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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 25 KB, 641x215, 2022-03-25_NzbDP5dkPj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21023036 No.21023036 [Reply] [Original]

They fucked on the couch.

>> No.21023056
File: 348 KB, 678x621, 1648087456044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good to know anon.

>> No.21023082 [DELETED] 

Isn't he a fucking virgin? Probably would be doing him a favor if she fucked him.

>> No.21023084

omg its the miko poster

>> No.21023095 [DELETED] 
File: 118 KB, 1125x303, 8B2807EA-8561-4FBF-982A-8034B50D7125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it’s real
can nijis stop guzzling jizz for an earth second…

>> No.21023097
File: 163 KB, 480x374, kirinap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope they had a nice time.

>> No.21023099

Wrong, I fucked both of them on the couch

>> No.21023122

Even granny get some, anon.

>> No.21023128

good for them. Can't wait for art of them doing it if that's the case

>> No.21023130

Nina is fucking based

>> No.21023142


Is this an Internet Historian reference???
Also who's the whore in the picture ?

>> No.21023146

Nina is uggo, they can have each other

>> No.21023155

such cope...

>> No.21023157

Old whore.

>> No.21023164

You whore Mysta

>> No.21023207

Based mommy fucking her kids.

>> No.21023208

I wish she had said Vox so that chink fujos would lose their goddamn minds.

>> No.21023241
File: 607 KB, 2018x3000, 1646984851629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god i wish i was mysta

>> No.21023247

Wtf I want pity sex from Nina

>> No.21023273



>> No.21023339

Good for them, next thread.

>> No.21023343

Eh personally it's a 7/10

>> No.21023472

If any of the nijiJP members did this it'd be a huge scandal.

>> No.21023482

damn, nijisanji pandering to this market now?

>> No.21023527

I can’t figure out for the life of me if they actually fucked or if she’s just playing it up for her persona

>> No.21023573

Mysta said he doesnt want fanart of him and any of the female members so there's a big chance it won't happen, atleast not openly with tags and stuff

>> No.21023605

My money’s on it actually happened, cuz Mysta is a thirsty flip incel who would take anything at this point.

>> No.21023614

She drugged all of their drinks and raped all of them obviously. Must guarantee her pregnancy after all

>> No.21023738

Honestly depends on Nina - big chance they just cuddled since mysta is you know . . . he would allow anything that happens to him gladly, but wouldn't do a move. Bet it was just cuddling

>> No.21023779


>> No.21023830

She probably took one look at his cutting scars and decided not to

>> No.21023866

Nina's barren womb deserves it

>> No.21023896

hot. maybe she'll get pregnant

>> No.21023945

fuck. what are the chances I get a /draw/ anon to do it?

>> No.21023972

Probably pegged him. No risk of pregnancy.

>> No.21023979 [DELETED] 

>Be Mysta
>Be pinoy incel
>see your colleague vaguely imply she might have fucked you on twitter
Honestly, if I were in his shoes and she didn't take his virginity I'd be pretty assblasted. If you're going to tweet that shit you fucking owe him at least a handjob.

>> No.21023988

you think she gives footjobs

>> No.21024006

>zoey quinn larper
Lol, lmao even

>> No.21024043

are we still talking about this?
no one cares that the Whore of Nijisanji lived up to her name

>> No.21024183

What I wanna know is if Vox sleeps in fnaf pajamas.

>> No.21024195


>> No.21024259

ITT: holofags speculating on streamers they have literally never watched

>> No.21024265

>sjw fucking her male colleagues in order to make them simp for her as well as provide favors

>> No.21024338

Talk about rent free, holy fuck. It's been like 8 years, let it go.

>> No.21024381


>> No.21024466

>playing it up for her persona
Where the fuck are you getting this from? I'm not the schizo here right? She said it like she was hanging out with her gay friend. I haven't seen anything even remotely hinting at them doing anything.
This isn't cope. I would honestly be happy for both of them if they actually were fucking, but I don't see what you guys are seeing.

>> No.21024472

NTA, but aw.

