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21607279 No.21607279 [Reply] [Original]

Why did Ina take so well to Elden Ring compared to so many other VTubers? Is there something about her gaming style or personality that is more conducive to it? Far less likely to get frustrated?

>> No.21607351

My guess is that she enjoyed the game more than the others did.
<span class="xae" data-xae="thup">👍</span><img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/bdf28159_ReimuGlare.png"><span class="xae" data-xae="thup">👍</span>

>> No.21607393

Monster Hunter taught her all the skills she needs to play it.

>> No.21607410

She’s an actual gamer, the others just play games.

>> No.21607431

She ignores chat for 99% of the time and she enjoys monster hunter

>> No.21607432

Likely the same reason that anyone plays souls games.
She got addicted to the dopamine hit

>> No.21607455

She a former monster hunter addict and she loves high fantasy shit so the setting gives her an artistic erection
There's a lot of crossover between MonHun and SoulsBorne shit

>> No.21607496

Koreans love game where all you do is grind.

>> No.21607503

She likes the satisfaction of beating a boss more than anyone else. It's probably similar to completing a piece of art for her.

>> No.21607518

She loves games like Souls games, but she had never played a Souls game before. She loves Monster Hunter and Hollow Knight, and if you combine components of those two games you basically have a Soulslike.

>> No.21607761

Ina got contact with retarded backseaters when playing half life and she learned how to deal with them
and she likes the game

>> No.21608161

botan = noel >>>> ina <img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/bc1ff2b8_AYAYAHyper.png">

>> No.21608163

Well, she's not a westards that couldn't play games like you OP <img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/90786369_pepePoint.png">

>> No.21608183

Monster hunter stream onegai.

>> No.21608242

she loves to finish games, like kronii.

you know what maybe you're on to something.

>> No.21608331

Nigga what are you on about
Most vtubers played it for hours and are still playing it

>> No.21609768

Kronii seemed to really pick up on Elden Ring too despite being a little lost. Might be the Hollow Knight similarities to the gameplay loop. Ina's real power is to have the right mindset and perseverance to play on stream.

>> No.21609938

not saying backseaters aren't mostly retarded but i watched her entire playthrough of half life 2 and it was an absolute pain
needed to be backseated because she just couldn't progress on her own she was so lost and helpless all the time it bordered on second-hand embarrassment
i still remember her saying "it's a puzzle!" in several sections when the answer was just to open your eyes and go through the next door or up the ladder or stairs
in the end she unsurprisingly said she didn't like the game
she is absolutely not made for fps, don't know how she fares in elden ring, haven't watched it

>> No.21610239

OP doesn’t know about anything outside HoloEN, please undastand.

>> No.21610328

At her very first boss fight with that Beastman in a cave in Liurnia the game already clicked with her

>> No.21610744

What do you mean by grinding? ER doesn't require you to grind any levels or items.

>> No.21610904

*in Limgrave

>> No.21611034

Already beat it <img class="xae" data-xae width="31" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/0e313986_koiwaiwave.png">

>> No.21611057

Artfag here. Souls games are very similar to the art-making process in general. You try, you fail, you learn from your failure, do it a little bit better and then fail again until you overcome it. I’ve found many of my painter friends have affinity for these games for this reason, among others.

>> No.21611294

Her ER streams are infinitely better than that mess.

>> No.21611385


>> No.21611523

Monster Hunter teaches you to roll. Once you’ve learned that and progressed through the former without being filtered, 85% chance you can beat soul games

>> No.21611906

I think aesthetically it clicks with her, she's used to games where you just roll through attacks because of MH, and she has patience for long failure grinds because she used to progression raid in FFXIV.
It's a good fit for her and I'm glad she's enjoying it, it's one of the best games of the last 5 years.

>> No.21612043

because she's a weirdo that actually tries to play games instead of using them as a prop to entertain people

>> No.21612518

Which girl is farthest in ER?

