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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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21590852 No.21590852 [Reply] [Original]

Why are Japs so far behind?

>> No.21590910

it feels like an all out war

>> No.21591007

They want to watch anime girl not bootleg ethot

>> No.21591144

I'd rather watch 3dpd porn anon.

>> No.21591263

>mogged all of vShojo

>> No.21591279

Fuck off Miko, go back to reacting to YouTube videos and stop shitting up this already shit board

>> No.21591280

Looks like diversity Barbie? Couldn't they think of something more creative?

>> No.21591317

>>Glorious Nippon technology gets rekt by an ETHOT
You love to see it.

>> No.21591452

fuck that's ugly, why would you watch that when even some 3DPD girls look better, what's the whole point

>> No.21591490

Go back to discord mikofag

>> No.21591596

>Polar express looking thot
Yeah, I'd rather jackoff to my anime waifu

>> No.21591697

she sure is pushing the tech
next thing she will discover the existence of a regular camera
that one is gonna blow everyone's mind with how realistic it looks

>> No.21591778

Looks better than her old version but the face still ain't right. I don't know if there's any way to do big eyes on a lifelike model without it registering as fucking creepy in our brains.

>> No.21591928

No, that is V-Thot

>> No.21592144

If I wanted to see realistic shit I'd just watch normal females

>> No.21592443

Post it a video.

>> No.21592505

Did she actually make tech, or does she use it for someone else?

>> No.21592635

western whore<span class="xae" data-xae="anger">💢</span><img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/67905c4f_Bruh.png">

>> No.21592715

Reminds me of Umemaro 3D

>> No.21592854

>diving headfirst into the uncanny valley
no thanks. Western muh realism is a cancer on actual entertainment. Just because it's "realistic" doesn't make it more entertaining.

>> No.21592923

Anime girl>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>fucking barbie design

>> No.21593205

>This is a vtuber
No it's not. Go back.

>> No.21593655

Call me when she does porn.

>> No.21593781

Looks good but it's a completely different stylistic choice.

>> No.21593873

Design wise they don't like that, technology wise there's not really much Miko does that current 3D vtuber can't do they just don't

>> No.21594712


>> No.21594750

>>He doesn't know

>> No.21594791

WoaH <span class="xae" data-xae="shock">😱</span> look at dem graphics <span class="xae" data-xae="eyes">👀</span>

>> No.21595319

I've seen posted before, but I've never seen her do anything other than music videos. I'm debating if she's even a Vtuber.

>> No.21595420

holy shit its 3D women! oh boy i hope they find out that they dont even need to have a model cause theyre already 3D irl.

>> No.21597359

what is the function of an avatar that'd help you hide your actual identity if you're just going to make it similar to your actual appearance anyway?

>> No.21597977

Anon, I'm gonna tell you a secret, japs want to see anime style (2D drawing) vtubers, not Pixar style (3D model) vtubers.
You might say, b-but they have 3D models too. Yes, they are done in a way that mimics their 2D model.
Miko is fine, but that kind of style is so far removed from the anime style that it's bordering uncanny valley realism.
Most people here like anime girls, not Unreal Engine next gen tech demos.

>> No.21598102

I hope that she knows that the best tech in the world cant help her boring personality and even more boring content

>> No.21598154

Then inform me.

>> No.21598624
File: 70 KB, 1000x502, 584247-guilty-gear-strive-millia-zato1-trailer-ps4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look like shit. Wake me up when anyone get an avatar similar to 2.5D stuff put out by Arc System Works

>> No.21598842


>> No.21599179

Interesting tech... but it's also fallen right down into the middle of the uncanny valley. It just looks so off it's not even funny.

>> No.21600737

<span class="xae" data-xae="alien">👽</span> AYY LMAO

>> No.21600948

the most important thing is the person behing the avatar and no level of graphics will fix that

>> No.21600980

should have giant tits or be a loli, or both

>> No.21600984

extremely uncanny and ugly <span class="xae" data-xae="disgust">🤢</span>

>> No.21601027
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>> No.21601107

Does she have sex in that model? Where are the tapes!

>> No.21601250

>Modern Western video game character design philosophy seeping into vtubing
You have the power to look better than anything in real life and you chose to be average? <img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/8b7cc3e0_WTFF.png">

>> No.21601259

Because they know that shit is eery rather than cute

>> No.21601463
File: 236 KB, 436x383, 1644822556785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not cute or funny
>western hyper realistic design philosophy

>> No.21601468

She's a virtual human. Depending on how liberal you want "VTuber" to mean, she may count.