>> No.21024483 [DELETED] 

Why would Nina who's roommate is a good 7 even go near Mysta who's a 3 at max?

>> No.21024512

absolutely. he also can't sleep without his stuffed Freddy

>> No.21024517

Kuzuha literally got caught in the background of Rindou’s ASMR and no one cares after like a week. Also dodgeball.

>> No.21024524

she's a virgin hunter

>> No.21024541

Nina is a negative 8

>> No.21024545

I really don't get what would make people willingly support this, I guess I just don't get niji fans

>> No.21024560

Mysta is insane viewernumbers - higher than Vox even. Also he's funny and menhera

>> No.21024571 [DELETED] 

Nina isn't fucking retarded. She knows full well how unicorns and fujos will interpret and react to the tweet.

>> No.21024575

any woman who is in a room with a man overnight has to fuck him. that's the brainrot you're seeing

>> No.21024586

Nina's not a bad way to do it by any means. Decent face, nice tits, tons of experience.
Get in there, son.

>> No.21024595

Because she’s such a bitch in real life she had to move to rural Canada after burning all her bridges in the city.

>> No.21024606 [DELETED] 

7 is a little generous. Up close and personal she’s probably more like a 6 or a 6&1/2.

>> No.21024612

Why shouldn't we?
It's not like she was selling the idea of being our girlfriend, and she's never pretended to be a pure virginal angel, she's always been openly thirsty as all fuck

>> No.21024641

God I wish Nina pegged me on the couch

>> No.21024658

So what do you get out of this?
Where's the fun part?

>> No.21024661

/vt/ - Nijisanji

>> No.21024669

fuck it, I'll swallow my pride and ask

>> No.21024683

The x/10 scale is exponential, not linear. 7 is most peoples average.

>> No.21024751

kys migo poster

>> No.21024769

>So what do you get out of this?
nothing much, other than getting to enjoy watching /vt/ get mad over something they don't care about, but it also doesn't have any negative impact on my life

>> No.21024813

Yeah, I think she’s slightly bellow average.

>> No.21025121

Prettier than mori

>> No.21025169

that's not saying much

>> No.21025259

Correction: she WAS prettier than CURRENT mori last time she showed her irl face. Now she's a lot closer to the wall, anon.

>> No.21025324

That’s not actually true…

>> No.21025405

Would cunnychad Mysta sleep with a hag?

>> No.21025430

Isn't it disturbing that these people didn't meet up to have fun for themselves in the first place but rather for clicks

>> No.21025474

at this point he will take any opportunity

>> No.21025542

It sure seems like they had fun. Try to stop looking at everything through a numberfag lens

>> No.21025659

>nina and ike playing in arcades
>ike and vox had shopping date
>mysta at least happy he's finally having company
yea sure you can tell yourself that anon

>> No.21025734

It’s just very transparent that they do stuff like this for numbers. That can be off putting to some people. Nijifags seem to love it though.

>> No.21025836

who cares? They drunk offpako'd, so what? I don't even watch nijisanji.

>> No.21025837

Same, but maybe this guy has a point >>21024571
Nina is pretty aware on a meta level regarding Vtuber, unicorns, etc... and she probably tweeted this to filter them. Not like she actually did it.

>> No.21025892

As someone whos seen their roomates… thats fucking gross dude

>> No.21025907

I'm only mad because I'm not the one that got to have awkward drunk sex with Nina

>> No.21025998

He should get tested, she probably has the shit the will make your dick fall off.

>> No.21026071

I dunno anon, it sounds like they had the most fun. It made me nostalgic for anime cons, in fact. Got to meet internet friends, hang out, talk IRL, watch anime. If they got clicks from it, good on them.

>> No.21026108 [DELETED] 

I've seen Mysta's roomate. Dude's ugly.

>> No.21026195

They talked about doing a shit ton of offline stuff before going live. If you're going to talk about a stream at least watch it, or say you hate it and move on

>> No.21026293 [DELETED] 

All the males I’ve seen are ugly as fuck

>> No.21026305

Nijisanji JP men and women went on a vacation and played dodgeball/volleyball. Narukami's ex friend started a rrat that they were fucking. All the guys (especially Kanda) made a laughing stock of him on stream, Kanda even called both their names out and called them dregs of society
The fact that THIS board, this EOP board cares more about it than suki kira does, the most schizophrenic hub of eceleb antis that makes 5ch anti threads look healthy, should tip you off on something.

