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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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21105892 No.21105892 [Reply] [Original]

This is a thread for our cute and sexy blacksmith of HoloID

>Debut stream

>> No.21106079

Way too much indog. She should have learned from Zeta and just use it about 15-20% of the time.

>> No.21106092

how long until she breaks and accepts shes a penguin?

>> No.21106224

she's above moona in term of ESL, maybe anya level

>> No.21106666

I'm out

>> No.21106694

Are you saying moona's english is better than anya's??

>> No.21106809

wait, i retract that. she's deffinitly moona level

>> No.21107312


>> No.21107985

Why is Risu moonlighting as a new gen member?

>> No.21108046

Is she left handed?

>> No.21108094

Absolute garbage, worst Holo so far.

>> No.21108429

dead on arrival

>> No.21108642

burden on her genmate

>> No.21108756

>Goals: build a positive community
>LoL streamer
Does not compute

>> No.21108864

What server do indonesians play league on

>> No.21109736
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>> No.21110325

>mostly speak Indonesian
>content creators collab
Yagoo definitely hire her because he want to open new market
It's only about time until she collaborates with Windah or "bang upi" KEK

>> No.21110404

ID3 is really bad so far, all my hopes rest on day 3 now
What's with all these twitch memer eceleb lovers

>> No.21110493

>mostly speak Indonesian
Remember that Reine was the same initially

>> No.21110592

lower than anya tier

>> No.21110644

I love her design but her debut was
... idk, bland? I'll keep watching her but I don't have much faith

>> No.21110667

Did you even hear her when she speaks english? Its like a dying whale geting fucked with a power drill

>> No.21110720

FUCK i really don't wanna that to happen.
its gonna be a plague that infects all the ID member.

>> No.21110774
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Indobros, can we trade her with nara instead

>> No.21110797

I will probably wait a month to watch her again

>> No.21110817

but reine didn't really explicitly she'd play that ONE SPECIFIC game, over anything else.

>> No.21110851

>he want to open new market
this i can agree
mori and ollie might be responsible for this.

>> No.21110861

bullshit, she's currently 5th -maybe- 6th in english fluency in ID

>> No.21110874

Holy shit she flopped super hard compared to Zeta. Was it really that bad? I'm watching now

>> No.21110971

Holy fuck, she actually might be the worst VTuber ever, not just Hololive, but Niji and even VSluts too.
Better just abandon this thread and pretend that nothing happened.

>> No.21110973

Definitely Nepotism
Is this niji tier?

>> No.21111013

ITT: newfags so new they don't even know not to judge a chuba by their debut
I guess Korone and Ame are huge failures by your standard

>> No.21111064
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Shes a demon

>> No.21111077

korone debut is unironicaly shit, ame was creative

>> No.21111129

why does she insist on shutting down the mommy role? her design is asking for it and it would retain viewers.

>> No.21111180

She's literally ame but can only speak indog
Hope she have her own Gimmick that make her stand out like ame

>> No.21111189


>> No.21111193

Most likely afraid that it will anger her husband

>> No.21111229
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He want to replace CN I mean she even LoL

>> No.21111232


ga boleh koleb sama youtuber, ID selamanya jadi bahan tertawaan vt karena ga populer


ikutin jalan mythia, nembus pasaran normies dan punya angka yang bahkan melebihi holo JP

gw sih yang kedua

>> No.21111250

well she still can improve
her debut is still way better than moona debut,
and moona also used to be the "mommy"figure of their gen, maybe she could be better after she throw away her boring personality

>> No.21111259

Eh she not really against it. She still let chat spam mommy the whole stream

>> No.21111318

Setuju, anon, setuju.

>> No.21111327

its not like she can stop it, she just kept saying she isnt a mommy. she even made a tweet clarifying for some reason. would've liked to see her just go all in for it

>> No.21111335

Her tone is a major turnoff for me. It's like hearing bored newscaster announcing a new tax bill or the latest weather.

>> No.21111382

third option:
Ollie route.
ngapain ngedengerin omongan /vt/, hololive ada bukan cuma buat 1 golongan doang tod.

