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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 188 KB, 732x1199, 4676B1F5-906E-445E-BD18-1AEE4256F4C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21028148 No.21028148 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.21028262
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>> No.21028361
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>> No.21028599
File: 1019 KB, 1980x1650, 14341086103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Majin love!
Just waiting for Majin to set up his Twitter space watchalong. Hopefully the new ID Gen 3 are very Stars friendly.

>> No.21028733
File: 892 KB, 1200x1721, 4D489DFE-E23E-43A2-9B62-76A0D84105A9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Astel love! 100k let’s go!! https://youtu.be/xaol7imXNd4

>> No.21029254
File: 231 KB, 2264x1886, 20220317_174937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Robechan love!

>> No.21029363

Oga's space is open

>> No.21030497

he is ngmi

>> No.21030627

Space has an autotranslate?

>> No.21030885

To be honest I haven't seen the new debutants closely at all, but that's just recolored Keking

>> No.21031384

Fuck she's cute
Am I actually gonna gosling for an ID

>> No.21031490

ID Chloe

>> No.21031491

Somehow... she seems like the weird lovechild of Chloe and Fauna...

>> No.21031519

Will Oga do the same for Uproar?

>> No.21031830
File: 24 KB, 311x78, 1625237106265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, there's the shitposter fuel

>> No.21031869

>lists holostars as her senpais
She's not bad I guess

>> No.21031915

Hopefully she doesn't specify star

>> No.21032014

Dead on arrival...

>> No.21032089

Oh no, she's an ID...

>> No.21032257

You got your wish

>> No.21032260

>preemtive shitposting
I hate posters like you

>> No.21032393

Nevermind it's just virtue signaling she didn't mention any holostars among her faves despite doing it for everyone else

>> No.21032402

>ignore holostars: what a bitch
>acknowledge holostars: what a bitch
can't win with them anyways

>> No.21032462

Nice less shitposts for her

>> No.21032483

Refer to >>21032402

>> No.21032565

It's better that way

>> No.21032649

She probably doesn't even watch them and just included them because of the Rio tweet

>> No.21032698

^ bait

>> No.21032755
File: 255 KB, 1200x897, 7A71A221-741E-4CDB-9A1D-77D9FA185B2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can’t we just post cute boys...

>> No.21032769

Yeah thats bait

>> No.21032773

Oga trying to pronounce Solo Leveling is cute

>> No.21032774

Good lord this girl's tastes in anime are normie tier

>> No.21032852

She's a disgusting fujo

>> No.21032912

Yeah, why do we even talk about the girls in stars thread in the first place...

>> No.21032958

Either that or these are suggestions from a close male friend

>> No.21032962

Please go die

>> No.21032988

Holostars Survival Corps - Dying Light 2
https://youtu.be/i9Lf6HgttSk Roberu
https://youtu.be/FbZyaPGYwxA Izuru
https://youtu.be/F3anMwwSKGU Temma

>> No.21032997

>only 60k
Man hololive fell off a cliff

>> No.21033058

Because we're watching with oga

>> No.21033149

Because Oga wants to talk about them with us

>> No.21033242

Hunter x Hunter, Detective Conan, and Eyeshield 21 are decent shit fagaloon.

ID debuff, but realistically the memetuber boom has fallen hard. I think males haven't reached their peak in EN yet, but the girls have been over saturated in all markets.

>> No.21033243

how new are you? shounen manga have been assaulted by female reader for more than a decade now.
reminds me of Reborn times...

>> No.21033298

it's ID you retard, I'll be happy if Uproar hits 15k

>> No.21033374

Its bait anon..

>> No.21033458

Being decent doesn't make them not normie tier.

>> No.21033507

yup, the girl's game taste is basic zoomer normie tier. I already know I won't follow her
the retard is you for replying to bait

>> No.21033683

a sudden bloodlust overwhelmed my rationality, forgive me

>> No.21033770

Anon...you’re so fucking dumb...

>> No.21033818

Its ok anon

>> No.21033870

I once dreamed Oga released food merch that were packets of gummy bear sweets except they are rainbow-shaped omaesans. If I am given the chance to eat omaesans I will not hesitate.

>> No.21033875

stop replying to shit if you have nothing interesting to bring

>> No.21034168
File: 174 KB, 900x1200, FOsrcWeUYAoQSet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gamma-sensei's third countdown illustration...
Can't blame you, I'd do the same... For some reason when I look at them I see macarons..

>> No.21034254

Doxx fags do your thing

>> No.21034284

Finally, he properly draws the eyes now. Dox him!!!

>> No.21034321


>> No.21034341

seems like a dangerous way to iron your clothes...

