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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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21341034 No.21341034 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is about Vspo, Neo Porte, CR, KNR, 芸人旅団 and FPS indie vtubers.
Anything goes, even if it's not related to an FPS stream.
Collabs with non-v are common so posting about the typical collab partners (DTN, 3BR, Haremono, etc.) is also on topic.

Upcoming events:
V最協S4 / VSaikyouS4, 4/17 (Sun)
https://twitter.com/ShibuyaHAL/status/1504813926650814472 (embed)

Previous thread: >>21193269

>> No.21341135
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>> No.21341289
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ii sure

>> No.21341628

KNR are pretty much chubas at this point

>> No.21341757

Based shark aniki snatching a champion.

>> No.21341759

pakael, 2nd place forever.

>> No.21341996

I love Meika's laugh so much

>> No.21342081

Does anyone know how the landmark allocation works specifically? I know that the lower point teams get priority, but how does that work exactly? Other than akina's team, all the other teams have point overlaps.

>> No.21342268

Same as last year, no? They are going to do that roulette.

>> No.21342319

Pakael is gonna choke again, i can feel it in my bones.

>> No.21342344
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Oh, this schizo is in nose's chat too.

>> No.21342369

I'll give him something to choke on.

>> No.21342387

I thought that initially, but apparently there's some sort of way to pick your preferred spots?

>> No.21342483

I'm glad Uruca is doing some v coaching because now he has a reason not to join these ojisans in their league customs.

>> No.21342515

Probably like epematsuri team draft. Pick whatever you like. If more than one tam select same location, it will be decide in some ways. Then, the rest pick again. Just my guess.

>> No.21342572

Fairys is trying to bait Nose into talking about her love of nuts...

>> No.21342573

Maybe they get to pick where they want to land then, CR cup did something similar

>> No.21342580

Ah, that makes more sense, thanks.

>> No.21342742


>> No.21343202

The teams with least points get a priority in the roulette. not sure how it's played out tho.

>> No.21343768
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Ema-taso-maru champion was nice

>> No.21344757

Yet another interview with Hinano

>> No.21345066

> 私は間違いなくかみととセックスをしていません
Did she really find it necessary to add this?

>> No.21345449

i can't believe this is real...

>> No.21345584

Nose is so nice and thoughtful

>> No.21345590


>> No.21346312


>> No.21346644
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>> No.21348696
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>> No.21348756
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pute asmr chad enjoyer

>> No.21349076

Kurumi Noa : "Welcome to My Family"
Me : "I would love to make you mine, Noa-chan"

>> No.21349334

I'll try it out later

>> No.21349792
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>> No.21350788

which team?

>> No.21351196

kananose, his comment section was hell early.

>> No.21352965

lol @ that aqua bait thread

>> No.21353174

I only watch Qpi because she has beautiful brown skin

>> No.21354609

If you're going to shorten the OP for your own autistic purposes can you at least add a pastebin with the past links and keep the OP updated.

>> No.21357070

Hinano explaining her argument with Kamito when playing Kingdom Hearts off-stream.
I thought it was because of Kamito's backseating but apparently it was because he didn't backseat enough.
Also she was so pissed off that she blew up on him trying to calm her down.
Well she did apologize in the end.

>> No.21357498

textbook woman moment
also they are

>> No.21358191


>> No.21358369

forgive my ignorance, but really, how can one not backseat "enough"????

>> No.21358458

If you haven't checked out Emperor Forte yet her first collab with her team is a good starting point. This team was hilarious from start to finish and she was extremely cute there (more so than on her own streams).

>> No.21358962

If you're close enough to fight you're close enough to fuck, that's what the japs say.

>> No.21359136

he didn't point out what she did are mistakes (like picking the staff) and just continued to watch and laugh

>> No.21359183

4 minute clip for the busy people.
The opening is a summary for the whole team dynamic. It's always a 2 on 1 against Aruse.

>> No.21359324

sorry, anon, I only care for yuisex and niusex.

>> No.21359519
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Why did Haseshin change his latest stream's thumbnail?
Pic is the original.

>> No.21359605

he has a funny laugh

>> No.21361650

I want to marry Nazuna
's sister.

>> No.21361749

Mafuyu finally getting a daughter who will actually use her live2D model.