>> No.21111392


>> No.21111412

>newer than thought possible
She was sleep deprived and caffeine addled, it was a trainwreck.

>> No.21111480

she seems hiding her actual voice

>> No.21111505

you dont' enjoy watching trainwreck?

>> No.21111529

Reine did the same thing, it's because no one wants to stream having thousands of retards saying nothing but "mommy" in chat and not contributing anything to the stream.

>> No.21111581
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Seriously, she's such a sweetheart and deserves better than nijinobody numbers

>> No.21111635

donasi 1 orang luar lebih banyak dari donasi 50 bocil tholol apa gunanya

>> No.21111778

halu, chuubas will always be a weirdo niche

>> No.21111802


>> No.21111894

Sure, but my point is shit debut = shit streamer isn't necessarily true

>> No.21112002

Her boobs look so weird

>> No.21112177

Lah miti sama kana yang cuma spam jancok sama tetek doang aja donasinya di atas risu.

>> No.21112262
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literal whotuba

>> No.21112266

Do Indonesians play on OCE in league?
Is there a liklihood I can actually potentially get in a game with her?

>> No.21112362

Pack it up boys. You're going to be rolled into the Petra-Anya general.

>> No.21112421

are you new with youtube? you shouldn't be here if you are an underage, anon.

>> No.21112426

Eh anak pelacur, bicara pakai bukti, post total pendapatan keduanya disini bocah kontol

>> No.21112445

cope INDOG

>> No.21112482

If only you can read indog my chad, trust me you wouldn't want them in Anya-Petra

>> No.21112668
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the FUCK are you smoking?

>> No.21112674

I don't recall Ame saying she wants to collab with ecelebs in her debut
Nor did she have a garbage accent or obsess over league of legends

>> No.21112713

her Indonesian accent is like an aunt who likes to complain about gofood orders

>> No.21112797

NTA but you should screenshot other local dono platforms just to be safe
Then again, burden of proof is on the other guy

>> No.21112901

you mean streamlabs and buzz?
not going to. since they didn't really show the total amount.

>> No.21112957

did she say what type of hearthstone? does she prefer a certain mode?

>> No.21112985

rooting for her because obvious underdog

>> No.21113021

She really missed an opportunity by not calling her marshmallow streams "Kovalskia's Analysis".

>> No.21113036

Well start typing in human and let us in on the joke

>> No.21113059
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Man, the fuck was that debut holy fuck literall soulless i hope the last girl can make up that shit, im so disappointed holy fuck I can't even get that shit out of my head on how shit it was. I know you can't judge a debut but man I lost all my interest for her 2/10

>> No.21113069

Same my saviorfag instinct is telling me to save this hag

>> No.21113146

>prambors host intonation
i mean they probably wanted to grab the more normie indo audience, all the while preventing them from messing up the other holo talents' channels.

>> No.21113193

me too, anon. hoping she could do better in the future like moona did.

>> No.21113214

Miti can only beat HoloID donations during a comeback stream after a hiatus, now she's irrelevant after a valentine's offcollab with her boyfriend

>> No.21113292

Wheres the stream? Isnt it supposed to be up?

>> No.21113334

you know what i don't really care whether she had a boyfriend or not, like would i care if she's a underaged coomer bait? no. i just hate that she's a drama and attention whore.

>> No.21113454

I feel that she wasn't vtuber before. Dunno how Cover found and chose this girl

>> No.21113506

Stream window up https://youtu.be/KCDT-eSLhAs

>> No.21113546

Wonder what happened.
Late for first follow up stream. No tweets even.

>> No.21113601

Probably just stress or possibly internet issues.

>> No.21113647

i want to fuck this hag

>> No.21113660

S-She will improve on the post debut stream... Right, b-bros?

>> No.21113679

>angka yang bahkan melebihi holo JP

>> No.21113684

Damn hag, speaking ID in Hololive... need SGD, TWD, JPY correction

>> No.21113695

Stop writing like a faggot.

>> No.21113732

Why do you people have a thread all of a sudden

>> No.21113742

The rigging on her boobs is disappointing. I'll wait and see how she is as a streamer.

>> No.21113811

B-But I am a faggot...

