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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 22 KB, 250x357, Bwogura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21043746 No.21043746 [Reply] [Original]

I just realised that by Gura being the most popular HoloEn and not Mori that she's been acting as a shield against the corruption of Hololive.
I-I kneel and apologise for ever thinking poorly of her.

>> No.21043955

If it was the other way around there probably would have been a CallMeCarson x Mori collab just a couple days before he got outed as a sexual predator.

>> No.21044215

Gura is the Hololive dream, she will carry on Yagoo's dream and be the cutest idol ever!!

>> No.21044322
File: 676 KB, 1103x621, 1648221577534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the update anon! please post to your blog more often!

>> No.21044375

Gura hates idol shit too.

>> No.21044414

Thanks for the forced meme Miko poster! Please force it more!

>> No.21044445
File: 2.99 MB, 640x474, 1641458308953.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The success of Hololive is much easier to understand when you realize that /pol/CHADS run this show.

>> No.21044582

/pol/ hates vtuber though?

>> No.21044680

dumb satania poster

>> No.21044728
File: 27 KB, 460x666, images (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for the kind words of encouragement!

>> No.21044780

You’re right, the alternative is terrifyingly imagine.

>> No.21044872

The timeline where Mori is the top is also the one where Niji utterly destroyed Hololive. Imagine instead of Gura's cute and funny clips being recommended to everyone, it's Mori's cringe fest, the shame...

>> No.21044917

It's run according to /pol/ principles and the reason Hololive fans hate Nijisanji are all /pol/ (LGBT, mixed gender collabs, rejection of virginity as a value) reasons.

>> No.21044934 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 800x800, forcedmeme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will do anon!

>> No.21044993

All i know about /pol/ is that they are constantly seething about all non-white races

>> No.21045130

images have metadata, you can check if mikoposter is one guy

>> No.21045180
File: 1.02 MB, 666x941, 1621891836633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how any holofan can dislike her, she perfectly represents Hololive.

>> No.21045284

schizos fill the lack of drama with their own headcanon

>> No.21045309

you couldnt be more wrong retard

>> No.21045405

>he got outed as a sexual predator
funny hes back and your lying

>> No.21045420

hang yourself avatarfaggot

>> No.21045479

>clip watcher

>> No.21045563
File: 480 KB, 1080x872, Screenshot_20220325-234352~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you want a cute shark or this numberfag as the face of Hololive?

>> No.21045686
File: 186 KB, 723x1024, shirogane_noel_by_omgamilla_dev32wh-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for your spam contribution Miko posters! Have a beer!

>> No.21045720

I just assume anyone who actively dislikes Gura is a legit schizo. She stays within the Hololive bubble, mostly keeps to herself, and is completely yabless.

>> No.21046434
File: 1007 KB, 368x464, 1648069096260.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most popular vtuber, can shake her hips like that. she's too perfect

>> No.21046626

I don't like her voice/manner of speaking and she isn't funny enough for me to look past that. All of her memes and clips don't make me want to doubt my instinct

>> No.21046715

She’s always put other holomem and the brand as her first priority. I can’t remember a single selfish act she’s done since debut. Yet people still try to slander her. if anything I WISH she was more self centered even just a tiny bit. She needs to learn to make herself the priority and her own brand. Overall I’m really proud she’s a respectable member

We could’ve had mori

>> No.21046767

that's not actively disliking, she's just not your thing

>> No.21046847

Why are you such a faggot?

>> No.21046873

I kind of feel bad for her, expectations are always sky high in whatever she does and people are quick to use her as a punching bag.

>> No.21046942

Gura is the best face for HoloEN. It's the retarded chumbuds that ruin everything around her.

>> No.21047191

I've lost count of how many times twitch leeches and twitter faggots try to shit on her for no reason. But she keeps doing her own thing and doesn't give them the attention they want. It could've been a lot worse if it had happened to another holomem mori for example

>> No.21047391

>if anything I WISH she was more self centered
a numberfag Gura?! imagine!

>> No.21047460

Kino 1m, 1.5m, 2m, 2.5m, 3m, 3.5m celebration streams! LETS GO?

>> No.21047485

I see this shit posted all the time, what do chumbuds do that makes them so hated? The only responses I have seen are that a few people annoyed FBKs chat and a guy criticised iofi who wasn't even a chumbud surely there is more to it than that

>> No.21047583

Either it is chumbuds being shitters elsewhere, because more subs does mean more potential for shit behavior. Or it's people who dislike gura, who pretend to be chumbuds to give them a bad reputation and somehow dirty gura's name.

