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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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2121515 No.2121515 [Reply] [Original]

>the magic will be gone once I understand what they are actually saying
Some people unironically think this way. Let that sink in.

>> No.2121903

What's the average IQ of the average EOP? It feels like a hit of dopamine every time I can follow along with the funnies.

>> No.2122230
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>the magic will be gone once I understand what they are actually saying
It's literally true though
Why do you think 5ch's vtubers threads are such a shit hole?
Why do you think EN vtubers are often scrutinized to hell and back within english communities?

>> No.2122644

Nice rrat faggot. But it is actually much simpler than that: we don't care. The fact it bothers you so much that EOPs are watching clips and won't even bother learning the language of their oshi after years of this shit is all the better.

>> No.2122660


>> No.2122713

Your assertions aren't even true.

>> No.2122721

But anon, I did my reps, now I get half they talk about in a zatsudan and always get the context, and I love them more than before? the differences in topics and way of expressing from other streamers in general, specially western ones, makes me enjoy them a lot more.

>> No.2122797


>> No.2122826

Learning Japanese is hard

>> No.2123051

Literally the most retarded shit ever, people like you are the actual trend hoppers on this hobby. They're livestreamers anon, the audience for livestreamers are heavy users who sit with the streamer for 80% of the broadcast and lurk on the stream or engage in chat. This EOP mindset of waiting for translated clips isn't sustainable and you will eventually fuck off elsewhere.

>> No.2123208

Nah, clips are a completely viable way to consume content as much as they enrage you anon. I can get daily best of compilations of multiple streamers without fail while still watching the live streams of a particular vtuber I enjoy and whose language I understand. Also funny how the focus is always on EOPs when ESLs are a huge demographic as well.

>> No.2123248

Is that kigurumi clean or porn asking for a friend

>> No.2123251

>Why do you think 5ch's vtubers threads are such a shit hole?

If you actually read those threads you will see a lot of "you don't watch the streams, fuck off" replies exactly like here

>> No.2123271

The distinction of EOP and ESL is pointless in this discussion (and in pretty much every use EOP). The point is whether they can understand japanese or not.

>> No.2123276

I listen to Japs specifically because I don't want to understand them. I don't even use subs. I just want to listen to cute sounds. I don't want to actually understand the garbage women actually say.

>> No.2123293

Because they are full of braindead people able to express themselves anonymously without consequence.

>> No.2123334
File: 370 KB, 672x562, 1616342354206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm an EOP
>Japanese threads are shit
Ffs anon I don't know if you were trying to make us laugh but that was a good one

>> No.2123435

he's not wrong though, regardless of if he can read them or not, their threads have the whole lot from ridiculous narratives and doxxing right through to blowing any small thing that could possibly be drama way out of proportion, with a generous helping of numberfagging sprinkled on top for good measure.

>> No.2123477

The only thing that will be gone is CANADA.

>> No.2123496


>> No.2123577
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It's still funny, you could tell this guy that 5ch threads are full of cooking recipes and he'll probably believe it

>> No.2123701

I heard 5ch is where the followers of the antichrist gather.

>> No.2123737

I think the real mistake he is making either way is thinking that the attitudes expressed under those circumstances either in english or japanese are actually representative of the attitudes of the wider average member of the general audience.

>> No.2123848

>>I'm an EOP
Nice projection
Every time I go dumpster diving there they're
1. Numberfagging hard as fuck
2. Making their own retarded rrats
3.Talking how much they wanna fuck X

>> No.2123917

Sounds a little familiar.

>> No.2124209
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Yes, hence the point I was trying make before some JSL larper who isn't japanese went "Duuur that not true! understand 5% of what my oshi says and I love her even maor! XD"
Their native audiences view them with more cynicisms causing conversation about the chuubas that filter people though language barriers to be usually more pleasant
Discussions about JPs amongst japanese speakers are fucking garbage in the same way discussions about ENs amongst english speakers are fucking garbage while the vice versa is usually pleasant

>> No.2124212

This is a lie

>> No.2124410

Because you feed into the rrats.

>> No.2124487

Is "magic" codeword for ignorance?

>> No.2124568

But if you think the opinions people express on 4chan and 5ch are actually what the fanbase overall thinks I think you are missing the bigger picture and taking the most toxic elements of the fanbase as the norm. I click on a random twitter post in my feed from 774 member and the first guy I click on his first oshi mark is nijisanji member and hes retweeting hololive. Most people don't care about all this shit and just want to enjoy the vtubers they like.

