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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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21629353 No.21629353 [Reply] [Original]

Remember when Kiara was the board's designated punching bag instead of Calli? Good times.

>> No.21629384

being a wigger is worse than being a chicken numberfag

>> No.21629389

<img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/eb07a2c8_konata.png"> nice thread for oldfags loser lol did you meet jesus n highschool? <img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/eb07a2c8_konata.png">

>> No.21629399

Kiara never picked a fight with black Twitter.

>> No.21629409

<span class="xae" data-xae="skull">💀</span><img class="xae" data-xae width="28" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/a9f848d3_SeetheWojak.png"><img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/b06b1566_REEeee.png">

>> No.21629421

how about you just stop shitting on mori? We could just talk about streams instead of being shizos

>> No.21629474

What did Calli do this time

>> No.21629525

Kiara is just annoying
Mori is a slow motion trainwreck

>> No.21629536

People demonized Kiara over shit they were imagining she'd do. People demonize Mori over shit she's actually done. Eventually, they realized that yelling about hypotheticals was way less relevant to any notions of defending Holo's way of things than yelling about people who really do wanna tear down the structure that built it into greatness.

>> No.21629572

not anything really bad. She kind of ruined a bit of the twister section because she is out of shape

>> No.21629574

Newfag here, why did people hate Kiara?

>> No.21629583

She still is KFP, I know you and your oshi are starved for attention, just wait for her to fuck up again

>> No.21629592

something about her old raps or some shit
she also removed the "rapper" in her bio

>> No.21629602

Mori gets special protection from the meidos. The real punching bag in 2022 is Nijisanji.

>> No.21629611

made up stuff by a jealous woman and being loud in collabs. the age of orcshizo was wild

>> No.21629633

I'll stop when mori stops shitting up hololive.

>> No.21629647

You're shitting up Hololive.

>> No.21629659

>Gura the tiny gremlin is forced to work out for Idol Reasons
>Calli the big fat cow gets to remain a lardass
It isn't fucking fair.
People actually care about that shit?

>> No.21629690

Cool, I'm more powerful than I thought. Thanks anon.

>> No.21629692

Black twitter discovered her (again) over her april fool's joke raps and is having a bit more of a fit now than they did last time this happened.

Will it actually mean anything? I dunno but I wouldn't think so, because these twitter shitters weren't existing Mori fans to begin with, so it's not like it's lost business for her or Cover to missing out on people who were never ever gonna be Holo fans in the first place. If they get mad enough about it and make it a public outrage thing Cover actually may respond to that, but not in a serious way, just try to do something to appease the mob and then go back to business.

>> No.21629693

>People actually care about that shit?
People are bored ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.21629713

TTRPG with scammers

>> No.21629724

She gets protection by one SEA meido
<img class="xae" data-xae width="35" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/f0dcbf8a_jannydog.png">

>> No.21629732

>We could just talk about streams instead of being shizos
Ok. Have anyone seen latest myth collab? Fucking Mori ruined another kino collab, when this bitch finally graduate?

>> No.21629743
File: 1.83 MB, 1920x2630, Charles_Frohman_presents_William_Gillette_in_his_new_four_act_drama,_Sherlock_Holmes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americans have an unhealthy power fetish.
Well, that's typical of uncivilised nations.

>> No.21629747

>She kind of ruined a bit of the twister section because she is out of shape
I get that the hate is overblown, but seriously, if twister sends you into a coma, you need to lose some weight lol

>> No.21629756

AS much as I dislike mori, I don;t even understand what twitter is accusing her of? The line they're obsessing over just isn't racist no matter how you read it. The only thing she can be accused of is being a shit rapper, but that's hardly cancellable since all rappers are shit.

>> No.21629776

Niji does it to itself honestly with the constant yabs and their digging in openly trying to replace their fanbase with horny Chinese office ladies who only are interested in EN to hear Vox moaning ASMR. I think Anycolor thinks they can supplement and combine the audiences but I hope not because that is sublimely retarded if so, and more like their shrewd business practices of cannibalizing their audience for whatever is the hot new (money making) thing.

>> No.21629777

Fucking this how the fuck has nobody else replied to this comment fuck your wigger ass EOP whore I've come around to the chicken truth, by god.

>> No.21629814

It's black twitter. If they say they're offended, they're offended.

