyone except Mori applied because they wanted to. Mori was forced to apply as a joke by her friend.

>> No.2172005

I cant say ina cares as well, she is all about her other job anyway.

>> No.2172006

Mori promotes transexuals, i unsubscribe when i learned that. She's lucky she is in japan, because in the US she has zero chance with her milquetoast rap.

>> No.2172053

why decide to represent cover instead of just being an indie? she actually has obligations with hololive.

>> No.2172103

you'll find out as you leave your house that most young women are left leaning with a live and let live view on things and that most people don't interact with troons enough to give a shit

>> No.2172143

>Gura and Ame are in it for the money
Why do you guys formulate opinions on shit you don't watch?

>> No.2172178

Hi Mori, happy birthday!

>> No.2172183

Hololive otaku
Don't think she was very into hololive before but definitely loves it now
Hololive otaku
I actually have no idea how much into Hololive she was but she definitely loves the job
Absolutely 100% does not give a shit about Hololive. Didn't know anything about it and applied as a joke, STILL doesn't know anything about it 6 months later and makes no effort to learn. I'm sure she enjoys the money that comes with it though.

Ironically the two who are hololive otakus are also the most cynical or realistic about hololive. They know it's just a job that most likely won't go on forever. Hell Kiara is such a doomer she doesn't even say with certainty it will still be alive next year.
Neither of them are stupid enough to sacrifice their roommate life for it.

>> No.2172190

Anon i already know most millenials women are progressives, i never said otherwise. Also you are wrong in the second part, majority of people don't like trannies.

>> No.2172235

no talent
Her raps and songs are mediocre at best. But deadbraps don't have ears, apparently. My guess is that she'll pull a Joji. Once her fanbase in YouTube is stable, big and strong enough, she'll quit Hololive and YouTube as a whole and will try to go mainstream with her cringey ass music and built up fanbase. Give her a year and a half and she's gone. You deadbeats better start archiving her VODs. Screencap this and don't say i didn't warn you.
hypocrite whore

>> No.2172256

I pity you for living in the country that you live, here most of the woman are "left leaning" for women rights but they turn hard right when the trannies try to mix with them

>> No.2172265

Their Japanese skills range the full spectrum. Ame and Gura are completely useless. Mori is... Barely able to order a coffee in Japanese, Ina pretends that she's more fluent than she actually is (but probably better than Mori), and we all know Kiara is conversationally fluent.

>> No.2172278

I want Mori to leave already so she doesn't spread her tranny lover shit on hololive.

>> No.2172283

>mention trannies every opportunity

>> No.2172297

Kiara has no roomate life outside of Hololive though. Her 2 biggest dreams collapsed in front of her eyes and Hololive is all she has left.

>> No.2172298

Funny enough, Ollie also questioned the longevity of Hololive the same day Kiara did.

>> No.2172311

Because seeing someone more successful than them hurts

>> No.2172313

>Braindead Tentacle-kun thinks his awkward fob speaks better Japanese than Kiara

>> No.2172330

No, Anon, that’s not true. The majority of people do actually just think trans people are fine; it’s just that lower-income areas and places with less education (like the American South) tend to trend towards disliking trans people.

>> No.2172356


>> No.2172387

Loves it and is thankfull for it
Same as Ame
Let's her live her idol dreams but probbaly wants to jump into being an irl idol eventually
Likes it but is concentrated on her irl career
Thinks it's a joke and will leave as soon as she can for her rap career (if you can call it that) and spread SJW and transexualism propaganda in japan. All while crying that , that one one guy she likes doesn't like her back.

>> No.2172412

Anon, most Japanese people support trans people

>> No.2172420

She applied on a whim and got accepted.
Also she was poor as fuck before Hololive.

>> No.2172421

All of them do, obviously.

>> No.2172436

Kiara is nostalgic about her live concerts but I'm pretty sure she's very aware she's too old for being an idol.
This birthday is going to hit her hard, I bet.

