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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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20928503 No.20928503 [Reply] [Original]

What's his secret?
How is he so successful?

>> No.20928533


>> No.20928632

It’s not a secret. He panders hard to lonely chink fujos. Most people don’t want to make a career out of that the same way being a high end escort isn’t a super popular career choice despite making good money. But surely there’s no risk with building up a pack of psycho chink women as your core fanbase. What could go wrong?

>> No.20928667

Carried by his design, voice, and willingness to pander to the lowest common denominator. Certainly isnt his personality anyway. Unless you're into fnaf douchey autist I guess.

>> No.20928733

It all began in the early 1970s with aguy named William Afton. He and his-

>> No.20928851

wheres the chuuba to teach me bionicle lore

>> No.20928919

idk since I'm not a woman or a faggot but he makes the right people seethe so he's alright in my book

>> No.20928924

He's the best at the boyfriend experience thing out of Luca, Mysta, and him. Watching Vox has made me empathize more with the feminist vtuber antis on Twitter.

Shu and Ike are the best in Luxiem because they behave somewhat like actual people. Alban is pretty good too.

>> No.20928936

he managed to refurbish Alucard into a bishi IP of his own

TL;DR OC dont steal

>> No.20928956

Good model, deep voice. Pretty much it.
They're wasted though. If he wasn't a literal autist he'd be on top of the entire game right now.

>> No.20928957

When I get in HolostarsEN, I promise to do a Bionicle movie watchalong.

>> No.20929062

He's the male Amouranth.

>> No.20929070

He provides non-exclusive BFE. When he makes sexy remarks he makes sure to say plural nouns like kindreds, you all, ladies, etc. This way he's filtering the most schizoid yumejos.
Second, he does not reply to antis. At his first week or so, someone sent him a vague SC about apologizing for past mistakes, and he answered maturely (tl;dw, forcing apologies from someone forever won't undo any mistake and all cancel culture is, is bragging rights)
Third, good voice and sexy design.
Fourth, confidence.

>> No.20929121

I'd say Luca is actually the most attractive of them. The thing is that Luca could never commit to going as low as Vox and Mysta scaled back when he saw what kind of fanbase he got.

I don't think Vox's model or voice buff are nearly as significant as his willingness to go to depths no one else will. There're some similar indies in the scene like Kitty McPancakes but they universally get called out on their shit sooner or later, but Vox has big corporate backing and enough hype that people will probably forgive him unless he makes a move on another popular talent.

>> No.20929163

He doesn't pander to children and pedophiles

>> No.20929224

Copy and past the Tiananmen Square copypasta in his chat and find out.

>> No.20929275

I will screenshot this and if it happens I will remember you

>> No.20929316

/#/fags already did that, I have yet to see Vox be canned. Maybe you faggots should try harder and buy some bots, one guy with an Aloe icon isn't enough it seems.

>> No.20929328

Vox just doesn't care. He did a animatronic FNAF smash or pass where he asked his chat to draw him fucking a giant bear. It was a joke, sure, but the guy legitimately does not seem bothered by shit other chuubas have heart attacks over.

>> No.20929334

Idk, Luca strikes me as incredibly inauthentic- even more so than the average Vtuber. I could just be schizo though.

>> No.20929448

I lied about applying for StarsEN. Sorry.

>> No.20929450

lol what

>> No.20929514

Everytime I read something about Vox it makes me laugh. How can one vtuber be so based?

>> No.20929558

I would kill you if it wasn't a joke, just like with other StarsEN candidates btw it's not just about anons either.

>> No.20929584

unironically who?

>> No.20929602

Someone who has not watched him and thus does legitimately not understand what people mean when they say FNAF autism. He could be in the middle of fucking some one and would stop to explain the VR games place in FNAF lore.

>> No.20929607

but he is literally attracted to children...

>> No.20929635

If you watched his PL you would know he is inauthentic, not that his playing dumb schtick wasn't already obvious, but still.

>> No.20929661

>it was a joke
Really? Because he really liked the image someone drew of Freddy fucking him in the ass, an image that came from /vt/

>> No.20929674

I-i will get into nijien, what do you want anon?

>> No.20929698

Now post vox getting fucked by freddy image

>> No.20929781

He's douchey because he has told people several times to be quiet and let him finish so he could explain some autistic mechanic like doing certain runs of FNAF or the origin of some clown boy or who in EN would fit what character, the dude literally halts conversations about unrelated things to talk about FNAF, when he streamed the new one he almost pissed himself because he didn't want to get up and pee since he was in the middle of a good scene

>> No.20929841
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>> No.20929880

>16 year old kid dates a 14 year old kid
>"He's a pedo!"
Get some better material

>> No.20929961

you wish you were the child kindred
get a better chuuba instead

>> No.20930017

High schooler dating a middle schooler is kinda sus idc.

>> No.20930054

>Doesn't want people to interrupt while telling a long story
There's nothing wrong with that though
If they don't want to hear it they can say stop talking, even if they didn't, they're entertainers and his autism is content.

Perhaps you are autistic as well and you see your own cringe reflecting on him?

>> No.20930129

I feel bad for his genmates since hes the biggest and defacto model. A model which I'm pretty sure no one else could ever follow.

>> No.20930159

14 year old is freshman highschool
2 years is literally nothing and men are retarded so they mature slower

>> No.20930287

I'm not serious, I actually find it funny.

>> No.20930392

Its funny when the rest of the branch purposefully triggers his autism to change the topic.

>> No.20930489

Bionicle building stream while autistically spazzing out about their individual lore onegai

>> No.20930507

I do not watch his content but that is absolutely based beyond belief.

>> No.20930666

It would be if it wasnt FNAF.

>> No.20930947

Autism is a resource.

>> No.20931080

We already know your opinion, Holobrony.

>> No.20931158

i'm going to pray for your success

>> No.20931307

i said idc dont reply to me

>> No.20931699

mr. coom thread, time for the mandatory video

>> No.20931984

This is the man who mindbroke numberfags on this board... I kneel...

>> No.20931993


>> No.20932349

Wow he is truly autistic

>> No.20932555
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He can be charming and chill or he can be a manwhore. He's just a good entertainer who's not afraid to do things that might seem weird or cringey to put on a good stream. I don't really care for his pandering but I really enjoy listening to him talk about the shit he's passionate about even if it's mostly low-rent horror games for ten year olds.

>> No.20932913
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dangerously based autist

>> No.20933159

Deep voice
Bri'ish but good Bri'ish not like Cockney
Panders to thirsty internet goblin females HARD

>> No.20933262

>not the clip where Freddy was on the operating table and he was freaking out thinking Freddy was dying, then started pretending to lick his feet

>> No.20933601

Obese chinks

>> No.20934905

So youre saying it should be cleverly worded SC to get him to trip up. Got it.

>> No.20935019

Yes and make it an aka because he does not read anything without an aka attached to it.

>> No.20935480

Would you happen to have this clip? Sounds kino.

>> No.20936089

you guys realize in his mandarin learning stream he put the chinese flag in the thumbnail and this generated some controvery, he just removed it and the chat was all like "it's fine, milord didn't know better." Sending a SC to bait him will cause them to hunt the person who sent it, not him.

>> No.20936452

No, he will certainly get in trouble if lets say 70 anons sent him max red akasupas with taiwan spam. Round it up to 100 akasupas to be safe.