>> No.21113837

Sorry to hear that anon, better luck next life i guess.

>> No.21113886

delusional, yes?

>> No.21113929

stop being gay

>> No.21114060

>ikutin jalan mythia

>> No.21114117

berbasis dan berasas

>> No.21114175

She's reading this thread and had a breakdown

>> No.21114179

>less than 5k viewers

>> No.21114238

Shion kareoke and indog collab pls andastnd

>> No.21114240

I'm sorry Kaela, I was being too mean. Your boobs look nice.

>> No.21114295


>> No.21114298

>spell Z as J
Fucking sundal I swear

>> No.21114319

It's funny and sad that this is a possibility, it's well known that indos frequent here

>> No.21114389

audition is a thing anon

>> No.21114416

is this gonna be a trainwreck? so far it's sus sus sus. and my god this chat is bad

>> No.21114463

Nina embraced it, and she’s the most successful member of her gen

>> No.21114493

her cadence reminds me of pochi goya

>> No.21114494

Zeta trying hard to save her by translating randomly

>> No.21114568

awkward af lmao

>> No.21114623

Why the fuck does Zeta speak like my gf when she wants to be pampered?

>> No.21114626

they don't have anything to talk about. should have played a game or something

>> No.21114818

Autism more or less confirmed

>> No.21114858

Nigga english board

>> No.21114908

>Zeta trying to start a conversation about her laughing
>Ignores it and reads chat
What the actual fuck?

>> No.21114931

Why is she so fucking awkward. What the fuck. Is she some kind of goblin NEET?

>> No.21114997

her broken english makes me cum hands free

>> No.21115073

i loooove gambling streams

>> No.21115104

I mean it's not like Nina had any competition in her own gen but good for her if she can take it

>> No.21115236

These two have negative chemistry together, holy fuck they make EN look good.

>> No.21115445

which one does make the stream awkward, zeta or the smith

>> No.21115463

the fuck is this shit
you indogs will cling to anything

>> No.21115498

In retrospect Hololive really got extremely lucky with ID1 even with barely any expectations.

The latter.

>> No.21115508

Kaela.. this is your stream, pls lead the conversation

>> No.21115520

>One of them cut off the other when talking
>She also made a milk joke using the worst possible reasoning

I wonder anon

>> No.21115575

Zeta is trying to continue the conversation but Kaela is just looping shit like bonk, small and mommy. Also see >>21114908
Theres another moment when Zeta was still talking and she talked over her and read chat.

>> No.21115621

I can't take the cringe anymore, back to listening to Shion sing karaoke.

>> No.21115647

>heavy breathing
>smacks lips
>rapid yet obviously bored noises
>dramatic pause
>goto 1
Are indo guys into this?

>> No.21115654

this is awkward as hell and I can't even understand what kaela's saying


>> No.21115719


>> No.21115789

What is this "okay bye" gag Kaela keeps trying to do? Zeta seems just as lost so I don't even know if it's an ID gag I just can't understand.

>> No.21115838

I'm thankful for not understanding indog.
I can't even begin to fathom how awkward this would be if I understood whay they are saying.

>> No.21115853

She is a rude autistic bitch who thinks she made it.

>> No.21115894

i can't even open the stream. i'm scared, honestly.

>> No.21115930
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I have a feeling /apg/ is about to get a third member

>> No.21115994

>Zeta called Kaela a thief (referencing to her video)
>clueless to reply the banter
Holy shit, it is so embarrassing. Please stop.

>> No.21116003

You guys are being mean. Not everyone can have perfect debut with thousands of new people watching her. They will soon be more comfortable and have screen chemistry. It is always awkward for first stream.

>> No.21116007

>Hey, can you make this thing that could give something interesting to this stream
Holy shit, I'm starting to hate her.

>> No.21116078

Focus on the stream instead of posting here, Kaela.

>> No.21116095

are you retard or something, Hololive is based on an idol company, you are told to her imitate mythi's branding, who always says suggestive and lewd to bait a pubescent child

>> No.21116119

titty moment

>> No.21116120

No one is being mean though? Just watching the stream exudes an awkward/cringe aura. For me it was so unbearable even though Zeta voice is pure sex.