>> No.2172456

all holos support trans, sorry

>> No.2172474

trannies are like 1% as visible irl as tranny fetishists make them out to be anyway

>> No.2172485

Only EOPs takos think that Ina has better japanese than Kiara, I watched the Nene/Polka/Ina collab and Ina is functional, but i'm sure that she relies on DeePL a little bit much when she can use it, Kiara japanese is far from perfect, when Subaru spoke too fast in their maicra collab she got lost, but besides that she can do it pretty well
Bonus, Mori's jp, based on the Korone collab is horrible, you can reach that level in 2 weeks

>> No.2172510

Two biggest dreams? What's dream number 2?

>> No.2172513

Kiara is way too old to become a real idol.
Hololive is the only way to keep being an idol realistically speaking.
It's part of the reason why she's been pushing hard for 3D since she wants to be able to dance to her songs.

>> No.2172523

Obviously, she was an English teacher. They're all fucking poor.

>> No.2172526

First dream was part-time idol
Second dream was "Olympic Torch" wink wink nod nod

>> No.2172534


>> No.2172551

I don't know her real age but if it's 25 it's going to hit real hard, but at least it's not that bad, 30 is the menhera number

>> No.2172582

Written by tako hands

>> No.2172589

She said she wasn't thinking about going back to her previous jobs. She probably will put her money in funds and ride the wave. She will become a rich cat lady and never taste a good dick ever again.

>> No.2172590

They also have 100x more visibility amd representation than they should. Very low percentage of people would date them, which is the real test for acceptance. Thankfully lgbt acceptance rates were actually down recently among the youth. Among minorities acceptance rates are even lower. There is hope for a world where people reject tranny shit.

>> No.2172606

Yeah, Mori's Japanese is clearly not good based on the Korone collab and her Duolingo streams. She would probably struggle to communicate with a salesperson at Yodobashi without having to bust out Google Translate.
Ina's Japanese is better, but she can't hold conversation. People think she's more fluent than she is, probably based on her humu humus and her tweets, and now that you mention it, I noticed some weird stuff that I wrote off as lack of skill but are more likely to be machine translation. Will have to look into DeepL more.

>> No.2172614

Anon, Ina makes more money in a month than you in 5 years and her parents are loaded too

>> No.2172660

>Ina pretends that she's more fluent than she actually is (but probably better than Mori)
Not a chance that Ina is better than Mori.

>> No.2172661

She still talks about "olympic torch" related things though. It will be a hobby rather than an actual job though.

>> No.2172678

It's DeePL anon, I've been there kek

>> No.2172681
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mfw a korean girl living in canada with her parents prolly has a more stable life and future than me

>> No.2172696

Mori is a weeb white women, are you really surprised she is in love with trans stuff. If you want a women who rejects that trash, you have to look into something like hispanic women. I once was talking to a co worker, she's a millenial latina and we started talking about trans stuff because of some news report that was on tv, she literary spat on the floor and said how nasty the whole thing was, i thought to myself based as fuck (i didn't say it out loud, cause that would be autistic).

>> No.2172726

Ame was more a general vtuber fan than specifically into Hololive, she definitely was a fan of Haachama and Coco who speak English, and Mikochi who had a lot of translated clips and compliations.

>> No.2172734

who are you talking to?

>> No.2172783

Even Kiara said Ina's better than Mori. Ina's issue isn't speaking it, it's reading it.

>> No.2172857

To this anon but I deleted it

>> No.2172899

Takos are annoying because they act like prefect little angels but as soon as you turn your back they become the most vicious fuckers around, you call them out and they just go "tee hee, me? Oh never". At least with deadbeats you know they are all retards.

>> No.2172905

>The amount of rrats and clipwatchers in these threads
Absolutely disgusting. I don't know why I'm surprised to see so many talking out their ass and acting like it's true when it's abundantly clear none of you even watch streams nor even interact with the fanbases these girls have.

>> No.2172909

Personally, I feel pity is the best way to look at these things. An attitude of hatred is a great way to obfuscate with pity or being attacked from the real problem.

