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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 3.60 MB, 482x498, Rush chan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21480785 No.21480785 [Reply] [Original]

>Killed her Holo career just to prove that she wasn't in a relationship and keep the kayfabe alive
I respect that. Nobody in her own company wanted to help clear her name so she was forced to take measures into her own hands and go to a 3rd party for help. Yes, she violated contract and deserved to get fired but you still gotta respect the soul behind her actions.

>> No.21480967

mels harasser virtually violated japanese laws and yet cover desperately defended him and still keep hiring. rushia exposed covers hypocritical double standards and their moral standards that are pretty much inconsistent sjw tier.

>> No.21481110

She was retarded but this is why her gachikoi will never leave her, she's the kind of person to prioritize them above any and all other fans

>> No.21481168

Lol, no.
Menhera bitch doxxed her coworkers, hoped that they would suffer and tried to make up a bully rrat.
Fuck off, michael gets no pity or remorse from me or my oshi who gave her the cold shoulder and was probably pissed even during the official announcement vid.

>> No.21481182

>3rd party help
unfortunately, instead of getting help from any institution or certified expert, he went to a drama chaser, serve her right for being that retarded

>> No.21481242

Bullshit, she tried having her cake and eating her too. If this world had any justice left, she would be starving on the street after that alien looking mf threw her ass out

>> No.21481321

wait, there are still schizos who believe they were living together?

>> No.21481340

chinky commie bugs like you cant understand logic. you only keep screaming the super casual word "menhera" as a shit narrative or a cheap buzzword used by twatter mobs.

its purely fucking retartded as fuck. you are the same subhumans as woke cretins.

>> No.21481380

She is a menhera by Japan's very definition of their own slang word
She's a woman in her 30s, she acts like a 15 year old going through puberty

>> No.21481384

hey anti-cover schizo how you been?

>> No.21481387

As we all know 'KEEMSTAR'(japanese) is the best help someone can get!

>> No.21481417

Kill yourself orca, she's gone

>> No.21481470

Literally no one with round eyes gives a shit. Stop trying so hard to make the necromancer a martyr.

>> No.21481473

>manipulative whore
>gets caught being someone elses cumdumpster
>in the process of trying to "dispel" the "rrats" (actually just truth), breaks her NDA and spreads misinformation (I like how Rushitards always conveniently try to ignore the fact that Cover specifically talked about her spreading LIES)
>gets fired
>makes up some cope about her being "bullied"

Good riddance, fucking whore. I'm glad Cover unperson'd her.

>> No.21481488

Holy fucking ESL. Type fucking english before you try and insult me by calling me a chink, SEANiggers I swear.
Sorry not sorry that you're a fancuck and that your precious terminated oshi went and pissed off Flare with her antics. Managed to make Unitychad Watame not give a fuck about her either, how hard of a fuck up do you have to be for that? I don't know, but Michael certainly does.

>> No.21481497

>doxxed her coworkers
Allegedly. There is no proof that, so far.

>> No.21481545

>Killed her Holo career just to prove that she wasn't in a relationship and keep the kayfabe alive
And then even that blew up in her face because it turned out that while people were wrong years ago when they said she was dating Mafumafu she WAS dating him the last couple months, and had even vented about him asking awkward questions when he heard her ex used to abuse her.

>> No.21481565

>just to prove that she wasn't in a relationship and keep the kayfabe alive
She didn't even manage to do that so I can't respect her actions one bit.

>> No.21481583

Shitty bait. You're way too obvious with it, anon

>> No.21481777

She has fuck tons of EOP gachikoi anon

>> No.21481824

You got that completely wrong. The EOP are not gachikoi, they're the ones that would be fine if she streamed with her boyfriend tomorrow.

>> No.21481838

>she WAS dating him the last couple of months
meds and reps

>> No.21481865

No, she has plenty of EOP gachikoi.

>> No.21481866

her "proof" that she wasn't in a relationship wasn't even proof. and the shittalking and awful way she treated her fellow hololive members is almost worse than her having a bf.

>> No.21481879


Good thing someone made a thread about this, because i wanted to discuss something with you guys.

I don't think Rushia is a good person at all, but there was something odd regarding her incident:

Recall she saying to have tried to reach Cover support team, but the office wasn't working because it was weekend and no one was there and therefore Cover only did a pronouncement like 2 days later, even though Rushia yab was almost a national incident of so much repercussion it caused?

Some time later, Luna yab were she was erased from some random billboard came up and it was indeed a "nothingburger", however, it was weekend as well, and Cover did a pronouncement in a matter of hours after the yab spread for a bit.

Do you guys think there's a chance the dude who did that was trying to tell us something? Because how can someone fuck up so badly, to erase the wrong person in that situation? Impossible.

>> No.21481906

They're a tiny minority.

>> No.21482008

>Schizo on vt agrees with a menhera's menhera reactions
Who would have thought

>> No.21482009

I think you'd actually be very surprised if you looked into it.
I'm talking about people that actually watch her streams btw, not just like her tweets.

>> No.21482030

She managed to be more retarded than Cover, and that's saying a lot. She got what she deserved and all you fancucks should just kill yourselves, waste of oxygen

>> No.21482054

Being crazy for a cause is pretty respectable
People forget that being down to earth and rational 24/7 starves the soul

>> No.21482065

Outsourced graphic design, to someone with only passing familiarity with Hololive.

"Delete Ru-chan" "Got it boss"

>> No.21482099

Yeah we know who you are. You can fuck off now Nijisister.

>> No.21482123

whats with the constant "Rushia did nothing wrong threads"
its almost like someone is trying to shift the factual narrative and gaslight everyone to believe she was actually bullied and cover was the villain

>> No.21482176

There's a larper who wants to cause more drama, I know because I've seen him on the Mikeneko threads in /jp/ and the Kson threads here in /vt/

>> No.21482193

And I'm talking about the state of her membership streams. The membership chat is all Japanese while public streams are dominated by EOP spam. SCs are 90% JPY too.

>> No.21482242

is anti-cover schizo nobody give him (you) in kson and mike da cat threads

>> No.21482276

He's got to be a real menhera too then if he does that after the first crazy breakdown she had before even joining holo

>> No.21482302

Not sure about the motive of the people who made these threads but people in her membership know she said stuff about Cover that would warrant these threads. The people here don't seem to know about any of that though.