>> No.21116123

She's a penguin blacksmith. She would get along with them

>> No.21116215

defend this kaelafags

>> No.21116245

She got hired by the biggest and most famous idol company in the world. People except a certain level of professionalism from her.
And all she does is just wrong. She is unironically the worst hire ever. Ollie is a pure idol compared to her.

>> No.21116249

This has all of the energy of Kaela intentionally sabotaging and trying to make Zeta look worse. Trying too hard. Probably some inferiority complex, since Zeta speaks like 4 languages and is genuinely cute. Kaela can barely grunt out English.

>> No.21116250

she's very retarded pls andastand

>> No.21116289

Kaela is the calli of ID...

>> No.21116300

You do not have to watch her. She does not need listeners who are rude.

>> No.21116306


>> No.21116322

So.. the nepotism hire rrat is true after all?

>> No.21116336

True. Soon she will have no "listeners".

>> No.21116393

This is the quickest I've ever chosen to anti a girl. May all her collabs be with Calli.

>> No.21116406
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Truly the Mori/Sana/Anya/Petra/Fulgur

>> No.21116440

probably. but there are some rumor that she was a "pro player" and it could be the management's fault.

>> No.21116471

I really want to like the blacksmith but she's terrible. She's going to end up in the bottom of the pit below Anya and there's no saving her

>> No.21116488

Same. I have never been an anti before but it's hard to resist now

>> No.21116502

It is banter, it is normal.
You will regret this one day. She will be a very good streamer.

>> No.21116519

It's impressive watching the second ever stream of this girl just slowly hemorrhage viewers. She's at least good for something.

>> No.21116559

I'm trying to like her.
I swear those viewers are just staying just to hear Zeta speak. Remove zeta, they'll be gone.

>> No.21116571

"pro player" as in gaming? Is there any pro LoL scene in Indonesia?

>> No.21116617

>ikutin jalan mythia
fuck no

>> No.21116628

It's been dead for years
Unless you count wild rift but she plays original LoL right?

>> No.21116667

I'm just watching for Zeta. I know it might just be nervousness from debut but Kaela is showing zero chemistry and dropping more dead air than Kronii did in her first streams and I really really hope she puts in more energy than Anya

>> No.21116683

there was, but it was long ago back in 2015 until 2017, and now they are trying to bring back the league but with wild rift.

>> No.21116719

That was me. But I couldn't stand it. The akward energy was too big. It was worse than watching a guy watch hentai in public unironically. I'm just back to hearing Shion sing.

>> No.21116750

I quitted halfway her debut stream and just read the sticky, but I guess so..

>> No.21116765

Holy fuck she was just silent for so long Zeta had to ask if she was muted.
And then has the gall to say "what did you ask?"

>> No.21116771

She will improve when she increases her streaming comfortability. Please give her a chance.

>> No.21116809

Who are you, her boyfriend?

>> No.21116810

No. I will anti her to the end.
Spam hate threads.
Dislike everything.
Leave rude comments on every platform.
Until the day she graduates.

>> No.21116842

God I hope so. I'm not going to anti her since I'm not retarded but I can't even see why anyone would anti her in the first place, she's just an empty shell.

I want to believe in the blacksmith but things aren't looking so bright for her.

>> No.21116853

I think she might be better when there is content she can show or talk about in streams.
But as it is right now she seems terrible at free talk and synergizing with collab partner.

>> No.21116871
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>same level as Moona's autism

finally another autism waifu

>> No.21116876

Didn't Cover ID just announce a new policy of literally pressing charges against antis?

>> No.21116899

You should kill yourself.

>> No.21116905

Lmao cringe. Sounds like a petulant kid, anon.

>> No.21116909

uhhhh based?

>> No.21116945

I guess that's what they're aiming with her, bold move ngl

>> No.21116951

i will, anon.
but until the day comes, i won't be watching her stream or collab.

>> No.21116954

get a life or kys

>> No.21116964

anon is going to be on the news, based

>> No.21116968

Based. Fuck corporate bootlickers

>> No.21117014

Manager-san? Please whip her into a better stream. At the very least teach her to be polite to her genmates jesas.