>> No.2172945

Unity is a fucking lie

>> No.2172953


>parents are loaded too

how'd people sleuth this

>> No.2172978

YWNB an anime girl larper who makes a fuckton of money just by drawing a couple of hours and moving a specific part of your body. Why live?

>> No.2173022

This is why you to stick to global m8. As retarded and chaotic as they are you can at least tell they're watching the stream.

>> No.2173034

All of them do, if not for the social interaction, for the very easily attainable cashflow

like, even if Hololive peters out in the next few years, there's 0 reason to leave unless you are Mel, Choco, Roboco, or any of the Holostars.

>> No.2173118

I think is a decent game engine

>> No.2173167

Because Takos will never allow it. I see you bastards, i see you out there scheming for your flat queen. Your little innocence facade doesn't fool me you two faced rats.


>> No.2173201

Mori will never be japanese, cope.

>> No.2173236

as long as the developer knows how to use it, i gotta admit lots of decent games were made with that engine

>> No.2173289

Why people around here say "you will never be japanese" as it was something bad? I'm really thankful that i'm not japanese

>> No.2173334

You will never be japanese.

>> No.2173362

Thank god, and I never will

>> No.2173381

why would i be japanese? i don't want my dick to grow smaller

>> No.2173382

Mori is better than japanese. She's a hott white weeaboo girl who's single and likes short men.
Wouldn't surprise me if she has some low level gang leader for a bf or a high end businessman

>> No.2173401

That was dumb.

>> No.2173403 [DELETED] 
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Her child will

>> No.2173501

Her child will

>> No.2173505

Mori would be a worse hypocrite than nyanners if she gets involved with some yakuza guy after all her talks about social justice and stuff, but it wouldn't be the first time an SJW is a hypocrite.

>> No.2173553

Amazing how the Mori doesn't care about hololive continues to persist despite blatant evidence to the contrary.

>> No.2173558

mfer looking like the child of numbah 4 and numbah 3 from kids next door

>> No.2173625 [DELETED] 

What was it? Was it a picture of the mori manlet.

>> No.2173697

Wouldn't surprise most Americans to be sure.
Though Mori being Mori would simply not say anything about her past until it gets forgotten or she has a really good Deadbeat spindoctor

>> No.2173726

Filthy Frank ALSO never cared for his fans hell, he even HATED his fans. But he still keeps on making those vids. Why? Because he knows he can make a strong fanbase out of them. It only took a couple years of suffering and embarrassment.. And look where his Frank fanbase took him now? Mori is doing what Joji did and is trying to make her fanbase strong. Once its strong enough, she'll quit and go mainstream

>> No.2173796

damn. spitting actual facts and going straight for the juggular..

>> No.2173838
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>mori hating her fans
You don't even watch clips

>> No.2173857

All of them do, besides Mori. Mori just likes the people in Hololive, but she doesn't care about the brand itself much.

>> No.2173861

Ina's career was doing fine without Hololive. She definitely wouldn't have joined if she wasn't a fan of Hololive.
I don't know how anyone can say Calli doesn't care or like Hololive after the sheer amount of work she's put in for them. Including writing and singing the HOLOLIVE ALTERNATIVE theme song.

>> No.2173905

Idk if people lile filthy frank/joji is gonna have long term career prospects. I mean how long can you make crappy emo rap, your audience would get older and the younger audience growing up will have their own music. Do you think Simple Plan is still selling out arena's, do you even remember Simple Plan, you probably don't.

>> No.2173906

>Mori is... Barely able to order a coffee in Japanese
EOPs actually believe this. Mori has lived in Japan for years, her japanese isn't as good as it should be consiering that but she is perfectly capable of holding a conversation and is second only to Kiara in JP skills among the EN girls.

>> No.2174039

Mori obviously loves the gig and thinking up concepts related to her character, but that doesn't mean she actually likes Hololive as a fan. More than joining because she liked watching Holo Vtubers, she joined Holo as an opportunity to further her career and make friends with other weebs. If we're talking about who actually had interest in Hololive and watched streams and clips, it would go Ina = Kiara > Ame > Gura > Mori.