I think a big part of it is Mori is now big and rich enough that they feel it's more of a viable target than complaining about some literal who. The bigger a name she becomes, the more scrutiny she'll receive and a big part of the cancel culture shit is they will literally try to get people fired over shit they said like 12 years ago etc.

>> No.21629817

From all the shit she's been through all her past, rejections, & challenges. It was nothing to her. She's the ultimate idol that I'll ever worship <img class="xae" data-xae width="28" height="26" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/adf2d2f0_EZY.png"><img class="xae" data-xae width="28" height="26" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/adf2d2f0_EZY.png"><img class="xae" data-xae width="28" height="26" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/adf2d2f0_EZY.png">

>> No.21629850

Only black people can live in the hood yo

>> No.21629854

It's Twitter, Anon. When did it ever make sense?

>> No.21629866

good times <span class="xae" data-xae="baw">😭</span>

>> No.21629892

This board has unironically started siding with niggers and tranny twitter just to dunk on calli, we need to go back.

>> No.21629894

I tried to be a Kiara anti but she stopped being shitty so I couldn't keep hating her. Mori is far better at causing drama.

>> No.21629932

Isn't it still just them but them being here?
I remember this Calli hate started very shortly after she brushed aside a complaint from a kike about her using the word 'shekel'.

>> No.21630005 [DELETED] 

Pretty sure without the DD tweet nobody would even be discussing this because the "drama" is virtually nobody. You have to go out of your way looking for a select few accounts actually mad at her

>> No.21630035

she was also probably a bit drunk since she talked about moving a jack daniels bottle

>> No.21630055

Actually, she is not such numberfag anymore. And she has improved a lot.

>> No.21630072

Plus she said she was about to blackout at the beginning of the stream

>> No.21630074

>The real punching bag in 2022 is Nijisanji.
It's literally a group of 3-5 SEAnigger redditors ban evading.

>> No.21630106

>too drunk to do anything
But why

>> No.21630107

Yeah, it feels like over the past year, Kiara has actually grown (a bit) and learned a few things, what's worth caring about or not. Mori didn't learn a damn thing and if anything regressed a lot from being a humble poorfag grateful to have her ass saved by Holo, to Holo just being her day job/constantly using it to try to feel around for her next step after she ditches it.

>> No.21630156

Because she hates being there and alcohol is her only motivation.

>> No.21630191


>> No.21630240

I think all the stress is getting to her and she is lonely

>> No.21630522

I can save her.

>> No.21630529
File: 135 KB, 255x215, 1625965508011[Kiara].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember when this board was orange 24/7. As soon as the board went a little pink jannys went full "shut it down" mode which ironically enough probably gave antis more of a reason to shitpost.

>> No.21630872
File: 102 KB, 1280x720, smugrys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still hate Kiara more than Mori.

>> No.21630992

I don't believe you

>> No.21631085

She's still very much hated and it's because she's a cancerous entitled roastie whore.

>> No.21631088

Is Kiara actually better now?
I haven't seen her since she said that she deserved to reach 1 mil before Ina

>> No.21631306

<img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="31" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/6ec0dd2c_pepoRope.png"><img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="31" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/6ec0dd2c_pepoRope.png"><img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="31" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/6ec0dd2c_pepoRope.png">

>> No.21631526

Ruined another collab by being herself.

>> No.21631560

Because they are coping, she was high on lean.

>> No.21631607

Irys it's okay, just call Kiara, she would love to collab with you. You don't have to meekly puppydog along only with the fat wigger bitch just because she's the only one in Japan with you and her lard mass forces you into her orbit.
(in fact, just ask Kiara how hanging out with Mori for a prolonged period of time turns out to be, and save yourself)

>> No.21631638

Until she announces her graduation, she is permanently on my shit list just for existing

>> No.21631647

we're not talking about Mori, bro

>> No.21631683

The one that cares the most about hololive and being an idol.

>> No.21631753

Still a bitch though

>> No.21631806

>>Calli the big fat cow gets to remain a lardass
She has a 3D Live concert in like 2 days.
The "biggest announcement of her career" is that she's getting double bypass surgery.

>> No.21631837

Are you two fucking stupid?