>> No.21117046

We thought it was about Ollie's chubby face, but all along it was preemptive protection against this nepotism hire.

>> No.21117108
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>No Mobile Legend
Indobros we are so close yet so far...

>> No.21117270

holy shit she sounds r e a l l y out of it wtf?

>> No.21117309

She is nervous. Be kind to her please.

>> No.21117393

I'm not saying it's bad, just the worst I've seen of it. (unless I'm misremembering earlier debuts)

>> No.21117414

But nervous girls should be cute, not apathetic.

>> No.21117466

This whole thread is fucking classic /vt/. absolutely torch and dogpile anyone that shows any bit of insecurity or nervousness.

After this you get the same faggots making threads about muh TRIBALISM and antis bad

>> No.21117507


I swear this is either her manager, a friend or Kobo. These messages sound nothing like the average anon.

>> No.21117508

So how is ID Kronii so far? Didn't bother to watch her because her theme is an actual meme and not even a halfway decent one.

>> No.21117523
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this is embarassing, just kill this thread already

>> No.21117525

She kinda sounds like Hyona when she is very tired.

>> No.21117528

"so... it's been one hour..."
Holy fuck.

>> No.21117539


>> No.21117593

Well what better way to hide your insecurities other than point out someone else's.

>> No.21117604

Yeah, it's pretty obvious. You can almost hear the ID accent from the posts.

>> No.21117611

New 66.

>> No.21117615

reminds me of Mori during EN collabs: "well it's been 2 hours guys, time to wrap it up"

>> No.21117693

How the FUCK did she get picked?

>> No.21117695

I actually feel bad for her. This is cringe as fuck.
Whoever you are, just support your friend/talent or whatever your relationship with her.
Hopefully she grows and gains traction. Stay strong kowalskifriend

>> No.21117711

I've seen a lot of antis before but holy fuck this is just pathetic.

>> No.21117754


>> No.21117777

i hope the water girl didn't disappointing this much

>> No.21117807

holy fuck english please

>> No.21117839


>> No.21117842

disapointed this bith is whore

>> No.21117851

Yeah I guess the staff is here. I just want to ask though, what did you guys see in her that seems appealing as a vtuber? Because right now I can't even see one.

>> No.21117852


>> No.21117868

good question actually. even if it was a nepotism hire, is this really the best they could get? the rest of applicants must've been fucking terrible

>> No.21117894

>ID Kronii
she WISHES. at least kronii can banter

>> No.21117899

this shit is as old as time, no one is fucking /here/

>> No.21117914

this get is almost as disappointing as your brown skin

>> No.21117915

At least we know for sure she won't be as disappointing as your ESL

>> No.21117936

Look at those comments and tell me they sound like your average /vt/ user.

>> No.21117947

risu and moona are

>> No.21117954


>> No.21117967

There's definitely someone running damage control in this thread. There's no way she has a dedicated simp already when everything about her has been disappointing, and everything about how this samefag is posting reads tourist.

>> No.21117973

Sorry, boyfriend-kun, but your retarded gf will not make it. Better beat her up good tonight for being the failure she is.

>> No.21118039

based and same. Fuck eWhores

>> No.21118137

>She will improve when she increases her streaming comfortability. Please give her a chance.

>> No.21118142

My criticism to her would be she's too stiff, trying too hard to be cool or something like that.
Seems doesn't wanna be here.
Sounds like id karen too.
Maybe all of this is because she's too nervous

>> No.21118193

Pretty cute design

>> No.21118229
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>> No.21118246

I think she is just jealous of Zeta.
Imagine being an old poor ugly indog hag, in an unhappy marriage with brown fat kids running around like monkeys. No wonder she hates a young rich girl, who is most likely 20 shades whiter than her.

>> No.21118245

why the fuck would they run damage control for like less than 1% of the viewer base. There are concern trolls in every thread that is dedicated to a single person

>> No.21118256

Yeah, waste of a design (so far).

>> No.21118265

Thank you for saying this very plain instead of making a rude comment. I think this will help her.