>> No.2174091

This is only half truth, she kinda her new fans now, so she cares about them, but she is Jojing probably this summer/autumm because she doesn't care about Hololive, just look at what happened on Ame's birthday

>> No.2174105

Mori knows how to speak the language decently well, she just apparently can't hold a conversation with the locals in terms of "social anxiety", a term i tend to doubt more and more as more of these hologirls claim to have it

Are they sure they don't just mean "shy" or "uninterested"?

>> No.2174158

Why would I watch those clickbaiting and unfunny Clipfags?

>> No.2174163
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>trying to frame only caring about the people behind the corporate label as a bad thing

>> No.2174180

Why do we hate our oshi's fellow genmates so much? The HoloJP fans never seem to be this autistic...

>> No.2174248

>The HoloJP fans never seem to be this autistic

>> No.2174250

Joji's record label (88rising) is always pushing and helping him to go mainstream and they're also milking Joji's content every time they have the chance. I mean, would you want your cash cow to become irrelevant?

>> No.2174296

HoloEN unironically has the worst group dynamic out of the Holomen, and I think the infighting is a reflection of that plus Western fans being more retarded as a whole. It says a lot when the best conversationalist out of the group also has trouble not speaking out of turn in group collabs.

>> No.2174298

No. I know he is at his peak, or going there but again, he has a window to make money. After that is gone, is gone.

>> No.2174327

oh shit is that mori's roommate?

>> No.2174367


>> No.2174443

This. Their chemistry as a group is either hit or miss. They feel like a couple of strangers stuck in a desert island doing their best to get long. To be fair, I dont really blame em. I mean, all of them live far away from each other

>> No.2174454

>Braindead Tentacle-kun thinks his awkward fob speaks better Japanese than Kiara
He didn't say that at all but ok KFP.

>> No.2174457

Out of all the girls, she's the only one who doesn't feel like an obsessive fan. I'd agree with that.
But saying that she doesn't like / care about Hololive means something different entirely. Not that you're saying that, I just want to point that out for everyone who does say it.

>> No.2174487

Mori is the only one that actively dislikes hololive and it's talents

>> No.2174516

Where did I say its a bad thing?

>> No.2174585

>and I think the infighting is a reflection of that plus Western fans being more retarded as a whole.
Wait, you think JPs don't have infighting? Are you actually so retarded?
>It says a lot when the best conversationalist out of the group also has trouble not speaking out of turn in group collabs.
Really the only thing it says is that the people bitching about their bad chemistry or Kiaras socialising skills are awkward autists who are trying to over-analyze peoples normal behaviour based on whatever schizoid fantasies they made up how they would interact with people, if they ever did.

>> No.2174638

Mori is just using hololive as a stepping stone to launch her mainstream career and she just treat it as a job and puts the work like any other job she would be in, is not surprise most people think she is going to be the first one to graduate to pursue her music career since hololive puts too many restrictions on her.

>> No.2174676

it's easier to claim you have some full-blown mental illness instead of trying to overcome your problems

>> No.2174746

...I... I suppose you didn't. Sorry about that.

>> No.2174884

All it takes is not being autistic or socially retarded to tell EN as a group struggle with their chemistry. You sound like one of those delusional kpop fans that tries to claim "there's no actual way to know which groups are close or not" when there are groups that unanimously re-sign their contracts after 7 years and groups that outright state "we don't hang out on off-days" and break up as soon as their contracts expire.

>> No.2174952

You seem to know about kpop, are there any kpop groups were the girls have passionate lesbian sex in their off days?

>> No.2175803

People say Mori doesn't care, but I think she sincerely does. Music is her main draw so it's no surprise she is going to focus on maintaining that rather than stream all the time because she has the voice of an anime VA. However, I think she knew little to nothing about Vtubers let alone hololive prior to joining and that makes things feel awkward for her. She's obviously a weeb so the very idea of vtubing isn't off putting for her, and you can tell she really does get into it at times. I think its when people ask for her comments on the culture of hololive or vtubing, she starts spilling her spaghetti and you can tell she's winging it. Doesn't mean she doesn't care, just that she feels out of her element. I think when EN2 arrives she'll have more confidence in the role.