>> No.21631911

she became my oshi after numberfagging and self pity were reduced.
only thing she needs to improve is her hate against irys and the council

>> No.21632209

This. I had to dig through like 200 comments to even figure out which track people were mad about. I really don't understand why she's making such a big deal out of this because essentially no one gives a fuck.

>> No.21632224

>Gura puts in work to improve her health and life
>Mori is downspiraling further with no end in sight
You can guess who'll have the last laugh

>> No.21632263

>defending wiggers
The funniest part is seeing how big a landwhale her roommate was on the cringe taste thing <img class="xae" data-xae width="41" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/72694e0e_desusmirk.png">

>> No.21632297

That's her specialty. She looks for these absolute nobodies and then blows up over them.
This is the same exact shit that happened earlier this year.

>> No.21632313

Discordtrannies and cosplayers with grudges against her roommate.

>> No.21632327

Nobody is defending her anon. All anyone is saying is that there's 0 reason why she should even care about this literal who.

>> No.21632391
File: 2.02 MB, 1726x743, Caliwig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/vt/ is defending this
lmao even

>> No.21632406

The discord trannies are the ones defending Kiara. Have you seen how many tranny flags she has in her followers list? It's more than twice any other Holo, because he's a huge normalfag who is right on board with all the latest feminist shit.

This board is reddit at this point, there is no way any legit poster would defend Kiara, she's everything this site hates about women rolled up into one person.

>> No.21632415

>Literal fake voice
>Kinda menhera
the skyward sword video will forever stick in my mind

>> No.21632475

She is "shit in my shoe" tier now.
Not even worth a mention
On the other hand Mori is such a sperg and it is fun to watch

>> No.21632502

>the skyward sword video will forever stick in my mind
Haven't watch this whore since forever
What did she do?

>> No.21632512

Reminder that Mori was in her 20s when she wrote this. Even now, she still really hasn't outgrown her angsty teenage years.

>> No.21632528

She was a bit of a whiny numberfag and her streams weren't as good as they are now. Most of it was made up by a single person though, who was the biggest schizo this board has ever seen.

>> No.21632541

Hello discordtranny

>> No.21632559

Screeched like a banshee and had a full blown meltdown because she couldn't beat the last boss in Skyward Sword before she had to end stream to avoid overlapping another event. The worst part was there was literally no reason she couldn't have just stopped, it was a self imposed thing and she still cried and screamed and acted like a fucking toddler. She removed it from the VOD to try and hide her shame.

>> No.21632596
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>> No.21632598

Kiara proved herself to be a TRVE IDOL. That's the difference.

>> No.21632603

What's wrong with it? She's dissing soundcloud rappers with a superficial view of American culture (the crime, drugs, guns, hoes and money are their view, not hers), talking about her own self doubts in entering the scene (thus 'Satan said' is talking about her inner demons and not just some edgy shit) then flipping it over to an embracing of herself in the form of Japanese rap. Rapanese is kinda cringe not gonna lie but the message is obviously about self acceptance.

>> No.21632672
File: 2.39 MB, 640x622, smugwatame.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cmon anon, at least try.

>> No.21632682
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>> No.21632695

This is the person that went through the effort of finding that cuck image from a week ago so she could retweet it

>> No.21632733

At least now we have a punching bag that deserves it.

>> No.21632744

What part made twitter mad? Because I doubt they went crazy just because this is cringe as hell.

>> No.21632759

Try what? Don't you understand grammar? Do you know what "at least according to soundcloud rappers today" and "the demon started screaming your music wasn't good enough" means?

>> No.21632804

I'm guessing they just saw drugs and guns part and Satan part without seeing the other words around it.

>> No.21632846

Yeah it's summed up pretty well here.
But I would just like to put extra emphasis on the part where it was a SELF IMPOSED challenge.

Yeah, it sucks when you fail at stuff like that, but it's not like it was the only day she had left to play it or anything like that. She could've just been like
>"it looks like we'll have to beat it another day, sorry guys I really did think we could get through it today! Oh well, see you soon in the collab!!!!
But instead we had a whole
>Woe is me. I was unable to complete this challenge! WAAAAAA

>> No.21632851

fr fr I also hate niggers calli<img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="24" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/cda7b2fb_FeelsGoodMan.png"><img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="24" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/cda7b2fb_FeelsGoodMan.png"><img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="24" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/cda7b2fb_FeelsGoodMan.png">

>> No.21632855

This is hard to read.