>> No.21026403

The Purple one from the new branch its aight, dude gay irl too

>> No.21026459

cool i hope they used protection or i hope she gets pregnant if they were trying for a baby.

>> No.21026687

Two of them was unannounced, most of them didn't even put an upload on schedule on their own channel, and as we all know disruption to regular paten is bad for youtube algorithm - oh yes sure they did it just for the numbers.

>> No.21026857


>> No.21026902


>> No.21027004

true, I'm happy for them, or sorry that happened

>> No.21027073

Don't worry, once HolomalesEN debut they are going to do the same but better, as it is tradition to mog niji on every field

>> No.21027196

Where’s the sauce anon?

>> No.21027202

Weak shit. We need live baby making sex, not vaguetweeting.

>> No.21027216

can't wait to watch Gura get railed for 4 hours live on stream

>> No.21027225

Do you think Nina was disappointed when she saw how ugly they all are or she raped them anyway?

>> No.21027270 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 281 KB, 1080x649, pearl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of them is good looking. He is gay and has a bf.

>> No.21027368

she flew all the way to Europe for this, she's getting some dick even if it is 2/10 flip manlet dick

>> No.21027518

vox isn't too bad looking, he looks kind of like connor. that's more than enough to pull lots of tail in this kind of community

>> No.21027534

They had an off collab? if yes then she atleast jerked him

>> No.21027558

Why not just use tinder after hanging out with your dorky coworkers?

>> No.21027564

>The x/10 scale is exponential, not linear. 7 is most peoples average.
No it isn't, it is a bell curve from 0 to 10 with 5 in the middle.

>> No.21027937

Where do you get this info from anon?

>> No.21028073

nta but google - it's not that hard. Also not sure what that anon is on about but Vox is just a boy - nothing special

>> No.21028083

because it's easier to just let Mysta have his one chance at pity sex

>> No.21028174

I genuinely thought that the offline collab with Millie, Rosemi, Elira and Enna had heart to it and a good friendship between them, the tweets were cute and mutually excitable but this reeked of "Look I'm Mommy Nina on my way to leech off these popular Luxiem boys!"

I feel like their friendships with eachother are genuine but it does feel like Nina is weaselling in for uwus and cock

Mysta is also an incel 100% and I sense panic in Mika's tweets, or denial, damn.....cuckbros

>> No.21028216

>Hooking up with a stranger in London
Just say you hope she gets shanked

>> No.21028224

>Cliche cuckshit ntr
>even including the ugly brown man

>> No.21028293 [SPOILER] 

Dunno, I've tried googling but i can't find anything like anon is saying, not for any of the nijis actually, am i just retarded?

>> No.21028308

Is it finally our time LONDONbros?

>> No.21028334

Nina is a greedy climber so that is exactly what she is doing.

>> No.21028335

there's a japanese website that has all the vtubers' dox info, not gonna say anything more than that
considering the type of person he's likely to be competing with he's pretty above average

his rice score being like mid-20's backs me up on this

>> No.21028351

>am i just retarded?

>> No.21028460

He honestly looks worse than the C-man. I think he’s taller though, so he has that going for him.

>> No.21028463

Doesn't really tell me anything but thanks i guess

>> No.21028476
File: 395 KB, 2150x3035, 1646943341673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


mfw I'm a Londonbitch and want to go on a cute date to the arcade aorund Soho and smack some drums then have my tity drums smacked

>> No.21028484

Ever been to a furry convetion? Literraly 2/10 can get that score and believe me, while vox might be a 5 he still is that kind of guy

>> No.21028586

You don’t have to be good looking to do drugs and fuck people. Many anons can testify to that.