>> No.21118266

>Zeta cutely trying to play up how she's nervous too to make Kaela feel better when it's clear she's a natural at this
I hope this girl finds her place soon because she's miserable to watch as is.

>> No.21118337

What does concern troll mean?

>> No.21118350

No worries, I am watching for zeta and although I'm cringing I am still rooting for Kaela. There's still many opportunities for her through collabs and all

>> No.21118361

this is so cringe, i feel bad for zeta

>> No.21118392

I look forward to the porn at the very least.

>> No.21118468

Manager-san ganbare.
The last bit was at least uplifting and better. When she was actually responding and teasing Zeta.
Hope she improves. I'm a huge unity fag and just want everybody to be happy with their streams.

>> No.21118530

It's her first streams, almost definitely because this streamer-persona isn't second-hand nature just yet. I'd say give her around a month.

>> No.21118538

>through collabs
not if she stays like this

>> No.21118636

she really is Moona 2.0

>> No.21118669

no she is kronii 2.0

>> No.21118700
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i dare you

>> No.21118747

Dead Air/10

>> No.21118801

I only paid attention to Zeta and left half way anyway/10

>> No.21118807

Yea, that last part was exactly what she should do.

Manager San, friend San, Kobo, or anyone else, if you see this.

>> No.21118848

painful to watch/10
I hope tomorrow's collab is just as terrible, I enjoy the pain

>> No.21118878

>ID member
>must speak enough english or en fans get mad
seriously, all of them should be like Iofi, fuck eops, you are already in hololive, talk your native fucking language

>> No.21118903

Why would you say a thing like this?

>> No.21118912

>I hope tomorrow's collab is just as terrible, I enjoy the pain
Wow I think we found her target demographic right here guys

>> No.21118922
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You know she made it to the big leagues when she gets dedicated antis on day 1. So this is the power of Hololive...

>> No.21118944

no she is sana 2.0

>> No.21118947
File: 16 KB, 317x298, EZ5Nau1VcAAhZr2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't drag my girl into this shit

>> No.21118966

I will now watch that chuba.

>> No.21119011

Permavirgin incel here, can someone explain to me why people are saying her boobs look weird? They look normal to me.

>> No.21119025

I am from Indonesia and it is a disgusting language no one should have to listen to or speak. I thank God I live in the English speaking country now. Indogs are terrible.

>> No.21119028

11/10 smell her shoes

>> No.21119087

transplanted from Anya's chest onto Kaela, the autism also carried over

>> No.21119090

t.flips larping as indos

>> No.21119138

Bocah kontol lu semua

>> No.21119198

it's sleep time already, what are you doin here kiddo

>> No.21119273


Fucking kek. Definitely flips.

>> No.21119310

nervous autism/10
needs to relax and go along with the banter rather then being stiff with her "character". it'll come in time as she settles in.

>> No.21119343

Please please be kind to this girl. There is a person behind this avatar who will read your comments and will be even more nervous from feeling your rude statements. It is okay to give criticism but hatful anti behavior is very bad. I have faith in her.

>> No.21119462

she shouldn't be here
i'd suck her saggy tits until she's crying if i saw her

>> No.21119470

She just needs to get comfortable in front of the camera and get to know her gen mates better. Chemistry between almost every wave has always been autistic in some way at the debut, and it takes some girls a while to warm up to being in the spotlight. Kaela will be kino, I am sure.

I just hope she isn't a support player. Would be based if she was an Ornn main.

>> No.21119523

I would do this to but you should still be kind to her.

>> No.21119564

>Chemistry between almost every wave
Why don't you just go ahead and call her a liver?

>> No.21119569

You shouldn't be posting this kind of stuff, that's literally sexual harassment....

>> No.21119580

I'm pretty sure she said she's a midlaner

>> No.21119605

i'll suck dem tits gently

>> No.21119617

Based for being wholesome, anon.

>> No.21119624

I am not Management of Hololive. Why do you keep saying this?

>> No.21119672

Manager-san. Keep her away from 4chan for a couple of months. It'll be brutal. Stay strong and support your talent.

>> No.21119677

I am glad some here have faith and support of her here.