>> No.2176518

Ina has been watching hololive since 2018 and is an actual vtuber fan who watch everyone, including Nijisanji.

>> No.2176585

You're not wrong that Kiara only cared about Pekora. It's clear how she doesn't know shit about the majority of the other members.

>> No.2176636

Hololive otaku my ass. She only knew about pekora at best. Most of the others aren't known by her and it's clear she didn't watch many of them

>> No.2176656

>The HoloJP fans never seem to be this autistic...

>> No.2176685

No one said she hasn't. But she's not the only one.

>> No.2176709

Anon, JP bros are the people who go mental when their oshi dares to stream with A MALE

>> No.2177006

I'll propose a more interesting question:
Let's say that instead of Hololive, Nijisanji is the group that goes viral first worldwide. Which EN talent applies for Hololive still?

>> No.2177412

Mel, Choco, Roboco, Shion, and maybe Luna just for the ol double agent

>> No.2177468

>Which EN talent applies for Hololive still?
Hard to say, Ina and Kiara most likely. Ina was already a Hololive fan and Kiara specifically discovered Pekora and has no other connection to vtubing.
Mori may or may not, since it was the idea of her friends and not hers to begin with.

>> No.2177499

Hell, her entire existence is so tied up with Hololive, that she basically expects everyone to be following her roommate account for a sort of "Kiara behind the scenes" thing. You can guarantee that when she tells a story of something that just happened in her life, you can jump onto her roommate account for pictures. There's no separation of her personal life from her character anymore.

>> No.2178008

Ina's real identity is well known.

>> No.2178090

Sounds like you were talking to me based on another post. Unlikely. I've been through two IPOs and my net worth exceeds 7 figures. I'm also N2.
What exactly is it that she has over me? Nothing. Keep obsessing over her though, one day she might notice you.

>> No.2178302

She's navigating through some dangerous waters though. KFP is so braindead retarded and can't keep a secret that she had to take drastic measures on one of her accounts and you bet she was crying while doing that, since that meant deleting up comments (and praise) from across a decade.
Her twitter account is so particularly vulnerable with KFP retards not learning the lesson.

>> No.2178434

she's middle class

>> No.2179315

>Kiara the only fluent member of EN is less of than Ina who's N3 at best
Takos are legit the most annoying faggots about this shit, Ina watched like a few Fubuki streams in 2018 and you fags have circle jerked in her into being a super fan or some shit

>> No.2179364

I agree with Ina. Kiara feels like she would chase the bigger company, and just do her clip watching. Mori would probably enjoy Niji more since she would get freebie social networking with Sony.

>> No.2179387


>> No.2179410

>Yeah, but actively touring
It's a 3 day tour anonchama, if you gonna be doxxfag at least get your facts straight
Most holos take 3 days off of streaming just as a regularly scheduled break

>> No.2179487

Ask me how I know you don't watch streams and just regurgitate rrats

>> No.2179508

>Ame and Gura are only in it for the money
What? clearly not true, Ame maybe cares about money a little more than I would like but thats only because of her dream to one day own a house with a good amount of land which is fucking expensive as fuck, Ame cares about the games bro. As for Gura, i dunno how much she cares about money but it sure as hell aint more than she cares about streaming

>> No.2179552

Ame sabotages her own income way too often to care that much about money.

>> No.2179555


>> No.2179663

She's avengers like 300k yen a month in superchats alone, I'm sure if she didn't care about money she'd still be an indie
In-fact anyone who joined hololive past gen 2 is obviously motivated by the fame and money

>> No.2179692


>> No.2179731

She was about to quit and get a real job because she couldn't make it as an indie. Hololive is her dream job.