>> No.21612830

Calli is doing well too. Poor Gura had to escape to Kirby <span class="xae" data-xae="anguish">😧</span>

>> No.21612989

In Hololive? Noel

>> No.21613013

she actually finishes playthroughs
and she does play monster hunter

>> No.21613457

noel still didnt touch lendyll, so ina is ahead and botan is still fighting morgott

>> No.21614298

Because her elevated taste and sensibilities as an artist let her appreciate the game on a deeper level than others. She seemed to be the only one really invested in the plot.

>> No.21614746

she likes jrpgs for one but i think its the same reason most people like fromsoft, their games are full of beautiful art and are comfy as heck

>> No.21614827

She's patient.<img class="xae" data-xae width="27" height="28" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/6476e57d_weSmart.png">

>> No.21618530

Ina is an actual gamer and used to be a high-end Ultimate raider in FFXIV, she knows her shit.

>> No.21623836

>had to escape to Kirby
Kirby is a beautiful game from an artistic perspective too anon. The atmosphere is really on another level for a first or second party Switch title. Also has surprising deep lore. It is actually kind of funny that you can compare the game to Elden Ring in that you can cheese through every single fight if you want but you can also play on "hard mode" with weaker equipment and no restoration items as well.

>> No.21629285

anon..even Botan is farther than Noel

>> No.21629350

Gura's just impatient for this kind of game, I saw her playing and I think she's doing better than Kiara

>> No.21630143


To be fair, you have to have a lot of patience to understand Elden Ring. The story is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of its mechanics most of the gameplay will go over a typical person's head.

>> No.21630183

Solution for the latter part? Actually read the tutorial and have a modicum of patience.

>> No.21633235

t. faggot

>> No.21634027

Fromsoft games test the player's patience, Ina started the game with the right attitude and she is actually getting good.
Compared to someone like Gura where she was too afraid to explore, staying in the same area for her entire first stream and then giving up after not beating one of the hardest optional bosses in the area.
Ina is objectively smart and patient meanwhile Gura has retard energy.
They are like complete opposites of each other.

>> No.21634300

It's because Noel doesn't give up when she runs into a boss that she's undergeared for, and she's not rushing to get to the endgame.

>> No.21634691

It's a slow boring game, ina excels at slow and boring

>> No.21638468

She excels at being herself

>> No.21639138

Gura is honestly the type of person a Fromsoft game would filter. She's too impatient, she doesn't read, doesn't really pay attention to anything said to her in a game. She's scared of everything and as you said didn't want to explore. Gura's the type that basically needs the game to tell her everything she needs to do, and she needs heavy amounts of stimulation from cutscenes and the like. See her Devil May Cry streams as an example of games she likes and has finished.
Not really a bad thing, these games just require a certain mindset that she just doesn't have.
t. chumbud

>> No.21639182


>> No.21639276

cause ina

>> No.21639429

Even I'm progressing through the game I still think I'm getting filtered.
Boss design are unfun that I'd rather use the most cheesing method available to get pass it than challenge it.
I will finish the game but I don't think I will play NG+ or enjoy a new soul game if game dev insist the boss concept in Elden Ring

>> No.21639748

>or items.
unless you're using cheat engine yes it does

>> No.21639787
File: 83 KB, 500x950, 1648125745911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally, I think the bosses are great for the most part. The only ones I hate with a passion are ones where Fromsoft decides to lazily inflate the difficulty by going "Okay, now fight two/three of them at once."

>> No.21640118

Yeah, some bosses are definitely pretty shit, but I've been enjoying the game, near finishing myself.
Yeah, those are some of the laziest most bullshit boss encounters in the game.