>> No.21028620

Anons were getting 90+ scores in the Rice test

>> No.21028626

New York Football Club Offense Dot Organization

treat part of this as an acronym. should be enough for you to figure out the rest

>> No.21028628

yeah it's not too hard as long as you don't spaghetti all over yourself

>> No.21028669

>nina takes his virginity
>stops being gay

>> No.21028675

What tweets?

>> No.21028682

Wait, I'm actually fucking retarded, i know what it is now, thanks anon

>> No.21028683

I got a 30

>> No.21028757

Well get a look at mister fancy pants over here, pulling over with his expensive women and designer drugs.

>> No.21028792
File: 156 KB, 1698x1080, 1644739908559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


41 for me but I'm an autistic roastie

>> No.21028878

I feel so bad for nijien fans. How did you go from lazulight to this?

HoloEN will be just us bad, don't go coping otherwise.

>> No.21028992 [DELETED] 

I've only had sex with prostitutes and got 88. No idea what kind of a super degenerate you have to be to get less than 50.

>> No.21029063

i've done some drugs and banged some sluts yes

>> No.21029093

and that couch was me

>> No.21029102


>> No.21029168

I... understand the fujo simps now. He's a pretty man

>> No.21029212
File: 1.01 MB, 828x818, 1646282199309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21029243

What is that androgynous creature?

>> No.21029266

I would like this to be true because there's no way he doesn’t make it painfully awkward down the line, but I don’t think it did.

BUT if it did happen, we’ll here about it eventually.

>> No.21029279

No wonder why Fulgur wanted to fuck him so bad

>> No.21029325

Nina seems like the fakest person in the universe, I wouldn't trust a single thing coming out of her mouth.
Dunno about the homos

>> No.21029326


>> No.21029332

I really don't know why you faggots can't comprehend that niji fans don't give a shit because the majority were never in it for GFE and were fucking waiting forever for MALES to debut to get some brotubers. The hag can blow him live on stream for all I care, I have no emotional or romantic attachment to the woman, I just want to watch the australian shitposter grief people on minecraft.

>> No.21029334

No wonder, he looks like Jimin from BTS.

>> No.21029406

Is this a fucking ARG?

>> No.21029408

>Hag flying halfway across the world just to steal a kouhai's virginity

>> No.21029411

Oof. I remember when one of my girl friend visit for a movie watchalong. Movie's not even halfway and I almost got seduced (We're not even close like I've only known her because of the fact that her mom and mine is close friend). Im just glad I was able to control myself. Though I'm low-key happy I got to fondle her boobs lmao.

Anyway talking about this one there's no way nothing happened specially if they're alone

>> No.21029534

nice knowing that if you get into nippleEN, you get free sex from your oshi.

>> No.21029545

You're delusional if you don't think Pomudachis or dragoons would lose it if they did this
The only reason no one cares is because it's Nina

>> No.21029643
File: 297 KB, 1039x1184, Screenshot_20220325-090025_(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mostly watch JPs on both corps... do EN fans really usually respond to tweets like this?

>> No.21029677

Time to send in my application. I will fuck them all

>> No.21029826

Yeah, I have a feeling dragoons would lose their shit. Despite what you fuckers would say publicly.

>> No.21030084

Pretty based if you ask me

>> No.21030895

this whole shit just repelled me even more, fags are a mistake

>> No.21031315
File: 101 KB, 850x850, smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like they aren't so gay anymore

>> No.21031534

After reading the tweets, I’m 90% certain that Nina was teasing Mysta and they had a heavy petting session on the couch.

>> No.21031689

I hate this face. The model is really a turn off for me. Sorry Nina bros.

>> No.21031852

Crimea will not be let go Putin-bot.

>> No.21032552

I'm gonna need you to spell it out for me anon, as we've established, I'm retarded

>> No.21032756
File: 30 KB, 515x203, 1648213830472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21032871

Wtf nina take my virginity too

>that video of her begging to have sex

>> No.21033338

I don't know about you but I would impregnate Nina on purpose.

>> No.21033470

You can joke, but I've known gay guys who still fucked their female friends. Usually it's because they're just curious or horny enough, and the girl is otherwise really into them. Granted, it usually ends up being an awkward time for them and many regret it, but if your dick is hard it's just as good for wet pussy as any other.

