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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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21038223 No.21038223 [Reply] [Original]

A thread dedicated to our very cute Secret Agent of Hololive Indonesia, Vestia Zeta! she's not sus btw

>Upcoming Stream:

>Debut VOD:


>> No.21038269

She's cute

>> No.21038268 [DELETED] 

Faker than Chloe.

>> No.21038289
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You haven't even watched a proper stream of her and you've already made a useless general, congrats!

>> No.21038308
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In 30 mins

>> No.21038321

A thread already?
Zeta? God I need my meds

>> No.21038671

She’s super cute. I’m not really bothered with accents but her barely having one is nice.

>> No.21038762

God I hope she actually decent in fps, I hate someone like ollie who keep playing fps even tho she suck at aiming.

>> No.21038831

She seemed confident in herself, with that pistol challenge. But we'll see.

>> No.21038903
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i realy hope so

>> No.21039027

Based anon.
She's my new oshi now.

>> No.21039072

I didn't know Cover commissioned Asanagi to make a model!

>> No.21039073

she seems very confident, I think she'll be better than Ollie, maybe around Botan's level or more.

>> No.21039093 [DELETED] 

She isn't, just watch.

>> No.21039094

Can anyone give me pict her sitting in front of pc

>> No.21039100

Make it V7 or o7
It looks ugly with the dot

>> No.21039099

That's so generous.

>> No.21039218

yea, she's /here/

>> No.21039297

Her rigging is pretty mediocre for someone who was done by tou illie

>> No.21039333

it is, I suppose I'm very optimistic, doing a pistol only challenge in Apex and trying to reach Masters is high goals.

>> No.21039426

Everyone shit the bed when they start streaming
Don't expect high level gameplay

>> No.21039501

She's an avid horror fan though, I don't think she's the type to startle easily

>> No.21039633

whats the issue? seems perfectly fine to me

>> No.21039707

Probably because she was too nervous and didn't move much lol. Imagine a 2 view suddenly streaming to 60k people

>> No.21039806

why. What does this even mean? Why not /zeta/ or /Z/?

>> No.21039916

that's her codename

>> No.21040013

Zeta is the greek numeral for 7

>> No.21040031

There are more masters than there are d1 d2 and d3 combined right now. Basically just participation prize

>> No.21040631

Jesus she’s a bigger numberfag than pekora and koyori combined.

>> No.21040689

good, that means she'll stream alot

>> No.21040888

True. I appreciate a numberfag who streams a lot. Plus, she’s cute

>> No.21040959


>> No.21041004

For non-indogs anons who are watching the stream. You're might be wondering why her Indonesian sounds better/more bearable than other ID members.
It's because she's speaking it correctly.
Correct grammar, no stutter, no street words, and good word choices.
Most Indonesians don't speak like this, because it sounds too formal for native speakers.

>> No.21041130

stfu indog, it all sounds to the same to us

>> No.21041162

Homobros, we're not forgotten

>> No.21041166

Thanks for the useful information
fuck off

>> No.21041230

Oh, that makes a lot of sense. My native is somewhat similar, it’s so unbearable for me when people use the street slang.

>> No.21041284

>pistol challenge
>aiming for master
Shes good enough I guess.

>> No.21041336

>mentioned homostars
Is she... dare I say it... a unity chad?

>> No.21041370

she didn't mention any name, relax.

>> No.21041401

Thanks, it makes sense now. I can understand JP/EN only and don't watch much ID but when Vestia speaks Indonesian it's just Hnnnng to me.

>> No.21041417

Why do some indos call her fake and claim javanese?

>> No.21041419

It’s a way to not make homobeggars on Twitter come after her.

>> No.21041427

So she basically a high-class Indonesian?

>> No.21041446

>glowie chuba

>> No.21041447

>Mad maggie, Valkyrie and Octane
rate her apex legends taste

>> No.21041494

So she's an ojou-sama?

>> No.21041549

does she really need to giggle after every single thing she says?

