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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 669 KB, 1072x692, 1626034701110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21470107 No.21470107 [Reply] [Original]

Why are Holos like this? They all stagnate and do the same shit over and over. Where's the innovation? Is it autism? Chasing numbers? Whatever it is I don't understand how people can tolerate it

>> No.21470225

>chasing numbers
She can't even receive SC while playing that
She just likes the game bro. And she's getting 14K viewers after 11 streams of ER so her fanbase clearly likes it too

>> No.21470252

retard op making retard posts as usual

>> No.21470275

Seething 2views?

>> No.21470301

More cumpedos seething Gura dropped the game

>> No.21470316

Every vtuber does this, including your oshi, OP. get rekt

>> No.21470339

>spoiler warning
what a stupid bitch

>> No.21470340

does no one watch drawing streams wtf

>> No.21470374

You mean the retarded thing streamers do where they constantly chase the newest thing wether it's something they actually like or not leading to shitty content eaten up by retards?

>> No.21470400

Oh look, a conspiracy theorist who picks one case to generalize for the rest.


>> No.21470404

Goddamn Holos doing what they like! I only watch indies because they do what I like. Captcha: 4YDDR

>> No.21470425
File: 153 KB, 900x1200, SmugPomu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>including your oshi

>> No.21470511

but we aren't teacunts tho? we don't care about every little thing.

>> No.21470569
File: 13 KB, 474x474, 1635109554235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck are you hoping for retard? Streaming itself a bit limited as it is without giving away your identity.

>> No.21470665

Pomu is no position with the yabs she is being put in atm.

>> No.21470723

I think she's playing it a lot because she enjoys it, and her fans are showing up every time to hang out with her. I don't get why you're seething, OP.

>> No.21470731

Thank you for proving my point cumpedo

>> No.21470775

She's sacrificing her income (can't SC) to play a game she likes, something NijiEN would never do

>> No.21470787
File: 95 KB, 1080x1080, 1648741958381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for single, sexless weebs who rather watch a moving picture of an anime girl in the comfort of their home instead of going outside

>> No.21470793
File: 1.06 MB, 1920x1080, kobo57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Holo plays a game she and her fanbase loves knowing that she won't receive SC
>Meanwhile, nipplelivers resort to coomer/ fujobait for some quick cash
Nijiniggers sure are getting more pathetic with each passing day.

>> No.21470811

What are you even talking about?

>> No.21470933

learn proper English seanig

>> No.21470945

you don't even watch them, why the fuck do you care

>> No.21471006

Her collabing with a guy or did the unicorns in /here/ not told you that?

>> No.21471066

There's no yabs; it's just schizos on this board making mountains out of molehillls.

>> No.21471125

Leave Ina alone. She's having a good time

>> No.21471362

She's unironically addicted to the game.
This is a women who got dragged to the depths of hell in FFXIV. DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE WHAT ADDICTION CAN DO TO A PERSON.

>> No.21471836

didn't think I'd need to subscribe to Ina,but here we are. Outside of the first couple streams this has been some of the worst content she's ever put out

>> No.21472040

I watched a niji beat Malenia after like 11 hours and only noticed that monetization wasn't allowed when I tried to send a congratulations superchat.
Sucks, but I I didn't get paid for my 200 hours playing it either.

>> No.21472418

>has been some of the worst content she's ever put out
How so?

>> No.21472428

She was going to do that shit off-stream anyway, so she didn't lose anything.

>> No.21473068

>Retard can't grasp the concept of someone enjoying something.
This board is just filled with 13 year olds, the virginity on display here is actually astounding.

>> No.21473214

Ina likes the game get over it !

>> No.21473529

>Retards can't grasp that this shit isn't entertaining
HAHA LE CUTE GIRL DOING CUTE THINGS=FUN BROS, fuck off these dumb whores are stale as fuck "ENTERTAINERS" I hope we can see viewer retention because you loyal fans probably only put likes then fuck off anyways.

>> No.21473552

who are you kidding, she doesn't get SC either way

>> No.21473674

Takos love that Ina is enjoying herself playing Elden Ring.

>> No.21473915

>raging because Ina likes a very popular and anticipated game with lots of content that many enjoy watching
You didn't beat the game.

>> No.21474018

She's having fun playing a game she turns out to actually really like and enjoy, what's your point Anon?

>> No.21474191

>why don't chuuba finish games?
>why do chuubas keep playing the same long game?

>> No.21474627

watching people play videogames has existed independently of cgdct for decades. How are you so out of touch with reality?

>> No.21475422

Everyone watches them live, and then nobody really goes back to it. The last couple drawing streams were just making emotes anyway. Her actual drawing streams always got a lot of replays.

>> No.21475524

>in streaming
Youre in the wrong medium if youre genuinely serious
Otherwise kill yourself

>> No.21475794

This is what Holobronies wanted. Blame yourself.