>> No.21640342

If your Oshi doesn't complete a game, she's a fucking normie with a gamer mask

>> No.21640451

Because Ina is based and your oshi is a scrub and a whore <img class="xae" data-xae width="28" height="26" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/adf2d2f0_EZY.png">

>> No.21640565

Gura cute

On top of multiple bosses. I don't like how the bosses are designed to annoy player
Non-stop attack, little to near no room to attack so limited choice of attack moves. Same initial animation for different set of combo, AOE spam etc
For longtime fans they may like it but for average gamers the anti intuitive boss fight isn't really rewarding.
I don't know how to explain but it's not like you win because of your skill and experience from other games but memorize how many sets of move bosses have and how many seconds for the attacks to actually hit you.

>> No.21640669

Women are absolutely terrible at fps games, unless you're Botan.

>> No.21640719

Noel is garbage, anon. She is just very persistent.

>> No.21640783
File: 628 KB, 1414x2000, 1648485652185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a long time veteran, I'm biased, but I'm happy with how they focused on boss pattern memorization. That's always been the MO of Souls games. Skill and experience still comes into play, though. Like in past Souls games, your skill with dodging and your weapon lets you know how to create and take advantage of boss openings.
Call me a bit of a gatekeeping faggot, but I was seriously concerned about them dumbing things down and making it easier to be more accessible. I'm very happy with how they handled everything in this game, though. Better tutorial, easy material to gather to be able to summon friends, ashes to even things out for those who don't have summons... I'm kinda rambling, but I'm happy with the game.

>> No.21640806

But the question was who progressed the furthest so far

>> No.21640890


>> No.21640987

Not entirely fair. Some people stream more than others. Some people go fight optional bosses along the way. Some people have different playstyles. Further progression in the game isn't automatically a deciding factor on who is better.

>> No.21641053

that makes her based not weird

>> No.21641108

Ina is ahead with Botan close behind followed by Noel

>> No.21641318

Has she ever played any that aren't Apex?

>> No.21641391

Go back to /v/eddit

>> No.21641428

What item are you even farming? None of them are really necessary.

>> No.21641499

which is how you know that guy is probably autistic as fuck

>> No.21641567

>Go back to /v/eddit
<img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="25" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/1ee7c5a1_Pepega.png"><img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="25" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/1ee7c5a1_Pepega.png"><img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="25" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/1ee7c5a1_Pepega.png">

>> No.21641752

Lmao even

>> No.21642135

Did you look up everything before playing it

>> No.21643691

are you guys pretending to be retarded or do you not know what sarcasm is

>> No.21643896

sarcasm doesn't translate well through text, anon. you need to be more obvious next time.

>> No.21645251

MMOs take no skill at all, being able to play simon says and follow a video guide is not indicative of game skill. I’m more impressed by her besting Radhan than I ever would be seeing her beating ultimate omega alpha weapon or whatever it’s called.

>> No.21645279

She didn't finish Black Mesa though ;(

>> No.21645495

>For longtime fans they may like it but for average gamers the anti intuitive boss fight isn't really rewarding.
nah, elden ring has some of the most poorly designed boss fights in the series. At least dark souls 2's biggest complaints with its bosses is that fighting them was just boring, where as in elden ring they're just straight up horseshit unfun.

>> No.21645560

When she gonma beat Lobocademy?

>> No.21646420

Because she ban soulsfag on her stream that backseat her

>> No.21647071

black mesa is shit

>> No.21647214

Are you retarded? What the fuck are you even grinding in ER?

>> No.21647254

You can typically tell before the first stream is over if Gura is going to finish a game. It was obvious she was going to dump Elden Ring and finish Kirby.

>> No.21647384

I had figured it was a case of many of those main bosses are designed by the actual team and there was likely a second group of people working on "extra content" in the form of the small cookie-cutter dungeons that have Boss A1, A2, A3, A4 or sometimes A3 and B3 together, or A3 with Rot added, etc.

I think the only required instance of things in that vein is the Godskin Duo right? And it's not even hard, they give you a summon NPC and you can use your ashes to make it 3-on-2 and the room has massive pillars to zone out the rolling boy.