>> No.21362102

i wonder if neoporte will ever get 3d

>> No.21362332

Probably once Bora joins in gen 2

>> No.21363372

sorry anon, Bora is dead forever

>> No.21364897
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>> No.21364989

Qu replacement already?

>> No.21365084
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Don't let recent events distract you from the fact that Sumire drew fanart of Reid's new outfit on the day it came out

>> No.21365509

We know, but nobody cares anymore since we found out shes the biggest bitch in vspo.

>> No.21365749

Yui gonna release a Taishou Roman cover today at 8pm

>> No.21366344

I definitely care because I want to fuck both of them

>> No.21368115
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>> No.21370440

where the fuck have the vspo posters gone? or cr posters? hello?

>> No.21370466
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She'll be back soon...

>> No.21370897
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Just didn't feel like posting on the thread before this one.

>> No.21370990

i still want to fuck selly

>> No.21371270

I'm waiting for the next Benisex stream.

>> No.21371411

waiting for LAN

>> No.21371765

she will have sex with me

>> No.21371792
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no one's streaming

>> No.21371847

Did he actually cry? feel like he did good even if chokemaster raccoon choked

>> No.21372041
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>vs ZETA 1-3 LOSE


This is good, he should experience the KUYASHII while he's young. It will only make him stronger wherever he ends up.

Also I liked Astell's post about it:
Must be great being a Zeta fan.

>> No.21372245



>> No.21372543

It's like watching anime at this point except the finale will never happen

>> No.21374677

same, i really want to see which comp will come out on top bangalore, the wattson comp or ur usual valk wraith gib.

>> No.21375907

I wanna see a no-gib edge-fight team win vsaikyou. Even if they don't win overall I just want someone to pile bodies like BIG_STAR did in S2 game 1 (we don't talk about what happened after that)

>> No.21376822
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There's no reason not using gibby when your team plays on the edge.

>> No.21377244

noah soro lank time

>> No.21378392

idiot runs into ring and die due to no heals instead of trying to fight it out.

>> No.21378984


>> No.21379155

anyone else not surprised with the influx of frogposters and holonigger apologists in this thread after aqua was announced to be part of vsaikyo?

>> No.21379201

do you like anal sex?

>> No.21379249

What do you think about the holofags who use vspo to numberfag as falseflaggers?

>> No.21379576

i think they're pretty cool.

>> No.21379659
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>vspo is overshadowed by Aqua

This isn't good

>> No.21379676

I just watch Apex, have fun, and come /here/ to talk with people about the APAC N Apex scene.
Meanwhile half the board is holonijiwhateverthefuck schizos falseflagging meta-falseflag falseflags. All that effort, and nobody gives a fuck except other schizos.
I generally ignore anyone who doesn't seem genuinely interested in the game.

>> No.21379761
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>> No.21379826

Based actual Apex enjoyer.

>> No.21380117

Honestly, the only thing that could actually upset me in the coming month is if APAC North does poorly at the Sweden LAN (specifically Selly and Ras).

>> No.21380204

I know this guy, He used to be on Chihiro's APEX stream

>> No.21380270

Well, Qu is already streaming again
And she will be collabing with Selen this weekend

>> No.21380370

Chii-chan ALGS watchalong party was kinda comfy
She's still really hope the best for Yukio

>> No.21380399

NA would be insufferable.
Do they have scrims for LAN?

>> No.21380679

I can't believe she stayed live during the gap between EMEA and NA.

No scrims unless something makeshift is organized - but I think it wouldn't be on LAN servers, and I don't know if it will be possible. Also, the different 2 group combinations and therefore different combinations of contesting will be hard to purely scrim out anyway.
And yes, NA being insufferable would be annoying. I'm hoping to see regional balance, but if a specific region has to dominate I hope it's not the apestrat + poor mental region, because I think it'd be bad for the game. APAC N and EMEA seem like they understand a broader range of Apex better and I hope that bears out on equalized ping and high stakes.

>> No.21380776

teams will touch down 2 days before gameday actually starts. that's when they probably scrim (or not)

>> No.21380801

Found a random old man whose last wish is to join the CR cup.

>> No.21381116

Ojiji, sign this guy up

>> No.21381497

Do they not have to quarantine?