>> No.21034447

Gamma's illustrations are cute, hopefully it's a good indicator of his personality. Genki types are fun

>> No.21034662

Yeah definitely not Ina/Sana/Marine tier, but assuming he didn't prepare all of them in advance at least he's fast

>> No.21034670

Doesn't seem like Aka-sensei like some anon suggested.

>> No.21034781

Wouldn't really expect an illustrationist level of art out of a cartoonist, so it's pretty fitting in style at least

>> No.21034959

mangaka were never meant to have high quality art like illustrators. They are meant to be fast so they can meet deadlines and be good at storyboarding. They also need to have a distinctive artstyle, but it doesn't necessarily need to be good for the untrained eye.
Illustrators can spend days/weeks on the same picture, goals aren't the same.

>> No.21034982

I'm looking forward to doodles more so than anything else

>> No.21035103

Did they just immediately threaten to jump off the building when talking someone off a ledge? I mean if it works...?

>> No.21035125

Jesus! why do you compare them in the first place?? Those girls are published artists while he's a fucking mangaka.

>> No.21035142

NTA, but yeah, they're definitely not scamming by saying he's a mangaka and debut an illustrator (even worse, a below par illustrator). Gamma-sensei's arts are hella fast too considering they're two piece a day and full-coloured.

>> No.21035299

Anons itt are so dumb ToT

>> No.21035326
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>> No.21035409


>> No.21035415

Kaela better be a hag to save this gen and ID. The rest of them seem like they are boring/generic zoomer trash.

>> No.21035515

What did 662 mean by this?

>> No.21035554

That was my shitpost because of the color kek

>> No.21035674

She wants to get carried to masters
Theres only one in the company who can logically can do that

>> No.21035815

is this 2ch/5ch?, how do you navigate the site I wanna read what the JOPs think

>> No.21035844


>> No.21035862

I mean, he's THE mangaka holostar, I expected an exceptional artists give that's his selling point

>> No.21035919

Astel is no more, anon. It's Mad Maggie now.

>> No.21035924

t. retard

>> No.21035963

Dont bite the femanon complaint
Exceptional artists wouldn't have time for vtubing anyway

>> No.21035998

^ retard as well

>> No.21036068

Motherfucker thinking "mangaka" is synonymous with Murata.

>> No.21036071
File: 65 KB, 876x671, EB4458DA-F435-4212-8093-CD74F905A3E5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Roberu!!

>> No.21036248

Pizza dad kirby

>> No.21036251

That was fun

>> No.21036300

Yeah, me

>> No.21036375

Fuck off mad maggie

>> No.21036459

>Oga will play CHAOS tomorrow
I thought majin is bad with 3D games?

>> No.21036571

why do I feel tham him or Bossu would be the one with the most fun playthrough?
They should play it together

>> No.21036587

Anon, he was playing Kirby just earlier.
He's fine as long as the screen isn't shaking that much I believe, and he wants to train his tolerance too this year (been playing Gran Turismo off stream).

>> No.21036755

>Gran Turismo
based choice

>> No.21037264

Fuma hits 20k subs. Congrats.

>> No.21037355

I'm now waiting for Arusan to meet them and pamper them. Pizzadad earns it.

>> No.21037388

speaking of him, he still keeps proving he will be the best of his bunch: https://twitter.com/yatogamifuma/status/1507350819418832897

>> No.21037395

I hope we get a EN branch soon.
The Stars seem pretty cool but I can't into japanese.

>> No.21037419

Aruru senpai...This damn ghost is dangerously cuteee!

>> No.21037429

Anon have you ever read wanpiss or AoT? Those manga are ugly

>> No.21037441

Based tanuki as usual

>> No.21037455

^ retard

>> No.21037481

Fuma might genuinely be bilingual.
Retard anon...

>> No.21037487

Anon, he has 3D motion sickness, but that doesn't mean he can't play 3D games. It really depends on the games' camera and graphics settings. Minecraft and FPS = bad, while 3rd person view games without dumb dynamic cameras = okay. Majin was easily playing MonHun with the boys and BotW last year, for example.

>> No.21037534

sorry, meant for >>21037429

>> No.21037586

That depends on how well the uproar boys do. Otherwise, its most likely next year.

>> No.21037592

>already comparing and pitting them agains each other

>> No.21037699

I never said it was an objective ranking, it is just a matter of personal taste

>> No.21037755

Speaking of, I think I figured why they're putting the debut date of Uproar 3 months after the 1st ACT.
I believe it's to space the time for concerts, because if the unit thing works Uproar will have their own concert in March.
So it goes Uproar - March, Stars (OG) - June, Holostars (All) - Dec.
Any other newer unit will get their slot that way, so newest unit wouldn't be near March, June, or Dec.