>> No.21041555

>Not /sus/ amogus

>> No.21041638

Relax anon she's probably really nervous

>> No.21041642

It's going to be fun watching you guys shill her. Good luck

>> No.21041673

Aggressive type i guess

>> No.21041718

show tits

>> No.21041724

First, Indonesian is not an ethnicity, it's a nationality.
Javanese (largest), Sundanese, Bornean, Sumatran are ethnics.
> claim javanese
Because she has a Javanese dialect.
Judging from her Indonesian, she's probably not raised in Jakarta or nearby cities. She doesn't speak a lot of annoying street slang which is good.
Also this >>21041004

>> No.21041750

you know beside wingman and p2020, re45 is pistol too right?
you can 1 clip enemy using that gun, and recoil is easy on that gun

>> No.21041790

Yes, its nice and I don't understando Indonesian and I'll leave if she stops doing it.

>> No.21041802

Yes. She's one of Reine's nepotism after all.

>> No.21041872

>You're might be wondering why her Indonesian sounds better/more bearable than other ID members.
it really doesn't sound any different

>> No.21041901

And how was this conclusion made?

>> No.21041967

>Because she has a Javanese dialect.
>Judging from her Indonesian, she's probably not raised in Jakarta or nearby cities.
I just googled Jakarta. So this place is in "Java"?
Is jakarta a bad place to grow up or something?

>> No.21042006

Her Indonesian doesn't sound like someone from the middle class or lower. She speaks 4 languages. She's well educated. Must be from the upper class.

>> No.21042045


>> No.21042078

She kinda sounds like gura

>> No.21042095

I like it when she calls me a big boy

>> No.21042195

>dat ara ara

>> No.21042203

N-no, just no.

>> No.21042207

Nah it's the capital and biggest city in Indonesia, like if Washington DC, LA and NY put together. Most Indonesian you talk to on the internet probably was born there or is living there, it's a very populated city. It's possible that new girl is from Surabaya, their second biggest metropolis, so it's not that different.

>> No.21042218

Java is the Island. It's huge, bigger than any country in Europe.
Jakarta is the melting point of Indonesia. It's like the LA or Las Vegas.
Most of them speak Indonesian with a neutral accent, but the downside is, they use a lot of street slang.
I wouldn't say a bad place, it's the capital city and the most developed city in Indonesia. It's just the culture that irritates me a lot.
They keep inventing weird and cringe slangs

>> No.21042219


>> No.21042314

It does to me, who don't understand Indonesian. I can't stand watching other IDs, except moona and anya. Or maybe it's just be biased to their voice? Idk man.

>> No.21042342

Thanks ID bros. She's my first ID to actually watch closely.

>> No.21042366

To be fair that's like most cities. City slang is the worst shit.
I had 2 friends move up to Glasgow and their word choice has devolved so much in the space of 2 years.

>> No.21042421

she is either upper class or insanely good at acting like it. her accent and slang is very polished and formal

>> No.21042432

ow shot down right at the start

>> No.21042480

I want to also add that Javanese refers to the ethnicity that lives in East Java, Central Java, and Jogjakarta
Although there definitely are a lot of Javanese in Jakarta and Jakarta's metro area (Jabodetabek) as well
I'm pretty sure most of ID1-2 is from or currently lives in Jakarta or Jabodetabek
I'm sorry Jabodetabek sounds so stupid we basically just smooshed together 5 city names

>> No.21042487

When Reine first debuted, I saw a lot opinions saying her Indonesian sounds "cold", "weirdly formal" and "very teacher-like". Do you agree? How is she different compared to other ID members?

>> No.21042515

Ollie, Moona, Risu, and Reine are your standard Jakarta/Metropolitan City "valley girl". Their slangs are super annoying even for me.

>> No.21042556

I also heard that Reine’s more toxic when speaking in Indonesian?

>> No.21042583

only on debut, she's more open later on.
I hope it doesn't happen to Zeta. I like how she's going rn

>> No.21042609

she just like Reine, her family have a lot of friends in high place

>> No.21042671

Her giggles deal critical damage to me
It's so cute

>> No.21042675

Reine being more open is just her being hog wild on memes and uwu speak, her debut is just her hiding her power level.

>> No.21042706

Interesting. I am actually looking at indonesia on google maps right now. Damn it's all over the place.

That brunei and malaysia partition is weirder tho

>> No.21042776

She yeeted herself

>> No.21042834

Can we get her some money for shin straightening surgery?

>> No.21042861

She’s so cute what the fuck

>> No.21042876

If you wanna hear what proper Indonesian sounds like in a song.

>> No.21042965

can't wait for her collab with chloe

>> No.21042976

She has a nice voice for ASMR

>> No.21043000
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>She's one of Reine's nepotism
Excuse what?