>> No.21632881

Dammit Mori why couldn't you work at your relationship with Kiara? That girl is dying for someone she can lay affection on

>> No.21632901

>drugs and guns part and Satan
Maybe SEAmonkeys. Black twitter is angry about the "I wasn't black, male, or hood enough" part.

>> No.21632903

her roommates tweets from 2014
She openly says the n word and types like a wigger

>> No.21632936

NONE of them deserve to have SEA schizos and Twitter SJWs on their case. And fuck anyone trying to rile those tards up to go after someone else.

Those aren't even themes unique to a deleted song. One freely available and with not a small amount of views echo the same ideas but with different flow and a little more self depracation. People getting mad are doing so over absolutely nothing. Which is becoming typical of Mori antis. Gotta try everyday to get some result!

>> No.21632942 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21632983

she got into hololive and has been a successful streamer since.

>> No.21632989

The point is its her inner demons saying those things when she's at her lowest. That's why it comes after the line talking about demons telling her to hate her own music.

>> No.21633019

I love the cringe so much

>> No.21633049

Okay now explain to me why I should start hating her constantly... And you should do it without looking like a seething schizo (which is impossible)

>> No.21633086

So the same as now but with the n word?

>> No.21633098 [DELETED] 

Lol basically filthy frank era shit. Everyone was speaking like that back then before American politics became culture war shit and woke libs had to be overperformative to compensate.

>> No.21633123

>why did people hate Kiara?
Because they were jealous whores and/or actual schizophrenics like this anon: >>21631085

>> No.21633139

She's a genuinely awful person and you wouldn't be able to stand interacting with her if she wasn't hidden behind an anime avatar.

>> No.21633140

<img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="31" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/4dfb5c71_COPIUM.png">

>> No.21633182 [DELETED] 

>everyone owned slaves and called them niggers back then so it wasn't racist
k bud

>> No.21633225 [DELETED] 

Forget where you are?

>> No.21633230

I agree interacting with her in person must be dreadful but I'm not convinced she's actually a bad person. Same with Mori. I think they're both clueless cringy autists that tick others off without realizing why

>> No.21633268

>Says it is impossible for you not to sound like a seething schizo
>*Gets a seething schizo response*
Rumao why are Kiara antis this fucking pathetic

>> No.21633300 [DELETED] 


>> No.21633323

A chill awkward tomboy who works hard and has trust issues but is learning to heal is premium gf material

>> No.21633348

Nah Kiara is just your average self absorbed femoid. She's a sorority girl type who has serious crab in a bucket mentality. Doesn't matter where those traits stem from, they make her an objectively terrible person.

>> No.21633349

Calling everyone who disagrees with you a schizo in every post does not make them look like a schizo more than you.

>> No.21633413

>But why
Because she's an unironic alcoholic.

>> No.21633431

it's legit mental illness

>> No.21633433

>No please don't call us out for being schizos for constantly hating Kiara almost 2 years later

>> No.21633466

I fucking know right? Current Kiara + Redeemed Mori would have been fucking kino.

>> No.21633485


>> No.21633543

If Kiara is so great how come none of the JPs invite her to shit. Kiara gets invited to less collabs than Amelia.
>Muh timezones
Doesn't matter, she's a streamer, it's not like Kiara needs to wake up for a day job, plenty of Holos stay up til 3am and sleep til noon.

>> No.21633560

>I am going to point back to the anon that you replied to
Why would you do that, since I already saw that?
Explain yourself without looking pathetic

>> No.21633601

Im the guy that retards invented is "orcschizo," i archived all of kiara's past, every political opinion, every lewd she sold, all her past boyfriends, her alcoholism incident, fake stalkers for clout

KFP invented that I was a jealous woman and that I was some indie vtuber who applied to hololive because it allowed them to cope with the toxic roommate shit in her past

Like some others have said ITT, kiara really changed for the better over the past year and a half, yes she's a lolcow with an extensive history, but unlike a lot of lolcows she's actually made positive improvements to her life, especially after debuting her 3d idol performance.