>> No.21037846

Man, I still cannot get used to the new boys calling the OG stars senpai. I wonder how long it will last lol

>> No.21037948

I'm guessing a week tops with the ghost and Fuma lasting a day or so longer.

>> No.21039347

Oi rigger why you gotta make fuma cute
Wheres my yankee idol

>> No.21039479

Is MCN the reason they are not getting culled?

>> No.21039548

They're making it BIG maybe too big for Holostars

>> No.21039576

I completely forgot about that. Yeah, it might be why they haven't been nuked yet.

>> No.21040039

They apparently lost around 500 subs the other day but quickly gained them back
The new IDs also got culled yesterday but only lost 1000 subs each

>> No.21040608

[Ghost news]
Rio is already flirting with one of the chefs of Himashokudo

>> No.21040805

That's what the Holofandom likes tho, not like it's gonna huet their popularity much if at all.

>> No.21040812

Rrat pls

>> No.21041157

I wasn't talking about their popularity...

>> No.21041237

Oga space archive

>> No.21041381

I now want a Holostars cook-off

>> No.21041815
File: 163 KB, 508x561, 1646469661110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suiberu love

>> No.21041954


>> No.21041981
File: 25 KB, 421x331, 6AY8Q6a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! It's not real!!

>> No.21042053

This except it's a competition between the worst cooks in holostars

>> No.21042160

Based based based

>> No.21042393

A competition to see who can make the worst meal that the members of UPROAR can still keep down. A two in one of competition and hazing

>> No.21042648


>> No.21042686

You're raping the wrong target.

>> No.21042731

Based shizo

>> No.21042901
File: 62 KB, 1280x720, bigcock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sou desu ne... I wir join you kaigai-san

>> No.21043053


>> No.21043099


>> No.21043135

Don’t be greedy yagoo-san... you added 4 people to your stars harem recently too...

>> No.21043225

Roberu's favorite emoji..

>> No.21043876
File: 157 KB, 683x1000, FOsnINgaAAkwog0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice fanart
I want to fuck his ass while he draws on stream. Imagine him holding back his moans while trying not to cum as his shaky hands fails to draw whatever is on screen

>> No.21043997

Wait, do we horny post the new boys now? wwwwww

>> No.21044060

the thread has been hornyposting the new boys since their reveal

>> No.21044567

I didn't see much hornyposting for gamma so I wanna give him some love (dick)

>> No.21044719
File: 30 KB, 656x679, b0e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get it now, Cover decided to debut the boys next week so that they begin with 100k subs just like the girls. They're playing 4D Checkers.

>> No.21044819

And then they’re all going to have a sleepover and hold hands and daddy yagoo is going to read them a story

>> No.21044941



>> No.21044947

I really want to watch this stream

>> No.21045264
File: 65 KB, 550x466, 938248235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go get em champ.

>> No.21046237

shogun twitcast

>> No.21047202

HenRaji Finale in 10 minutes

>> No.21047567

the show just before them, who also came as guests, is also ending today...

>> No.21047732
File: 231 KB, 1029x536, AEA2CF50-5654-4F34-8C71-4A6153104E9A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21047757

Bae is so cute AAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.21047874
File: 95 KB, 320x180, 1640963744634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21047895

Bae is the best holo girl!!

>> No.21048330

To that one anon hoping for 50k for Uproar’s debut, if even a cute ID girl can barely get 60k, then expect maybe 15k+ for Uproar

>> No.21048696
File: 271 KB, 477x269, 1E833872-0BD5-424B-96D8-85FFB30678D5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m gonna miss HenRadi

>> No.21048788

honahen for the final time...

>> No.21048796


>> No.21048816

Pretty much
The only way they can get 30k or above is if fuma and uyu did some insane shit on 29 making tourists tune in on the 30


>> No.21048850

1 year of HenRaji

>> No.21048873
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>> No.21048925
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>> No.21048939

Still surreal to me that roberu is good friends with onoyuu

>> No.21049400

Thank an Indo alien for that

>> No.21049478

adds to the surrealism. It was nice of them talking about her in the episode.

>> No.21049757

Since theres an archive I usually dont do these but in case there are lurking regulars that will also miss the rebroadcast at least here is the last one

>> No.21050195


>> No.21050311
File: 53 KB, 1280x960, 1640411363228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry Mea but btfo

>> No.21050515

I still remember my hands shaking when he called in to Yukoku Santa.

>> No.21050795

Thank you archive anon

>> No.21050923 [DELETED] 

How good is her art?