>> No.21647481

Is it just me or is the Elden Ring plot/lore much easier to follow than any of the Souls games? Also thought Bloodborne was pretty straight-forward. Not sure about Sekiro, don't know much about that one.

>> No.21647551

Next time instead of weirdo for ina, use dope, itll get the sarcasm through better that way

>> No.21647599

This bitch cleared it in a 240hour marathon stream and we're here acting like a Holo almost beating it is an achievement?

>> No.21647669

>78k subs

>> No.21647709

>acting like a Holo almost beating it is an achievement?
No. We're discussing why she seemed to like the game more than her colleagues schizo-kun

>> No.21647717

If your Oshi didn't beat Elden Ring you didn't beat the game.

>> No.21647896

Sekiro is the easiest to follow, there is no need to read item descriptions at all to get 90% of the story, the story telling is very straightforward with quite a few cutscenes. It makes sense because it's an action game with a single protagonist, not a cryptic RPG.

>> No.21648041

>almost beating it
She is like 40% through the game

>> No.21648284

That's not really fair. Noel just nerfs herself to an extreme degree because it's more entertaining that way.
>no ashes
>no summons, not even NPCs
>mace only
Also, she went naked against Radahn because he got nerfed.

>> No.21648327

>improving at anything through practice is autism
This is your brain on normalfag

>> No.21649427

So Noel is a /v/ poster

>> No.21649561

/v/ just plays that way out of retardation and then whines about how unfair the game is.

>> No.21649829

I only saw her reaction to the meteor
She's alright
It's a cool fight, if someone has the patience and autism for it I understand the drive to do it solo

>> No.21649842

She cheesed everything with summons at the start and started fighting more solo only after becoming overgeared and leveled

>> No.21649974
File: 748 KB, 1020x580, 1645569262531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mace only
she also uses a greatshield
>Also, she went naked against Radahn because he got nerfed.
she goes naked for any boss she has trouble with, for the light dodge

>> No.21650282

Does light roll even have more i-frames/faster recovery in ER?

>> No.21650420

Yes, and some bosses have attacks that do multiple swipes with a timing that can only be dodged with a light roll.

>> No.21650723
File: 235 KB, 1115x1600, Agni... Live..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that anon, but you're wrong ONLY about high end MMO raiding. I've done Ultimate/Savage in XIV, and have friends who are in like top 20 guilds in WoW for M+, and I beat Elden Ring. The only time MMOs are genuinely good is in high end content, where everyone knows what they're doing and is in voice together. Every other time they are bad, have 0 skill expression or required game sense, and are otherwise routine memorization. High end raiding is the only time MMOs actually require you to play and interact with the fucking video game.
Can't wait for Alexander Ultimate!

>> No.21650915

The hardest part of clearing an ultimate is finding 7 non-retarded people to play with you

>> No.21651022

Real and true, anon. Parsefaggotry is also rampant and makes it even worse.
I don't care if the guy's 20th percentile as long as he does the fucking mechanics right. Any moron can learn to do a rotation. How many people can do Hello World correctly?

>> No.21651883

>she went naked against Radahn
Damage reduction from armor is extremely negligible unless you stack it to the max. Being naked makes your roll faster.

>> No.21653171

why are noel fags so defensive about her? No one is attacking her. We're just stating the fact that she is behind the other two.

>> No.21654330

You don't, it's just the idiot you're replying to is a big faggot who probably had to grind levels to beat the first boss.

>> No.21655211

I'm the anon you responsed to. I have literally never watched Noel in my entire life.

>> No.21655382

Because 99% of these cunts are trash at the game and watching them die over and over to simple beginner stages gets boring as hell.

>> No.21655467

yeah thats why she plays it so much

>> No.21655524

She played monster hunter and was a hardcore mmo raider. She took this mind set going into Elden ring. So it works.

>> No.21658755

Ina actually made progress in it.

>> No.21659042

you should