>> No.2179743

Ayyyyy look at this delusional faggot, the only 7 figures that you've ever seen are the 7 dicks that you munched last night
This is what happens when you let reddit tourists into this board, they do this kind of retarded larp that makes everyone cringe
Ps: Ina isn't even my oshi

>> No.2179742

well if you dont watch mori and you dont watch clips of her, making claims that she hates her fans is a little silly. she likes her fans because she knows theyll follow her when she quits hololive and she needs that

>> No.2179802

Her roomate made a tranny anthem song, she's pretty progressive and left wing.

>> No.2179919

dude yourea FAGGOT

>> No.2180112

>Her roomate made a tranny anthem song
It was a cover niggerchama....

>> No.2180154

Thank you for letting me know. I subscribed to all the en holos initially. Her content was boring but now I have a reason to unsubscribe.

>> No.2180913

>Her roomate made a cover of tranny anthem song
Are you happy now anonchama?

>> No.2181073

Whats going on with Insa belly button there?

>> No.2181159

Mori has her 2nd EP releasing today and shes off doing a tour with Fake Type. Enough said.

>> No.2181180

So did Azki, faggot.

>> No.2181271

its japan, the entire place is connected by trains and the rest of the tour isnt until the end of the month

>> No.2181440


>> No.2181469

>Ina = Kiara > Ame > Gura > Mori.
Gura should be up there though, she watches quite a lot of streams.

>> No.2181729

>releasing today
>doing a tour with Fake Type
Literally has a stream coinciding with the release of the EP
Are you done embarrassing yourself yet?
I'll never why people who don't even watch holos feel the need to talk out their ass about them, even clipfags are better than you

>> No.2181761

Mori is a hard worker. Her putting lots of effort into her job is just her default personality.

As far as liking Hololive itself, she probably is in the "likes her colleagues but not the company" group. She's been denied too many collabs for anyone to seriously think she cares about the current brand image.

>> No.2181794

That was on the 2nd, there are 2 more dates after and she was able to get back from the first to work on the MV for Red.

>> No.2181833

Cope. Mori is only using Hololive to get the clout needed to get in with Fake Type and everyone knows it.

>> No.2181873

I know this is bait but she was already in with them before Hololive.

>> No.2181986

She had a relation with them but she wasn't "in" desu

>> No.2184466

Don’t take the bait, KFP have gone toxic, the are just Antis against there own Gen mates now.

>> No.2185132

What makes you think they aren't in it for the money? They just like being watched by a bunch of retards that much?

>> No.2185350

>First dream was part-time idol
>Second dream was "Olympic Torch" wink wink nod nod
I thought I had quite a bit of roommate knowledge but this one still eludes me.

>> No.2185413


>> No.2185446

Well, for Gura it seemed to be like witness protection to hide from HER fanbase.

>> No.2185463

Takodachis are so fucking annoying, you people don't deserve Ina.

>> No.2185884

i mean... are they not just all chumbuds now? I didnt know things were bad in HER fanbase i wasnt there, could you give an example?

>> No.2186002

I remember Simple Plan. They sang the Disney's Extreme Skate Adventure theme song. That game kicked ass.

>> No.2186376

She probably wanted to escape/distance herself from the alcoholic/depression rrats that formed around HER and try and reinvent herself with a new fanbase. It failed since most of them found her anyway.

>> No.2186540
File: 75 KB, 232x227, 1616578445221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone is doing it for the money.
Except Reine.

>> No.2186951
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>> No.2187181

>She probably wanted to escape/distance herself
Then she wouldn't have dropped a bunch of hints for them to find her.

>> No.2187354

If Mori didn't care then she wouldn't slave away this hard at making music for her Hololive persona.
She'd be putting in extra effort into her roommate content instead and trying to capitalize more on the extra attention she gained there, bit that's not at all what's happening.

>> No.2187410

I mean it worked for Pekora for the most part. Also those stories were about HER, being Gura may allow her to distance herself mentally.