>> No.21050996

Just because Gammas name end in [a] does not mean that he is a woman.

>> No.21051083
File: 524 KB, 1800x2545, FOpYmoKUcBcN7gR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21051396

Hopefully one or two uproars are collab monster. Found so many new vtuber to watch from Son and Oldman collabs (sorry pizza dad, but I already knew most of your collab partner)

>> No.21052386

Ahh I want to hear their voices already!

>> No.21052639

Bets on what they're gonna sound like?

>> No.21052674

Japanese man

>> No.21052700

Fair enough.

>> No.21052722

Why are you making it sound like mangaka can't be published artists?

>> No.21052776

I really can’t imagine a deep voice on any of them expect Gamma

>> No.21053555

I could see Uyu having a deeper "suave" type of voice

>> No.21053654

Onoyuu-like on gamma
Hanae-like on rio
Fuma could either sound like a brat or a yankee (rigging feels like a brat but official art seems like a yankee)
Cant get a read on uyu

>> No.21054043


>> No.21054125

This is an imageboard, anon. Post images.

>> No.21054137

I love Archive Anon!!

>> No.21054340

Yfw gamma has a soft boyish voice

>> No.21054505

Any of the GoM + kagami minus kuroko from KnB fits gamma

>> No.21054611
File: 1.42 MB, 1290x1949, 2B460959-5C13-48DB-B8CC-1C99073D3CCA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21054663

^ disgusting fag pig

>> No.21054774
File: 431 KB, 1271x2048, 20220324_024358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the hell did this rapist get a cute rigging anyway

>> No.21054850

UOH KILL YOURSELF find another hobby pls you’re an eyesore

>> No.21054947

you're seriously and honestly deranged. Your image and text is the biggest eyesore in this thread.
fuck off with your kink to some place with your peers

>> No.21054970


Lol if the boys somehow got 30k live viewers I'm gonna kneel so hard

>> No.21055010

Looks like I missed important lore. Why are we calling Fuma a sex convict?

>> No.21055127

No idea. If anything, he gives off the vibe of being a rapeable brat.

>> No.21055358


I read a manga like that on nhentai once

>> No.21055359

30k is pretty doable I don't get why people think they can't get it, they're already at 20k subs that's massive , doing better than any of Hal's vtubers

>> No.21055642

Doom and gloom is a staple for star fans.

>> No.21055759

As always, temper your expectations so you won't be massively disappointed when the actual thing happens.

>> No.21055862

Stop shitting up the thread and kill yourself please
I swear every time a schizo leaves another takes its place

>> No.21055869

But doom and gloom will make you extra good when something good finally happening to the stars

>> No.21055941
File: 519 KB, 1000x1000, 4066D805-30CC-437C-A7EB-E6894799218C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21056011

fucking deranged astella, your reaction is schizo as fuck

>> No.21056062

Oh it’s you. Still here huh? Was kind of hoping you were dead

>> No.21056112

stop posting trash and reply badly, you're shaming all legit fans with your replies

>> No.21056164


The fact that Neo-porte can only got around 25k live viewers for their debut despite being shilled in real time by Hal in front of 100k people. So I'm just preparing myself for the worst. 30k is doable ? Maybe. But let just go with 20k floor for Fuma and Uyu, and see how it turns out.

>> No.21056175


>> No.21056201

pot calling kettle black

>> No.21056255

Wait, are you talking about live viewers?
20k?? Lol

>> No.21056309

Hal's group is one big failure to no one's surprise

>> No.21056353

He belongs to the bigger vtuber agency, he SHOULD have a great rigging.

>> No.21056428

Holostars are regularly treated like shit

>> No.21056464

>be shark
>get umiushit rigger
baseless logic

>> No.21056495


>> No.21056512


Yeah lol. Are you talking about subs ? Haha

>> No.21056551

Talking about rigging, it's pretty stupid that they didn't debut Uproar with 3.0

>> No.21056588

When is 3.0 coming out?

>> No.21056596


>> No.21056646


>> No.21056792

Don’t respond to me schizo I was talking about the Stars
who seriously expect them to have 20k live viewers lmao

>> No.21056882


>> No.21056993

That should be the case, but there can be miscommunication between the rigger and the artist, among other stuff. Bae's is excellent, then you have really bad cases like Gura and Anya.

>> No.21057149

I remember that new NijiJP had 30k subs and got ~45k views when debuted. Uproad has reached nearly 20k subs currently. I think they will most likely reach 30k views. But yeah who knows lol

>> No.21057214

20k would already be a massive success as the debuts would be the most viewed Stars streams ever ( spoiler: they won't, especially on totally new unestablished channels ). The expo vids are outliers because viewers were funneled from the main holo channel, they shouldn't really count.
You better lower your expectations from now on, which is something you should have already learnt to do if you're around the fandom for a while.