>> No.21381604

Kinda sucks. And while not LAN servers they could just do it on EU servers imo.
Pity though, hard to really tell who's good if no one is given the change to actually practise. At least that w/e tournament is coming tomorrow so that'll help a little.

>> No.21381717

>karonpepe ranking with mainy and zeder
incestuous mixing of teams

>> No.21381847

Almost every chubas are now practicing wingman + pk

I hope Respawn nerfs the gun

>> No.21381947

Is WM good for low or high ping?
Anecdotally the one time I went to a low ping server with WM I killed a guy. Everytime in high ping I miss most if not all shots.

>> No.21381999

What kind of question even is this

>> No.21382089

it would come down to this eventually, it's very ammo efficient. even if they nerf the wingman I can see people flocking to the rampage/30-30 after even if they're "subpar", it's just better than spraying with ARs and carrying less ammo means holding more nades... PK and mastiff are preference based from what I've seen in ALGS

>> No.21382640

the flatline and spitfire are fucking gone now, no shit they use the wingman.

>> No.21382693

Lisa and Beni lore about their PUBG days (animated)

>> No.21382813
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>Don't you ever get the feeling of wanting to send something strange to someone late at night?
>I didn't have any friends to send that weird message to, so I just sent it to the one person I knew that probably wouldn't get mad (Beni).
She's actually such a fucking weirdo.

>> No.21382836

Did Lisa or Beni mention them knowing each other before now? I feel like this hasn't come up in past streams.

>> No.21382892

The taste of this artist is impeccable. God I love Lisa.

>> No.21382972
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Short haired Beni was absolutely sex.

>> No.21383036
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>> No.21383473



>> No.21383687

Shinomiya and Reid have great chemistry but I worry that this will be another 30 hour stream.

>> No.21383752

It will be, if kawase can keep up.

>> No.21383829

You know they'll just keep looking for @1's whenever someone gives up.

>> No.21383998

lol get the donmais out of the way right at the start

>> No.21384117

next VGGC is at 2022/7/18
I might actually have enough time to get my shit sorted to go in person.

>> No.21384166

nazu r6siege

>> No.21384220

The wingman stat itself isn't even crazy good. It is a meta weapon due to ammo efficiency AND attachment economic efficiency. It would be a tricky weapon to adjust. A flat damage reduction would make the gun too weak. Putting it to crafting would defeat its purpose. Maybe taking 10-15 damage off headshot can be a good idea. Alternatively, they can re-buff some weapon again. Longbow/triple take nerf did contribute to wingman's popularity right now as those guns were the closest sharing the role with the wingman. I can see a slight damage or fire rate increase to the triple take and longbow being a ground loot again with maybe some number adjustment if necessary.

>> No.21384382

Who doesn’t Runa have at least decent chemistry with at this point? She seems to just fit well with whoever she is with.

>> No.21384387

>Wingman loads rounds one by one
>Boosted loader also functions as speed loader

>> No.21384559

I find it weird how she spent a few months not really collabing with anyone. Now she can get along with everybody she meets.
Beni must have been giving her social skill lessons.

>> No.21384919

How is this weird? You can have good conversational skills without wanting to hang out with anyone.

>> No.21385394

I wouldn't call it weird but she definitely has improved, her early collabs were nervewracking

>> No.21385466

that's pretty much a 30-30

>> No.21385724

But with more damage and higher ADS speed.

>> No.21388065
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>> No.21388358

started! (an hour ago...)

>> No.21388592

its fucking easy anon
her collab partners are friendly enough to banter so she just has to go along with it

>> No.21388734

Now I want to see a collab with Toto.

>> No.21389393

That would requires respawn to make a completely new reloading animation for the wingman and that would take too much effort for a nerf attempt compared to doing other type of nerf. In the end, I also don't see a huge type of nerf that will invalid the gun because like the pk, the wingman high skill floor and ceiling make the game more exciting to play and watch.

>> No.21389837

imagine being so bad at the game that you're complaining about the wingman of all things

>> No.21389840
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>> No.21389877
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(impression after they streamed)

>> No.21390297

Have you guys ever queued into a chuuba in ranked or norms? Every so often I’ll match with someone with “Vtuber” in their name and it’ll be some struggling 2view.

>> No.21390433

I've seen it on occasion, though I've never actually bothered to check if they are actually a vtuber.