>> No.21119691

You sound like one manager-san

>> No.21119715
File: 206 KB, 662x1003, happyblacksmith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could be. Both streams were awkward as hell yet I couldn't stop myself from watching. This bitch has made me a masochist but I will love and support her anyway

>> No.21119779

Could she be larping as Ais Wallenstein as a nod to her mama?

>> No.21120009

You on the other hand sounds like nijinigger ID manager for shitting on this girl.

>> No.21120010
File: 298 KB, 1271x1080, Screenshot_20220326-125510_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're on the Daddy route.

>> No.21120021

>I'm pretty sure she said she's a midlaner
Still a chance for her to be based if she plays
>Some weird off meta shit like Poppy Mid or Elise Mid
Though knowing she plays mid, there is a very high liklihood she is an Ahri or Lux player, which would be a shame.

>> No.21120041

Manager-san... They'll fire you for hate speech and sexual harassment... Stop.

>> No.21120055

>You will regret this one day.
Make me. This is a challenge to you.

>> No.21120096

She mains Teemo.

>> No.21120163

I hope Kaela find her comfy spot in hololive less than a month if not she's gonna lose a fuck ton of people

>> No.21120183

That was my first post. The ones before wasn't me.

I'm just pointing out, that since u're saying that that anon sounds like Manager-san, YOU also sound like Niji ID manager for shitting on this girl. Unironically.

>> No.21120219

I hope so to. I will still watch her. We do not need any more Anyas. She can be a Reine. I believe in her.

>> No.21120286

Nobody is shitting on her, manager-san.
We are just saying the true.
Right now she's... boring and awkward.
May improve in the future... If your boss doesn't make her graduate...

>> No.21120318

>no after stream tweet
she got scolded

>> No.21120427
File: 47 KB, 148x160, 1617731850513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>autistic league gf that tilts the enemy team
Unfathomably based

>> No.21120461

Some of you are just posting very rude comments about her. It is bad to say these things about someone who is new.

>> No.21120463

She's currently reading the thread like how she was reading it before the post debut stream.

Hi Kaela! Don't be disheartened. Anons are like this during the first weeks. Just go on and enjoy your streams. You'll get into it in time.

>> No.21120495

>We do not need any more Anyas
Who doesn't love Anya?

>> No.21120535


No, seriously my first post is saying you sound like nijinigger ID manager.

The other guy is THE manager. Not me anon.

>> No.21120579

That's different. Has anyone else played a blizzard game other than Ame and HOTS?

>> No.21120599
File: 81 KB, 1103x621, MIKO23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21120638

I am not a hololive employee. Please stop saying this.

>> No.21120805

now now stop saying "she needs to be like Reine, anya, ollie or whatever" I hate people like you, every time there's a new chuuba you say the same shit, she needs her own thing that's what makes people stay

>> No.21120846

I would never say anyone needs to be like Ollie. Horrible brat child.

>> No.21120885

Doesn't the ID branch rely mostly on stream labs or whatever the other donor program is

>> No.21120915

6 out of 6 yes?

>> No.21120938

She played hots though
Is that Indo ubereats?

>> No.21121001

Imagine being worse at English than Anya.

>> No.21121005

> silence when laughing
> refuse to do ara ara

really not a good streamer

>> No.21121019

that implies an upgrade
shes kronii 0.01

>> No.21121094

Not liking everything Cover pumps out doesn't make anyone a nipplenigger manager.
Right now Kaela feels... boring. I'm sure she can improve with some practice. Anyways, every debut stream has been shit so I kind of get it.

>> No.21121138

not gonna lie, the debut was pretty bland aside from the lore video and the skits. Her voice is good though. She definitely has the potential. I still remember the debut disaster like Towa, Korone, Pegor, and Nene to some extent. Now that she's in Hololive, she's gonna be alright and you can only improve from now.

>> No.21121160

>refuse to do ara ara
kill yourself

>> No.21121166

>ara ara pls say ara ara I must coom say ara ara so I can coom pls ara ara
kys nigger

>> No.21121202

>ara ara

>> No.21121254

These posts are correct.
This is also a very correct post. Many very famous and successful vtubers had poor debuts.