>> No.21057235

You can't compare Nijisanji with Holostars. Completely different audiences.

>> No.21057279

NijiJP is pulling subs from the entire NijiJP fanbase who has massive names like Kuzuha an Kanae, Uproar is just pulling from the Holostars fanbase that peaks with Roberu

>> No.21057517

>the most viewed Stars streams ever ( spoiler: they won't, especially on totally new unestablished channels )
Botan's debut was the most viewed Hololive stream at the time, so it's totally doable for a new channel to break the record

>> No.21057537
File: 227 KB, 1587x2048, 4EA45B58-9B3B-4C5E-A8E3-33D650399C3F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wan wan chu

>> No.21057600

So it is a RiTunes Labo

>> No.21057673

You can't really compare NijiJP with Holostars anon, the pull Nijisanji has is WAY bigger than anything Holostars can reliably manage, especially when their core fanbase is really small and their casual one is pretty fickle, it's possible that they will reach 20k viewers, wouldn't surprise me honestly, but 30k does seems a bit more farfetched.

>> No.21057760
File: 260 KB, 1200x1200, ED84E57E-6321-4AF3-A228-B888CC5B1E5C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His looks are growing on me desu, he looks pretty cool and flashy

>> No.21057771

These numbers estimations are a bit dull, if no one is betting something.

>> No.21057820

I’d be surprised if they made it to 10k

>> No.21058028

So you want a shittier bait? Got it
Zeta is forced to be a Holostars friendly because she is friends with Mysta, gotta prep the legworks

>> No.21058121

>Chu* smoooooch*

>> No.21058123

lol what?

>> No.21058174

That's just being shitty on purpose, there's no way they would be that low given how good they're doing sub wise

>> No.21058183

>zeta is friends with mysta
Fr fr or vt being schizo?

>> No.21058234

10k is top of the level for holostars though

>> No.21058236

Real, you can find her previous persona on Mysta debut stream

>> No.21058237

Look at the catalog

>> No.21058258

I'd call her Holostars friendly given that she named someone from everyone branch except Holostars

>> No.21058304

I wonder how she feels about the fact that they're not allowed to collab lol

>> No.21058544

Keyword is "forced"

>> No.21058591

So she's just going to be like Irys, replying when they talk to her but never collabing

>> No.21058601

She's ID so they might be able to, they usually have less strict restrictions

>> No.21058713

Nah, I meant putting something on the line if the debut reaches to a certain number or not. Like the unfortunate anon who flashed his asshole in a baki thread on /a/.

>> No.21058736

>never collabing
Depends on idstars big collab tradition keep continue or not

>> No.21058772

An anon did what now

>> No.21058791

Mysta is, as far as I know, generally unoffensive too so I can't see Cover having anything against him beyond just being a niji

>> No.21058815

Nah, Ollie tried to collab with Selen but was blocked, might be on NijiEN’s side, unless HoloEN’s management got in ID’s way

>> No.21058883

ID is big enough now that they can get away with just saying that they couldn't fit everyone in the collab, but I guess she could also be like Reine showing up to the big collabs and nothing more

>> No.21058905

I wonder if it's just a NijiEN thing then, because I know they've collabed with NijiID before. Shame I guess

>> No.21058947

He's the worse fujo baiter of the grop

>> No.21058968

>because she is friends with Mysta
Since when did this become a thing? Did I miss something?
Speaking of, when was the last one? Feels like it's been ages since the last one, but my sense of time is all kinds of fucked up.

>> No.21059015

Idc about ID...I want them to collab with the other Stars

>> No.21059022

The marika one Ollie organized. A good while ago.

>> No.21059098

I want another 3d karaoke stream when they get theirs

>> No.21059123

We’ll get plenty of that, anon, don’t worry about it

>> No.21059125

Did the other stars when debuting have that 1 month collab restriction?

>> No.21059186

It's been fucking ages since trinero, but I think I remember them having it

>> No.21059732

You anons feel like you’ll change oshi’s?

>> No.21059977

I've been following Rob for almost 2 years now. I doubt it will change by this point.

>> No.21060004
File: 910 KB, 2892x4096, Gamma and who.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When willGamma get his own girl?

>> No.21060046

Aruran is an enigma that I don't think anyone can replicate so I highly doubt it.

>> No.21060066


>> No.21060716

I will give Majin more confidence in his singing and get him to release more covers!

>> No.21061072
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Based, and same. I've been restreaming SNR non-stop the past 2 weeks.
Majin love!