>> No.21390522

kamito's doing a review of the latest apex update

>> No.21390638

Played casual with Qpi and we lost on our 2nd fight. She thought I was corpse shooting when I just stepped away from a loot box too far while trying to loot something.
I had to explain myself a little in her comments section because my name was repping BIG_STAR at the time (changed it a few weeks after because I might unintentionally release my toxicity and get exposed on twitter), and never watched Qpi ever since.

>> No.21390700

of course he thinks the crypto heirloom is cool

>> No.21390710

only when playing mahjong

>> No.21390728

would rather match with a 2view chuuba than some wraith main with TTV in his name

>> No.21390888

Apex-custom-till-4am doko??

>> No.21390938

>when I just stepped away from a loot box too far while trying to loot something.
Seen that so many times now.

>> No.21391436

Fuck that's painful anon.

>> No.21391892
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Happens, and just like any player with twitch or [stream name] in title they tend to be a bit aggressive even if new to the game.
I prefer matching with ones that are a bit new rather than good ones because 9/10 times the more experienced vtuber tends to go with the solo-Wraith playstyle, fighting everyone, overextending and then when I check out their channel he/she rinses and repeats.

New ones tend to slow down if they don't die in the first 3 minutes and start to play as a team.

>> No.21392027

got queued with beni as my omen in valorant at like 3AM, we got 2-13d like bitches. she used voice chat for info more than i expected. she wasn't streaming too she was straight up just grinding ranked like a true gamer

>> No.21392351

Was she playing Jett?

>> No.21392397

read again. don't fret on the mistake

>> No.21393608

Damn, Nose's team has been practicing really hard these past few days. Good thing they switch to Valk.

>> No.21394368
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>> No.21396238

is noah getting ghosted in arena or do people just shoot deathboxes way more often there?

>> No.21396337

That's just how Arena is

>> No.21397425

nah, she's definitely getting ghosted. tried to finisher cancel her in the middle of a fight

>> No.21397451

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2TxwdB2p8kM Sumire new hairstyle and zatsudan
I didn't post the link while it was live because I didn't want filthy EOP holonigger cancer in the chat.

>> No.21397789

Arenas? Particularly annoying opponents seems to get their bodies shot from experience. It's a lot more personal after all.
Funny though, early days people were a lot more polite.

>> No.21398544
File: 926 KB, 1284x901, YUKI CHIHIRO WON A NEW PC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

APEX Gremlin won a new PC?!?!?

>> No.21398598

you mean spam finisher? because canceling a finisher to drop shield is a common tactic

>> No.21398883

Nta but I never knew that. Should try it next time.
Though I know controller players do that too because no separate reload button lol.

>> No.21398989

Based on the title it's probably some Nijisanji Galleria collab project?

>> No.21399687

she didnt win jack shit, she just had a simp at galleria decide to give it to her because of getting solo masters

>> No.21400561


>> No.21400903


>> No.21400964
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Sex with Toto.

>> No.21401606
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Imagine they actually release it on this year's April Fools.
I hope they pay this guy to do the MV:

>> No.21401804

what is the issue with shocking pink team anyway? Kanae not being a good IGL?

>> No.21402007

something about a chain is only as strong as its weakest link
Problem is that if you're a team of 3 and one of your teammates goes down, the attacking team will very likely push you hard to take advantage of the man down. Even if they were your weakest player and you can 2v3, you're still weakened and vulnerable for other groups to push you as well. They did well when they had their coach playing, but I'm not sure if Fairys can keep up well enough at the moment.

>> No.21402050

fairys being an ugly bastard

>> No.21402834

since when gap moe is an issue

>> No.21403646

Most of the criticism and shitstirring I see seems to be aimed at Kanae rather than Fairys though.

>> No.21403983

Met and Axia are fun to watch.

>> No.21404558

They played shitty comp. Cryp+Gib+Watt got decimated in every straight gunfight against decent Wraith. They can't play ring because every other teams have Valkyrie to early rotate, so Watt is useless. They can't play edge because no Wraith/Ash for late rotation. They change their comp now, so things might get better.

>> No.21404714

Kanae is the igl so of course he'll get shit

>> No.21404718

They should replace Gib with Valk.