>> No.21482352

Agreed, but the EOPs donating in member streams lean far more heavily towards unironic gachikoi than the casual EOP crowd and probably proportionally more than most EOP member audiences of other chuuba

>> No.21482419

Rushia did something that makes sense for Cover to fire her for
She just isn't a bad person or a cheater because of it

>> No.21482442

Yeah I would agree that anyone that actually gives their money to her are gachikoi. It's just that among the EOP masses it's not very common.

>> No.21482446

One less bitch

>> No.21482486

>She just isn't a bad person or a cheater because of it
Only if you think that setting up a suicide dead man's switch is ok just because she's menhera, because that's exactly what she did.

>> No.21482499

674 left to go.

>> No.21482511

>to prove that she wasn't in a relationship
Kind of irrelevant when she was chatting with him in private. It's like trying to prove that a murdered stabbed the victim only once instead of 10 times.

>> No.21482657

At this point all Rushia threads should just be auto saged. She's been erased and is no longer relevant.

>> No.21482706

Just add on that they are directionally challenged and it's even easier to see how it happened. "Delete Ru-chan, the girl 3rd from the right in the front row" *deletes Ru-chan, the girl 3rd from the left in the front row*

>> No.21482804

So women are never allowed to have any male friends? He didn't say ayy im coming home let's fuck or something. It's just he's done streaming and wants to hang out.

>> No.21482883

What happened to fandead so proudly talking about how their oshi will never associate with any male ever and how she's only for them?

>> No.21482912

>So women are never allowed to have any male friends?

>> No.21482962

What schizos claim about their oshi has no bearing on what their oshi is allowed to do.

>> No.21482972

Still with our Oshi and lovingly stalking her even more now.

>> No.21483060

So you're fine with her having male friends that she has private chats with now?

>> No.21483082

No you're right its completely normal for two people that don't live together to have the exact same furniture, cups, cutlery, etc...

>> No.21483094

Yes. Are you so insecure that you can't trust your perfect oshi waifu to not cheat on you?

>> No.21483112
File: 268 KB, 777x777, 1647789314275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holobronies are not people, they are NPCs who are only capable thinking in terms of brand recognition.
>If talent is from Cover is... LE GOOD
>If talent is not in Cover is... LE BAD
From Hitomi, to Coco, to Rushia it has been proven time and time again how much of a shit company Cover is.

Only a Holobrony would go from:
>Yaaaaaaas Rushia GFE SCs queen, big NOOOMBERS, get mogged Nijinigger kek
>Hahahaha get fired bitch, she damaged Cover, muh NDA
Same happened with Coco, everyone went from: "Le epic wholesome Reddit Dragon" to "Kson? God I fucking hate that bitch camwhore"

>> No.21483161

These falseflagging and bait posts really are getting worse each day

>> No.21483200

Did you change your stance or are you one of those people that for some reason never said anything when she was paraded around as the perfect purest vtuber that will never talk to men?

>> No.21483224

Right, the guy she wrote love stories about and detailed how they would be the perfect couple.
He's obviously just "hanging out".

>> No.21483242

>reddit dragon picture
>abhorrent post
Like pottery

>> No.21483344

She streamed today to 30k live viewers. She's more popular now than when she was an Holo.

>> No.21483397

>debut stream is popular
Much wow!

>> No.21483443

yeah and she announced that she's gonna be on hiatus for months lmao

>> No.21483511

Shut your holes. The only good thing to come out of this was Holobronies losing one of their big guns. Hopefully the trend will keep going.

>> No.21483519

>male friends
every guy who's not a inexperienced beta with less than two digit IQ knows male friends are just backups. you can deny all you want, call me a incel, misogynist, *buzzword buzzword. but women love having orbiters, it feeds their egos. setting boundaries is a must so they don't expect to have their cake and eat it, especially on this modern era with dating apps and hyper connected society where women have infinite options and modern feminism defending their hipocrisy, double standards and hyper inflated egos caused by constant validation on social media by desperate males.
had lot of friends who believed the 'just a friend' narrative, they either got cheated on or their gf broke up with them and two days later were dating their so called 'just a friend'.

>> No.21483563

Now this is giga cope

>> No.21483599

So, once her channel gets deleted will we able to report these shitty threads or is something we will have to deal with until the next 'le final yab xD'?

>> No.21483601
File: 40 KB, 323x389, 1648461692319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see selen pic
>ignore post

>> No.21483674

Isn't the cliche that men can't be friends with women because there's always sexual tension even if it isn't acknowledged?

>> No.21483755 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 487x630, 1632738194729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> every guy who's not a inexperienced beta with less than two digit IQ knows male friends are just backups. you can deny all you want, call me a incel, misogynist, *buzzword buzzword. but women love having orbiters, it feeds their egos. setting boundaries is a must so they don't expect to have their cake and eat it, especially on this modern era with dating apps and hyper connected society where women have infinite options and modern feminism defending their hipocrisy, double standards and hyper inflated egos caused by constant validation on social media by desperate males.
> had lot of friends who believed the 'just a friend' narrative, they either got cheated on or their gf broke up with them and two days later were dating their so called 'just a friend'.

>> No.21483763


for someone who could get double or triple of that it's not that impressive

>> No.21483878 [DELETED] 
File: 4 KB, 242x208, descarga (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> every guy who's not a inexperienced beta with less than two digit IQ knows male friends are just backups. you can deny all you want, call me a incel, misogynist, *buzzword buzzword. but women love having orbiters, it feeds their egos. setting boundaries is a must so they don't expect to have their cake and eat it, especially on this modern era with dating apps and hyper connected society where women have infinite options and modern feminism defending their hipocrisy, double standards and hyper inflated egos caused by constant validation on social media by desperate males.
> had lot of friends who believed the 'just a friend' narrative, they either got cheated on or their gf broke up with them and two days later were dating their so called 'just a friend'.

>> No.21483961

this is the proof hololive talents should just go indie and stop accepting cover's opressive rules and regulations and their controlling freak fans

>> No.21483992

>Recall she saying to have tried to reach Cover support team, but the office wasn't working because it was weekend and no one was there and therefore Cover only did a pronouncement like 2 days later, even though Rushia yab was almost a national incident of so much repercussion it caused?
Because her incident happened in the middle of the night of a holiday weekend. Her GTA stream with Miko ended at about 11pm-12 am JST, if I remembered right. She was told to stay put for at least Monday, as they worked something out because it was a real fucking yab. She contacted Korex2 just about 2-3 hours later at about 2-3 am.