>> No.21043057
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Have any of her senpai come yet?

>> No.21043166


>> No.21043271

Anya also feels Jakartan to me.
Meanwhile Iofi is Sundanese iirc. Sundanese come from the western part of Java basically.
I've always thought something felt a bit off when watching HoloID compared to other indo chuubas and I finally got it
They just had too many Jakartans lol

>> No.21043281

Basically the rrat is like this:
>Zeta has great English, assumed to be rich/high class
>Reine is rich
>All rich people know each other
>Zeta is Reine nepotism hire

>> No.21043296

I see, I think I sort of understand now. Its like my friends asking me if i will watch Vtubers from my own country, like no fucking way. I don't want to ruin my experience having to listen to that awful way of speaking even on streams. It's annoying as shit just imagining it

>> No.21043432

I agree with you, but considering how people already shitting on Jakartan Indonesian accent, imagine how will they react if the girl is Batak or East Indonesian LMAO

>> No.21043523

My heart

>> No.21043558

>I've always thought something felt a bit off when watching HoloID compared to other indo chuubas and I finally got it
So niji ids are all over the country?

>> No.21043637

Don’t people say that Moona’s Indonesian sounds broken? What’s up with that?

>> No.21043658
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Her low effort/sketchy drawn hair bothers me a lot.

>> No.21043695

As long as they can control the shouting and have a cute voice, it could be hot tho.
The calmest Indonesian accent so far is High Sundanese and High Javanese.

>> No.21043700

>west papuan vtuber
>comically strong accent
>avatar is black
>the video is in 240p
>you can hear monkeys howling in the background in every stream
Would be kino

>> No.21043705

Seriously though listening to Vestia makes me wanna learn Indonesian. Someone stop me from this madness... it's going to be my 4th one already

>> No.21043762

I actually love that style myself. The thing that weirds me out the most is the weird skewing at the top of her head, especially the front fringe when she turns left and right.
Still nowhere neat the worst rigging, or even the average.

>> No.21043789

I had the same thought.

>> No.21043820

It's still very Jakarta-heavy but more like 40% instead of 83%
I'm not saying that's inherently better, I just feel like they represent a more diverse Indonesia

>> No.21043865

Not only her, Ollie as well. Slang users typically ignore grammar structure. If you don't have a job that requires you to speak proper Indonesian like an office job, you'll be stuck with bad grammar and stutter for a long time.

>> No.21043888

Bro she's my first ID.
I'm fucking googling shit whenever ID people here say something like

>> No.21043905

Kobo spotted

>> No.21043937

Kowalski too

>> No.21043962
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ignorant nigger.

>> No.21043980

Ah, I see. So it basically just depends on everyday use?

>> No.21043995

She speaks 4 languages anon, maybe it's your calling.

>> No.21044025

Holyshit her "thank you everyone, bye bye" sounds like Gura

>> No.21044041
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She's so cute...

>> No.21044045
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>came back for the ending
>dont forget to eat dinner in a sweet voice
I'm ngmi

>> No.21044046

fuck you, batak sounds cool to my ears, especially they're from medan

>> No.21044048

I'm an indonesian learner actually but every time I admit to that on this website I get accused of being a crossflagger because most indonesians can't even grasp the concept of anyone being interested in their country...

But I can recommend it. The language is truly useless for any practical use like career but the language is very easy and fun to learn. It's supposed to be tied with swahili for the absolute easiest non-indo european language for english natives. The country is enormous also both in size and population. "The largest country I know nothing about" is something I read today and that very much sums up the nature of Indonesia on the global stage. They very much feel forgotten but that whats makes it fun.

>> No.21044082

I don't know. She is kinda cute and her model is nice but she's also dangerously zoomer and twitch incarnate.
Feels really fake as well right now

>> No.21044160

yes. Like if you grew up in a hood, you'll end up with AAVE.

>> No.21044243

>twitch incarnate
she mainly streamed on youtube. all stream vod nuked leaving only 1 video

>> No.21044248

Good job Zeta. Keep it up dude.

>> No.21044262
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she really reminds me of Kana, even the way she laughs is the same
just in time to fill the void...

>> No.21044280

Maybe, I'm talking about the way she talks though. copium, based, sus, etc.

>> No.21044327

Wait she actually said copium? I must have missed that

>> No.21044329

Was she actually a 2view?
Stats show +2-9 views per day but thats on the single video left.