It's both by the way.

>> No.21047636

She is professional and entertaining. The only if any weakness is her PL.

>> No.21047832

Mori is awful. Thank Allah for Gura.

>> No.21047964

that makes sense. I don't like her content but she seems very down to earth

>> No.21048118

God, I love Gura.

>> No.21048221

Chumbuds are frankly just annoying and intrusive. Gura is fine, good even, but the fans suck. There’s the FBK thing from early on, they kept invading the Aqua/Shion threads back when Gura and Shion collabed just to shitpost about how Gura was totally cucking Aqua, and they’re extremely vocal (annoying) about Gura’s singing abilities.

>> No.21048467

More HoloENs should follow her example.

>> No.21048574

every fanbase has the loud minority, the SEAnig portion and falseflaggers but everyone knows HoloIDfags and NijiENfags are on another level as you can see from the strong evidences and that's why i avoid them like the plague.

>> No.21048742

She's still pretty reclusive, makes no effort to learn JP and paywalls a lot of content. I'd rather more ENs follow Ame's example than Gura.

>> No.21049114

>imagine... catering to her paying audience, my oshi would never!

>> No.21049203

incorrect, we are constantly seething about white races too

>> No.21049650

Yeah I'm fine with Ame too. Kiara is also good if she stopped interacting with those Twitch whores.

>> No.21049758

Miko poster in the catalogue is the funniest shit that's happened to this board

>> No.21049881

If you think he’s avatarfagging why not just report him every time? It’s against the rules so if he is doing it and breaking the rules he will be banned, otherwise he won’t be.

>> No.21049958

>T. Falseflagging cumtard.

>> No.21050023

I fucking love him, especially now that people are getting uppity about avatars.

>> No.21050219

>you will never see Coco and Gura shake their hips together

I will forever hate the zhangs.

>> No.21050331

The duality of chumbuds

>> No.21050738

>both of them are overly zealous faggots
imagine my surprise

>> No.21050967

A quick look up reveals he sexted a 17 year old when he was 19.
Two fucking years of difference. Fucking Americans.

>> No.21051086


>> No.21051263

They always clip the moments when gura says she wants to do idol shit, so he must be a cuckbeat or nipplenigger

>> No.21052603

Forgot about your real offence Carson? No man should be allowed to be so criminally unfunny

>> No.21052613
File: 40 KB, 447x599, 447px-Manlytears3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit im so sorry gura.

pray for gura, thank you gura for keeping hololive good

>> No.21054285


>> No.21054388

I still think it is not Mori some master planner but just woman that gets too easily influenced by others.

>> No.21054672

She cute as fuck. And funny to boot.

While she's not my oshi, I enjoy her content very very much. If there's one bad thing it's that she could stream a little bit more, or at least raise the average duration of her streams.

I'd say on average she streams four days a week and around 3 hours per stream but I'm sure chumbuds know better. That's just how it feels to me to me.

>> No.21055215

it never gets old

>> No.21055279

Yeah, Gura really were weak and let herself be pushed around by management, letting Ina take control of the backstage and getting her friends into gen 2
Imagine if instead Mori took control and got some of her friends into gen 2

>> No.21055341

But I though Mori already had a control?

>> No.21055354

The law is the law, Euromutt

>> No.21055417

She knowns how to push around her sizeable weight yes, but imagine if she were even fatter

>> No.21055551

He ain't lying. Fans will forgive you for anything if you wait long enough. A n y t h i n g ! !

>> No.21055580

If Mori was more popular from the jump HoloEN would have burned down to the ground by now. The scrutiny of being number 1 would have been too much for her. It’s a good thing Gura doesn’t care about things outside of hololive, like ecelebs and normie opinions.

>> No.21055958

I mean Gura rode the frontpage to extreme popularity, because she knew exactly what to do and what to say
Mori parttimed for a long while and really were a subpar streamer for a long while, and if you remove Gura from the equation I doubt Moris music would been enough to get that huge influx of new blood

>> No.21056578

It's still sleazy and he shouldn't be slithering around Hololive.

>> No.21056726

Perhaps her smartest play was not responding to admiral bahroo's attempt to collab playing dead by daylight.
She has greater forsight than one would give her credit.
She avoided being associated with him, or giving him any undeserved attention.