>> No.21475799

Margit probably filtered him and hes still angry

>> No.21475926

I'd much rather have this than the "I will only play this game once per week until I either lose interest or my audience loses interest" style that so many other chuubas do

>> No.21475971

If you honestly think playing a game to completion is stagnating, you're autistic. Elden ring is just a big game, and Ina enjoys playing it and we enjoy watching her. If you're filtered then go back to watching twitch thots react to tiktok videos

>> No.21476000

belieb it or not she actually enjoys the game just like how others enjoy Vampire Survivor. I refuse to acknowledge anyone actually likes PowerWash Simulator though.

>> No.21476056

And they still mogg your whores, nipplenigger

>> No.21476165
File: 2.04 MB, 2236x1166, 1625098677229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>faggot OP literally removed the 1 from the drawing streams views to try to help make a point

>> No.21476286

Kek i expect nothing less from a whiny catalogue tranny who probably quit at Stormveil castle

>> No.21476296


>> No.21476375
File: 79 KB, 1558x1003, 1628903610550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21476494

Well, now I feel dumb for giving the OP a (you). What a faggot.

>> No.21476650


>> No.21476778

Not like this, fellow nipplesanjis

>> No.21476919
File: 1.23 MB, 1337x795, Elden Lord Marin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why aren't YOU playing Elden Ring every waking moment, anon?
What's wrong with you?

>> No.21476987

Hayama is literally autsitic.

>> No.21477091

Redpill me on her.

>> No.21477105
File: 94 KB, 342x270, 1648412669490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are buttfuck retarded, anon

>Ina likes game that takes a typical player upwards of 60 hours to beat if they do any amount of exploring


Go back

>> No.21477376

She beat Rykard without the serpent lance.
She beat Malenia with a a dagger.
She regularly streamed Shadowverse and Master Duel for 12+ hours straight.

>> No.21477426

Who is Hayama? A 2 viewer?

>> No.21477554


>plays a game once
"Wow, she's such a numberfag. Not a real gamer"
>plays a game a few times
"Lmao your oshi can't even finish a game"
>plays a game to completion over a long period of time
"Seriously who the fuck cares about this game anymore?"
>plays a game to completion in a short period of time
"Haha these reclining whores are so starved of content"

You and your ilk are the dregs of society, seriously.

>> No.21477656


>> No.21478089

>~100k views on streams
>2 view
are you retarded?
she's a niji

>> No.21478373

I like Ina but this Elden Ring binge has kept me from watching her, as I dont really want to watch ER streams. Its fine that she likes it but it kind of sucks her streams are basically a once-a-week thing now for people who don't want to watch that game.

>> No.21478422

this. And she's the only holoEN who's enjoyable to watch while playing Elden Ring. Well, and IRyS.

>> No.21478572

Lol, into the trash it goes.

>> No.21479024

What's with the low effort thumbnails?

>> No.21479095
File: 65 KB, 945x1309, 1648224675969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a nijinigger made this thread
>it's a pomu fag
like pottery

>> No.21479249

Couldn't she be playing the game on her free time if she likes it so much? And you know, actually produce content while streaming and make the company profit, which is her fucking job.
Streaming is so fucking easy money that people who do stream (most of them) forget how lucky they are and stop treating it like a job, which backfires.

>> No.21479316

It's amazing how threadreaders just willingly out themselves
You don't even watch Ina stream

>> No.21480751

You still haven't proven anything he said to be wrong.

>> No.21480827

What's there to prove wrong? He's a fucking retard who doesn't watch Ina and doesn't know she is the one person in Myth who has said she doesn't give a shit about spacha and has at times told people to just spend it somewhere else?

>> No.21480974

Like it makes a difference, Ina is boring as fuck to watch elden ring or not.

>> No.21481031

>i-i-i-it doesn't matter anyways!

Your automated rebuttal is boring catalogue drone

>> No.21481042

People complain just as much if not more when people progress games off stream, there is no winning.

>> No.21482110


>> No.21482183

Maybe you shouldn't have Ina as an oshi. She's boring.

>> No.21482248

>why is this person spending a bunch of time playing a game they like how dare they this is stagnation pander to me reeeee
meds. then leads.

>> No.21482346

Americans didn't invent the english language, but I guess that's what a burger education does to your brain

>> No.21483940

Fucking kek.
Yet he will create two more threads seething about her. Is your guilty gear bait not working already?

>> No.21485351

>Enjoys playing and streaming a game
>”Bros, how do we save her?!”
Thank the fucking lord a Vtuber is actually finishing a game they started. Stop complaining you faggots.

>> No.21486614

Because that's her free time.

>> No.21486874
File: 1.25 MB, 1175x814, hayama er.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21488055

At least she does different colors, unlike Ina.

>> No.21493719

If you really want to SC her something regarding Elden Ring, just send her on on the following stream that allows for SCs, simple 'as.

>> No.21498525

yeah but er is fun