>> No.21405504

>click mainy apex
>it's POV you're sitting in his lap while he's on a swing in the middle of the night and whispering thank you
when will a girl do this?

>> No.21405903

>members only archive
Report back faster.

>> No.21406030

i'm just surfing bro, i only caught him singing

>> No.21407332

Based on Nazuna's outfits over the years it's clear that she doesn't know what men want.
On the other hand, Sumire...

>> No.21407385 [SPOILER] 
File: 304 KB, 1080x1007, 222222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had the stream still up but fucked it up and refreshed while scrolling. said he plays lol and r6s, called cr an idol group, sucks at horizon ult on pad, lives closest to ras (not sure i heard it right) and said he has womanly hands.

>> No.21407523

BIG TY anon
>cr an idol group
Is it a good or a bad thing if they're figuring it out?

>> No.21407638

I thought CR was a Korean boy band.

>> No.21407823

he likes singing and wants to release a cover so for him it's good, especially since ojiji can just ring up his pocket mixers

>> No.21408360

not like this gorillasan...

>> No.21408497 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21408791

those aren't womanly hands

>> No.21409058

Current Arena enjoyers:
>Kamito, Alelu, Haseshin, Hinano, Kurumi
Hope they rope more people into it.
I'm tired of watching BR.

>> No.21409716

lol at noah dome fights at 150ms ping

>> No.21409753

its over...

>> No.21411174
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Met is cute.

>> No.21413577


>> No.21413671
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fucking time

>> No.21413967


>> No.21415495

I'm conflicted about the Nose threads because I like Nose and I want other people to like her but "Nose..." is a dumb meme and it's almost always just Towafags posting in them

>> No.21415838

I feel that too about Nose and many other Vtubers where it is apparent that the people posting about them outside of designated generals are stupid fucking EOPs or aren't very interested in them beyond dumb memes, however I also feel like maybe complaining about that is similar to crying about cultural appropriation. So long as they don't actually spread malicious stuff it can be ignored

>> No.21417094

is stupid in general unless something actually happened

>> No.21418131

imagine browsing catalog

>> No.21419784
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>> No.21420224

is Nyantako a chuba?

>> No.21420450

iirc it doesn't work if they hold the shield button through the finisher, but most people, even good players, don't do that.

>> No.21420748

The nails and tips look pretty womanly.
>You joined your org to be a pro gamer.
>I joined to be an idol.
>We are not the same.

>> No.21421764

he has fag/woman hands he's just fat

>> No.21422760

Thank you for the observation, Selly

>> No.21422862

No but she's chuuba related. Why, what's up with her?

>> No.21423934

As much as Mabo is
that is to say, sex

>> No.21425201
File: 256 KB, 1450x2048, 1648685902461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kao ga cute

>> No.21426469

[Sad news] Mondo can't milk Ojiji's wallet dry because EA will be paying all travel expenses for live events.

>> No.21426689

>for all starting players
anon-kun your reading comprehension...

>> No.21426721

wait it wasnt covered initially? even in old esports like cs 1.6 that was the standard. EA...

>> No.21426756

He counts as their emotional support animal, duh.

>> No.21427470


>> No.21428719
File: 492 KB, 591x615, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How good is she actually?
Unbiased please.

>> No.21429238

She can fight Gorilla 1v1 and win at least some of the time, that's probably all that needs to be said.

>> No.21429242

kill yourself

>> No.21429786

shouldve kept bumping the duplicate thread with bait op pic

>> No.21429871

So way better than average but not 1% players kinda good?

>> No.21430475

shes cracked af bro built diffrenet you know been shitting on dem kidz fr the best apex vtuber fr fr no cap

>> No.21431555

couldn't even bother replying for the troll lol. kinda funny

>> No.21431796


>> No.21432637

funny post

>> No.21432879

samefag elsewhere pls

>> No.21433570

Aruse talking about his male-female viewership ratios

>> No.21433860
File: 903 KB, 1277x720, 2022-03-31-1648695245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

male viewers during Aruse's normal streams

>> No.21433925
File: 787 KB, 1272x716, 2022-03-31-1648695457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

male viewers when Aruse collabs with Emperor Forte

>> No.21434002

Me in the inner circle

>> No.21434131

(he made these images btw)

>> No.21434142

>women love gathering around the dog

>> No.21434390
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shortstack Sumire's problems

>> No.21437450

Better than all of the vspo master.