>> No.21044337

There are many foreigner youtuber who make a living here especially Korean, British and Australian, at lepas they can speak Indonesian unlike Trash Taste.

>> No.21044357

delete the dot, /V7/ is simpler

>> No.21044399

What did she say before "don't forget to eat dinner"

>> No.21044450

>maybe around Botan

>> No.21044449

Well shit, I guess adding one more doesn't make a big difference then. Can't help it.
How did you learn it? If you self-studied, how and where is it better to start from

>> No.21044451

This girl is gonna make me learn a new language...

>> No.21044503

How many here are new to ID?
I am one. She got me. Fuck this

>> No.21044531

How did she not know how to set slow mode or use YouTube settings if she streamed on YT before?

>> No.21044563

"Jangan lupa makan malam dulu"
Jangan = Don't
lupa = forget
makan = eat
malam = night
Literally means "don't forget to eat dinner"

>> No.21044586

>the girl that made /vt/ learn indonesian

>> No.21044620

makan malam is counted as one word that means dinner

>> No.21044639
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>> No.21044723

she never had to use those settings because she was a 2view

>> No.21044799

I really hope someone from ID3 would make a proper Indonesian lesson. Reine only teaches slang and phrases.

>> No.21044809
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My first ID too...

>> No.21044810
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>> No.21044851


>> No.21044863
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right back at you

>> No.21044920
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>> No.21044956

Iofi's planning one i think, idk how it will be like tho

>> No.21045059

Noelle came before Noelle did idiot.

>> No.21045134

Weren't the genshin creators fans of hololive before the whole taiwan incident crashed all holos CN stuff?

>> No.21045151

>No Zeta Gundam reference

>> No.21045172

she had a peak of like 100 viewers, why would you need slow mode for that?

>> No.21045223

Well I'm an Indo but only her hit my sweet spot after 3 gens. If only her game choice is better ..

>> No.21045244

I wouldn't say they are fans exactly but Mihoyo did have a working relationship with cover with stuff like mahjong soul before the chinkout happened

>> No.21045251

mfw I like apex and play it alot
I also like horror games
I see it as an absolute win.

>> No.21045261

Time to watch Iofi again, I need more Indo words.

>> No.21045444

if she realy want to be numberfag atleast be like reine that speak english 90% of the time in solo stream. the language debuff is just not worth it


>> No.21045462

>master apex rank
It'll take years for her

>> No.21045514

stfu it doesn't

>> No.21045535

She'll play pretty much the game as other chuubas. Even Gura has stopped playing rythm games.

>> No.21045595

She'll start speaking English right after the colab ban.

>> No.21045651

We don't know which rank she's currently in.

>> No.21045702

after watching her PL clip, expect maybe a suisei tier gameplay. not botan or aqua level movement/reaction

>> No.21045709

ID bros please help, how do I start picking up indonesian? Is youtube videos any good or perhaps Udemy or something

>> No.21045730

Holy fuck no one cares with your culture problems.
I'm here just for cute girl.

>> No.21045744

If you're a dutch, go ask your grandpa

>> No.21045769

Nah man, suisei is flat 4 or 3 iirc.
This gameplay aint that level.

>> No.21045809

Take classes and speak to natives for real conversation experience.

>> No.21045959

yeah well i don't realy know who to compare but she seems better than ollie at least. also its 6month old clip who knows how much she improved

>> No.21046000

Who is your oshi before her?

>> No.21046017
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Target acquired

>> No.21046020

>who knows how much she improved
Dont give me hopium.
I do want to see her suck at the game then improve though. If she will really do the master climb.

>> No.21046061


>> No.21046151

I do not really have a single oshi but lots of "favorites". I don't drop them though its just that the ranking of who is 1 changes or rotates.
Aqua - 2019-2020
Lamy - when gen 5 came out
Zeta - tbd

>> No.21046174

you're right she came from that place

>> No.21046263

judging by your list, im curious why chloe isn't there

>> No.21046304

what does that even mean? don't ask?
Uh..about that. I'm more of the self studying type. I guess it's kinda weird to ask native speakers for self-studying mats, thanks though

>> No.21046351

Her formal speaking is kinda cringe.

>> No.21046353


>> No.21046354

I like good gamers and comfy soft spoken girls.
Chloe is too noisy and the lewd talks does not really interest me.