>> No.21121295
File: 8 KB, 220x108, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just go back watch twitch or something

>> No.21121305

not if the debut is good. but you are right in that if she does improve public reception will as well.
it will tank sporadically because everyone gets a turn at the pillory but as long as she recovers from her rough start should be smooth sailing from here

>> No.21121359

Ah I see, anon. You're trying to be objective. It's quite difficult to differentiate niji poster and objective criticism these days.

I too think that she should improve herself much. The last part of the after debut talk where she bullied Zeta was a bit funny, and that's where she can start. I also think her interaction with Zeta (except the bully one) is painful to see.

Also I really hope autist building block game stream for her. If yes, I may like her.

>> No.21121387

>every debut stream has been shit
ollie’s was pretty fun

>> No.21121462

Was it really though? I felt tired as fuck after that one.

>> No.21121624

i thought the rpgmaker intro was interesting and creative

>> No.21121712

Her rigging is jank. Don't know why hololive doesn't have set standards for that by this point. Also there's a line on her neck when she turns her head that drives me crazy. Zeta got my hopes up for this girl but we will have to see now.

>> No.21121724

it's already at bump limit btw,
don't make another thread after this one dies

>> No.21121746

Oh right, i completely forgot about that, i guess it was kind of amusing and surprisingly well thought out.

>> No.21121773

to be honest at this point I'm just grateful it's not anya-levels of jank. could be worse

>> No.21121818

Gura and Sana were kino. Reine too with orisong right of the bat.

>> No.21121847

Good bye my beloved Suzupin design
my biggest disappointment of this year

>> No.21122016

>still no after stream tweet
it's over

>> No.21122130

Her voice is like listening to an injured animal die. Who the fuck thought she would be good??!!!

>> No.21122186

I think her voice is good.

>> No.21122213

>doesn't like onee-san type voice
shit taste

>> No.21122244


>> No.21122252

She is crying and pissing herself after reading people's reactions to her shitty debut.
I wonder how fast her dog will die.

>> No.21122296

>pissing herself
Can I have a sip?

>> No.21122306

I will hold her as she cries and pisses. I will console her.

>> No.21122388

>pissing herself

>> No.21122418

Poor girl.
I hope she can get over it and improve.

>> No.21122516

anon, /ringo/ is two blocks down >>20972310

>> No.21122523

I thought the same, but Hyona actually funny

>> No.21122642

Hyona is extremely talented and precious, I wish she get at least the fraction of subs this girl got even before she debuted.

>> No.21122954

A few of them played Diablo 2 for a while when the remaster came out. I think Botan, Lamy, Kiara, and Kronii?
Pretty sure some of the FPS fans play Overwatch occasionally too.

>> No.21123190

probably she apply for a staff position but for some reason forced to be the talent at last minutes/10

>> No.21123276
File: 83 KB, 517x518, kovalski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


shitposting aside the stream was cringe as hell and really awkward. she can't even hold a conversation to save her life and just resorts to the same 3 jokes.
I don't know if it was the pressure and nervousness or if she's just plain retarded but it was really rough.
Not hating on her tho, I hope she doesn't give up and that she can improve over time to be a better streamer.

I want to believe in this bitch

>> No.21123301

Why Hololive choose her??
I'm sorry but she is too flat and western
But i hope she will do something to bring back "the lost viewer" in the future..
Cheers Kaela..

>> No.21123343
File: 118 KB, 758x758, 9A952325-7050-4F54-ACD8-E78ADE0A0805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21123427

Iofi switched language very often tho. And she didn't pander to one language either

>> No.21123528

here, if you larping as Indon, never type Indog, faggot

>> No.21123870

> doesn't know Anya nowadays is decent and pleasant
dunno anon, your data seems outdated

>> No.21123913

Your point is stupid because Ame's debut was kino.

>> No.21124042

I know that you never watch Anya, but, Anya's English is actually comparable with Weesu

>> No.21124092
File: 212 KB, 439x436, 1637757512980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


shhhh just ignore him

>> No.21124240

ah, sorry, I'll just go back watching Anya Freeman then

>> No.21125095

200 ping