Meanwhile, Luna's erasure of the poster is a legit nothing burger that could be swept away by blaming the graphics/management team on doing an oopsie. It doesn't affect the talent in anyway.

>> No.21484018

Not even 10 minutes to bait 3 virgins

>> No.21484023

Imagine being jealous of fucking wom*n getting more attention than you lmao.

>> No.21484112

Can someone give ma a rundown of what happened during this shitshow?

>> No.21484131 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 601x508, 1635242737372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Not even 10 minutes to bait 3 virgins

>> No.21484152

Rushia was caught dating someone despite claiming to be pure. People mad. Rushia doxxed friends to Japanese Keemstar and was fired. End of story.

>> No.21484176

spoke like a true incel, you'll die alone because you can't treat people like people

>> No.21484209

The whole stream has English CC so you don't need to rely on second hand retellings from people who never even saw the stream.

>> No.21484219

>you still gotta respect the soul behind her actions
That's a fancy way of saying "stupidity".

>> No.21484229

Reminder that if Rushia were real, she wouldn't date you. She would date someone like Mafumafu.

>> No.21484263

More than claiming to be pure she was pretending to be her fan's girlfriend
>that was obviously only keyfabe, no one actually believed
She was literally selling lifelong engagement rings

>> No.21484266


>> No.21484333

That number is going to go down as attention fades. It's already nearly half of what it was two weeks ago.
That said, it's going to be an interesting ride to see where she turns up. Delta is a 2view, kson makes a lot on SCs but gets like 1.2k CCV. I wouldn't be surprised to see ex-Rushia be the most successful of the three despite being hard terminated and her reputation ruined, maybe something like 5-6k CCV e.g. half of what she had in Hololive, because of the unique circumstances and how hard she goes on parasociality.

>> No.21484343
File: 126 KB, 830x974, 1646268330371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21484380

NGL I actually want sauce for these allegations. Not being a fan here but what shittalking was goin on? If Pekora's name comes up I have more of a reason to choose a side.

>> No.21484419

Rushia new character can't follow the same girlfriend experience character that Rushia is, because we all know she's jumping on mafu's dick.

>> No.21484425

Translate that text for us who don't read Moonrunes

>> No.21484447

all of this will be solved if people accepted humans aren't monogamic but polygamic, if more people accepted open relationships, the world would be a better place.instead they feed an ancient destructive emotion called jealousy

>> No.21484461

Autists aren't retarded.

>> No.21484517

It was kayfabe but it was also retarded and made me rethink this entire thing. Especially since the holoen whores started shifting towards gfe rather than away from it after rushia got pushed out, like they were hoping to catch some of the stray gachis now orphaned.

>> No.21484526

yes they are
t. autist

>> No.21484539

In summary: Her fans are as menhera as she is

>> No.21484597

only women and the top 10% chads would benefit from this though

>> No.21484620

It really had nothing to do with her fans despite kore putting the blame on them when it was mostly people who love this drama shit spreading the rumor around.

>> No.21484629

We know almost nothing about it because both korekore and Narukami censored and omitted most of the details. Korekore shows more, but she doesn't go into detail herself and just gives vague descriptions. The only actual "shittalk" is complaining about an unnamed senpai streaming over her, anything beyond that is rrats.

>> No.21484635

Do your reps

>> No.21484649

You don't even know what she's saying so you can't even determine 82V42

>> No.21484652

Where's the problem? If we just let this shit happen, we wouldn't have loser men. Chads will give birth to more Chads.

>> No.21484660

>if someone dislikes anything specific of Hololive it's a nijinigger
the amount of delusion emanating from this post lmao

>> No.21484691

I'm talking about the westerners commenting on his videos

>> No.21484697

Goddamnit this is more of a JP sperg show than I thought. Thank you

>> No.21484713

so what? one man can impregnate thousands, the rest of them can create AI wifes with the power of inceldom. polygamy is the future

>> No.21484715

Actually, if some of the Kore rats are to believed and she was asking around for information on him, I wouldn't dismiss the possibility that she was so menhera she stalked the kind of furniture and cutlery he had so she could copy it and pretend they were together.
Don't know if that makes it better or worse.

>> No.21484762

That was how it were before Christianity and it didn't result in an abundance of Chads

>> No.21484764

So the ones blaming kore for the termination? I don't think they matter either because they're just showing a complete lack of understanding of the situation.

>> No.21484837

He didn't exactly help the matter. He was more than eager to get in on this juicy drama for a few extra subscribers rather than tell Rushia you fucking stupid bitch you're ruining your career just sit tight and wait it out.

>> No.21484853

but men and women need father figures, or else they become incels and hyper promiscuous girls

>> No.21484895

>Debut stream

>> No.21484963

I can't go into specifics because meidos, but it basically says:
_____________________________________________________________________________do your reps_____________________________________________________________________________

>> No.21484984

Can't save her from her own broken brain

>> No.21485023

It really is. And we'll probably never know the full details because they'll continued to be protected by NDA, no one can talk about them without legal risk.
Personally I don't believe she attacked other girls all that much. Kore left in some really damning shit, and if she was going berserk on Pekora or whoever there's no legal reason to censor that. Most likely she was revealing information that could be damaging to Cover because she was in some sort of dispute with management and told Narukami that she was considering graduation.

>> No.21485035

She was already told to stop talking to him by her manager. That's literally in the stream.
How was he supposed to convey her explanation about not dating mafumafu without mentioning that she had talked to him again?

>> No.21485073

S to spit

>> No.21485193

meant for >>21484697

>> No.21485214

>no one can talk about them without legal risk.
Even though she keeps doing it anyways.

>> No.21485230

Thanks for proving his point about brand recognition fucking retards.

>> No.21485239
File: 142 KB, 307x270, 1615914731586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where is that tweet screenshot where her roommate tried to dodge the boyfriend question by blaming Coco instead?
She is crazy bitch and her fans are just the biggest cucks out there, simple as

>> No.21485263

That's because she's retarded. I doubt she'll try it again after kson slapping her down though.