>> No.2124577

Quit posting non-Vtuber related pics or fuck off.

>> No.2124864
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I know that, I'm aware 4chan and 5chan posters are a minority group with filled with mentally ill manchildren
I was just using the two groups to express how the language barrier can effect how chuubas are perceived, and how "the magic" within this context is just layer of ignorance

>> No.2125071

I think the fact that there are garbage people who write shitty things on anonymous boards in both languages is more a reflection of the environment in which the conversation is happening and the kinds of people it attracts than anything else. Rather than being because the enjoyment is diminished in some way if you understand the language.

>> No.2125169

The point is that these environments are shitting mostly on streamers of their respective language while being more forgiving to the foreign ones.

>> No.2125298

>I think the fact that there are garbage people who write shitty things on anonymous boards in both languages is more a reflection of the environment in which the conversation is happening and the kinds of people it attracts than anything else.
I agree with you on this
However my point is there's a phenomenon in which vtubers are treated far more harshly by communities that speaker their native languages than communities who don't
What I'm saying and what you're saying aren't mutually exclusive

>> No.2125350

Takes more effort to shit on people speaking in a language you don't understand.

>> No.2125411

Don't you think having to learn a foreign language in order to understand something probably filters out some of the worst people from being interested in or participating in a conversation?

>> No.2125484

Doesn’t stop the nijifags on /jp/

>> No.2125589

Are we talking about the one guy that mtls hololive anti shit in the main thread or the falseflaggers in the hololive threads?

>> No.2125595
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Yes, yes of course mr. NoEOP
Pfffff this guy

>> No.2125622

Probably yes, but just in general non-english vtubers are treated with far more benevolence here than their english speaking counterparts, regardless if people participating in said conversations can understand them or not

>> No.2125831

I don't think that is anything that really relies on understanding or not to be explained though. Regardless of whether its actually factual or not. It's a japanese thing on a website with a lot of people interested in japanese culture. On top of that filter there are plenty of people that will have as a default a more positive attitude towards japanese over english.

>> No.2125926

It's the truth. All of this shit revolves around parasocial relationships; if you can't understand the subtleties of their speech that reveal much of their true personality, the better for you to project your fantasies onto them and form an imaginary relationship with that imaginary person you created in your head

>> No.2125976

It won't filter narcissists, sociopaths or other predatory people. It only filters people with executive dysfunction from e.g. depression

>> No.2126043

A lot of EOPs think that way because they just want to project their weeb fantasy onto a Japanese girl. All they need is a cute voice and their brain fills in the blanks. It's one of the disingenuous parts of the fanbase.

>> No.2126114

Disingenuous is thinking Japanese viewers aren't doing the same thing for the same reasons.

>> No.2126159

Bruh this is just an extension of the idol industry to Japs
They are doing the parasocial thing too, your hatred for white people is clouding your perception of reality

>> No.2126194

Are they in any way related to that one infamous hacker?

>> No.2126392

>On top of that filter there are plenty of people that will have as a default a more positive attitude towards japanese over english.
That's true it's just particularly interesting to see that the opposite is true within japanese communities and to see it happen in real time.
For example i'll go to a 4chan thread about Miko it's filled with praise and people considering her one of hololive's funniest members, then I'll go to a Calliope thread and there's some schizo pushing narratives about how she's using the company as a stepping stone
Then I'll go to 5chan's hololive thread and there's a schizo pushing narratives about how Miko is rude and a bitch behind closed doors while there are people who hold Calliope in high regards and even some people who consider her the "face" of holoEN
The perception of two people among two communities were the only notable difference is a language barrier is enough to give a man whiplash

>> No.2126621

stopped reading here

>> No.2126846

I’d go with the japs on that one. Miko seems to be quite a naughty girl behind the scenes and Calli sounds genuine despite being obnoxious sometimes.

>> No.2127287

Why not?
There's plenty of reasons to enjoy Vtubers - some people watch them for discussions, some for gameplay, some because they enjoy their voice and need it for their quick afternoon nap etc.
Also clips are totally valid way to enjoy Japanese Vtubers, there's nothing wrong in watching them.