>> No.21056800

Only seething competitors have any reason to slander her.

>> No.21056801
File: 7 KB, 183x275, 1634470316658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, I kneel

>> No.21058117

Chumbuds are a good fanbase. They started being careful not to celebrate milestones too much so they don't hurt anyone's feelings.
It's mostly e-celebs who hate chumbuds for telling them to fuck off when they wanted to leech. There are also the prudes calling them pedos.

>> No.21058910

Honestly, she streams just enough for my tastes. I wouldn't be able to watch every stream if she streamed like kiara. I don't know how the KFP does it but I respect their dedication to their oshi. Personally, I'd rather have stream frequency than lenght and her streaming 5-6 times a week with the odd extended break every couple of weeks is pretty average and good enough for most people. She also does a member stream per week and I'd rather have those than your average game stream.

>> No.21059105
File: 158 KB, 1195x669, ger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that anon but that's still retarded. Even if we ignore the 2 year gap the age of consent in most states, and practically everywhere else int he world that isn't prude or degenerate is 16

>> No.21059310

I feel like there are definitely some weird and obnoxious chumbuds still lingering, but it’s no where near as bad as debut. People were invading chats, flaunting numbers, etc. those people seem to be weeded out atleast to a lesser degree than before.

I’m in her chat pretty often and it seems a lot more chilled out but big games definitely attracts the worst fuckers imaginable.

>> No.21059811

the fag wanted to collab??? why does Gura attracts these kinds of people.

>> No.21059940

I regret supporting your posts now, Miko. You're becoming too strong

>> No.21060144

>was not responding to admiral bahroo's attempt to collab
a literal who. If Gura avoided a collab with the sykk fag, there is no chance she'll ever collab with those normies e-celebs.

>> No.21060377

I'm suprised actually, her member chat is now decent. Like aside from some emote spam when something happens which is unnavoidable, chat's decent. In her member stream yesterday there was a prime moment for HERposting and yet nobody in chat resorted to HERfaggotry. She also talked about her not wanting to stream sekiro for the time being since she's enjoying the game and she fears that streaming it would make her dislike the game and her chat just went, "yep" "fair enough" "understandable" "enjoy the game gura!". It's weird how they became well behaved even even if their numbers are large. Must be the effects of her constant love bombs and telling chat that she cherishes these member streams since she wouldn't have to deal with the wild west that is public streams.

>> No.21061127
File: 258 KB, 600x600, smug bobon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's not okay when I get cancelled over minor, meaningless shit, that's for the plebs!
Endure this doomed world you have created.

>> No.21061565

Idk how you're doing it, but you're both annoying and funny at the same time.

>> No.21061937

Her member chat is a huge hugbox, it's reddit tier trash

>> No.21063637

Is she growing faster than Mori, too? If she isn't it's only a matter of time until Mori fucks shit up again.

>> No.21065427

>Is she growing faster than Mori, too?
Compared to the rest of myth. She has always been growing faster than the EN girls. She is getting closer to that 4 Million milestone.

>> No.21066449

The hero we deserve

>> No.21069179

Gura cute playing Kirby now

>> No.21069335

he's grooming an innocent child you rapist pedo scum. fuck you, you make me sick

>> No.21071264

No other membercould have dealt with Gura’s extreme success. Mori would have been obnoxious about it, and Cover might have leaned harder into the rapper thing, thinking that’s where the market is going and hiring other rapper chuubas. Kiara has so many insecurities and would have completely freaked out about not only being the top EN but overtaking friend, mr koro, senchou and especially pekora, and later kizuna AI, because they mean so much to her. The others would have been pretty much clueless and awkward. Gura is unphased and just keeps going.

>> No.21072597
File: 813 KB, 678x621, mig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21077448

it was fate

>> No.21077563

Gura is a necessary evil

>> No.21077745
File: 595 KB, 2652x3447, __gawr_gura_hololive_and_2_more_drawn_by_myahogao__634b87d9a61b49308df03ee291d1dff2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could at least pretend that you watch

>> No.21077783

One problem with your looney conspiracy theory Gura is wholeheartedly good.

>> No.21077858

No she only dislikes the "idols don't go to the bathroom" shit because she likes potty humor.