>> No.21485279

yeah yeah she was a cute avatar so she must be right and also she can't do no wrong, i get it dude
michael is killing it anyway, literally pulling 25k playing retarded ass slither io
nothing has changed, moving on

>> No.21485284

>nobody wanted to help her clean her name
Had she kept her mouth closed, this wouldn't have happened. It would've died down. Then she'd be able to explain it using her rm's account if she so wished, and that'd be it.
The only thing I can blame Cover for was saying that the talent's private lives were none of their business, because it spread the fire far and wide, and painted them as a "brave and stunning company that doesn't submit to unicorns". Their PR team should've been fired there and then.

>> No.21485303

She has literally done it twice after kson talked to her. She did it again just a few hours ago, but it's all for members only.

>> No.21485383

It's an okay statement. It's basically, "whether she is dating someone or not, we don't give a fuck stop bothering us about it." That doesn't help this specific situation because Rushia is retarded and her fans are even more retarded and will just take it as an admission that Rushia is dating someone, but at least Cover is clear that if fans find any leaks about the talents, don't cry to them about it.

>> No.21485439

Care to specify?

>> No.21485450


>> No.21485475

Rushia is going to become a scummy dramatuber like all her friends since she can't play the GFE angle anymore.

>> No.21485493

this is true, everyone pretending to be mad is just larping, she is doing better now than before and is going to do even better without cover cuts and management, in the end it was a win for her

>> No.21485497

Probably made up then. /jp/ doesn't have shit about either and they can't keep a secret for shit. Not everything you read is true.

>> No.21485513

That's the nature of independent chuubas. They don't have a business or management to curate their characters so they just end up playing the true nature of women: grubby money whores.

>> No.21485533

no, it's because she's a she
otherwise Mafumafu wouldn't get attacked

>> No.21485536

She said some extremely obvious things, like that she got locked out of her holo accounts and not being able to say her part. It's really nothing, but still something she's definitely couldn't talk about legally.

>> No.21485542

>Not Z
You had one job...

>> No.21485596

without someone controlling her she is going to fuck up really bad with something and if a fan doesn't kill her she will off herself

>> No.21485611

It's not like she was even doing anything with the company connections either. She actually asked if she could do male collabs if they're someone famous last summer but by then she had painted herself into a corner.

>> No.21485651

Not like Cover forbade it. She asked her fans and they were against it.

>> No.21485705

Like you said yourself, that's extremely obvious stuff said in an unarchived members-only twitcast. She'll probably never spill the beans on stuff that could land her in legal trouble, maybe years down the road.

>> No.21485714

You are severely retarded Anon. Please do Reps.

>> No.21485796

Surprised they didn't abandon her given her spiel about being afraid of Holostars

>> No.21486972

All she had to do was shut the FUCK up and wait a couple of weeks, she's mega retarded, and a whore, she deserves worse

>> No.21487314

All Cover had to do was literally nothing and everyone would have forgot by now. Try not to choke on that boot

>> No.21487449

rrat about Coco being terminated must of sprung out of nowhere then huh?

>> No.21487453

Mashallah the evil was defeated and the green djinn was removed from Hololive
Allah be praised

>> No.21487512

It's not even alleged, it's pure rrat

>> No.21487590

>Arab dog
Opinion discarded

>> No.21487602

she doxxed her co-workers? Oh word? Where's the proof of that? Oh wait. There's not.

>> No.21487665

Who is more menhera, Rushia or the remaining fancucks?

>> No.21487697

oof thats a tough question

>> No.21487706

Cover cucks

>> No.21487717

>Opinion discarded
Just like Rushia was discarded lmao
The prostitute paid for her sins

>> No.21487738

I really hope it wasn't as bad a the generalities make it seem. I know there is always going to be an amout of acting when it comes to how much the members "like" each other but even with Rushia the connection among her gen and others seemed genuine when it was on display. That's the Hololive glue you know?

Damning stuff for cover I understand because management v the managed is a tale as old as time.

>> No.21487760

Ok, watched it. He's a cool guy and obviously the only sane person with connections to Rushia.

>> No.21487834
File: 1.88 MB, 640x532, 1633715995136.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gets me every time.

>> No.21487893

Don't you Arabs think all women are prostitutes? Either way don't care, now go back to your bomb shelter Mohammed.

>> No.21488028

He's a fucking asshole but still the only one that provided any kind of comprehensive explanation of all the events.

>> No.21488650

Definitely the remaining fancucks, check >>>/jp/

>> No.21488741

Stop trying to get people to raid faggot, you've been on this quest for weeks now.

>> No.21488795

Nobody cared, not even her top paypigs, that she was on a relationship you goddamn tourist dramanigger. Hang yourself. Get a fucking rope right fucking now.

>> No.21488834

>Killed her Holo career just to prove that she wasn't in a relationship and keep the kayfabe alive
op is delusional, as always.

>> No.21488881

Nekochan fan here, please do reps EOPchama. She's ours and only ours forever.

>> No.21489302

>you've been on this quest for weeks now
kek this unironically my first time doing this
I guess I wasn't the first one

>> No.21489394

Seethe harder.

>> No.21489437

I linked them being psychos once and they accused me of the exact same thing.

>> No.21489444

She's gone fancuck, let her go

>> No.21489515
File: 798 KB, 976x1076, 734523545784656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hard to get cucked when you're not trying to fuck the chick in question. And also when she's not even your oshi.

>> No.21489724

"The generalities" are based on total speculation and literal rrats.
People will say shit like "you know she must have done something really bad because the other girls didn't cry".
They don't understand that in Japan if you fuck up nobody will sympathize with you, they do the opposite, they ostracize you.
Whatever she did it was bad enough to get fired, which is bad enough by Japanese standards. The evil mastermind stuff is fanfic.

>> No.21490353

Gachikoi are to be respected and feared. Rushia kneels to her masters.

>> No.21490447

wait does someone have that video of her shaking her head with the alien sounding effects in the background? i forgot to download it before it went away. its like 5 seconds long or less

>> No.21490597

Why would she fear her own creation?

>> No.21490636

>The evil mastermind stuff is fanfic.
But this isn't
She's not a good person but she's also stupid.

