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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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21313411 No.21313411 [Reply] [Original]

>literally proves vtuber = roommate in court
Now we wait for the cope of "legal standing isn't the same as cultural perception"
With regards to any Japanese vtuber, Rule 2 has no legal right to exist. What the fuck are you going to do, disagree with legal precedent?

>> No.21313522

Can you worthless no-vtuber watching ass dramaniggers shut the fuck up for like a day, god damn.


>> No.21313543

All she proved is you can't pretend what you say on your vtuber account isn't being said by the roommate. Which is what Narukami tried to argue.

>> No.21313644

So what about all the girls that say "you are my husband" and "we're dating"?

>> No.21313720

>if you watch vtuber you no have strong opinion
>if watch vtuber you make haha at funny anime girl go ogey
>if watch vtuber you care only to clicky clicky memey memey happy happy clappy clappy hahahaha

>> No.21313796

If a female vtuber hops on her vtuber account and says I love you guys~ Then goes on her roommate and says "I have never said that" then yea she is lying

>> No.21313838

>Rule 2 has no legal right to exist.
This isn't a court of law retard.

>> No.21313842

You have no opinion period.

>> No.21313894

Every single thing on this planet is subject to legal jurisdiction

>> No.21313912

kleros court will decide

>> No.21313932

>if no happy happy clappy meme boy
>then you nothing at all
>hahaha look mommy animal woman go boom in minecraft hahahaha
>I am TRUE fan

>> No.21314043

What if she claims we're married

>> No.21314075


>> No.21314229

>hahaha if no happy happy clappy clappy meme boy then no care AT ALL EVER
I watch vtubers more than you I'm just not a coward

>> No.21314373

>no u
I accept your concession, catalog bot.

>> No.21314427

Local legal jurisdiction. Japanese law is not universal.

>> No.21314479

>hahaha happy clappy never criticize ever until there is already winning side haha
you will never amount to a meaningful change change in the status quo of your life

>> No.21314494

Otaku website, otaku laws

>> No.21314534

is everything actors say in movies real too you piece of shit faggot cock sucker nigger retard

>> No.21314536
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I would dox you if I could

>> No.21314644

>you will never amount to a meaningful change *bzzt* change *bzzt* in the status quo of your life
You're glitching, bot.

>> No.21314782

status quo lovers like you dominate who dominate the catalog and generals with your opinions have no place calling others bots
No, which is the point
Japanese court ruled that the roommate is the vtubers
They didn't do this for actors
That means the idea that roommates are like actors for their chuuba is legally wrong

>> No.21314806

>anything controversial
>clearly just dramanigger
How about no

>> No.21314865
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>you will never amount to a meaningful change change in the status quo of your life
You were trying to sound cool there but you're just retarded, aren't you?

>> No.21314922


>> No.21314997

When did Luto go to court and for what? Haven't seen anything about it in the PRISM thread.

>> No.21315329

fuck off miko poster

>> No.21315398

>post proven wrong itt
Me admonishing some vtubers and their audience is something only people with a cock and balls are capable of
Meanwhile you are defensive and reactionary. You've only reacted to criticism, you've never struck the first blow. That makes you a woman.

>> No.21315641

>200 word essay
>Nothing said
Yep, >>21313842

>> No.21315857

>With regards to any Japanese vtuber, Rule 2 has no legal right to exist. What the fuck are you going to do, disagree with legal precedent?
Decisions made by Japanese governments about how they will decide legal disputes on their end have nothing to do with a community website making rules for content allowed to be posted on it.

>> No.21315903

how about rushia case?

>> No.21316092

law =/= rules
There is a reason freedom of expression is a law but you will get kicked out of any place for screaming NIGGER like a spastic.

>> No.21317238

The Japanese governments laws are provably superior to the rules governing 4chan and their comparative success is proof of such
We should adopt all JP laws as rules

>> No.21321176


>> No.21321703

Allowing (and encouraging) full unrestricted roommate posting would unironically fix all of the problems within /vt/, and vtubing in general. Unicorns and whores can only thrive in an environment that tries to hide the truth.

>> No.21321781

but unicorns thrive in places that allow roommate posting
whores don't, of course, but that's because said unicorns are good at ousting them
people who doxx roommates are the ones who give more money to girls they vet than any other kind of fan

>> No.21321836

The reason why people fall in love with whores in the first place is because of the curtains hiding the truth. Unicorns being autistic about a girl who is confirmed to not be a whore doesn't hurt anyone, it's when their girl gets caught that they throw a fuss.

>> No.21321899

Well I didn't vote for them

>> No.21322136

She's legally married to me now

>> No.21322165

>Unicorns being autistic about a girl who is confirmed to not be a whore doesn't hurt anyone
There are thousands of whores /here/ who disagree to try and gaslight people for money

>> No.21322212

Which would be stopped with full roommate posting. This court case will set the precedent that is needed to truly free this board...

>> No.21322252

So she loves me. Glad Japan’s law agreed with us gachikois. Justice is slow but exist.

>> No.21322377

>the Japanese government finally allows all money to properly filter towards truly loyal women
>whores are left destitute and alone
>social pressure filters more and more women towards voluntary celibacy
>with one determination the Japanese government puts us on the road to a world without whores

>> No.21322530

Yellow Moot just needs to have this new legal precedent brought up to him so the rules can change, and we will finally enter a new Golden Era.

>> No.21322704

what is the context here?

>> No.21322838

>With regards to any Japanese vtuber, Rule 2 has no legal right to exist. What the fuck are you going to do, disagree with legal precedent?
Wrong anon, it means that because of Rule2 you aren't allowed to talk about Vtubers on /vt/ anymore since that is talking about their roommate too.

>> No.21322908

In order to properly sue Narukami and maybe Meiro, Roa had to have the court rule that shit the vtuber does is equivalent to shit the roommate does, which necessarily implies that she'd have to prove that the vtuber and roommate are functionally the same exact person and that there is no "in-character" and there there is no character.
This is what the Japanese court just ruled, in her favor obv, meaning that the roommate and vtuber are the same person and anything the vtuber says or does is as if the roommate said or did that thing.

>> No.21322993

So we can only talk about vtubers that have no roommate