>> No.21061487

Zeta is an ID, it would be weird if she suddenly collabed with Mysta without ever collabing with the stars

>> No.21061815
File: 791 KB, 794x678, 32A84B07-C790-44D3-B468-C71AF5B501CA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve been posting here how much I love Roberu for like almost a year now. I genuinely don’t think I’ll ever change my oshi.

>> No.21061842

Good morning bae

>> No.21061889

What's up Suisei

>> No.21061913

Literally started right before Bae debuted. It’s a crazy coincidence.

>> No.21062051

Anon, the majority of their subs right now are most likely western "fans" giving the pity subs or just blindly following the brand but not having much interest in them. Their debuts will be at 7 and 8 AM JST, and I guarantee you most of these people won't wake up in the middle of the night to watch them, just like they didn't for the 3D debuts. I'm telling you to not hype up for something that most likely won't happen considering all the other times people did the same in the past. You'll be much happier and less bitter this way.

>> No.21062323

Why Cover did them dirty like this...?

>> No.21062435

Speaking of early morning, it's almost time for morning flower

>> No.21062476

Anon they're the jp branch, it's better to try to make them popular with Japanese people. I don't understand why people seem to think it's at all a good idea to try to make them more popular with eops.

>> No.21062532

Correction, 7 and 8PM JST.

>> No.21062555
File: 267 KB, 900x1200, 77557126-076F-4181-8C57-6A0AD510FA69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at these cuties

>> No.21062565

>7 and 8 AM JST
Wasn't it 7 and 8 PM JST?

>> No.21062619

It would be a decent idea, if EOPs hadn't demonstrated they don't give a shit about the boys multiple times and their JP base was more stable and bigger.

>> No.21062621


>> No.21062707

Astel got big off EOPs, there's merit there they might not last long but it does given them massive help with the algorithm just look at Rob

>> No.21062716

I have no problem with your point about lowering expectations, but this "western fans giving pity subs" narrative might be a bit overblown. Barely anyone from the "western world" cares about them, and people who care geniunely are western JSL from what I see in Twitter and YT comments.
You also haven't taken into consideration people like me who don't sub until after debut/after they clicked into place.

>> No.21062758

People shitting on their designs when they first came out but now, they look more and more natural to me. Uproar Love!!

>> No.21062843

I feel like in general fanart will always make designs more appealing. I was a bit taken aback by Gamma but he looks really good in fanart, including the pic by his own mama.

>> No.21062849

Happens, I'm still not fully sold on some of them but they aren't as bad as I first thought.

>> No.21062876

I, and I think most Aunties, couldn't change oshis. Knight is too powerful.

>> No.21062930

>Prime time
Makes me wonder just how many holos will stream over them

>> No.21062957
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Shut the fuck up

>> No.21062969

Who will do the 12 hour karaoke stream over all the debuts?

>> No.21063037

Based onthe past it seems like EOPs are more likely to show up and check out the Holostars, but JOPs are more likely to stick around and be long term fans. Ideally, you need growth on both fronts to get the benefits of both and offset the negatives of the other.

>> No.21063060

>12 hours instead of 24 hours
Anon, your time reps...

>> No.21063099
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>> No.21063375

Oh...well you get what I mean h-haha

>> No.21063378

This. Based fellow Auntie.
I hope Uproar will interact a lot with the boys after the collab ban ends though. I love seeing unexpected group that works, like the Survival Corps.

>> No.21063445

Flower Zatsudan

>> No.21063490

>I love seeing unexpected group that works, like the Survival Corps.
I'm still surprised over how well those three go together.

>> No.21063538

Izuru being the leader was perfect

>> No.21063805

It really brings out the full kusogaki in Izuru and the damsel in distress in Roberu, it’s perfect.

>> No.21063811

Survival Corps is such a blessing

>> No.21063860
File: 327 KB, 939x1782, 1646731954996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's just too tensai to be replaced.

>> No.21063993

True, but beyond some intial boost EOPs have shown to be really fickle most of the time and leave after a while, so they don't really give a long term boost, which is what one should be looking for in these situations.

>> No.21064001

Is there anything he can’t do

>> No.21064539
File: 829 KB, 737x1037, 1630798185956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a woman among us
Sniff her out

>> No.21064715

ywn be a woman anon

>> No.21064859


>> No.21064904

Thank God

>> No.21064924

Watch one of the new boys joining Reddit and become the next Coco.

>> No.21064980
File: 44 KB, 558x582, 1622589722486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, Astel has already conditioned me. Happipi...

