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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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21468647 No.21468647 [Reply] [Original]

wtf is going on in nijiKR right now?

>> No.21469223

>On 17 February, ANYCOLOR announced that the NIJISANJI ID and NIJISANJI KR branches would be merged with the main NIJISANJI branch starting in early April 2022.
This is what's happening.

>> No.21469328

how does that relate to the recent sudden mass graduation tho

>> No.21469787

They don't want to be Nijisanji proper. Nijisanji invented vtubing as a streaming thing with Mito but unlike most companies that invent a model couldn't ever establish themselves as the #1 for long. First it was upd8 tuning in, then .live & the four heavenly knights, then eventually Hololive. Holo is eventually going to recline and a new #1 will be there to claim a spot Nijisanji's model is forever going to deny them because their denial of the power of branding makes it impossible for viewers to define what Niji *is* and the constant management issues will forever compound that issue.
NijiEN is ironically more of a cohesive brand than either NijiJP or NijiKR/ID because of the outsized power their Wave 1 & 3 wield over the format, PR and content but I predict the fat fucks in nipland to try and kneecap that.

>> No.21469859

Merging is just code for "liquidation" and they are subtly encouraging them to quit behind the scenes because firing them outright would create too much bad pr

>> No.21469966

The contract are all terminate the similar date. which absolutely makes sense

>> No.21469994

They are all graduating to marry me.

>> No.21470002

Only the male talents seem to be getting huge numbers. The NijiEN female talents aren't being as successful as them, altough by comparison they're doing much better than KR, and maybe even JP.

>> No.21470063

Ara Chae (aka Uiha's bitchy Korean sister) is trying to bully them all out of NijiKR until she remains the last KR member standing

>> No.21470087

Getting cleaned out. It's over for the branch.

>> No.21470105

Nipplesanji is a black company

>> No.21470189

It doesn't. There's a reason the ID members aren't graduating en masse like this.
KR has always had awful management, anyone with even cursory knowledge of the branch already knows that.
Most of these members were probably planning on leaving anyway, and the merger just gave them an excuse to finally go through with it. The ones that are staying are probably only doing so because they expect JP management to be at least marginally better than the shitshow that was native KR managment.

>> No.21471174

you very much sound like someone who doesn't know anything about the culture nijisanji has cultivated in their actual target market and got all of your information from /vt/, spiced it up with some thesaurus buzzwords, and hoped it looked smart enough to fool some people.
i feel like the kr livers who'll stick around are probably the ones who already have an existing relationship with the jp branch. even if their viewership is still low, they're more culturally adapted to nijijp than some of their counterparts who just stuck to interacting with other kr talents.

>> No.21471234

The big warm family shit was a Niji thing at first, but it quickly became too big (many) to be a family.

>> No.21471282

>i feel like the kr livers who'll stick around are probably the ones who already have an existing relationship with the jp branch.
Didn't Bora fill this criteria the best, and she was the first to bail? Although that was before the announcement about consolidating branches, so who knows if she knew that was coming or not.

>> No.21471354

They're getting perfectly fine numbers.
>bitchy Korean
There's another kind?

>> No.21471448

Yeah that's true.

>> No.21471732

>They're getting perfectly fine numbers.
Less than 10k average isn't "fine"
I don't actually believe this, but much of this board is retarded enough that they do.

>> No.21473652

Bora is probably separate, since she hasn't reappeared yet, compared to these group of graduations where multiple PL account became active again within days after their last stream.

>> No.21475322

It’s only the faggots who get good numbers

>> No.21475391

Hey that’s raising expecting too high, maybe some day the females will get 5k without being boosted by men

>> No.21475424

Even Myth often doesn't break 10k anymore these days.

>> No.21475484

Fuck I wish Seffyna won’t graduate.

>> No.21475499

How many nijiJPers do you think would quit if they got merged into the EN branch?
>yo bro just do horny streams and reference reddit memes. oh yeah and be extremely aggressive and loud in collabs, people love that. that's how you get those KFC sponsorships.