>> No.21490643

mel's manager must have been pretty vital to cover corp's operations given that they turned a blind eye until she got lawyers and then just settled for having them not interact anymore, while he can still do his job and work with other talents instead.

>> No.21490781

she's not the anti-christ of vtubing single handedly killing off the hobby as we know like schizos were acting like a month ago.

>> No.21490794

She wants to interact with men but has to hide it.

>> No.21490955

But she has already dripped all over Mapumapu

>> No.21491019

She wasn't doing it in public and she never admitted anything about it.

>> No.21491092

It reads mostly like menhera to me. They all say (or at least think) stuff like this, females especially.
Definitely the most damning statement made public but there's nothing else even in the same category, not even normal shittalk.

>> No.21491159

We don't actually know what happened, what she said and when and to who.
All we have is an incomplete picture with very few details.
Just keep in mind she was making cover millions and was a key player in one of their best gens.
They wouldn't wipe her from existence over something dumb.
Cover is keeping shut on the real story and Rushia is probably scared of an actual lawsuit so she's keeping quiet too.

>> No.21491260

Male friends are just emergency dick.

>> No.21491327

women aren’t people

>> No.21491424

Why didn't you save her Yagoo? Who will be next?

>> No.21491427

Can I get a QRD? Did she prove that it wasn't real?

>> No.21491438

Before joining Holo she wrote about how perfect a couple they would be and told others to fuck off.
It was so bad that Mapumapu had to contact her about it.
Then some time later Mapumapu talks about how they meet up to game from time to time.
How is that not in plain public view?

>> No.21491450

>It reads mostly like menhera to me. They all say (or at least think) stuff like this, females especially.
It's not just some random menhera shit, it's not something they all say. It's her telling this to someone with a huge platform with the intent that they will publish it if she ever kills herself.
You can't seriously say she's a good person even if she's not literally Hitler.

>> No.21491546

>Before joining Holo she wrote about how perfect a couple they would be and told others to fuck off.
Source or out of your ass?

>> No.21491548

>she wrote about how perfect a couple they would be
Did she really? Any source on this? This is the second time I've heard this.
>Then some time later Mapumapu talks about how they meet up to game from time to time.
But that was only after they got caught. They intended to hide it.

>> No.21491617

You don't know anything. Menhera suicide specifically to spite the people that "made them do it", who hurt them or didn't help them enough.
The fact she's saying it to some dramanigger instead of a friend just shows how off the rails she was.

>> No.21491656

luckily, mafu is a gay alien, so thats not an issue

>> No.21491795

Archives of her Twitter
You might still be able to find it at archive.org or archive.is if they haven't been threatened.

>> No.21491866

>You don't know anything.
You just said all women say (or think about saying) shit like this to huge drama channels with the intention of hurting their employer. I think you're the one that knows nothing.
>The fact she's saying it to some dramanigger instead of a friend just shows how off the rails she was.
It also shows that she is not a good person. Again, not literally Hitler, but she's just not good.
I bet you would justify literal murder by saying it's off the rail menhera shit and actually she's an angel.

>> No.21491897
File: 159 KB, 850x1118, 078608757806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Rushia.

>> No.21491918

Why can't you just link the archive? I'm willing to believe it if you can actually provide the source.

>> No.21492042

It's not that every menhera talks to drama channels.
Drama channels are not interested in every menhera.
But every menhera who an heroes wants them all to suffer.

>> No.21492074

>I think you're the one that knows nothing.
Women are vindictive Anon.
>It also shows that she is not a good person.
There's a difference between a bad person and an actual Menhera who was off her meds for months. Any wonder why mentally ill people who commit crimes go to psychiatric wards forever and not prison in most countries.

>> No.21492122

Because I read those tweets months ago before this even became an issue.
And posting here while waiting is sort of fun, sifting through the rantings of a menhera is not. So no, I'm not going dig it up for you as your belief gives me nothing.

>> No.21492132

>Women are vindictive Anon.
Everyone is vindictive, Anon.

>> No.21492233

>Women are vindictive Anon.
And they're still not leaking shit toa huge drama channel like Mike was. Why is that? Because they're not as bad as she is.
>There's a difference between a bad person and an actual Menhera who was off her meds for months
She's still not a good person, anon.

>> No.21492434

>Because they're not as bad as she is.
They didn't have the power that she had, corrected you there Anon.
>She's still not a good person, anon.
That's from your perspective Anon i.e. that's your problem and not mine.

>> No.21492465

Here's my spicy rrat for today
the real leak there is that hololive is actually a prostitution company that grabs people who are knee deep in debt or has some dirt that could ruin their lives if exposed, give them a taste of fame and them force said girls to please the chinese investors or get all their dirt released to the public by "mysterious haters" on 5ch
that's why everyone there seems to be either a menhera or a drug addict

>> No.21492501

So out of your ass then, ogey.

>> No.21492670
File: 27 KB, 716x722, 745623421357457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rushia love.

>> No.21492675
File: 118 KB, 398x368, amerush.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21492694

Are there any chinese who would like dirt rats like Kanata or grannies like Marine?

>> No.21492722

>They didn't have the power that she had, corrected you there Anon.
Everyone in hololive has the same power, yet you don't hear about them having talked to korekore, who would definitely brag about having talked to all these women. You didn't correct shit.
>That's from your perspective Anon i.e. that's your problem and not mine.
No, it's actually your problem because you're insisting that it's everyone else's fault but hers that people want to disassociate from her and "unperson" her. I'm just explaining to you why it's happening, and why you're wrong.
She's just not a good person.

>> No.21492868

>She's still not a good person, anon.
She's bipolar. It's more like schizophrenia than being depressed.
I don't blame anyone who steers clear of these type of people but it's more about being an insane person than a bad one.

>> No.21492892

Kanata's family is a rich one who sent her there to get they gay dicked out of her
as for marine she was trained to be the perfect executive dicksucker and is there to teach the others

>> No.21493224

>Everyone in hololive has the same power
I meant women I general Anon. Obviously some of them take their meds and aren't batshit insane because they didn't take their meds.
>No, it's actually your problem because you're insisting that it's everyone else's fault but hers
Anon when did I every imply it wasn't her fault, it was ultimately her that reached out to Kore2 in the first place so it's definitely her fault? I simply stated she wasn't a bad person, she was just off her meds and insane. Besides I trust Ksons opinion more than a random 4channer and they're still friends sooo....