>> No.21064981

Might as well since none of the girls use it now

>> No.21065089
File: 149 KB, 283x317, 9466A274-6D00-4FF6-B165-5D03F6ADE6F4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All clear here

>> No.21065296

>the comeback of long-winded tier lists
Why are you threatening us?

>> No.21065512

It's not entirely impossible.
Fuma and Gamma understand English enough to not need TL from their Twitter interactions. Rio is Rio, he might somehow learn Russian if someone from there interact with him.
I still can't get a read of Uyu. Has anyone?

>> No.21065675

They ditched that place? Can't say I didn't see it coming but still.

>> No.21065717

I don't know about Uyu. But I had a feeling that Fuma could be someone like Pikamee...

>> No.21065877

Oh? You like Astel? List every stream he farted in

>> No.21065947

To be honest the Holostars reddit isn't as awful as the girl's one. It's just full of crossposting from the Hololive one.

>> No.21065952

Pretty much I think only Watame uses it post her important announcements, the rest hasn't touched it in moths it died with Coco

>> No.21066077

I was asleep the last 25 minutes while watching the stream, did fauna say anything cute while i was gone?

>> No.21066083

I thought tit knight and elf still used it for their english pandering? Guess they got what they wanted already then.

>> No.21066136

Wait wrong thread, I'm still asleep. My bad

>> No.21066143

Anon, maybe shake the sleep off a little more before posting, just a friendly tip.

>> No.21066171

Never expected a sapling here.

>> No.21066212

Fuck you, I'm keeping those streams for myself

>> No.21066225
File: 102 KB, 585x625, 6AC92DC8-7120-4959-8B50-94F4869E009C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come sleep on Majin’s warm bossom

>> No.21066412

Here I thought finding Teamates on Stars' chat is weird. How did you even have /stars/ open?
Are goslings tsundere and only say they don't watch males because /vt/ hivemind?
Also, I found an ID twitter under Gamma-sensei with an Ame pfp, Shien handle, and Nijis retweets. What the fuck was that.

>> No.21066440

>got what they wanted
The only thing Reddit gives you is upvotes and shitty memes. They don't ever really give views to my knowledge unless it's a first time thing, such as the first stream you shill on the place, or a meme review. Besides that they don't care, it's reddit after all, they're notoriously garbage.

>> No.21066554
File: 65 KB, 579x857, gd7cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kanade Rio

>> No.21066723
File: 219 KB, 782x925, 1636400516936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last chance anon..

>> No.21066999

Unity chad

>> No.21067145

What even is "unity" anymore? I've seen it used in so many different contexts it's practically lost it's meaning.

>> No.21067270

It’s a game engine I think

>> No.21067356

Is it good though?

>> No.21067550

Depends on how well you use it.

>> No.21067620

Can Oga use it? I want more game-making streams because I wasn't watching him back then.

>> No.21067624

Somehow Knight even managed to keep the notoriously fickle EOPs attracted to him, I don't think he will be losing his core fans any time soon. I really don't know how he does it, it's terrifying. I still think about how he got #1 in superchat money that one time

>> No.21067685

God this edit is creepy af

>> No.21067693

It's possible for people to be fans of vtubers from different groups/agencies, y'know. It's not exactly unusual.
For example, I've seen at least two fandead on twitter who are membered to bossu and one his taiwanese paypigs is also a paypig of nene's

>> No.21067776

I'm pretty sure it's open source.

>> No.21067831
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>> No.21067886

Keep going, I wanna see how much worse it can get.

>> No.21068132

Aunties are lonely and Temma throws crumbs every now and then which fuels their hopes that english streams will return.

>> No.21068148

Well, I know that.
It's just if you know the meme of Teamates and their gay-posting, it might actually be femanons fujoposting their own fanbase because Ame is a filthy fujo.
In which the implication is hilarious kek

>> No.21068775

Never underestimate the loyalty and power of women with disposable income. Aunties aren't like your average fickle students or youngsters

>> No.21068923

I can hear his brainwashing minecraft bgm...

>> No.21069533

Was there an anime episode this week?

>> No.21069534

He becomes Naturalborn of the Void if you go far enough. That's cool.

>> No.21069590
File: 91 KB, 266x304, 0A4ABC81-BDEA-476E-8A5C-4521AA1A2009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on this lil nigga?

>> No.21069625


>> No.21069642

>What even is "unity" anymore?
Simple anon. In Hololive EN and ID the Holostars are senpais and treated as such, in JP they are not senpais. So unity exists outside of Japan pretty much.

