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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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21211662 No.21211662 [Reply] [Original]

>Hottest girl of the new batch has the most retarded voice

>> No.21211876

Body type is hottest yes, but her design is still pretty ugly with soulless eyes. You spend the majority of the time looking at a vtuber's face so getting that wrong is the absolute worst sin possible.

>> No.21211950

i can get past an accent
I can't get past high pitch like kobo
she seems pretty soft spoken now that she's less nervous and not mid-debut

>> No.21211964

she plays hearthstone good enough for me, also picrel

>> No.21211974
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I love Koyori's voice though.

>> No.21211984

Her voice is pretty amazing. All three of them sound cool actually, especially the blue one. They're all ugly as fuck though.

>> No.21212018

She sounds exactly like an indian employee from microsoft tech support

>> No.21212047
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i forgot the picture. and forgot to say she's blonde.

>> No.21212079 [DELETED] 
File: 340 KB, 721x878, 3ba983f993668cd9e9790555fca49b74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah everything about my wife is perfect

>> No.21212146

>soulless eyes.
This gets very underlooked. Her eyes are one dark tone of red. It is kind of offputting.

>> No.21212222
File: 143 KB, 721x878, 1648423793445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah everything about my wife is perfect

>> No.21212290

Socially retarded, she'll probably stream alone most of the time so i don't expect alot of collab from her

>> No.21212527
File: 426 KB, 929x807, b494a2e212ff26ad1b00840c1a238408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her voice makes me diamonds tbqh. Reminds me of Kronii but with an accent and a lot more breathy. I hope she plays Ring Fit, I can practically imagine her moans.

>> No.21212674

>Reminds me of Kronii but with an accent
Nothing would make me softer

>> No.21212750

her illustrator could learn how to fucking color what they draw, it looks like i colored her using Paint

>> No.21214009

>Dumbest Op on /vt/ has the most ugly bastard composing it

>> No.21214183


>> No.21215223
File: 858 KB, 721x1440, Kobo_Kanaeru_Full_Body.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unironically saying that simple is bad when this exists in the same gen

>> No.21215476

i get that they look like eerie murdereyes but that's appealing to me

>> No.21217848
File: 2 KB, 300x101, Screenshot from 2022-03-27 21-11-45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're extremely gay

>> No.21220805

>Calls anon a fag when Kronii has been confirmed to be gender fluid

I think someone else is a faggot.

>> No.21220946

>unironically a top tier model

>> No.21221892

Chipmunk voice enjoyers, we're winning!

>> No.21222231

based if she plays wild
cringe if she plays standard

>> No.21222453

ok then post the proof

>> No.21223704

The hair is brilliant but the eyes and voice are terrible

>> No.21223934

She looks like an AI generated drawing though

>> No.21226683
File: 124 KB, 1366x768, kobo36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kobo has a cute voice though

>> No.21231479

my future wife

>> No.21231709

Her body is objectively the worst in Hololive.

>> No.21231805

Zeta is the only one who knows English anyway

>> No.21231862

Voice isn't much of a problem. It's her shit taste in games and having Kronii and Mori as an oshi that are the huge red flags.

>> No.21231951

I like her accent, sounds kinda French or something.

>> No.21231971

The fuck do you mean? She has a deep sexy hag voice. She's never shaking those mommyfags off.

>> No.21232134

Why? Because she looks humanlike?

>> No.21232188

t. chumpedo

>> No.21233095

She's a long cool woman in a

>> No.21233333
File: 78 KB, 578x702, 65868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in a

>> No.21233462

She's infinity better on that stream. I guess this hag is just a morning person and still can't functioning well past her bedtime hence, her boring debut

>> No.21233476

definitely not. fantastic tits

>> No.21233582

Kaela has a great voice wtf you saying, Kobo is great but her voice filters me

>> No.21233611

In above of my dick, anon. Sorry I can't finish the sentence before her hip's movement was too distracting

>> No.21233905

The hair is awful. It’s the exact opposite of subtlety.

>> No.21234854

I fail to see the problem

>> No.21234927

I don't watch Holos but what exactly is wrong with this voice? She's just a normal Indonesian vtuber like Niji ID or Holo ID gen 1. Really only Reine and Ollie and Hana can speak English without any accent.

>> No.21235490
File: 79 KB, 395x722, 454365473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her hair supposedly have a twintail
but the dumb rigger blind makes her hair looks like shit

>> No.21237651


>> No.21237762

good riddance

>> No.21237791

I really wanted her to be the grunge rock/heavy metal type

>> No.21238063

>hololive girl
>grunge rock/heavy metal type
it's never going to happen anon

>> No.21238125

b-but she's a blacksmith...

>> No.21238153

I know, but her model for some reason was making me really nostalgic for FLCL and the AMV's from way back when

>> No.21238395

Holy that's one hell of a downgrade.

>> No.21238650

The problem is her tits. She's wearing a jacket or something but it's design is that it's falling off her shoulders. The jacket should be on and should mostly cover her tits because otherwise the tits are distracting in that big field of white.

>> No.21238862

nah, my problem is why the fuck a blacksmith wearing a white skin tight dress while working,

>> No.21238937

it's an apron anon

>> No.21239010
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>> No.21239052

Her voice is pure sex when she's talking normally. Like a less depressed Kronii.
Definitely zatsu and asmr material.

>> No.21239120

indog mikopi. cant unhear or unsee it

>> No.21239189

This looks a lot better in art.

>> No.21239271
File: 393 KB, 678x621, 1648311932918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice observation anon, now i can't unhear/unsee it

>> No.21239473

Somehow I liked it better when I thought it was a white one piece with black coat dragging.

>> No.21239614

Her design is absolut sex but the rigger did a shitty job. Kabo had a god as a rigger - just look at that holy shit. First time too? Dude poored his soul into it

>> No.21242854


>> No.21242934


>> No.21243227

What the fuck is going on with that design? The sleeves make her look like a gorilla but then her legs are literal toothpicks. And there's so much shit going on holy shit. Her hair is absolutely wild, you have the red straps of the jacket with a saw-blade-like zipper WITH buttons and somehow a midriff, randomass sunglasses in her pocket with a badge on her left sleeve and stitchings on both sleeves and she's holding an umbrella for some reason. Holy Jesus take it easy. Sometimes less is more.

>> No.21243334

It's rigged by a god so it looks good in streams

>> No.21243522

I agree about there being too much shit going on, but the face and the hair work really well with her voice and personality, and you won't see the rest of the body 95% of the time anyway.

>> No.21243975

I knew my eyes weren't deceiving me!

>> No.21243978

>being a simp for blizzard

>> No.21244477 [DELETED] 