>> No.21475556


>> No.21475668

Theyre all graduating and going back to their indie personas where theyll basically maintain the same audience and wont have to suffer under ichikaras dogshit korean management company they injected

>> No.21475717

they're already doing that

>> No.21475788

You're thinking of ID. The EN-speaking JPs have made it abundantly clear they're completely repulsed by the idea of joining EN even as a joke.

>> No.21475814

>Fuck I love my family
>liquidating assets during corporate merger
This shit never gets old

>> No.21475842

Everyone save for Bora and possibly Kiru have indie reincarnations and talk with each other openly. They're just escaping the management.

>> No.21475912

KRs probably have better things to do than IDs who are just happy to exist and get pennies

>> No.21477106
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pic related

>> No.21477173

Bora probably had actual legit real life issues to take care off that prevented her from streaming, she's had plenty of chances to reappear if she wanted to but so far it seems like she's really gone completely dead

>> No.21477317

Isn't bringing them under direct JP management the opposite of that?

>> No.21477513

This actually means they have to compete against JPs for resources.

>> No.21477526

If they actually cared about ID and KR as a branch they would've swapped out the management teams at best or left them alone just like they did NijiEN. Particularly ID who was reasonably well established in Indonesia and has a management team that's, by all accounts, pretty stellar.
Scrapping their management teams and bringing them under the direct management of HQ is a tacit acknowledgement that they just plain don't care about those branches but can't fire all of them without extreme bad PR so this is the best alternative.

>> No.21477563

They are all moving to HoloKR.

>> No.21477612

This seems so unnecessarily dissapointing in its tone. Though promising the viewers that they'll be together forever (even in kayfabe) is not a good idea in the first place.

>> No.21477720

>The EN-speaking JPs have made it abundantly clear they're completely repulsed by the idea of joining EN even as a joke.
Proof next thread?

>> No.21477860

Threadwatcher containment thread

>> No.21477910
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>have indie reincarnations

>> No.21478122

Watch streams. Oliver for example as routinely said that even joking about him joining Lazulight is not funny.

>> No.21478153

dude you are at the 1% above 1k

>> No.21478272
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Numberfagging is based because nobody on this board actually knows how streaming works in regards to income.

>> No.21478363

>People beat a joke that was only mildly funny into the ground until it's just annoying
>"Stop making the same joke over and over"
>Oliver is DISGUSTED by the idea of being in EN!

>> No.21478481

anon he dislikes people saying hes nijiEN all the time because he can speak english, even hana hates when people do that shit

>> No.21478484

they dont because ccv and numbers of views is not an indicative of income or succeed, # only work by themselve because the retards are tribalfags who understand eachother so theres no internal conflict

>> No.21478905
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CCV is actually a great indicator of success, anon. If you want to actually do some REAL market analysis, check this:
At Twitch, with 500 concurrent viewers, you make 30k/y exclusively on ad revenue. Double that for 60k/y, so at 1Kish concurrent you can make above American middle-class income as a streamer purely on ad revenue. This does not include sponsorships, donations, VOD ad revenue, or subscriptions. YouTube streaming is known to have way better payouts, as well as being more talent favored in general, so these numbers are likely higher for YouTube streamers.
It is literally impossible for any Holo or Niji to fail as long as they maintain over 500 concurrent, which is incredibly easy to do with the massive amount of marketing and help they're be given by these corporations. It literally pays for itself; there's no way any of the models or talent contracts are worth more then 40K/y, unless you're trying to rope someone like Senzawa in, as she came with a massive YouTube following, so can likely negotiate a way better contract. Not that any of the talent actually does this, because Holo and Niji exclusively market their auditions to mentally ill shut-ins who have little-to-no real life or performance experience. A model costs like what, fucking 2K USD? 42K total yearly requirement to take a nice 20% cut of the overall streaming revenue? As long as your streamer is up for a few years, you should easily make that money back.
I have no knowledge of internal Holo/Niji contracts, I am speculating based off acting/performance contracts that I have both reviewed for friends and signed myself. 15-20% is standard agency fee for talent, I'm convinced Holo/Niji MUST assfuck their talent hard because they know that these people have little industry experience overall. Might be 40%.

>> No.21481546

With Han Chiho graduating this makes how many Nijisanji KR members graduating since the merger?