>> No.2188879


>> No.2188981

every hololive girl tries to act like theyre a "literally me" stinky hikki neet with social anxiety

>> No.2189497

reine is an oil prince

>> No.2189564


>> No.2192717

miss me with that shit, anon. You better make the most of your life. Be glad you arent like some of these broads whose careers are peaking with this wackass vtuber gig. Do something with your life anon, something thatll stand the test of time. Lay down a foundation thatll keep you good for decades to come. I know you got it in you brother. The bad news is that youll have to push yourself harder than you ever have before. Thats you man, for my money.

>> No.2192957

The absolute state of takofags rn, did you read what you had written? Do you know how retarded you sound?

>> No.2193045

the only sensible and least autistic answer so far

>> No.2193106

I can’t tell if I’m too newfag to say this, but Ame was like the first one to show she watches a retarded amount of Hololive or at the very least knew enough of the culture of what Hololive was. So this assumption that Ame didn’t know about Hololive is retarded.

>> No.2193122

Another shitty anti thread to bait newfags.

>> No.2193349

My Hollywood movies tell me that all women are socially active extroverts that can date anyone they want if they take off their glasses. And this have to be true, since I haven't been approached by any socially awkward women!

>> No.2193412

>Hololive otaku
Kiara thought Minecraft was a 3rd person game and basically knew none of the mechanics despite claiming to have watched all of Pekoras streams. You don't need to be a genius to see something doesn't add up here.

>> No.2196290

She's a chronic lier. She should not have tried to play the biggest fangirl card in the first place.

>> No.2197843

This is very odd if true, i don't understand why she would do that.
Maybe she did listen to all those streams but rarely actually watched them?

>> No.2197953

Dating me. I turned how down because I wouldn’t want to bruise her untouched cervix with my large penis.

>> No.2198490

>thought Minecraft was a 3rd person game
This is incorrect
She knew there was an option to play in third person, and thought she would prefer that over first person until chat told her about increasing the FOV
Minecraft is in first person by default anyway so why would she think it's a third person game

>> No.2198588

thanks for the positivity, anon. we need more people like you in this world..

>> No.2198758
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mine is 8 figures anon.

>> No.2202239

Shh you make too much sense. You have to be below 160cm in height to talk about Kiara.

>> No.2206047

Not the anon you replied to, but I doubt it. Most celebrity female music artists are massive cumsluts.

>> No.2206246

So what? So many of these girls will face a yawning darkness worse than any of us are facing now when they're older. Many of them will miss the window to have a family and for 90% of women that's the only thing that truly makes them happy. Even if they say it's not, the biology dictates.

>> No.2206612

>She's a hott white weeaboo girl
Your definition of what's "hot" it's weird.

>> No.2208866

>Ame hololive gave Ame enough money to buy a house
>Kiara got a second chance
>Mori has said on stream all her dreams have been coming true. Shit she has a physical album release in stores because of HoloLive.
>Gura is hard to read I feel like now the HERfags are starting to assimilate and leave she is getting more comfortable
>Ina is a massive Hololivefan she watched Mel during the Banpire era and loves to chat with Gen 5 and senpais offcollab

Your own question is rather disingenuous since it sets a vague parameter. I like my job but it doesn't mean I love it at the same time it doesn't mean I hate it. Why do people assume everyone in hololive is a massive mark that worships Cover or that they need to be.

Gen 1 wasn't even sure if Cover was a real company until Gen 2 debuted. Part of the reason Gens 0-3 are so revered is because they were essentially told just go out there and stream without very much direction, protection or any confidence Cover would still be around in a month.


Remember HoloEn was expecting ID 1 tier growth.

>> No.2208952

>he lacks critical information

>> No.2209546

>Falling for obvious KFP falseflagging.

>> No.2216278

This is that real shit right here.

>> No.2216502
File: 112 KB, 800x600, defontesroastbeef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as if this entire board isn't just goslings fantasizing about giving their oshi so many babies that her pussy looks like this and giving birth is like sliding down a slip n slide covered in grease

>> No.2216632