>> No.21078298

what makes you think that? considering most of them don't act like whores due to idol culture, I would say they are a vast improvement over western twitch thottery

>> No.21078496

Japanese are honorary anon, thats history 101

>> No.21080448

No, she doesn't like that she is forced to sing and dance.

>> No.21080837

This. She literally cried about it in a members only stream it upset her so much.

>> No.21081492


>> No.21081597

Literally wouldn't give a shit about hololive if Calliope was the most subscribed

>> No.21081969

The only holofans that dislike her are some teamates, and some numberfags.

>> No.21082601

Get the membership anon. I got membership and it made me feel like a god amongst Gura's greyfag fans.

>> No.21082610

Especially after it came out he's a narcissistic leech that threw his closest friends under the bus.

>> No.21082829
File: 22 KB, 128x128, gura losing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only got the membership for the ASMR and that one valentine candy eating SLURPING CUNNY GOODNESS UOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

>> No.21082879


i'd like you to point out a single good "chat"

>> No.21083980

The fuck you on? She used to always talk about how singing, and dancing on stage like Miku is her dream.

>> No.21087338

I think it’s for the best, but I’m still salty that so many hololive fans astroturfed celebrating gura’s achievements early on in an attempt to keep the other holo’s feelings from getting hurt. Fuck T chan

>> No.21087697

You have to be 18 to use this site.

>> No.21087730

It's not about the age, moron.

>> No.21088395

That's literally all Vtubers

>> No.21088484

Yeah, it's not only risky because it might annoy some fans, but you also don't know what guys like that will say about you later. They might never stop pestering you.

>> No.21088649
File: 625 KB, 1400x1400, 1648093490403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't want his oshi to be happy and feel loved with a supportive chat

>> No.21088820
File: 205 KB, 1140x993, 1647696183690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is making Belle Delphine proud.

>> No.21090150

The only one I trust for the top position are Fubuki and Gura
Numberfags like Peko and Mori will destroy unity

>> No.21090760

It's the difference between a talented streamer who was able to amass an audience by herself before hololive, and a wigger who is hard carried by her design and muaic made by 3rd parties. And no, the lyrics are too shitty to even matter. I've read better lyrics written by an AI.
If Coner was right about anyone, it's most probably Mori, aka the one who told him that you can lie on your resume.

>> No.21090936

Out of all of en she wants that idol dress the most, she wants it so bad it hurts.
She's watched all the concerts and b'day/anniversary lives of her senpai over and over; must've watched Subaru's 3rd like 5 times.
You nigger.

>> No.21091029

Almost like that always happens and “cancel culture” isn’t real.

>> No.21092261
File: 608 KB, 220x220, anya-melfissa-cyclops.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it true that Anya is one of the biggest shitposters on /pol/ ?

>> No.21095419

You mean groomed by a crazy cult-like chat? Yeah no, plus you're making her look bad.

>> No.21095939

Gura is too big to get groomed. Members chat is infinitely better than seeing a field of greys spamming shit and calling Gura cringe for telling embarrassing life stories. If she could do members only chat her streams would improve instantly.

>> No.21095948

my trident makes me more superior still

>> No.21096233

I mean peko is a numberfag but still better than mori, who’s a numberfag and fake as hell. I hate how she takes advantage of gura to push her own shitty music.

>> No.21096312

thank you so much Gura

>> No.21096388

no your lying

>> No.21097041

I didn't member Gura back in the day just because her members were so cringe. Don't pretend that it's much better now faggot. I'm sick of you apes that spend 5 bucks and think they are some type elite among fans. Fucking kys.

>> No.21097150

carson isn't a predator

>> No.21097152

you can't even spend 5 dollars and you say you aren't inferior?

>> No.21097240


>> No.21097503

I am membered to Botan, Aki and 3 other smaller vtubers that I don't wanna share on /vt/ because it is infested with spammy SEA creatures. I was also membered to Rosemi and Pomu before the males invaded NijiEN. It's not about 5$ in the case of Gura's membership.

>> No.21097551

>her members
And obviously this is only the case for Gura

>> No.21099140

People keep saying she's a numberfag but during youtube fucker at the start of the year she was one of the few who never brought up her numbers or tried to use a poll about it

im startin to suspect

>> No.21100576


Pekora is prideful but smarter than Mori
She knows that complaining on her own will only make her look like a loser dog

>> No.21102318

I love gura

>> No.21103061

Same desu