>> No.21437659

Not according to the original rules. Was an outcry about that.
And all expenses had a limit.
First LAN was even worse actually.

>> No.21437935


>> No.21438006
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The ">1%" is less likely to come from JP vtubers because the atmosphere is light and not as sweaty.
IMO the sweatiest we got was Qu and that's just on her normal non-collab with JP streams. She dials it all the way back otherwise.

>> No.21438637

>says the official illustration for his merch is done
>uses old fanart as pfp
What is wrong with this dude?

>> No.21440336

Kamitosisters need to get better criticisms

>> No.21440748

Kamito needs to get better at serving his fans.

>> No.21441080

Hinano helping out Lisa with her flower viewing spot

>> No.21441235

didn't know chigusa was playing apex again

>> No.21441319

Oh wow, really? I wonder if it has something to do with V Saikyou?

>> No.21441602

yeah guess you're right, I just follow vspo mostly not the tournaments so didn't realize

>> No.21442397

the number of good fanart he gets nowadays is evident of this.

>> No.21443131

Hinano POV
ematasoaru IN

>> No.21443269

>broke door to carry it around and use it when she runs out of breath underwater
>completely forgot about it just a few seconds later and almost died cuz of it
Wow Lisa is retarded

>> No.21445009

perfect positioning for that last fight.

>> No.21445016
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>> No.21445657

i heard they didnt let Towas team participate because she would dominate and embarrass everyone there.

>> No.21445860

>Lisa, Beni, Mabosex
I like this

>> No.21445966
File: 106 KB, 1205x751, sui1111sui-1506632571181928449-FOiiDQBaQAA7JPm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tie Prize
Callback to this moment.

I guess this time they're gonna collab on discord.

>> No.21446149

They're losing their shit imitating haseshin

>> No.21446207

you can hear him cumming after the match

>> No.21446392

Qpi was the most on-point.

>> No.21446947
File: 1.01 MB, 2550x4050, EjZPi0kUwAANMcR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elf back on the menu!

>> No.21446986

Didn't notice she was a bit absent lately

>> No.21447021 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.84 MB, 1500x2043, 95609494_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back. To posting Elu

>> No.21447855
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>> No.21448064

Now they're losing their shit playing with Hanalisa's sound buttons. I'm sure someone has the link for it.

>> No.21448216


>> No.21449075

lol, everyday now. it was better back when the thread always died during burger hours. hands down the absolute worst posters

>> No.21449445


>> No.21450143

Kamito's lusting over Lisa.

>> No.21450191

Hinano, don't look...

>> No.21450501

Shinomiya, stealth master.

>> No.21450668

Lol. V3 keeps getting their shit stolen by some invisible Loba.
First a red shield. Now 2 stacks of light ammo when they are running dry.
Btw, Soulz tourney with teams worldwide is running, first look at what LANs might be like.

>> No.21450688
File: 3.14 MB, 1920x1080, brave_hIP5gZ3utD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently there's an ongoing japanese apex tournament with teams from around the world.

>> No.21451420

I am convinced this whole Apex thing with vtubers is just a breeding grounds so ex-pros and popular males can socialize and find their breeding material.

>> No.21451547

way better than I thought desu
actual 10pt player

>> No.21451662

V3 got fucked by SP changes where pylons can't be placed lol.
Nice gomi game they have there.

>> No.21451668

it's true, mainy said today his goal this year is to get a gf

>> No.21451961


>> No.21452012

It's true, I've seen the Apex sex discord

>> No.21452042

seen this happen in other communities, they're probably going to slam their faces in the friendzone. realistically, can you see someone like hskw giving them attention?

>> No.21452118

When CR's pc cafe opens you just know women will be camping just to get a glimpse of the guys.

>> No.21452299

Can i get an invite?

>> No.21452563

nazuna crushing some noobs in r6s again

>> No.21452706

hskw will give plenty of attention to people
but not quite enough

>> No.21452962


>> No.21453018
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>> No.21453097

Don't post Towa.

>> No.21453257

she's breeding them all? what a slut.

>> No.21453311


>> No.21453411

This is a sequel of that tournament they had where they pitted japanese teams against foreign teams. All I know is 456 was the clown team there.