>> No.21033493

If that's true I hope it helps Mysta to break out of his slump.

>> No.21033715

Do you really think a guy who spewing bullshit like 'bi-curious' are actually gay?
It's the most secure bullshit you can throw to fujos.

>> No.21033717

Somebody had to take the initiative to fuck the hag and save her from her misery

>> No.21034600

no, do you actually think I give a shit? smug chuubaposting is always shitposts

>> No.21034676

Do your reps . . . he did egg and stuff

>> No.21035007

fortunately for dragoons selen is fat and terrible at sex so they don't have to worry about any of the guys touching her when mommy nina is handing out free beejs on the reg.
pomudachis have already lost about a dozen times so i dont know where they'd find the energy to get angry again.

>> No.21035061

i hereby declare Pakosanji

>> No.21035848

Nina's nipples

>> No.21036927

>You have a hag, 2 gays and a coom man in the room
What do you think is gonna happen?

>> No.21037358

I wish he was my bf

>> No.21037422

>egg and stuff
What's that supposed to mean?

>> No.21037442


>> No.21037467

Only if you include her personality.

>> No.21037515

Why do people say Mysta is an incel? Vox confirmed that his rice purity was lower than his own (i.e. below 28)

>> No.21037530

Stop coping femcel and do something about it

>> No.21037625

He ate all of them

>> No.21037799

please understand most people here are so repulsive no one would sleep with them

>> No.21038361

It'd be terribly unprofessional if they fucked imo, but I don't personally give a shit what they do with their personal lives. The fact that Nina is even treading this line shows just how far she'll go to leech these boys. I guess it IS funnier to headcanon that she really did suck them off, so anons will just run with it.

>> No.21041009


The way she's suddenly sucking up to Mika is because she totally fucked Mysta, take it from one roastie about another

>> No.21042157 [DELETED] 

She's not fat and has really big tits. She was really hot when she used to wear makeup, but that was years ago.

>> No.21043363

Speak for yourself

>> No.21043374


>> No.21043698

based and keep making retards seethe

>> No.21044323

Its a bullshit test. Trying a cigarette or weed is weighted the same as having sex with animal.

>> No.21044405

maybe i was. you ever think of that smartypants?

>> No.21044510

Tranny shit

>> No.21044854

i luv u migo poster
you make retards so mad and remind me these threads aren't worth being in

>> No.21045295


>> No.21045346

Mysta is gay

>> No.21045561


>> No.21045834

I like your handwriting anon

>> No.21046661

Everyone fucked Nina but Mysta who sat in the corner like a deadbeat... Even Mika is ripe to be stolen by the biggest chad in the room...


>> No.21046901

I do not buy that for a fucking second. Mysta's a fat flip manlet. I took that test with my normalfag friend who's a 6'2" ripped chad who's done every sexual thing under the sun and also has literally been arrested for theft before and he got like a 25 or something. Unless he's fucked a dog or some shit, it's impossible.

>> No.21046976

Either that or he's actually gay, which in that case it would make perfect sense, actually.

>> No.21047010

If you believe the schizophrenics this already happened.

>> No.21049070

those are mods

>> No.21051245

I want to sex with Selen but I am not sure can my body able to hold her.

>> No.21051247

the first two replies are just saying basic greetings but the third is just a bit weird. what are you trying to say anon?

>> No.21051342


>> No.21053567

what a whore

>> No.21057538

About half of the questions are related to drug use, criminal activity, and deviant sexual behavior. The other half is relatively pedestrian, it basically confirms whether you’ve been in a relationship or not. Scoring in the 20s would mean admitting to some real degen shit.

Do you think they answered honestly, or that they’re just playing it up for their horny fujo audience?

>> No.21057596

but can she fix him?

>> No.21057722

No thanks

>> No.21057774

Can she fix herself

>> No.21058537

Can you all please stop saying nina "took Mysta's virginity"? I just bought his White Day goods, he belongs to me.