>> No.21493251

The mistake you're making here is assuming that not good = bad, when I have not once called her bad. Other than that it's nice to finally have someone not excusing every single thing and blaming it all on others responding here.

>> No.21493368

>Again, not literally Hitler, but she's just not good.
What are we suppose to think you mean when you say not good while comparing them to Hitler? Based?

>> No.21493371

Cali was sick to her stomach
We will never know what it means because these whores can't be genuine about anything
The most retarded aspect of vtuber is the mongoloid secrecy and dodging subjects

>> No.21493401
File: 171 KB, 1280x1150, 1234135357467546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, I love Rushia.

>> No.21493458

>I meant women I general Anon.
And that covers all of hololive, yet no one else in hololive has been talking to korekore.
>Anon when did I every imply it wasn't her fault
Right here >>21489724 unless this wasn't you
>They don't understand that in Japan if you fuck up nobody will sympathize with you, they do the opposite, they ostracize you.
>Whatever she did it was bad enough to get fired, which is bad enough by Japanese standards. The evil mastermind stuff is fanfic.
The claim here is that they're all Japanese drones that ostracized her just for breaking the terms of her contract, rather than something that's actually understandable.

>> No.21493464

>It would've died down
You know that shit would last for weeks as everyone made the nothingburger about themselves

>> No.21493560

The starting point here was that anyone who thinks she did something wrong thinks she's an "evil mastermind". I responded to this by saying that she's just not a good person and it's understandable why others wouldn't shed tears for her termination after finding out what she had said.

>> No.21493614

guys where is the torrent of all her archive. actually I don't want to download it all, is there a mirror on another streaming platform? there gotta be one right?

>> No.21493740

>And that covers all of hololive, yet no one else in hololive has been talking to korekore
Wouldn't be surprised of some of them actually talk to dramatubers
This >>21489724 is not me btw, I'm a Nekochan gachi but even I know she fucked up and a lot of it was her fault, specifically reaching out to Kore2 and the like. Do I think things could have gone differently and some people could have done more, yes, but she caused the main yab up in the first place.

>> No.21493763

I wonder if anyone archived the videos. It's crazy that they're all gone just like that.

>> No.21493797

Me too. I'm going to miss her.

>> No.21493803

Just don't contact men. What's the big problem?

>> No.21493836
File: 172 KB, 850x1133, 7857957806780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay, anon. She's not going anywhere. She's transformed. Funnily enough, exactly like a butterfly. She's still herself, but new. Unbound by her form before. More beautiful.

>> No.21494137

>Wouldn't be surprised of some of them actually talk to dramatubers
I'm sure there are some, but the generalization that they're women, therefore extremely vindictive, therefore they all do it, is dumb.
>I know she fucked up and a lot of it was her fault
But what do you think about the people that might choose to not associate with her after this or maybe even dislike her for it? Would you blame them? That's really what this was about, as well as her taking actions with clearly bad intentions.

>> No.21494298

Half of them killed themselves, the other half became copioid addicts or became holo antis.

>> No.21494437

Butterflies don't transform anon, that's caterpillars. They just die, and if want you can pin them up behind glass. And that's ala Uruha Rushia is now, a dead butterfly pinned up on some otaku's walls, psyche, and bank account.

>> No.21494439


>> No.21494456

Kore rats?

>> No.21494469

She posted the pics of her cutlery before he posted his.
They never show any matching furniture whatsoever except for the cat scratch post which is the most common one you can get in japan.

>> No.21494531

>But what do you think about the people that might choose to not associate with her after this or maybe even dislike her for it? Would you blame them?
If they want to not associate with her then that's fine, not like it affects me and I'll hold no ill will since I don't know what personally happened between them.
>her taking actions with clearly bad intentions.
Yes and no to this, she took bad actions yes, but she is very mentally ill and hadn't been taking any of her medication for months, I'm surprised she didn't do more than just that desu. Besides I give Mike the benefit but more importantly I trust Kson

>> No.21494539
File: 63 KB, 850x601, 075780805765956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I said like a butterfly, I mean she transformed into one. Rushia was her original form. She has shed that form now and become something more. The good times aren't over. They've only just started. And no matter what the antis want to say or claim, it won't change that.

>> No.21494596
File: 1.47 MB, 400x446, Rushia punishing Fandead.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But did the fujos forgive her?

>> No.21494603

What is this? Someone who’s going to upload the whole archive?

>> No.21494688

Can't she just go solo? like any hololive member she likely has a solid following even after whatever got her fired, so going solo wouldn't be too hard since a lot of people would follow her the second she began and went "yeah I'm totally not Rushia, I`m uhhhh Ruxai, lol." It's not like people are there for the avatar more than for the person behind it so it's not anywhere near as bad as an actor or celebrity getting blacklisted.

>> No.21494744

She is, anon. Mikeneko.

>> No.21494758

I think that's what she is doing.

>> No.21495256

>when she was paraded around as the perfect purest vtuber that will never talk to men?
Was this shit done in global or something?

>> No.21495329

Global first and then all over the board in any thread talking about "GFE".

>> No.21495355

thanks, anon

>> No.21495383

Then whoever did that was secondary as fuck. She was talking to an old male friend in public on her roommate twitter back in November implying they'd play games together.

>> No.21495725

>Joined 2017

>> No.21495729
File: 77 KB, 850x850, 7964974596086087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem, anon. Remember that whenever antis go full schizo, you're still going to be watching your oshi and enjoying her happiness.

>> No.21496259
File: 825 KB, 2480x3508, 1646813766360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stumbled into this thread just now but thanks for posting this anon, the withdrawal is kicking in hard rn, I really do miss her.

>> No.21496375
File: 527 KB, 800x1280, 734623357457345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a little relief, in that case.

>> No.21496697

Meiro “cried” about that Narukami too, no shit was Cover supposed to let her suicide bait on her official work account?

>> No.21496833

god i wish that were me

>> No.21497271

Why don’t the EOPs know about this?

>> No.21497570

Even if you told them about it they'd say it's fake or something. They did that with the Chino story as well because they can't accept truths that are too difficult to process.

>> No.21498691


>> No.21499305
File: 2.10 MB, 1379x975, 1648434866016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best there ever was

>> No.21499577

orca already moved on to stinky Orca

>> No.21501618

You mean they wouldn't do something dumb like restrict the top superchat earner who also speaks English from interacting with Hololive EN?