KFP are still the worst fanbase in hololove though, way worse than mori, ollie or rushia's

>> No.21633658


>> No.21633717
File: 281 KB, 1758x1096, discordtrannies defending mori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those aren't the same groups of "antis". Kiara hate came mostly from discordtrannies whereas Mori is hated by actual 4chinners, not tourists and newfags. You can easily prove this by looking at the fat egghead's doxcord.

>> No.21633770

You're not orcschizo, fuck off ESL

>> No.21633780
File: 66 KB, 1280x720, IT_WAS_ME_ANON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silly anon, you only think you are Orschizo, but all those posts you made, it was me! I used supersonic speed, so anytime you thought you posted something, it was me posting it on 4Chan

>> No.21633899

Mori was both an entitled and sheltered kid though. It's one of the main things I dislike about her.

>> No.21633933
File: 17 KB, 300x300, 1624649344265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reaching cracking point!

>> No.21633982

I still having fun larping as SEAnig and trolling both nijikek and holobronies

>> No.21634017
File: 407 KB, 720x2697, 1633990591056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiara hate came mostly from discordtrannies
This was never true. KFP just started the trend of blaming all the hate on a single boogeyman. Plus it's very ironic to be calling Kiara's haters discord trannies when her fanbase are Tumblr incarnate.

>> No.21634096


>> No.21634108

Same cope every time the truth gets stated, literal NPC.

>> No.21634152

>worse than
Do you understand what that means, or were you dropped as a baby? <img class="xae" data-xae width="28" height="25" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/25086889_FeelsSpecialMan.png">

>> No.21634279

I don't side with them, I just don't see any benefit to defending her.

>> No.21634334


>> No.21634432

But Anon! If you don't defend Mori you're whatever 4chan finds problematic! The TT Discord told me so! You don't want to be problematic right?!

>> No.21634454

Anons... I am not sure how to tell you this, but the EN side of the Hololive fandom is filled with LGBT...

>> No.21634511

As soon as anyone let's it be known that /vt/ can get under their skin, they immediately become a priority target. Kiara stopped reading or stopped caring.

>> No.21634567

Kiara improved while Cali showed more of her bad qualities

>> No.21634686

Welcome to the west anon!
The only way it's going is down

>> No.21634733
File: 19 KB, 149x115, 1634232506806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'll become a girl then go lesbian for you

>> No.21634772

I feel like I'm in crazy town in this thread with people calling EN antis discord trannies when the trannies are the ones watching EN the most. Who the fuck do these guys think are begging HoloEN to collab with the Homos? It's sure as fuck not the old guard Holofans.

>> No.21634835

What do you mean when you say LGBT? You mean they are LGBT themselves or support LGBT views?

>> No.21634851

>Kiara hate came mostly from discordtrannies
How new.
Kiara hate comes from Lolcow niggers and Kiwifarm faggots.
They have been hating Kiara long long before she even became a vtuver. Literally far back as 2016.

>> No.21634908

The ENfandom is filled with both

>> No.21634915

they started using discord also

>> No.21634940 [DELETED] 
File: 380 KB, 640x637, 1645729118922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually this is better cause Mori being the Karen she is takes our bait like there's no tomorrow and the cuckbeats are vary much fun to fuck around with

>> No.21634953
File: 1.30 MB, 1280x720, KFP Janny[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fwvmv3k.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21635093

nothing, people just didn't/don't like her. that's fine i guess but /vt/ schizos gonna schizo.

>> No.21635242
File: 638 KB, 1080x1316, Screenshot_20220402-082500_(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People say it was her April fools shit, but it was actually this tweet that originally set them off, her Calvin stuff being just released didn't help. They then pulled out a bunch of old tweets of her saying nigga, and then an old song that was apparently so terrible that it infuriated them even further. People will tell you it's just black people, but at this point it's all of normie and fag Twitter that's aware of her jumping in a retarded bandwagon. They make normal Calli haters like me look like her biggest fan in comparison, and I've been non-stop shitting on her for the last month. If you wanna see them shitting on her you can just go to the tweet in the screenshot and look at the quoted retweets, or do the same on the posts she made bitching about them on her alt.

>> No.21635474
File: 158 KB, 463x453, 1628830176030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't tell me these are actual lyrics. holy shit i physically cringed.

>> No.21635525

What's up with the weird beat? did she make it or is it from something?