>> No.21046402

it's ogey as long as she's competitive. if she's just going to fuck around in casual lobbies, i'm gonna dip

>> No.21046514

>what does that even mean? don't ask?
most Indonesian words borrowed from it

>> No.21046515

She already mentioned it's pubs, and is also playing for fun, so... Imma not gonna expect much

>> No.21046532

she hasn't tho? She still plays off stream

>> No.21046550

Was this said in indonesian?
I dont remember it.

>> No.21046627

ah fuck, must've missed that. i'll give her a chance and watch a few more of her streams before i get filtered

>> No.21046828

probably lol. i don't remember it either

>> No.21046909


>> No.21046995

You win this time id bro

>> No.21047088

dammit you guys made me doubt myself so I went back to get the timestamp. also it was in english

>> No.21047141

Ah she said no rank for now.
Didn't catch that. I only remember the valo talk.

>> No.21047208

sorry anon, i only heard the radiant part for some reason...

>> No.21047279

>How did you learn it? If you self-studied, how and where is it better to start from
I started with duolingo. We all know duolingo is kinda trash for language learning but it's always a good start for the absolute basics I think but seriously don't think that is all you're gonna need. I spent I think my first month with duolingo. Then I bought a huge grammar book and studied that a bit while reading indonesian web comics and adding every single word I did not understand to my anki deck. Then I used a language exchange app called tandem to speak to real indonesians. Be prepared to be a little creeped out though because a lot of indonesians are there to learn english and other languages but they have very few partners so you will get bombarded with 20+ people messaging you the same day, most of them women.

But I think the most important thing is to make sure you get your anki routine in efficiently because for indonesian vocab is nearly all you do. You will probably learn the entirety of indonesian grammar in a month so it's just grinding vocab vocab vocab after that.

>> No.21047535

also it's not hololive but zea cornelia from nijisanji ID has 4 classes on indonesian so far. Search automateach

>> No.21047982
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>she's my first ID
You never watched Pavolia?

>> No.21048055

I watch her whenever she collabs with my favorites. Some clips here and there but not whole streams. I like her though.

>> No.21048385
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>> No.21048703

>laughs after every sentence

I don't get the appeal of this and why so many chuubas do it.

>> No.21048784
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She was a 2view

>> No.21048834
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ustad yagoo i kneel
cute ID finally

>> No.21048852

There are tons of vtubers good at FPS games outside Hololive so maybe they grabbed a decent one this time. We'll see.

>> No.21048921

I hope she don't spam FPS stream

>> No.21048927

She's pretty cute but honestly I doubt I'll watch her a lot unless she's really good at games.

>> No.21049016
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I got curious with her after saying this, but it turns out nah, she still speaks an informal bahasa, but she does articulate it better.
I'd say she's the true aku girl, one who actually speaks aku-kamu with everyone regardless their gender in daily life which is equivalent to あたし子, I think? Moona, Risu, Ollie and Reine strike me as gue girls who use gue/lo in daily life (probably equivalent to 俺/おまえ (?) but spoken by both man and woman) though probably use aku-kamu when speaking to girls, especially to aku girls. She's a Jakartan, but she is in a different subtype compared to the other ID girls.
t. my little sister is also an aku girl

>> No.21049046

If she's masters tier in Apex she will be massive.

>> No.21049147
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hmm after watching her debut the only thing I dislike about this girl is her Zoomer Humour and her giggles and it seems like a lot of people also has this same problem, It was either she's really nervous or that's how she acts hope she tunes it down a bit in the future.
Also a thread already? Damn

>> No.21049185

anon when holoX debuted threads were created during their debuts, this is nothing

>> No.21049219

Huh, somehow similar to how i self-studied JP then. Looks like I'll have to hold out through the grindy part. I'll just use duolingo or babbel first to start off then. Thanks for your advice anon.
>so you will get bombarded with 20+ people messaging you the same day, most of them women.
Ooh this is like learning Japanese on hellotalk, the women I chat with always complain about this happening to them. And its the opposite for Indonesian, interesting. Don't understand why people get creeped out though, wouldn't it be great to have more conversation partners?

>> No.21049231

ahh naruhodo ne

>> No.21049391

Some people sees it as an opportunity to learn their language, some sees it as a dick-measuring contest, some finds it creepy, etc.

>> No.21049500

Reine turns the sass to 200 when speaking indonesians. which makes sense because that's the language she uses when she berates and harass her maids

>> No.21049632
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Do not steal

>> No.21049676

How hard is Indonesia to learn really?

