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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 581 KB, 1429x804, schizocutie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20905509 No.20905509 [Reply] [Original]

We need more cute Schizo chuubas.

>> No.20906306

>those neurotic eyes
I'm hard now.

>> No.20906649

Assuming it's real, I genuinely hope things improve for her

>> No.20908203

I want to get her my meds (semen)

>> No.20908273

I'm not sure if I want to lock her up in my basement, or be locked up, by her, in her basement.

>> No.20908305

So you take semen instead of meds anon?

>> No.20908385

It isn't joke schizophrenia it's actual schizophrenia, you children. She is not going to post your funny frogs she struggles with suicidal tendencies and can't even go to school

>> No.20908399

>meds propaganda

>> No.20908454

>tfw no schizo oshi that will stab me for thinking i'm a part of the gangstalker cabal trying to destroy her

>> No.20913170

I can fix her

>> No.20913438

desire to protect intensifies.

>> No.20914660

Her avatar looks deranged and she wants to entertainment people online, so yes she will. Nobody forced her into this anon.

>> No.20914726

I mean she wants to be a vtuber obviously she just isn't going to be the meme version that 4chan spouts with tinfoil hat conspiracies and wojacks.

>> No.20916389

It's very ableist of you to accuse anons here of faking their schizophrenia

>> No.20916959

There's at least one wojakspammer who is genuinely mentally ill. Maybe it's not schizophrenia, maybe it is, but it's at least equally serious.

>> No.20921721

Take your meds, it's schizo time

>> No.20922375
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How do we know she's really a schizo and not just pretending to make me fall in love so they can attack when I'm vulnerable?

>> No.20922534

Ask your walls.

>> No.20922565

That was a short stream.

>> No.20922698

can she ask the sun why it stopped that other schizo from releasing their board game

>> No.20922920
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>> No.20922922

Isn't this kind of dangerous?
Imagine someone telling her they're outside of her house or some shit like that

>> No.20922990

>those irregular intervals between streams
Yeah, I'm thinking I'm gonna concern and save

>> No.20923011
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so this what "wanting to save her" feels like

>> No.20923057

new frame, yt was being weird

>> No.20923182

She has people in her house who help her, and as you can see she doesn't stream every day, she literally can't

>> No.20923276

>meds earrings
i'm in love boys

>> No.20923465

>short and white hair
>eyes that look into your soul
>those earrings
>factually menhera

she's our queen

>> No.20923775

>She has people in her house who help her
Would they be monitoring my grooming in her chat?

>> No.20924011

Her model is unsettling in the most arousing way, i'm in awe

>> No.20924177

at least it's not duolingo

>> No.20924355

Her pronunciation is actually pretty good.

>> No.20924552

I want her to look at me with those big ass eyes while giving me a nursing handjob!!!

>> No.20924598

Her mom makes sure she isn't getting into trouble online so I assume so. However you don't just walk up to a schizophrenic and go "I'm outside your house" and expect to trigger a breakdown.
The comments on her channel are fucking depressing though. Lots of schizophrenic people, even those with kids, people who were hospitalized in and out for over a decade.

>> No.20924842
File: 595 KB, 818x714, salvation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"please come next stream"
>"thanks for being alive"

i love this menhera

>> No.20924915

>Thanks for being alive

>> No.20924942
File: 227 KB, 643x930, why are you kneeling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Please come the next stream!
>Thanks for being alive!
Yep, I'm hooked. She also seems really serious about learning english. MEDCOIN TO THE MOON

>> No.20924954

Being a western schizo is like whatever, but I've heard that people with legit mental health issues or people who are handicapped and the like are kind of frowned upon in Japan
Don't know how true that is but it does worry me, what I'm feeling right now goes well beyond wanting to save... I just hope she's happy, she does seem happy

>> No.20925010
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>> No.20925078

schizophrenia also has different manifestation by culure. in american patients, it tends to be as a violent voice that tells the person to commit violent actions; while in india, the voices are friendly and act non-violently

imagine how it can be in japanese culture

>> No.20925136

She's been hospitalized several times, is on medication, and her mother seems to be proactive in wanting to help her. It is true, people like that are heavily looked down upon and it's encouraged to not talk about mental health because it's a bother to other people. From her video talking about her hospital stay it seems like it's better than the hospitals in America where you basically sit in jail and are fair game to getting beat up by more violent patients, unless you're a richfag who can afford a vacation estate type mental ward.

>> No.20925139

Is there a reverse of a nursing handjob? Like I want to gently and lovingly fingerbang her when she's having a rough day

>> No.20925294

Why is she treating schizophrenia like its some quirky label like depression or anxiety

>> No.20925455

How? She's informing people what she goes through so other people like her don't feel alone. If you open your video in a depressing way and only talk about wanting to die and never being able to recover, that isn't reassuring to someone who's mental state can turn on a dime

>> No.20925581

And the streams are now private.

>> No.20925647

Woman. Wouldn’t surprise me if she’s self diagnosed her self with schizophrenia.

>> No.20925715

you have 4chan rot or you or your social circle are assholes and she is not privy to your stigma.

>> No.20925719


>> No.20925823

She had technical issues don't freak out

>> No.20926144

Considering how involved her mom seems to be with her activities and how she can't even leave the house without being supervised, I highly doubt it.

>> No.20926163
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Might want to give people a heads up in case some bad shit happens halfway through a stream, or she ends up going away for long periods of time or stuff like that
I mean, she's a nip, and like mentioned before Japan doesn't think highly of people with these kind of problems
Sure, yanderes being a thing might make you think otherwise but they don't really think being menhera is epic and based unlike the retards over here

>> No.20926324

Oh shit you just reminded me about that. Being menhera must be pain.

>> No.20926522

Mental issues are a reason why people become hikkineets, they can't even tell their family what's wrong so they sit in their room and the mom cooks them meals until they eventually kill themself
If you tell a doctor they don't even immediately admit you sometimes, they'll ask you why you're being bothersome

>> No.20927162

is that all these voices say? kill your family and burn the fucking house down? doesn't a voice ever suggest to, i don't know, go stick your dick out at McDonalds? say, shove a dildo up their ass? actually some guys do that, but usually it's their own idea.

>> No.20927775

>"It was like being in a 24-hour horror game from which there was no escape", she recalls. I kept hearing a hallucination that said, "Die," and I tried many times to die. She tried to stab herself with a kitchen knife and to jump off a balcony. Her family could not take their eyes off her for a moment.
>The voices threatening her with death somehow disappeared only when she was watching V-Tubers videos. Even though her worsening symptoms made it impossible for her to read, she was still able to watch short videos of cheerful characters having simple conversations.
>After her symptoms improved with hospitalization and medication, she decided that a V-tuber could deliver information to patients and their families.
>Even now, Ms. Kodoku is unable to go out without the company of family or friends. She lives each day with the fear that she will relapse. That is why she always ends her broadcasts with this message to her viewers and to herself. "Thank you for being alive, see ya!"


>> No.20927982
File: 51 KB, 449x378, 1629247295244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ. I feel an obligation to watch her streams.

>> No.20928069

There are already a bunch of SEA vtubers.

>> No.20928698

If voices were just bros and chatted with you, people would not be killing themselves over it or obeying them and running away from imaginary threats. Impulsively flashing people or being indecent happens with a shit ton of other psychosis related illnesses anyway like dementia, it's why old people walk around naked sometimes, they just suddenly get the urge to do something weird

>> No.20929821

>worlds first schizophrenic vtuber

>> No.20934844

What is sex with Kodoku like?

>> No.20936562
File: 49 KB, 648x522, 1604369526807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So...Kronii with most of the color washed out