>> No.21601569

You can polish a turd as much as you want, it doesn't change that its a turd.

>> No.21601609

Fucking this.

>> No.21602522

>Not an anime girl

>> No.21603702

Do western faggots really believes they'll be a relevant vtuber without cute 2d anime girls? I mean cute 2d girls are the core of your career

>> No.21604023

Retards think, people are going for realism <span class="xae" data-xae="smirk">😏</span>

>> No.21604182

I respect the technological hustle but this is excessively realistic.

>> No.21604334
File: 70 KB, 1000x600, polarexpress-1000x600[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would anyone want to watch traditional animation when they can watch this???

>> No.21604543

It looks nice and pushing the tech, sure. But she's too realistic yet uncanny because of her <span class="xae" data-xae="eyes">👀</span>

>> No.21604603

>spends all their time and money on insane tech
>doesn't actually do anything with it, can't just sit and stream and hangout and be entertaining by herself always needs other people around
it's also just pointless, like sure its impressive tech, but who really cares? when they live2d rotate their model 360 degrees and bounce it around for fun, that makes people smile and laugh and happy. she doesn't have that shit and it would look dumb if she did probably because she's trying to be realistic.
nobody wants a realistic rigged woman model, they could just watch a generic 3d whore and get the same stream experience

>> No.21605126

i've seen better and prettier model from SFM than whatever this is

>> No.21605309

Technically impressive. Zero appeal. It's uncanny and the underlying streamer isn't anything special. No one tunes in for a tech demo. More photorealism doesn't make things better. See westernized aesthetics in video games.

>> No.21605565

>watching niggers
<img class="xae" data-xae width="28" height="28" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/af528e56_Hahaa.png">

>> No.21605767

I'd watch a nijiwhore before I'd watch that. Nay, a nijimale even

>> No.21606937

This looks like shit.

>> No.21607024

What's the point of being a vtuber if you're gonna make your avatar looks realistic af.

>> No.21607090


>> No.21607587

I want to watch an anime girl
If I wanted to watch a real girl I would watch a real girl

>> No.21608397

why does it looks so weird, i mean the quality is great i would fap to an animated porn of it, but it just makes me feel uncomfortable.

>> No.21609137

so here's the deal, I don't understand why people will intentionally blueball themselves. Why go to twitch to watch a hottub stream, ethot stream or even a strip club when the best possible outcome is to coom. Why go out of your way to sit there and spend the energy to watch something that will never show anything of value and in the case of strip clubs, not be able to touch the girls or touch yourself and you have to pay for a drink minimum and the dancer.

There's petabytes of free porn, professional and amateur out there on the internet. Be smart with your time and money, skip the e-thot go to xvideos

Thank you for coming to my tedtalk<img class="xae" data-xae width="24" height="28" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/c291d202_gachiGASM.png">

>> No.21609540
File: 8 KB, 320x180, images - 2022-03-23T224626.914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck
thats creepy I'll rather watch my wife towa over this.

>> No.21609707

Anime girls are hot, that thing is just weird looking

>> No.21609916

I'd only prefer this quality with porn. Using that to talk and playing games is unnecessary and just makes her stand out in a bad way. To me, she's only technically a vtuber.

>> No.21610003

It's impressive though she looks a little strange. Aren't her eyes too big for her head?

>> No.21614928

Pretty sick. What software is she using to achieve all this?

>> No.21616136

All the tech won't save her from being boring as fuck

>> No.21616844
File: 64 KB, 640x361, AF4CE53A-DDD8-4B8B-BAF9-51E130067E84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going for this realistic shit just defeats the purpose of the whole thing.

>> No.21617073

Honestly, it is more attractive to see a 2D girl moving in a semi three-dimensional way than a generic 3D video game model.

>> No.21617260

She's like that irl

>> No.21617748

does she have a personality yet or is she still one of the most boring individuals I have ever seen?

>> No.21620012

This is like asking why Japan still makes 2D Anime instead of CGI cartoons.

>> No.21620058

>What's Obama's last name?

>> No.21620095

this isn't anime though.

>> No.21620363

Tech dosen't really matter

It's the content that counts