>> No.21484890

Very good post Anon, thank you for your Insight

>> No.21485309

Youtube CCV is all sorts of fucked up so the actual CCV is bigger than is publicly shown.
I recall Towa once said that the peak CCV for her concert was actually 10-15k higher on her analytics than actually shown. Youtube doesn't really care to fix it (assuming it's not intentional) because the real metrics are available in studio 48 hours after a stream ends.

>> No.21485602

Same anon, thanks for the info. I only really come here to shitpost, but streaming as a business is super interesting so the misinformation people spam here is something I find pretty amusing about /vt/.
Just for the record, YouTube is absolutely not doing that intentionally. It's likely a feature that they created a long time ago, to prevent people from being able to viewbot videos and drive up engagement by increasing where they're landing in the algorithm. So a lot of videos have viewcount basically break really earlier on after they're posted, especially for 'huge' content creators. Keep in mind that for YT, huge is like, 100K+ subscribers. The huge influx of views makes the YouTube system automatically audit these sort of projects and basically cap viewcount a lot lower then it actually is, until the system goes through its audit. It's probable that this is auto-enabled for livestreaming as well; which is, hilariously, VASTLY more then Twitch has ever done to prevent viewbotting. It usually takes 24~48H for the audit to settle, so that part of shitposting is even funnier to me. This has been a known flaw in the YouTube system for years now, tons of content creators complain about it because the hardcap on viewcount usually hits 1 or 2 hours in, and it often fucks your video because you'll get screwed on the algorithm AS its going viral.

>> No.21486811

>YouTube streaming is known to have way better payouts, as well as being more talent favored in general

>> No.21487620

They are, because they were late to the game and tried to break in when Twitch had a virtual monopoly on streaming. YouTube has to offer contracts at a better premium, because otherwise the talent will go back to Twitch.
If you have any sources that prove me wrong, I'd be happy to read them.

>> No.21489913
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>wtf is going on in nijiKR right now?
Dead, buried by countless corpses of livers

>> No.21490425

I'm not the one that has to refute the bullshit you've claimed. Seemingly you're talking about contracts with big time streamers like Ludwig anyways, not literally everyone else on the site.

>> No.21491712

NTA but earning some 10K IDR donation each stream is not reasonable. the management are for sure the one to blame here, and honestly, disbanding the branch is probably the right way to do.
do you know the thing they made for their ID anniversary last year? yeah, that was screaming the side branches were genuinely abandoned.

>> No.21491885
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>> No.21492348

I have no idea how management or business works, what does being merged into the JP brand actually mean for the streamers?

>> No.21492522

For KR it's better than what they have.
For ID it's worse because they had very supportive management and were targeting local fans.
From what I recall, everything is going to be managed from Japan from now on instead of locally. I think in their announcement they said they were suspending any local sponsorships and merch for both branches and were canceling auditions indefinitely for the two regions.

>> No.21493519

How bad was KR management?

>> No.21493640

What >>21492522 said (unfortunately), but for additional context:
EN has been managed from Japan from the start, so it's genuinely hard to say whether they'll be cutting local ties entirely (very bad for ID, bad for KR but still better than their old staff) or if it'll just take some time to adjust.
I still personally think it would've been better to fold ID, KR, and EN into one big "Nijisanji World" branch for staff while retaining the branding for each (so the ENs don't lose that sticker they need for EOPs to pay attention), but it is what it is and I don't want to doompost TOO hard for now.
You know how tribalfags (incorrectly) characterize Niji staff as uncaring and Nijisanji as being full of bullying and cliques?
KR was kind of like that for real. On a GOOD day they just fucked over the livers under them by not helping them with anything (including basic shit like voice packs).

>> No.21493840

Thanks for explaining that. Based from this thread at least it seems like it's still a good outcome for KR but not necessarily for ID. Again as someone who knows nothing about management or business, what's the purpose of merging the branches into one brand?

>> No.21494054

I'm not exactly sure what Nijisanji's intentions are but I would hazard to guess that they're signaling that they're not that interested in growing those respective markets anymore.

>> No.21494274

>On a GOOD day they just fucked over the livers under them by not helping them with anything
What happens on BAD days?