>> No.21069787


>> No.21069916
File: 91 KB, 313x337, 1647730147414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gets EOPs
>Tugs them along on his journey to learn English
>Leaves them hanging to play Smash and Mario Kart
>They get desperate, do their reps
>His EOPs are now extremely loyal JSLs
>They're all very horny and looking to buy plastic
Kishi giveth and Kishi taketh away

>> No.21069918

Hiyamaru killer.

>> No.21069977

Extremely smug, quite possibly the bilingual talent needed to jumpstart EN

>> No.21069997

to the anon who wants to fuck hiyamaru, thoughts on this dude?

>> No.21070029

Part of Fuma's model. Probably can sit on his head.
His name will be Yasaburou.

>> No.21070071
File: 135 KB, 371x325, 1635864205819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where one falls, another rises to take her place

>> No.21070137

If COVER could make a tanuki speak English I'd swim to JP and kidnap him to be my pet.

>> No.21070168

As a branch EN don't interact with them much beyond a few like Bae, and others like Mori or Irys mostly pay lipservice on the podcast they do, but if pressed on the issue they will concede Holostars have seniority while the JP girls will actually argue about the company structure and why they don't "count" under it.

>> No.21070201

I've seen people talk about "unity" when people like Mori collab with vshojo, what the fuck is with them then?

>> No.21070378

There is inter-company unity and unity across agencies in the greater vtuber community. Different things really even if the spirit is the same.

>> No.21070467

>while the JP girls will actually argue about the company structure and why they don't "count" under it

When has this ever happened? Or is this your interpretation of the girls ignoring them?

>> No.21070617

The whole Botan,h holostars are not hololive thing

>> No.21070643

>Anon forgot Nene calling Aruran "Atlantis-senpai"

>> No.21070675

Mix of things. The fact different girls have emphasized that Hololive is a different thing from Holostars in HoloPro on multiple occasions, and Oga (the one who hides his power level the most) straight up saying that Holostars are not really considered their senpais, and the fact that the ID girls say they are is endearing.

>> No.21070851

That's why I hope Uproar will continue to make Holostars to be friend with entire vtubing community. We already have Seaweed with apexhead, Oldman with vsingers, Son with female chuuba, and Papa with random people. I wish majin still do collab with artists and flower with his FFXIV friends

>> No.21071138

Schizos please, some will refer to stars as senpai and some won't there's no need to overthink this shit.

>> No.21071312

Does literally any of the JP girls outside of this >>21070643 single instance call them Senpai?

>> No.21071500

They give subs, which what those two wanted I guess.
As you said, it basically means nothing at this point and is little more than another stick anons wave to make their side seem better than the others.

>> No.21071636

The main issue with this question is that the only ones who interact with them aren't kouhai. Towa called Astel senpai once when she visited his karaoke, but now she doesn't. Astel called himself the senpai in ShibuHal's last custom, though.

>> No.21071734

>in JP they are not senpais.
It was a bit funny when Astel shilled Watame's birthday on his BD stream and called her "big sister" even though he debuted before her, something he aknowledge too.

>> No.21071764

It's kinda hilarious how there's a hard cut at Gen 2 of who doesn't interact with the stars, like Gen 2 forward with the sole exception of Towa ignore the stars

>> No.21071818

I'm surprised neither seaweed nor bossu managed to slip up during last night's reunion stream

>> No.21071878

It is funny, albeit unsurprising considering how the third gen operated and several from Gen 2 backwards decided to take their brand going forward.

>> No.21072005

>several from Gen 2 backwards decided to take their brand going forward.

>> No.21072018

Gen 0, 1, 2, GAMERS don’t have any Holostar senpai, Gen 3 is obviously never gonna talk about Holostars, In Gen 4 Towa called Astel a senpai in his chat, I think Watame didn’t use senpai for Roberu in the Vtuber chips thing. For gen 5 Polka only talks about Holostars as a whole if she does, Gen 6 is the same as 3.

>> No.21072035

The only one that legit makes me mad is Subaru

>> No.21072128

Why would they? They weren't in character as their vtuber selfs at that time. I'm glad no one commented their vtuber names in chat.

>> No.21072305

Maybe Maimoto was legit her boyfriend and then they break up

>> No.21072498

Was wondering what it was now but guess >>21072128 answered me

>> No.21072521

they spent more time as their vtuber selves than as their roommates for the past two years so i was just kinda afraid they would accidentally refer to each other by the wrong name
bossu even nearly used "ore" when his roommate usually uses "boku"

>> No.21073156
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>> No.21073293

his smug aura mocks me…

>> No.21074632


>> No.21074789

I just realized the tanuki and peanut anon mentioned in a past thread was the guest on pol's show. I forgot that ponpoko was a raccoon so I thought they were referring to Fuma and another vtuber(peanut)