>> No.21635632

>I doubt they went crazy just because this is cringe as hell.
They did, but at this point this shitty song was just used as more fuel for the fire. I'm guessing it was just the not black enough part, but honestly they could've just picked any song from her new album, they're just as shit and it would've stung her more if it wasn't something old as fuck

>> No.21635698

Holy shit, you were not wrong, EVERY single one of the quoted tweet is people shitting on her lmao.

>> No.21635745

GOD, this one is amazing.
How can someone with this level of skill, be so bad.

>> No.21635862

>being an antituber onahole that hates her own meal ticket is worse than being an attention whore

>> No.21635877

That entire community is pretty shitty and petty.

>> No.21635879

Americans that don't imitate Japanese art always end up doing some shit like this, giving everyone giant ugly noses and men faces. They're obsessed with it and jerk each other off over the style. I see it a lot with western higurashi fanart, those look horrible and everyone has sameface cause half chimps are all they've let themselves draw

>> No.21635931

Shhhhh anon! You can't say those words.

>> No.21635954

She could always stop sucking TT dick as her hololive persona, just a crazy thought I had that I'm sure no one else has ever suggested

>> No.21635990

Mori is all that AND also a wigger.

>> No.21636083
File: 50 KB, 500x375, 1648903974662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

update the rentry faggot

>> No.21636102

What is it about scam and TT ?

>> No.21636115

<img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="26" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/7b4acfbf_trollface.png"><img class="xae" data-xae width="31" height="25" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/2b414cf1_YesHoney.png"><img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/8b7cc3e0_WTFF.png">:wojakNPC::Tuturu::SeetheWojak::Sadge::SadCatW::ReimuPalm::ReimuGlare::REEEEE::REEeee::PressF::POGGERS::monkaSpeed::MeguminHappy::Gigachad::gachiHYPER::gachiGASM::FeelsWeirdMan::FeelsStrongMan:

>> No.21636239
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Maybe she could learn the language of the country she's been living in for years and talk to people outside of a self-constructed expat eceleb bubble, or even accept repeated invitations of friendship from native coworkers....

>> No.21636297
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The forces of evil can only create crude mockeries of true creation

>> No.21636511

Got on board and promoted a crypto pump&dump/data mining scam

>> No.21636562

<img class="xae" data-xae width="31" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/a4b23eff_mudkip.png">

>> No.21636613

Needs a Veibae collab to right the universe

>> No.21636726

The fuck is that?!

>> No.21636748

If Kiara stayed in Japan, she would be best friends with IRyS right now.

>> No.21636836

She also didn't say that you schizo

>> No.21636851

Yeah but being closer to the wigger weakens the immune system, she had to leave, sorry IRyS

>> No.21636879
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Thank fucking god she didn't. Can't bear to see my oshi with that selfish cunt.

>> No.21636896

Google "flying colors foundation" most of it is documented on a wiki and reddit because nobody gave a fuck about them on other websites at the time.
The TLDR is that they duped their fans into investing into a crypto scam and ran with the money when the entire thing collapsed.

>> No.21636935

And then a monumental yab would've occurred when Kiara hops on stream and starts talking about all the minorities she hates

>> No.21637145

Holy shit

>> No.21637287

Fucking based. Heil Kiara!

>> No.21637325

poverty is relative

>> No.21637364

What about the juden?

>> No.21637720

>I don't deserve being the last one to reach 1 mil...
Kinda sounds like she saying she deserve it more than Ina

>> No.21637790

>those discord conversations
Man I'd hate having a fanbase like that. Mori gets too much hate, but some of it is actually funny. This is just humorless unironic bootlicking.

>> No.21638177

People say this plus /cgl/, but she was barely mentioned before hololive. Mostly as an oddity and standard cringe weeb in Japan. The only big thing was her opening up about a weird idol stalker guy, who lolcow sided with her on surprisingly. Kiwifarms also got sick of constant Kiara talk despite fuck all happening.

So in the end everywhere got sick of Kiara antis trying to force shit on every site.

>> No.21638701
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>Takamori was cringe and too forced since day 1
>Had poor social awareness when collabing with others (can't read the room)
>seagulls and l**cows hated her with a passion
>numberfagging and being insecure attracted even more antis

I really liked her in the early days and was disappointed by how she acted but she's improved immensely and changed for the better now.