>> No.21453572

Well hope this is just a case of ping problem or else japan is gonna get embarrassed on lan again.

>> No.21453686

Nazuna is guaranteed to get the most individual kills award already. Next fight will decide 1st and 2nd place.

>> No.21453765
File: 1.05 MB, 3541x2508, EselA9aUUAAdPeP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets go team High Ping Abusers! Wig, Timmy and Ap also dangerous.

>> No.21453894
File: 1.02 MB, 1596x894, natural born killer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what a cold blooded killer looks like

>> No.21454340

Every time i try to watch 456 including algs, they either get killed when rotating without firing a shot back or just instantly crumbled when they get pushed. Their only strat is to camp and 3rd party.

>> No.21454416
File: 127 KB, 899x1200, satuki__rinz-1501844062634414080-FNefNemaIAY_K19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21454494
File: 1.48 MB, 1302x833, WACTOR METAVERSE APEX - KIRARA MIMI + ANNIN MIRU + AMAKAWA HANO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wactor Metaverse Games APEX Tournament live right now.

Live Commentary POV:

Kirara Mimi POV


>> No.21454955
File: 1.45 MB, 1596x894, qutepi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shibuhalcustom VSPO team:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhcUVJt9qjk qpi
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yt7L3LwKRMQ noa
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbFaCNVY6p0 ru~na

>> No.21455032

Nazuna team 1st place!

>> No.21455066


>> No.21455351

yeah me

>> No.21455416

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TV-Xt_LBDD8 R6S winners interview

>> No.21456676

Prize and Ru getting too meta with this vtuber discussion.

>> No.21457630

actual wiener interview starting now feat. noobcrusher Nazuna

>> No.21458475

we need a total and complete shutdown of qpi* using the wingman until we can figure out what's going on
*and probably noah too

>> No.21460994

loving these shinomiya sound effects for explosion man

>> No.21461618
File: 391 KB, 561x611, 2022-03-31-1648732980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where the HELL is てんてー

>> No.21461683
File: 2.85 MB, 1792x828, F80FAD47-54D4-4B5A-8A37-8E4DAAA59C74.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't know Vsaikyou has reach ALGS level of preparation.

>> No.21461825
File: 746 KB, 1397x786, 12334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21461941


>> No.21461962

Noa getting insta gibbed with a door bug was the highlight.

>> No.21461987

alpha azur was doing that kind of stuff when coaching gorilla's team last time

>> No.21462038
File: 434 KB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tourist here, is this dirt eater mainly going to play APEX? I like her zatsudan.

>> No.21462183

when both teams were flying at the same time I knew it wasn't going to end well.

>> No.21462362

I miss back when it wasn't this tryhard.

>> No.21462412


>> No.21462424

so, never?

>> No.21462689


>> No.21462722

CPT deciding to take threats out early this round

>> No.21462755

Vodka played on riddle team be he didn't streamed it I guess

>> No.21462852

Is Bora still there?

>> No.21463051

Still crying after last night's embarrassing apex stream

>> No.21463178

vspo fullpa LANK

>> No.21463279

Vsaikyou just gotten way more competitive every season, before it was just bunch of people having fun. Now it's close to a pro scene

>> No.21463473

let's not get ahead of ourselves while there's still teams like Pink

>> No.21463474

She's a controller player so yes only apex, but unless she can also MnK valorant and other fps games then I will kneel

>> No.21463747

How many Masters ranked player that we get for this tourney and how much compared to early days?

>> No.21463778

>licking the diamond floor
bora low key fell off

>> No.21464027

wow i love these holonigger eop memes theyre so funny hahaha

>> No.21464249

ah, i see tourist bait meta has switched back again

>> No.21464301

Here she is.

>> No.21464888

Season 1 were no one gave a shit about balanced teams and it was just a couple of teams tryharding while everyone was running around like they barely touched the game. That was fun.

>> No.21464901

w-what is neo porte bros?

>> No.21465250


>> No.21465557

I remember watching from Roboco's POV and man their team was so depressing to watch

>> No.21466135

>"i will stream on the 31st"
>doesn't stream on the 31st
why is he like this...

>> No.21466795

qpi best

>> No.21467645

Wasn't season 1 was PUBG? Then 2-4 is apex

>> No.21467798
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