>> No.21495065

Less management costs, I guess. Although given that we know for a fact they recycled some of the IN staff for EN, I wouldn't be surprised if they're keeping more of the ID staff than people think.
Allowing one of their livers (Chae Ara) to actively harass other members of the branch. I think it was bad enough that some of the members who graduated are suing her, to give a sense of scale.

>> No.21498730


>> No.21498813

Does anyone actually care?

>> No.21507107

They need to recruit Vin Diesel

>> No.21507696

The sad thing is several months ago someone made a video visiting NijisanjiID office and the crew look so happy and content with their work. Then NijisanjiJP decided to fuck all that up because of their ego. I hope the ID management get recruited to HololiveID as a fuck you to Nijisanjing

>> No.21507786

They don't want to spend money paying wages for KR and ID management.

>> No.21508537

No, even nijifags themselves won't care

>> No.21515789

The sad thing is this is the truth. There's so many members it's hard to focus so when the smallest followed member(s) graduate they don't even notice.

>> No.21521162

I'd graduate too if I did this for 3 years only to be instantly eclipsed by NijiEN boys. Puts everything into perspective like what the fuck are you even doing

>> No.21521446

Probably cut their pay to get them to quit instead of firing them, because that's the Japanese way to fire people. But for ID pennies is better than nothing.

>> No.21521945

>Cut their pay
Anon, that's not how Nijisanji works... It's not even really how Hololive works, their salary is peanuts...

>> No.21524630

>they don't even notice.
Doesn't Niji have a big following, or brand followers so to speak? When a talent from your company retires, won't you at least catch a whiff of someone else or the official channel mentioning it?
Is this "too many members, hard to focus" that bad? I've seen JP talents getting 3views when others are smashing with 5views, but I imagined it's more of a popular-less popular problem.

>> No.21524873

Some don't even realize they're in the same company. A lot of them just stick to their circle of friends in the company.
I think Lulu's graduation got overlapped by quite a few livers and it wasn't really a "big" event, just a normal stream.

>> No.21525220

That sounds like a Korea in general problem. Aren’t they notorious for having pretty much the worst bullying culture around?

>> No.21528947

The problem is that the Liver themself didn't doing anything that would made them noticeable to begin with.

>> No.21531890

That depends on how much effort the liver puts on getting their face out there and making themselves known to audiences, most see this as a hobby or side gig, so some don't really bother much so some attract more or less attention than other for stuff like this.
Plus Nijisanji has had the whole "Watch who you like/want" thing for a long time so people tend to stick with their favorites, maybe watching others from time to time, but most of the time they have a handful of livers they watch and are content that way, so yeah.
Doesn't mean that graduations pass without any notice, people do tend to give their well wishes to the livers and condolences to the fans even if they themselves didn't watch that particular liver, but again it depends on how much the livers in question got their faces out there and how much attention they got beforehand and the circumstances around their graduations (with KR most people at this point just accept many will go because of how shitty the management situation was over there and Meiji's wasn't that big of a surprise to people who followed her even a little and knew of her health problems).

>> No.21531913

Sadly they're treated more like employee. Pretty much Japanese working mentality. The farewell party will be small, in a restaurant where the ex-employee will be gifted a watch or something and everything ended in somber note.

Contrast that to Coco where all the members are gathering and saying their farewell. Tears were shed and it's like a huge party.

>> No.21532125

Oh man you make me remember Lulu.
Even until the end Nijisanji management don't give a shit about her creepy stalker.
I wish that Yagoo recruited her, she has a lot of potential that I think it's wasted on being indie with limited budget

>> No.21532290

I mean, if the liver wants their friends will be part of their graduation. I don't know why they'd want 100+ people, most of whom they don't even know, showing up to say bye, so of course they don't get that.
I don't even think most Holomem would get a farewell as big as Coco if they left now. She was incredibly well loved in Hololive. Feels like her going is closer to if like, Mito graduated, where half the company really WOULD show up to pay respects.
>Even until the end Nijisanji management don't give a shit about her creepy stalker.
They did though. That was the problem, they wanted her to stop streaming while they took the stalker to court. SHE was the one who didn't give a shit (because she's an ex-idol and knows she's always going to have stalkers), the whole reason she left was so she could keep streaming.