>> No.21059329

He's a fag who got 20 on the rice purity test, certainly no virgin, so Nina didn't take it from him. That should make you feel better, right?

They certainly fucked though.

>> No.21059394

what's with her sleeves?

>> No.21059786

Remember, he's a bottom so she pegged him.

>> No.21060794

She got gang banged.

>> No.21061064

i hope my nigga got some he needs it badly

>> No.21061774

this is literally the best response of every schizo

>> No.21062482

Pomu fans wouldnt give a shit. Hell she goes after the men pretty hard too even if not as much as Nina. Idk about dragoons.

>> No.21062540

>my two favourute nijis fucked
Feels strangely nice actually.

>> No.21062781
File: 78 KB, 785x658, kuroneko_gif_by_kanra_san_d35bog4-pre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be honest though? would it even change anything if she didn't tweet that? schizos would still schizo, nina is just trolling at this point.

>> No.21062920

I can't believe they started an onlyfans for this offpako collab

>> No.21062995

for normies, it's actually a sociability test. 25 means he's actually antisocial or mentally ill.

>> No.21063659 [DELETED] 

>Hell she goes after the men pretty hard too even if not as much as Nina.
Definitely not. Nina calls into male streams or has the men come on her streams all the time. Pomu just plays on the same Minecraft server as them or is in the same large group collabs with them (and a bunch of other NijiENs).

>> No.21063716

Mysta is gay, they probably drank wine and paint their nails until the morning

>> No.21064035

bruh i masturbated and tried weed and i got 89, im a kissless virgin thats never ever touched a woman and i barely scored less than you

>> No.21064425

Damn, I wish I were Mysta, don't even care about sex, I'd want to hang out and chat/drink with Nina
I barely got a 48 and I'm married and have a kid.

>> No.21064757

Nijisanji talks about sex all the time, they don't hide it, holo fans gonna have to ignore this sort of thing otherwise this place is gonna get spammed. This isn't drama for non idol groups like Niji.

>> No.21064816


>> No.21064836


>> No.21065216

>all the boys singing just fine
>Nina purposefully singing offkey
She really is only useful as a cumbucket.

>> No.21066799
File: 3.11 MB, 756x756, 1647144311533.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genuinely curious if the chinks reacted negatively to this. Especially viewers of pic related.

>> No.21067429

oh course it's this disgusting whore. I wish Elira, Selen and Pomu were just in a void away from all the other fucking disgusting whores in nijiEN

>> No.21068192

uhhhh mystakes??? your oshi just cucked you with a hag

>> No.21068561

Absolutely fucking based, keep retards seething mikoposter, you're the best.

>> No.21069946

that's hot

>> No.21073128

Based even tho miko is a rapist

>> No.21073384

>I would honestly be happy for both of them if they actually were fucking
do nijicuckolds really?

>> No.21074076

since it was ripe hag womb and virgin seed backed up for years she definitely got knocked up

but does the baby legally belong to anycolor?

>> No.21075431

I’m always surprised they don’t make more of a stink about stuff like this. I guess the women just have a different mentality?

>> No.21076065

>the baby will be adopted by Mito and will be trained to become ultimate chuuba.
So this is what Rikusama mean by accelerate.

>> No.21079946

You don’t have friends do you.

>> No.21083533

nijichads keep on winning

>> No.21083744

Wait isn't mysta supposed to be gay?

Is this bitch trying to ruin is career? fujos aren't gonna like this

>> No.21084014

There's a room called "Nina likes Mysta Clean" in their Discord server?

>> No.21084111

Rune, anon, not room. Do your listening comprehension reps. She was talking about a LoL rune page.

>> No.21084122

No you dumb fuck, Elira has a rune page in league of legends called ''Nina likes MR Clean''

>> No.21084511

Anon hes a faggot, that's why she's so comfortable around him.

>> No.21088977
File: 214 KB, 1332x1080, 1699063845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21089007

After I read this, I had a dream where Nina was naked, took off my pants and started to straddle and grind against my dick, and as it got erect she worked it in herself.

What the fuck.

>> No.21089264

what's a good score here? 27?