>> No.21502777

The queen of GFE... An inevitable end...

>> No.21502872


>> No.21503872

-2019: Rushia leaks to Narukami about her past agency Otogi Resurrection, on Mikeneko stream, claims all Otogi members were trash and wants to take down her bully at Otogi before she kills herself
2021-2: Rushia leaks to Narukami and Korekore about Cover, tells Korekore she hates work and wants him to reveal everything she’s going to tell him if she dies so they all suffer
-2019: Rushia tells Narukami her sempai at Otogi is bullying her by spreading rumors
2022: Rushia tells Korekore her sempai at Cover is bullying her by spreading rumors
March 2022: Rushia tweets someone at Cover spread rumors about her being obsessed with hosts
-2019: Rushia tells Narukami her coworkers at Otogi were bullying her by streaming into her time slot
2021-2: Rushia tells Narukami a coworker or coworkers at Cover were bullying her by streaming into her time slot
-2019: Rushia sends screenshots to Narukami of messages allegedly from Otogi manager to her bully, forwarded from her bully to the bully’s friend, which were then forwarded to a friend of a friend of the bully’s
-2022: Rushia sends screenshots of messages from her manager to Korekore

>> No.21503956

which is why Luna was pulled into a meeting and had to cancel her stream right?

>> No.21504296

Poor anon he dont speak japaneses

>> No.21504425

since mafu was friends with her ex before he was cancelled she could have been checking to see if he was another crazy abusive dude who might stomp on her head

>> No.21504788

F for losing one of the easiest jobs on earth.

>> No.21505191

How would she even get into a situation like that if they weren't going to date and meet up regularly in person?

>> No.21505358


>> No.21505884

Yeah, for one stream, and a few days off twitter. Most of the blame puts it on Cover and none on Luna. Guess what, she's back to her normal streaming schedule like nothing happened. Literally a perfect example of nothing burger

>> No.21507111

No it's a Japanese thing. Unless you can prove absolutely they hate pressing charges.

>> No.21507392

Sweet a desperate housewives thread
Always get my dose of drama in those

>> No.21507401


>> No.21507497

In English, please?

>> No.21507770

something ..something..schizo ramblings..something ...jealously

>> No.21507828
File: 347 KB, 2048x1536, yummynumnum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

F this rushia

>> No.21508074

What if he was the one working with Rushia?

>> No.21508149

I can't believe I had to experience this again...

>> No.21508169

I will forgive her if she sucks my 3 inch dick

>> No.21508191

Not a vtuber, literally. Michael needs a model but this just tells me camwhore route.

>> No.21508202


The moment she say she's rushia on mike persona, she destroy her keyfabe and broke NDA, anon....

She got fired because of her own action

>> No.21508371

She got fired because Cover is a black company

>> No.21508395

When is her indie debut? I think she'd be as successful as kson. I didn't watch Rushia too much, but after all that's happened, I think I'm more interested now in seeing her succeed. She seems like a great entertainer.

>> No.21508431

Cover really rent free in your head, i see... poor anon

>> No.21508528

>She seems like a great entertainer.

>> No.21508584

Wait is this what Rushia looked like this whole time? Why are the crazy ones always so pretty?

>> No.21508631

Subaru literally did that live on stream and nothing happened.

>> No.21508661

>when they said she was dating Mafumafu she WAS dating him the last couple months, and had even vented about him asking awkward questions when he heard her ex used to abuse her.
No, he asked her about a tweet she made in the past about dating a different c-list celeb and since she didn't want him to find out more about her past, she asked Korekore to delete the stream she did with him about other her ex, Mahoto, which was years before Mahoto's arrest. She didn't want mafumafu snooping into her past, but she originally went to Korekore to snoop about Mafu's past girlfriends, which, according to her, is why he stopped meeting with her in person in December or January. On the same day, after Mafu tweeted he was taking time off after the discord message to think about how he was going to explain what happened to his fans, Rushia tweeted she wished she had time off because she couldn't eat or sleep. On the same day after Mafu denied their relationship on a twitcast, Rushia did her own twitcast pretending she was going to jump from a building if he didn't answer her calls.

>> No.21508752

No. That's just a ton of filter and makeup.
Many said shes average as fuck for a jp girl.

>> No.21508821

>>average as fuck for a jp girl
>>that cleavage

>> No.21509078

>Rushia flexing her cleavage
Is this a simulation

>> No.21509367

>When is her indie debut
Like a month ago.
She is currently a PNG/hybrd streamer atm.

>> No.21509542

May you find success as alt persona

>> No.21509564

>Rushia yab was almost a national incident
It's not. It's not even close to national incident.
It's just ONE Vtuber.

>> No.21509675


You missed "intentional" with "unintentional" anon.

Kson mistaken using HoloApp background in her Kson stream and everything is still fine.

Mike said she is Rushia out loud in KoreKore stream and still confirmed who she is is what make her get fired.

>> No.21509682


>> No.21509794

>want to ask a question
>know the answer will "do your reps" with no idea of where to start
Is /vt/ just a circlejerk? No real discussion occurs here and it can't be used to inform people what's the point? Containment board for /jp/'s benefit?

>> No.21509796

The fan's loyalty is not to Rushia, it's not to the talents. It's to Yagoo specifically, whose dick they frequently suck on. If Rushia and Yagoo have a dispute, they will choose Yagoo.

>> No.21509917

Public care more about mafumafu than Rushia actually

>> No.21509919

>I respect that. Nobody in her own company wanted to help clear her name so she was forced to take measures into her own hands and go to a 3rd party for help. Yes, she violated contract and deserved to get fired but you still gotta respect the soul behind her actions.
no shes a dumb cunt and retard, what she did is unbelievably stupid

>> No.21510003

It means people are resting during weekend. Lemme guess, you don't have a job, so for you everyday is the same. People who have 9 to 5 job want that saturday and sunday to be a good day to rest.