>> No.21049848

>implying insects have rights

>> No.21050005
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nta, but is she really your oshi tho? im asking this because you only saw 1 stream of this girl and you are already on your way to change oshi

>> No.21050044

I'm >>21046151
Like I said, no oshi. Just favorites.

>> No.21050051


>> No.21050079

the easiest language to learn, the formal form at least. Everyday indonesian is full of slang and shortened words without caring about the formal structure of the language, And I guess, the difficulty level, gonna be depends on your first language or any language you know

>> No.21050106
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This was made by US diplomatic service. This is how long it takes for them to train monolingual English speaking diplomats different languages in a classroom full time setting.

>> No.21050530
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hmmm I didn't even realize it good catch

>> No.21051238

Dang, according to this >>21050106 I've learned two of the hardest languages for English speakers, Japanese and Chinese. So Indonesian will require half the time or will be half as difficult?

>> No.21051269


>> No.21051317

half the time I mean

>> No.21051474

man, if you can already learn and speaks chinese then indonesian will be a cakewalk.

>> No.21051942

might as well pick up korean first if you already know japanese/chinese/english

>> No.21052046

She sounds exactly like Nyanners

>> No.21052106

For me its veibae mixed with finana.
But without the wanting dicks every 3 seconds disease

>> No.21052125

Nijisanji reject?
Nijisanji reject!

>> No.21052276

of course she's rejected, there's no way you can be accepted if you applied to a closed branch

>> No.21052574


>> No.21052641

Did Z sing? Haven't watched the VOD.

>> No.21052673

>Spending rest of my college days learning Japs
>Get N2 Certification
>Still doesn't know what chuuba speaking shit while watching 生配信


>> No.21052790

hair cones tickle my pickle

>> No.21052981


>> No.21053024

>>21051317 I see
Nice, I just wanna learn it fast enough to watch zeta
Nah, I picked it up before when playing korea maplestory many years ago and got the structure down but didn't feel like I had any use for it anymore so I stopped learning. Plus I didn't really like Korea itself anyway

Anyways, I'll be heading off to do my reps and hopefully I can understand a little tomorrow. see ya guys around

>> No.21053133

nope, but she teased a cover that will release soon.

>> No.21053179
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Oh no... she's a filthy KnYfag...



>> No.21053229
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>> No.21053484

Not yet need more streams for that to happen, and even then I don't think I'll drop IRyS.

>> No.21053685
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good, don't get easily swayed

>> No.21054330

Just checked her old apex stream and it seems she is pretty bad. Imagine silver / low gold rank. But that was 4 or 5 months ago so I hope she improve in that time.

>> No.21054381

>stalking her old videos

>> No.21054701

Because that is for ZOMG NONE!!1

>> No.21054905

>Imagine silver / low gold rank
It's bronze tier.

>> No.21055053
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I won't. She just gave me the motivation to watch ID.

>> No.21056541
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so dyke sex when

>> No.21059268

wtf is kobokan aer

>> No.21059422
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>> No.21059450
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You can even make out the individual brush strokes overlapping each other. It's like the artist painted her hair in less than 3 minutes and called it a day.

>> No.21059739

Have you ever heard Banjar accent? They are horrible.

>> No.21059850

I still don't know what is going on there

>> No.21059953

Cut them some slack. Texturing a 3d model is hard. Even in Substance Painter.

>> No.21059991

anya doesn't sounds south jakartans to me.
she sounds like she was a sheltered, over-protected girl in her childhood.

>> No.21060083

>3d model

>> No.21060274

literally anyone can peak plat 4 if they actually play the game on a daily basis so if shes not at least p4 im gonna be disappointment

>> No.21060339

eating with your hands in indonesia is pretty much a culture so, you prepared a bowl of water with slice of lemon, that you used before to wash your finger/hand before eating. kobokan aer refer to the water in that bowl.

>> No.21060463


>> No.21060602
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It's not the first time the artist drew Vtubers, without slacking off at some parts.

>> No.21060896

she sounds like she would have a good singing voice but that trailer wasn't very impressive, I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

>> No.21060901

I really enjoyed her stream, makes me want to learn the language.

>> No.21061318


>> No.21062081

Anya sounds like someone who comes from bekasi or other satellite city and have Javanese descent

>> No.21062285

Kijang 1, ganti

>> No.21062402

thanks anon. and thats a cool indo fact

>> No.21062525

She used more English than any other IDs during her debut.