>> No.21639041

>Takamori was cringe and too forced since day 1
Only because Mori refused to play along. If she had just done her fucking job then Takamori would have been fine.

>> No.21639197

It would have been worse if Mori played along with yuri larp.

>> No.21639215

My biggest disappointment in the early days was the one time she complained about that 5 person collab around the start, saying that they should've only had 4 members so they could play more games together. In retrospect I agree, cause a hololive without Mori would've been way better, but back then it felt more like a jab at Ina

>> No.21639262

ina ina ina...

>> No.21639296


>> No.21639453

When you think about it, her refusing to play along with Takamori is pretty much the same problem as her refusing to play along with batsu games and always throwing a tantrum when she has to do it.

>> No.21639695

Exactly. You know, if someone came up to her IRL, pointed at her and yelled "CRINGE!!!!!!" she'd probably turn into a sobbing mess and reach for the nearest bottle.

>> No.21639935

Her design is so fucking ugly and her voice is annoying. Orange is unappealing by nature.

>> No.21640078

Shit, if it pisses off twitter, thats a straight up W

>> No.21640162
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Fr no cap. Big L for the Mori fandom and a big L for Mori. Bitch fell off. Goofy ahh music cuh on god

>> No.21640373

Decent people wouldn't quote tweets for little reason usually.

>> No.21640512
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>> No.21640561


>> No.21640817

The other Myth members, and other Hololive members like Flare and Nene love Kiara, and they've talked to her: Nene having even talked in person.
Mori, Ina and Gura all cried at watching Kiara's performance at Holofes because they cared about her so much.

>> No.21640901

Other than that I agree.

>> No.21640933

You don't know Mori if you think that.

>> No.21640994

I'm coping because I wish she were a better person.

>> No.21641039

>me, this anonymous post on the internet, is this infamous anonymous person people talk about
>just trust me, guys

>> No.21641097

Why did she cry then? I've seen the clip. It sounds pretty genuine

>> No.21641101

Cope all you want, but if Mori tried to play along she would had fucked it up and made it cringier and you know it.

>> No.21641138

>Mori seethes over having to pretend to be an anime girl instead of being a "real" performer for over a year
>Finally breaks into the normiesphere
>All the twitter trannies dump on her for "appropriating black culture" or some shit
It's like raaaaaain on your wedding day...

>> No.21641153

Do you hate Noel for doing the same thing?

>> No.21641213

Yes. What now you fucking faggot? Huh?

>> No.21641278


>> No.21641471

Petty IMO, but you're welcome to dislike whomever for whatever reason

>> No.21641576

Disliking someone because of childish behavior is the exact opposite of petty. If you can't hold people to standard of behavior then what is a legit reason to dislike someone?

>> No.21641820

Most Vtubers are immune to the woke crowd though purely through having a japanese employer who dont give a shit and knowing to not engage with them
Mori is not one of those Vtubers though, she will engage and cancel herself sooner or later

>> No.21641856

>HoloEN fans are mentally ill
You don’t say.

>> No.21641958

Funny,these same troonwitter normalfags were the same people defending mori against le evil incels during the trash taste cuck shit

>> No.21641959

I’d only see it as an issue if it was a consistent behavior. Everyone has a bad day now and then which might “set them off”

>> No.21642008

> be idolfag
> join thinking you'll get to be popular idolshit
> stuck doing vidya with colleagues with mild interest in idolshit
> not even that popular comparitively despite tryharding
> people get upet that you aren't enjoying yourself
Thankfully she's working on her insecurity and is hololive myth is actually starting to do idol shit now and when shes doing what she enjoys she is more tolerable. Also it looks like Gura is wanting to do more idol stuff so hopefully it all works well.

>> No.21642277

Irys is also extremely racist (based)
She almost called a baby a nigger

>> No.21642490

She was a fake nigga of Nippon all along

>> No.21642547

God I need a racist IRyS gf

>> No.21642577
File: 345 KB, 1200x675, the jews fear the samurai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or, at least, the half-samurai.

>> No.21643383

>Gets invaded by goblins in terraria
>Starts talking about killing gypsies
>Chat tells her not to say that, it's a slur
>Keeps going
>Says that goblins look like gypsies
I love my racist angel