>> No.21510308

They would be happy to find out if Yagoo had sex with their oshi

>> No.21510329

Indeed, people here are retards. They just want a fake sense of superiority that they get out of knowing trivial shit.
You can easy counter this by triggering their ego, I do this all the time when I need to get spoonfeed infos
>Say wrong shit with confidence and call anyone who disagrees a retard
>egocuck rush in to "btfo" you with facts and logic
Thanks for the spoonfeed

>> No.21510557

She literally admitted to having dated him with her twitter menhera posting though. How exactly did she clear her name again?

>> No.21510778

>she's back to her normal streaming schedule like nothing happened.

>> No.21510875

They wanted her to fail they would have fired her no matter what.

>> No.21511226

>Losing her 3D rig
>Losing her merchandising deals
>Losing her easy access to make music and cover
>Losing helping hand from managements
>Must deal with everything herself, including legal stuff and paying proper taxes
>Must protect herself when some creeps stalk her
Funny how many Indies willing to join hololive or Nijisanji when there's a chance.

>> No.21511461

>Losing "helping hand" from managements
This is actually a win but otherwise everything else is spot on.

>> No.21511706

Spoonfeeding has been frowned upon on 4chan ever since the old days because newfags would repeatedly ask about things that can easily be searched for. If there was no gatekeeping, endless timeloops of newfags asking the same questions and complaining about shit (like You) would happen. This reduces the thread quality.

These days though, endless waves of newfags pour in everywhere (not just in /vt/) so gatekeeping isn't as effective anymore.

>> No.21511968

how is losing someone that helps you out a win?

>> No.21512049

They weren't helping her

>> No.21512110


To fuel your retarded dream that cover is a "black company"?

>> No.21512297

Bitch whore actually killed her Hololive career to pressure rich ayylium twink into admitting a relationship. He called her bluff first and left her out hanging to dry like the discarded cumrag she is

But don't be sad, there are enough irreparable loser simps left for her that she'll never have to go back working an actual job, she can just continue streaming her vague sadposting every once in a while and rake in the akas still

>> No.21512608


>> No.21513287

>The comment is there, trust me. Just find it yourself

Is it hurt, when you shit out all those facts from your asshole?

>> No.21513644

They could've said nothing or said something to help Rushia

>> No.21514134

The loudest voice in his head

>> No.21514639

Most men sympathize at men who got surrounded by psycho bitches and can't escape

>> No.21514929

why do people still like this schizo tho??? After reading her twit, its obvious that she didn't learn from this whole ordeal

>> No.21514963

So you're fine doing your own taxes? You're fine to lose all that connections to talk to lawyers and law enforcement for protection from stalkers? You're fine with not getting a replacement mother figure? You're fine that no one will monitor and filter troll comments?

>> No.21514979

english reps SEAchama
and no, theres nothing strange about incompetence and coincidence

>> No.21515137

They already told her "Be quiet and wait until monday so we can gather at full force and deal with this" But Rushia was like "Noooooo, lemme do this the completely wrong way today!"

>> No.21515305

For being allegedly low IQ, she's a genius at what she does. She very carefully curated a secret, elite club of fans that will literally schizo stalk and analyze every thought to tumble out of her shit brain and onto twitter. She has thousands of simps hanging on her every breath and managed to convince each one is special for it and, if nothing else, I admire her talent at that. I don't know that there's anyone in the industry that does it as well as she.

>> No.21515325

>Killed her Holo career just to prove that she wasn't in a relationship
But she was.
That's the hilarious thing. She was in a relationship 99% of the people and Cover didn't care and then she did that anyway.
Mental illness is a hell of a thing

>> No.21515664


>> No.21515688

She actually chugged a bottle of pills and had to be taken to the hospital.

>> No.21516102 [DELETED] 

Hey janny
This is a 311 post thread just shitting on Rushia
How come this gets to stay up but every single thread that even has mild criticism of Mori gets deleted in less than 20 minutes?
How come we are allowed to shit on every single vtuber that exist but Mori gets a different treatment?
Should just change Rule #2 and #3 to say that those two only apply to that fucking hambeast if you're going to ignore every other thread you fucks

>> No.21516519

Shut the fuck up and eat fucking shit you utter faggot.

>> No.21516714



Here, for your enjoyment, five threads in various shades of criticism of Mori. Some of them have been up nearly all day!

Please remember to take your meds.

>> No.21516986

It's not that complicated to bait those simps, anon.
Some private DM, some sexy voice, and blank promises.

>> No.21517255 [DELETED] 

Go fuck yourself janny
You can keep deleting mynpost about how you protect Mori but more and more people are catching up to it
Go on and delete this one too you utter faggot

Sent from my samsung - SM-T725

>> No.21517414

The first thread is explicitly bait to shit on her dancing. The entire thread is flooded with "-10/10!! Does she have cerebral palsy?"

The second and last have many posts devoted to picking and tearing down the gag she's attempting for April Fool's.

The two threads "praising" her shitpost music is a very clear bait and switch, to shit on the music she usually makes.

If the jannies are bent on deleting all criticism like you say, they're doing a piss poor job.

>> No.21517659

>the absolute mental gymnastics in order to pretend those threads are criticism
yeah he's the one that needs meds right?

>> No.21517859

dude come on
the subaru doxx stayed up on /vt/ for fucking hours the other day
he's wrong about mori being the only "protected" one but he's not wrong about there being protected vtubers on this board

>> No.21518264

That's not what I'm referring to. Any thot on the internet can do that. She specifically managed to hook the literal shizos. Deleting juicy tweets within minutes, constant guerilla streams. Leading to this feeling FOMO if you aren't watching her timeline literally 24/7.
I first noticed it in the "bunker" the general had when everything started to go to shit. In order to get access to said bunker, you needed to follow a schizo trail of pastebins and to know the password she said during a stream three months prior. It's shit like that. Her fans are quite literally schizos. And they all think they're in this elite club and hold the key to her heart or some shit.

>> No.21518589

They're no more critical than this thread is of Rushia, I'm simply playing his own game but he's too delusional to see it because he somehow takes the 8th thread about Mori with no substance other than "pink reaper bad" getting deleted is some kind of special censorship.

>> No.21518887

And a thread about a certain TT stream also remained up for hours the other day.
The real rrat? Jannies are just lazy and inconsistent.

>> No.21523829

Meds schizo

>> No.21524010 [DELETED] 
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let's go

>> No.21524201

Do you always eat up whatever /vt/ shits into the room?

>> No.21524503

>since she can't play the GFE angle anymore.