>> No.21062902
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Kijang 2, target sudah di tempat, ganti

>> No.21063033

>art is better than Lofy

>> No.21063289

>That brunei and malaysia partition is weirder tho
don't worry indonesia will own that entire island soon.

>> No.21065303

No, ollie using it way more than zeta. She basically translate everything what she said before while zeta only translate like 3 words of what she said in Indonesian.

>> No.21065722

Compare Iofi's art to another artist again and i'll beat your ass

>> No.21066281

How long collab ban gonna happen

>> No.21066337

For ID, it's 1 month

>> No.21066557

Stinky orca

>> No.21067621

Gura, Mumei and Zeta have very similar voice.

>> No.21070197

tell her to do her eyes reps.

>> No.21073349

If Zeta does a sha-ha-hark, I think it’ll sound the same as Gura

>> No.21073678

in ID there's a habit of washing your hand with water in a (usually) steel bowl. And the water named air kobokan/kobokan air. Kobok stems from obok which means mixing/whirling a water surface with your hand.

Sorry bros this is the most comprehensible explanation I could come up with

>> No.21073776

Kijang 3, target sudah berangkat menggunakan kendaraan berplat B 0013 AS, ganti

>> No.21074328

her giggles seems really fake but it might be a giggle out of nervous so im going to stick around until i confirm if it's really fake or not. She's cute but too much of a zoomer also

>> No.21074600

>implying he belongs to a group in an anon forum

>> No.21077206
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>Proper Indonesian
>Types proper Indonesian on /vt/
>Anons accused me of being a falseflagging flip and using Google translate
>Replied to me with their mix of gw lu, jungle languages, and shrtnd wrds.
Proper BI is dead on the internet.
I disagree
My husbu is a banjarnese, he's the best male utaite in indogland, I wanna sex him daily and roughly

>> No.21077265

Oops that was meant for >>21059739

>> No.21077399
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no shit

>> No.21077544
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>> No.21077699
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>> No.21077766
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>> No.21077814


>> No.21078346

I hope she won't become a lazy fuck who won't play MC and helps building ID server

>> No.21078353

>14 hours after debut
not bad

>> No.21078605

why is it so polished here

>> No.21078620

don't think anyone can beat the Pokemon SwSh girl characters getting R34 like 10 minutes after they were first revealed

>> No.21078645

actually there are fewer monkeys in papua compared to borneo or celebes
ambient sounds in papua will mostly be birds and rustling vegetations
also gunshots

>> No.21081156


>> No.21082059

that's actually cool tbqh since they have a technically good voice to be a singer. i'd like to say they're master race at singing and would probably be a suisei and risu killer

>> No.21083404

use /V7/ instead, /V.7/ looks shit

>> No.21084671

Like agent 007 anon

>> No.21085311
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>> No.21085368

sorry anon can't read.

>> No.21085425 [DELETED] 
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Moom flirting with men on stream while bae sings her song

>> No.21085541

Wrong thread retard

>> No.21085666

Yawn. VTubing is getting seriously oversaturated.

>> No.21086095

Hope she did improve from then. Else we will start from bronze with a reaaally slow climb.

>> No.21086547

How about "saya"? Saw it on one of reine's stream. Iirc saya, aku, gue

>> No.21086816

Bros what fps games does she play?

>> No.21087140

nothing special, apex and valo. im here because I think shes the first holo or vtuber who love ska music

>> No.21087475

This. No debut excites me anymore

>> No.21087872

Your mom excites me.

>> No.21087938

this is it?

>> No.21088122

Her design isn't fanart worthy

>> No.21088739
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>> No.21088758
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Hey I don't want to post on cooldown

>> No.21088772
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>> No.21088816
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>> No.21088840
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>> No.21088869
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>> No.21088959
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>> No.21089348

I heard she's the Lamy prime. Is that true?

>> No.21089411

Not even a Lamy.

>> No.21089431

She's better than Lamy.

>> No.21089703
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>> No.21090013

Well, good luck girl

>> No.21090069

I don’t even see the similarities

>> No.21090728

anyone is better than lamy

>> No.21090887

Called it. Bronze 2 at best.

>> No.21091174

Ah I see I thought she finally make it. Thanks for the answer, Bazo(?)friends
